NationStates Jolt Archive

New Press Laws Implemented by Shah

The Parthians
26-03-2005, 21:50
In a shocking move today, the Shah has created a formalized new set of laws dealing with the press and curtailing abuses of the monarchy by saboteurs within the press. Before today, it would take a personal order by the Shah to curb these activities being carried out by leftist and Islamic Terrorist saboteurs, but now, it simply requires the order of a magistrate to do so and allows for swift justice against these terrorists. The new laws are as follows.

The insult of the Monarchy by the press, the Monarchy being the institution most favorable to Ahura Mazda, Lord of the Heavens, is heresy and blasphemy. The punishment will be for such an affront to the Good Religion shall be in the case of the writer or designer and creators of the piece of media, bastinado (beating on the soles of the feet) 300 times and 25 years imprisonment. The station will be shut down and all employees placed in prison for six months.

The advocation of the overthrow of the government or current economic system by the press is treason,the creator and presenters of the media shall be executed by strangulation hanging. The station will be shut down permanantley and the employees given bastinado 200 times and imprisoned ten years.

The advocation for reform considered leftist in nature is considered stupidity, and the creators, and presenters of the ideas in media will be punished by bastinado 100 times and 5 years imprisonment. The station will be fined 1,000,000 Parthis and the employees jailed for a month.

The criticizing of the government for abusing human rights by the media or the showing of these so called abuses with the intent of portraying it as a negative will be responded to by having the creators and presenters of the media soaked with gasoline and set alight, the station destroyed and all employees hanged.

The portrayal of Parthia as backward will be punished by beheading all employees and impaling the creators and presenters of the offending media company.

Excessive criticizing of the government by the media will result in the closure of the media company and bastinado 50 times of all the employees.
26-03-2005, 22:04
"On behalf of the Federal Socialist Republic I extend my sympathies to the people of Parthia, so close to hell and so far from heaven. This new law effectively destroys any of the last vestiges of independent voice and thought in Parthia. It sickens us how you can torture people like this, the Shah and his cronies are sadists. Though we are both members of the IADF, I can tell you with pride that no Hrstrovokian will ever come to the aid of the Parthian government, no Hrstrovokia will ever risk his life for such a cruel and authoritarian regime."

Prime Minister Alexander Miroslav
Federal Socialist Republic of Hrstrovokia
The Parthians
26-03-2005, 22:20
"On behalf of the Federal Socialist Republic I extend my sympathies to the people of Parthia, so close to hell and so far from heaven. This new law effectively destroys any of the last vestiges of independent voice and thought in Parthia. It sickens us how you can torture people like this, the Shah and his cronies are sadists. Though we are both members of the IADF, I can tell you with pride that no Hrstrovokian will ever come to the aid of the Parthian government, no Hrstrovokia will ever risk his life for such a cruel and authoritarian regime."

Prime Minister Alexander Miroslav
Federal Socialist Republic of Hrstrovokia

OOC: I am not a member of the IADF as far as I know, my membership was rejected.


These people opposing me are saboteurs wishing to take Parthia into the Middle Ages we only began to pull out of in the 1870s. Good riddance to them, they deserve their fate.

-Shah Khosru III
The Parthians
26-03-2005, 22:30
Update from Parthian News Network

Hello, I am Farah Aryanpour. Today, in direct offense of the press laws passed by his Eternal Majesty Shah Khosru III, the Communist Worker, a leftist paper circulating in the ghetto of Persepolis has published articles demanding the overthrow of the "corrupt monarchy." In response, just agents of our great Shah, the loyal SAVAK raided the paper and set it on fire before arresting the entire staff. Since they are unsure who was the creator, and no one will confess, they will all be executed tomorrow.

In other news, The Shah has given his beloved people a day..........
The Parthians
27-03-2005, 01:28
Nova Roma
27-03-2005, 01:46
"May I recommend national broadcasts of your executions and bastinados? It has worked wonders deterring revolts, riots, plots, coups... the like.

You know those pesky revolutionaries, always trying to get their damned freedom... A good crucifixion every now and then keeps those bastards at bay."

:Imperator Tyrannvs
;Nova Roma
The Parthians
27-03-2005, 01:50
"May I recommend national broadcasts of your executions and bastinados? It has worked wonders deterring revolts, riots, plots, coups... the like.

You know those pesky revolutionaries, always trying to get their damned freedom... A good crucifixion every now and then keeps those bastards at bay."

:Imperator Tyrannvs
;Nova Roma

"I shall try that my friend. Televising the punishment of these saboteurs will strike a clear message. Quite brilliant. Thank you."

-Shah Khosru III
Generic empire
27-03-2005, 01:54
Personal Communique to Shah Khosru III from Emperor Antonius I of Generia

My friend, why not take the Generian route and amalgamate all media agencies into one state controlled entity? It could save your magistrates time better spent chasing leftist saboteurs.
The Parthians
27-03-2005, 02:11
Personal Communique to Shah Khosru III from Emperor Antonius I of Generia

My friend, why not take the Generian route and amalgamate all media agencies into one state controlled entity? It could save your magistrates time better spent chasing leftist saboteurs.

Personal Communique to Emperor Antonius I from Shah Khosru III:

We pride ourselves on being lassez-faire capitalists. I don't like state control over anything since it increases the corruption and red tape people need to cut through.
29-03-2005, 02:25
I staunchly approve of these new laws. They are ingenious!

-Generalissimo J.L.
The Parthians
29-03-2005, 02:47
Thank you my friend. I am about to demonstrate the force of these laws though.

-Shah Khosru III

The 500 employees of the condemned newspaper waited in cages lining the main street of Central Persepolis. None of them had revealed the creator and presenter of the media, so now, they would all be executed. Hanging, few people knew, was invented in Persia, and modern Persia, the nation of Parthia, used it very often. These people were to hang, and along the length of the street, 500 scaffolds and ropes were prepared. One by one, the noose was tied around the victim's neck and the victim was pulled up from the ground by a team of men pulling on the opposite end of the rope before tying it in place. Slowly, they were strangled to death while passing people cheered, "Justice, Justice!"
29-03-2005, 02:49
Good riddance to these kissers of Angra Mainyu's ass. May they rot on a steaming skillet in the bowels of Hell.

-Generalissimo J.L.
29-03-2005, 03:44
Official Statement from the President of the United States of Credonia

Credonia is stunned and horrified by the described punishments of people who you declare are speaking out about your government. Credonia is a staunch advocate for civil and human rights and liberties and declares that such actions taken in part by the Parthian government are in direct violation of each and everyone of your civilians human and civil rights and liberties. Credonia states that the freedom of speech and the freedom of the press, two rights that go hand in hand, are granted to each and every human being by god. Your government has no right to silence the speech of your citizens.

Because of these constant violations of your own people's human and civil rights and liberties, your membership to the IADF has been and will continue to be revoked until serious political and social reforms are made, regardless of any allies you may have within the IADF and how valuable to the alliance they may or may not be.

Kaimoni A. Sutton
United States of Credonia
The Parthians
29-03-2005, 03:50
Official Statement from the President of the United States of Credonia

Credonia is stunned and horrified by the described punishments of people who you declare are speaking out about your government. Credonia is a staunch advocate for civil and human rights and liberties and declares that such actions taken in part by the Parthian government are in direct violation of each and everyone of your civilians human and civil rights and liberties. Credonia states that the freedom of speech and the freedom of the press, two rights that go hand in hand, are granted to each and every human being by god. Your government has no right to silence the speech of your citizens.

Because of these constant violations of your own people's human and civil rights and liberties, your membership to the IADF has been and will continue to be revoked until serious political and social reforms are made, regardless of any allies you may have within the IADF and how valuable to the alliance they may or may not be.

Kaimoni A. Sutton
United States of Credonia

I do not want to be considered for membership in that alliance any longer because it interferes with my soverignty and also interferes with my other alliances. I believe I have full power to do as I wish to my citizenry, for Ahura Mazda grants me the divine right of kingship.

-Shah Khosru III
The Parthians
30-03-2005, 21:09
In response to a flyer printed by two children aged 11 and 13 condemning the government for "Brutally repressing free speech" SAVAK has arrested the offenders and has imprisoned them in Evin Prison of Tehran. Normally, a sentince of execution would be passed, but they expect since they are minors a sentince of bastinado and imprisonment until they are 18 will be the likely case. The trial has been scheduled for tomorrow and the two are expected to plead guilty for a lighter charge.

-Interior Minister Lord Sassan Savadkouhi
The Parthians
31-03-2005, 01:33
31-03-2005, 01:34
We oppose these barbarous, un-democratic, tyrannical laws and demand they be repealed at once!

-General Creighton Eastmoreland, head of the military junta and de facto leader of Roach-Busters
31-03-2005, 01:46
Nice move. We praise it.

And where are our shoobans?

General Willhelm
The Parthians
31-03-2005, 01:52
We oppose these barbarous, un-democratic, tyrannical laws and demand they be repealed at once!

-General Creighton Eastmoreland, head of the military junta and de facto leader of Roach-Busters

Your days are numbered, and your end will be most painful, usuper.

-Shah Khosru III
31-03-2005, 01:54
Your days are numbered, and your end will be most painful, usuper.

-Shah Khosru III

Keep telling yourself that.

-General Creighton Eastmoreland
31-03-2005, 02:11
The Parthians
01-04-2005, 05:03
Keep telling yourself that.

-General Creighton Eastmoreland

Do you know what scaphism is? It's sometimes called the boats. Its so brutal and sadistic of a punishment it has never been used in Parthia for the past 400 years. We are seriously considering of reviving this just for you.

-Shah Khosru III

The children have pleaded guilty to violating the press laws. They have been sentinced to a light penalty of being bastinadoed 25 times, 3 months of prison, and 550 hours of service to a corporation.

-Interior Minister Lord Sassan Savadkouhi
The Parthians
01-04-2005, 06:41
In response to a garage printed flyer portraying the Shah as an abuser of human rights by two men who distributed it and printed it, they have been arrested by SAVAK and carted off to Tabriz prison. The magistrate has decided against giving them a trial and instead has sentinced both to be doused in gasoline and set on fire, so their souls can be purified from this heresy committed against the blessed Shah.

-Interior Minister Sassan Savadkouhi
The Parthians
01-04-2005, 19:31
01-04-2005, 22:39
Official Imperial Response

We applaud this action.

OOC:RB, when did you get a regime change? Would JL require Skar's assistance in the execution of the traitor?
The Parthians
02-04-2005, 02:43
Two men, guilty of violating the Shah's laws were placed onto a platform of stone in the center of Persepolis. A pair of cages with stone bottoms were set up, and when a crowd had gathered, the people screamed, "Justice, Justice" while flammable gasoline was thrown onto them from a cooler. A hose was brought in to spray the platform of the liquid that spilled, and then, one man threw a torch into the cage and within a few seconds, the men were on fire and running around the cage screaming for minutes before collapsing into a heap and dying.
02-04-2005, 03:03
Official Response
For some reason we are neither shocked nor surprised at this.
This is exactly what we expect from Parthia.

Ministry of External Affairs
The Parthians
02-04-2005, 03:26
Official Response
For some reason we are neither shocked nor surprised at this.
This is exactly what we expect from Parthia.

Ministry of External Affairs

Interesting... I have sucessfully desensitized you.

-Shah Khosru III
The Parthians
02-04-2005, 17:46
The Parthians
03-04-2005, 06:02
The Parthians
03-04-2005, 19:39
The Parthians
04-04-2005, 23:28
Twenty more people are preparing trial for disputing these laws.

-Interior Minister Sassan Savadkouhi
The Parthians
05-04-2005, 02:06
The Parthians
05-04-2005, 02:06
05-04-2005, 02:14
Twenty more people are preparing trial for disputing these laws.

-Interior Minister Sassan Savadkouhi

(OOC: Ah, named the Interior Minister after yourself, eh? ;)

Btw, have you ever played Final Fantasy VIII? If so, I have a new storefront that might interest you.)
The Parthians
05-04-2005, 02:34
(OOC: Ah, named the Interior Minister after yourself, eh? ;)

Btw, have you ever played Final Fantasy VIII? If so, I have a new storefront that might interest you.)

OOC: Yep. Though I never have played final fantasy before.....
05-04-2005, 02:50
(OOC: Just curious- is your dad's name Khosru in real life?)

At any rate, this magnificent thread deserves a BUMP.
The Parthians
05-04-2005, 03:01
(OOC: Just curious- is your dad's name Khosru in real life?)

At any rate, this magnificent thread deserves a BUMP.

No actually, his name is Jamshid. Khosru just happens to be the name of my favorite Sassanid Shah Khosru I Anushirvan.
05-04-2005, 03:07
No actually, his name is Jamshid. Khosru just happens to be the name of my favorite Sassanid Shah Khosru I Anushirvan.

(OOC: Your dad's name is cool, too. :))
The Parthians
05-04-2005, 23:32
05-04-2005, 23:38
Twenty more people are preparing trial for disputing these laws.

-Interior Minister Sassan Savadkouhi

My friend, scum like them don't even deserve a trial.

-Secretary of Law and Order Chia Neng Lee
The Parthians
05-04-2005, 23:40
My friend, scum like them don't even deserve a trial.

-Secretary of Law and Order Chia Neng Lee

"We have decided that these people may not have disputed these laws. We are going to hold a trial to ensure their innocence, but otherwise, they will be given 100 bastinadoes and then 20 years imprisonment.

-Interior Minister Sassan Savadkouhi
05-04-2005, 23:41
"We have decided that these people may not have disputed these laws. We are going to hold a trial to ensure their innocence, but otherwise, they will be given 100 bastinadoes and then 20 years imprisonment.

-Interior Minister Sassan Savadkouhi

All right. But if they are found guilty, don't hold back. Administer as much punishment as possible, to deter future dissent.

-Chia Neng Lee