NationStates Jolt Archive

Generalissimo J.L. disbands Congress, declares "I am the law now"

28-03-2005, 16:27
(OOC: WARNING: Foul language!)

Capitol Building, RB City, the Pest Control Company of Roach-Busters

"This is an outrage! A goddamned outrage! Goddamn it, J.L., you goddamned dictator, are you trying to goddamn make us a goddamned Third Reich?" Congressman Morton 'Hoggie' Weldstan shouted.

"Congressman, refrain from further idiocy before I decide to detain you," J.L. said tersely, his voice eerily calm, almost atonal and emotionless.

"Well, fuck you!" Weldstan shouted, so furious he was in tears. Sobbing, he said, "Fuck you..."

The rest of the Congressmen were too stunned to speak. J.L. had simply entered the room, taken a seat, and said calmly, "Congress is dismissed. Permanently. Democracy is a cesspool which breeds tyranny by majority, setting the stage for communism. To preserve liberty and deter Marxism, I must assume full control of the political realm in RB."

Armed guards quietly and peacefully escorted all congressmen and senators outside. They would be forcibly retired, paid enough money to support themselves and their families, and never permitted to participate in politics again. Only Weldstan resisted.

"J.L., damn you, I'll have your hide! One day, man! One day!" Weldstan screamed, struggling to break free as two immensely muscular bodyguards carried him away.

"Hoggie, because you are being so difficult, I believe we may have to have you demonstrate what happens to those who refuse to obey," the Generalissimo said. He snapped his fingers, and the bodyguards set him down in a chair, tied him up, and left him for J.L. to deal with.

"Get the video cameras ready," J.L. snapped, and shortly afterwards, a cameraman arrived, and began filming.

J.L. stripped Weldstan's feet bare, removing his socks and shoes. He then took a hard, spikey leather whip, and lashed the bottom of Weldstan's foot, etching a thin, ugly red scar that bled profusely. The bottom of his foot was bright red, and Weldstan screamed so shrilly he sounded like a four-year-old girl. The Generalissimo J.L. proceeded to lash the bottom of Weldstan's foot exactly one thousand times. When he was done, Weldstan was sobbing like a baby, begging for mercy. His foot was drenched in blood. Smiling, oblivious to Weldstan's agony, the Generalissimo administered punishment to the second foot in the same fashion.

"Going to call insult me now, 'Hoggie?'" J.L. asked.

Weldstan rapidly shook his head.

J.L. grinned. "Didn't think so."

He took a wooden paddle, dipped it in a vat of hot tar over 400 degrees, and began gently painting the bottoms of Weldstan's feet with the tar, as the dissident congressman screeched, so excruciatingly loudly that windows shattered, the building vibrated slightly, and everyone within a two-mile radius plugged their ears, wincing in pain at the sound. When J.L. was done, he grabbed a crude, rusty, filthy wrench, and twisted each of Weldstan's toes backwards. Weldstan could no longer scream. His throat was so dry and sore he could not even make a sound. J.L. then ripped out of the toenails, one at a time.

"Get this loser out of here," he said, and the guards untied Weldstan, dragged him away into a black van with tinted windows, and sped away.

He was never seen again.
28-03-2005, 16:37
28-03-2005, 17:21
28-03-2005, 18:06
"This is ridiculous, I have watched as you have grown steadily more and more insane. The world should no longer be forced to deal with you and your pathetic dictatorship. All Roach Busterians in our nation have been instantly deported, where they will stay outside your territory until the same courtesy has been extended to us. J.L, you are a pathetic, low piece of scum, not even worthy of the term man. Your days are numbered J.L...."
28-03-2005, 18:11
You had a congress? Well, at least it's gone...

-Emperor Helldawg V
28-03-2005, 18:16
"This is ridiculous, I have watched as you have grown steadily more and more insane. The world should no longer be forced to deal with you and your pathetic dictatorship. All Roach Busterians in our nation have been instantly deported, where they will stay outside your territory until the same courtesy has been extended to us. J.L, you are a pathetic, low piece of scum, not even worthy of the term man. Your days are numbered J.L...."

All Sanctaphrax citizens unlucky enough to be in RB right now will not live much longer.

-Generalissimo J.L.
28-03-2005, 18:17
You had a congress? Well, at least it's gone...

-Emperor Helldawg V

Thank you, your Highness.

-Generalissimo J.L.
The Transylvania
28-03-2005, 18:24
A dark figure walked up behind J.L. and place his right hand on J.L.’s left shoulder. “Good work on that nut. I never seen anything more funnier.” said the Count “But don't get too dictatorial with us. Ok?” With that he disappear back into the shadows like he did went he first enter.
28-03-2005, 18:30
A dark figure walked up behind J.L. and place his right hand on J.L.’s left shoulder. “Good work on that nut. I never seen anything more funnier.” said the Count “But don't get too dictatorial with us. Ok?” With that he disappear back into the shadows like he did went he first enter.

"Uh...okay," J.L. said, looking around, perplexed.
28-03-2005, 20:42
Holy Paradise
28-03-2005, 22:52
President Holtz looked at a report handed to him by an aide. His blood began to boil and his muscles tensed. "What the fuck is he doing?! MY GOD, that is it, J.L., we have to talk. But first, I must address the nation."
The Massive Ethiopians
28-03-2005, 23:01
Message from Aliados government:

I would like give our congrats to Roach-Busters for disbanding your Senate. This is a step in the right direction for your great nation. I only wish that you have done what we did and create a puppet Senate, but good job none the less.
Holy Paradise
28-03-2005, 23:07
President Holtz addressed the nation:

"My fellow Holy Paradisians, a great concern has come to my attention. Roach-Busters', our ally's, leader has done the unthinkable. He has disbanded his nation's Congress. He has called democracy a 'cesspool which breeds tyranny by majority, setting the stage for communism." He then soon after murdered a congressman for disobeying his orders. Therefore, we have called back all Holy Paradisians, military or civilian, from Roach-Busters and have ended our alliance with their nation. I am planning to hold talks with Generalissimo J.L. to try and talk some sense into him so he might revive Roach-Busters' Congress and we can continue our alliance. But for now, we are no longer allies. Thank you, and God bless Holy Paradise."
28-03-2005, 23:09
(OOC: Holy Paradise, want to do a cold war RP between us? Not a full-blown, all-out war, but a cold war? I think it would be cool.)
Holy Paradise
28-03-2005, 23:11
(OOC: Holy Paradise, want to do a cold war RP between us? Not a full-blown, all-out war, but a cold war? I think it would be cool.)
OOC: Sounds cool. But let's have President Holtz and Generalissimo J.L. have talks first in a separate thread to ignite it, okay? I'll make the thread.
28-03-2005, 23:16
OOC: Sounds cool. But let's have President Holtz and Generalissimo J.L. have talks first in a separate thread to ignite it, okay? I'll make the thread.

(OOC: Cool.)
The Lightning Star
28-03-2005, 23:26
Offical Statement by the Carthaginian Leadership

"While we have always been one of RB's staunchest allies, we have to say that we disagree with this act. Democracy is all that separates us from the Communist dogs, and now you have instated an Empire established on fear. This will not stem the tide of Marxism. You must convince the people that your government will benefit them, not torture them if they don't follow you. Our former leader Prime Minister Steve Hargin ruled that way. His rotting body now hangs over the Technocrat Square."

OOC: Just to let ye know, RB, Steve is still alive in the "WGADAHR" threads, and any other Character RP's.
28-03-2005, 23:27
Offical Statement by the Carthaginian Leadership

"While we have always been one of RB's staunchest allies, we have to say that we disagree with this act. Democracy is all that separates us from the Communist dogs, and now you have instated an Empire established on fear. This will not stem the tide of Marxism. You must convince the people that your government will benefit them, not torture them if they don't follow you. Our former leader Prime Minister Steve Hargin ruled that way. His rotting body now hangs over the Technocrat Square."

OOC: Just to let ye know, RB, Steve is still alive in the "WGADAHR" threads, and any other Character RP's.

The Generalissimo will consider this advice carefully.

-Generalissimo J.L.
The Lightning Star
28-03-2005, 23:31
Secret Message from the Carthaginian Leadership

"Sorry if we were a bit harsh in our public response. We didn't want to sound too hypocritical to our own people(seeing how we recently overthrew a government similar to yours).

While we still do not like this "one man, one time, one vote" minus the "one vote" system, we believe that this could potentially be good. However, this will only be good if you restrain yourself. Give your people more Civil Rights while taking away some Political rights. Give them less taxes and more money. Also, a puppet-congress or a minor congress(a congress that handles only minor issues) would help. Alot."
28-03-2005, 23:33
I was planning on giving my people virtually unlimited social and economic freedoms, but very few political freedoms. Either way, I am not sure if the disbanding is permanent or only temporary.

-Generalissimo J.L.
The Lightning Star
28-03-2005, 23:35
I was planning on giving my people virtually unlimited social and economic freedoms, but very few political freedoms. Either way, I am not sure if the disbanding is permanent or only temporary.

-Generalissimo J.L.

As long as you don't commit genocide against your people, enslave them, etc, you should be fine ;).
28-03-2005, 23:37
As long as you don't commit genocide against your people, enslave them, etc, you should be fine ;).

I won't. I only commit genocide against Shoobans.

-Generalissimo J.L.
Camel Eaters
28-03-2005, 23:45
Ah! Feckers! Democracy is great.............bizzle. Go back to the way ye once where! Giving the world so much hope. Now ye just make me sick.........bizzle.

-Words of Ambassador Dungall
The Massive Ethiopians
29-03-2005, 00:24
OOC: RB will u check your tgs again. Thank you!
29-03-2005, 00:29
President Jack Kordo II applauds this step in the right direction for R-B and for J.L. He wishes he could give you his congratulations in person, but certain circumstances prevent it. He also gives a word of warning, reminding J.L. of the dangers that this action can cause. Once again, he congratulates you on your new status.

Senior Presidential Advisor Henery Rey.
29-03-2005, 00:32
It seems like you're deliberately driving me away when I'm one of the few moderate allies you have left. Friends don't flaunt their irrationality. Why are you doing this?

- Tim
29-03-2005, 04:26
Why didn't I think of that?

Secret Comments of Emperor Justinian
29-03-2005, 13:53