NationStates Jolt Archive

Discovery in the Unknown Reagons, a new threat: attn Huntarian Galaxy and Allies

11-04-2005, 20:56
"Remind me private, why are we out here again?"

"Oh, come on rookie. We are out here to find some new Kirtir Holocrons to help the Empire with their powers. We want to stay in power, it keeps us in order."

"Oh, right right right... What are Kirtir Holocrons?"

"You know what rookie? You're a dumbass."

Privates Vilgor and Tromkin stood, guarding an entrance to an ancient ruins where a Kirtir Academy was rumered to be located within the Unknown Reagons. Vilgor just got his first assignment, however Tromkin wasn't too pleased to have a No0b on his team. "Hey rookie, why are you out here?"

"I dun't know. I get paid I guess."

"Huh. Wait! Do you hear something?"

"Yes, it's called "Wind." It's very loud, and scary."

"Not the wind numnuts. I'm talking about the foot step like noise coming in from those bushes."

"Huh? GACK! ARRRRRGHHH!" An invisible creature had just walked out infront of the two privates, and stabed Vilgor through his back and out of his rib cage. "GAAAAA! What is this thing?"

"Rookie! Stop struggling! Yaaaa!" Tromkin fired his bolt gun repeatedly into the front of him, but he hit nothing. Vilgor continued to scream, the invisible something still has whatever-it-was inside him. Vilgor's body was ripped apart, and Tromkin started to fire in random circles untill he saw a bright green laser beam being fired out at him. He looked down, only to see his lower body being disintergating. He saw his insides for the first time in his life, and the last. The beam continued to fire at Tromkin untill there was nothing left of his flesh and muscils. The creatures purposfuly
left the skeletons in a bloody mess, trying to cause fear and confusion.
11-04-2005, 21:18
OOC: Tag
Sounds Necron-ish :P
No endorse
11-04-2005, 22:24
Interesting... TAG
11-04-2005, 22:26
OOC: Tag
Sounds Necron-ish :P

They are my army choice for the table top 40k... So I did take some stuff from the Necron Codex :D. I will sometimes kick my brother's Dark Angel butt, since all he roles are 1's and 2's...
11-04-2005, 23:32
Inside the ancient ruins, Kirtir Master Syphodisa turned around and flickered his orange double-blade Sabersword (lightsaber) on. He quickly put his newly found Kirtir Holocron inside his pocket. His Space Marine squad stood ready, seargent Helmsword walked forth to his master.
"Sir, my men are uneasy about the two private's screams of pain."

"Well, tell your men that they need to keep their heads on, otherwise they will actually feel pain."

"You heard your master! Stand firm! Don't let what devilish creatures that are out their take over your soul," Hirosword shouted. "Lock and load your weapons. Corpral Prescott, what do you read with your motion tracker?"

"Nothing sir. Not a single click. I don't get anything on my infra-red vision either."

Syphodisa continued to walk down the hall untill he heard a noise of shuffling body movement ahead of him. He kept his doubleblade in front of him. He used the force to detect any minds within the grounds. He did.

"We're surrounded. Hirosword, I order you to fall back and call in for a Thunderhawk dropship to take us back to the Devistator. I'll stay here. Take the Holocrons with you, everything else is secondary."

"Roger that Master Syphodisa. Move out men! Yerkani, Johnson! Get your plasma rifles out on the front! Brandon, Korman, I want your flamer's out in the back. Everyone else, forma circle on the inside and shoot anything that moves. You have your orders, NOW MOVE OUT!"

The space marine squad left the ancien temple, and Syphodisa stayed behind. He saw a clear outline of the creature that was infront of him. It wasn't metalic like the previous, but it was a large, blubery monster.
"Through the power of the emperor, the power of Skorm, the power of the Dark Side, the power vested in me, I condemn thee to death. FOR THE EMPREROR!" He raised his sword and began to attack on all sides. He emmitted lightning from his hands repeatedly, and continued to strike around him. He killed off enough to clear a path behind him to start to fall out and meet his Space Marine squad outside.
12-04-2005, 00:33
Syphodisa ran out of the path he had just created. Before he left the building, he quickly used all of his energy to push the vaigly recognisable figures that where hovering towards him. They flew backwards, and into the walls. Syphodisa turned around to find his space marine squad dissintergrated. Not much was left of the marines other than a tad bit of flesh and bones. The Thunderhawk evidently did come, but was destroyed as there was only a smoldering shell of it's remains. Syphodisa soon realised that he was surrounded and that he was going to die. If he was going to die, it will be by his own hands. Syphodisa turned off his double-bladed Sabersword and raised his hands. The ground began to shake, and Syphodisa opened his eyes to see a small, 1centimeter crack begin to form beneith his feet. Soon, the land broke apart, and the temple fell into the planet's core. Syphodisa saw one of the beings lung at hm just as the land colapsed around him and he sunk into the planet. A new canyon was formed, and the threat Syphodisa faced was no more, as it was he was no more as well. The planet suddenly became alive, and more creatures erupted from the ground. Thousands of them suddenly started to multiply, and multiply....

Meanwhile, onboard the Avengance Class Star Destroyer Devistator,
the crew stood on the bridge and watched in horror as the invisible creatures erupted from the planet and headed straight for them.

"Capatain! We can not jump to lightspeed! The computer's aren't responding!"

The creatures sooned surrounded the Devistator, and it was consumed. The creatures have no definate shape or size, they feed off of their opponents fears and assume that shape. The outer shell of the Devistator was disolved to a bunch of black junk. The creatures settled back down on the planet, and they began to sleep once more. But they will return...
The Scandinvans
12-04-2005, 00:41
Aboard the Amend class vessel Scandinvain Jedi Master ordered his vessel to be on full alert in case of the battle after sensing the destruction of the Devistator.
12-04-2005, 01:14
The Sith Lord Nish'Krat, the Sith Lord of Hatred, felt a sudden surge throughout the Force, a being that awaited an endless, a hunger similiar to his leader, although not as powerful. They were a threat, despite their attuned connection to the Force. He had to muster an army, but it was prudent not to use corporal weapons to battle these creatures. It was obvious that this battle would be through the Force.
12-04-2005, 01:20
Sith Lord Kali'dai Mundi, apprentice to the Lord Chronos; had felt it; this sinister echo in the force, and had abandoned his fighting compatriots of the now renegade Sith Chapter. He fought with his master against enemies of his Master's Master; and even now, the Republic was in their grasp. But this new threat had to be dealt with. Running fingers through his jet black, shoulder length hair, he gazed out as his ship drew closer and closer. Unravel this mystery, he would...
13-04-2005, 01:44
Durring the Emperor's conversation with the Diplomat from Chronosia and Lord Nihilus (Jenrak's leader), he felt a disturbance in the force. He suddenly was weakened, and his bones tightened. "So, it's time for the 2nd war..." He quickly sent word to Darth Deshoonde to muster a fleet, with it will be the new Aphotic Class Super Star Destroyer and the Deshoonde's personal command ship, the Affliction, an Eclipse Class Star Destroyer. Lord Vorman's fleet, consisting of the Malevolent, a Super Class Star Destroyer and the Sovereign Class Super Star Destroyer Turmoil, will combine fleets to meet this new threat. Hopefuly, there will be others which will add to the Chronosian, Jenrak, and Huntarian Fleets. The other two empires will meet on the outer boarders of the Galactic Empire of Huntaer, where they will start an exploration into the deep dark worlds of the unknown....
13-04-2005, 01:55
Parsecs away, Nihilus whispered through the eminence of the Force, through to his General, the ruthless Nish'Krat, aboard the Purgatory.

There is an evil in the Force, an evil that does not belong so. Kill it, Nish'Krat. Nihilus ordered.

I shall..., Nish'Krat replied, as his lightsaber dangled from its hilt. He soon began to muster a squad, that will soon take a few days to begin the battle of the Force.
13-04-2005, 02:12
Onboard the Construction yard crisis, Shelintiave felt the shock wave of the Force as the new threat arised. She stopped in her tracks on the station and slowly shifted side to side. Yes, my brother. I will try to hurry up. Get the fleet here as quickly as possible. Shelintiave awoke from Deshoonde's call and continued onward, hoping to kill off the two Malkir Masters that were onboard the Station...

OOC: It's continued from one of my previous threads.
13-04-2005, 03:14
(Onboard One of the ES's Many Listening Outposts...)

A sparky Lieutenant June jumped up from her hover chair, and ran towards the Commander's room on the opposite side of her position.

Bursting through the door, and gasping for breath, she shouted loudy,
"Sir, we've just got a report from our long range scout probes!"

The Commander responded, "*Sigh*, Yes, what is it?"

"Sir, I'll just get right to it, it says those so called "Phantoms" have returned!!"

The Commander, who was sipping a drink, almost spit out at June, "What the h3ll are you saying!?"

"They're back, Sir. They're Back..."

The Commander rushed out of the room. "Follow me" he said, and June ran out after him.

(One Minute Later...)

The Commander and June both stared at a small holo-monitor. The women on the screen was Grand Admiral Xie Bein. While the Command and June stared intently at the screen, Xei had a very solumn expression on her face.

"Well sir?" The Commander asked.
"It's obvious that we'll only have one shot at this... Xei let out an exasperated sigh and muttered under her breath, "And we've haven't nearly the same strength as the last time we fought them, all the millennia ago..."

June blurted out, "Well what do we do?!"

Xei snapped back, "Will you shut up?! I can't make this decision now! Right now, we don't know if trying to fight them off, or staying hidden is a better choice!"

Despite her good intentions, June was always had a blunt way of saying what was obviously on everyone's mind in the worst manner possible. Such behaviour was supposed to be conditioned out of every military personnel but it seemed that the strange ones always slipped through boot camp with their personallity fully intact.

Xei continued, "I'm sorry. I'll have to bring this before the Council for a final decision... Until then, send only more probes and report the data directly to ESCOM. I'll send you their response at 0600 tommorow. Xei out."

The screen flickered off, leaving June and the Commander in the dark.

(Only Five Minutes Later...)

A loud tone sounded in the signal room. The Commander and June were still inside, and immediately turned on the Holo-monitor.

Xei's face appeared. "Well, it was much faster than I had anticipated. The Council has ordered that all available Military resources be thrown into this operation. The latest UniCom News has identified that the Huntaerians have mobilized as well, along a few of their allies. We're currently sending our Eclispes to meet up with them. They left about a minute ago, so they should be there any second. Your sector, along with the rest of the fleet, has been ordered to gear up, and get ready. We expect heavy losses, and also, your sector being the closest, will be the main base of operations. The 1st through 7th battle fleets will arrive at your position momentarily. Good luck, and good hunting. Xei, out."

(OOC: Basically, these fleets are there with you and the rest of the Coalition, Huntaer.)
13-04-2005, 16:36
Aboard a Gadget Corporation Surveillance Outpost

What looked like a squid wearing a white lab coat sat at a computer terminal, punching in numbers and glancing at the screen every so often. He had done so every day for years, never finding anything new. "Every day, the same thing," it blurbled. Lunch bell rang, and as the squid-being prepared to leave, he glanced, by chance, at the screen one more time. What he saw scared him; one of the Scine Orbiter Probes had picked up some disturbing images and transmissions. Several key words it had picked up were "Phantoms" and "attacked."The creature, while having no idea what Phantoms were, at least realized that the matter was of some importance, and that these things were at least hostile. Forgetting about his lunch, he ran off to report to the manager of the outpost.
13-04-2005, 22:07
A small huntarian task force personally sent by the emperor, has arrived in the system. Twenty ISD mk 3's dropped out of hyperspace. Admiral Brondi
Walked across the Harvestor of Death's bridge. He stopped as a comm. officer received a transmission.

"Admiral, we have a transmission from Emperor Trilkan sir."

"Put it through my quorters."

Brondi hurried to his quorters, where as soon as he entered, he bowed and the image of Trilkan apeared in front of him.

"What do you wish me to do, my lord?"

"Send the fleet to the far side of the planet's moon, and have it stay there.
Then I want you to land your troops upon the planet's surface, this time you may have a chance of holding them off."

"Yes Emperor. I shall do as you command. Admiral Brondi out."

Brondi was sweating with nervousness. He knew of the legendary tactics the phantoms used through his military training and they weren't nice.
"Bridge, this is the admiral. Have the fleet go on the far side of the moon and have all troops on the ready for planetary action. I also order several squadrons of ties out there to protect them."

"Aye sir. Ensign out."
The Serene Death
13-04-2005, 22:54
In the comms center of the SCC Morja:

"Sir, I'm picking up a lot of chatter."

"What kind?" the captain said as he walked over to the comms officer.

"SMG," he said as he turned towards his commanding officer. SMG was the acronym for 'secret, military, governmental' that many in the military used to describe the noise the comms officer was hearing over the commscan. Something confidential that has to do with the military and/or government. Something they aren't supposed to hear.

"Whose? Our hosts'?" the captain replied, refering to the Huntarian Empire where they were dropping some resources off for the Serene Death.

"Definately, and from an unsettled area. Plus where ever it was coming from, the signal is gone, but a new one emerged while we were unloading the cargo."

The captain stared at him for a second, "you were listening to them the whole time we were insystem?"

"Its my job sir. I stayed away from most high-incription traffic and didn't try and translate much, didn't want to get in trouble, but I did get a few things." He turned and punched a few buttons on the console and spoke again, "I don't know what most of it is, incription was way to high for what we have here, but I do know a few things. The signals were from the unknown regions, they were talking about ghosts, and they lost a capital ship."

He sighs before continuing, "I could figure out more, but we'd get caught and that would be bad. Best thing would be to just be quiet and leave like a good little transport and report in when we get back."

The Captain nodded and turned to the Petty Officer, who was nearby. "Are we ready to go Petty Officer?"

"Yessir, just waiting for your orders."

"Alright, tell the pilots to get us home."
13-04-2005, 23:32
Onboard the Imperator Class Star Destroyer Harvestor of Death,
Admiral Brondi stood on the command deck waiting for one of the land assault generals. General Yok'ashi walked into the room. She was experienced with planetary assault, and was ready to send in her troops.

"Admiral, the 160 thousand troopers are ready. 80,000 Clone Troopers, 60,000 Space Marines, and 20,000 [Space Marine] Terminators are ready for assault."

"Good general, send them on down. Make sure that there aren't any drop ships destroyed enroute."

"Aye admiral," General Yok'ashi walked off to her personal transport. Brondi turned bakc around, and wiped off some of his sweat. He was becoming very ancious about this planetary opporation.
14-04-2005, 00:16
Thousands of Thunderhawk drop ships were launched from behind the moon, and onto the planet. General Yok'ashi sat in her seat on the Thunderhawk Devil's Beware. It assended into the planet below, followed by several AT-AT Barges, carrying several AT-AT's, Land Raiders, Vindicators, and all of the heavy vehicals. Yok'ashi staired out onto the tropical planet as the ships landed in the forests, crushing the trees as they landed. She could easily see AT-ATs walk out of their barges, followed by the tanks. She suddenly straightened her back as a natural instinct. Clone Troopers and Space Marines were lead by several Kirtir Apprentices and Warriors (our equivalent level of "Jedi"). They continued to sweep the area for any unusual signs of activity, but didn't find any. "Pilot, land near where
Master Syphodisa's squad's last cordinates were."

"Aye Sir."
14-04-2005, 00:59
Eight GadgetCorp Terran ships had been dispatched, loaded with 9,000 Ga-Sing combat droids and 100 Spyndal Walkers (V2.0) each, all heading towards the planet where the transmissions had originated. Vice-President Dagna Slip walked along the bridge, watching the monitering agents work at the computer terminals. He walked up behind one, watching the screen from behind the agent's shoulder. "How far are we from the source of the transmission?" he asked. Pressing a few buttons on the console, the agent replied,"Almost there. Dropping out of nether" A large wormhole-like vortex opened near the planet, and the eight ships pulled out of nether space. An image of the Huntaerian drop ships descending upon the planet came up on the main screen, as Dagna walked back up to the higher portion of the bridge. "Looks like we weren't the first to arrive," he said, settling back in his plush hoverchair.

(Ga-Sing Doid-
Spyndal Walker-
Note-Site is not finished, no ordering)
The Scandinvans
14-04-2005, 01:04
Message from the Eternal’s Empire in Huntarian Galaxy:
If this threat gets out of control we shall send more Amend Class Ships.
No endorse
14-04-2005, 01:58
ooc: can I join in the fun?

"Admiral Stryde!" called a Comm officer, stumbling as he rushed into the cramped quarters, "Some things on the comm nets that may interest you. Here's a printout."

"Thank you officer," replied the Admiral, reclining back into the gravcouch he had previously been napping on and lighting a pipe. As he read the printout though, he nearly choked on the ancient wooden relic, spilling ash and smoldering tobacco all over the recently mopped deck. "Is this reliable information?" the captain asked, his voice a rough whisper, his pupils constricting.

"I have confirmed it with chatter on other comm frequencies sir," the communications officer answered uneasily, "All standard military, fit within class three specifications and there was one all-access holonet transmission. Seems there were a few accidents..."

"Thank you." said the Admiral nervously, his eyes receeding into his face as if to recoil from the horror of the messages. "I'll be on the bridge shortly."

The officer saluted and left the Admiral in his quarters.

Shortly, Stryde wandered into the bridge of the ship, looking very shaken, almost a walking dead man. Pointing to the communications officer, he commanded, "Send an all-access info-burst over the holonet to Huntaer, and tell them we're willing to help. We only have a Strike cruiser, a Nebulon B2, an MC-40, and a Lancer, but that should help all the same. Tell them we're willing to provide close air-cover, and that we even have an MC-10 escourt that will meet us at the location, which is capable of landing directly on the surface for evacuation or close troop support. Tell them we have a decent fighter force with us too... We are ready to hyper to their position apon their reply. And send a message to high command telling what we're doing, and ask for re-inforcements. Hopefully we can get a Star Destroyer and its escourts, but don't hold your breath."

"Aye sir. Anything else?"

"Yes... I'm going to the medical ward for some sedative, Mister Fon, as second in command you are in charge until I return."

The info-burst was acknowledged instantly at the No Endorse command ship Midnight in high orbit above the No Endorse homeworld, Sanctuary, many light-years away. The burst was replied to almost equally quickly, and an ISD2 pickett prepared to move out. A Home One class Calamari Cruiser would be coming too, as soon as it finished re-provisioning and re-fueling.

ooc2: is this a decent post? I'm new to RP, just started seriously in Dec, no experience before NS
14-04-2005, 01:59
"Ma'am, we're at the last cordinates. There isn't any place to land due to the massive canyon. It wasn't here before."

"Good god, it must've been brutal. What happened to the temple?"

"It's inside the planet, litteraly ma'am. I'm going to circle around the place to give you a better look."

"Do so pilot."

OOC: Yes you may no endorse. I think it was one of the lighter MC-whatevers that could land. Like you, I don't remember.
No endorse
14-04-2005, 02:04
ooc: It's the MC-10, you have it in your storefront. I've ammended the post to include it.
14-04-2005, 02:08
Around the Unkown Planet

Blasting out of Hyperspace, four vessels of absolutely monumental proportions soared into orbit around the planet, just in time to see thousands of Huntaerian assault ships sweeping down wave after wave towards the surface. These were Eclipse class SDs that made up the front line of the Eshirian Sovereignty's defense.

On the bridge of the Majestic, Grand Admiral Xei stared out of the huge viewport, which was more of a large movie screen than a mere window. here, she could see most of the planet's surface, and also the large coalition fleet that had taken up a position over the landing sites for the assault.

"Open a channel with the Huntearians." ordered Xei.

"Yes, sir." Repsonded the Com. officer.

Xei walked over to the Com panel while the Tech. was still adjusting a few settings on her holo-display.

"Channel open." announced the Tech.

"This is Grand Admiral Xei of the Eshirian Front Guard fleet. We're here assist with this operation. We wish to state however, that we are to remain as independent force. Our current orders are to simply provide fire support, and nothing more. Do you read?"

(OOC: Heh, it seems like there are so many people using a Listening outpost or some other form of surveillance to jump into this thing.)
14-04-2005, 02:10
OOC: Funny. I should've known. Oh well.

IC: "Well ma'am?"

"It's been totaly devistated. We can't even get at the ancient Kirtir Holocrons this way."

"Syphodisa's transmission is comming from the deep center of the canyon.
Though there are no life forms."

"How can their be no life forms if the Phantoms attacked? And if they actually are here, how can we find them?"

"Honestly ma'am, I'm just a clone doing my job. I don't know. All I do know is that my ship isn't specified to read any sort of energy readings, and the Apprentices and Warriors out on the field are too... Well, rookie like to tell whether they are here or not. It will take a Kirtir Knight, Master, or Dark Lord to feel their presence, or some sort of a mystical being who can see everything we can't."

"Hmm.... Where are the experienced ones when you need them the most? Damn it. All right, hold your course and take me to the command center."

"Aye ma'am."
14-04-2005, 02:13
Around the Unkown Planet

Blasting out of Hyperspace, four vessels of absolutely monumental proportions soared into orbit around the planet, just in time to see thousands of Huntaerian assault ships sweeping down wave after wave towards the surface. These were Eclipse class SDs that made up the front line of the Eshirian Sovereignty's defense.

On the bridge of the Majestic, Grand Admiral Xei stared out of the huge viewport, which was more of a large movie screen than a mere window. here, she could see most of the planet's surface, and also the large coalition fleet that had taken up a position over the landing sites for the assault.

"Open a channel with the Huntearians." ordered Xei.

"Yes, sir." Repsonded the Com. officer.

Xei walked over to the Com panel while the Tech. was still adjusting a few settings on her holo-display.

"Channel open." announced the Tech.

"This is Grand Admiral Xei of the Eshirian Front Guard fleet. We're here assist with this operation. We wish to state however, that we are to remain as independent force. Our current orders are to simply provide fire support, and nothing more. Do you read?"

"Sir! We have a contact with the Eshirian Fleet! Do you wish to respond?"

"Yes ensign. Eshirian Fleet, this is Admiral Brondi. Go ahead."
14-04-2005, 02:27
Dagna watched as the four Eshirian vessels blasted out of hyperspace. A squid-being in a white lab coat (this time orange-ish) slithered over to him. "sir," it blurbled, poking him with a tentacle," it seems that an Eshirian fleet has arrived as well. I believe it would be a good idea if we sent a transmission to Huntaerian fleet as they have done the same." Dagna nodded. "Put through a transmission to the Huntaerian fleet," he called out.

Incoming Transmission From Gadget Corporation Vessel Number 290741
Addresed to the Huntaerian Fleet

This is Dagna Slip, Vice-President of the Gadget Corporation Military Department. Our Scine Orbiter Probes picked up several transmissions from this area, mentioning an attack on Huntaerian forces from some hostile group which we believe are called "Phantoms." We have been sent to provide support with seventy-two thousand droids and eight hundred walkers, though we request information on this supposed enemy.
14-04-2005, 02:29
Several Jedi star fighters spun out of hyperspace into the area where the fleets were amassing.

"By god, with that many Eclipse Super Star Destroyers, they practically have a death star here!"

Jedi Knight Andre Huron was looking agast at the massive fleets surrounding the planet where the order had instructed them to investigate, along with him were Jedi Knight Locke Corsair and his padawan, Chit Kamann.

"Contact that lead Eclipse, tell them we're from the Jedi Order and here to help."
14-04-2005, 02:33
It will take a Kirtir Knight, Master, or Dark Lord to feel their presence, or some sort of a mystical being who can see everything we can't."

(OOC: LOL. That's an invite if I didn't see one. R-O-F-L.)

"Xei Continued, "As you well know, we have a mutual pact of non-agression. The way the Council sees it, this is one way that we can strengthen our current ties, and get rid of our ancient enemy once and for all at the same time. As I stated before, our actions are for the most part, independent of yours, but if we can, we'll try to provide support when ever you might need it. If you have a SpecOps team that needs immediate evac, we can provide that with out transporters for example. But despite this, I'm under orders to tell you to stay out of our way. The Council is still wary of you Huntearians after what happened in our own war."

After Sending the tranmission, Xei whispered to the Com Tech. "Get a secure line to ESCOM. We may have a weapon that can stand up to these damn "Phantoms" yet. Patch any further comms. to my room."

A Few Minutes Later...

Inside Xei's own room behind a wall, voices could be heard...

"But sir..."

"No 'buts' Admiral, we can't just go in and order help from these people!"

"Sir, I know that since their Ascension, they haven't exactly been the most helpful, but they still have their families to think about. These "Ascendants" are probably the best bet we have of beating these things."

"*Sigh*, you're absolutely right of course, but as you know, they didn't exactly help us out in our last war. They don't meddel with our 'petty affairs'."

"Sir, you know the extent of their Ascension. They can very well hear and see this very conversation. I say we let them speak for themselves."

A sudden third voice spoke out. "And that we will."

Xei whirled around, and Chancellor Ki Miri of the ES in the Holo-monitor also looked over.

A bright flash, and a being appeared. It was no different than a human in appearance, but it radiated a power the permiated the room.

The being continued, "We have observed this crisis with careful attention, and we have already decided to lend our support..."

(OOC: These beings are basically the "Ascended". They are a select group that have undergone a secret process that brought them to a higher state of being. They are practically God like, but they are very few in number, only maybe about 10-20 of them exist . As stated in the RP, they rarely interfere with such petty matters, but for some odd reason, they have chosen to intervene here. Operationaly, in this RP, they will act somewhat like the Archons from Star Craft, except with things like "Stealth Detection", Teleportation ability, and maybe even greater Hitpoints without shields, lol. Their greater powers a nullified here for some reason...)
14-04-2005, 02:41
"Let such a life escape little death." Nihilus whispered to Darth Schiss (the Darth term for Hatred, or Nrish Kra'at) as the Sith Lord prepared an army.
"Yes, Lord." Schiss replied.
14-04-2005, 02:46
Just so I can be part of the fleet stuff, too...


Commandor Karl Nox was at the head of a battlecruiser fleet that was patrolling the outer areas of the unknown zones. These orders had come straight from the top brass, as the government was worried about the recent space forces moving freely through these areas.

With him were 15 battlcruisers and 45 Wraith fighters. Along with them were new bombers, Valkries, only 12 of the new ships assissted them, though. Several dropships also followed behind, filled with several hundred marines and other military supplies.

Making a regular jump, they suddenly appeared in a scene of what seemed to be a massive battle of epic proportions about to take place.

"What the hell is going on?"

"Sir, they don't seem to be fighting, but they are all focusing on that planet, is it a coilition of some sort?"

"Maybe. Get me some specs on that planet."

"Already checked, we have nothing, sir."

"Hmph. Alright, send a message around that we're from the Laskon Space Forces and need information on the current situation. Make sure it goes to all the capital ships."

"Right away, sir."

The Commander looked out the viewport at the massive ships congregating.

"This almost seems like overkill, unless that planet is really something special..."
The Serene Death
14-04-2005, 03:01
Ten X-Wings jumped into the edge of the system and quickly split into two groups, one group with blue markings and the other with dark red ones.

"Echo lead, get as close as you can to pick up sights and ears, and set up orbit around a nearby planet. Don't get close enough to be seen and run on minimal to stay off the radar. We're just observers today."

"Roger Burner leader, will bounce signal every hour on what we see."

"Gotcha Echo, will remain around outer planet and wait to receive info. Over and out."

Echo leader switches his comms over to his squadron's channel.

"Alright boys and girls, we're going in and scouting so follow me and keep your engines cool once we're there, sound off."

He hears four sets of clicks, and with that he and the rest of Echo sqadron head to spy on the situtaion over the phantom planet. Burner squad headed towards the nearest planet, a cold dead rock on the outskirts of the system.

They would wait and watch.
14-04-2005, 20:46
OOC: I'll RP alot better once my math homework is finished. Just assume my men are on a Huntaerian Moon fighting them.
No endorse
14-04-2005, 21:34
In the dark of space some ways off, the No Endorse pickett fleet literally spun out of hyper. Their hyperdrive motivators were redlining, and a few would have to be overhauled before they could repeat such a galactic drag-race. Power was shifted to shields and weapons, which slowly returned to normal levels, and they proceeded on sublight to the Lagrange point between the planet and its moon.

The bridge of the Strike cruiser Hammer of Thor was abuzz with activity, coordinating the movements of the small fleet. Admiral Stryde looked around with satisfaction with how well his crews had preformed in the jump, and how well they were accepting the current events. The Nebulon B-2 had some trouble staying in formation, but it had corrected when they left hyper. Looking out the transparasteel viewport, he could see the Lancer frigate on point, and the two Calamari craft on either flank. "Communications!" he called after making sure everyone was present, "Patch me through to the Huntear CP."

"Aye sir. Ready to transmit in three... two... one... go."

"Huntaer forces, the No Endorse second light fleet is here to aid. Our forces consist of assorted meduim capitals, including one with atmospheric capabilities. An Imperial two class star destroyer along with its support fleet will hyper in soon, as well as a Home One class Mon Calamari cruiser. They will have two of each of Corellian Corvettes, YT-thirteen hundreds, YT-twenty-four hundreds, and YT-two thousands, in addition to four Galfree yards medium cargo transports capable of landing planetside. Would you like us to send our MC-10 to support the ground operations now, and deploy in a close support position? Our fighters are also ready to provide air-support. We are awaiting your orders, as you know how to fight these devils."

To clear up any confusion: I have an MC-10, and MC-40, a lancer, a strike, and a Nebulon B-2 on the scene, with everything else I mentioned coming.
15-04-2005, 00:15

"What, Andre?"

"The communication lines are to busy, I can't get through."

"I can understand that, they're sending quite a large force down there. And look at the other ships."

Andre looked out the viewport of his fighter to see hundreds, possibly thousands, of dropships and battlecruisers approaching the planet, many were already on the planet, with thousands of troops preparing for a war that many did not even know whom they were fighting.

"Oh god..."

"What, Locke?"
Andre was starting to get the gist of what Locke was sensing, however.

"Chit, start moving behind the moon!"


"Just go!"

Chit's fighter broke off and sped towards the moon, Andre's and Locke's followed behind, both were desperately trying to contact the ships on the ground and in orbit.

"Attention all fleet ships! This is Jedi Knight Andre Huron, you have you get your troops out of their NOW! DAMNIT! RESPOND!"

Locke said quietly.

Andre looked out of the fighter at the planet, and gasped.

A massive black substance, nearly invisible because of the black space around it, was moving over the top of the planet, slowly and deliberatly making its way to the area were the troops were amassing. Andre could feel it pulsating and the life signs inside of it, it was as if it were made of hundreds of living beings...enroaching, moving in to take over everything in their path.

Andre suddenly screamed and his craft began to bounce around.

"Andre? What the hell is wrong?"

Andre snapped out of the trance, he had a cold sweat on his face, he looked out of the fighter to see nothing above the planet, only the cold bleakness of space.

Through shallow breaths, he went back on the commlink.

"Disregard...disregard last message."

He gasped and sat back in his seat, he put auto-pilot on to where they were heading to land on the moon.
15-04-2005, 02:15

Huntaer will return on Tuesday. He is currently on a school trip. This thread was created mainly for him to fully flesh out his idea on the "Phantoms" that he came up with a few years back. Therefore, I would like to ask that any previous or further references to them or their capabilities not posted by Huntaer himself, be either deleted, disregarded, or retracted until they can be cleared by him. Thank you.)
15-04-2005, 02:49
My post was just for the overall effect the "phantoms" were having on the jedi and jedi esque people. No offense to his idea, as its a good one and I wouldn't want to ruin it... :cool:
15-04-2005, 02:54
My post was just for the overall effect the "phantoms" were having on the jedi and jedi esque people. No offense to his idea, as its a good one and I wouldn't want to ruin it... :cool:

(OOC: No worries. Knowing him in RL, I highly doubt that he'll be offended. Thanks though, to both you and no endorse for your understanding. I will say that I hope that I didn't offend either of you by this. The direction that you two were heading in seemed pretty good to me at least...)
No endorse
15-04-2005, 04:13
No problems. I'd want to be here for attacks if it were my thread too.

I like the idea of the disappearance though... imagine if a ship "disappears" while going into hyper. The distortion in space-time plus the massive life energies and the componets of the ship would make a pretty good fireworks show.
20-04-2005, 02:10
Alright, its Tuesday, hope he shows up soon.

I'd like a head count of who is still paying attention to this thread, please post something so we know whose still in.
No endorse
20-04-2005, 02:18
ooc: Aye, still kickin.
The Serene Death
20-04-2005, 04:35
OOC: still spying on you all =P
20-04-2005, 16:51
I did get back yesterday, it was just that I was so tired that I couldn't get on.
I just woke up at 11 A.M. today (lol, I was so freakin' tired) and from what I saw from the last posts, everything checks out. Laskon, I like the sound of one of your previous post, but I don't want the phantoms to attack just yet...
I'll create an introduction so you can repeat the post that you put up where the phantoms attack the groups of people....
20-04-2005, 17:08
Tag! Why doesn't anyone tell me these things start?
20-04-2005, 18:11
OOC: Hm...Should have posted earlier. Still in.
20-04-2005, 20:02
"Admiral, there is a lot of chatter on communications. It all has to deal with the new Phantom threat. One of them, a fleet from No Endorse, has requested information on how to deal with the Phantoms when they encounter them again."

"Get me on the comm ensign. This is Admiral Brondi of the Huntarian Fleet, these Phantoms are of a new breed which we haven't encountered before. We have no idea how to defeat these ones as it is they have laid dormant for over 60,000 years. We assume that the older ones we first encountered 60,000 years ago are still dormant, or are wondering around in the Unknown Reagons. We have sent some of our clones and space marines down to the planet's surfface and we still haven't found anything. We recommend to keep your ships on 'red aleart,' and have all weapons on the ready and keep those shields up. Admiral Brondi, out," he then gave the ensign the signal to cut the transmission.

"Transmission ended sir. What now?"

"Now Ensign, we wait till the Phantoms attack again."
20-04-2005, 21:05
Dagna blinked as the transmission came. He barely moved before it blinked out as abruptly as it had appeared, leaving the screen blank as before. "Well gentlemen," he said, turning to face several squids-in-labcoats and Ga-Sing Programmers behind him," you heard the man. Set the ships to Red Alert and dispatch several Scine Orbiter Probes to scout out arounding space."

Five Minutes Later
Droids and technicians scrambled about the ships, activating defensive procedures and enabling weapon systems. Soon the Terrans were fully armed, their Prism Refractor shields up and every weapon emplacement active. Nine Scine Orbiter Probes had been sent off, six going to scout around the space near the planet's atomsphere and the other three going to scout out the planet itself.
No endorse
21-04-2005, 01:29
"Well, you heard the man, everyone on high alert!" ordered Admiral Stryde, wandering from station to station, monitoring progress. An attendant came up and handed him a mobile LCD screen with a readout of the status of every system. "Still no luck with the hyperdrive? Oh well, the re-inforcements should have replacements for us."

Fighters hit the dark with astonishing speed. Every squadron had four ships on surveilance duty around the planet, four on patrol in the fleet, and four on reserve, a plan that accounted for most situations that could occur. Gunnery officers, many seeing their first real action, completly charged their weapons capacitors, ensuring that every weapon could be fired immediatly apon target acquisition.

The Admiral looked over all of this with a wary eye. His fleet was too small to even appear as a blip on some scanner screens, especially the Kyanges contingent of Eclipse Star Destroyers. He wouldn't go down without a fight though. Nothing could prevent him from taking down as many enemies as necessary, in order to buy time for Sanctuatry to camoflauge itself as best as it possibly could.

"Scanning Officer!" he barked, suddenly pulling out of his trance, "Where are those re-inforcements!"

"Entering the area now sir. You can see the spacial distortion in a few seconds. Five degrees off the port bow."

Space bent, and an ISD II, two Corellian Corvettes, and four Galofree Yards Medium Transports spun out of hyper two planetary diameters from the fleet, their ion trails extending behind them. On the opposite side of the fleet, a Home One class Mon Calamari Cruiser spun into view, half a diameter away. All ships turned to a course that would bring them to the fleet, and messages breifing the commanders were sent out at once.
21-04-2005, 02:06
Lightsabers flared, as red pulses illuminated the subject, with electricity gasping about the mid air thick and wondrous through the planet. Air fogged up their senses, but the Force kept them in spite, as Darth Carprice waved saber after saber, growing more hatred for these creatures, as they waved themselves, attacking his squad.

Of the many apprentices that went with him into his crusade upon the Nihilus homeworld catastrophe, only a few were left. Without their great leader to aid them, the defense of the Catastrophe was hard pressed, as legions of marauding enemies bulged upon their platforms, attempting to break the barricade and land upon the planet itself unknowingly. The ghosts of the empty Sith burned within their placant shells, screams across the desolate planet as the airy night revealed no stars to shine upon their strength.

As darkness crumbled around them on the jungle like infested platform, lightning bursted forth around the beeping noises, quiet slaughters happening in the blank dark corners. The atmospheric pressures squeezed a careful feeling into their veins, as the sheered lightning ebbed around. Dath Carprice was determined to sacrifice all of his apprentices, if only it would save the Catastrophe. What would he give now to see the lumbering faces of the Moving Throne befall out of Hyperspace to aid him.
21-04-2005, 02:12
"Master Yok'ashi, I just got word from the command post that a squad had discovered a Kirtir Holocron about 2 hours ago. They haven't reported back since their transmission."

"Change our course to the squad's previous location once more. I think they were attacked by the Phantoms. Get all available squads who are in that squad's area to zone in on their previous location. I want the holocrons on this planet picked up and returned, and I want these Phantom bastards gone from this planet so we can create another academy."

"Aye ma'am. Ploting in new course."

The Devil's Beware turned around in the sky just as it was about to land upon the command post. Yok'ashi looked out of here window and saw that the heavy droid support was being loaded from several AT barges. Several Spider Walkers, SD-10 Battledroid, and the Viper X-1 Automadons walked out.

Yok'ashi's transport landed on the ground in front of an ancient Kirtir Temple

Several squads have halted at the temples and went into "ready" formation where they formed into several block and line formations. As her transport landed, Yok'ashi got up from her seat and walked to the exit ramp. Suddenly, she got a feeling that she will never leave the planet again nor will the troops supporting the ground efforts and the ships in the air. These Phantoms were much more deadly than the previous ones that they encountered. She shrugged off the stray thought, and walked off of the ramp as soon as it was open. A clone seargent who wore black and red armor greated her.

"Ma'am, we have found the Holocrons."

"Holocrons? I was aware there was only one in ancient temples to keep the ancient secrets of the old Kirtir Empire preserved. Wonder why there are several grouped together?"

They continued down a dark tunnle, old vines, moss and grass covered them.
They walked into a chamber where they found a tomb.
"This isn't a training temple, this is a tomb of one of the ancient Kirtir Lords...
This is Darth Kriman's tomb, one of the deadliest sabersword masters in the history of the Dark Lords. The holocrons are probably stuffed with information about his fighting techniques. The Emperor will be very pleased to have these ones covered," she walked forward and lifted her hands upon the tomb and sudenly stopped. She saw ancient engravings upon the tomb which weren't apart from the Kirtir language. She could read them through the force

Yok'ashi blew off the dust on the tomb and began to read from the ancient carvings.

"Yok'ashi, what does that read?"

"Hold on Seargent. It says here: "You can not hide, you can not run, no where to turn. You can not escape our wraith, our thurst of war. We shall strike from the shadows of within, We won't leave any trace. We are fear by definition and by name. Nothingness is our identity for we have no race. There is only war..." The carvings end there and the rest is scratched and
unreadable. They did this all right. Quickly, grab the Holocrons. The more we can get out, the sooner we can leave this place. I know that what I feel is what everyone else is feeling. This place gives us the creeps. Hurry, lets go. Seargent? Seargent?"
Yok'ashi turned around to where the clone trooper was standing, and found he wasn't there. She rappidly turned around, and around looking for her men. She finnaly controled her confusion and reached out through the force to find her troops, but with vain.
Shit.... Yok'ashi, just grab those holocrons and get the hell out of here. Right now. There is nothing to it, just.... "YAAAAAAAAAA!"
Yok'ashi activated her two Saberswords and sliced into the air at an object which flew by her face. The object landed with a loud *Thump.* She bent down to examin the object to get a better view of what she killed. She found that it's skin was a pale white and was almost like a wild cat of some sort. As she went to reach it's skin it dissintergreated with a loud *HISSSSSSSSSS.*
Yok'ashi steped back, and found that the creature which she killed disapeared and left only a familiar smell of sulfur behind. To get a better idea of what the creature could've been like, she tried to touch the remnants only to find that it was a liquidy goo which was way too hot for anyone to pick up.
She backed off and left the temples tunnles carrying the holocrons with her.
She found the Devil's Bewareempty of it's components. She walked up the ramp only to find red blood all over the seats. Fear soon got controle of her as she continued to search through the seats of her special forces. She finnaly found the cocpit doors which were oddly bolted tight. She activated one of her blades and cut through the door and looked in. "Pilot? Pilot? YO TROOPER!! ANSWER ME NOW!" She only got the silence which followed her commands. Luckly, she knew how to drive a thunder hawk so she got into the pilot chair and powered up the Devil's Beware. The fighter shook to life and as it did, the Pilots body fell from the canopy above where Yok'ashi sat. She suddenly screamed in a high piched voice and threw the mangled mess away from her. OK, get out of here, NOW!
21-04-2005, 07:09
***Blood Falcons Transmission Centre STC v. 2.3 mkII***
Login auth: /@mittel
Login pass: ******
Ping? Pong!
*@mittel sets mode /covert
<@mittel> /recip HuntaerCommandCentre
<@mittel> Holy Emperor we had some job finding you, but we're here now. Please brief us on the situation in hand that we may assist.
*@mittel LOGOUT
21-04-2005, 16:34
Transmission to Falcania:

We are trying to uncover Kitir Holocrons which contain secrets of the ancient Kirtir Empire. We need to get as many out as possible before the phantoms attack again. We sent in troop and air support to give the men who are retreiving the holocrons a chance to do so if we are ever attacked.

Ending Transmission from Admiral Brondi.
21-04-2005, 17:30
Yok'ashi blew off the dust on the tomb and began to read from the ancient carvings.

"Yok'ashi, what does that read?"

"Hold on Seargent. It says here: "You can not hide, you can not run, no where to turn. You can not escape our wraith, our thurst of war. We shall strike from the shadows of within, We won't leave any trace. We are fear by definition and by name. Nothingness is our identity for we have no race. There is only war..." The carvings end there and the rest is scratched and
unreadable. They did this all right. Quickly, grab the Holocrons. The more we can get out, the sooner we can leave this place. I know that what I feel is what everyone else is feeling. This place gives us the creeps. Hurry, lets go. Seargent? Seargent?"
Yok'ashi turned around to where the clone trooper was standing, and found he wasn't there. She rappidly turned around, and around looking for her men. She finnaly controled her confusion and reached out through the force to find her troops, but with vain.
Shit.... Yok'ashi, just grab those holocrons and get the hell out of here. Right now. There is nothing to it, just.... "YAAAAAAAAAA!"
Yok'ashi activated her two Saberswords and sliced into the air at an object which flew by her face. The object landed with a loud *Thump.* She bent down to examin the object to get a better view of what she killed. She found that it's skin was a pale white and was almost like a wild cat of some sort. As she went to reach it's skin it dissintergreated with a loud *HISSSSSSSSSS.*
Yok'ashi steped back, and found that the creature which she killed disapeared and left only a familiar smell of sulfur behind. To get a better idea of what the creature could've been like, she tried to touch the remnants only to find that it was a liquidy goo which was way too hot for anyone to pick up.
She backed off and left the temples tunnles carrying the holocrons with her.
She found the Devil's Bewareempty of it's components. She walked up the ramp only to find red blood all over the seats. Fear soon got controle of her as she continued to search through the seats of her special forces. She finnaly found the cocpit doors which were oddly bolted tight. She activated one of her blades and cut through the door and looked in. "Pilot? Pilot? YO TROOPER!! ANSWER ME NOW!" She only got the silence which followed her commands. Luckly, she knew how to drive a thunder hawk so she got into the pilot chair and powered up the Devil's Beware. The fighter shook to life and as it did, the Pilots body fell from the canopy above where Yok'ashi sat. She suddenly screamed in a high piched voice and threw the mangled mess away from her. OK, get out of here, NOW!

Yok'ashi flew her thunderhawk just as a brilliant green bolt of energy shot past her cocpit view. Her radar showed nothing was there, but she could sence the beings through the force. It is the Phantoms... Her mind rushed as she hurried her fighter to the command post. She was glad to see that they were still there. She landed the Devil's Beware onto the platform and ran to the command post. "Colonel Hanson! Give me a transmission to the emperor now! This is most urgent!"

"General? But, this is when the emperor meditates. He'll be slightly if you interupt him."

"Colonel, I've encountered the Phantoms in another temple. I killed one myself."

"....All right Ma'am. Transmission is beign sent. The emperor is on the other side."
"What is it?"

Yok'ashi bowed to her emperor. "My lord, we've done as you commanded but we have a huge delay.... The Phantoms ha..."

Yok'ashi started to choke out of the blue. Her hands tried to grasp at whatever it was that was grabing her throat though there was nothing there.
"General Yok'ashi, you had your orders. I now no longer care about the Phantoms. As soon as you retreive those holocrons, we won't have a problem with the phantoms. Do I make myself clear, General?"

"Sir! They have already taken controle of the planet! They will kill all of our troops if we---Omph!" Yok'ashi was suddenly thrown across the room. Even with the dark side flowing through her, she cannot escape the emperor's power. His is almost absolute.

"General, you are here by releived of duty, forever. Colonel Hanson? Prepaire to lead an all out devistation attack upon the planet's surface. I want all of the temples destroyed as soon as you uncover the Holocrons. No longer are you going to send in small squads to retreive them. You are in command now, General Hanson."

"Thank you M' Lord."

"Oh, and general? Don't fail me like your predicessor just did. You don't want to end up like she did do you?"

"My lord, what?"

Trilkan signlaled Hanson to turn around and watched as General/Master Yok'ashi
staired back at the holocron of their emperor. "No my lord, NOOOOOOOOOO!"
Yok'ashi screamed as her body was suddenly engulfed with flames. "AHHHHH!"
Hanson tried not to look at the smolding skin for it was sickening him to his stomach. He only found that his head and eyes were forced opened. Yok'ashi continued to burn, her uniform was barely reconisable, and her body was burnt to the bones. After what remained of Yok'ashi's body cooled off,
everyone on the command post staired in disgust as smoke rised.

"Don't fail me, General"

"I won't my lord."
21-04-2005, 18:54
Inside The Ship
Dagna walked the halls of the ship, the only other sound besides his footsteps was the constant hum of the iridescent lights and the soft treading of several personnel up ahead. Two Ga-Sing units came around the corner, each armed with a Skard Repeater. They stopped to salute, and once recieving a salute in return, continued on their way to the main battalion gathering hall.
Dagna himself was headed back towards the bridge, having earlier surveyed the masses of troops in the hall. He stopped before a auto door, punching in a few numbers on the keypad on the right. The door slid open, and he walked inside. Settling in his plush commander's chair, he called over to a nearby programmer. "Have you found the information files on this planet yet?" he asked.
The programmer turned around, rubbing the back of his two necks. "We don't have any info on this planet, sir. Nothing on the database at all."
Dagna slammed his fist down onto the arm of his chair. "Great, no informaton whatsoever. Fine, order the Orbiter Probes to run a bio scan on the planet."
"Activating bio scan......" said a monotone electrocnic voice coming from the console. "Now scanning." (I'm going to guess it would have the same effect as the radar did)

Ten Minutes Later

"Sentient life forms detected. Subjects are Huntaerian soldiers."
Dagna jumped two feet up from his seat, he hadn't expected the scan to be over so soon. "The Phantoms must hold at some sentience. Are you sure that scan was accurate?"
"Quite accurate sir. Nothing other than Huntaerian forces were picked up."
"Gah...Put in a text transmission to the Huntaerian forces."

Incoming Text Transmission From:Gadget Corporation Executive Vice-President Dagnaran Slip, GadgetCorp Vessel Number 290741
Subject: Empty Planet?
Our Bio-Scans have picked up no beings of sentience upon the planet surface, besides those of Huntaerian forces. It seems these "Phantoms" are true to their name and are unable to be tracked by radar. Is there a way known to you to track them?
21-04-2005, 19:07
"Sir! GadgetCorp's fleet has sent us a message regarding the Phantoms. They say they can't find them on their bio-scans and request for any available information on how to detect them."

"*Sigh* Tell them that unless they are a magical being, or one who flows with the force, there is no way to detect them. Tell them though, they are definatly on the planet."

"Message being sent admiral."

Message sent to Gadget Corporation Executive Vice-President Dagnaran Slip, GadgetCorp Vessel Number 290741.
From: Admiral Brondi representative of the Galactic Empire of Huntaer.
Subject: No dead planet.
We have confirmed that the phantoms are indeed on the planet. Our goal is to:
1) Secure the planet.
2) Retreive Kirtir Holocrons
3) Destroy all temples revealing any information about the ancient Kirtir Empire as it is we wish to keep those secrets to ourselfs.
4) Give information to Emperor Trilkan.
Repeat: Planet is not dead. Remain on Red Aleart and keep all weapons and defencive systems on line.
21-04-2005, 20:30
"Push back the enemy." As a quiet disturbance wracked the Catastrophe airlanes, ships flying into the ever posting hyperspace. They began to forge deep into the chasmic blue tunnel of lack time and light, and they traveled for long depths of time. "We must stay vigilant." Darth Carprice murmured to his team, as the fleet whisped onwards towards their most important academy, the Mounds of Bone, a dark forbidden planet on the edges of the faint galaxy.

It's cold whispering tombless centrals fortells great danger, but as these creatures, these monstrosities have proven, they are hard and rigor to bear many things. It was not a surprise that possibly they have reached the Mound. "There is a disturbance within the Force." Carprice glimmered with thought, as his back brustled up with shivers down his spine.

Aboard the moving throne of the Ravager, the lumbering fleets slowly pillifing onwards, chaos ensued delicately, as the phantomish creatures assaulted board after board of the Ravager, how they reached the innard hulls of the broken ship unknown. Although the elite Sith Lords aboard the throne of Hunger repelled easily wave after wave, the numbers seemed limitless, and their cloaked statures did not help in the Sith's favour.

Standing amongst his legions, controlling him like puppets, the tall, gaunt Darth Nihilus stared aboard at the door, as pummeling enemies attempted to breach the inside. They dented and dented the locked door, until they finally bursted open the shards, and the locks flew out steadily. Unseen, they flooded into the room, and the phantomish creatures battled a battle of the Force against the slaves, elites of the throne. They were fed by the hunger, and the hunger was fed by the Force.

With all that tranpires, death fields flying about, electricity surging onwards through living beings, and some not so, red illuminated the battle scene, with sabers flashing and the lights blinking and sparkling terribly. Lifting his finger, Nihilus drew upon the blind sights of the force, and flashed forwards his lightsaber. "Such life of the Force is an abomination. None can escape the moving throne."
21-04-2005, 20:33
Fce Cmmr Sangre led a convoy of thunderhawks onto the planet. "We need to know what's going on down here!" He said to his company. "Since our comms went down we don't know what's down here, so lock and load, brothers."
21-04-2005, 20:48
As sabers flickered, Nihilus sent a message throughout the Force. What creatures are these? His whispers echoed around, as all Force sensitives could hear the Hunger behind his message.
21-04-2005, 21:48

"What, Andre?"

"The communication lines are to busy, I can't get through."

"I can understand that, they're sending quite a large force down there. And look at the other ships."

Andre looked out the viewport of his fighter to see hundreds, possibly thousands, of dropships and battlecruisers approaching the planet, many were already on the planet, with thousands of troops preparing for a war that many did not even know whom they were fighting.

"Oh god..."

"What, Locke?"
Andre was starting to get the gist of what Locke was sensing, however.

"Chit, start moving behind the moon!"


"Just go!"

Chit's fighter broke off and sped towards the moon, Andre's and Locke's followed behind, both were desperately trying to contact the ships on the ground and in orbit.

"Attention all fleet ships! This is Jedi Knight Andre Huron, you have you get your troops out of their NOW! DAMNIT! RESPOND!"

Locke said quietly.

Andre looked out of the fighter at the planet, and gasped.

A massive black substance, nearly invisible because of the black space around it, was moving over the top of the planet, slowly and deliberatly making its way to the area were the troops were amassing. Andre could feel it pulsating and the life signs inside of it, it was as if it were made of hundreds of living beings...enroaching, moving in to take over everything in their path.

Andre suddenly screamed and his craft began to bounce around.

"Andre? What the hell is wrong?"

Andre snapped out of the trance, he had a cold sweat on his face, he looked out of the fighter to see nothing above the planet, only the cold bleakness of space.

Through shallow breaths, he went back on the commlink.

"Disregard...disregard last message."

He gasped and sat back in his seat, he put auto-pilot on to where they were heading to land on the moon.

As you requested

IC as fleet:

"Commander? A message is being broadcasted, the lead ships are telling us to be on red alert."

"Alright, inform the cruisers, also, move thirty of the wraiths with three cruisers towards the planets surface, if fighting breaks out, I want them to be giving cover fire."

"Yes sir, transmitting orders."

Commander Nox looked out the viewing port at the planet, strange, he felt a deep troubled sensation in his head, he looked around vaugely and thought he heard a woman scream out in pain...

He shook himself and returned to his command chair.

IC as Jedi:

Chit, Locke, and Andre were all in a slight orbit around the moon by now, listening to the constant chatter between the ships.

"I sense many dark forces in this region, dozens of them, maybe even a sith lord..."

"Andre, you're getting to superstitious. Sure this is an ancient Kirtir stronghold, but there aren't that many sith that would risk their necks to get the holocrons down there..."

"We're risking our necks to get them, though."

"Yeah, but we're Jedi, its our job to protect the people. And the way we're do ing that right now is by destroying those holocrons so all that sith history can be destroyed, this will be a big blow to them..."

"We can never destroy the sith fully, Locke, you should know that. We are here to balance eachother out."

"Yeah, but Jedi have always outnumbered Sith anyway..."

"Not here, they don't, it looks like we're the only ones with good intentions here. Everyone has ulterial motives."

Andre felt around the planet, making sure there were no strange feelings...

"The soldiers are all still there, the phantoms obviously haven't attacked full on yet."

A burning sensation flashed through his mind, an image of a man in a robe, a hologram, a woman burning, a sith...several sith...

"Locke, we need to go to the planet's surface."

"Why? We should just get Huntaer to get its troops off and then blow it up with the combined eclipses."

"I highly doubt they just want to destroy it. I think the leader of the Huntaer forces is the Sith lord."

"Thats ridiculous, how could he have remained low for so long?"

"He hasn't, we just never heard about it, we're at opposite ends of the galaxy, you know."

"But it wouldn't make sense! The Sith and Jedi barely defeated the phantoms 60,000 years ago, why would he risk trying to fight them by himself?"

Chit interupted.

"Perhaps because they needed something more than just holocrons from down there?"

Andre stopped talking, listening to this puzzling notion.

"The Sith always made sure they had some way of keeping their skills written down, but far from the eyes of the normal populace, and of course the Jedi order."

Locke chuckled.

"Well, I guess its been a while since we were in the council's school, huh Andre?"

" they must be hiding more than just their history down there."

The moon was small, resembling a large asteroid, it was full of crators and mountains. The three small fighters slowly circled it.

"Time to go down to the surface then..."

"Glad you agree."

Andre pulled out of the orbit, the two other Jedi followed him, as they passed the massive capital ships, they informed them they were going to down in case they could assist the Huntaern troops.
No endorse
22-04-2005, 02:23
ooc: I'm sick :( (caught it from an extremely hot girl @ school ::drool::, too bad she despises me with a passion :p) As such, I might not be able to post for one or two days, because makeup work at my school is brutal. I'll try my hardest though!

Target: Huntarian Fleet
Authorization code: **********************
Encrypt Key: **********
Decrypt Key: **********
Frequency: Hailing
Urgency: Moderate
Message acknowledged. All units have been breifed and are now on full alert. Already we are preparing to dispatch our 20 ATATs and 40 ATSTs, the entire contingent we have managed to muster.

Also tagging along is a new weapon, a capital ship turbolaser on a repulsorsled. We will get you the technical specifications as soon as possible, but this direct-fire artillery is more than a match for most threats. It also has two light anti-vehicular and anti-infantry weapons on the sides, and advanced targeting telemetry. The specific model is the Loronar MAS-2XB. Only two out of our many are currently available, but they are the most advanced heavy gun platforms we posses.

We are preparing to launch a few fighter patrols and land troops. Any suggestions for the men before they dust off?
22-04-2005, 05:04
(OOC: LOL. That's an invite if I didn't see one. R-O-F-L.)

"Xei Continued, "As you well know, we have a mutual pact of non-agression. The way the Council sees it, this is one way that we can strengthen our current ties, and get rid of our ancient enemy once and for all at the same time. As I stated before, our actions are for the most part, independent of yours, but if we can, we'll try to provide support when ever you might need it. If you have a SpecOps team that needs immediate evac, we can provide that with out transporters for example. But despite this, I'm under orders to tell you to stay out of our way. The Council is still wary of you Huntearians after what happened in our own war."

After Sending the tranmission, Xei whispered to the Com Tech. "Get a secure line to ESCOM. We may have a weapon that can stand up to these damn "Phantoms" yet. Patch any further comms. to my room."

A Few Minutes Later...

Inside Xei's own room behind a wall, voices could be heard...

"But sir..."

"No 'buts' Admiral, we can't just go in and order help from these people!"

"Sir, I know that since their Ascension, they haven't exactly been the most helpful, but they still have their families to think about. These "Ascendants" are probably the best bet we have of beating these things."

"*Sigh*, you're absolutely right of course, but as you know, they didn't exactly help us out in our last war. They don't meddel with our 'petty affairs'."

"Sir, you know the extent of their Ascension. They can very well hear and see this very conversation. I say we let them speak for themselves."

A sudden third voice spoke out. "And that we will."

Xei whirled around, and Chancellor Ki Miri of the ES in the Holo-monitor also looked over.

A bright flash, and a being appeared. It was no different than a human in appearance, but it radiated a power the permiated the room.

The being continued, "We have observed this crisis with careful attention, and we have already decided to lend our support..."

(OOC: These beings are basically the "Ascended". They are a select group that have undergone a secret process that brought them to a higher state of being. They are practically God like, but they are very few in number, only maybe about 10-20 of them exist . As stated in the RP, they rarely interfere with such petty matters, but for some odd reason, they have chosen to intervene here. Operationaly, in this RP, they will act somewhat like the Archons from Star Craft, except with things like "Stealth Detection", Teleportation ability, and maybe even greater Hitpoints without shields, lol. Their greater powers a nullified here for some reason...)

Onboard the ES Si'entar

There was a small silence in the room. Attracting the attention of the Ascended was no small feat.

“Just what is it about this whole situation that is so important that it would warrant your high and mighty attention?” Xei asked.

The Being simply smiled. The subtle glow that surrounded it began to fade away slightly. “These creatures are of a new breed. They are unlike any ‘Phantom’ that we have ever encountered.”

While he spoke, the view outside the room’s small view port held the unusual spectacle of hundreds of different vessels scurrying about to and fro the planet’s surface from the large fleet overhead. The other few Beings that had appeared, chuckled at the sight, and looked at each other, seemingly communicating. “How quaint indeed.” spoke one of them. And the grouped chuckled once more. Words spoken in conversations, on a dimensional level beyond that of any normal speech, (OOC: Lol, read: BS.) were quite common amongst the Ascended, even when they took on a lower form. Often leading to confusion among lower beings who could not even sense that anything had been spoken.

“Wait, what’s your name?!” blurted June. “You don’t just start talking if no one even knows your name!”

The Being spoke. “You may call me, ‘Lien’tau’. I am the third ascended. (OOC: Refers to him as the third Eshirian to have achieved ascension.)

Xei responded, “Alright, ‘Lien’tau’, how do plan to help us with our little operation here?”

“I’ve heard that some of your forces are having great difficulty detecting these ‘Phantoms’ before it’s too late. Because of the fact that we exist on a higher dimensional plane, we are able to easily see just where the ‘Phantoms’ are and what they’re doing. In practice, it’ll be similar to your Talon SpecOps psi detection.”

“Well, that sounds just great,” spoke Xei, and continued now in a slightly challenging and sarcastic tone, “when can you start?”

Lien smiled again, “When ever you’re ready.”

He then turned around spoke out through existence itself towards the Huntaearian Kirtir on the surface, “Dark wielders of the quaint (OOC: They’ve got a thing against it,) ‘Force’, You seem to be having some difficulty. Would you like our assistance?”

(OOC: For their basic RP operational capabilities, here’s a copy&paste from my previous post: "These beings are basically the "Ascended". They are a select group that have undergone a secret process that brought them to a higher state of being. They are practically God like, but they are very few in number, only maybe about 10-20 of them exist . As stated in the RP, they rarely interfere with such petty matters, but for some odd reason, they have chosen to intervene here. Operationaly, in this RP, they will act somewhat like the Archons from Star Craft, except with things like "Stealth Detection", Teleportation ability, and maybe even greater Hitpoints without shields, lol. Their greater powers a nullified here for some reason...")
22-04-2005, 20:48
The Kirtir Master Aunshi stood at the edge of a temple. He staired at the massive amounts of troops which were sweeping the area for any phantom activity. He suddenly heard a voice in his head from the third ascendant offering assistance. In this case, we could get all the help we need.

::Yes ascendant, we could use some of your help:: Aunshi comunicated through the force. He turned around and headed into the temple. Unlike his other brethen who searched the temples, this time he brought along his terminator space marines. Their heavy armor will help them fight against the phantoms long enough for them to escape.
22-04-2005, 20:55
The moon was small, resembling a large asteroid, it was full of crators and mountains. The three small fighters slowly circled it. QUOTE]

OOC: PST! No one is on the moon! We're on the planet which the moon is orbiting. We will destroy it eventually though.
22-04-2005, 21:02
The Kirtir Master Aunshi stood at the edge of a temple. He staired at the massive amounts of troops which were sweeping the area for any phantom activity. He suddenly heard a voice in his head from the third ascendant offering assistance. In this case, we could get all the help we need.

::Yes ascendant, we could use some of your help:: Aunshi comunicated through the force. He turned around and headed into the temple. Unlike his other brethen who searched the temples, this time he brought along his terminator space marines. Their heavy armor will help them fight against the phantoms long enough for them to escape.

(OOC: It's red alert, not red "aleart".)

Lien recieved the message and shifted realms to the surface with Aunshi, along with the other Ascendents. The bright glow that had faded earlier returned. Seems like it was an afterglow of some energy that is used to appear in the lower beings form.

"We have arrived." spoke Lien
22-04-2005, 21:38
Aunshi saw the sentients presence. The glowing light almost blinded him for a split second. He walked forward and staired at the being. "Can you, see the Phantoms in this temple?"

Aunshi points a finger at the temple behind the being. It was covered in vines, and ancient carvings from the old Kirtir empire.
22-04-2005, 21:49
I know this, Huntaer, my Jedi were mearly hanging out there so as to avoid the capital ships! Don't worry, I understand whats going, see right now they just broke orbit from the moon and are going down to the planet itself...


The three jedi starfighters broke through the atmosphere and pulled up over a foresty terrain. Andre's began to move away from the main force of Huntaer forces.

"Andre, what are you doing?"

"We're going to beat them to one of the temples, its better if we find the stuff for ourselves instead of stealing it from them."


"Stay low, we don't want them to think we're up to something..."

A large Kirtir temple was rising up in front of them, it was only 100 miles from the other temple where all the commotion was happening.

They landed the fighters near the back side of the temple and got out, leaving the astromech droids to guard them. They creeped to the front entrance, Locke began in first, his hand on the lightsaber connected to his belt.

Chit went next, calmly walking in to look around curiously at the ruined carvings.

Andre walked up, he looked around, obviously feeling something in the air around the temple.

"This place was once filled with dark jedi, I can still feel the remnents."

Locke looked around an empty corner.

"Well, they're all gone now, so stop being paranoid."

"You're the one with your hand on your light saber."

Locke shamefully removed his hand and continued into the temple, Andre and Chit chuckled.

"It shouldn't be much farther up..."

They entered a large tomb, it was covered in dust and grime from the thousands of years it had remained alone and silent.

All around the stone sarcophogi were decorations and murals of ancient Sith and Kirtir symbols, but their were other, different markings that couldn't possibly have been made by the Sith.

"They look like scratch marks, like something was trying to get out of here."

"But if were those phantoms, couldn't they have just morphed out..."

"This sith might have been superstitious, he could have placed force shields all around here that remained after he died. Even the phantoms aren't all powerful."

"Wouldn't that mean its still here?"

"Of course not, we got in, didn't we?"

Chit, meanwhile, was looking over the tomb, he fished his hand over the uneven surface until he found the latch to open it.

"We might as well see whose it is..."


The top of the tomb burst open with a wave of force, something had leapt out of it, Locke and Andre had drawn their purple and green lightsabers respectively, and got into fighting stances, Chit crawled backwards, reaching in a grabbing his own blade.

The creature was circling them, Andre and Locke barely following it around the room.

"Its a phantom..."

The creature struck, Locke pulled his lightsaber upward and slashed, the creature backed up, Andre also engaged him, getting into the phantom's back and drawing upward, the creature fell, the fell of sulphur filled the room.

Chit was still looking on the tomb.

"Look, its some holocrons..."

He picked them up from the tomb and handed them to Locke.

"We should get back to the ships to see whats on them."


He looked back to where the disintigrated phantom had been.

"Good thing there was only one."

Locke looked at Andre, angrily.

"Thats the kind of stuff that gets people killed, man. Bad luck."

"You're a jedi, you know theres no such thing as..."

A rumbling began to come from beneath the tomb itself, the three Jedi looked at one another and began to make headway toward the door.

"They're coming around us..."

"More are here?"

"Yeah, go!"

They began to run now using the force to move toward the door, they were leaping, avoiding attacks from the phantoms.

They reached the door, Locke turned around to toss the holocrons to Andre.

"Get back to the ship!"

Locke drew his lightsaber and began to duel with several of the Phantoms, he was gradually being pushed out of the doorway.

Locke cursed his bad luck, fighting an invisible enemy, several at that, was not on his list of things to do this week. He used the force to toppled a small column into the doorway, effectively blocking it. A flood of the phantoms still emerged.

Andre rushed to his fighter, Chit was already there, the Jedi fighter was warming up and was low flying past Andre, he looked past and nodded as Andre got into his own cockpit. He pressed the power button, but the engines wouldn't start.

"What the hell?"

Something pressed against the glass, pressure was building up around him, Andre looked around, pushed his hands to the glass, and used all his power to shove the glass apart into individual massive shards which pierced the phantoms around him. He leapt out with his lightsaber, turning to see Locke's fighter demolished in a wave of phantom energy.

He ran to the entrance, barely avoiding the attacks. Locke was fighting for his life while Chit was firing the lasers into the entrance, they barely damaged the phantoms.

Locke leapt from the entrance onto Chit's fighter, Andre did the same.

"Chit! Launch a sonic mine!"

Chit fired the mine and all the noise in the immediate area fell silent, Locke and Andre pressed themselves to the wings of the fighter, it turned and began to move as the explosion ripped through the air, the shockwave went over the fighter as it tried to fly away, Andre turned to look back at the half destroyed temple, a massive arm like structure of phantoms was rushing towards them, his eyes widened as it connected with them, and then everything went black.

If this has to much "phantom" stuff that you don't want, please tell me and I'll correct it.

IC as fleet:

"Commander, the ships are in their positions."

"Alright, contact the leader of the Huntaeren fleet and ask them where they need our wraiths to patrol."

"Right away sir."
The Scandinvans
22-04-2005, 21:52
The massive Amend Class ship Final Victory approached the planet a image visible event though it was 2,000,000 miles away.
22-04-2005, 21:53
Aunshi saw the sentients presence. The glowing light almost blinded him for a split second. He walked forward and staired at the being. "Can you, see the Phantoms in this temple?"

Aunshi points a finger at the temple behind the being. It was covered in vines, and ancient carvings from the old Kirtir empire.

Lien had a small grin. "I'm afraid it doesn't work that way. For it to be so simple would make these 'Phantoms' no more threatening than a speck of dust to us, or to anyone."

He looked inside. "These new 'Phantoms' are of a new breed as you have discovered. They exist on a plane almost as high as our own. They can shield themselves from our sight. We can only feel their presence. However, our sense is far more precise than your own. The fact that they possess such a power is part of our purpose for bring here."

Suddenly, his eyes shot around behind Aunshi. "Behind you!"

The other Ascendants brought up their arms, and reached out their hands. An intense, glowing light appeared in each hand. They aimed behind Aunshi.
Around them, a bluish aura surrounded them. It flashed and flickered like fire, illuminating the area around them, and blurred their outlines in a bright glow.

(OOC: This is a link to the picture that best captures the basic idea of what they sort of look like now, except with a human like figure inside: Picture (
22-04-2005, 22:33
Aunshi quickly turned behind him as the phantoms aproached. Aunshi activated his double-bladed lasersword and two blades of ruby red poped out.
Aunshi dodged as the phantoms tried to attack him. Bolts of lightning emitted from his other hand as he used his right hand to fight off the Phantoms. Damn, this is going to get tricky.

The Phantoms emerged suddenly infront of the command post. "General Hanson! LOOK OUT!" A random lieutenant jumped on Hanson to bring him down as to dodge the Phantoms breaking into the command post.
"Thanks lieutenant. HOW THE FUCK DID THEY GET IN HERE?!?"

"Sir! Might I suggest that they are comming in from the ground?"

Holy mother of---- "AAAAAAAAAHHH!" Hanson was lifted into the ceiling of the command post as a huge creator erupted beneith him. The Phantoms from beneith it jumped up and started spitting acid all around them.


"To where sir??"



Onboard the starship Harvestor of Death Brondi walked about his bridge.
Something has happened. I just know it....

"SIR! Message from below! The Phantoms are attacking! Repeat! The Phantoms are attacking!"

Brondi's skin grew a pail white. His eyes bulged out as he saw the planet from the bridges view ports that the planet was crawling with small activity.

"Begin planetary bombardment. NOW! Attack at the black areas of the planet! It doesn't matter now if we have men in those areas! They are already doomed!"

The Harvestor of Death got into planetary bombardment position.

"On your order admiral," a gunner stated.

Should I or shouldn't I? Admiral Brondi thought.
22-04-2005, 22:58
((OOC: Had a thought. Phantoms still retain physical form, correct? Would they be seen if they were covered with something? Just a question, no real relevance))
22-04-2005, 23:07
OOC: I suppose they would. You couldn't really see anything untill the last minute. Even if it was covered in leaves, all you'd see would be them flying all over the place. Not much of an accurate shot there.
22-04-2005, 23:09
((OOC: Had a thought. Phantoms still retain physical form, correct? Would they be seen if they were covered with something? Just a question, no real relevance))

(OOC: Well, we kind of had the idea that the Phantoms are kind of not of this realm of existance, so I guess the ones that materialized to hurt you could. Although, that brings up the question, what are you thinking about covering them with? If it's going to be water, paint, a blanket, that wouldn't really work. Nor would it be very reliable, Lol.)
22-04-2005, 23:23
((Was really just a question, didn't really think much of doing it. Suppose I'd try a sort of sticky, colored solution though.))
23-04-2005, 14:00
Sangre led his platoon through the jungle. "Where are they?" Asked Corrosius.

"I don't know. If you see them, shoot on sight."
No endorse
23-04-2005, 16:38
Three Raptor transports glided down to the surface of the jungle planet. Trailing behind, six Lambda shuttles and two Sentinel class landing craft maneuvered just outside of the massive vortexes created by the ships. Off in the distance, a squadron of E-wings kept a close eye on everything, ready to intervene if the situation got hairier than a wookie.

"Beta Leader and Delta leader, this is Alpha leader. We have the landing zone in sight. Stay out of range until we hit the dirt, and land when we dust off. Keep as few ships on the ground as possible at all times."

"This is Beta leader. Roger Alpha leader"

"This is Delta leader Roger Alpha leader"

"This is Alpha leader to all Huntarian or otherwise associated forces located on the planet. We have a small fleet of transports ready to get you off this dammed rock. Three Y4s are standing by, with some Lamdbas and Sentinels ready."

"This is E-wing squadron Scarlet reporting in. It appears that their CP has been hit pretty hard. We're closing formation."

"Scarlet five, recalibrate shields to mark 4-9. Scarlet three, tighten up formation. Scarlet three?"

"She's no...ponding... board..tabilizer...shorn off.. going down! MAYD.......AYDAY! Scar........" The fighter corkscrewed closer to the surface, its starboard wing now completly seperated. Warning lights on the instrument panel went bezerk, and burnt out one by one. The ship hit the ground at just over Mach one, and the explosion ripped a clearing in the dense foilage.

"Scarlet three is down! Repeat! Scarlet three is down!"

"Did he eject?"

"Negative, went nose down into some sort of lake. Watch yourselves now! If the controls go finiky, hit the afterburners and get into space."

"This is Alpha leader, we are in range. Holding station until we get word."

"Hurry it up! We can't hang here forever!"
23-04-2005, 21:59
"FIRE PLANETARY BOMBARDMENT!" Admiral Brondi shouted.
The ISD fleet moved out from behind the moon and went into postition. Moments later, the planet was blasted away by heavy lasers from above.


Kirtir Master Aunshi was on his back as a Phantom tossed him to the ground. It lifted it's invisible claws just as it was flown forward and vaporised along with the other Phantoms that were behind it. Aunshi looked up and saw that the planet was being shot from above. He grinned, knowing that Brondi was doing the right thing. He suddenly felt the planet shake as though a quake was about to happen.
He steadily got up and walked backward when the ground erupted with Phantoms. Aunshi was ready to die and he put his sword's double blades in front of him. He was about to shout the ancient battle cry when he saw that the Phantoms weren't attacking him, but they were going straight up into the sky and were heading toward the fleets in space.
23-04-2005, 22:12
"Wraith group one, prepare to engage hostiles near the Huntaer command base!"

The thirty wraiths broke into ten groups of three, warming up their missles and laser cannons.

"Sir, I can't really see anything..."

"Dammit, try and use your motion trackers."

"Something is barely coming in, sir."

"Well target that damn "something" and fire at it!"

sixty missles let loose towards the base, the phantoms coming up from the ground tore through the weak attack.

"Pull up! Pull up! Get back into the atmosphere!"

"Lientenent!!!! AHHHHHGH!"

Three ships dissapeared in the blink of an eye, two more now, now five...

"Dammit, everyone stay with me!"

Suddenly, dozens of missles and laser fire filled the stratosphere of the planet.

"Thank god, we have cover fire from the valks and BCs. Get back to the main fleet for repairs."

"How many did you lose, Lientenent?"

"Ten, Commander. I'd recommend bringing in more of the battlecruisers, they seem mildly effective against the phantoms."

"Alright. BC teams 3, 4, and 5, move up with team 2! Prepare to fire at anything you can hit that looks like a phantom."

Lientenent Cadram let loose a sigh and prepared his ship to dock with the repair ship.

The Commander had more ideas on how to fight the enemy.

"Carter, get those dropships ready to get onto the planets surface to help fight against these sonsofbitches. Contact the Huntaeren command and tell them to not, repeat, not decimate the planet yet. The resulting explosion would destroy hundreds of ships around here, not to mention kill all the soldiers down there."

"Transmitting now, sir."
Transmission to Huntaer high command:
Decist planetary bombardment! Warn the other ships and evacuate all troops before commencing attack, millions would be lost if you fired now. Decist!

IC as Jedi:

"Andre, get up, man."

Andre's eyes fluttered open, he suddenly remembered what had happened, and bolted up.

"Calm down, Andre. We're fine now."

Locke stood over Andre, ripping off bandages and putting on new ones, Chit was looking around the forest in which the fighter had crashed.

"The fighters busted, but we're only a couple of miles from the Huntaer base. If we start now, we should make it within the hour."

"Alright, lets go."

He groaned as he got up, but felt much better after he streched out and began walking.

"We don't know what happened, the commlink hasn't been able to get a single signal through, as far as we know, they've all been destroyed over there."

"Well, at least the fleet is still in place."

Up through the atmosphere, it was easy to see the massive eclipses and other starships dotting the sky, it was becoming dusk now.

"We need to move."


The three Jedi rushed through the forest, slowly making progress to the former Huntaeren command center.
23-04-2005, 22:32
"Admiral! Message from the Jedi fleet! They request to hold fire!"

"Sease fire! Hold it!"

Transmission to Huntaer high command:
Decist planetary bombardment! Warn the other ships and evacuate all troops before commencing attack, millions would be lost if you fired now. Decist!

"What should we do sir?"

"Do what they suggest. Send out a message to all ships in the area to get out. Evacuate the planet. Don't just sit there and stair at me! DO IT!"

"This is theHarvestor of Death to General Hanson: Order from above to fall back. Get the transports loaded. Evacuate the building."

"Good comm. Now, send a message to the Eshirian Eclipse Fleet and tell them to arm their weapons at the planet and fire as soon as either I say so, or when the people have made it off."

Message to: All surrounding fleets
From: Admiral Brondi, commander of the Harvestor of Death
Get out of the area unless you have men on the planet. Send out all available fighters to assist the transports to minimise ground casualties.

Hope this works Brondi thought.
23-04-2005, 23:31
Sangre's comlink beeped in his helmet. "Bombardment?" He muttered to himself. "Fall back, Falcons!" he yelled, sprinting to the LZ.
24-04-2005, 00:32
Lien watched as Aunshi skillfully dealt with the Phantom, without his assistance.

"They just might stand a chance." He told the others.

Just as the ground suddenly opened up, he felt that there was a strange sudden sense of urgency. Everyone was leaving at a frantic pace. Lien searched their minds for a moment.

"Let us leave, the fools are about to destroy this world." He motioned at a few of the other Ascendants. "You should be able to take care of those heading for our ships." In a flash, Lien and a few others had disappeared, leaving the rest to deal with the sudden hoard of "Phantoms".

They were still in their powered energy state, and began to release a huge amount of energy, towards them, though they held back somewhat, for reasons that would be revealed later... (OOC: Really, read on to find out why.)

In the Huntaer control bridge, Lien appeared in front of Admiral Brondi...

"Admiral, you are making a huge mistake by destroying this world. Not only will blasting it away fail to destroy these 'Phantoms', but it would make them more powerful than even our selves. There is a way to destroy them, but feeding them with such a huge amount of energy would allow them to complete the final step of their transformation."

Lien paused to let Brondi process this new information, and continued, "The 'Phantoms' that we've encountered have existed in two different states. One of physical form, which they must be in to attack, and one of the energy realm...our realm."

Lien paused again, then continued.

"If they complete their transformation, they will be able to strike from either of their states. Right now, they do not yet have full mastery over their new found energy form, and can neither remain in, nor attack in this state. This is because they have not yet fully changed, like we, the Ascended have. Destroying them in such a high energy condition, such as planetary bombardment with your energy weapons, would allow them complete this transformation, master their energy form, and become truly unstoppable. Allowing them to strike while in their higher realm of existence, like we are able to.

These are horrendous creatures, Admiral, you cannot allow them to achieve their final form. Even now, in their incomplete transformation, they have been able to nullify our greater powers in this area. Were it not for this, your people would have never encountered them on this world, for we would have wiped them from existence."

Lian paused for a final time, then continued, "Admiral, their appearance on this world has been caused because they are searching for a power source great enough to finish their transformation. On this world, is an ancient device that possesses such power. For now, they have not yet discovered it. Our objective should be to find, and eliminate this device first, rather than search vainly for the 'Phantoms'."
24-04-2005, 01:06
Aye, my fleet is a Laskonian fleet, the Jedi are on work for the council, they don't know eachother are here.

IC as fleet:

The Commander looked gave a sigh of relief as teh ships stopped firing.

"Battlecruisers, commence giving cover fire to the transports, Dropships, land and give support to the fleeing soldiers!"

Dozens of dropships headed towards the planets surface, landing away from the command post, marines ushered soldiers towards their own ships while attemping to keep the phantoms at bay.

IC as Jedi:

They made it to a small hill overlooking the command post.

It was chaos.

Hundreds of dead or wounded soldiers littered the ground, those that survived were fighting against the literal phantom menace while trying to flee.

The Jedi drew their blades, but Andre stopped them.

"Their are sith here..."

"Yes, but right now we're on their side, Andre, lets go."

They leapt to the ground and began slashing and stopping the phantoms, they kept fighting until the ground began to shake and massive lasers fell from the sky.

"They're destroying the planet with everyone on it."

Chit stared stonily up into the sky.

"No, look, they're stopping."

Locke used a force push to throw a phantom away from him, Andre did the same while covering Chit.

"Come on!"

Suddenly, Andre pointed to the ground where he could sense hundreds of the phantoms boiling up from the ground.

A Marine with a Laskonian insignia on his shoulder rushed up to him.

"Hey, Jedi, help us find where these things are!"

"There are a bunch, right there!"

Dozens of siege blasts coated the area, dying screams were heard and the smell of sulfer filled the air.

"Alright, you two should get back to the dropship with me."

"Two...wheres Locke?"

Chit looked over to see his master rushing into a fray with several Phantoms, more approached the soldier and Andre, the marine cursed and let loose his gauss rifle, Andre and Chit dueled with the mad creatures while trying to run to Locke's aid.
24-04-2005, 01:13
(OOC: Post edited above, some changes made to the beginning. Laskon, I assume that you've read the above?)
24-04-2005, 02:08
OOC: Sorry for such a short post.


Attention to any Force sensitive out there within the galaxy. I am Darth Nihilus, and I am querying on what these creatures are. Respond quickly to the Force, before my Hungry breath becomes an echo.
24-04-2005, 02:14
That I have.


Locke was being torn at by invisible claws when a sudden wash of energy poured around him, several almost pure light beings were walking around him, decimation the phantoms.


Andre and Chit helped him up.

"What are they?"

"Some form of ascended lifeform, they can fight the phantoms, it seems."

The marine hobbled up behind them, he loaded in a new ammo cartridge.

"You boys still need a lift?"

"Yes, though I'm going to need you to take us to the Huntaeren capital ship."

"We'll run that through clearance, I suppose meanwhile you can stay in the dropship."

Andre looked to the advancing hoard of phantoms, he felt them all, pulsating, a sudden urge to run took over, he calmed down and fiddled with the holocrons inside his robe.

He watched the ascendents battle the phantoms expertly, he also saw a Sith warrior slashing several to pieces, he was amazed at the skill of both parties. He continued watching while Locke and Chit went with the marine to the drop ship, they planned on asking the Huntaeren high command if they could dock temporarily.

Andre couldn't take it anymore, using the force, he lunged next to one of the ascendents and took out a phantom, several more attacked him, but he leapt up and force pushed them into the ground, then drove down, stabbing them.

One stood in front of him, a brief outline letting Andre see how terrifying its claws were, it raised its arm and convulted, then rushing forward, Lance slashed diagonally from the shoulder to the waist, then pulling out, the Phantom stood struggling for a moment before falling to the ground. Andre stood panting for a minute until he heard could hear something below him, dozens of phantoms sprung from no where, he leapt up, but they grabbed him and tried to pull him down, struggled and with all his mind dissapated their arms, they screeched and began to whirl around him, getting bigger if he tried to jump over, but coming in closer if he tried to escape, he looked around frantically at the enemy he couldn't see, but only feel.

Locke was finishing sending the message when he saw Andre be covered in the phantoms, he was about to run out when he heard a voice sift through his head...but Andre was better at those kinds of things, he couldn't bother to focus on it now. He drew his blade, ignighted it, and tossed it through the wall of Phantoms, he heard Andre catch it and X-slash through the wall. He turned, and with Locke's help, force pushed the Phantoms away.
24-04-2005, 02:16
Dagna blinked as he saw the Huntaerian announcement. He had been just about to order the beginning of planetary bombardment after witnessing that of the Huntaerian fleet. "Dispatch half the XI Hornets! Repeat! Dispatch half the XI Hornets to assist the transports! I want those fighters down there five minutes ago!”

3 Minutes Later
Ga-Sing droids scrambled to and fro in the hangars of the Terrans, though panic and chaos were in absence. The droids were not programmed with such an emotion, and thus had no ability to feel it. Several groups were loading the fighters with sound bombs, while the majority of the remaining were loaded into half of the hundred-sixty Hornets in each hangar. Eighty Hornets were sent off from each vessel, rocketing through space towards the planet in tight formations. The six-hundred forty, tiny fighters all headed towards the Huntaerian command post on the planet surface.
The Serene Death
24-04-2005, 02:26
"What the feth?" Echo leader said as he watched the fleet start to bombard the planet. He flipped over to the squadron's channel, "Echo Four, report."

"The whole thing is fethed up, they're hitting their own positions....wait their calling off the bombardmen."
"Request from some of the other fleets. They're holding until they bring up the grunts."
"This is FUBAR, ain't it sir?" Echo 3 asked.
"Three cut the chatter. Four keep your ears open."
"Roger sir, should we help them?"
"Negative, we're here to watch, and we wouldn't be very usefull down there anyways. Back to silence boys."

Echo leader swtiched over to Burner leader's channel.

"Burner lead this is Echo lead, its a SNAFU here."
"How so Echo?"
"They were bombarding the planet a second ago with their troops there, but they've stopped so the grunts could get off and then are going to hit the planet again. Its definately something bad down there."
Roger that, keep watch and come back here if either things go bad for the forces there, or they leave."
Will do Burner lead, over and out."

Burner leader swtiches over to his squad channel. "Burners 3 and 4, take the data we have so far and fly to where we jumped in the system. From there head back to base and deliver what we have so far."

Burner 4 responds, "roger sir."
"Roger, you boys aren't gonna be lonely without us are you?" Burner 3 says jokingly.
"We'll be nice and cozy here darling, don't you worry," retorts Burner 2.
"Ok, see you later boys," Burner 3 says as she and Burner 4 turn their ships and head to the outside of the system.
No endorse
24-04-2005, 15:31
The transports were in a bad situation. After they managed to dodge the orbital bombardment, the ground had opened up directly beneath them, and phantoms were streaming up at them.

"This is Alpha lead! Break formation, use particle weapons! E-wing group Scarlet, cover us! We need sup..... dama....... EVERYONE RETREAT!"

Three E-wings exploded in a spectacular light show, thrown together by some unseen force. A raptor imploded on itself, and winked out as if it had never existed. A Sentinel had its main stabilizer fin blown strait off, and then commensed to nose dive strait to the ground. The remaining craft could only gun their engines and hope they didn't have an unwelcome guest outside. Finally managing to break out into space, the transports and fighters limped back to their respective ships, which took support positions for the massive fleets assembled around the planet.
24-04-2005, 16:22
With all the ongoing tortured fighting aboard the Ravager,the broken portholes depicting a deadly battle. Nihilus kept careful not to rely on his hunger, for that would be affording more consequences than before. But now, as the endless waves keep arriving, Nihilus had finally snapped in his calmness.

"I've had enough of this." He hissed angrily through his shattered mask, held together by the Force. "You shall no longer defile my throne!" He rorared imperiously, as the long purple tentacles erupted from his body, and they lashed forth at all possible locations, beginning to drain phantom after phantom, and the hungry powers growing desperately.

But even as his powers began to overwhelm the marauders, his actions had an oblidged pain upon the Force, and the echo he created began to rip through the minds of many sensetives, amongst them his apprentice Sion and his Commander Viral. The wound in the Force became stronger, as it began to travel and magnify along the galaxy. His hunger made the largest mistake.
24-04-2005, 16:41
The Ascendent was finnished telling his tale about these new phantoms.
The Admiral grew even more pail, not form corruption from the dark side, but from fear. "My god.... These creatures are monsters. Something out of a horor holo-novel... This device you mentioned, it will help slow down the Phantoms, making them less deadly?"

Aunshi turned to Lien. "I'm going back to the command post and assist anyone who may need the help. I suggest you use your powers as well to transport yourself to the command post."

Aunshi lowered his head as though he was bowing, and black and red smoke apeared from beneith him. Soon, he was engulfed with it, and he dissapeared.

At the command post, General Hanson woke up from a shock wave which knocked him down earlier. He got up and picked up one of the Storm Bolters which laid next to him. He started to fire when Aunshi appeared.
"Aunshi! What took you so long?"

"The Phantoms first started to attack me while I was retreiving some holocrons! Tell your men to hold their ground as long as they can untill we get most of the transports off of the planet!"


Aunshi quickly pushed back some more phantoms to buy him time to get to the Jedi who were on the planet. He soon came across the Phantoms which
Locke, and Andre were occupied with. He raised both of his hands and pushed the remaining Phantoms up against a wall. A shockwave could be seen as he pushed the Phantoms through the force.

Locke and Andre soon saw Kirtir Master Aunshi. He was a tall, bald man who had a beard. He wore black armor, and a blue cloak. "So, the Jedi have decided to arive in this area? I'm shocked. Why have you come?"
24-04-2005, 19:46
General Hanson forced himself to keep on firing his bolt gun as he saw endless waves of Phantoms erupt from the ground. His AT-AT's were doing jack squat. The smaller vehicals were helping out a little. Hanson turns around and spots a lieutenant who was loading in another clip of bullets into his bolt pistol. "Lieutenatn! What's the stats of the Assault Bikes?"

"They are fully charged and fueled. I highly doubt they could help us in this..."

"Just get those damn bikes out onto the field! They will be quick and the Phantoms won't have enough time to react untill they are all vaporised into that hellish liquid form! GET THEM OUT!"

"Roger that genera. All assault bike squadrons, attack the phantoms!"
24-04-2005, 19:51
(OOC: Eh, I never said that it would destroy them, only make them worse, better. Better at being worse. Ah, you know what I mean. ^^. Might want to read that last bit again. It's a bit much, I know, but meh, just so you don't miss anything else.)
24-04-2005, 19:58
OOC: Edited previous post Kyanges.
24-04-2005, 20:05
OOC: Edited previous post Kyanges.

(OOC: Lol, this is a little funny. It won't do anything against them, it'll make them more powerful than even our Ascendants:

Which you have to admit, look pretty freaking' cool. (Yeah, that's an Dark Archon from SC, but pretty much everything I had ever imagined our Ascendants to look like when you get them pissed off.)

So please edit accordingly.))
24-04-2005, 20:11
Dude... Freakin awsome!
24-04-2005, 20:32
The Hornets reached the command base, hovering above most of the chaos.
Already seven had been ripped apart by the Phantoms, and the pilots didn't want that happening again. Flying over the battle, they took to launching sound bombs and firing their plasma cannons at only where they knew the Phantoms were, or where they had a pretty good idea of where they were. Five more of the fighters were cut up, the broken ships falling back to explode on the ground. The droids that survived the crash and Phantoms crawled from the wreckage and took to continuing the battle on foot with their plasma rifles, doing as much as they could to help. Four more came down, only one pilot stood from the burning carcass of his fighter to continue the battle.

((Sounds bombs do not do much real physical damage, they just create powerful sound waves upon impact that tend to send most things around them flying, including people, small to (medium-small) sized trees, etc. The pilots took care to not use the sound bombs near ground troops))
24-04-2005, 20:44
The Ascendent was finnished telling his tale about these new phantoms.
The Admiral grew even more pail, not form corruption from the dark side, but from fear. "My god.... These creatures are monsters. Something out of a horor holo-novel... This device you mentioned, it will prevent the Phantoms from being more powerful? ?"

OOC: I didn't actually change where I quoted the... quote.
I just edited it there.
24-04-2005, 20:52

Locke kept a battle stance towards the Kirtir master as the battle with the phantoms roared around them.

"Stand down, Locke."

Andre turned to the Kirtir master.

"You know as well as I do that the only way the phantoms were defeated last time was a joint effort of the Sith and the Jedi, we are here to see if the matter was a real crisis. More Jedi are probably on their way."

Andre had used all his power to try and push the lie on the man, but he knew it might fail. But part of it was true, they were now here to help, though the council's original decisian was to let the Sith try and stop the phantoms, and probably end up killing eachother in the process.

Locke grabbed Andre's shoulder.

"I'm going to go help those marines over there."

Andre nodded as Locke leapt into a fray, with bullets and lasers flying around him.

"Alright, I am Jedi Knight Andre Huron. We might as well help eachother out of this mess till we can get it all cleared up."

With that, Andre rushed back into the battle, slashing and weaving with his lightsaber.

Chit, meanwhile, was standing with the marines at one of the drop ships.

"Don't you guys have anything more effective against these things than the rifles you're using?"

"Yeah, Goliaths, but a lot of the pilots were killed when we dropped down here."

"Let me see one, I'm sure I can pilot it."

"Whatever floats yer boat, kid."

The marine showed Chit to one of the towering mecha suits, and he swiftly went in to familirize himself with the controls.

"Good luck, kid, they'll be needing you over near the front lines where that other Jedi is fighting."

Chit wondered if it was his master, and quickly had the Goliath begin to walk down the ramp and into the battle.
24-04-2005, 21:42
OOC: I didn't actually change where I quoted the... quote.
I just edited it there.

(OOC: Lol, ok.)


Lien responded, "No, it will make them more powerful unless we destroy it before the 'Phantoms' discover it."
24-04-2005, 21:42
Eventhough they were there to help, Aunshi didn't trust the Jedi. He knew that the Jedi didn't exactly lie, the Malkir and Kirtir did help put up the invisible energy field to hide Huntaria from the Phantoms. He had studdied his history. Still, he didn't trust the Jedi. He quickly read the jedis thoughts... "Hey, were are those holocrons you found?"
24-04-2005, 22:33

Andre felt powerless against the masterful Kirtir, he took the holocrons out of his cloak.

"Well...I believe they got lost when the fighter we were in was blasted down by the phantoms."

Andre turned to the raging battle, now seeing several mechas joining in.

"I don't suppose we should help out?"

He felt the holocrons inside of his cloak through the force, and began to regain willpower to stand up to the Sith master, he felt a renewed energy at the thought of what they might find on the holocrons...

Chit opened up with the autocannons on the phantoms, because the mechs internal sensors were useless in detecting the phantoms, he used the force and then his mind to fire at them. He smiled as he felt them shirk back.

"All units, fire at the positions I'm targeting."
24-04-2005, 23:31
Aunshi was ever persuing. He doesn't give up his origonal question and recognises the Jedi was lying.
"Hand over the HOLOCRONS. Those belong to the Kirtir Empire and no one else. They are religous artifacts to us, they contain deadly secrets of the old empire. Hand them over.... Now." Aunshi hissed loudly. Black smoke could be seen coming up from his feet. He was growing with anger...

"This is unusualy nice of me. Hand them over now, and you will beable to cooporate and help us. We know of a way to possibly destroy the Phantoms."

OOC: Laskon, lets just say that the holocrons contain... ancient terrible secrets about the old Kirtir Empire. The Kirtir are still humaine enough to recognise that some of their secrets ought to be kept to themselfs. If they got out, it will only bring about the devistation of the galaxy. That is one thing that seperates the Kirtir from the Sith.
24-04-2005, 23:40
The other Ascendants had already finished dispatching those Phantoms that had sprung from the ground.

They slowly floated over to the other Jedi and Kirtir, reamaining in their powered energy form.

They observed for a moment, and noticed the black smoke that was rising from the Jedi's feet, and the sudden surge of dark energy that was flowing through Aunshi in his anger.

"Stop!" Shouted one of them. (Ki'en, female, unsually young Ascendant, only 27 years old.)

Ki'en's own powerful energy flowed through her, and she was surrounded by her own blue aura.

"What is this dark power you possess? We have sensed it through you many times..."
25-04-2005, 00:09
Aunshi looked up and saw Ki'en hovering above.

"The power you sence in me is the most powerfull of the force. This is the Dark Side. Weilders of it aren't as limited as those of the Light Side puppets," he growled.
25-04-2005, 00:23
If they got out, it will only bring about the devistation of the galaxy. That is one thing that seperates the Kirtir from the Sith.

OOC: Correct. Your forces are under control greatly. I however, let my minions run around rampant with their powers going on unchecked.
25-04-2005, 02:07
Andre dibilitated the dilema within his mind for several seconds, he knew he if could learn of ways to defeat the phantoms, the council would approve just as much as if he brought them Kirtir secrets...

He watched Aunshi growing angry, and the ascendents trying to calm him, he suddenly realized how useless it was to have conflict within the ranks whilt the enemy surrounded them.


He reached into his clock and handed over the holocrons, he then blinked at the comment made at the Jedi.

"Becoming a Jedi is a choice, we choose to use the force for peace and tranquility, it is not our fault that evil reigns in the galaxy, and therefore you consider yourselves more powerful because of it."

He turned to Locke, who was now approaching with Chit, who was just getting out of a large bipedal mech.

"Alright, this Kirtir master is going to help us find out how to destroy the phantoms effectively."

Locke and Chit looked grim at the prospect of getting any help from someone so closely related to the Sith, but they listened.

IC as the fleet:

"Commander, though most of the other ships have pulled back, Huntaeren ships seem to be holding their ground, and the troops on the planet say that more than half the soldiers remain fighting the enemy."

"Alright, then, we'll stay and help, too. I want turbo laser bombardments on any last known location of a phantom hole*, then send some valks down to give the rines cover fire."

"Right away, sir!"

*phantom hole: area where phantoms frequently rush up from the ground, though this can be anywhere, there are areas where they do it en masse.
25-04-2005, 02:17
"I knew you'd reason," Aunshi activated his double blade and pointed it at Andre. "DUCK!" He shouted as a Phantom was about to jump onto Andre from behind. Aunshi threw his double blade at the Phantom and sliced it into four seperate parts. He then called his saber back to him and then charged into the chaos of battle, his double blade swining into the Phantoms.
25-04-2005, 03:20
More than half of the Hornets had been cut to pieces or disabled by the phantoms (leaving 250 still up there), and only about one hundred fifty of the pilots who had crashed remained able to fight on the ground. Knowing the futility of their attack, they continued to to assist those around them. The ground numbers cut to one-thirty, then a mere ninety as the Phantoms mowed them down. Only one hundred twenty of the fighters remained in the air, and those numbers were continually decreasing. Five more Hornets crashed into the earth, three exploding upon impact and the other two lighting afire in their fall.

On Board The Terran Command Ship
Dagna watched the hopeless battle from the ship's bridge, glancing from the magnified view on screen to the view of the planet through the window. Things looked grim, the ever increasing blackness seemed to envelop the troops down there. He sighed, knowing what he was doing was one of the more foolish things he'd done today. He turned to a nearby programmer, calling out, "Dispatch half the remaining Hornets and all of the Spyndal Walkers to assit those on the ground..."

5 Minutes Later
320 Hornets flew from the ships' hangars towards the planet, flying in tight formation as before. Every two Hornets carried a walker, and each walker held a pilot and two more droids to assist on the ground.
25-04-2005, 03:40
Aunshi looked up and saw Ki'en hovering above.

"The power you sence in me is the most powerfull of the force. This is the Dark Side. Weilders of it aren't as limited as those of the Light Side puppets," he growled.

"I see..." Ki'en answered.

"In any case, your power is in control of you, and not the other way around. And do not doubt our ability to sense this. We ourselves wield a far greater power as you can see... And therefore, it is not difficult for us to know who is truly in control. Especially, in you, lower beings..." (She doesn't mean anything by that, just note. You are a lower being after all...)

She said this, while she touched down on the ground.

She looked at Aunshi for a moment longer, while he charged into battle, and said to him in his mind, "I warn you, fall out of line, and we will take action." Her tone then quieted, and she said, "Just keep that 'power' of 'yours', from corrupting you entirely..."

After she finished, she, and the others began to rise once more, and began to summon a huge storm of psionic power over the area. The skies darkened, and lightning began to crackle in the clouds...

Meanwhile, in space...

Xei had been monitoring the progress of the Ascendants, and she was very much impressed.

"Looks like they really are all that they're cracked up to be..." She said to herself.

A young ensign walked up, "Sir! I have an urgent message, via PsiCom. It's pretty short, sir. It's Lien."

"Alright, patch it." Xei answered. The message was played directly in her mind.

Lien's voice began to speak. It was slightly echoed, yet clear, and distinct.

"There is a new objective for your forces. One that you can actually assist in, without risk of messing anything up..."

Xei finished the rest of the message, and immediately began to give orders.

"I need all available craft to begin searching for a device! Have them lock on their Psi Sensors to the most powerful energy signature, save our own weapons and the Ascendants, and have them report directly to me when any one finds anything!"

Fighter crews and those crews for various scout vessels onboard began to scramble towards their craft.

Outside, the bay doors slowly dissapeared, and each Eclipse began to disgorge all of their craft. The entire space around the planet became thick with new Eshirian fighters. A few wings split formation and began to head towards some of the struggling Coalition forces on the surface. (There's about 116 squadrons of new fighters ready to assist when called upon. Just ask for some air support, RPed or otherwise, and we'll be on our way.)

The other remaining fleets that had been on standby since the entire crisis began also jumped to hyperspace, and steaked towards the planet. (They should arrive in about half an hour.)

The Eshirian Sovereignty had officially began its effort to fight the "Phantoms" with everything it had.

(Instead of just a few SpecOps forces here and there that I've currently been RPing...)
25-04-2005, 16:06
On the Planet
The Hornets approached a large group of struggling soldiers, releasing the the walkers seven feet from the ground. Each of the two passenger droids immediately leapt out from each walker, unslinging their G.R.A.D.G.E.'s and joining in the battle. The pilots of the walkers closed the cockpit and leapt up to the front lines, using their full arsenal to combat the Phantoms. Lasers scorched the ground, plasma bolts and rockets flew through the air. It was as if the area had suddenly been filled with a fog of fire from droids, walkers, and fighters alike.

Onboard the Terran Command Ship
The viewscreen flickered with images of the blinding fire, showing the battle (and several others) on the planet surface. Even with the addition of these troops, it still ooked hopeless. "Transmit a message to HQ. Request for backup. Get them to bring in more troops." Almost as a forethought, he added, "Request for several Matter-Destabilizer tanks as well."
25-04-2005, 20:43
Andre looked at the Kirtir master as he leapt fearlessly into the battle, he thought for a moment that perhaps there were some things worth using the force for, but he shook the thought from his head, and fell in behind the Kirtir with Locke in tow.

Chit had returned to his Goliath and was now organizing the remaining mechs to support the GadgetCorp walkers that had just landed. Missles and bullets began to fill the air.

The marine that had been continuesly helping the Jedi was now inside the dropship, readying troops and supplies to be taken to the front lines, he got a new message from the fleet topside.

"Major? We have confirmation that the Kyanges fleet has launched its entire fighter brigade, do you need support down there?"

"Commander, that'd be much appreciated."

"Alright, I'm patching you through to the squadron leaders."

After a short break, a connection was made with the Kyanges fighters.

"Listen up, pilots, this is Major John Henderson of the Laskonian Special Marines. We need some cover down here, I'm sending you the coordinates to where we need you to strike."

The major sent data of a cicular field of fire around the main force of troops.

"Alright? Don't worry, we're making sure all the troops are inside the perimeter."

Already, vultures were streaking across the battlefield to soldiers respective commanders, relaying the message.

"Troops! We're making a defensive perimeter, move back to the areas that are marked!"
26-04-2005, 02:44
"Hanson! I want you and the Laskon Jedi to hold those key strategic areas!
I'll take a full deathwing terminator army and plung into the Phantom bastards! Hold the defencive peremiter untill Kyanges has destroyed the Device! Repeat! Hold the defencive peremiter untill Kyanges has destroyed the device to help prevent the Phantoms getting any stronger!"

Aunshi turned to the Laskon Jedi Andre, "I'll try to get Admiral Brondi to help with air support and send out Phantom Squadron to help with the defencive peremiter."
26-04-2005, 20:56
"Aye, thank you."

He quickly rushed over to the Major.

"Major, when are those fighters getting here?"

"As soon as they can, I haven't even got confirmation we've got their support yet."

"The Huntaeren's say they can send ships, contact them and give them the coordinates."

"Alright then."

Andre nodded to thank the major before running back to help Locke in the battle.
26-04-2005, 21:05
Onboard the ISD Harvestor of Death Brondi continued to pace.

"Sir! Transmission from the Jedi. They have given us the coordinates to send our fighters."

"Excelent comm. All units, report to battlestations and decend to that area and meet with the Laskon fighters."

Soon, 11520 tie fighters consisting mainly of Tie Phantoms, Defenders, and Hunters launched from the 20 star destroyer fleet (72 ties * 20 SD's). They launched over to the coordinates and started to open fire. Hopefully, they will buy enough time for the Esherians for find the device...
26-04-2005, 21:14
Andre looked at the Kirtir master as he leapt fearlessly into the battle, he thought for a moment that perhaps there were some things worth using the force for, but he shook the thought from his head, and fell in behind the Kirtir with Locke in tow.

Chit had returned to his Goliath and was now organizing the remaining mechs to support the GadgetCorp walkers that had just landed. Missles and bullets began to fill the air.

The marine that had been continuesly helping the Jedi was now inside the dropship, readying troops and supplies to be taken to the front lines, he got a new message from the fleet topside.

"Major? We have confirmation that the Kyanges fleet has launched its entire fighter brigade, do you need support down there?"

"Commander, that'd be much appreciated."

"Alright, I'm patching you through to the squadron leaders."

After a short break, a connection was made with the Kyanges fighters.

"Listen up, pilots, this is Major John Henderson of the Laskonian Special Marines. We need some cover down here, I'm sending you the coordinates to where we need you to strike."

The major sent data of a cicular field of fire around the main force of troops.

"Alright? Don't worry, we're making sure all the troops are inside the perimeter."

Already, vultures were streaking across the battlefield to soldiers respective commanders, relaying the message.

"Troops! We're making a defensive perimeter, move back to the areas that are marked!"

In the atmosphere:
(Cue a battle scene that looks like the Episode II battle scene.)
In the lead fighter, Ne’tier, the lead pilot of Scin’ Squadron heard the broadcast loud and clear.

He responded, “Roger that Major, approaching coordinates: Charlie-One-Zero-Five. Weapons are armed, and our approach is hot. Clear the area.”

Ne’tier switched to PsiCom with the rest of the pilots. “Ground support. Sector: Echo-Five-One. ‘A’ three though twenty, form up.” he ordered.

The pilots were supremely trained. There was no BS or any wasted words or motions. No “Yeehaws” or happy banter was present in their Coms. Their voices and even their flying was cool and level. It was obvious even by how the fighters flew, that these pilots were cold killers.

The Fighters formed up, and began their strike. Their Multi-phasic cannons were armed, and each readied a flurry of missiles in their “Rep-tubes” (To be explained in my up coming fact book.)

Within a few seconds, they were over the area. A dark and ominous shadow fell over the bloody killing field as the skies were blanketed by ES fighters of the Scin' Squadron...

(OOC: Huntaer, that's "Eshirians", not "Esherians")
26-04-2005, 21:15
The 50 odd fighters of the Laskonian fleet led the way in the assault, flying over the heads of cheering troopers.

Some were taken out by large phantom "arms" that flung through the upper atmosphere, but most of the wraiths and valkries that survived immediately began to pore their missles and lasers into the large phantom offensive slowly beating the troops back.

"Use your thermal sensors combined with your motion trackers! That gives you a basic outline of their position!"

Suddenly, the Eshirian fighters flew over head of them and straight into the killing field, unleashing their powerful weapons.

"Lock and load, boys, and move into bombing position. Lets give these sonsofbitches something to thing about."
27-04-2005, 21:56
Phantom Squadron roared into the air with the familiar scream of the Twin Ion Engins used by all tie fighters. The 1700+ ties filled the sky as a big, moving black mark. They will buy enough time for the eshirians to find the device and for the Kirtir to continue to look for their missing holocrons.
No endorse
27-04-2005, 22:50
"Admiral Stryde! Action reported on the surface! Looks like we need to send in some support."

"Send in all craft, I want every atmospheric ship in the fleet down there causing havok! Load shuttles with as many torpeedos as possible, give them reserve magizines in their cargo holds."

"And... Cyan group?"

"Send them in spearhead. We need their offensive firepower more than anything else! Also, get that MC-10 down there. It can be a platform for fighters to reload."

"Yes sir."

A cloud of fighters appeared around the No Endorse fleet, with 237 mixed Rebel and Imperial craft screaming down towards the battlefield. X-wings screamed, and Y-wings began bombing maneuvers. A-wings covered where they could, and executed precision strikes at concentrations of Phantoms. The Twelve Missile boats began dropping heavy space bombs in the atmosphere, an interesting maneuver that brought satisfying results... for those who dodged the phantom counter-attacks. TIE Defenders, Interdictors, and Avengers aided in the melee, and five XG-1 Star Wings broadcast tarbgeting information to the rest of the swarm. The MC-10 glided in behind all of this, and began circling the perimiter, picking up damaged fighters and refitting them as fast as possible. Its turbolasers could bring a short respite from the chaos, but it had to keep moving.

ooc: do particle weapons inflict damage without stregnthening the enemy? I'm wondering because if so, space bombs, torpeedos, missiles, etc would be quite effective...
27-04-2005, 23:42
The fighters began to break up, the cloud of black, screaming moving weapons was spreading over the battlefield, some being taken out by huge massive spurts of Phantoms, but then the phantoms themselves being demolished.

13 Laskonian battlecruisers floated into the atmosphere, equipped for being so close to the surface, they began to fire their air to surface laser cannons, providing cover for the relief fighters.

"Commander, these reports are just coming in from the battle."

"Well, it sure as hell looks like we're winning, but what? This battle could rage on forever, those phantoms seem to come from everywhere."

"Well sir, as far as we know, we just need to supply cover for the Huntaeren forces..."

"I don't need that kind of crap, I want to know what these things are, and if its worth me leaving my men down there until they can find whatever they're looking for."
29-04-2005, 17:54
((Ehh, err, umm, bump?))
29-04-2005, 20:22
Within a few days, the first ships from the mainfleet arrived in the unknown reagons to help releive troops on land. In charge of the fleet is Lord Vorman. He sat upon the command deck on the H.S.S. Devistator, a Super Class Star Destroyer. It was followed by 600 other ISDs(mk 1-3), 200 Huntaer Class Star Destroyers, 100 Consternation Class Star Destroyers, 500 Acclamator Class Transports, 100 Nova Class Star Destroyers, 50 Alligance Class Star Destroyers and another 50 Deflector Class Star Destroyers. The dark lord senced that there is trouble on the planet below long ago before his fleet arrived. All together, 1501 ships. Vorman 's eyes glowed brighter as his fleet approached the planet.

"Comm, contact Admiral Brondi, tell him that releive forces have arrived. And send out a transmission to all commanders from participarting nations to meet me here onboard the Devistator for reports. Tell them, they are honorary guests."

"Aye 'm Lord."

Transmission sent to: All governments participating in the Phantoms
From: Lord Vorman
Subject: Update on current situation.

The Dark Lord advises for all military and naval leaders to meet onboard the flagship of the 4th Kirtir Navy Division. You will be welcomed as honorary guests. We will begin confrence when all leaders have arrived.
29-04-2005, 20:57
The small, blue-and-white vessel, an RE Flare, cruised through the open space seperating the Terran command ship and the Huntaerian flagship. Dagna sat at the controls, his first two arms operating the controls while his third worked the communications relay. He flipped a few switches, and began to speak calmy and clearly in a transmission to the flagship. "This is Dagna Slip, vice-president of the Gadget Corporation Military Department, requesting permission to dock for the conference."
29-04-2005, 21:13
Andre slumped silently against the crash chair in the Laskonian shuttle, the two pilots took no notice as he looked down at the planet below.

Locke was still annoyed with Andre for making him leave Chit on the surface, but he was calming down now, as they prepared for docking precedure with the Huntaeren flagship, Devestator.

Andre had been argueing that though he knew Locke wanted to stay with his padawan, it was foolish to bring Chit on a ship with several high ranking sith aboard, when Andre told him he should just stay, then, Locke told Andre he wasn't letting him go alone onto the ship.

Locke seemed to be napping, muttering a curse in his sleep, Andre shook his head and looked out the front viewport, the massive Huntaer ship filled the sky, behind it and around it were their massive fleet of star destroyers.

The pilot requested permission to dock on the ship.

IC as fleet:

Commander Nox was being transported over in his own small shuttle craft, with four marine guards escorting him, he patched through to the communications of the Devestator .

"Huntaer control, this is Commander Nox of the Laskonian 3rd division fleet, requesting permission to land as per the invitation."
29-04-2005, 21:42
(OOC: Short on time, so, sorry in advance for this rather lame post.)

On the Planet:

While the other Fighters provided Close Air Support, the rest of the squadrons began to fan out and search for the ancient device.

Over the Com, the flight leader's voice sounded in the cockpits of each fighter, loud and clear.
"Lock on PsiScans, and stand by. Report all finds to ESCom immediately. Out."

The Fighters followed commands and began to conduct their search.

A few drop ships deployed to likely position on the planet near the south and northern polar regions. Each search team was a small battalion of ES marines. The Ascendants themselves also joined in on the search, hoping to use their mastery over existence itself to speed the search. Whether or not that would work however, remained to be seen.

In Space...

The last elements of the ES fleet had finally arrived. The armada of
ES ships around the planet now swelled to over 500 ships, and countless fighters, and innumerable drones. The sight over the planet literally was a blanket of craft.

Meanwhile, with the Ascendants and SpecOps...

"What do you mean?!" Shouted the Marine.

"I mean, the Phantoms are a part of this world." responded a glowing figure.

"A part?!" "Yes, a part."

"How is that possible?"

"The Phantoms have in a sense, integrated themselves with every indigenous being on this world. That's where they keep drawing most of their energy from. They suck the life out of the creatures here."

"That's just sick..." Spoke a third voice.

"Y'damn right it is..." Answered a fourth.

The Ascendants had met up with various elements of Talon Force SpecOps troops that had been on the planet, before the "Phantoms" had made their initial thrust. So far, For nearly two weeks, they had been searching for the device in order to capture it. However, to no avail. They had survived largely by remaining out of sight, and by fighting of the "Phantoms" when ever they were discovered. It was this fiercely independent operational doctrine of the Talons that made them so dangerous, and feared. Even if you saw the main army on it's way, chances were, the Talons were already lining you up in their sights.

The Talons and Ascendies were hidden behind a small rock face and plotting their next move. Behind them, was a small dropship, specially designed for covert operations. It's big guns had saved the Talons on numerous occasion during the two weeks and had become indispensable.

The Soldiers were tired, and fatigued, but they still pressed on. At least they still had enough power remaining to synthesis rations. And they would for a long time, as each carried an efficient solar generator.

So far, they had failed to find anything. Today however, things might be different...

"Only Admiral Xei knows we're down here. If things had gotten any rougher, we wouldn't have survived. At least, now, we have you Ascendants here..."

"Hey!" One Talon interrupted, "I've got something!"

"Whad'ya mean you've got something? Where?"

"Here." The Talon pressed a few keys, and the exact location was displayed in each operators helmet.

"Alright, Move out!" Ordered the commander.

The Talons filed into the Dropship and sped off...

(OOC: Will be gone for the majority of the next two days. Don't get too much done while I'm gone. I've still a few things to RP out first.)
29-04-2005, 22:47
As Dagna awaited the reply from the Huntaerian Flagship...

Nether Space

Twenty-five Gravort Delta-Class Battleships sliced through space. Sent from GadgetCorp HQ, these massive vessels dwarfed the large Terrans, especially with their impressive arsenal and hangar capacity. Each carried about 15,000 droids and 250 Spyndal Walkers to assist on the ground, as well as two Matter Destabilizer Tanks as well. Nothing as great as a commander was on board; upon arrival they were to be put under the control of Dagna. As they neared the planet, they began to leave nether space. A large wormhole-like hole appeared within eighty kilometers of the other ships, and the twenty five battleships exited the void, taking up positions around the Terrans.

No endorse
29-04-2005, 23:24
A pinpoint of light appeared near the Home One class cruiser Harmony, and began to maneuver towards the surface of the planet. Dipping into the atmosphere, it dissapeared inside the MC10 class destroyer Helen circling over the defence line, only to reappear in seconds. As the pinpoint, a small Lambda shuttle, headed towards the Huntaerian command ship, Admiral Stryde strapped himself in. The situation down there is worse than I feared he thought. The Helen is very close to losing its starboard shield. Hopefully circling in the other direction will give the starboard units time to recover... I hate exposing that ship to such damage.

Straining against his seatbelts, the weary admiral opened up a comm channel with the Huntaer command ship. "This is Admiral Stryde of the No Endorse Space Force. We request permission to board your command ship. We have a few matters to discuss... We are pondering the deployment of multiple atmospheric capital ships, and would like to know your opinion on such a venture."
30-04-2005, 02:04
A voice was heard from all of the different nations ships instantaniously.
"Permission granted. Please drop your shields, and be prepaired to be brought onboard by tractor beam. We will be sending escort fighters allong your side for added protection." The transport ships from Kyanges, No Endorse, Laskon, and Gadgetcorp were slowly but surely brought on board
the Devestator. Lord Vorman awaited them in the hangar bay where they will be greeted by Huntaer's best elite forces of Clones, Space Marines, and a few Kirtir Knights.
30-04-2005, 03:50
Commander Nox stepped out of the shuttle and into the hanger crowded with clone troops. He grimly nodded to Lord Vorman and shook his hand.

"Lord Vorman, its a pleasure to meet you."

He motioned to his marine guards who, stood at his back and saluted.

Andre and Locke stepped down from the back part of the shuttle craft, the major and one of the pilots stepped down after him.

The major waltzed up to the Commander, nodding brieftly at Vorman.

He and the pilot saluted.

"Stand down, major, how are things planetside?"

"I suppose Lord Vorman would prefer for me to give my report with his military commanders on the planet during the conference?"

While the three men were talking, Andre looked around warily, eying the crowd.

"There are many Kirtir here, Locke..."

"So? They invited us onto their ship, and they wouldn't try anything with all the fleets generals here, we're in this together, this time."



Chit lumbered across the battlefield in his goliath, the machine returning to the supply base for a reload and repair. He got out of the mech and dropped to the ground, he walked over to the Seargent left in charge.

"Seargent, how does it look?"

"Well, we haven't really had much to shoot at lately, the phantoms seem to be pulling back a bit."

"Are the battlecruisers returning to orbit?"

"Aye, but the wraiths are going to continue strafing patrols."

"Alright. What of the conference aboard the Huntaer ship?"

The marine shrugged.

"Hasn't started yet, the major will tell us what going down as soon as its over, and I'm sure your people will contact you too."

Chit nodded and walked over to where a bunker had been constructed by an SCV. Several more were being constructed near the front lines.

Chit, though wary in the force, could now barely detect any signs of phantoms nearby at all, which was strange simply because they were, in essense, this planet.

He relaxed against the polished hot metal of the bunker and looked up into the sky, it was just breaking dawn now, the ships were barely visible. He had heard there were now thousands in orbit.

Why were the phantoms backing down now? They surely knew the fleets weren't going to blow the planet for one reason or another, why weren't they attacking all out?

He looked over the horizon and watch as a hill seemed to grow, and grow, and grow. It was pulsating, morphing, changing, he could feel the life in it, the energy, it reached towards space, almost forming a massive hand...and it shot forward, sending blobs of it everywhere through the upper atmosphere. One, in paticular, headed straight towards the Devestator.
30-04-2005, 04:25
The hatch door on the RE Flare popped up, a small jet of steam blowing from a valve as Dagna stepped from the vessel, a GadgetCorp NinjaBot and a Ga-Sing Combat Droid exiting the ship behind him. He stopped, making a deep-enough-to-be-respectful-but-not-sarcastic bow, as did the two bots behind him. "Lord Vorman, it is an honor," said Dagna, returning to standing. The Ga-Sing model droid buzzed suddenly, leaning over to say something to Dagna is low tones. The vice-president nodded, and the droid returned to his former spot. "I've just been informed that twenty-five Gravort Delta-Class Battleships have just arrived to assist in the situation, but-" He pulled out a small blackberry-like machine, on which a tactical map of the entire Aphotic Galaxy forces, as well as the planet, were shown. "I question whether more troops are necessary. We've enough forces to take out the entire planet-twice over."
No endorse
30-04-2005, 22:06
A voice was heard from all of the different nations ships instantaniously.
"Permission granted. Please drop your shields, and be prepaired to be brought onboard by tractor beam. We will be sending escort fighters allong your side for added protection." The transport ships from Kyanges, No Endorse, Laskon, and Gadgetcorp were slowly but surely brought on board
the Devestator. Lord Vorman awaited them in the hangar bay where they will be greeted by Huntaer's best elite forces of Clones, Space Marines, and a few Kirtir Knights.

Admiral Stryde stood on the boarding ramp of his shuttle, unsure what to do next. Finally, he decided to approach one of the officers. "I'm sorry for the delay, I was onboard our capital ship in the atmosphere down there. Also, I had tp retrieve two of my most skilled starship captains, and brought them with me. Their names are Nikola Perez, captain of the Home One class cruiser Harmony, and Sandy Farseer, captain of the ISD two Quantum Storm. Can they accompany me into the meeting room? And please don't ask Nikola about his name, he grew up in the gutter of Sanctuary Two, and gets a bit touchy about it. Ah, here they come now."

Nikola looked quite out of place in this regal area, in his khaki jumpsuit and loafers, but Sandy didn't look much better. She had just gotten out from under a damaged control panel when the call had been sent out, and the grease was still evident on her hands.

Looks like we're both under dressed she thought to Nikola wryly who could only shake his head and stifle a laugh.

Quite, as it appears. Wonder why he wanted us? He wants to parade out his pet commanders every time he goes somewhere? I was busy with a malfunctioning power flux coupling when he called.

I was busy with a gunnery station... Eh, not every day people like us become commanders; they usually end up dead. Both stood waiting for the Admiral to wrap up his business.

The captain of the MC10 class destroyer Helen was exhausted, as was everyone onboard. They had been fighting for what seemed like hours, and systems were redlining all over the ship. Ducking under a damaged electrical cable, and dodging some busted steam vents, captain A-N-Five-Sixty, the only droid captain in the fleet, finally reached the foreword command area. The main bridge was almost inoperable because of some suicidal Phantoms, but no matter, this one still worked fine.

"What is our status?" his metallic voice demanded, sounding much harsher in the wail of sirens. "And what is that landform that has appeared? I was not aware that we had moved into new territory."

"It's the phantoms we think sir," shouted a human officer. Behind him, an R2 unit worked a sensory post, displaying text and readouts on a holoprojector. "He says that there are massive life-form readings there. Maybe we can attack it to damage their main force. I don't think we'd be able to survive such a charge, seeing as we're nearly kaput anyway."

"You are not in charge here," A-N-Five-Sixty replied, "You are in charge of a sensory post. Do your duty, no more."

As for attacking the buildup he thought, in his electronic way , we have lost most of our repulsorlift capabilities, and the main sublight array is heavily damaged. The only system on this ship that is still fully functional is the para-light drive. Maybe we can modify it to attempt a jump in a gravity well... we could charge into that mass of energy and fry it to nothingness... but that would kill every being onboard.

A-N-Five-Sixty gave an order for the craft to go orbital to recharge and attempt repairs. Live to fight another day... maybe we'll make it out

ooc: Yes Sandy and Nikola are Xenos. They aren't Jedi or brother/sister, but the result of mixed parents. (Both had one terran parent and one Xeno parent, so they look completely terran with a few extra organs, slightly thinner and shorter than the average human, black eyes, and a strange skin texture. I have yet to think up a name for the species of their Xeno parents...) Their telepathy is similar to the force, but not quite, so the Jedi would think it mostly unintelligible. It involves entwined consciences, so they can communicate subconsciously. Odds are good that the Ascendants would understand it easily though.
01-05-2005, 21:22
Chit was leading a large band of an upwards of 200 marines towards the massive "hill" of phantoms, when he began to feel something.

"Move back into the perimeter, get the firebats into the bunkers, and the marines behind them!"

The soldiers, having been ordered by the Major to follow the Jedi's ordered, did as he said, several more Goliaths and tanks were forming up positions with the troops.

"Get some wraith support over here."

They had tried getting a techincal birds eye view of the object, but if any ship tried to go over it, it was almost instantly torn apart by an almost invisible force.

The firebats were just getting into the bunkers when he felt a sudden surge in life, dozens, no, hundreds of phantoms were barreling down the path they had just been going down, he prepped the machine guns on the arms of his mech, and turned on the thermal and motion trackers.

"Get ready..."

The soldiers became tense, the marines looked ready to either run away or start to randomly fire their guns...then suddenly the firebats fired up their massive flamethrowers and huge jets of fire boiled out of the bunkers into nothingness.

"No! NO!"

The phantoms were there, attacking from above, the distracted force had though maybe the firebats had actually seen something, but really they just go nervous.

Now they were dead.

The near invisible phantoms slinked inside the bunkers and slaughtered the firebats before they could defend themselves, several marines, in a panic, threw grenades inside of bunkers where firebats hadn't been killed yet, then the shooting broke out. The tanks and Goliaths first, then the marines, firing, and killing, many phantoms, but there were just to many.

Chit fired up his machine guns, hot lead ripped through dozens of the phantoms that still seemed to leap out of no where, he struggled with the controls as several phantoms attempted to break through, he held his hands out and blasted them off using the force.

More and more marines were being killed or running away, the tanks were being demolished and the goliaths were barely keeping track of the fast moving creatures.

Chit armed several missles and fired them into the main mass of phantoms, the expected explosion never happened, the missles were enveloped into the phantoms, turned around, and shot back up.

They were now head straight towards the No Endorse ship, Helen.
No endorse
03-05-2005, 02:04
ooc: what would happen if a phantom got dragged into hyperspace and broke out of the ship it was on?

And how would a capital ship reactor effect a Phantom?


"Activate all rear deflector screens, double back, and then stabilize when we turn towards them," commanded captain A-N-Five-Sixty, his metallic voice ringing hollow inside the cramped foreword bridge, "and prepare for combat. I want every operable gunnery station manned, and all engineering crews on double alert. We will survive this storm if it costs us every ounce of energy onboard."

The damaged destroyer slowly began to turn, its hull groaning under the strain. Finally, it managed to rotate and began charging towards the phantom clouds, guns blazing. The cloud of phantoms began to dissipate, but then reformed as a giant ring surrounding the destroyer.

“Call in fighter support!” screamed A-N-Five-Sixty , his logic circuits nearly melting with the amount of data surging over them, “Starboard shield section, stabilize sector ten point two! Hail the Quantum Storm and request TIE and turbolaser assistance! Get all troops onboard to any and all possible entry points! Engineering, boost reactor power two hundred percent for ten minutes! You have permission to vent coolant and use auxiliaries! Divert all power from non-essential systems and de-activate the sub light array; we will maneuver only on repulsorlift drives to conserve power. Drain all energy from supralight drive capacitors!”

All these changes did little to stop the ever closing ring of life energy surrounding the Helen. Two squadrons of TIE Avengers swarmed throughout the cloud, but their numbers thinned like grease over water. When the last fighter succumbed to the menace, there was little that could be done. The Quantum Storm turned the full weight of its turbolaser batteries on the fog of energy, but nothing seemed to have any effect.

After what seemed like an eternity, the Radioman took the liberty to send out a distress signal.

“MAYDAY…MAYDAY…MAYDAY! This is the Helen requesting any available assistance! We have come under Phantom attack in low orbit! Request assistance from any available! REPEAT! MAYDAY…MAYDAY…”

Already the port wing section had been torn off, and was being propelled into the atmosphere by phantom hordes. As the ship began to spin wildly out of control, the message was sent on infinite loop.
No endorse
04-05-2005, 18:10
ooc: BUMP
04-05-2005, 22:09
They were just coming from everywhere.

The few marines still alive and running with him had mostly dropped their guns to run faster, but more and more were being cut down by what seemed like thin air.

Large gun emplacements were giving them cover as they raced back, and dozens of bunkers filled with troops were ready to fire as soon as they were past them.

Chit felt something heavy land on the top of the goliath, the phantom began to shred through the metal towards him, he calmly drew his lightsaber and stabbed upward, he heard the shriek of the phantom, but felt as more of them latched onto the mech. He sliced through and force jumped out, a marine took a grenade and threw it into the half destroyed mech, it blew up, scattering phantom bits everywhere. The marine and Chit were the only two left, now, they raced past the bunkers as they opened up, filling the wall of phantoms will massive bullets, grenades, and flame.

It wasn't enough, they broke through and scattered towards all the soldier's camps...

Chit raced to the nearest command post, running in and checking the signals.

The Helen's signal came through.

He dropped the listening device, knowing there was nothing he could do for them, hundreds of soldiers were retreating towards the Huntaer camp, firing as they went. The Laskonian base was soon nearly engulfed.

Chit was staring blankly at the destruction, emotionless as soldiers were killed all around him, a tank went up in flames, another let loose with its cannons, blowing apart more phantoms.

He could feel them everywhere, he reached out through the force, and clenched.
04-05-2005, 22:36
Above the fleeing (Laskonian?) troops, what had earlier looked like a small cloud seemed to spread into hundreds of smaller ones, until each dot came close enough to be recognized as a fighter. Hundreds of Jyne Starrunners, 1,050 in total, rocketed through the air, beginning to bombard the open areas of ground where they knew, of had a fairly good idea of, the phantoms were with blasts from their plasma cannons. As they neared the ground, dozens of Spyndal Walkers and Nitra-7's were dropped, landing on the ground with what one would call machine-like grace. Several Ga-Sing droids were dispatched from each of the walkers, beginning to add to the storm of fire raining down upon the enemy with G.R.A.D.G.E.'s and Gatlin-Plasma Guns, while the Nitra-7's immediately began firing their arsenal into the areas where their scanners picked up motion. A large group of Nitras, Walkers, and NinjaBots began fighting their way through the throng of Phantoms, even as missles, lasers, and blasts of plasma flew around them. They had been sent to search for survivors, helping several injured marines to their feet and getting them into the walkers. A straggling walker suddenly exploded, taking the droid and marine inside out with it, as well as all the Phantoms within thirty feet. The others carried on with their task, returning to the main group and following the soldiers once all those injured had been rescued. A Nitra was ripped to shreds as it ran behind, the droid jumping out and activivating its thrusters just in time to avoid the explosion. In the sky, ten fighters were slashed through, only five pilots managing to get their thrusters online and follow the fleeing troops.
04-05-2005, 22:59
The Laskonian troops cheered as the fighters tore down upon the phantoms, it was a sight to see as the surging phantoms were just suddenly stopped in their tracks, then pushed back, then pushed back some more, but they resurged, sending the attackers sprawling.

Chit was now seething with force energy, one could physically see it floating around him, he drew his lightsaber, it snap hssed on, and rushed forward, force leaping high above the battle, then back down onto it, sending a shockwave that scattered both phantom and mech, then began a process of slashing wildly and attempting to kill as many as he could, he was slowly draining all his power into his lightsaber technique, soon becomind exhausted.
04-05-2005, 23:10
As the mechs were pushes back, the Nitras immediately pivoted their upper half, still running, and launched a barrage of spherical balls into the Phantoms, each which exploded in a giant mass of purple goo, holding many of them fast. After several second of reloading, they launches a hailstorm of missles into the crowd, the caught Phantoms having little or no room to escape, dieing in droves. A smaller group, made up of twelve NinjaBots, five Spyndal Walkers, and three Nitra-7's, broke off from the main section, heading towards the exhausted Chit, forming a defensive circle around him as one of the droids ran over to him. "Sir, you need to get into one of the Nitras before we're overrun," it said, in an oddly Japanese-like electronic tone.
04-05-2005, 23:29
Chit force blasted a phantom so hard one could hear the bones breaking in half as it flew backwards.

He looked at the robot, his energy gone, he silently walked into the mech where he rested, exhausted.
04-05-2005, 23:34
Once Chit had gotten into the Nitra-7, it returned to its full height, and the group ran towarsd the fleeing troops at full speed.
No endorse
05-05-2005, 00:02
The Helen was in desperate straits. It had re-entered the atmosphere uncontrolled, and crashed one hundred and fifty seven kilometers from the north end of the retreating defensive perimiter. The port side was underground, and the starboard wing was in the air at a fourty five degree angle. Somehow, though, some of the still exposed weapons managed to fire... barely. As A-N-Five-Sixty tried to pick himself up out of the wreckage of the nav officer's control panel, several dim shapes entered the wrecked windshield of the craft. It occured to him that several systems were not responding, and there was no contact with his leg servos or his right arm. The last thing he processed was one of the shapes suddenly taking a beastly form, and ripping his metal body to shreds.

Survivors began to congregate in gunnery emplacements and around critical systems, with blast doors providing all the available defence. A small tactical communications array, used for ground troops, began sending a short mayday.

"This is the No Endorse destroyer Helen to all available forces. We have been downed north of the main front, and are in desperate need of assistance. We have lost contact with our captain and bridge crew. Please send assistance ASAP. REPEAT: This is the No Endorse destroyer Helen..."
06-05-2005, 19:43
((Where is everyone?))
07-05-2005, 03:35
OOC: I've been away for a while, busy in RL. Anyways...

IC: On the Devestator.....
Lord Vorman stood in front of each of the leaders who were participating on the planet below. He looked at Commander Nox, Andre, Locke (laskon), Dagna, Admiral Stryde, and back at Commander Nox.
"So, all of you have arrived. I will take you to the Audience Chambers where we will discuss in council about our current situation."
(OOC: Any comments made to your leaders will be assumed it was made in the Audience Chambers). Vorman led them to the chambers where they began to talk about the current situation.

"So, who would like to begin?" Vorman questioned the leaders.

"I question whether more troops are necessary. We've enough forces to take out the entire planet-twice over."

"More troops are necessary. We need to give the Esherians the time they need to make their counter strike against the Phantoms inhabiting the planet," Lord Vorman replied.

(On the Planet Surface) Aunshi strolled through the battle, deflecting the occasional laser which would rocket past him. He soon came accross his devistator squad which consisted of several Space Marine Terminators. Their heavy armor will help buy time for the fleeing troops on the ground, and those who are starting to attack. "Men, it's time to go out into the battle. I want you to kill every last Phantom you come across. Show no mercy to them, for you shall receive none! Kill all in your path! CHARGE!"

Aunchi drew his double bladed sword and charged into the battle followed by three squads of Terminators. The Land Raider Crusaiders broke out all out firing their ammo out into the oppen, decimating trees and rocks. Aunshi casted several bolts of lightining before he starts to strike at the Phantoms. Behind him, countless squads of Clone troopers bursted out screaming the ancient Kirtir battle cry "FOR SKORM!" They too, launched themselfs into the bloody battlefield. Hopefully, the Esherian troops will destroyed the device soon.

(Back in space)
This is the No Endorse destroyer Helen to all available forces. We have been downed north of the main front, and are in desperate need of assistance. We have lost contact with our captain and bridge crew. Please send assistance ASAP. REPEAT: This is the No Endorse destroyer Helen..."

On board the Harvestor of Death Admrial brondi was about to leave to his shuttle to go to the [I]Devestator]/I] when he heard the message on the comm. "SEND OUT ALL AVAILABLE TIES TO HELP ASSIST THAT SHIP! I WANT IT DONE RIGHT NOW! NO QUESTIONS ASKED!" He barked.

"Aye sir! Diverting some of the ties from the Planet below."
No endorse
11-05-2005, 04:05
Onboard the Helen, a small R2 droid rolled through one of the whitewashed corridors on patrol, making sure the perimiter was not yet breached. Humerously enough, this R2 unit was the ranking officer onboard as far as anyone knew. So far, the armor had held most of the small phantom attacks at bay, and men had welded holes shut in the armor.

The main reactor was finally brought back to ten percent capacity, with all power going to essential systems. Weapons were beginning to run low on power, and one by one, the few remaining batteries were silenced.

Some of the officers congregated in the lounge, the only large area not destroyed or sealed off. The chief engineer of the ship was appointed leader, since an R2 unit wasn't going to do the job. He thought for a moment, and decided to act.

"Men, we are in desperate straits. There are exactly four hundred and twenty seven of us still alive. That is less than half the ship's crew. The blast doors seem to be holding, since the phantoms appear to be concentrating on the fleet in space. Because of this lull, I have decided that we must get someone to the outside to explain the situation. The main communications module is totalled, and the secondary is running low on power, so our only hope is a shuttle. We have one left, in the main hanger. This entails leaving the safe zone and navigating this ship to the hanger. The shuttle will have its emergency docking claws engaged, these will have to be deactivated in order to take off. We have thirty of our original fourty eight troops on board. All or nothing?"

"So moved," called an officer from the back.

"Aye, sounds like a plan," commented another.

"Too daangerous," exlaimed a third, who looked much worse for wear.

The vote ended in a thirteen to twelve victory for sending the shuttle. The very last of the power in the auxiliary communications module was used for a single short message.

"This is the No Endorse Destroyer Helen. We are sending troops to attempt to recover a shuttle from our landing bay and give you a better rundown of the situation. Please send help soon, we are less than half our original numbers."

(in space)
Nikola Perez looked up in surprise and then turned to Sandy. Her brow was knit with the same lines.

I felt it too. They won't survive Nikola

There is always hope. Never write it off unless you know you're paying enough.

Well, we can go. They need our skills down there. We can split up into two groups and try to find the survivors.

I'll tell the Admiral, you commandeer his shuttle. Get four squads ready to get down there ASAP, we're using Y4s and Sentinels. They'll launch from the Quantum Storm.

Captain Nikola Perez came foreword and interrupted the admiral, something that would usually have gotten him in some trouble. "Sir, we have a situation... Sandy and I believe that the Helen has gone down over the planet and is in need of assistance. You may not know this, but we are not one hundred percent Terran. We can feel things similarly to the Jedi, but on a different plane. Permission for both of us to go down to the surface and resque the crew."

The admiral was stunned at the audacity of the interruption and the message at hand. "The Helen? Is this true Lord Vorman?"
16-05-2005, 22:28
The major, still in his battlescarred suit, took out a laser pointed to point at the holographic board that covered one of the screens in the room.

"While they are discussing the ah, current situation, the major will give a recap of the battle."

"Well ladies and gentlemen, its not pretty down there, nor is it going to get any easier from here on out. Its almost stemmed to guerilla warfare, and with the phantoms being near invisible, its getting really hard for our troops to...uh, excuse me."

He walked away from the front of the room for a moment and spoke hurridly on his comlink.

"What??? Admiral! The Laskonian position has been overrun!"

"What? Are they getting any support?"

"Yes sir, but the base is going to be near impossible to take back..."

"Well, what the hell happened?"

"The Lietenent said they just burst out of the ground and attacked them, to many to count..."

The conversation continued, Locke and Andre sat, aghast.

"Admiral, did they say anything about the jedi down there?"

The major turned to them.

"They said he was injured, but rescued by a GadgetCorp mech, he should be fine now..."

"Alright. I'll head down to the surface..."

"No, you won't, Andre, he's my padawan."

Locke grabbed his cloak and moved out the door, nodding to the officers in the room before heading towards the docking bay.
No endorse
18-05-2005, 22:22
Phantastacial bump
20-05-2005, 21:53
"Huntaer where are you?" bump.
23-05-2005, 16:55
"Huntaer where are you?" bump.

OOC: I'm having dificulty geting on NS. It will be very hard for me to get anything in until school gets out (23rd of june....). Untill then, I'm a two second sound bite man on NS. I'm not going to be involved for a long time....
Gaia Rodina
23-05-2005, 17:12
OOC-Mind if I jump in here? Jedi v Orcs could get interesting.
23-05-2005, 19:51
The only way you could get in would be if you fought with us, we are all temporarily allies. The Phantoms are a threat which make the tyranids of 40k look like evil babies.
23-05-2005, 21:57
-wants to desperately keep thread alive-


The marines fought fiercely against the phantoms who were still converging over the Laskonian base, many a wraith had been brought down, and the Gadgetcorp and Laskonian mechs were barely holding them back.
23-05-2005, 21:57
"Approaching target..."

"1,000 meters. 500... mark!"

"Gun it!"


Out of the blue, the Talon Dropship sped towards the next search coordinates in their search for the ancient Device. (If you need elaboration on this, read some of my previous posts.)

"ETA to sector Five-One."

"ETA, momentarily."

A scruffy commander stood up and began a short recap of their mission plan.

"Teams one and two will fill in at the southern entrance. Teams three and five will follow me in infiltrating the power core, and hopefully shutting down the system before the 'Phantoms' figure out how to use it.

Support will consist of orbital batteries. No energy weapons though. Our MP (See my fact book.) rounds could jump up their energy level, and then the mission is a complete failure."

"Any questions?"

There was only silence. All the data would be available for review of the Holo-mons in their helmets anyway.

"We're on top of the target!" Announced the pilot.

"Alright, that's it! Let's go go go!"

With the Laskonian forces...

From their space launch ports, Eshirian fighters rained down over the desperate coalition troops, pounding the "Phantom" hoard back.

Defeating them would not be so easy however...

Some of the "Phantoms" looked towards each other. A few pointed at the newly arrived ES fighters, plotting, schemeing. They had a plan...
23-05-2005, 22:04
Damn good of you, too, Huntear's been waiting for about three pages!


The troops cheered and fought even harder at the arrival of the new fighters...
24-05-2005, 20:08
(OOC: Another bump. Come oh, Huntaer. My response is finally up. Much abridged I will note however.)
No endorse
28-05-2005, 15:30
bump. Oh well.

Sandy Farseer and Nikola Perez exited the breifing room, and proceeded to the hanger bay.
Looks like he'll have a few questions for us when we get back Sandy...

Aye. But it was important to tell him. If the phantoms get ahold of that reactor...

...we're all dead meat.

Our shuttle is ready. Let's go.

The two starship captains boarded the same Lambda shuttle they came in and began to power up systems.

All systems greenline.

Confirmed. Looks like the Quantum Storm is ready. Standby for launch. You want to do the talking Sandy?

Eh, why not? This way they can just assume I'm a crazy bitch.

Pushing her hair out of her face, Sandy jabbed the communications controls and spat out her message. "This is shuttle Scarlet Four requesting launch clearance. Please open the magnetic field. We are proceeding with liftoff. Thank you."

And with that the shuttle launched, barely missing the opening field. Once in the void, Sandy's fingers danced over the controls, and shuttle's main engines sprang to life. The ship was slammed into maximum acceleration, nearly overwhelming the gravcouches into which Nikola and Sandy were strapped. In less than five minutes, they had reached the ISDII Quantum Storm and entered the hanger bay.

As the two exited their shuttle, several squad leaders came over to report.

"A shuttle managed to escape from the Helen, but only with two people inside out of thirty who left the ship's safe zone. Apparently there are exactly four hundred and twenty seven people still alive down there.

"We are bringing one Y-four fully loaded with fourty troops. Other than that, there will be two Y-fours and three Sentinel class landing craft. We will be sending down pretty heavy fighter support for this mission."

"We will need two trips, but the troops will remain on the ground until the second trip. We are considering landing a full infantry group, but we want to keep this small and unnoticible. There will be more troops brought down when we go down the second time, but not a lot, so please be careful."

Saluting to the squad leaders, Sandy began suiting up in some decent armor and grabbed a pistol. "Good work soldiers, we'll take it from here. Nikola! Get down there and board the end shuttle. I'll be in this one. We'll get these guys out no matter what."

Nikola grabbed a pilot's helmet and several dangerous looking weapons. "Well Sandy, looks like this is where the fun begins. Try not to get killed, okay? My life would be dull without you getting me in trouble all the time." Something was bothering him as he walked down to the last shuttle, and he turned to watch Sandy enter her ship. "Why do I get the feeling that we're going to regret this?"

Suddenly, a familiar prickling sensation entered his mind. Don't think outloud Niki, people will think you're insane. We'll be fine. We'll have some fun when we get back, get some drinks and hang with some of the men.

I certainly hope you're right San...

On the Planet:
Some of the surviving No Endorse pilots disengaged from the fight. They formed up in the best grouping probable under the circumstances and formed a defensive peremiter around the NES Helen. Fortionatly most of the fighting was occuring far off to the south, but no one was taking chances, especially when there was the possibility of phantoms scavenging around the ship. The rescue team dipped into the atmosphere and began to circle the downed craft.

Seeing the damage, Nikola had second thoughts about having the time for two trips. Pressing the button for an all-access transmission, he spoke quickly and calmly into the microphone. "This is a No Endorse rescue team circling the NES Helen. We request transport support from anyone recieving this message, as there are four hundred thirty people still aboard her wreckage... we can only get half off in any reasonable time. Also, there will be wounded that will take up more room."

ooc: is this a decent post? I was kinda conflicted on this one.
29-05-2005, 02:26
(OOC: Another bump. Come oh, Huntaer. My response is finally up. Much abridged I will note however.)

OOC: I've read it and I'm confused on what you're asking of me. Do you need me to send in troops or something for your men? Or help with fighter support? If you're looking to seek my aproval, the only problem would be the "Finger" part. The Phantoms I'm thinking of should jus comunicate telepathicly. They don't need to point. One of the reasons why they are deadly.

The Eshirian Sovereignty launched it's fighter attack. The Tie's have yet to make it to the surface to cover them for they are of an older and slower design than what the military had just switched to. The old Tie's roared into the sky and they prepaired to form up to protect the E.S. fighters incase they are attacked by other means. The bombers however, prepair to do a deep skydive and the familiar tie engine scream ringed into the troops ears. They locked onto the Phantoms on the planet below inorder to help Aunshi, Locke, General Hanson and the others who were in tight spots.
29-05-2005, 02:54
OOC: I've read it and I'm confused on what you're asking of me. Do you need me to send in troops or something for your men? Or help with fighter support? If you're looking to seek my aproval, the only problem would be the "Finger" part. The Phantoms I'm thinking of should jus comunicate telepathicly. They don't need to point. One of the reasons why they are deadly.

The Eshirian Sovereignty launched it's fighter attack. The Tie's have yet to make it to the surface to cover them for they are of an older and slower design than what the military had just switched to. The old Tie's roared into the sky and they prepaired to form up to protect the E.S. fighters incase they are attacked by other means. The bombers however, prepair to do a deep skydive and the familiar tie engine scream ringed into the troops ears. They locked onto the Phantoms on the planet below inorder to help Aunshi, Locke, General Hanson and the others who were in tight spots.

(OOC: I'm not asking anything of you. Simple. Pointing rather than talking telepathically, and doing a physical action gives the impression of a more animal like creature. Unrefined, raw, and more powerful than the image of a bunch of supposedly uberbad guys having a civil discussion of what to do next [about the fighters].)
06-06-2005, 01:20
(OOC: Bump.)