NationStates Jolt Archive

War In MAS

Liberal Robenia
04-02-2005, 04:15
Independent Giptawga, who in which broke off from The Republic of Giptawga for a no comment reason, desires more land, there in which declares war on Giptawga. There in which begining the first Civil War of Giptawga.
One Day after Declaring war on The Republic of Giptawga; The Confederacy of Independent Giptawga asks for the lands Colony of New Robenia and the Federation of Proiberalenia, from Liberal Robenia or War will be declared on Liberal Robenia.
"Good evening Mr. President, we have word that the confederacy is demanding lands from our border," said General Blitz, leader of all armed forces in Liberal Robenia. "I want to stop this damn dispute, send an army big enough to invade"
Later that day, a 200,000 army is mobilized with 100 F22's, 150 F16's, 110 F18's, 5000 M3 Tanks which start a blitzkreig on Independent Giptawga.

Liberal Robenia News Network:
We go live to New Robenia where President Bettis is making a speech on behalf of the war.
"Good evening fellow Robenians, Proiberalians, Stanoslovivians, Giptawgians, Independents, and Morin Attakai Succubusians, and the world. I come to you to inform you that we have invaded Independent Giptawga, we are planning for the invasion to be complete in three days.
We are a peaceful nation, yet Independent Giptawga, not to be confused with Giptawga, threatened to take out land and declare war on us and harm our people. Therefor, I had no other choice but to take them by surprise. This is also a warning for other countries.
Independent Giptawga does still have the option of calling off the invasion by signing a pact and giving their land back to Giptawga.
If the land is invaded, it will be handed back over to Giptawga. We hope others can help us with the invasion, although it is not nessesary as the small country does not have any defense.
As the Rebels of Independent Giptawga, we have seized power over Capital of Giptawga and are currently running all Government contolls of the Republic of Giptawga. We have heard or seen nothing of the Military of Giptawga, but we assume that they have run off and hid because we are powerful beasts. We there in which by have begun action in New Robenia, and have seized the colonys headquaters and have killed 12 Representatives from Liberal Robenia visiting the colony, and Ambassadors from Giptawga and Morin Attikai Succubus. With controll of Giptawga and New Robenia the controll of all of MAS will be in the controll of Independent Giptawga within a matter of time.
As leaders of the Republic of Giptawga, we are hear to inform the people that we are safe and fine in the colony of South Giptawga for the time being.We are in a event of shock to hear of all of our citizens killed, and we vow revenge on every rebel that continues to harm our citizens. We are also sad to inform the death of our Ambassador to New Robenia, Jim Urkenii and his family by the death of the Rebel Forces as they invaded the colony. As leaders we are calling the shots from South Giptawga and have called on our allies to assist us in the crushing of the Rebel Forces. The Troops as we speek, are planning a full invasion to seize controll of the capital, and the remainder of land in South Giptawga. We understand that this may not be an easy war due to all of the massive weapons of Independent Giptawga, but we fell that with our man power we can win the war and see the end of Independent Giptawga.
"Sir, Giptawga's capital has fallen" said Blitz
"My God, I want you to send the troops to South Giptawga where President Gipner is, I want you to keep them there for protection, there is no way they would be able to penetrate our lines."
"Yes sir, we're on it"

Later that day, President Gipner was greeted by our forces, a perimeter was taken and a wire was given to the president

To All Who Would Distrub the Peace of the Outer Realm of Mas.We are a patient and peace-loving people, but the events of the last several days have forced us into a rage of which the world has seldom seen. With a standing army of 2 million and a reserve force of over 4 million we will not stand idle while the forces of terror and evil enter into our beloved ORM. To all who are engaged in terrorist acts you have 24 hours to cease & decist or face invasion and certain execution by hanging from piano wire. To those who seek to take by force lands of other countries, you have 24 hours to cease & decist and return to within your previous borders. We will not hesitate to use all the resources of Stanosloviva's military might, up to and including nuclear, biological & chemical weapons to impose peace upon the region. At my command our 9th & 3rd nuclear submarine fleets have positioned themselves to attack all aggressors without warning. You have been warned. The peace and freedom of all the peoples of the ORM will not be ignored.

Code Rojo has been executed. The decision is yours.

"Sir, Proiberalania has fallen!" said General Blitz
"WHAT? How could this be??"
"Sir, they might not have the top military, but they have tons of people sir"
"I want that land back, Blitz"
"I understand sir, but it's hard going up against a 20 million man army."
"Blitz, how many people do we have ready to fight?"
"Well sir, we have those 500,000 men ready to invade Giptawga, 200,000 at South Giptawga, and only 150,000 on standby, sir"
"I want you to call all people in the reserves, military on full alert, how about our airforce?"
"Looks good, sir, we have over 500,000 planes ready to go including B52's, B1's, F16's, F15's, F18's, F22's--"
"I get it, I get it, send them over the proliberalenia, how's South Giptawga?"
"Not looking good, sir, the rebels control over 65% of the territory and Gipner is looking for help more help."
"I want you to call up General Polinser and tell him he better be prepared for a defensive battle, do not let those rebels cross that line."
"Yes sir."
"Good, I can't believe it."
"believe what sir?"
"MAS has just entered hell"
Liberal Robenia
04-02-2005, 05:27
The Empire of Independent Giptawga
As the Rebels of Independent Giptawga, we have seized controll of New Robenia, Proiberalenia, Northern South Giptawga, Southern Giptawga, and our working our way currenlty through Liberal Robenia, killing any man, woman, or child who gets in our way. We demand of these 3 things before we can will stop our terroism throughout MAS. Firstly, we desire to have controll of the military of Giptawga, the strongest and most well funded Military in all of MAS. Second, we want Liberal Robenia and Giptawga to hand over their Colonys, Commonwealths, and Federations to the Controll of the Rebels. Third, we ask that each country give us a certain amount of their land in order for our rebels to start an Empire throughout, and the strongest within MAS. Do these, and peace be with you all, don't do these and death will come to all of MAS, starting with the elite.
The Republic of Giptawga
Greetings allies of MAS,
I have currently moved the Capital to a temopary location on a battleship at an undisclosed location. My troops are at sea planning for an invasion on on all conquered areas, my troops are planning a full attack on my capital to get the rebel forces out. This will be a long and difficult war due to the fact that the rebels drafted all people of the male race age 7 and older to fight. That means that there are close to 64 Million rebels fighting and we must not allow them to take controll. Although we may lose men in the act, and may lose our lands at times we must stay strong and continue to fight, using all means possible. I thank you all for you support and urge all leaders to join me on the battleship for their own protetion, and so that we may work together though this and come out with a strong victory.

Thank You,
Andrew Gipner
President of Giptawga

General Polinser looked out where he saw his men being slaughtered. Over 200,000 arrived and a fourth were dead, he was fighting a massive army of five million. "SOLDIER, GET ON THE RADIO, WE NEED AIR SUPPORT, BURN THEM OUT, WE NEED IT ASAP" yelled the general through explosions.
"Sir, the planes are--" a bullet hits the soldier and he dies.
"Sir, this is Capt. Richinger, commander of the league of B1, B2, and F22 bombers, we're right over them sir, about to drop 'em, hold on, sir" Seconds later the general looks up in the background to see what use to be a massive commercialized city, now rubble and red. Maybe only 5,000 men were killed.
"HOLD THE LINE!!!" yelled the general.

Meanwhile, on a battleship in an undisclosed location:
"Good evening President Gipner, I'm glad to join you on the ship." said President Bettis. "Right now, we need all the help we can get at South Giptawga, we are facing a massive army of 5,000,000 against only 200,000. And although our forces are trained well, there is no way in hell our army can defeat that without the help of another nation, the only thing that's stopping them is our air force, and at that range we have little hope of continued our air support as we are preparing our a defensive against the rebels at home; the borders of South Giptawga are blockaded, so we only have one other nation which can help, and that's you sir. I am requesting you help my forces there. We are building a 5 million man army as we speak. There aren't even any promises that my country will be intact when I return to the capital. I only hope that when we win this war, MAS is still intact."