NationStates Jolt Archive

Silberunion Battle Simulation

Kaiser Martens
28-04-2005, 21:13
(OOC: Only for Silberunion members, Modern Tech)

Martens spoke: "Okay, so, this is it..."

The leaders of all the nations gathered in the eastern part of Thomasien's territory, a pretty deserted area, a large area had been fenced so to prevent people from outside from walking into the middle of a battle. They were in a bunker specially built for the occation.

"We are going to battle here and our troops may not leave the Fenced area, any troops doing so will be disqualified, and remember our sattelites are watching. The terrain as you can see is mostly plain, and it is summer so we will not have much trouble adapting to the rather cold temperature. Our amount of troops will be the following:"

200,000 Infantry units
10,000 Elite Infantry Units
1500 Medium/Heavy Tanks
300 Light Tanks
600 Artillery Pieces
2500 Support Vehicles (Intelligence and Supplies)
No Air Force or navy.
Your Leader's own vehicle of course.

A reinforcement of either 100.000 Reserve Infantry or 500 Antitank guns or vehicles. The infantry may not be mobilized.

There will be used only non lethal paint ammunition, so none is killed, and there is no surrendering allowed. This is only a friendly practice, so let's not get bitchy about it...Good luck to all. Now I'm off organize my troops...

Kaiser Martens walked out of the room and went to work on his Laptop to call the troops, which would be the following, and were only from his SS Leibstandarte group.

200,000 Reichswehr Infanterie (Regular but without some of the goodies for long term battles, so to take some load off their shoulders)
10,000 SSLSKM Einherjar Infanterie (Elite)
1000 Leopard III tanks (Medium)
500 Mjollnirpanzer (Heavy, double turret)
300 Luchs II (Light tanks)
200 Nebelwerfer IV Rocket Artillery
200 K22b 270mm Artillery
200 Grille 210mm Self Proppeled Armored Artillery (Has less ammo though)
2500 Opel Support Trucks
And last but not least the Kaiserwagen, a futuristic, large (Though Medium category) a monster with two DS technology Turrets, two Machineguns, and two small Wasserfalracketen Pods.

When he was done, Martens stepped back to the main room to see how the others were doing.
28-04-2005, 21:35
The Szittya 1st army arrived to Thomasien for the military exercise proposed by Kaiser Martens.
200000 Infantry (Levente units I II III IV and V)
10000 Elite infantry (Jääkäri unit I)
1000 Turán IV medium tanks
500 Zrínyi III heavy tanks
600 Duna-Dráva Panzerhaubitze DD-23 artillery
2100 Rába convoy trucks
400 Engineers
300 Nimród II light tanks

The hadvezér (warleader) of this army, Vitéz Hadvezér Egri Botond, descended from the Krieger helicopter that has transported him to the site. He ordered his men to fortify the base camp and to start building an underground control room for him to stay in. The hadvezér knew that he must use his time he has in advantage to the army of natively subterranean people from Svartberg.

Edited: numbers of forces
Svartberg - Hammerdal
28-04-2005, 22:51
The Great and Immortal king Rivfader has set foot upon the distant land of Thomasien with his armies. The vätter started to dig holes into the ground with an enormous speed, forming tunnels which joined to a giant hole under the ground. Construction materials were handed down with which the vätter started to build a base of operations for the Horncrowned King. Since the ground (or subterranean) forces of Svartberg and Hammerdal are small, almost every fighter is trained almost as an elite, considering the standards.

150 000 Drengr warriors
5 770 Rekkr warriors (elite)
300 Valdyr light tanks
1 270 Bjorn medium/heavy tanks
200 Steinnbrjótr heavily armed subterranean transporters
130 Steinnbrestr subterranean armed vehicles
4 230 Hammerdal elite warriors
50 000 warriors dispatched by Is and Gaard

King Rivfader looked at the land which will become a battlefield shortly. The glowing eyes of the Rekkr guards around him and the cracking sounds of the vätter talking under the earth were the only things that disturbed the silence and peace of the night.
29-04-2005, 05:43
The army of Nord - Trondelag steps up to the battlefeild arriving as follows:

100,000 Norden riflemen infantry
100,000 Norden chaingun and automatic infantry
10,000 Norden robotic exoskeleton warriors (elite)
1,000 Vlegern heavy tanks
500 Brisingr medium tanks
150 Norden chaingun mounted vehicles (light tanks)
150 Brakertch light demolishion light tanks
300 Reich I mounted heavy artillery
300 Reich II mounted vehicle artillery
1,500 Vreten radar intel and other tracking vehicles
500 engineers
500 convoy trucks

Keitel Merco (My name for all events) stepped up to a wall watching a giant tv screen show all of his troops arrive to the simulated battlefeild, obviously confident enough to show no fear to all of his opposing sparring partners.
30-04-2005, 04:09
Arco had stepped into the main room and he had looked around at the others...he had already given one of his top commanders the signal to call in the troops which had been in contact via a protected chatroom from a laptop. He had glance from face to face and he had taken his spot away from the others...making sure to keep out of their way and remain as dim as he could. His fighting force was as follows.

200,000 Legionnaires
10,000 Destruttivo
1500 Arco IIs
600 Vulcan 6
500 APCs
500 Deuce 'n' a halves
15,000 Recon vehicles
Svartberg - Hammerdal
30-04-2005, 10:50
OOC: Kaiser, please tell us when the game should begin.
Kaiser Martens
01-05-2005, 20:08
"Okay. Let's move."
Martens nodded atop his Kaiserwagen and in two groups, the 300 Luchs II Recon Light Tanks started to move through the open field towards the army of Nord Trondelag, trying a light flanking maneuver towards where they could spot their infantry, they were not to charge directly in but to manage some casualties and then run before the heavy weapons got to hit back hard. Nord's army had not been yet organized so this could work pretty nicely.

Martens' core army was in the open field close to the southernmost area of Thomasien, for that was the part in which it was close to the supply lines from Kaiser Martens, the 2500 Opel Trucks working on it.
Martens himself was in the Centre of the army, which was formed in an organized rectangle shape, the Leopard IIIs facing towards the enemy in the area which was oriented forth, organized with enough space to let the Luchs return when they did, beyond these laid the Heavy 270mm Artillery spaced again properly to allow room for the Nebelwerfers behind to move, those had good range but not as good as the 270mm Arty, and surrounding each Nebelwerfer was an organized portion of Regular Infantry, about half of it, the other half taking care of the Supply Lines. The Flanks were protected by the Mjollnirpanzers who'd also made sure nothing got to the Supply Line, and with Martens stood the Einherjar Infanterie and 100 Grille Self Proppeled Armored Artillery, the other 100 just past the Mjollnirpanzers. The infantry taking care of the Supply Lines was given Panzerschreck IVs and Panzerfaust Vs so to fend off any likely attempted attack towards them. Martens waited to see what would happen with the Luchs tanks, folding his arms as his flag stood proud in the middle of the army.
01-05-2005, 20:26
Keitel noded as to the statement quoted by Kaiser, "Yes, let us begin" Keitel took hold of a steel pole sliding him down to an elite Norden robotic exoskeleton that would serve as his battle mech and vehicle. Running off with it to the center of his forces he sent them all into formation, a triangle to be precise as he called upon 300 exoskeletons to commit the first crime of fire towards Kaiser's Luchs with this a mixture of chaingun 5 inch hollow-tipped shells and missiles where rained upon them harshly hurting his possible offence plan there.
"You're mine this match, brother."

Keitel standing back as he watched his 300 exoskeletons retreat back out of Kaiser's range of all his units, as well as his other forces forming their post again though. Taking a nice threshhold my convoys take off and set things up behind the frontlines while my arty starts to set up just in range of his most front forces, firing upon him as they locked and loaded raining shells upon his Opal trucks and his Einherjar elite men.

Sitting back in his over-sized exoskeleton he awaits the next move of Kaiser as his triangle is now fully formed, his light tanks covering the open land to his right while the heavy tanks cover his land to the left, his fortification inpenitrable unless by a full scale charge but even then Kaiser would have to sacrifice units exploding from head on collision at full speed.
Kaiser Martens
01-05-2005, 21:07
The Luchs were easily damaged by the 5 inch weaponry, but the other things only but lightly scratched their armor. Their main cannons in the brief fire exchange aimed for the weakest joint they could see onto the mechs, to disable them, and then retreated quickly, their turrets firing still as they pointed back while doing so. Losses were sustained, as such a thing as exoskeleton mechs things had never been faced by his Forces, luckily they were quick to retreat as soo as the first 5 inch projectiles were shot.

The Opel trucks and the Einherjars were close and in the back of the army, and the artillery was between that and the frontline tanks. This caused Nord's artillery to be in range of his own Heavy and Medium artillery fire (The 270mms and Nebelwerfers) and when Martens saw that from one of his many screens he ordered fire onto them. Nord's artillery had been started to be under fire before it was fully set to fire back. Kaiser had found a comfortable position and moved his Grille artillery, which was self propelled, forth to aid the 270mm cannons. If Keitel's artillery did not back down, it'd be destroyed soon. The Luchs retreated back behind the lines, those that could no longer fight, the crew stepped out and joined the regular infantry as they'd serve as little gunpods in case of an offensive.

"Mmh, so we've lost many of those Luchs, but let's see how you manage with half your artillery power." The Medium tanks remained there and the Mjollnir tanks became ready, seeing the other tanks moving in the distance they aimed at them and were ready to fire when they'd get in range, if they get in range.
01-05-2005, 23:31
Arco's second hand man had stepped up onto a nearby mound and he had watched as Kaiser marched on Nord, and he had shaken his head and spat on the ground. He had jumpe dup onto one of the recon vehicles and he had turned around to face the entire army which was mobilizing. He had nodded his head and soon they had made a loose arrowhead of the heavy tanks into the front.

Behind those were the FLEs )(Front Line Elements)( that were there to repair and rescue anyone. The FLE's were made up of mostly the Deuce 'n' a halves which were being escorted by most of the Destruttivo. To the rear were the light tanks and the artillery as well as one hundred thousand infantry. The other one hundred thousand were escorting Arco's right hand man, Arco himself would be found among the masses, but it would be hard to pin point exactly.

He had decided to make his move on no one for now, instead he had made sure that the clash of the first two titans was a fair fight. He had made sure that no one would come in between Kaiser and Nord. The second in command, as we have been speaking of him, had gazed around to make sure no armies were trying to blinde side him, and h would have easily called his troops to do a wheel to protect the Arcognan warm underside.
Kaiser Martens
02-05-2005, 00:57
Martens turned to see Arco's doing with curiosity, as to why he had attacked none of the two. He thought, "Perhaps he's waiting for one of them to weaken" And he evaluated what it would be like if Arco attempted to attack. At that range, it was fine, but he kept a careful eye in case he'd try to attack his weaker side, the Mjollnirpanzers on alert. The lethal artillery bombarding continued to fall onto Keitel's forces.
02-05-2005, 01:50
Keitel looked back to Martens and noded, pulling his arty from the range of Kaiser's forces. Turning to Arco he pointed a finger out to the man while my army turns fully towards him, my exoskeletons all flying to his Destruttivo and lashing down a rain of 2000 pound high explosive bombs, annihilating a nice portion of his light tanks and elite destruttivo forces, my artillery turning to his army started instantly firing at his infantry men and medium tanks missing mostly from rushed shots.

Meanwhile, 50,000 chaingun infantry and 50,000 riflemen infantry come from the left side of Arco's men, jumping into trenches that were discretly dug by my engineers, the infantry tossing a few grenades here and there, whiping out another nice portion of his infantry as well. Then with this all going on my tanks, formed in a triangle shape puts a full scale charge to Arco's core of forces.

The tanks break into his forces, lashing out a major wave of fire power to the rest of his heavy and medium tanks, my heavier tanks having blown up some of Arco's light tanks from harder armour on the impact of breaking into his core.

Pulling back his tanks after this massive raid, his heavy tanks stayed in the core firing at every heavy and medium tanks left, my medium and light tanks blasting out the back of his forces and into the massive swarm of Kaiser Marten's under his protection for the short moment.
"Sorry Arcognus but I can't take the risk."

My artillery still out of the range of Martens now and Arco as well, 50,000 of each infantry left behind as my exoskeletons pull back too and from the range of Arco's forces only leaving my heavy tanks and infantry behind.
Kaiser Martens
02-05-2005, 02:04
Kaiser cracked up laughing at this and smiled, slowly moving his army closer, while retaining the coherent formation so to have his artillery shoot towards Arco's forces. When Nord Trondelagians got between them he'd stop firing in that direction so not to cause him more damage. Half of the Kaiser Martens army "detached" from formation and went to attack Arcognus as well. These were the Nebelwerfers, half the infantry, the Luchs tanks, and half of the Medium Leopard and Heavy Mjollnir tanks. They manage to get into the battle mostly unharmed as Arco's forces struggled to retain cohesion upon the Nord Trondelag attack, and once there, if this was a real battle, it'd be a terrible bloodshed, as the Martens Troops get in Triangle Formation and dive in forth outflanking the men of Arcognus.

The troops that stayed behind used this timing to build up defenses and prepare the formation to reaccomodate the survivors of the little "expedition" against Arcognus. However while Nord Trondelag had been distracted the Grille 210mm Artillerie moved forth, for it was a self proppeled artillery, among the rest of the 270mm Artillery. They slowly edged closer until they were in Nord Trondelag range again and began then to fire onto their retreating forces relentlessly.

This only made Martens laugh more.
02-05-2005, 02:21
With this relentless attack of Kaiser my retreating forces outran his oversized tanks and artillery, my forces returning fire only more heavily because of multiple forces, the more advanced forces more deadly and accurate never missing any targets nearly whiped out his artillery as the forces came back finishing their retreat safely with the only group. My heavy tanks that demolished Arco now turning on Kaiser's forces that came into the ranges of them, my heavy tanks lashing out against his more heavy tanks too, my artillery coming to the range of his tanks, artillery range that is, thus his tanks bein rained by arty shells and himself not being able to attack my artillery back. My infantry laid out multiple anti-tank mines behind and in front of the tanks of Martens as well then running in a full retreat back, safely getting away from Kaiser finally. My forces expelled a great peramiter defence then as they reformed the triangle easily.

Meanwhile the tired infantry come back safely but with Martens exposed left behind infantry, my other half goes and fires at them from trenches leaving his men being hacked down harshly, my trenches having a safety barrier so grenades can't be tossed in the manholes but the barriers having open holes to fire at his forces with. Then I summon up 3,000 of my exoskeletons from my fortified base and take them out throwing them to finish off his heavy and light tanks in the burnt battlefeild of Arco's old base, my forces totally pwning his little numbered, unaccurate tanks while my exoskeletons have unmeasurable accuracy and a limited jetback so they attack from the air thus whiping his forces there out hopelessly.

My engineers back inside the main area behind all of my remaining forces show to be protected so great they can't be reached without demolishing my other main forces first yet they start to dig holes and plant remote mines and ground bombs of some sort. My artillery through with the now dead forces of Kaiser that were in Arco's base turn to his other main forces that were also "departed".

"I am sorry, brother, but you should have never turned against me so quickly."
02-05-2005, 02:48
President Thor watched the proceedings from his viewscreen. He smiled.

"General Rotterdam."

A tallman walked forward. His blue uniform was crisp. Three stars werepinned to the collars on his shirt.

"General Rotterdam reportign as ordered sir."

"General. We are upgrading to Defcon 2. Put our banshee and thunderchief pilots on standby and have them be ready to fly when I give the order. Alert the airborne units."

"What about our naval or land forces sir?" The general asked

"Start loading the infantry and armor onto the cargo planes. Tell our carrier groups to move out."

"If I may ask why sir?"

"I've decided to start operation tomahawk. I'm mobilizing as a mere precaution."

The general saluted and scurried out of the room.

Thor stood there for a moment then lookaed at one of the control technions

"Split screen. Status of conflict and status of mobilization."

"Yes sir."

"Open a channel to Martens."

"Yes sir"

Thor sighed and waited and hoped

"God help us all if this doesn't work."
Kaiser Martens
02-05-2005, 19:47
"Mein Kaiser, there is a message from President Thor."
While this happened, the battle was going on. "I cannot, I am busy right now, can you please tell him to send me a telegram?" an explosion shocked the place, as one of the Nebelwerfer Rocket Artillery exploded not too far.
"Jawohl, Mein Kaiser!" He saluted and went back to the control area. There he established communication with those who were trying to contact the Kaiser and explained politely that he could not attend them right NOW but that he would be glad to talk to them when their battle exercise was finished. "Unser Kaiser does not means to act insolently, but you understand the nature of such a fight is one which can not be simply paused..."

Martens there, continued to issue more orders for the battle.

It did not matter if his forces did outran him, for there was Heavy Artillery Fire onto them from the Core of the Army, so they'd sustain losses anyways, not to mention the losses inflicted by the dual 140mm cannons of the Mjollnirs and the single 150mm of the Panthers. The artillery that had gone forth was the Nebelwerfer, which is armored rocket artillery, and is extremely fast, yet not so resistant. After it began to sustain losses it ran back protected by the infantry to get out of Nord's artillery range, but the tanks stood there fighting both with Arco's forces and with Nord's until they retreated out of range. When they would, the Nebelwerfers and the Infantry would go forth again to attack Arco's very weakened core, but this had yet to be decided by the Kaiser. The Panthers and Mjollnirs did not care about the artillery. As stated, it is not as heavy as Martens' and even such a large artillery often manages few hit on such armored tanks, there were losses but not many, and the trained men went onto the Nord tanks that stayed behind, now the Nord artillery would have to fire at their own guys too if they kept against the Martens tanks, which so far had proved to be superior. The Luchs tanks moved to shield the infantry in case tanks would go at them, and from atop them when the tanks got in reach one of the crewmembers emerged with a 12.5mm Panzerfaust, firing it, proving to be very lethal, then in most of the cases they got back in, while in some they were disabled, then they got out of the way and the navigator passed to be the commander, as navigation was not needed in such a small area, but since weakened infantry had gone at them they would not need that for now, and rammed into them relentlessly, for Infantry can never beat those tanks.

The Core Martens Forces are not in range of Nord's infantry unless it motioned closer, case in which the Grille artillery and the remaining tanks and infantry would do short work of it...also, if the infantry carried mines, wouldn't that have made them slower?

Beyond 350 Hornisse IV self Proppeled Antitanks and 150 Flakpanzer05 AA/Antitanks arrived, it was the preset allowed Reinforcements. The Kaiser Martens engineers began to receive some of the most wounded tanks that had returned, and the medics the wounded infantry. The infantry that had stayed behind by now had built many trenches. Only half of the engineers were visible, the others probably worked in something else unseen.

The tanks that had been in the Arcognian (or whatever is left from the poor guy)'s area slowly retreated while keeping a close formation. The Mjollnirpanzers with their double, superior longer ranged cannons sniped from afar at the incoming exoskeletal warriors, the Panthers wiping out Arcognian resistance as much as they could.

(By the way, you can't post any of my losses, one may only post one's own losses. I will post mine, accordingly to what Arcognus does next. How messy, it'll be nice to see what it turns out like...)
02-05-2005, 21:46
Keitel brought out another 2,000 of his Exoskeletons as he sent them running towards the slow, unable to fend air raid anti-tank vehicles then redirected the rest of his exoskeletons to them as well, an inevitable defeat to them from 5,000 battle mechs as they took bombs from the air raid I give them. Then I have that half of my battle mechs stay there in the core of his men, blasting the hell out of his artillery, whats left of it anyways.

After that he had his exoskeletons retreat, about 210 of them blowing up from fire being taken in this retreat. Then I take the rest of my artillery and start blasting what's left of Arco's forces while staying from the range of Martens troops, my heavy tanks retreating now too from the core of Arco's base so not to be in range of Kaiser any longer. Then I take out it upon myself and bring out my Brakertch and Norden Chaingun vehicles to Arco's forces as well, totally sending massive chaos there once again.
Kaiser Martens
03-05-2005, 17:37
(Okay, you're really getting confused here this time)

**Slips into OOC mode**

Firstly the antitanks are DAMN fast just their armor is not great, but their offensive power is extremely good. And they were intermingled with the heavy AA/AT Flak tanks, so any air raid would just not work, also the Kaiserwagen has AA capability, it shoots missiles at them. And, the reinforcements arrived in the BACK of the army so there's no way you could get to them yet, though if in the air the AAs can reach you. And my artillery? The only one to got to shoot was the Nebelwerfer Artillerie, which was half destoyed by now, but that was only slightly more than 1/4 of my total artillery anyways, and it is fighting Arco, not in the base. If those Exo things went flying at me they'd also suffer fire from the Panzerfausts and Panzerschrecks the infantry has, and marksmen with heavy Mausers, plus misc. tank fire, not to mention we'd see them coming. And you know, the Exoskeletons are not really infantry now I see they're Mechs and that counts as Tank, for they're heavily armored, and this is Modern Tech, it's almost like modding here, but I just decided not to fuck the RP and allow them anyways, but at least try to use em with coherence. If they come, they get flakked and Rocketted at, you know...

Oh and if they come running the Mjollnirs and the Panthers plus the Hornisses if they can be in range would snipe at them for they have greater weapons, excepting the Panther, which is clearly inferior but still manages to hurt. Anyways, be coherent o_o'
Kaiser Martens
03-05-2005, 21:09
The Martens troops that attacked Arco eventually fell back while firing still, always in the Triangle formation and taking the Exoskeleton Uber Mech things as their prime target. The only good thing about them (For Martens) were that they did not resist a lot, yet their heavy shots were very perjudicial for his own troops, having sustained losses but not enough for it to be considered a tactical loss. They all joined the formation back and when the Exoskeletons kept coming Tanks and Antitank Infantry worked together, protecting the artillery, and the Flak Tanks focused on the flying ones along with the Nebelwerfers whose rocket had AA capabilities. The Kaiser Martens Einherjar Infanterie (Elite) group used their Towed 8.8 DoppelDSFlaK to send streams of lethal fire towards the air as well. (Well, if he's got ubermoderiffic skeletons I at least need awesome AA guns or it'll be like Bleh)

The Martens Army was unified again and retained their position, them all alert, engineers suppliers and doctors working furiously to save what could be saved.
03-05-2005, 21:21
With this Keitel pulled back fully too, firing as they retreated back from the battles of Arco and Martens, now noone being in anyone's ranges. My eyes sparkling as he lost a substancial number of his exoskeletons, turning as he did having his engineers lay down some barbed wire in multiple places just for some small invasion protection.

"Time to lay back for a while, this outta get interesting soon enough"

He then called out his reinforcements, 500 anti-tank gun vehicles pulling them to the center base as he watched Kaiser with pleasure, pondering of what might happen next.
Kaiser Martens
04-05-2005, 17:59
Kaiser sighed lightly. "Well, at least Arco won't be able to do much now."
He moved over to asess the damage inflicted to his army and narrowed his eyes. "Mh, I should have brought my OR chaingun. Shame I cannot anymore."
Engineers worked to enable the machines again and some of the tanks which still had their turrets enabled were turned into mini bunkers. The infantry received a number of AA and Antitank Cannons and placed them along where the core stood. A small CnC style cement wall was placed for defense along the perimeter as well as a few light turrets that would do nicely against infantry. The main artillery was reassembled and the Luchs and infantry stood near them in the frontmost area for defense, while the tanks arranged in the flanks and rear, along with other types of artillery and the Einherjar Infanterie that was always with Martens. The radar systems stood ready to shoot at anything that got within Artillery Range, and beyond a great cannon-like construction started to erect as the Engineers had been working on it for some time. A few more KM flags were added and the soldiers got shifts to rest so that at least 3/4 of them all would be always on duty.

Martens would now wait and see, as he made sure the supply line got proper Tank Backup. He halted for now the Ammunition income because he didn't want to build a flammable deposit which could be shot up, and began to listen to some Lacrimosa while being there onto his tank. Martens brought his new prototype scanning unit, which looked like a modification of two Hanomags, and began to use it to gather more information about Nord Trondelag, such as where his mines would be located.

It began to rain lightly.
04-05-2005, 18:08
Noticing the opportunity, Hadvezér Egri has ordered a line of Turán IV and Zrínyi III tanks to charge towards the forces of Nord-Trondelag, knowing that the decimated armies of Arcognus are in the way, planning to crush them all. The broad attack line of the tanks are protected by 400 Panzerhaubitze artillery units. Behind the attack line, the Levente units I, II and V (150000 infantry, armed with SIG Sturmgewehr 95s and Panzerfaust Vs) advanced slowly in a defensive stance towards Arcognus' camp, with supply convoys between the columns, all covered by 100 Panzerhaubitze artillery.
Kaiser Martens
04-05-2005, 18:15
Kaiser chuckled as he saw that unexpected thing happen.

"Artillerie, be ready."

He watched the armies start to fight again, and he waited for the right time to attack one of them.
04-05-2005, 18:39
In German, General is plainly translated to General. Allgemein is the translation of the ADJECTIVE "general".
Vanek Krieg
04-05-2005, 18:54
Krieg Forces
203,000 Schwer Infanterie
10,000 Konsul Schutz Infanterie
1500 Panther IIs
300 88mm field cannons; 300 light 75mm field cannons
2500 Support Vehicles
Field Marshal Rommel's personal King Tiger

Hope to see you on the field. :cool: Also, I didn't wish for any light tanks so I took them off the list and added 3,000 infantry to my normal fighting units.


Rommel's men arrived late at the far east entrance to the battle field. His personal King Tiger tank roared to the side of the road and stopped. Rommel himself popped the turrent door open and watched as the first units of the Konsul Schutz (Consul Guard) arrived. The crack of their hobbnailed boots on the road, in perfect timing, was beautiful music to Rommel's ears. Several units entered the gate set in the tall fence. As more of his men entered a small jeep with flags signifying judges roled up next to Rommel's tank. Two men stepped out.

"Are you Field Marshal Rommel?" one of them asked.

"Ja, ich bin Feldmarshal Rommel," Rommel answered.

"Good, we are simply here to make sure that all your men are supplied with the proper equipment, paint rounds, food, etc. Things like that. Have you already handed out that equipment?"

"Yes, all my men are fully ready for this exercise."

"Very well sir. You may enter the field, and good look." The two judges got back in there jeep and road away as a small sprinkle of rain began to fall.

Rommel went back to watching his troops march past. "Ich bilde mein eigenes Glück," he said to himself. "Ich bin mein eigenes Glück"

After all his six divisions had entered the field Rommel sent scouts out and small platoon size patrols out. Then he opened up his map he'd been given of the area. One of his adjutants stepped foreward.

"Were to now Field Marshal?"

Rommel pointed to a corner some 20 klicks to the south of his army's present position.

"I want us to begin from a strong position Franz. So I want you to order Colonel Hallz to take his battalion to occupy and hold this position while the rest of the army makes it way. Send him now. Also send the 12th Versorgungsmaterial, to back his position."

"Verstandener Feldmarshal." Franz went to follow Rommel's orders. Taking the map he went back to his Tiger tank and stepped in. He watched as the main line of trucks and tanks and men swiftly turned right and his army shifted south.

Rommel took out his radio set. "Jurgen, have Allgemein Stofeil move along our left flank and watch for the enemy."

"Yes sir."

Vanek Krieg's army had arrived on the field of battle.
05-05-2005, 00:06
Keitel brought forth his battalion of Exoskeletons to the left flank of his men whilst his engineers worked on all his tanks and armoury forces that could be saved, tranfering their ammo to other tank units and transfered 200 anti-tank units to the left flank as well. Upon the forces that would meet with Sz's forces he sent towards me if it came to an attack I send out another wave of men to back up my exoskeletons and anti-tank forces, now there being 200 anti-tank forces, 5,000 exoskeleton elite mechs, and 300 panzerfaust anti-tank rocket infantry.

"Sz may have the protection of the dead army of Arco but so do I. General Thatren, you and Colonel Vreschen go out and lead the defencive battalion. 'Jawhol, mein furher!' was their reply."

Keitel knowingly enough took forth his convoys and began to resupply the exoskeletons that were left behind with fuel and more ammo, taking the precautions of building a CnC type wall, placing outstanding spiked wall defences, placing anti-tank mines on the end of them while putting the newly cut bunkers of his old, demolished tanks for men storage, his infantry taking aim to no specific target but just as a precaution.

"Do not fire until fired upon!! I repeat do not fire until fired upon!!"
"We may be merciless but we aren't inhuman, Keitel said to himself."

Sorry if it looks like I'm copying you bro, just uhm it was a good idea and besides that I made it somewhat different.
Vanek Krieg
05-05-2005, 17:36
The army arrived in the south-east corner of the battle field at dusk. Colonel Hallz's IV Battalion had taken defensive positions to hold the area until the rest of the army arrived.

Rommel set on the edge of his Tiger confering with his officers. General Stofeil, Colonel Mainfreid, Praetor Kaulus (General of Consul Guard), General Niemegen, and Major-General Egel.

"Well gentlemen, we have arrived to this destination," Rommel began, " Some of you may think that we should have gone strait to the middle and taken the center of the field and done our best to win a quick victory. No can do my friends." He pointed to the map. "General Stofeil, your three divisions are to begin the construction of a defensive trench perimeter here, 20 kilometers up from the corner along the western wall begin building east and continue for 20 kilometers in a strait line. After completion of that, you will make a right angle and have the trench move south for 10 kilometers. Once there you will once again move east for 10 kilometers. After that has done-"

"Go south again for 20 kilometers," Stofeil finished. "Jawohl mein Feldmarshal."

Rommel nodded. " Once this is complete we will have a 60 kilometer defensive line, and because our center is a concave right angle, any enemy attacking there will be caught in a crossfire between both lines," Rommel finished.

"Sir, were do you want me?" asked Praetor Kaulus.

"You Kaulus, I want you to split your guard in two, half on the left 20 klick flank, and half on the right 20 klick flank; this giving our strongest infantry where the heaviest fighting will most likely occur," said Rommel. Indicating the positions on them map.

"As for you Colonel Mainfreid, you will position your cannon to the best positions you can find, I want a full cover of our entire front. No gaps! Understood?"

"Ja Feldmarshal."

"Good. General Niemegen, you have 4 divisions under you. I will keep your men in reserve here, here, and here." Rommel point at three spots on the map behind the drawn line of the trench. "From there your men will be able to support each line within a few minutes." Rommel turned to Egel. "General Egel, you have some 1500 Panthers under your command, split into 12 brigades. I want you two postion two brigades on each trench line. The remaining four brigades will remain in reserve with General Niemegen. Do you understand gentlemen?"

"Ja herr Feldmarshal!"

"Then go." Rommel watched as his officers moved away from his tank and began to follow his orders. He looked down at the map again.

"Field Marshal sir, where would you like your headquarters located?" asked his aide de camp.

"Put it in the center, 5 klicks from the center trench."

"Yes sir." Rommel watched as units of different divisions began mobilzing to go to their designated positions. Rommel took a deep breathe and looked up at the darkening sky. It would be a good night he thought.
Kaiser Martens
05-05-2005, 20:40
Martens kept now an eye on Rommel as well, the artillery just standing there ready to fire when an order was given. He narrowed his eyes and wondered what would happen next, why Nord and Szittya were so close but not blowing each other to bits.
05-05-2005, 21:13
Keitel hesitated but then after a long ponder he set forth, his hand pointing towards the now charging forces of Sz as his exoskeletons, anti-tank vehicles and panzerfaust infantry took aim and fired. Upon that, his men were already outside of his defence walls, sending out his brisingr tanks past my defences as well as they came and fired upon Sz.

"STATUS REPORT!".. "Well sir, our forces have just begun to fire upon Sz's armies, we have left to breach their charging measures and to be fired back upon."
"Dasen guten, so dich getan?" .. "Ja, mein furher."

With this good report he sent out his artillery, second and first class, moving them to his defencive stand points, upon their arrival at their stand points the artillery immediately opened fire upon Sz's forces, breaking his offencive barrier of his charge towards me. My infantry of chaingun men took aim from their bunkers, hacking down at Sz's infantry as they came to my range after having his main tank front breached.
Kaiser Martens
05-05-2005, 21:18
Then from the strange cannonlike structure mentioned before a rocket was shot towards the Nord-Trondelag base, half as big as a V2 rocket. It exploded when it was above it, making fire rain down all over onto it, and wind effect had been calculated so it'd just graze Szittya's forces. The cannon then began to be dismantled, as it was a one-time-use thing.
05-05-2005, 21:26
With this rocket attack from Kaiser, 3,500 infantry were lost, those who went out to go for bathroom breaks, my other bunkered men were safe but a few tanks that were roaming were lost as well. Infuriated, Keitel moved to his frontline, his hand pointing towards Kaiser as 2,000 exoskeletons took flight and rained down bombs over his artillery and infantry, along with chaingun assualt, whiping out a nice area of his perameter, dirt flying every which way so his men were blinded, my exoskeletons then turning back as they fired an urey of missles and chaingun rounds at the Kaiserwagen.

"DAMN YOU KAISER!!" "The last thing we need is another person attacking us."

With this forceful attack he then brought forth his hand, dropping it as the remaining exoskeletons from this battle turned, flyin above the Kaiserwagen, then dropping countless 2,000 pound bombs upon his craft, seeing as how it would demolish the single target anyways, some of the exoskeletons landed upon his Kaiserwagen and self destructed just to ensure it's demise.
Kaiser Martens
05-05-2005, 21:48
"Mmh. Now Szittya!" Martens said to himself, Keitel too dangerously closed to the Szittyan tanks when he was in the frontline. As soon as Martens saw those "Flying bastards" as he called them he growled and carefully walked off from his Kaiserwagen, as he has enough time, and enters his nearby bunker. Another officer pilots the tank now, for it has AA capabilities, it's barrages of guided rockets ready to fire against the flying enemy. The light rain that had been going onto the place minimized the dust from the bombs lightly as well, yet it had not stopped the fire for it was made out of a chemical material.

The Nebelwerfers, DS heavy FlaK, AA antitanks, Einherjar Infanterie, and just about anything that could fire upwards started to shoot at the incoming exoskeletons to try and stop them, holding ground just to cause them losses as they would not mind some of their own. Some of the infantry DID go inside if they had not anything that could harm the mechs. Basically now all his gigantic army was firing upwards to try to stop them, even tanks. Eventually the Kaiserwagen was destroyed, and Keitel thought he made it, but then Martens stepped forth in a Mjollnirpanzer and proved to him that all that sacrifice had been for naught, dismissing the amount of troops he'd loose himself as the Exoskeletons were more valuable.
05-05-2005, 23:33
Suddenly, the Szittya armoured and artillery lines stopped, the Zrínyi IIIs and Turán IVs stood their ground, preparing to cover any approaching ground forces with a fog of grenades. The Panzerhaubitzes started covering all ground in range with artillery fire, probably burying Arcognus and some Nord-Trondelag forces with artillery shells. The only forces approaching were the infantry columns who reached the blockade with their Panzerfausts to counter any air attacks.
Kaiser Martens
06-05-2005, 01:01
Martens grinned wickedly as that took place. "If you do not hurry back there won't be any base to defend." saying quietly as he watched the Exoskeletons. Szittya was in his range of artillery, but of course he did not attack, and waited for the right time to strike as everything was set to perfect working order again quickly, the damage equipment being taken out of the way.
06-05-2005, 02:00
With the destruction around him the leader finally made himself exposed in the ranks of his men. He had been on foot with the rest of his Destruttivo and it seemed that this war was suddenly backed by an orchestra. He had looked over toward Nord's army and he had nodded back to his second in charge who had always kept an eye on him.

Arcognus with hsi rifle as his only friend looked across the field toward the army of Nord and the rest of his tattered army began its charge, cutting through most of the ranks with ease but meeting a stiff resistance. Since they were only attacking one side of the triangle it was much easier since the rest of the force was on the other two sides.

The attack was a small victory but there was something Arcognus had wanted to do before he let this final stand ensue. He had been in one of Nord's own trenches and he had started to climb up slowly, crawling along the ground as the rest of his vehicles, even the ones without weapons went onward, what a sight it would have been to see the last push.

He had gotten up and he had started to run along the ground, bullets whipping around him and he had spotted the vehicle of his target. He had gotten a few destruttivo around him and he had nodded his head toward one as an RPG went flying through the air toward the vehicle of Nord. With twisting metal there was a sudden flash and an explosion and Nord would be forced from the car, otherwise he would burn.

With the sight of Nord out of the car Arcognus lifted his rifle and took steady aim of the leader. He had smiled, controlled his breathing and with one of his final breaths of the excercise he had pulled the trigger before a bullet ripped through his shoulder and another went splintering into his back. Nord would not be so lucky, the bullet was already in flight and it was heading straight for Nord, the paint ball tearing across Nord's jaw, thus making him dead in the exercise.

Choking on one's tongue would have been a gruesome death but that was war, and Arcognus had fallen victim as he hit the ground, giving a few sarcastic gasps from the paintballs he had fallen victim from. His army would eventually be cleared out by Nord's, and strapped to his back, his flag finally hit the ground.
06-05-2005, 03:45
My name is Keitel not Nord, Arco but anyways that's pretty gay I had to take that hit.. but I guess you win some and you lose some.

With this hit of the paintball, he radios General Thatren, who now resumes command. Thatren, who's first name is Marshal, took a stand hold, taking his exoskeletons back from the base of Kaiser and to the defencive point to where Sz had come. With this he took out fire from 7,000 of his 9,000 exoskeletons, sending feirce waves of grounded chaingun fire to his infantry, mi chaingun and riflemen infantry shooting Arco in the head multiple times with their paintballs then turning back to Sz's infantry while in the cover of their bunkers. Keitel rolled over and back into a trench so not to be hit by anymore paintballs.

Marshal then pulled back his brisingr tanks, turning them to the more left of my armies flank as they came around and ambushed the artillery of Sz, giving them hell to pay for their unattentive actions. Then seeing as how that worked, he brought forth an urey of his anti-tank vehicles, sending them to flank the artillery that was ambushed doubly. With this Marshal returned inside to watch the battle by computer.
Odins Forgiven
06-05-2005, 09:58
The leather clad figure lay silently and looked down on the troups below, when it was safe to move she removed her helmet revealing long purple hair.

She had chosen a good vantage point to watch the procedings and had spotted the Kaiser several times already.

She took off her sun glasses and looked through her scope, checking the happenings further away.
Well, well, it may be a good move to come here after all.........

She watched for a while then climbed down to go back to her quad and return home.
06-05-2005, 18:09
Marshal took back his hand then as he watched some of his exoskeletons return while my remaining ones left fully charged and sent them to Sz, turning them off as they gave Sz a major air raid with their 2,000 pound bombs. The exoskeletons lashing out chaingun fire as well as missle fire while they drop these bombs upon Sz's artillery, his infantry of chaingun and riflemen kept their fire to the unhidden panzerfuast infantry of Sz as they kept gettin hacked down, some of the infantry men flying out from their bunkers and gathering the dead rocketmen's weapons.

"Hm, this is quite a mess we've got ourselves into.."
"Yes but nothing we can't handle colonel, replied Thatren."
With this the Colonel saluted and gave his respects verbally, then started to leave. "Colonel!! Wait." "Ja, general?" "Patch me through a stream to Mr. Martens." "What fo--" "JUST DO IT!" "Jawhol!!"

With this he turned as the Colonel left, watching his laptop as it showed his men falling left to right as well as Sz's men, but after their tanks were destroyed they got out and shook hands or something. >_>
Without a second thought he turned and brought out a rocket, letting it stand where it was not in range of Sz's yet enough range for me. Then he smirked, leaving a squad of tanks to go fend off Sz's infantry of panzerfaust. Yawning, he turned and slept some.
Kaiser Martens
07-05-2005, 01:23
Martens sat back and relaxed as some of the damaged equipment was recovered and defenses were arranged even further, his soldiers now less tense and being in fresh condition again, yet alert. He watched curiously, laughing when he saw Keitel "die".
07-05-2005, 01:35
Upon seeing the exoskeletons arrive, all infantry, who already were stationed among the artillery, started to fire their Panzerfausts at the enemy. The tanks started to open fire, covering the ground before them with thousands of explosion holes while charging against Keitel's forces. The artillery began to move forward with full speed, managing to evade the few bombs that reached target in the all-consuming battle of Panzerfaust infantry and exoskeletons. 79 artillery units were destroyed and 102 were heavily damaged. 1500 tanks were charging against the enemy, shooting everything sighted. The infantry started marching BEHIND the first line of tanks, and BEFORE the second line of artillery. The edges of the line were hastening and this U-shaped attack front of fresh forces started to encircle the remaining Keitel forces.
07-05-2005, 06:01
Walking into the command tent the supposedly "dead" Keitel harshly kicked Thatren and so he fell off his bed and awoke to pain.
"INSOLENCE!!!" "IT SHALL NOT BE TOLERATED!!!" "J--ja, mein fu--rher."

With this Keitel got to the bed and slept himself, seeing as how he is "dead". Thatren took back the forces of exoskeletons that bombarded Sz, my men pulling forth the remaining artillery of my forces, aiming them to the tanks the lined the first row of Sz's offencive lines, but seeing as how Sz came closer and closer to the CnC walls I put up with the spiked outtrusions that hold mines on their tips, this would force Sz to a halt if he did not wish to lose units without cause. Bringing back the exoskeletons fully now in their base, obviously losing some from the retreat, they stayed behind the CnC wall but kept firing remote missiles from their twin missile turrets at the line of tanks, then all of a sudden, BOOM!!!!!!!!. Sz's frontline of tanks started to explode from nowhere at all, or so it seemed to him and his men. But as I mentioned before my engineers laid down anti-tank mines as well as landmines after our retreat back to our base after the Arco massecre, thus these mines being the cause of these explosions and tank loses, his infantry stepping on some of them that the tanks missed too.

"Mwuahahahahaha, we will not fall without the greatest war ever given, Keitel said to himself."
"Excellent decisions mein furher, came the reply from Colonel Vretchen."
"I try my best Colonel, as always, I try my best."
Kaiser Martens
07-05-2005, 06:11
"Wow.....I had forgotten about those...."
Martens blinked as he saw (at least) the front line of Szittyan tanks explode due to the hidden mines there, then growled as the advanced sensors operators had not let him know earlier, it could have been himself hitting those mines. "Let it not happen again or there may be consequences."

Martens meeped lightly as he saw the Svartberg army off, far far away in the distance, ready... "I'm starting to feel like a spectator...." He polished the Kaiserkannone slowly, his Über rifle.
07-05-2005, 19:59
Keitel awoke then as he got up from his nap, hearing reports of the major turn around with Szittya's forces having lost their defencive frontline of tanks. Now excited Keitel would resume command again since Thatren was being "a freakin' imbecel" as so Keitel called him, but Keitel would not operate any offencive weapondry or radar systems since that'd be gay and cheating.

"Hm, General you are relieved from command and duty, I'll return and take over now." "Jawhol!" With this he left the room. Keitel took out his radio then as he patched to communications. " Have we recieved any messages back from Szittya?" "Nein, furher." "Very well, danke."

Keitel looked back to the laptop with the artillery division, calling out them to use the "special weapon." With this they fired a rocket from a odd looking pod that fitted the rocket, the same one Kaiser shot at us actually, remodified and now we had built one, the artillery division fired the missile that was half the size of a V2 rocket to Kaiser's base. When Kaiser looked up he saw the rocket approaching him in person being as Kaiser Martens is the main target, but the rocket hit the ground, paint flying everywhere, as a great load of his infantry were covered with paint that would call them to be "dead", a few surrounding units were hit as well, "just when they thought I was pinned down and helpless I do two little moves and I'm back at the top." Then turning out of his command post quarters I look to the leader of the Szittya army, evily smirking to him as he could tell I am the dominating threat here now and he was my next target.

"Death shall so visit you Szittya and when it does let your life force be well enough to take you straight to hell, none of that purgatory shit, this may be Kaiser's battle, but this is my war and my victory, I promised a good fight and I promise this now as well, KEITEL MERCO SHALL NOT FALL WITHOUT THE BEST GODDAMN WAR EVER GIVEN!!." With this Keitel walked back into his command post quarters where he would remain for quite the rest of the battle, A evil smirking laugh came about him as he saw the camera feed on his laptop of Kaiser's base being in chaos.
Kaiser Martens
07-05-2005, 20:28
Kaiser had expected this since he fired his own rocket. Keitel's rocket unlike his own had been fired in a standard slow manner, not with the "cannon-tube" he had used, which the engineers had set for that purpose. One of the men of the Einherjar Infanterie, a marksman, was notified when the long range scanners and everyone's own eyes saw the rocket be erected there and then it's slow mentioned manner of taking off gave them plenty of time. Hauptmann Ferrero of the Einherjar had in his arms a large 12mm Wasserfall Guided Rocket Launcher, assisted by another man to set it's support right onto the floor and another one to work with the guidance computer to be able to track the rocket when it started to move.

Ferrero waited as he saw it close with his scope, now the rocket onto the sky.
Everyone was expectant, and then the computer locked onto it and through the scope's screen Ferrero could see "BEREIT" as it was all prepared. He smiled softly and pressed the trigger, the Wasserfall Rocket (It's like a heavy Panzerfaust with much higher technology) fired, and they received it's recoil. It speed up quickly through the air and head for the encounter of the enemy missile....

It impacted it's body where the fuel was stored, causing it to explode instantly high above, paint lightly falling onto the large area between the three armies. The soldiers all cheered and Ferrero sighed reliefed. Not loosing time the WFRW-C - Wasserfall Racketenwerfer C was reloaded by another soldier, though they doubted he'd have resources to shoot more. "Well, this should stop those flying bastards as well. If only we had many of these..." Kaiser said.
07-05-2005, 20:40
Upon seeing this new threat for air assault Keitel took back his exoskeletons behind his CnC wall, having them mercilessly hack down Sz's infantry easily killing them off with 1 inch chaingun round fire, the exoskeletons being out of the range of Kaiser and his new missile.

"Not ah, not now, we'll come after you next as soon as Sz retreats."

With that said Keitel pulled all of my fresh heavy and medium tanks to the battle front, the Vlegern tanks having more technology enhancements than the artillery of Szittya thus my heavy tanksstarting to singly target his artillery one by one and annihilate them, my heavy tanks of course recieving fire back but forcing Sz to retreat or have no artillery.
"Never bring long ranged materials to the battle front, fool."
Vanek Krieg
08-05-2005, 12:15
Rommel sat next to a line of 88's. Colonel Mainfried stood by with a map pointing out thr positions of the enemy armies. "As I was saying sir, my scouts report that the closests enemy army is that of a man named Keitel. As of right now I have some 50 batteries (500 cannon) of 88's within perfect range of his main concentration of forces."

Rommel nodded. His men had been digging the defenses all day, and had only finished the entire line some hours before. Afterwards Rommel had inspected the entire line himself. Seeing to it that there was an MG42 evey 20 paces. Non-barbed wire was also set up before the trench. Behind he had had the men dig tank fox-holes so that every 100 feet was a Panther turrent "sticking up" from the ground. he even took the time to lay down some 80,000 landmines all along the line. And now his artillery was operational.

"You say you can hit them hard Colonel?" asked Rommel.

"Yes herr Feldmarshal."

"Then procede as you see fit." Rommel stood and walked away back to his command bunker. Mainfreid was hapy with glee. He walked over to his command tent and nodded to his communications officer.

"On my order Hans, I want you to unleash Hell." The officer sent radio messeges along the lines. Fifty 88's cannon batteries aimed their guns to the designated coordinates.

Hans nodded to Mainfreid. Mainfreid smiled.


500 88's opened up a bombardment on the forces of Keitel.

The bombardment lasted for seven hours strait.
08-05-2005, 19:20
OOC: Uh, I thought that an artillery barrage would decimate the mines in a field, so please consider that. It would also do something more than leaving your wall and tank-traps intact. I'll continue and report MY OWN LOSSES when you report yours (artillery barrage, before the attack).
08-05-2005, 19:30
Keitel pulled back a hand, moving from the range of Krieg and all of his forces along with all of my men. My hand then pointed straight as my artillery fired upon the area of Krieg, hitting landmines everywhere on purpose, blowing up men and other units rapidly. My artillery stopped firing, the dust clearing as 500 exoskeletons flew out and to the base of Kreig, releasing 2,000 pound bombs upon his landmines which creates a chain reaction blowing them all up with only one bomb. Then the rest of the exoskeletons took back over to the artillery seeing as how Krieg doesn't have any mentioned AA guns and/or any other anti-aircraft weapondry so I take back 5,000 more exoskeletons and have them all fly over Krieg, dropping bombs upon his 88mm artillery and his 75mm artillery then after that raid my mechs still weren't done, my exoskeletons then opened chaingun fire upon his Konsul Schutz infantry and his Schwer infantry. Upon this raid I obviously sustained no damage because he has no anti-air weapondry once more and Panther tanks can't fire up that high.

"Fool, you are foolish, you are unprepared and you are attacking me for no reason, how much more foolish can you get. I can't understand why someone like you would be so foolish." Keitel shook his head. "I understand actually, you're like all the rest of the armies, under estimated me and blindly walked into battle with me, you're not foolish just insolent and blind to all other the other happenings."

I then took back my 3,500 exoskeletons to my own base in a full retreat, stopping the raids out of range of Krieg.
Svartberg - Hammerdal
08-05-2005, 19:34
Valdyr light tanks scoured the area on Keitel's and Martens' side, clearing the way for the horde of Bjorn tanks storming Keitel's undefended flank, followed by Rekkr and Is och Gaard infantry. Near Szittya's infantry column, the ground started to shake violently.
Kaiser Martens
08-05-2005, 19:39
"Mmh, auf wiedersehen, Herr Merco..."

(uhm, Bro, you did not care to post anything to try to stop Szittya's army. If you don't, then those exoskeletons will have nowhere to return to. Please arrange your post, you can't attack Krieg when Szittya is pratically in the middle of yer base)
08-05-2005, 19:46
The oncoming forces of Szittya were taken into the bombardment of Krieg, Krieg hitting Sz's forces after I had retreated back from my original base, my exoseletons, 8,000 of them, tossed out and ran to the frontline, flying actually as they dropped 2,000 pound bombs on Sz's frontline of tanks, having lost a good 500 exoskeletons from enemy bombardment of Sz's artillery and AA guns, also having lost 104 brisingr tanks with that same bombardment. I have retreated back and the artillery bombardment of Kireg would have slowed greatly if not stopped Sz's forces, giving me the time of day to carefully lay down another mine feild just outside my range of my base, also setting up another CnC wall with barbed wire fencing over it. Then I take back a layer of trip wire over the mines, placing somethin next to every mine.

Keitel evily grinned as he looked to Sz and then back to Krieg and of course to Kaiser. "Evil evil evil."
Kaiser Martens
08-05-2005, 19:51
Having had a long time of non-combating Kaiser's army was more than ready. The Artillery, AA, and all the stuff that was not Self Proppeled got attached onto the back of the Opel Trucks, to be able to shoot from there rather than having to be deployed and redeployed and whatnot. This took practically all of his infantry working together and Engineers for the bigger pieces. Then, the Reichswehr began to advance, the cannons aiming for Rifvader's stuff because he was dangerously close, yet not firing. "If anyone fires without my permission I'll care to shoot him with a real bullet" Kaiser stated. The Kaiser's forces did not move towards the battle but seemed to move away from them as they moved in two large groups, the weakest more fragile units in the centre. Kaiser himself held his Flag high atop his tank as for now it would not be clear who he would attack, if anyone.
Svartberg - Hammerdal
08-05-2005, 19:53
The Bjorn tanks caught up with the Valdyrs as they opened fire on the Keitel camp, breaching the poorly defended side. They stopped and proceeded to cover all passages with heavy fire. The infantry legion has arrived and started to advance further into enemy territory, tanks, infantry (antitank and antipersonnel) opening fire on everything sighted.
Svartberg - Hammerdal
08-05-2005, 19:55
The left side of the Is och Gaard infantry under king Rivfader's command pulled right to avoid conflict with Martens.
Kaiser Martens
08-05-2005, 20:05
Kaiser's forces stopped just before being in anyone's artillery range, awaiting the right moment to go after whoever he'd see fit.
08-05-2005, 20:48
President Thor watched his forces move into their final positions.

"Connect me to General Rotterdam, General Loki, and Adrimal Oslo"

Thor stood there for a moment

"We're through sir"


The tecnician nodded and proceded to give the authorization code. He pressed a button and turned to face his President.

"Tomahawk is go."

Thor stood in silence.

"Maps on screen. I want to watch the battle as it wages."

"Yes sir"

There was a cacling of keys and the view screen split. On the left side was a chart of all the units engaging. On the right was a radar that showed the position of all the units.

****time break. 4 Hours*****

Thor stood at the view screenes. He had not heard any reoprts and was growign anxious. Status he calmly said.

"Sir. General Loki is reportign that our Thunderchiefs and Banshees are in the air and on target. They should be there in 10 miniutes."

"What about our naval and land forces?"

"General Rotterdam is reporting that the airborne units are near the DZ. He also says that our army units are ready to land. Adrimal Oslo reports that carrier groups Legionaire. Viking and Stockholm are in area and that they are preparaing to attack.


"Send a message to Martens. Tell him that we are on standby"

"Yes sir"

Thor sighed and waited and hoped

Legionaire Units

250 Thunderchief Fighter planes (think F-16)
250 Banshee Attack planes (think combo of fast A-10's and F-14)
100 Valkyrie Attack helicopters (think Appache helicopters)
50 Rraven Helicopters (chinooks/huey)
50,000 Airborne soldiers
50,000 foot soldiers (Marines)
2,000 tanks
500 artellery pieces
3 Aircraft Carriers
3 submarines
10 support ships
08-05-2005, 20:52
Keitel arose from his combat tent and looked down to all his forces. "You all have been brave! You all have been tireless! And most of all you all have been loyal!! I would be honored to serve in any war with you as my men, except Gafre over there." "BDADDDADBDAFA!!" Keitel rose his mauser and shot Gafre. "BGADD BROT!!" Gafre then keeled over, dead. " Back to my point, everyone has his day to die, today is not our day so let us rise up and fight all of these opposing foes with fearless power. Let us fight so valiantly THAT MAY EVEN THE GODS ENVY OUR STRENGHTS!!!" Everyone starts yelling and chanting. "HEIL VATERLAND!! FEURE FREI!!" "Ja, heil Vaterland und feure frei." Keitel noded proudly.

Just then the armies of Nord-Trondelag took the formation of a triangle, leading as his heavy and medium tanks took first line, his chaingun infantry second line rifle infantry third like, panzerfaust infantry fourth line, anti-tank vehicles on the sides and artillery in the back. All of these forces then took a straight charge to Sz's men assuring to pass my own set mines as the forces drove straight for Sz in a full scale charge, firing as they went.

Then just before the forces in charge got to Sz's army my exoskeletons come down in an all attack full scale air raid, 8,000 heavy armoured mechs warriors drop each one 2,000 pound bomb on Sz's artillery and on his frontline of tanks then the mech exoskeletons fly behind Sz's men and start firing missles at his artillery at close range thus disabling any defencive meneuvers from the Artillery, the tanks not able to fire without hitting the arty same with the infantry and even then the mechs auto targeting every infantry that came back and firing mindlessly with their chainguns. Just then Sz would have been thought to pull back to attack my mechs but all of a sudden my charging forces blasted straight into the frontline of Sy's tanks, his U shaped forces were easily smashed out of the way then just as my forces that broke his formation took the chance and fired all around them to Sz's forces while their disorganized and disabled. While all that was going on I brought out 200 support trucks, them firing chainguns at all the units they passed then it was seen the trucks flying towards heavier tanks of Szittya's army, having C4 remote bombs in their ammo storage they crashed and then blew up on a ton of heavier tanks.

"No hard feelings Szittya, I'd love to serve with you in war as long as you're on my side." Keitel winked even though it couldn't be seen and then went back to his command tent.
Kaiser Martens
08-05-2005, 21:10
OOC: Legionaire, this is a battle simulation, people are not killed. It is only for Silberunion members. You seem to want to sort of invade the area, I do not understand and am confused. If you proceed without protocol and with real weapons, your movements will be considered as hostile and we will all have to defend our region, the Silberunion.

Please clarify : )
08-05-2005, 21:13
"Sir. Our forces are at target." The technician shouted as he turned and looked at his President.

"Engage. On screen. I want a status report. "

Thor watched as 100 small blue dots(symbolizing Thor's air units) on the screen drew closer to the mulit colored dots that symbolized all of the forces. The blue dots split again into 10 smaller dots. Thor's air force was splitting into the smaller sub units. From there they would engange the enemy.

"Who is closest?"

"That would be Kitel sir."

"No I mean which of our units are closest."

"Uh. I believe its Major Cahow's unit, the wolf pack."

"On screen. I want to watch the procedings."

Thor watched as 10 Thunderchief Fighter planes stormed into the screen. Thor listend to the pilot's hetic chatter

"Contact. Enemy closing in. Bearing 0-2-0-niner. Pick up a man and get locked."

Thor waited for the beeping sound symbolizing a lock. The planes were about 1000 yards out and closing

"Tell General Loki that he is to alert the pilots that they are not to fire. They are to graze the units. Let them know that theres a new kid on the block. But they are not to fire unless fired upon. That is a direct order."

Thor waited

"Guys. I've just been ordered not to fire. This order is coming from President Thor."

'What the hell do you mean were not supposed to fire. We have missile lock."

"I don't know either. Evidently were supposed to graze the units and show them that theres a new kid on the block. Whatever the hell that means."

Thor could hear muttering adn the missile lock beeps turning off. He watched on the screen as the Thunderchiefs screamed over head. Suddnley small alarms were going off and the radio chatter increased. Thor looked at the screen. His pilots were being shot at.

"Those sons of bitches are firing at us"

The planes on the status screen were flashing. At least one plane had been shot down.

"Sir requesting permession to fire."

"Negative. Regroup and wait for orders."

Thor yelled at the screen but he knew the pilots couldn't hear him.

Thor watched in horror as two more Thunderchiefs went red. Thor looked back at the screen. His pilots had certanily starteled the soldiers but he had lost 3 planes in the process.

"Sir. Our airborne units are over the DZ and are waiting for orders"

"Have them jump. Tell them to meet up with Kaiser's forces and wait for further instructions."

"Yes sir."

Thor looked back at the screen.

Thor frowned. 10 jets he thought to himself. 10 dead. The battle had just started adn he already had casulties. He shuddered to think what his army casulties would be if he lost 10 jets.

"Keep me posted."

"Yes sir."
Vanek Krieg
08-05-2005, 21:21

Keitel pulled back a hand, moving from the range of Krieg and all of his forces along with all of my men. My hand then pointed straight as my artillery fired upon the area of Krieg, hitting landmines everywhere on purpose, blowing up men and other units rapidly. My artillery stopped firing, the dust clearing as 500 exoskeletons flew out and to the base of Kreig, releasing 2,000 pound bombs upon his landmines which creates a chain reaction blowing them all up with only one bomb. Then the rest of the exoskeletons took back over to the artillery seeing as how Krieg doesn't have any mentioned AA guns and/or any other anti-aircraft weapondry so I take back 5,000 more exoskeletons and have them all fly over Krieg, dropping bombs upon his 88mm artillery and his 75mm artillery then after that raid my mechs still weren't done, my exoskeletons then opened chaingun fire upon his Konsul Schutz infantry and his Schwer infantry. Upon this raid I obviously sustained no damage because he has no anti-air weapondry once more and Panther tanks can't fire up that high.

"Fool, you are foolish, you are unprepared and you are attacking me for no reason, how much more foolish can you get. I can't understand why someone like you would be so foolish." Keitel shook his head. "I understand actually, you're like all the rest of the armies, under estimated me and blindly walked into battle with me, you're not foolish just insolent and blind to all other the other happenings."

I then took back my 3,500 exoskeletons to my own base in a full retreat, stopping the raids out of range of Krieg.

(Cough)...umm...Excuse me Keitel...but, your army, is already enagged in battle, some 17-18 miles away and then you expect me to believe you can come an attack my position. I thought there wasn't any kind of air units allowed? And when did one bomb blow up 80,000 land mines? Your rp'ing is incoherent and hard to tell if its first-person or second. And Keitels dead. Thus he should not be participating in the battle anymore.

And my men are entrenched, out of sight, not in the open. You'd get lucky if you got 1 out of a 100.

I'm going to ignore this and allow you to actually type up a decent response.

And Martens, is this the kind of rp'ing I should expect from the members of Silberunion? Its sad.
08-05-2005, 21:22
(sorry. I didn't refresh the page between posts. I'm not invading the area. Ignore my attacks/ deaths. I'm sorry about the confusion)
Kaiser Martens
08-05-2005, 21:34
(I am sorry, Vanek. It is Nord's first time EVER to RP a war. He doesn't have the experience you, me, or Szittya or others do. I told him it would not only learn by making errors...)

(**Goes back to see Legionaire's post now**)
08-05-2005, 21:45
After losing 239 artillery and 591 tanks (402 light, the rest Zrínyi IIIs), as well as 1302 brave men and women, the Szittya forces noticed the Keitel kamikaze, stopped and opened fire. The whole ground was covered with flying tank grenades, the sky was darkened by artillery shells and panzerfaust rockets fired on the exoskeletons who flew right into firing range. Even as the bombs crashed on the attack line, the troops continued firing, knowing that this was the remnant of Keitel's army.
Kaiser Martens
09-05-2005, 00:56
Martens checked his Laptop and blinked as his army stood by, not yet to attack anyone. "What the HECK?" He blinked at the radar and then just at plan sight watched those planes. "Don't fire. Open a channel to whoever is responsible for that there. Mobilize the 3rd Luftdivision with orders to keep an eye and not be fired to unless attacked. Communicate the other memebers about this, please, but make sure noone is to attack." Yes Mein Kaiser - the officer saluted and left.

Seconds later, another Officer. "Channel open, Mein Kaiser."

On Legionaire's screens, Martens showed up. "What are you doing with battle craft in Silberunion Airspace?" He thought angrily how they could get through the bordering countries of the SU without being detected and ought to punish a few people for the mistake. "This is an exercise and as much as I offered friendship to you, it is against the security of our region to have your ships flying around. If you do not retire the 90% of your troops, escorted by the incoming Luftwaffe group in T -1 hour, it will be classified as an act of war, and I really do not want such thing to happen." Martens hoped they'd hurry. With fake ammunition and a few hundreds AA guns they wouldn't exactly be able to defend much.

(Just for next time check our site and check the maproom. We're in the baltic area currently and that is why Martens is pissed that noone detected them all coming)
09-05-2005, 02:02
Thor frowned

"Ah Martens. I apologise for the incident. I am not on any offensive and therefore do not wish for a fight. No escort of my units will be needed. My forces were on manuvers in the region and I had my commanders test a new strategy. The test results were adequate and my forces were on their way back before you even demanded their widthdrawl. I am happy for both our sakes that more violence did not occur. More importantly, you should be happy that the pilots were extracted before any harm came to them. I hope the rest of your manuvers go well.

Thor out

One last thing though, I pray that there arent any more.... encounters"

Thor closed the view screen

"Captain. What's the update of our widthrawl."

"Our carriers are on their way back as are most of the troopships. All thats left are a few subs and an airborne/air support unit."

"Good. Connect me to Generals Rotterdam, Loki and Adrimal Oslo"

The comminucations officer nodded

"we're through sir."

"Gentlemen. I would like to discuss Operation Tomahawk. I would liek each of your respective opinions about it. Rotterdam, you first."

"Well sir, think that it worked. Although a little too well. I mean if it almost started a war then it worked too well. I think that next time we go though. We go all out."

"Intresting. Loki?"

"Well. It certainly ratteled them. luckilly for us the pilots were rescued. I don't know what would have happened to them. Mongoose 1 is engaged right now and Mongoose 2 wasn't prepared enough for if we had to rescue him from a prison."

"Yea. One thing about that. Uh Rotterdam. Make sure that Mongoose 2 is ready in case something happens. Adrimal Oslo, your thoughts."

"It worked.We should be more carefull next time though."

Thor waited. A Captain walked over to him and gave him a piece of paper.. Thor looked at the paper. His face dropped. He crowled and crumpled the paper.

"Gentlemen." Thor paused carefully thinking about the words he was abotu to utter. He was disturbed about the notice he had recieved.

"We are going to Defcon 1. Loki have our jets fuled, armed and ready to go. I want the Wolfpack on the runway, preped ,and ready to go at my word. Rotterdam alert the Valkyries. Have them in the choppers, prepped and ready. Have the soldiers disembark from our ships to Wolfenstine Airfield and send the troopships back. Adrimal Oslo Call the fleet back, but put them in neutral waters for gods sake. Arm the predators tell them to arm their Kraken missiles. conventional payload only. Have your carriers launch two thunderbirds and have them scan the area. I want to know everything that goes on. I want everyone in a deffensive position. No one does anything unless I give the authorization. If they fire so much as a bb gun at us we'll blow them to hell. But I want to avoid war at all costs and I also want to take this time to alert anyone who is listening in on this conversation, that this is not an act of war nor is it supposed to be an act of aggression. It is merely a defensive tatic. No one does anything unless I give the okay. However, if they shoot first and only if they shoot first are we to respond and it is not to be overwhelming."

General Rotterdam spoke up, "What are we to do sir."

Thor paused he looked around the small room. In the back of the room was a book. the book was very sacred to Thor and very few peopel had seen the insides. Thor looked around. On one side were six technicans. They were in large chairs infront of computer screens and control pannels. All of them were young no older than 20. They all looked at Thor waitign to hear what he was gong to say. Thor himself had been in the millitary. He had been in these situations before, he had seen hsi best friends killed before his very eyes. Thor eventally turned around

"It depends."

"On what sir"

"On what they do. If it's an air strike we use our Kraken missiles. If they use infantry we use ours back and we carry out air strikes against their positions. Leave civillians alone that gentlemen is a direct order. I don't wish to be known as a monster for something that I didn't start."

Adrimal Oslo spoke up

"Uh sir. What is it that you want our thunderbirds to do?"

"Scan the area. Watch for signs of an offensive against us. If necessary to disable their attack. Anything else gentlemen?"

The generals shook their heads.

"Good Luck gentlemen. Stay safe out there."

Thor watched as the screen turned back to the map and waited.
09-05-2005, 02:44
Keitel sighed, feeling.. newbish and the disappointment of his fellow team mates of Silberunion, knowing it was a good fight but technical things got in the way such as this being my first ever war RP and me not being expeirenced enough fucked the whole thing up.

Walking from his command tent Keitel watched his forces "die" one by one when the paintballs hit. He sighed one more time, feeling depressed now almost. "I am sorry for the trouble I have caused, I will not let it happen again."
Kaiser Martens
10-05-2005, 21:01
Do not worry, Mein Brother. If I asked you to come to the Silberunion it is because I trust you. This was your first attempt and it's only one mistake you made, next time I have full confidence that you will be along with us victorious.

Remember, don't be like Gafre (Inner joke >>')

Martens was for the moment distracted from the war simulation as he nodded to Thor. "It is all right. We do not wish to spark a war so easily. Your pilots will be delivered to you tomorrow, in perfect conditions too, do not worry. Until then."

Then he looked over in the distance to Rifvader, then back to Vanek Krieg. "What's taking him so long mh?" The Kaiser folded his arms for a moment before narrowing his eyes and going to work on another task of another nature.
Svartberg - Hammerdal
11-05-2005, 21:09
All ground forces began fortifying their position, building a blockade just outside Vanek's artillery range. The ground started to shake violently underneath Vanek's forces.
Kaiser Martens
12-05-2005, 18:53
"Okay. We may begin now." Martens nodded to his officers which left quickly to each of their positions as the Kaiserreich's Forces were ready to strike. "Für Deutschland."

Then like half of the army began to advance onto Vanek Krieg's forces, towards the flank where Allgemein Stofeil was, as a march sounded in the diverse loudspeakers, the units organized in the following way:

75.000 Infantry Units
The remaining 480-some Mjollnirpanzers (Heavy tanks)
The 170-some remaining Nebelwerfers IV (Rocket Artillery)
200 Leopard III tanks (Medium tanks)
100 Grille self proppeled heavy artillery.
The 149 remaining Flakpanzer05 (All purpose tanks)

The tanks moved in a coherent square formation as fast as possible, the Mjollnirs and Leopards at the front, since their armor was the thickest, intermingled very carefully was part of the infantry and the rest behind with the Grille and the Nebelwerfers, the Grille first for their fire range was better. The artillery began to attack as soon as it could, Martens' forces almost in range of their tanks and antitank guns, but easily reachable by the artillery as most likely Vanek would get to fire his own some 30 seconds before Martens could answer.

Then the rest of the forces,

125.000 some Infantry
900-some Leopard IIIs
100 Grille
The 200 K22b Heavy Artillery
The 150-some Luchs light tanks
The 350 Hornisse Self proppeled Antitanks
The SSLS Kaiser Martens Einherjar Infanterie
Kaiser Martens himself atop his Mjollnirpanzer protected by two others that
stayed behind for some purpose.
The remaining 2500 Opel transport trucks, 500 of which were used to transport some 25 pieces of leftover FlaK AA that had been used to fend off the too-good Exoskeleton stuff from Nord Trondelag, and some 60 Heavy Artillery Pieces too which had been left mounted onto them so that they could be mobilize quickly and fire while atop them, like SPA, only that without any armor.

The transport trucks that were free continued to go around delivering ammunition and goods, the others stood in the centre of the army (The ones working as improvised SPA/SPAA) and the Panthers were in one of the flanks, the most easily reachable by any Vanek Krieg attack, the other flank covered by the Hornisse, and in the Centre was Martens with his Mjollnirpanzer and his Einherjar and the Grille, the heavy artillery behind the Panthers and the Hornisses to give them cover if needed be, though all this was outside of anything's range yet (But his other group of forces)

"We'll be victorious."
Svartberg - Hammerdal
12-05-2005, 18:59
200 Steinnbrjótr heavily armed subterranean transporters 130 Steinnbrestr subterranean armed vehicles emerged from the ground just below infantry of Vanek, near the artillery. The Steinnbrjótrs opened their doors and infantry began to storm out, catching Vanek personnel with the power of surprise. The Steinnbrjótr fired at will at the Vanek artillery and tanks.
15-05-2005, 03:06
President Thor was furious. He had not heard anything about his downed pilots and he was growing irritated and impatient

"General Loki. Order the Wolfpack up. Have them fly over the simulation. Adrimal Oslo order the two Thunderbirds to jam the radar. Order two Predators to surface. Rotterdam, alert the Valkyries I want them up in the air ready to attack."

President Thor sat sat back in his chair waiting for the events to unfold.
Kaiser Martens
15-05-2005, 04:29
When the Aircraft Carriers, submarines, support shieps, and whatever else his navy that had moved close to where the simulation had been taking place was tried to go to international waters, through the little area between Scandinavia and Northern Germany (Check it appeared that these had reached a dead end, so to say. About half of the whole Kaiser Martens Kriegsmarine had been awaiting them and as soon as the time was right they began to advanced forth. There was a crowd of Z and T destroyers, a crowd of Light Cruisers and Kraken type Cruisers. There were also Schicksal type AA cruisers with heavy defenses in the back ready to fend off any aerial attack that might come. It was impressive, they maneuvered very carefully in the relatively slow area. There was a very large numbers of Dönitz Heavy Cruisers, for KM mostly built Heavy Cruisers rather than anything else, it was the doctrine. Finally, there were an exxageratedly big number of Bismarck and Scharnhort type of Battleships, then fewer Bismarck IIs and in the centre of this all was the Flagship, the Polarstern, which towered above all. All in all, the Legionaire navy was not only trapped, but terribly outnumbered.

"Feuer frei." The heavier ships assumed their position and began to fire with their deadly cannons, as all the light cruisers and Destroyers dashed forth to meet the enemy fleet, to get close and be able to attack. The Polarstern sped up to it's max, amazingly quickly for a ship it's size, and it began to fire it's monstrous shells towards the enemy, also many of the ships opening their Rocket silos to fire antinaval V missiles towards the enemy's air carriers. It would be a butchery if they did not retreat, Martens had planned it very carefully, he actually had let them avoid the radars of Nord Trondelag, himself, King Richard, Thomasien, the Isnatten islands, and Russia, to build this awful trap. Soon they also noticed that about 40 submarines were attacking them, Asgaard type Antiship submarines, from the flank. The naval batteries in all coasts remained now ready to attack if they got close enough too.

Martens had movilized the two Luftwaffe groups he had mentioned in a previous post, so they were already somewhat close to the enemy's air force over the Silberunion. All the AA defenses and the Air Forces of all the nations of the Silberunion were now alerted to shoot any non Silberunion ship, and these two groups of about 500 aircraft each headed from two different angles to all the enemy aircraft.

Each group was composed by three types of aircraft.
The Komet VI, the fastest in the fleet, which lead the attack, armed with missiles and machineguns.
The ME Lenneth, the newest fighter, which had more missiles, chainguns, and different types of stealth technology which made them harder to detect. They were nearly as fast as the Komets.
KM1 Freya, the standard fighter, a cheaper version of the Lenneth, yet it had admirable capacities and had been equipped with Cluster missiles to be able to strike better. These would go for the helicopters specifically.

Again, the enemy was outnumbered, and also two more battle groups from the protectorates of Arcognus and Byzantinia were heading that way, while the rest of the Luftwaffe remained in the Reich to ensure no sneak attacks were attempted.


Vanek, Szittya, as you can see we've got into a war because of these people's sneaky actions. The battle simulation is cancelled, I think it's time to give our men proper ammunition in case they try to attack. Get those AA defenses up and running...
Odins Forgiven
15-05-2005, 04:46
Pulling her heavily armed and armoured trike slightly off the road, Elvi signalled to the convoy behind her to follow suit.

They waited for several minutes as the troupes and machinery of the other regions nations rolled past and out of the training grounds, then spoke into her throat mike.

"Come on then lads, lets get this anti aircraft stuff up and running, we're going on a pidgeon shoot."

Firing up the V-8 engine she returns to the road, the convoy following.
15-05-2005, 05:33
Keitel smirked, watching Odins as he rose up his hand. With this his men dropped the paintball ammo that were stored in his 10,000 exoskeletons placing real bullets and missles into them. "Radioman get me a connection to our main army." "Jawhol." Keitel took the open link and called out for reinforcements, though a navy of 250 Reich VIs, 700 Marane subs and 430 Vretal destroyers were already backed behind Kaiser's navy, giving him reinforcements. His exoskeletons took flight straight up charging back as they all followed Kaiser's air force not to mention his reinforcements were almost there.

"I've got your back Kaiser, I'm ready for this." Keitel noded while being mounted into his personal "ArchAngel" exoskeleton which reached the height of 20 feet, took on three chaingun turrets and four missle turrets, two heat seeking and two remote, then instead of a limited five minute flight pattern it has a fully charged 1 hour flight pattern at a time. Also on the back of the ArchAngel was a 9 foot long rod that had markings on it, like it was burnt sometime.

Look out of his computer window screen of the ArchAngel Keitel look up only to see his reinforcements here, half of his full army, air force, and navy. 5,000 falcon strikers came into the area and range of Kaiser's planes at the current speed of mach 4, but they slowed down, lining the sides center and back of Kaiser's air force. Also appearing in the water was a mixture of 7,600 destroyers, scout light ships, huge aircraft carriers fully stocked with fuel, ammo and more pilots.
15-05-2005, 05:41
"Sir. Urgent message from Adrimal Oslo."

"On screen."

"Mister President, our fleet has been surrounded and the enemy has began firing warnign shots at our fleet."


Thor paused. They had made the first move. All Thor wanted was his pilots back.

"Tell the predators to dive. Call the thunderbirds back. Ensign get me Rotterdam and Loki."

"Channel up."

"Gentlemen, the enemy has begun to mobilize against us. Loki call the wolf pack back. Rotterdam de-alert the valkyries. Position your artillery in a defensive manner. Ensign send a message to Kaiser Martens ask him where my god damn pilots are. I am in international waters. and no where near his simulation.

"Sir, they've mobilized their air units against our fleet. It's a trap"

"Can you verify the position of our fleet"

"Yes sir, they are 15 miles off the coast sir"

"What the hell are they doing?"

"Sir they lured us into it. If we stay in our position than we're doomed."

Thor paused "Sound the alarm. Full retreat. Order the Predators to maximum depth and to escort our fleet out. Fire if fired upon. Evacuate the fleet to 20 miles"

"What about our air and land units"

"Are there any friendly bases nearby"

"No sir not for 50 miles."

"We cant evacuate our foldiers by sea. The troopships will be sitting ducks. Although on land they're not much better."

The entire room was in silence as Thor stared at the screen

"Connect me to Kaiser Martens. I want to talk to him. now

"Hold on a second sir."

Thor stood in silence a she waited for th eline to connect he watched the crisis unfold.
Odins Forgiven
15-05-2005, 06:01
Her men and AA guns and vehicles hidden amongst the buildings and on the edges of woodlands, Elvi looks up at the sky, shielding her violet eyes from the glare.

"Hope this isn't over before we have a chance at a bit of target practice, the lads are restless enough as it is"
15-05-2005, 06:33
occ: sorry to dissappoint you but I've called my forces back. Kaiser refused to return my downed pilots and was picking a fight.
Odins Forgiven
15-05-2005, 15:17
You have yourself well and truely stuck my dear.
Roleplay like real life has it's consequences, you can't just say "OOPS" that one is going to get me into trouble so I'll turn back time and forget it.
So roleplay your way out of it and show us how good you are.
Kaiser Martens
15-05-2005, 19:28
"I did return your pilots, apparently someone forgot to communicate you that or as my spy mentioned you used that as an excuse to violate the sovereignty of our waters. The spy also communicated me of several of your offensive plans so I had to strike first before you'd cost us many lives. Defend yourself."

Communication closed.

All the Martens Kaiserreich's fleet continued to advance, chasing the enemy, the larger ships using it's longer ranged missiles, sending a lethal barrage of those towards the enemy. Already some of the submarines began to fire torpedoes to the retreating enemy ships. The Arcognus Protectorate Luftwaffe battle group arrived to intercept the fleet as well and the Level and Tactical bombers, Stukas and Heinkels, began to fire at will onto the surface ships, keeping away if they noted one having particularily good AA capabilities. Many Messerschmitt fighters escorted them to protect them, should an air attack try to eliminate the bombers. The previously mentioned main battle groups continued forth to chase the retreating enemy, and the group of like 300 Komet II fighters separated from the other ships as these were the fastest, and quickly catch up and began to use their Wasserfal guided rockets and their machineguns and chainguns if they got in proper range. Also, if they want to escape further and reached land, the AA defenses there, in Nord Trondelag or Martens territory would fire away too.
The Byzantinia protektorat luftwaffe group remained in a position between the two things to be able to reinforce whichever was in trouble, should the need arise.

"There's no escape."
Vanek Krieg
15-05-2005, 21:37
OOC: This is getting wierd...


"FeldMarshal!! We have enemy forces attacking out right flank. Our position will be overrun in minutes!!" One of Rommels aides was panicky and was sweating as he had just run some kilometers to deliver the messege. "And not only that Feldmarshal, but some hundred underground vehicles have appeaed behind our center lines."

Rommel nodded. He took the situation in one breathe. "Cease your jittering Franz. And you may go and sit in the hospital if you think yourself ill fit for combat."

Rommel walked over to his communcations, next to which sat a large map of the area. "I want all our artillery concentrated on the enemy advance here," he pointed at where Kaiser Martens troops were attacking," have it remain constant. The landmines will slow them down slightly. Have the second half of the Konsul Guard shift from the left flank to the center, I want them to attack and destroy the forces there." He nodded to his three communications officers as they began tranmitting. "Now, General Neimegen is to advance from his present position to reinforce the right flank, everything he has including the four extra Panther Brigades," he waited a moment for these orders to be transmitted, he heared his artillery to begin its bombardment, " General Stofeil has some 80,000 men in the center...I want all six divisions to advance then swing right into the flank of Kaiser Martens."

His communications officers sent the last of his orders. One of them looked up at him. "What now mein Feldmarshal?"

"We wait," said Rommel as he studied the map once more.

Neimegen's troops took less than 17 minutes to reinforce the right flank. The Land mines were taking a horrible toll on the advancing enemy tanks, their main formations having run into the largest concentration of mines. The 5,000 Konsul Guard faught as men possesed. The 30,000 Schwer Infantry were also fighting well. There was no give in the men. Even when the bombardment started, they cared little even when the rounds landed near.

General Stofeil led the center advance personally. He sat in his armored car as an attack column moved past. His divisions moving fast. His radio operator opened up his foreward hatch. "Sir, Feldmarshal Rommel wishes a report."

"Tell him I will be attacking within the hour."


80,000 crack Schwer Infantry men hit the flank of the advancing force of Kaiser Martens, hard.

The Svartberg - Hammerdal forces at first faced little resistance. Only a few thousand Schwer infantry were near to engage them, as well as only half a Panther brigade. After about half an hour of keeping the enemy occupied the Schwer Infantry drew back and formed a perimeter around the holes where the Svartberg - Hammerdal infantry were coming from. Then the Konsul Guard attacked, 5,000 of the best soldiers in the army of Vanek Krieg. With cries of "Krieg!!!" the 5,000 men led a charge into the Svartberg - Hammerdal infantry leading with them some 40,000 Schwer infantry which had come from the left flank.
15-05-2005, 21:40
President Thor listened to the message and bowed his head. The technicians stood by waiting for orders.

"connect me to Loki, Oslo, and Rotterdam"

"Online sir."

"Gentlemen what is going on? I want a full update. You first Adrimal"

"Well, most of our fleet has reached open waters. 50% casulties. 10 ships sunk or disabled. Carrier Sirius has sunk. 500 dead."

"What about their casulties?"

"Well we've shot down a large portion of their planes. Our Predators have disabled onlya few of their ships."

"Order the Predators to split armament. Each ship is to be armed with a tatical Nuke authorization code: Echo Bravo Seven Delta niner niner Zero Tango. Send the normal fleet this message: begin program frogman"


"Well thus far our planes have recieved very little contact."

"Good. Launch the Banshees. Tell them to ride the lightning. Order the Thunderchiefs up. I am authorizing project orange."


"Our forces are waiting sir"

"Order your sandmen to spray dust. Instigate project Iron Man."

The three generals nodded and closed the line. Thor sat in his chair waiting. He thought about what Kaiser had said to him. He didn't have any war plans at all. The message had told him that the his pilots had been captured before the helicopters had reached them and that there was a ransom on their heads. Thor had no plans for a war. He had ordered his forces back merely to show that he wasn't going to leave the downed pilots. He wanted to show the nations that he was supportign his downed airmen.

**Bridge of USS Avenger**

Captain Charles Greinig looked at the order in disbelief. His ship had recieved mild damage. He walked to his chair and picked up a radio. Bridge to engineering prepare to dive. Greinig sat back in his chair and watched as his ship moved forward in the sea. There was a large explosion and the ship began to go underwater.

**Bridge of U-21**

"Commander Luger sir, you have a message from command."

Commander Martin Luger walked to the post and read the message

"Oh my god"

He turned to his XO and nodded. He turned back to the radio man. "Red Alert. All hands secure general quarters."

Luger and his XO Captain Auburn walked to a small station in the back of the command bridge where a young Ensign Hopkins was waiting for them. He stood when his suppreiors arrived. The young Ensign along with Captain Auburn stuck their keys into the locks and turned them. Captain Auburn and Ensign Hopkins pulled out two pieces of red paper. Ensign Hopkins read off a code.

"Echo Bravo Seven Delta niner niner Zero Tango."

Captain Auburn nodded.

"Message is authentic sir"

"I concur"

Ensign Hopkins sat back at his station and punched the code into the computer.

"Seamen Jones open the outer doors, firing point procedures." Commander Luger mentioned as he walked back to his chair and he flipped a clear switch. Inside the switch was a red button.

"Sir, valhalla missiles armed and ready." Ensign Hopknins reported


Comm Officer Damon turned from his post

"Sir, our fleet is in safe range."

Commander Luger nodded and paused, thinking about the decision he was about to make.

"Sir" Captain Auburn said "If you wish to launch, the time is now."

"Bridge to tatical. Deploy" Commander Luger sighed

"Tatical to bridge Vallhalla in flight"

***the open sea***

Two Valalhalla nuclear missiles emerged from each sub. The missiles went to the bottom of the ocean and then locked on to their targets and moved towards them. Nothing stood in their way. They were undetectable 20 seconds afer they launched they met their targets and exploded, unleashign a wave of destruction that no fleet in the missile's range could escape

***Bridge of U-21***


There was a loud boom

Commander Luger pressed a button and a perescope moved up. He looked through it, scanning for any signs of the enemy fleet. The seas were empty He smiled and moved away from the periscope.

"Send a message to command. In the clear Enroute to home port."

**The skies above Silberunion**

Major "Archangel" and his pilots roared across the skies Archangle looked at his altitude meter 40 thousand feet. He was at the maximum altitude that any plane could fly. Inside his Banshee Archangel was scanning the ground below him. Archangel noticed that he was above what looked like to be a small army.

"Alright We're over target standby."

Archangel flipped several switches

"Bombs away"

Archangel pulled his trigger and watched two bombs race towards the surface as soon as they were 200 feet up they detonated. An electromagnetic pulse roared through the soldiers. More and more bombs began to fall destryoing everything in their range. Up in his cockpit Archangel smiled.

"Aint payback a bitch"

The Banshees continued to rain hell over the soldiers causing many many casulties. Thus far the Banshees had recieved very little resistance

"Lightning 1 to command. Objective Complete."
Kaiser Martens
16-05-2005, 01:47
In the Odinsauge Control Centre, Location Unknown.

A dark atmosphere with cutting edge technology, only the sound of the computers working was heard, as General Sassmanhausen, who had been alerted of the situation, watched the main screen.

"Herr General, Missiles have been launched from the enemy fleet! Judging from how far they had to run, they're nuclear!"

The screen showed a tactic map of the whole situation, from above. Another screen showed the missile's movements in live 3D.

"This could potentially destroy 1/3 of our total fleet. We cannot wait a second more. Shoot the Vaterland Missiles."


Then many officers therepresent began to work as quickly as possible on it, calculating the trajectory...Sassmanshausen felt cold sweat as he would know what happened if they failed. The system had never been tested. This was it.

"It is ready Herr General."


Then in the space, three of the numerous sattelites that composed the Odinsauge Defence and Radar system received the signal. In matter of seconds one of the six attached Vaterland Missiles turned on and ignited it's engine, taking off downwards towards the Silberunion. Same process happened on two other sattelites...

Everyone in the control room stopped to watch, it was dead silence, as the three rockets headed down to intercept the two missiles...

"Z minus 30 sekonden, Mein General."

In the live 3D screen everyone watched as the five missiles got closer and closer... "Please, for the fatherland, Odin let this work right...."

The three missiles exploded with lethal accuracy close enough to the enemy missiles, causing a gigantic explosion in the atmosphere above the Silberunion. The three nuclear blasts went off close enough to detonate the two other missiles, causing a bliding "supernova" as the threat was halted, pretty much just in time.

"YESSSSS!" Everyone threw their hats and controls and all as they celebrated their victory, even the stern general smiled and raised his fists in the air. "HAHAHAHAH!!!!"

Outside, the two fleets saw these gigantic explosions, they were heard in half the Silberunion, but none knew what happened, for it was a secret.

Martens talked to the commander of the Polarstern through his laptop. "Full "steam" ahead, Loss. Those bastards tried to nuke our fleet. This is it, we're erasing their names from history now. Have no mercy."

"Ja, Mein Kaiser. Full Power Ahead!" The 12 great engines of the Polarstern moved to their maximum capacity as only the Light Cruisers and Destroyers were fast enough to keep up with it, even though the ship was much larger than the Bismarck IIs. Only 6 of the Asgaard type submarines joined the attack as well, for the others were too far. "VORAN. FEUER FREI!"

The Polarstern opened fire with it's magnificent, gigantic turrets, and with a barrage of Antinaval Drillmissiles type Schwarzblut, while the Light Cruisers and the other ships were not still close enough to fire away. They all approached in great speed, using their Nitro to get an even better boost of speed, so they can be done with the remains of the enemy fleet before they keep launching the missiles.They did not care how many casualties they would suffer, as they already have suffered many mainly in the smaller ships, but they would end this right now even if the Captain of the Polarstern had to stab each man personally.

The Three Luftwaffe air groups were still there. The most weakened one was assisted by another one as it kept attacking the fleet, not caring how much airships they'd loose as long as they could destroy it. Half of that group's fighters continued to chase the enemy fighters and bombers though. Only the Komet IIs could reach those who tried to bomb the place where the simulation had been taking place, and only half of them, yet they were about 80, and once they spotted the enemy, they began to fire freely, seeing that they were dangerously close to their objective letting all of their missiles go to stop them on time. By the time the Komets arrived they already could fire the first barrage of bombs, but they would definately not launch a second or a third so easily.

Before all that happened, Martens put up white flags on his army and a group of luchs holding white flags headed towards the Forces of Vanek Krieg. "EMERGENCY! We are under attack! The Simulation is suspended! There are bombers above us, we must use all our AA weapons to try to cover the sky with fire and so halt some of the bombs! Everyone disperse, and run into the Bunkers!" That was, through loudspeakers attached.

Martens himself with his Einherjar infantry had already gone into his personal bunker, making sure to send Luchs to get some of the other leaders. The Infantry and Tanks were dispersing so to receive less damage by now, while all the AA Flakguns of the army started to fire upwards hoping to just randomly hit one of the bombs, using real ammunition now. Then the bombs would fall but they would be able to stop *SOME* of them, which is better than nothing. There was nothing more that could be done, men and tanks would fall either way. "Fockin A!" Martens exclaimed.
Odins Forgiven
16-05-2005, 01:48
Elvi listened intently to relayed messages, then looked into her binoculars at the designated areas and into the sky.

"Damn! They're too high for us to have any effect"

She thought for a moment, then quickly spoke into her thraot mike.

"OK, we're not gonna have any big birds to shoot at lads, but we can provide cover and stop some of those bombs they're dropping!"

Relaying the co-ordinates of their ground troupes, all of the deployed AA guns began firing at varying hieghts above the army, taking out many of the bombs being dropped by the Banshees.

Elvi looked on allowing herself a small synical smile.
"Well at least that'll keep some of them alive longer."
Kaiser Martens
16-05-2005, 01:52
And so the bombs fell, but some of them were halted. Still this barrage took out 1/3 of the armies there, but the Komets were now working as hard as possible to halt the remaining bombers For Good.
16-05-2005, 02:57
Keitel lifted a hand to point at the dropping bombs, his AA defencive systems online and starting to blast the bombs before they even are fully out of the range of the enemies planes, blowing up a few of the planes with them and yet also stopping other bombs being dropped to the ground. He spoke into his headset, almost as if too fast to comprehend but the exoskeletons obviously understood it for they all dropped off the jet fighter wing division and fell to 1,000 feet above earth, auto-targeting each and every bomb left being dropped, or so as many as 10,000 mech divisions could target at once. I then look to Evli and take my Archangel to her off road vehicle, opening the cockpit and speaking to her for a moment.

"We've got ourselves a nice little war going on, so be careful because I haven't even gotten to flirt with you yet." Snickering, Keitel got back into his Archangel and flew off to the sky, opening a channel to Kaiser Martens. "Brother, we'll need to take evasive maneuvers so lets make sure our armies stay together." Noding at this, Keitel closed the channel yet leaving an open message acceptor if I am needed.

The Archangel took open all three of it's chaingun turrets and started mindlessly firing upon the swarm of jets that have been approaching our lands. With this the rest of my reichair forces target locked missiles upon the same jets and then fired at their will under permission of myself. Also I take my panzerfaust infantry and blast them up at the dropping bombs, not to mention low flying enemy airships.

"This is almost sickening, this will be far too easy for my liking." Keitel shrugged it off and flew down towards a few ships thta lay in the water being fired upon already, withdrawing the 9 foot pole off the Archangel's back. The Archangel then took the pole around, running nuclear power into the pole and tossing it onto a single huge destroyer, then as the pole hits the ship, if it hits, the pole explodes. The Archangel took open one of its missile turrets and fired out all the missiles, locking them instantly upon overflying enemy aircraft.
Having an open link to everybody pretty much, Keitel mindlessly starts laughing evily until all of a sudden, he farts ...big time. o_o" "OMFG!!! Note to self, BUY AIR FRESHENER FOR ARCHANGEL!!"

"Open a link to Vetchren." .. "Jawhol!" .. "Ja mein furher?" . "Vetchren, prepare the long-ranged artillery and have them open fire at will upon the enemy naval figures." .. "Jawhol." With this Keitel took himself away form the water, moving at incredible speeds for being in a 7 ton mech, out of the range of Thor. I then lay back, being safe now and having nearly everything under control, thusly there isn't much more I can do.

Meanwhile Mr. Vetchren called out all long-ranged artillery to fire upon all outskirting naval forces and all other artillery to fire upon the inside naval forces of Thor. The artillery started to let off ear-shattering shells, aiming them all to their assigned naval squads. Then A nice line of tanks started to cover the coastline, firing their high-powered cannons to the oncoming or retreating naval fleets.
16-05-2005, 03:02
OCC: the valhalla missiles were aimed at your fleet. and they were sub surface to surface. Therefore they could not have been shot out of the sky. They came in from under your ships and were hard to detect. Considering that every predator (about 6) launched 2 missiles, the nukes probably would have taken out 2/3 of your fleet and the shockwave would have disabled another part. Essentially, a large portion of your surving fleet would have been disabled.

Regarding the airstrike by my pilots: They were a combo of EMP's, tatical nukes and napalm. So even if you destroyed them, the collateral damage still would have done some damage. (Of course you cant hit a jet thats flying near the earth's atmosphere.)

To be perfectly honest i think your total casulties would vabe neen closer to 2/3 or 3/4 and my casulties were pretty bad.
Odins Forgiven
16-05-2005, 03:13
I then look to Evli and take my Archangel to her off road vehicle, opening the cockpit and speaking to her for a moment.
"We've got ourselves a nice little war going on, so be careful because I haven't even gotten to flirt with you yet." Snickering, Keitel got back into his Archangel and flew off to the sky, opening a channel to Kaiser

Elvi smiles sweetly back at Keitel.
"Don't worry NORD, I'll be waiting for you to return"

If only you knew my dear, I'll be waiting for you alive or dead.....
16-05-2005, 06:39
Major OCC comment: okay, all of you guys liek to shoot shells thinking that you're going to hit my flett. First of all unless ur artillery can reach 100+ milesI don't think you're hittign anything. Second off all, most of my fleet has submerged. Not sunk, submerged, goen underwater. Face it my fleet escaped

Note to kitel. You couldnt haev destroyed my bombs midroute. They would have disabled your exoskeletons. Im not god moding. The bombs were designed to carry out their use upon detanation. Like th enukes even if they arent activated, radiaton and a shockwave still goes out. And you couldnt have hit any of my jets if there thousands of thousands of miles up.

Face it people, my military escaped. I do congratulate you on a good fight and hope that there can be peace between us.

All of my forces have left your region and are out of your range.
Odins Forgiven
16-05-2005, 10:47
Now I'm not really that up on this sort of thing and as a modern warfare 'noob' I have been very careful about what I have said and done, but I think we have given you a little bit of leaway here.

**The skies above Silberunion**

Major "Archangel" and his pilots roared across the skies Archangle looked at his altitude meter 40 thousand feet. He was at the maximum altitude that any plane could fly. Inside his Banshee Archangel was scanning the ground below him. Archangel noticed that he was above what looked like to be a small army.
"Alright We're over target standby."
Archangel flipped several switches
"Bombs away"
Archangel pulled his trigger and watched two bombs race towards the surface as soon as they were 200 feet up they detonated. An electromagnetic pulse roared through the soldiers. More and more bombs began to fall destryoing everything in their range. Up in his cockpit Archangel smiled.
The Banshees continued to rain hell over the soldiers causing many many casulties. Thus far the Banshees had recieved very little resistance
"Lightning 1 to command. Objective Complete."

If you were fly at 40 thousand feet, do you realise where you would have to be for any of your bombs to actually hit a small army?
You have taken no account of trajectory and have assumed that these bombs will just drop straight down.
(off the top of my head and I am sure that others will be able to correct me)
Lets say you wanted to bomb America, at that height I believe you would have to release your bombs over eastern europe?

If my assumption is correct, then we can cancel out any bombs you dropped over our armies, as they would have landed thousands of miles away from us.
Oh and I note that your pilot has one hell of an eyesight to be able to 'see' a small army from the height he was flying.

And then there is the matter of your fleet.
Amaizing they are, suddenly they all (or most) become submercibles and none of them are affected by several neuclear underwater TORPEDOS?
What of the consequences to your ships?
Or have they suddenly developed a cloak of invunerability?

There are other holes in your 'plot', but I'll let those with more knowledge tell you about them.
16-05-2005, 18:00
Elvi smiles sweetly back at Keitel.
"Don't worry NORD, I'll be waiting for you to return"

If only you knew my dear, I'll be waiting for you alive or dead.....

Keitel overheard this as he mentioned before leaving a channel open to all teammate leaders and smirked a bit. "I'll let you slide for calling me Nord right now because of this 'war' .. UND ich WILL SIE, LEBEND ZU BLEIBEN! (And I want you to stay alive.) I mean what use to me are you if you're dead?" Once more Keitel snickered and flew to the main base, calling back all of the remaining exoskeletons as well.

Keitel then rose a hand out and pointed to the exoskeletons while whispering into his headset mic. You can see him, changing the channels as he calls Admiral Wedersen and gives him his orders. .. Meanwhile back on the fleet of Furher Keitel's navy ... The Admiral grabs a red box and tells a major to watch the box while he went for the code key. The Admiral returned a few minutes later as he opens the box containing numberous keys all tagged warning.
"Offencive coordinator, prep the torpedo beds and the depth charges, we're going to blast those bastards of Thor straight from the water!!! FÜR DEUTSCHLAND!" Everyone seemed to repeat him. "FÜR DEUTSCHLAND!"
The Admiral started the sonar water radar systems and pin pointed every little sound while giving coordinants with his coordinators to the men dropping the depth charges and preparing to fire nuclear torpedos.

"Keitel, mein furher, it's Wedersen" .. "Continue Wedersen, I'm all ears." .. "Well sir.. Wir sind bereit, an Ihrem Willen zu feuern." .. "Das ist gut, offenes Feuer" .. "Jawhol!" .. "Drop water charges at these coordinants", with this Wedersen gave the men almost perfect locations of Thor's submarines and other submerged naval units and dropped the depth charges instantly to the given coordinants, then we sat and waited.

OOC: Don't think of me as a god modder Thor, it's just I don't like you and well we have that kind of technology today so say 'bye bye subbies'. And that's another thing, I don't appreciate you copying me with my Archangel, the only difference is mine is an exoskeleton and yours is some jet, but that's gay ok, because I like made it up, god I have to copyright my things. -_-"

Vanek Krieg
16-05-2005, 18:09
OOC: Umm....anyone gonna...respond to my attack? O_o
Children of Valkyrja
16-05-2005, 18:17
Keitel overheard this as he mentioned before leaving a channel open to all teammate leaders and smirked a bit. "I'll let you slide for calling me Nord right now because of this 'war' .. UND ich WILL SIE, LEBEND ZU BLEIBEN! (And I want you to stay alive.) I mean what use to me are you if you're dead?" Once more Keitel snickered and flew to the main base, calling back all of the remaining exoskeletons as well.

Elvi laughs at his remarks and spoke into her throat mike.

"Now my dear NORD, is that the way to speak to a lady?"
Children of Valkyrja
16-05-2005, 18:19
OOC: Umm....anyone gonna...respond to my attack? O_o

*LOL* Kaiser Martens already did!
Odins Forgiven
16-05-2005, 18:29
*Stamps foot in disgust and anger*
And now it's saved my other nation and I've posted in the wrong name!
Kaiser Martens
16-05-2005, 19:37
OOC things first.

Vanek, I responded, my Luchs moved forth with white flags and all to let you know ICly about the war that had broken out, you can see that in last page's post. It just got all confusing really fast and I had to respond.

And, sorry, i thought it was an air missile, for I use the word torpedo when it travels underwater, that got me confused.

Also, your fleet can never run away. We're in the baltic sea and the only exit is blocked by my and other fleets. All you can do is run until you're caught, basically. And yeah, I don't recall your fleet being submergible, you only had a limited number of subs...I had not noticed that until Odins Forgiven pointed it out. Nor I had noticed out about those bombs, are they guided or what? If they're not, it won't make much sense. And even if submergible, in your post says they're damaged. I don't think a damaged ship can submerge a lot. Also, it is not possible for that pilot to be able to eye the armies if he was so up high, so make up your mind, if it is a low level bombardment or a high level one with guided bombs. Anyways, here go the rest of my IC stuff, and please check yer telegram.


The fleet as described before had split, only the slower ships left behind, the Polarstern and the Light Cruisers with the Destroyers charging towards the enemy, only the Polarstern flagship firing for it was the only one with enough range to do so from so far away, plus it had missiles. If the enemy fleet had magically submerged these missiles would continue downwards as the smaller ships would use depth charges, while soon the Asgaard type submarines would rush to finish the job. However when that nuclear weapon was released, the Polarstern was the first and one of the few to be able to note it. It communicated it to one of the Asgaard submarines, which fired two missiles to try to intercept it, but failed, so instead it just went kamikaze against the missile to detonate it somewhere between the two fleets, this killing another submarine more and causing a mini tsunami but nothing too lethal for the main fleet. The ships on the surface got closer eventually and then began to use their whole firepower, once in range. These were the fastest ships, there's no running from them. (Also check the other post, I sent more bombers to attack the fleet. I wont reply regarding the bombing to where the simulation had been taking place because you have yet to make up yer mind and post about it.)

Currently the three 1500 airships Luftwaffe battle groups Byzantinia, Arcognus, and Kaiser Martens' had split in the following manner.

The Byzantinia was reinforced by bombers of Arcognus to be done with the enemy fleet once and for all. The rest of the Arcognus group continued to give chase and fire at the airships that were on retreat, with a part of the KM group. The elite section of the KM group had gone after those bombers beforementioned.

While in the Berserkia, well, you all can see: (This is the fourth time I try to make you read this)
17-05-2005, 02:11
Reinforcements arrived again, another wave of a couple thousand jets and 20,000 exoskeletons get here on foot. Keitel then pointed off to a few directions and all but 10,000 new exoskeletons flew off. "You, group B exoskeleton elite division, you'll be resuming this fight under command of a man named Kaiser Martens." With this said Keitel pointed off to the distance to the building Kaiser sat in. "Wedersen, open a channel to Mr. Martens, alert him that I have given him 10,000 of "Those flying bastards" to use." "Jawhol, but will he know what you mean." Ja, he will, he's the one that hated them when I used them, now lets see how he likes them under his control."

Keitel opened a channel to Evli then by himself as he flew off once again. " I'm sorry miss, I should be more gentleman like so, would the beautiful girl over 'yonder like to take ol' Keitel on a date after this battle?" Snickering Keitel ran back to the mountside where Evli lay rested upon her 4x4 vehicle.
17-05-2005, 02:31
Odins Forgiven
17-05-2005, 10:55
Keitel opened a channel to Evli then by himself as he flew off once again. " I'm sorry miss, I should be more gentleman like so, would the beautiful girl over 'yonder like to take ol' Keitel on a date after this battle?" Snickering Keitel ran back to the mountside where Evli lay rested upon her 4x4 vehicle.

Resting in the sun Elvi didn't even open her eyes as she heard Keitel's voice, she presses her throat mike to her neck.

"NORD, A date............You want a date........How about November 31st? Always enjoyed that date....."
Odins Forgiven
17-05-2005, 13:25

Now that really is a shame Legionaire, because it would be better if you continued to play and accepted the consequences in a more mature manner.

I suppose we'll just have to do what we have to do, but now you are making us appear like bullies and that is not the case as you will learn the next time you blunder into something.

I hope that this experience hasn't put you off roleplay, but has helped you learn from the experience?
Send me a TG if you want to talk about this.
Soviet Sovereignty
19-05-2005, 03:45
(Since Thomasien is inactive, and the map is being changed, dont mind my little annexation, it'll go along with my new spot on the map)

The 4th Armored Corps was reverted to a Standby status on the border of the small piece of land. One-Thousand, Five-Hundred Tanks awaited amoungst the forest that stood around the border between the Sovereignty and this region. Slow, older model Prop planes pulling a large red banner behind them and boasting large speakers moved over the Simulation area, broadcasting loud propoganda messages in deep slavic accents.

By the Sovereignty's TO&E, Four-Million boots and the one-thousand five-hundred tanks marched over the standing border between Thomasien and the Soviet Sovereignty. The Annexation had begun of this thorn in their side. The Western-Bloc Defense Force, compromising of 1/3 of the Sovereignty's entire Military might was on standby should the need be.

The recent Nuclear Strikes had set off Marshalls everywhere. The smell of blood was ripe in the air, and like the old hounds of war, more was lusted for. With the 4th Armored Corps came sixteen behemoth Cannons surpassing the 500mm mark, all of which were destined for the Western Coast off of the North Sea for a ceremony to be held in memory of those who gave their lives during this unfortunate mishap.

Live ammunition was used, napalms dropped, and Nukes busted out. No doubt, Millions of the Sovereigntys enemies had lost their lives, and the Sovereignty respects its fallen foes. So in light of dead allies, and dead enemies, the ceremony was scheduled. Already invitations were sent to all who had come to the simulation. And with the Thomasien government in a stalled moment, their Military would not be ready to depart their own soil for the small chunk of land next to the Sovereignty.

Out of the few Thomasien cities present in the land, all buildings would bare the Sovereignty Flag.
Ceremony of the Sacrificed, Noon the same day.

The Sixteen heavy projectile cannons which are hardly ever used in the Sovereignty, meerly kept for...Reasons we cannot tell you, had arrived at the coast, and over a large cliffed area, deployed.

The 13th Red Legion(aka Naval Battalions) was present on the beachs down bellow, dressed in their finest uniforms with arms present at the shoulders. A 160 shell salute would be fired, while whoever lost men during the quarrel would be allowed to approach the cliff after the shots and toss an honorary flag over into the wavy beyond...
Odins Forgiven
20-05-2005, 12:29
A tall young woman, dressed in black leather, steps forward, her long purple hair whipping around her face in the wind.
She takes a deep breath of the fresh sea air, then lifting the arm full of dark velvet red roses she is carrying, she smells their warm heavy scent.
Two men, dressed in a similar fashion and also holding roses, stand either side of her, between the three of them, they have a rose for each of the dead.

Standing on the edge of the cliff, they throw the roses high into the air, allowing them to seperate themselves as they fall twisting and turning into the sea to be swallowed by the waves.

Another of her people steps forward and hands her a large goblet, filled to the brim. She raises it up to the sky in salute.

"To the fallen and the day when we shall all meet again in the halls of the dead!"

She drinks from it, long and hard, only stopping when the last drop has been drained.
Then drawing back her arm she throws it as far out into the sea as she is able and turning on her heals walks back to the others.