NationStates Jolt Archive

the brake away that cost a million lives (OPEN)

12-04-2005, 17:13
may 21st saterday, RavenStad Independence Day
Behind the Reporter the signs of war seemed to be ending, the rebel strong hold had fallen and nothing anyone could do. Gun fire could still be heared and choppers still over head, the Snow around was getting restless as a storm aproched.
"Live in 5, 4, 3" the camra man went to hand signels 2, 1 and then pointed.
"this is Ravena Seven reporting live from the south of Raven Island. over a week past when the island declared itself Independent of the Republic and the arrival of forces to subdue the rebals. at about 6pm RST (raven Standard time) today the leader of the rebels, Sasha Delaginsti has been confirmed killed After a fearce fire fight between Colonial Forces and rebel forces. Reports coming in are sectchy at best but what we do know is that forces are storming the Base."

As i looked up at the TV watching the report of my so called death i chuckled, i wasnt dead yet. I sat there holding my right hand to my wound trying to keep the blood in knowing that any minute now Colonial troops would storm in and kill me i griped my AK47 tight and waited. I sat there thinking about how this all started how i became the so called leader of the Independence movement, and befor i passed out the last words i heared were from a soft female voice and a blured image. Its not time for you to die here sasha.

May 11th thursday, 10 days befor the end

All was normal on the island of Raven, it was only a few miles of the cost of the mainland. In the city of Yelaca the capital of the island with the largest population on the entire island (3 million) life went on as normal, or it did to the eyes of the normal person. But in the werehouse sector a small group ploted for freedom, the Raven illuminati ploted for something to happen. there plan was simple create a situation that when it was over the RavenStad people (the ravens) would turn to hate the current presidant jack black and they would be able to plant there own person, Evana Mila.
"but who will be the puppet head for this freedom group?" one of the men asked, his face hidden i nthe dark just like the others, but one who was at the head of the table.
"leave that to me" Evana said, the one who sat at the end of the table. "sasha Delaginsti has no love with our presidant and as the leader of the most wanted Terrorist group shes no threat."
"is'nt she head of the RSRA?" one of them asked, the only other female in the group.
"its perfect" another replyed "and no link to us. make shore it happens Evana you know whats at stake here."

and the meeting came to an end, the head of the rebel group was picked as easyly as that.

That night Sasha was in her hide out on Raven Island just outside the town Neo Starlingrad, one of the few places the RSRA could be safe. Sasha sat there looking around, the terrorist group wanted freedom for RavenStad from the corporations and wanted a true republic and not a Corporate republic.
suddenly as she sat in her room she could here shouts from her guards, she quickly grabed her AK and ran out.
"whats going on" she shouted down the stairs, when she noticed what the fuss was about.
3 suits were standing by the door demanding to see here, the guards ofcorse belived them to be some sort of spy but sasha knew better.
"let them in now" she said cooly to her fellow RSRA. "what do you want routh you know your not welcome here." she said to the female suit.
"we have a offer to give you, can we speak in private." she said, it was more of a demand then a question. Sasha nodded and lead her to her room, she wasnt going to allow the bodyguards up.

They both sat down and routh looked up, "im here on a favor for the Senator, hes feeling effy about the republic, infact his corporate sponsors dont even know he sent up or elce he would be dead. We know that your group is powerful and hes willing to brake away with your help and inreturn a true Democratic goverment enforced. hes willing to supply you with black market arms, mainly soviet era weapons, tanks etc" she said looking at him.
"and he wants what from us, to be his army to fight the Coloinal Marines. i must say its interesting, whats the catch." sasha asked.
"you front the movement, the senator cant front it, publicly he will apose it but behind the scenes he will support you 150%. the public will follow you more then they would him, youve been fighting this war for years." she replyed.

the meeting went onfor an hour and whenshe agreed and routh left she pulled out her cell phone and rang someone.
"yes, its done shes agreed, yes its all in play dont worrie i'll take care of it. shes my sister after all. no she dosent suspect a think, of corse Mrs Senator it wil be take care of." and then she hung up, got into her limo and left the scene.

And that was the start of the end, little did anyone know what was going on, who was going to betray who and what nations sided with whom. over the next few days plans were made up unitl finial on the 15th it happened. Assaults on all major Colonial bases were attacked, major Senate building raided and people arrested.

On all channels of all TVs of the world a message came on, there stood Sasha with an AK in one hand and the flag of the Raven Island behind him.
"People of the world, today mutiple raids have happen across the island on Goverment and milltary targets. I Sasha Delaginsti leader of the RSRA has declared that Raven Island is an idepentant Nation and disolves all ties with the mainland of RavenStand and its colonies.
This weapon the AK, has been a symble of rebels across the world and today its no different, i use the AK 47 and meny others do the same. We will fight for our freedom for the Corporate dictatorship that controls the commanwealth and the Republic, but no longer will they control the Island of Raven." and then the image went, its was no problem traceing the sorce of the transmission came from and that was infact the island of raven.
13-04-2005, 03:11
RavenGrad, Presidants office

"Mr presidant we cant let this happen, give the order and i will have the first group of troops there by tomorrow morning."
"I agree but we must be careful this could easyly turn into a civil war over the island."
"Thats my point sir, if we go in now we can nip this in the butt befor it overflows into the other colonies."
Evana looked up and spoke "Mr Presidant, i would say going in now would be a good idea. Our intel reports that the local populas is supporting this and if we're not careful we might just lose control of it. i agree with the Millitary on this one jack, im sorry to say it but there right." she said to him.
"very well, General you have my permission to send what ever forces you will need. All forces are to go to CS 2 (combat Status), all air, ground and navel forces to be at full alert." he said signing the orders to basicly go to war.

And that was the mistake made, for little would jack know until a few days later that reports of mass killings of Communist's was true infact just over 1.2 million were killed. Put into mass graves or burnt on massive fires. Something that the millitary still denied ever happening, no orders were ever given acording to them.

Though out the day on Ravens island small battles continued. What Coloinal marine forces remained were few in number and Armor was next to nothing. The only thing helping was the air support, bombers leveled entire towns and viliages. Supplys being flown in help with each fresh supply of medical and food supplys aswell as ammo. Part of the 9th Company (8th Inf Reg) were holding out in Kesov, a small villiage outside Yelaca the state capital. The place was rubble and full of shooting and screams. Even tho the 8th/9th company were out numbered 3 to 1 they still held ground. Hinds flew overhead opening fire at the rebels and civilians. The troops were shooting at anything moveing with simple orders, hold out until reinforced. Be it days, weeks or months they had there orders. Men, women and children were equal targets with or with out a gun. When this did in the end get reinforced the total dead would be in the 1,000 and not one of them would get a grave as anyother person would get. all the men and women and children would be pushed into mass graves under the noises of the mass's.

OOC: write more tomorrow, feel free to join in with some for of reply.