NationStates Jolt Archive

Aliados Constitution

The Massive Ethiopians
25-03-2005, 00:32

Preamble: We the people of Aliados, in order to protect the rights, freedoms, and liberties we hold dear, hereby ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of Aliados.

Article I:
Section 1. Executive power shall be vested in a President, who shall, upon the death, resignation or removal from office of the founder of Aliados, be elected every ten years and shall serve an unlimited number of terms, consecutively or otherwise.
Section 2: Two Prime Ministers shall assist the President in the governing of the country. A Prime Minster for Internal Affairs shall serve as acting President in the event of the death, removal from office, resignation, or temporary inability of the President to perform his duties. A Prime Minister for External Affairs shall represent Alaidos’s interests as the senior representative of Aliados. He shall serve as acting President in the event of the inability of the Prime Minister for Internal Affairs to serve in the same capacity.
Section 3: The daily functions of the country shall be supervised by a Cabinet, which reports directly to the President. Each position on the Cabinet shall be led by a Prime Minster.
Section 4: The President shall be commander-in-chief of all Aliados armed forces.

Article II:
Section 1: Legislative powers shall be vested in a Congress, which shall be comprised of two chambers.
Section 2: The House of Delegates shall serve as the upper House and is the direct voice of the People of Aliados. Each State may elect one Delegate to serve in the House of Delegates for every one million persons in its population. Any state with fewer than one million people shall be entitled to one Delegate. Each Delegate is elected to serve a four year term and may serve no more than two terms in office consecutively or three terms not in succession.
Section 3: The Senate shall serve as the lower House and each Senator is appointed by the President. A Senator is given to each state and each Senator may serve no more than two six-year terms, either consecutively or otherwise.
Section 4: For any declarations of war, either the President must either officially ask Congress for a declaration of war and Congress must approve by simple majority in both chambers, or Congress must vote by simple majority pending the President's ascent.

Article III:
Section 1: Judicial power shall be vested in a Supreme Judicial Court, with six Associate Justices and one Chief Justice, all appointed for life by the President and confirmed by the House of Delegates. The Chief Justice may not vote in any decision unless the Associate Justices have reached a tie vote.
Section 2: Up to four Alternate Justices shall be appointed via the same process used to appoint Associate Justices and the Chief Justice to serve in the event that up to two Justices must recluse themselves from a case.

Article IV:
Section 1: In the event of the death, removal from office, resignation, or temporary inability of the President to perform the duties incumbent upon him, the Prime Minister for Internal Affairs shall assume the title of Acting President for the length of the temporary inability or for the remainder of the term. In the event of the inability of the Prime Minister of Internal Affairs to assume the title of President, the Prime Minister for External Affairs shall assume the title of Acting President.
Section 2: The remaining line of succession for the title of President is as follows: The Speaker of the House; the President of the Senate; each Prime Minster in descending order of their Cabinet position’s establishment. In the event of the entire line of succession being unable to discharge the duties of President, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court shall serve as acting President and shall organize and conduct a special Election to re-establish the Government.
Section 3: In the event of the complete destruction of the capital of Aliados, the capital city of the least populous state shall serve as the capital and the government of that state shall serve as the interim executive government of Aliados until a new capital city can be constructed or voted upon by the People. In the event that city is destroyed, the capital of the next smallest state shall serve in the same capacity.
Section 4: In the event the Governor of the state wherein the reserve capital resides becomes acting President, he shall be responsible to call a special election to re-establish the executive and legislative branches of government as soon as practicable, but not later than six months from the time the national crisis has begun. The newly elected President and Congress shall be responsible for appointing the new Supreme Judicial Court.

Article V:
Section 1: Aliados shall be divided into 25 States, with a National Capital that is a separate jurisdiction from any State.
Section 2: The Capital shall receive representation in Congress as if it were a State, with a Senators and one Delegate per one million people population. The Senator shall be appointed by the President.
Section 3: The President is the only one that can create a new state. This can be by request, or the President’s decision.

Article VI:
Section 1: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of or furthering of any particular national religion nor prohibiting the free exercise thereof. Congress also is expressly prohibited from denying or abridging the freedoms of speech and of the press or the ability of the people to assemble peacefully for a redress of grievances against the government.

Article VII:
Section 1: The right of the people to be secure in their persons, their papers, and their effects from unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be infringed.
Section 2: This article grants the people a right to privacy that may not be infringed without a properly-served warrant for arrest or without a preponderance of evidence to suggest that the person has committed a capital or otherwise infamous crime.

Article VIII:
Section 1: No person shall be held to answer for a capital or otherwise infamous crime unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury unless in cases arising in the military forces when in service during a time of war. No person shall be subject for the same offense to be put in jeopardy of life or limb nor be compelled in a criminal case to be a witness against himself. No person shall be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law. No private land shall be taken for public use without due compensation.

Article IX:
Section. 1. All persons born or naturalized in Aliados and subject to the jurisdiction thereof are citizens of Aliados and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law to abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of Aliados. In addition, no State shall deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Article X:
Section 1: Full faith and credit shall be given in each State to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other State. And the Congress may by general laws prescribe the manner in which such acts, records and proceedings shall be proven, and the effect thereof.
Section 2: A person charged in any state with treason, felony, or other crime, which shall flee from justice, and be found in another state, shall be extradited to the original state upon request of the executive authority of the original state.

Article XI:
Section 1: The right of citizens 18 years of age or older to vote in national and local elections in Aliados shall not be infringed unless a statement is made by the President and a two-thirds majority by the Congress.

Article XII:
No law varying the compensation of any member of an elected government body shall take effect until an election of the members of the elected government body shall have intervened.

Article XIII:
Section 1: Discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, gender of birth or of reassignment, creed, national origin, sexual orientation, physical disability, or other protected class is expressly prohibited.
Section 2: Congress shall have the authority to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

Article XIV:
Section 1: The laws of the Unites States of Aliados shall be considered the supreme laws of the land. Any state or local laws that contradict those of the national government shall be considered null and void.
Section 2: Congress shall have the authority to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

Article XV:
Section 1: During a period of declared national emergency including war, impending economic collapse, or other urgent situation, the President shall have the authority to suspend this Constitution until such time as the state of emergency shall have passed.
Section 2: Upon the signing and ratification of any treaty ending war, period of documented economic recovery, or conclusion of urgent situation, the Constitution shall be fully restored to its peacetime status as the supreme law of the land.

OOC: I am new at this. And I will admit that I based it off a lot of NS examples that I have seen. Comments are welcome.
The Avalax
25-03-2005, 01:13
Elder Redbottom looked at his copy of the Aliados Constitution. He frowned as he read over the page, his spectacles dangling precariously off of his nose as he looked down at the printed text. It took him fifteen minutes to complete, writing notes as he read it, and then prepared the following recommendations for the Aliados:

Well, I'll give you credit, Aliados. That is one fine peace of legislative material you have there. It seems to cover a number of bases.

However, I have numerous problems with this document:

1) As an Avalax, I am perhaps biased against all written constitutions that go into such depth. If you wish to have your constitution based on an Avalaxian system, then have a few preliminary laws written down. The rest of the laws shall be unwritten, and a general sense of such laws will exist among the people. If you do not believe that your citizens could uphold such laws, then ignore what I said. It might be good for Avalax, but it's not necessarily for humans.

2) There are numerous terms and statements that are left undefined. For example, in Article VII, Section I, "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, their papers, and their effects from unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be infringed." you never define what an unreasonable search and seizure is. I know you may wish to have such a decision rendered by your Congress, but leaving them undefined now could cause problems hundreds or thousands of years from now. Refine your definitions, or anyone can interpret anything he or she wants.

3) Political power is not clearly defined in this document. You say that the Senate and the House have the power to pass legislation in Article II, Section I; yet you never define what this legislative power is. Can they pass laws that affect one person? Can they pass laws that affect the whole country? Can they pass laws that reflect policies on other countries? How about States? Senators? The President him or herself?

I can give you more if you wish, but I hope you understand the general idea of what I believe is wrong with your constitution. With a few changes, your country should run much more smoothly.

The Avalax would also like to greet your new government with outstretched hands of friendship. If you so wish, the Avalax would be willing to send many to act as temporary Bureaucrats, Police, Domestic Planners, or other Governmental positions. If medical or food suplies/support are needed, the Avalax are willing to send five M*A*S*H* teams as well as numerous aid packages. We are also willing to send you limited military aid to guard you in your time of transition, but I stress the limited nature of such forces. Upon your request, all Avlaxians within your borders will be withdrawn.

I thank you for your time, and hope that we will become fast friends.

- Elder Redbottom
The Massive Ethiopians
25-03-2005, 02:03
OOC: on the OOC thread for my RP...theres a link on the other RP okay!

Aliados thanks the great nation of The Avalax for its comments, but will right now not request aid from your nation.

OOC: Bump!
The Massive Ethiopians
25-03-2005, 02:24
The Massive Ethiopians
25-03-2005, 02:46
The Massive Ethiopians
25-03-2005, 03:08
bump...come on someone has to have comments!
The Massive Ethiopians
25-03-2005, 03:42
BUMP - comments are welcome!
The Massive Ethiopians
25-03-2005, 04:19
25-03-2005, 18:39
Bring Up My Post...BUMP!
The Massive Ethiopians
26-03-2005, 04:11
26-03-2005, 18:40