NationStates Jolt Archive

Invasion of Argentina and Chile.

The Scandinvans
28-03-2005, 02:19
The emperor ordered his legions to gain new lands to help end the dire need of resources in our nation because of years of constant economic, population, and industrial expansion.
There the invasion would be divided into three waves to help gain maximum efficentency and effect.
The first wave would be made up of paratroopers dispatched to the capital cities of Santiago and Buenos Aires. Each would be assaulted by 72,000 elite paratroopers in order to try and seize the capital or bring the government into case and throw the nations into chaos.
The second wave would be made up of troops to reinforce the paratroopers and begin the main assault. They would also be made of the first artillery and tanks and also armored transport vehicles.
The third wave would be made of more troops and more armored vehicles, tanks, and artillery. This wave would begin and/or finish the off the remaining government and standing armies and militias.
Aboard an airplane above the Atlantic nearing Argentina Colonel David said to his troops," We are here by orders of the emperor and we must complete this mission in order to help preserve our nation. Remember you have all sworn oaths to fulfill the emperor's orders now obey that oath and for glory of his highness, Scandinava, and our fathers and children let us win this war!"

Aboard a ship sailing to Argentina Lord Erik commander of the invasion forces said into the microphone," We are nearing the enemies lands this war will be fierce and many of you may not make it out of there but remember that you die for Scandinava. This war is needed because of the lack of resources in Scandinava and that this one day might lead to the fall of Scandinava."

There forces slowly approached the shores and lands of Chile and Argentina.

This is not to invade the land of any ns state but more of the invansion of real Earth countries.
The Scandinvans
28-03-2005, 02:34
The 12 airborne corps apporached and they prepare to land all of them had been trained and informed abotu the fighting inBuenos Aires. The same was for for the 32 airborne corps going to Santiago