NationStates Jolt Archive

Civil war in Buleas.

30-03-2005, 20:48
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Bulean Government News (BGN):
A sudden and brutal attack by North Bulean separatists has occured in the calital, Bulea. Three BMPs supported by well armed North Bulean troops hit the Eastern side of the city at about 2am this morning. Our war correspondent Jiles Sadraf reports...

'Its been a bloody day here in Bulea, The separatists have fortified themselves in public buildings and have been exchanging fire with BSF (Bulean Security forces) all day since about 3:30am Bulean standard time. both civilian and military casualties are mounting as the day goes on. A Bulean official has told me that the separatists are demanding North Buleas becomes independant. He also tells me that they disagree with the compulsary army service. People here argue that the service enabled the separatists to obtain weapons but this is still being debated. Jiles Sadraf, BGN, Bulea.'

The government has urged that all help to the North Buleans will be treated as treason. advice to civilians in the area is to try and leave in order for more direct military action. updates to follow.

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30-03-2005, 20:52
Message from Jamum command

we are horrified by these terrorists trying to make there voice heard though terrorist activity and we the Empire of Jamum offer are support
30-03-2005, 20:57
We would apprecate any help you can give. Aid would be accepted, hopefully peacekeepers too.

current deathtoll stands at 57 civilians, 25 BSF. an estimated 1450 have been injured un just 18 hours.
30-03-2005, 20:59
To: Buleasian Defence Ministry
From: Defence Minister Obergruppenführer Hermann Schroeder

The Republic of Verghastinsel has noticed the civil strife which afflicts the nation of Buleas, and offers it's support to the nation's lawful government. Verghastinsel is prepared to commit material or military support in the pursuit of peace and order.

OOC: I would advise against using smilies in yer posts. Makes you look a complete n00b.
30-03-2005, 21:03
ooc: thankyou.

ic: Right now the BSF can handle the situation, but aid would be appreciated.
30-03-2005, 21:08
Update: the main hospital in Bulea has come under sustained mortar attack. an already stretched health system is suffering its own losses.

15 medical staff have been killed including one consultant. 50 patients aredead so.
30-03-2005, 21:12
Message by Jamum command

We are sending:

1000 Challenger 2 MBT

1684 M-2 Bradley

25 M109 Paladin self propelled artillery

25 Paladin resupply vehicles

40 HMMWV Avenger Anti-Aircraft Missile System

920 Hummers

5500 M-4 Carbine troops

1000 Dragunov sniper rifle troops

3500 (SMAW) anti tank/bunker troops

1 Kombayn Nikoladze Class Battleship

1 Oliver Hazard Perry class frigate

2 Arleigh Burke class guided missile destroyer

120 CH-53 transport helicopters

150 AH-64 Apache attack helicopters

these will be sent to secure the nation and will remain as peace keepers for 2 years (ns)

1 carrier group will be present off your coast until hostilities end

8000 AK-47 assault rifle and $20,000,000 will be sent to your nation as aid

ooc: this may seem much but I don't won't to lose my first peace keeping operation
30-03-2005, 21:14
To: Buleasian Defence Ministry
From: Defence Minister Obergruppenführer Hermann Schroeder

In response to your requests, and an analysis of the situation, Verghastinselheer medical personnel and medical supplies will be dispatched to Buleas. An infantry platoon will accompany them to ensure their survival upon touchdown. Requesting safe landing area for large jet aircraft. Flight time approx 12 hrs.
30-03-2005, 21:20
All flights have been suspended. Main runway in the BITA(Bulean international terminal airport) ready to recieve.

As for the peacekeepers, we estimate the eemies as managable. no need for such force.
30-03-2005, 21:30
in a devistating display of force, several separatist SU25 aircraft dropped napalm on the West side of Bulea, the capital. no rescue teams have got through.
30-03-2005, 21:46

deathtoll due to napalm: 50,000.

only two of those were serving soldiers.

we declare total war on North Bulea. we seek permision from THE alliance beforehand.

ooc: this is now RP for THE Alliance
30-03-2005, 21:52
Inside Jamum secret Volcano lair

General Feta watched as napalm spread though the city

"my God they will pay for this" the General quickly formulated a plan with his staff "we will first use are special forces division to eliminate the mortar strikes then we will send in 2 A-10's with support of 10 F-22 Raptors" agreed the room is filled with nods “good”
Roman Republic
30-03-2005, 21:54
Since your part of the Croc Alliance. I'll provide relief and counter-terrorism operations

I'll send 2 MEU(SOC)
Total Marines: 6000

1 LHD-8 Wasp
12 MV-22B Osprey
8 CH-53E Super Sea Stallions
8 AH-1Z King Cobra

Landing Craft:

Well Deck:
4 M1A2 Abrams
1 M88A1 Tank Recovery truck
12 Mk. 23 MTVR truck
13 LAV-25
4 Logistical Vehicle Systems
4 Forklifts
2 Generator trailers
2 Water Trailers
1 Fuel Service truck
60 Shadow RST-V
8 M198 155mm Howitzer

1 LSD-49 Harpers Ferry
Landing craft:

Well Deck:
1 AAV-C2

1 LPD-17 San Antonio
Landing Craft:

Well Deck:
18 Mk. 38 MTVR trucks
4 M198 155mm Howitzer
3 Hummers
10 Forklifts
2 Reverse Osmosis Purification units
1 Purification Unit
3 Bulldozers
1 Sea tractor
1 Dump truck
7 500gal. Containers

1 CVN-21 George H. W. Bush Aircraft Carrier
55 F/A-18E Super Hornets
32 F-35 CV JSF
4 EA-18G Growler (EW)
8 Common Support Aircraft (AEW)/(ASW)/(ELINT)
8 SH-60F Seahawk (ASW)
4 HV-22 Osprey (CSAR)
2 KC-130J Hercules

4 Arleigh Burke Class Destroyers

4 Ticonderoga Class Cruisers

4 SSN Seawolf Sub

4 NSSN Virginia Class Sub

4 Arsenal Class Ship

4 DD(X) FCS Destroyer
30-03-2005, 21:55
"FUCK!", yelled Feldwebel Dursch, as the Buleasian he was operating on gave a final shudder. The man had third-degree burns over more than half of his body, but Dursch had reckoned he could save the man's life.

"FUCK!", he said again. Durch wiped a blood-covered hand over his blood-covered apron, achieving little more than spreading it around. He motioned toward an orderly, "Bring in the next one...".
30-03-2005, 22:01
Captain Tratgh of the BSF crouched behind a wall with the three remaining Unit one soldiers.

"requesting a pickup and relief, we have wounded" he shouted into his radio, staring at his own severed arm, before passing out.
30-03-2005, 22:12
"call back the special forces" said the General in the war room

"but sir" the communication officer stopped before he said too much

"do it now! then send in are paladins to begin are own bombardment" the General was clearly angry at a simple communication officer telling him to change his mind
30-03-2005, 22:42
The paladins fired there shells "25 paladins would not miss" the General muttered to himself they all hit the small mortar site but mostly around the site destroying a few building in the area the General now waited for the news report
31-03-2005, 12:36

There have been sustained mortar and Rocket Propelled Grenade attacks all through the night here in East Bulea. The deathtoll is mounting and was not helped when a mortar shell landed on the main runway of the airport, just as a plane was landing with medical supplies from a naighbouring nation, the plane hit the crater and crashed into a terminal building. estimates are hazy but people reckon over 250 medical staff and 100 of their military escort were killed.
31-03-2005, 14:27
Feldwebel Dursch staggered past the eviscerated corpse of his orderly, lying beside the scorched remains of his patient. The mortar shell had detonated just as it ripped through the canopy, killing them instantly. He'd been in the wash-truck, trying to get cleaned up when it happened. His instruments were lying scattered on the ground where they had fallen.

"Fuck..." mumbled Dursch. He said that a lot.
31-03-2005, 18:49
Commander Kraig of the North Bulean Freedom Army sat at the controls of his BMP fighting vehicle. "gunner, target soldier, behind the fountain" He said into the communication system. the fountain exploded in dust and flecks of stone as the .50 calibre machinegun ripped it apart, scattering anyone taking cover behind it. "arm the Main gun, Target the post office!, Fire!" The depleted uranium shell smashed through the building, bringing it down, several BSF soldiers struggled out of it, and were immediately ripped apart by gunfire from the supporting troops.

Suddenly, a huge explosion rocked the BMP and smoke filled the small cabin. the smell of butchered meat filled Kraigs nostrils. He pushed open the hatch over his head and scrambled out, and was shot through the shoulder by nearby enemies. he dropped back down into the seat, fleeting visions of his quiet farm to the north, his family playing on the doorstep of his well built house.
31-03-2005, 19:03
BGN UPDATE: The Bulean Chancellor has been killed in a rocket attack whilst he was evacuating with his family in a Bulean Airforce MH-60 Pavehawk Chopper. The Missile was fired from a North Bulean Controlled building, and was reported to be a stinger missile. the Pilot of the Chopper bailed out and fell 50 feet, he survived but is critical in the secondary hospital in the nearby town of Kakaowa.
Confederacy II
31-03-2005, 19:30
As Ambasador from the region
The Confederate Nation States I will fully suport the Northern Insugents (Freedom Fighters) they will be suplied with,

500,000 M 16

200,000,000,000,000 rounds of amunition

4,000,000,000$ in Confederate dollars

5,000 TT25 (National Confederate tanks)

6,000 R.P.G.s

7,000 Prtable sam sites


7,700 of our best S.O.S (Special Ops Soldier)

Confederacy II
redional ambasador
:sniper: :mp5:
31-03-2005, 19:35
As Ambasador from the region
The Confederate Nation States I will fully suport the Northern Insugents (Freedom Fighters) they will be suplied with,

500,000 M 16

200,000,000,000,000 rounds of amunition

4,000,000,000$ in Confederate dollars

5,000 TT25 (National Confederate tanks)

6,000 R.P.G.s

7,000 Prtable sam sites


7,700 of our best S.O.S (Special Ops Soldier)

Confederacy II
redional ambasador
:sniper: :mp5:

Message from Jamum command

any attempt to supply the terrorist groups will result in the use of force upon your nation
31-03-2005, 20:19
Message from BHC:

You do not seem to realise that we have one of the finest airforces in the region, poised at various locations, ready to attack any identified shipment to the Northern Bulean state. The area is effectively in lockdown and under siege. Any sign that these weapons have reached the insurgents will cause a unanimous vote to go to war with you. THE Alliance has over 10 member states and will totally eradicate any threat.
Roman Republic
31-03-2005, 20:35
Buleas, could you provide me a map of your country. Locations of the terrorists, and military action taking upon by you and the terrorists.
31-03-2005, 20:37
A map has been transmitted, what do you wish to do with the locations?

ADDED: only about 25% of the cells are on the map. the rest are still hidden. These people are not terrorists, they are well armed and fight our troops, although Civilian casualties are horrific.
31-03-2005, 20:55
Clarkestan offers a medical team of 200 fully outfitted and request a reserved air corridor to deliver supplies to them if accepted.
Roman Republic
31-03-2005, 21:00
A map has been transmitted, what do you wish to do with the locations?

ADDED: only about 25% of the cells are on the map. the rest are still hidden. These people are not terrorists, they are well armed and fight our troops, although Civilian casualties are horrific.

Did you telegram the map to me or you did not post it on the thread??
31-03-2005, 21:01
OOC: i aint got a map, just imagine it!

IC: thankyou all for your support
air corridor cleared. you may land at the airstrip south of the capital.
Roman Republic
31-03-2005, 21:04
OOC: i aint got a map, just imagine it!

IC: thankyou all for your support
air corridor cleared. you may land at the airstrip south of the capital.

OCC: I can't, some people will claim it to be godmoding. Could you tell me what your country looks like in real life. My 2 MEU(SOC) are arriving on Amphibious Ships towards you land.
31-03-2005, 21:14
The Dictatorship of Zatarack is willing to provide economic support to Buleas.
31-03-2005, 21:16
Medical teams sent through air corridor with light air escort of 5 Sukhoi 27 Flankers for protection, as Clarkestan has observed hostile air activity from the Northern Forces. Any attack upon the aircraft will be considered a hostile act towards Clarkestan and its humanitarian mission.
Roman Republic
31-03-2005, 21:28
After the Call from the pentagon. The 2 MEU(SOC) embarked to Buleas for relief and counter-terrorist activities.

2 days later..

The 1st MEU(SOC) deployed its Recon team to Buleas' beach. They checked if the beach was clear and safe for landing.

The beachmaster signaled Landing Crafts to land at his location.

LCACs loaded with Marines, and Heavy weapons and Armor were dropped off on the beaches.

AH-1Z and F-35C patroled the beaches for any unwanted activities.
31-03-2005, 22:46

This is Buleas, the city is located in the centre, and the Cells are mostly around the Lakes to the north.

The line you see is that od the border control between North and South Buleas.
01-04-2005, 02:05
President Ble: "We have been notified of your situation from the Crocodile Alliance and are attempting to contact North Buleas to try to convince them to stop their attacks. An ambassadorial team is already en route to North Buleas. If peace talks fail we will take police action first and military action later if necessary."

Securia will be sending the following:

1 ambassadorial team to North Buleas
Depending on the response from North Buleas Securia will send additionally either 1 peacekeeping force or 1 counter terrorist force.
Securia will also be sending an Alchemy Dragoon.
If the situation were to become dire enough then use of the railgun system may be provided. (currently under construction, will be completed soon.)

-The B.B. Dutchmen off the coast of Buleas North/South boarder-
Captain: "We've got visual of the Ambassadorial ship?"
Monitor: "Affirmative, the ship is approaching the harbor."