NationStates Jolt Archive

The Union of World Powers Reveals Itself

20-02-2005, 23:05
UWP Summit

The Union of World Powers, an alliance which has been largely unheard of, has finally decided to reveal itself to the world. After creating a Charter for the Union, formalizing position within the Union, and basically organizing upcoming events, and what the Union stands for, it has been decided that the rest of the world be informed on exactly why the Union exists in the first place.

Any questions about the Union will gladly be answered by any member of the Union of World Powers.

Members of the Union of World Powers
Euroslavia (Minister of State)
The Evil Overlord (Minister of World Conflicts)
The Merchant Guilds
Five Civilized Nations (Minister of Economics and Recruiting)
Sarzonia (Minister of Defense)
Inkana (Minister of Intelligence)

Union Task List
Official Union War Games
Celebration Banquet in Euroslavia

The Union of World Powers Charter
It is the purpose of the Union of World Powers to improve and maintain trade and security, both political and economic, among member nations.

The Union of World Powers (hereafter referred to as the UWP) will be directed by an elected Council of Ministers (hereafter referred to as the UWP Council). Each Minister will work to ensure the security, prosperity, and stability of the UWP as a whole, without infringing upon the sovereign rights of the individual member nations.

Elections will be held monthly, on the following schedule:

1st Election- Ministry of World Conflicts and Ministry of Economics

2nd Election- Ministry of Defense and Ministry of Recruiting

3rd Election- Ministry of Intelligence and Ministry of State

As each election takes place one month after the previous election, each Minister will therefore serve for a term of three months, unless removed from office, resigned, or otherwise rendered incapable of performing the duties of the office.

The Minister of State may call for a temporary election for any vacant Ministry during the next scheduled election to last only for the duration of the vacant Ministry’s term.

The order of succession of the Ministries shall be as follows:

The Minister of State shall be succeeded by the Minister of World Conflicts.
The Minister of World Conflicts shall be succeeded by the Minister of Recruiting.
The Minister of Recruiting shall be succeeded by the Minister of Defense.
The Minister of Defense shall be succeeded by the Minister of Intelligence.
The Minister of Intelligence shall be succeeded by the Minister of Economics.

The duties of the Minister of Economics shall be jointly undertaken by the Ministers of Intelligence and State until a new Minister is elected.

Note that the order of succession does not denote seniority among the Ministries. The Minister of State is the only Minister who is senior to any other. This order of succession is designed to allow sufficient time for new Ministers to be elected following the election cycle already described.

The six Ministers of the UWP Council will make decisions for the UWP as a whole. The Council will allow all members to debate any given issue for a period of time determined by the Minister of State to be sufficient for any necessary debate. The Council will then vote among themselves on the issue, with a simple majority winning the decision. Any Primary member who objects to any decision by the UWP Council may issue a formal challenge to the decision, before the decision is acted upon. The entire UWP membership will then vote on whether or not to overturn the decision. In order to overturn a Council decision, a simple majority of votes is required- unless the UWP has more than 18 member nations, in which case a 2/3 majority will be required.


Minister of State
Act as chief representative for the Union to the international community, as well as mediator for all internal issues. This Minister's actions affect the reputation of the Union, and how it is judged by other nations. It's chief duties include:
- Preside over all meetings of the UWP Council
- Represent the Union in international summits, conferences and diplomatic functions
- Make any important Announcements to the rest of the world, about specific things the Union needs to put forth, such as economic aid packages.
- Announce to the international community the Union's stance on specific conflicts.

If the Minister of State resigns, is removed from office, or is otherwise unable to perform his duties, the Minister of World Conflicts shall assume the duties of the Minister of State for the rest of that position’s term.

Minister of Intelligence
- Keeps track of possible/potential threats to the Union.
- Does everything practical to obtain information on other Alliances/Nations, their policies, and possible future actions.
- Keeps the Union informed on anything that may be of interest.
- Investigates/Announces new Alliances and their intentions.

If the Minister of Intelligence is removed from office, resigns, or is otherwise unable to perform the duties of the office, the Minister of Economics shall assume the duties of the office until a new Minister is elected.

Economics Minister
The Economics Minister is responsible for:
- Making sure that the economies of every nation within the UWP is healthy.
- Making proposals and deals with UWP and non-UWP nations alike, for economic boosts, trade, etc.
- Keeping track of donations and who specifically is donating how much.
- Checking the Treasury and how much money is in it. Making sure everything that the Union does is paid for.

If the Minister of Economics is removed from office, resigns, or is otherwise incapable of performing the duties of the office, the Minister of State and the Minister of Intelligence will jointly undertake the duties and responsibilities of the office until a new Minister is elected.

Minister of Defense
The Minister of Defense shall be charged with overseeing and directing the collective security of the UWP from foreign entities. His roles and authority include:
- Maintaning the Rapid Deployment Force's ability to assist threatened UWP member nations
- Directing the response of UWP member militaries acting in an official, defensive UWP capacity in assistance of a member nation

If the Minister of Defense resigns, is removed from office, or is otherwise incapable of performing the duties of the office, the Minister of Intelligence shall perform the duties of the office until a new Minister is elected.

Minister of World Conflicts
The Minister of World Conflicts shall:
- Work closely with the Minister of Intelligence to monitor global events that may infringe or affect the security of UWP members, the UWP as a whole, or the ability of sovereign States to engage in international trade and commerce.
- Provide the UWP Council with all relevant and known information regarding an incident. The UWP Council will take into consideration the response(s) proposed by the Minister of World Conflict. If a military response is deemed necessary, the Minister of World Conflict will request military units from such member nations as he deems appropriate.
- The Minister will organize a Strike Force with the assistance of contributing members and will thereafter direct the strategic actions of the Strike Force until the threat is resolved.

If the Minister of World Conflicts resigns, is removed from office, or otherwise incapable of performing the duties of the office, the Minister of Recruiting shall perform the duties of the office until a new Minister is elected.

Minister of Recruiting
The Minister of Recruiting will be responsible for the selection of prospective members to the UWP.
- He will also appoint and oversee the Recruiting committee
- Research prospective members with the assistance of the Committee, and make recommendations to the Council on the fitness of a prospective member.

If the Minister of Recruiting resigns, is removed from office, or is otherwise incapable of performing the duties of the office, the Minister of Defense shall assume the duties and responsibilities of the office until a new Minister is elected.

Membership in the UWP

The Recruiting Minister may select no more than 4 member nations to assist him in this effort- including one Provisional Member- to form the Recruiting Committee. The Minister will have two votes, and the remaining Committee members will have one vote each.

Any Primary member may submit the name of a nation to the Committee for review and investigation. The Committee members will review the prospective member's history, economy, and reputation. The Committee members will then vote on whether or not to allow the prospective member into the UWP as a Provisional Member. To advance to the status of Primary Member, a Provisional member must be nominated for advancement by a current Primary member. The Council will then vote on whether or not to allow Primary membership to the Provisional member.

Provisional members are not permitted to vote on UWP issues or for Ministerial elections. They are permitted (and encouraged) to submit issues to the Council or the full membership for debate, and to debate any issue before the membership or the Council. Provisional members are permitted to vote on overturning a Council decision.


The security of the UWP shall be the joint responsibility of the Ministers of Defense and World Conflicts.

- Be it resolved that all member nations are pledged to the defense and security of all members of the Union against any UNWARRANTED AGGRESSION from FOREIGN entities

- Member nations will contribute troops, equipment, and economic support to the UWP on a basis to be agreed to by each member nation and the Minister of Defense

- Member nations will refrain from engaging in activities that would result in a direct degradation of the economic or political security of other member nations.

- Member nations also recognize that all rights to collective security can be revoked by majority ruling of the Ministers, if said member is found to be engaging in aggressive or openly hostile policies likely to result in retaliation by the affected parties. In cases of extreme reckless behavior, member nations can be called before the UWP Council to defend their actions and may face expulsion or other disciplinary measures.

- Members in the Union agree to Free Trade with all member states, in which any nation may engage in inter-union trade free of tariffs, etc. Any disputes over trade barriers will be placed before the Minister of Economics for resolution. If the Economics Minister is involved in the dispute, then the UWP Council will decide the issue, and the involved parties may not vote.

-Union members will also ensure all products exported match or surpass UWP regulations, as ratified by the UWP membership by majority vote.

- Member nations shall agree to refrain from attacks on other UWP members. Members violating this agreement will be summarily expelled from the UWP without debate, and will thereafter be treated as any other hostile nation at war with a UWP member.

- A member nation which acts in a manner contrary to the Union Charter, or whose actions disrupt trade or security for any other member, or for the UWP as a whole in the opinion of any two Ministers will be called before the Council to defend its actions. If the Council votes that a member is in violation of the Charter, then the matter shall be referred to the UWP membership for vote. The membership may vote to expel the trangressing member (Primary or Provisional) from the UWP or to reduce a Primary member's status to Provisional. The membership may also vote to overturn the Council's ruling, as previously provided in the Charter.
Dracun imperium
20-02-2005, 23:13
Queen Mother Jessica, wishes to inquire how one becomes a member of the UWP. Is it by invite? Or is it by simple application and review? If iit is the latter, would be glad to apply for a alliance such as this one. Although similar to many of the world alliances. May we ask, what is so different and makes this one sepcial?
Grand Advisor Jason Manstara
21-02-2005, 00:29
Queen Mother Jessica, wishes to inquire how one becomes a member of the UWP. Is it by invite? Or is it by simple application and review? If iit is the latter, would be glad to apply for a alliance such as this one.
Grand Advisor Jason Manstara

Nations can make notice of their desire to join the Union, and they will be taken into consideration; members also can recommend countries for membership.

Although similar to many of the world alliances. May we ask, what is so different and makes this one sepcial?

The Union is one whose goal is to maintain free trade around the world, not merely between member nations. Our agenda is international. Furthermore, the UWP is not, like so many other organizations, intended for conquest, or to pursue some political idealogy. We respect governments who respect international trade, who do not attempt illegal blockade and interdictions of commerce; the Union's military might is not recklessly thrown around, as we see so many other alliances attempt. We are measured in our response and decisions, and consider a wide range of decisions when faced with an international crisis, instead of issuing pointblank declarations of war and hostilities at the drop of a pin.
Dracun imperium
21-02-2005, 00:59
An interesting and well said response. You have made our interest grow higher. We would like to officially put an application forward. We understand that the process will take time, but we of the Dracun Remnant have much patience and will wait as long as necessary for your response,
Queen Mother Jessica Protector of Her child, Kacin, Savior of the Dracun People
The Macabees
21-02-2005, 01:24
The Second Empire is very interested in the alliance and wishes to submit an application. [Although our OOC past history, which was re-started btw] is not very respected, we hope that what he have done recently shows itself and Euroslavia, and any other membership administration, witnesses the value of having the Second Empire within its ranks.
Isles of Wohlstand
21-02-2005, 03:39
The Isles of Wohlstand would like to join the Union of World Powers to further increase the military potention of the Union itself, by any means possible.
22-02-2005, 02:32

(I could be more original, but meh, I'm tired.)
22-02-2005, 03:13
The Behemoth Cities Of Pallawish are interested in joining the Union of World Powers. We are a happy, peacegoing nation but has a large defense budget and will be more than willing to help defend all nations involved in the Union of World Powers. Lord Thomas III hopes we can join your Union of World Powers as he is fiercly patriotic and moralistic.

- Signed Lord Thomas III and General Napolean
Isles of Wohlstand
22-02-2005, 03:28

(I could be more original, but meh, I'm tired.) My own version, from along time ago, using General Alexei Hessinger, the leader of the IoW, himself...
The Evil Overlord
22-02-2005, 04:39
Our recently-resigned Minister of Recruiting proposed several criteria for membership to the UWP:

- No puppets

- Population of 1 Billion or more

- Internationally respected

- Economy rating of Powerhouse or better

- Must be Modern tech, or willing to RP as modern tech

- Must be willing to RP in basic, no-number Earth

Note that those last two mean only that you must RP as modern tech, basic Earth with the UWP. If you normally roleplay in Earth 47/9,317.68/whatever, you may of course continue to do so, but not with or as a member of the UWP. The same holds true for magic/future tech/past tech.

Recruiting policies

Here are our basic questions for each potential member (X):

1) Does X RP well?
In other words, does he godmode a lot, is his writing acceptable (grammar, spelling, etc), are his stories internally consistent?

2) Are there IC reasons to exclude X?
Is your nation at war with his (or have a history of conflict), is his nation an extreme xenophobe that considers all other humans good eatin', does he have a history (IC) of waging unnecessary war against his neighbors?

3) Would the inclusion of X make the UWP better?
Alternatively, would the exclusion of X make the UWP worse?

Please do not apply for membership in this thread. Contact one of the listed members with any questions. Any of the Primary members may nominate you for membership.

Once nominated, you must provide an example of one character RP and one military RP (of your choosing). Most of the Primary members believe that RP ability excuses many other sins, so choose your best. Your examples will be reviewed by the Recruiting Minister and up to four other members of his/her choosing. If this committee approves, your nomination will be passed to the Minister of State with a recommendation. If the Minister of State agrees, you will receive an invitation to become a Provisional member.

NOTE: If the Minister of State does NOT agree, all is not lost. There are procedures in place for over-ruling such decisions.

Note also that, "I don't like him" is not a valid reason to prevent admission.

As a Provisional member, you will be required to be active in discussions and RPs in which the UWP is involved. Good roleplaying, consistent activity (which need not be military. Activity on the discussion boards counts as well), and attitude will be appraised by the other members. If a Primary member believes you show the right qualities, you could be nominated for advancement to Primary membership.

One last thing, make sure you read the Charter and understand it.

24-02-2005, 02:54
24-02-2005, 03:11

The Emperor is very interested in becoming a member of this Union. Xeraph is an established nation, as well as holding membership in other alliances.
We would be honored to be given consideration in this matter.


Vlad, Prince of the Empire, Regent of The Grey Phoenix, in the Name of the Emperor
24-02-2005, 03:39

The Emperor is very interested in becoming a member of this Union. Xeraph is an established nation, as well as holding membership in other alliances.
We would be honored to be given consideration in this matter.


Vlad, Prince of the Empire, Regent of The Grey Phoenix, in the Name of the Emperor

Please note, this thread is not for recruitment; if you wish to join, the process has been laid out. Please TG your desire to join the UWP to one of the current members(myself, Euroslavia, The Evil Overlord, Five Civilized Nations(current Recruitment Minister) among others, as listed in the original post, along with one character and one military RP for consideration.
The Fedral Union
24-02-2005, 12:25
I would try to join but half the nations on your list hate me so why should i even try ?
The Evil Overlord
24-02-2005, 17:56
I would try to join but half the nations on your list hate me so why should i even try ?

Your choice, but there are half the members who don't hate you, by your own estimate.

If you think the UWP is something you'd like to be a part of, take a look at the basic criteria I've listed. If you believe you meet these criteria, contact one of the members and ask. The worst that can happen is we'd say, "No", in which case you're no worse off than before.

For all interested nations, Five Civilized Nations is our new Recruiting Minister. Please address specific questions to him.

26-02-2005, 16:12
26-02-2005, 16:29
- Must be Modern tech, or willing to RP as modern tech

- Must be willing to RP in basic, no-number Earth

Note that those last two mean only that you must RP as modern tech, basic Earth with the UWP. If you normally roleplay in Earth 47/9,317.68/whatever, you may of course continue to do so, but not with or as a member of the UWP. The same holds true for magic/future tech/past tech.
Does this mean you can't join unless you hold territory on Earth I or Earth Chellis or whatever the original is called?
26-02-2005, 19:35
No... it means you must be willing to accept RP from nations which aren't like the Earth threads. You know, like every day normal nations exist on without silly real life nation crap and arguements about who owns America.
The Evil Overlord
26-02-2005, 21:57
Does this mean you can't join unless you hold territory on Earth I or Earth Chellis or whatever the original is called?

No... it means you must be willing to accept RP from nations which aren't like the Earth threads. You know, like every day normal nations exist on without silly real life nation crap and arguements about who owns America.

Well said.

I wish I'd said it as well, but Iuthia is correct. You can RP when and as you like, but you must be willing to RP in modern tech Earth when the UWP does. 5CN, for example, is largely a future tech nation, but is willing to RP as modern tech with the UWP.

We would prefer that everyone have a general location- such as an imaginary continent the size of antarctica in the center of the Pacific- as a means of describing your nation's relative area of influence. We do NOT intend to get involved in the endless squabbling over who owns the upper two-thirds of West Elbonia, so we aren't associating with any of the RL nation claims threads- or the Earth 6/12/214/1397.603/whatever threads.

26-02-2005, 22:15
We do NOT intend to get involved in the endless squabbling over who owns the upper two-thirds of West Elbonia, so we aren't associating with any of the RL nation claims threads- or the Earth 6/12/214/1397.603/whatever threads.

Generally I don't entirely ignore the Earth threads, though I ignore the claims of land. I would rather just concider their nation to be the same name as the name they post wish and treat their RL territory as part of a nation under that name... this means that if three different worlds claim the same nation, I concider each one to exist as a different nation which just happens to look exactly the same.

In cases where their claim is pretty much just a player who beat an NPC opponent in order to take that land (NPC defined as a nation which doesn't have an actual player behind it) then all made up benefits of annexing that land are automatically assumed to have been counted into the nations GDP and capabilities... basically stopping all these wank claims of having several billion people from annexing RL nations taken from no-one. Though to be fair I generally ignore population bonuses from all annexes in most cases.

Anyways, nevermind. Sorry to spam up your thread to describe my opinion on such threads. But most Earth threads turn me off with the fact that I don't think RL Nations have a place in NS and that most of these threads are used to annex NPC's for boosting stats and capabilities.
26-02-2005, 22:21
No... it means you must be willing to accept RP from nations which aren't like the Earth threads. You know, like every day normal nations exist on without silly real life nation crap and arguements about who owns America.
Ah thankyou. EVen though I've never seen any such argument, and dont actually think Earth threads are that bad.

I am, however, getting rather annoyed that people seem to be moving towards constantly moving their entire nations to Earths / using Earth geography as NS geography (not very imaginative), which the requirements appeared to suggest were mandatory.
28-02-2005, 16:58
The forums for the Union of World Powers has created an Applications section for nations seeking membership into the UWP. The Minister of Recruiting, FCN, has formed these guidelines regarding applications.

New users can post as guests here before registering. Registering is now admin approved, and you will be permitted access to the rest of the forum if your application is approved by the UWP.


1. Post as a GUEST in this forum, stating your nation name and your reasons for joining.
2. You will be tested on your roleplaying abilities by an UWP roleplay tester.
3. Register an account under your nation name. You will not be given immediate access to the rest of the forums.
4. If you pass, and we collectively permit to you join, your forum account will be activated by an admin.

Here is the UWP forum link. (
01-03-2005, 07:08
We were rejected before, and would like to note we still take it to offense.
01-03-2005, 07:30
Haha... I would explain this reply away by the fact I'm a little drunk, but frankly it doesn't matter all that much, if you're offended at being refused then it's not really going to help if you're going to sit there and post one line posts about how insulting it is to have been refused before... what do you want, to hope they are some how scared of this fact and to allow you in just in case?

It doesn't serve any perpose from what I can see... ohwell, nevermind. Though personally I guess this justifies their reasoning further.
The Evil Overlord
01-03-2005, 18:02
We were rejected before, and would like to note we still take it to offense.

Duly noted.


02-03-2005, 07:15
Haha... I would explain this reply away by the fact I'm a little drunk, but frankly it doesn't matter all that much, if you're offended at being refused then it's not really going to help if you're going to sit there and post one line posts about how insulting it is to have been refused before... what do you want, to hope they are some how scared of this fact and to allow you in just in case?

It doesn't serve any perpose from what I can see... ohwell, nevermind. Though personally I guess this justifies their reasoning further.

Just noting that relations between UWP members and Chellis, Euroslavia specifically, are damaged and quite likely may not be repaired as a result.
02-03-2005, 20:00
Just noting that relations between UWP members and Chellis, Euroslavia specifically, are damaged and quite likely may not be repaired as a result.

Note: Your denial from the UWP was re-discussed after the admission of the first wave of applicants, and was again denied for various reasons, and I'd appreciate it if this whole situation stopped now, in this thread. If you have any more concerns, telegram me.
The Evil Overlord
02-03-2005, 21:24
Is there a possibility of the majestic UWP accepting Guffingford as a membr? We would like to know what the UWP can add to Guffingford's already marvellous international record.

Allow me to refer you to this post:

The forums for the Union of World Powers has created an Applications section for nations seeking membership into the UWP. The Minister of Recruiting, FCN, has formed these guidelines regarding applications.



1. Post as a GUEST in this forum, stating your nation name and your reasons for joining.
2. You will be tested on your roleplaying abilities by an UWP roleplay tester.
3. Register an account under your nation name. You will not be given immediate access to the rest of the forums.
4. If you pass, and we collectively permit to you join, your forum account will be activated by an admin.

And this previous post by me:

Please do not apply for membership in this thread. Contact one of the listed members with any questions. Any of the Primary members may nominate you for membership.

Once again, for the benefit of those who haven't read the first page of this thread:


This thread is for non-members to ask questions, and for the UWP Minister of State to make announcements.

The list of Primary members and UWP Ministers is posted at top of the first page. If you have a good relationship with one of the Primary members, you may contact them and ask to be admitted.

If you are unfamiliar with the members, you may go here:

New users can post as guests here before registering. Registering is now admin approved, and you will be permitted access to the rest of the forum if your application is approved by the UWP.

02-03-2005, 21:44
I am an idiot and I deserve nine hundred whiplashes
The Evil Overlord
02-03-2005, 21:48
I am an idiot and I deserve nine hundred whiplashes


I've been taking a lot of painkillers, and my temper is shorter than it should be.

Five Civilized Nations is the Minister for Recruiting. Please direct specific questions on the procedure to him.

02-03-2005, 21:49
(...)I am relaxed, I should have read the rules before posting. Anyway, I'll drop a line at FCNs place asap.
04-03-2005, 03:31
21-03-2005, 00:51
25-03-2005, 00:31
The forums for the Union of World Powers has created an Applications section for nations seeking membership into the UWP. The Minister of Recruiting, FCN, has formed these guidelines regarding applications.

Here is the UWP forum link. (

25-03-2005, 00:39
I just reached 1 Billion people. Buy me Economy is only at "Thriving" so i don't really conform to all of your standards for joining.
22-04-2005, 04:02
19-05-2005, 00:47
19-05-2005, 02:20
Added our new member, Omz222.