NationStates Jolt Archive

Feline Catfish Embraces Socialism - Calls for Allies

Feline Catfish
24-04-2005, 16:26
"Nations of the world. The Democratic Parliament of Feline Catfish, in accordance with the wishes of King George III, has decided to embrace the ideals of Socialism and limited Communism. King George himself has agreed to lose all power over national affairs, although he will retain his title and lands, by popular demand, to serve as a figurehead of the nation.

"We are aware that many nations wish to destroy Socialists states, but we have no wish to be destroyed. We have been increasing our arsenal of nuclear weapons, but nations like 'Ankhmet' still continue to threaten us purely because we wish to defend ourselves.

"I am, therefore, calling on behalf of my people for Communist and Socialist allies to help our state in its time of need, to help our economy grow and our people thrive and prosper. We require no more than friendship and investment to make our nation one to be proud of, and we hope that the international community can provide that."

Parliamentary Announcement
Wallis and Futuna
24-04-2005, 16:41
In our plight to aid Socialist nations we have decided to choose you as an ally. Our tank production has reached an all time high and we have thousands of spare new and secondhand tanks, we will therefore send you the following:

50,000 'Tordun-90' Reconnaisance tanks (see Wallis and Futuna Storefront)
50,000 'Brekarr-90' (see Wallis and Futuna Storefront)
25,000 'Brekarr-105' (see Wallis and Futuna Storefront)

This comes to a total of $41.25 billion worth of tanks.
We will also donate $150 billion in cash.

General Aonniko
Feline Catfish
24-04-2005, 16:43
"Thankyou, noble Socialist allies. We will use these weapons well in the defence of the cause. We see that you have also placed a bid for our Battle Class design. We would like to trade embassies, if at all possible."

Royal Announcement
Wallis and Futuna
24-04-2005, 16:45
You may have an embassy in Mata'Utu our capital, please post this request in our 'Wallis and Futuna Defense Policies' thread.

Governor Hashborini Lorque
Feline Catfish
24-04-2005, 17:06
"Thankyou, friends."

King George III
24-04-2005, 17:13
The Socialist state of Ankhmet urges any members of the Moscow Pact, or The Worker's Alliance Treaty not to ally with this agressive, brash little nation.
Feline Catfish
24-04-2005, 17:22
The Socialist state of Ankhmet urges any members of the Moscow Pact, or The Worker's Alliance Treaty not to ally with this agressive, brash little nation.
"Spoken like a true Fascist. A nation which constantly threatens its Socialist "breatheren" over nothing. We value you opinion little."

President Rotherham
Wallis and Futuna
24-04-2005, 17:28
We would like to notify you we are a member of the CCSN (Coalition of Communist and Socialist Nations) and our opinion wheteher socialist nations should ally with Feline Catfish is highly valued.

The tanks should start arriving by commercial transport immediately.

general Aonniko
24-04-2005, 17:29
We would like to notify you we are a member of the CCSN (Coalition of Communist and Socialist Nations) and our opinion wheteher socialist nations should ally with Feline Catfish is highly valued.

The tanks should start arriving by commercial transport immediately.

general Aonniko

Everybody values the new nations giving their opinions to everybody wether they care or not!
Wallis and Futuna
26-04-2005, 19:15
With the blockade in place Wallis and Futuna have decided to limit the shipment to 10% of what is was previously ment to be. This is not because we have stopped supporting the cause but because we cannot send them till after the blockade is gone. We have sent $150 billion in cash already anyway. The following will now be transported to FC commercially when the blockade is removed:

5,000 'Tordun-90' Reconnaisance tanks (see Wallis and Futuna Storefront)
5,000 'Brekarr-90' (see Wallis and Futuna Storefront)
2,500 'Brekarr-105' (see Wallis and Futuna Storefront)

This comes to a total of $4.125 billion worth of tanks.
26-04-2005, 19:17
OOC - W&F you're godmodding a tad there, 125,000 tanks/APCs is unacheivable by any nations in this game except possibly the very biggest.
Wallis and Futuna
26-04-2005, 19:20
OOC: Well if you look through all the theads were we were given donations then we have over $700 billion. This has all been re-invested in the military and if you look at the price of each tanks you will see it is not a godmod......although I admit it was a bit over the top for a simply sending ana lly (which is partially the reason for me only sending 10%)
Wallis and Futuna
26-04-2005, 19:21
These 'tanks' are only Scorpion sized and have 90mm guns....
26-04-2005, 19:23
It's still a godmod nonetheless. 125,000 is ridiculous.
26-04-2005, 19:37
It's still a godmod nonetheless. 125,000 is ridiculous.

IMHO, its not that ridiclious. Feline Catfish can man maybe 2,000 tanks. Then save the other 123,000 as spares.

It would be the same as a wealthy movie star buying 20 cars like Jay Leno. If one of Jay Leno's cars breaks, he can use any one of his other 19 cars. This is just an analog.

Also, this allows for nations to quickly replace their equipment losses in warfare, should enemies invade. Just keep the tanks and such in warehouses or storage "bases", until they are needed.


The Sharina Technocracy is interested in opening relations with Feline Catfish. The way you stood up to nations much larger than yourself speaks volumes of your powerful willpower. Nations with such solid backbones always go much farther in the world than wimpy nations who do not desire progress and self-determination. We are prepared to set aside some land for a Feline Catfish embassy.

The Sharina Technocracy eagerly awaits your response.

Live well and prosper.
~President Mina Veristek
Feline Catfish
26-04-2005, 19:39
ooc: Yeah I'm only using 2,500. The rest are either in storage, or the guns have been taken out to use as artillery to defend the beaches.
Wallis and Futuna
26-04-2005, 19:50
OOC: Let me remind you all that only 5,000 of the tanks have arrived, the other 7,500 will arrive within the next few days.

26-04-2005, 19:56

Did you get my IC message yet, or did it somehow get lost in the millions of radio transmissions taking place throughout Earth? :p
26-04-2005, 20:00
We would like to recognize FC as a socialist state, but some proof is required. If it is given, then B4kst4br shall like to open talks.
26-04-2005, 20:23
The Ruthless Imperium of Freudotopia calls upon all civilized nations, socialist, non-socialist, or otherwise, to denounce this deplorable nation's ambitions of communism, and withdraw any military or diplomatic support.

The nation of Feline Catfish has provoked a war by their greedy desire for nuclear weapons, and ambition of their violent sort must be contained. As a sovereign nation, we recognize Feline Catfish's right to exist under any government, but we strongly advise all nations to turn away from its destructive path.

--Saul Hudson the Illuminator, Emperor of Freudotopia