NationStates Jolt Archive

Kormanthor Researchs Temporal Technology

27-01-2005, 19:24
Below is an article written by Indra ... as there isn't any information on the web about such things we are using this information to start our research of Temporal Technology / Temporal Cores first. We are reasearching
the cores first because the rest of the technology is pretty useless without
a working power source.

Temporal Technology

Perhaps I can shed some light on this subject. As the predominant nation who basically pioneered Temporal Tech for Nationstates, I think I can explain what it was before all those nations started wanking it as if there were no tomorrow (really, they just dont have any patience). There are a few nations who follow my lead and who attempt to maintain a usable form of technological advancement as a legitimate technical weapon.

Temporal technology can be identified by a few means. There are things like Temporal Shields, Temporal Weapons, Temporal Sensors, Temporal Cores (power cores), Temporal Impellors (engine modules) and other smaller inconsequential things.

Temporal Shields are capable of defending a certain object or region from changes in the timeline and/or Temporal Weaponry. Protective capability of the shield unit is all dependant of the level of temporal development of the nation, The Level the nation in question is at.

Temporal Weapons are weapon systems that either utilize pure temporal energy or have some kind of temporal influence on them. For example, a weapon that utilizes pure temporal energy is the Indran temporal disruptor. It is a weapon that isolates a targeted object, be it a ship, station, moon, planet, or even a star,and removes it from the Space/Time Continuum, or the STC, and scrambles the quantum signature of said object. Lethalness depends on the level of which the weapon of said nation is at as well as the temporal defenses that the target object is using. The second kind of temporal weaponry is shown by the example of a Point Singularity Projectile, or PSP. This weapon is a standard on Indran Warships and is considered to be a weapon that utilizes temporal technology though is not completely made of temporal energy. Basically it is a microsingularity or a miniature blackhole that is fired like a solid or energy projectile. Normal Shield cannot usually stand up to these weapons due to the gravitational and temporal distortions caused by the immense gravitational field of the Blackhole. A temporal containment field is required to maintain the PSP from getting out of hand within the vessel that is transporting it.

Temporal Sensors are just like normal spatial sensors however they do not only scan space. These sensors are finely attuned to the curvature of the Space/Time Continuum and allow for the vessel or Observatory in question to scan the STC for any possible Temporal Incursions or signs of Temporal or high spatial instability. An example of these sensors would be the Temporal Arc Sensors that are installed in the Indran Temporal Observatiory as well as the Chronos Juggernaut (Klonor's newest flagship). The clarity of the sensors is dependant on the Level the nation who is constructing these sensors is at.

Temporal Cores are more rare as only a few nations have these devices. These devices are the only thing that allow for access to the higher levels of temporal development as they must be able to provide enough power to the ships systems in order for the temporal shields, temporal weapons, temporal sensors and the Temporal Impellors to work. Inside the core, is an ultra rare element that exists in the NS Multiverse called Chronotonium. Without this element in correct quantities, nations are unable to develop temporal technology above a certain level. There is only one location in the multiverse for this element which still remains secret from everyone.

Temporal Impellors are the engine modules that allow nations access to temporal hyperspace. It is not so much a hyperspace without temporal limitations, but absolute limitations. With normal hyperspace, it takes a long time to get from one place to another depending on the distance between points A and B. Temporal Hyperspace counteracts that time restriction and severely cuts that time down to a fraction of the original time.

Temporal Levels is something I came up with in order to determine the strength of my nation as well as any other nation that decided to partake in the development of a project in the field of Temporal Mechanics. Here is how it works. Each nation must ICly begin to research temporal technology in order to gain awareness of the tech and not how to misuse it; basically OOCly learn how to not misuse it and claim uber tech capabilities right off the bat. Each level is an exponential increase in resourses and demand for correct knowledge about the technology. The way you determine how far you have advanced from your first day of researching, is by following a basic rule of thumb. If you have a "temporal tech cheat sheet" (ie a piece of temporal technology more advanced than what you possess the capabilities of developing), then you can advance one Temporal Level per RL month. If you do NOT have a piece of technology that allows you to develop at that rate, it would be at a rate slower, perhaps a level per TWO RL months. This is to prevent nations from claiming level 335403 Temporal Tech.

Temporal Technology that erases objects from the Past are completely forbidden on NS due to the nature of that kind of weapon as being too big of an RP killer. The more experienced Temporal Tech RPers dont even recognize nations that say they can do that unless that ALL parties of the RP acknowledge the tech and will RP it accordingly. That is part of the reason of the development of the Temporal Accord, an agreement that was made by numerous nations to uphold the treaty and Protect the STC.

Below are megaspider & msn links to Time Travel Websites:
08-02-2005, 17:48
This research will be ongoing until such time it renders working technology even if that means centuries of research in NS time / years RL time.
14-03-2005, 17:09
Temporal Shields: are capable of defending a certain object or region from changes in the timeline and/or Temporal Weaponry. Protective capability of the shield unit is all dependant of the level of temporal development of the nation, The Level the nation in question is at.

We have now successfully reseached and have designs for Temporal Shields
14-03-2005, 17:12
We will now begin research on Temporal Sensors
The Fedral Union
14-03-2005, 17:51
good for you .. personally like most of ns i ignore temp tech i think its wank but any way its your nation just consider this a tag)
16-03-2005, 12:30
good for you .. personally like most of ns i ignore temp tech i think its wank but any way its your nation just consider this a tag)

As I have said before; I only want to possess this technology for defensive
purposes. As a memeber of the ESUS I would never use it in an attack of
anyone unless they come looking for trouble and I have no other recourse.
26-05-2005, 19:55
We would like to work together with you on this technology
26-05-2005, 21:17
good for you .. personally like most of ns i ignore temp tech i think its wank but any way its your nation just consider this a tag)
Then why are you selling it?
27-05-2005, 14:06
Siesatia backs this descision by Kormanthor, and will assist in any way possible, besides of giving any technology.

OOC: TRC members, and certain TA members, I will be sending an E-Mail soon, it is a joint effort research project of massive proportions.
13-02-2006, 06:13
Kormanthor is proud to announce the perfection of our finely attuned Temporal Sensors.
13-02-2006, 06:16
We are also proud to announce our ground breaking of a new Temporal Facility where we will now begin researching Temporal Impellors & Cores.
04-06-2006, 02:41
Kormanthor is proud to announce our first working Temporal Impellor & Core.
04-06-2006, 02:44
We are also proud to announce our Temporal Facility will now begin researching Temporal Weapons.
22-07-2006, 00:29
We are glad to announce the opening of a new wing in our reseach & development building.
Clock Manufacturers
22-07-2006, 01:08
To: Whom it may concern, Kormanthor
From: The Holy Empire of Clock Manufacturers
Subject: Temporal Technology

Dear Sirs,

We wish to congratulate you to your successful research in the amazingly complex and - to most - barely, if at all, understandable field of Temporal Mechanics.

Having made ourselves familiar with the field - mostly thanks to the works of Professor Uhrmacher, whose breakthrough research in the matter (Eventually culminating in the development of the Uhr) helped us to attain the position we hold - we do realise just how much of a sacrifice you're making by investing precious resources and gold teeth of the unfortunately - if violently - deceased into this monumental project.

As such, we'd like to offer you our (Moral - active support costs money) support, and wish you good luck as you further your goals and endeavours.


Samuel Zwingly, CEO, Swatch, The Holy Empire of Clock Manufacturers
24-07-2006, 02:27
To: Whom it may concern, Kormanthor
From: The Holy Empire of Clock Manufacturers
Subject: Temporal Technology

Dear Sirs,

We wish to congratulate you to your successful research in the amazingly complex and - to most - barely, if at all, understandable field of Temporal Mechanics. Having made ourselves familiar with the field - mostly thanks to the works of Professor Uhrmacher, whose breakthrough research in the matter (Eventually culminating in the development of the Uhr) helped us to attain the position we hold - we do realise just how much of a sacrifice you're making by investing precious resources and gold teeth of the unfortunately - if violently - deceased into this monumental project.
As such, we'd like to offer you our (Moral - active support costs money) support, and wish you good luck as you further your goals and endeavours.


Samuel Zwingly, CEO, Swatch, The Holy Empire of Clock Manufacturers

Communications Transmission

To: The Government of The Holy Empire of Clock Manufacturers,
Atten: Samuel Zwingly, CEO

Transmission Origin: Kore Technologies
Time Travel Management Division
1491 Emekire Parkway
Essembra, Kormanthor

Thank You for showing your interest in our achivements in the Field of Temporal Mechanics. We have worked long and hard developing this technology. At a time when most countries are backing away from this field, we have taken it upon ourselves to develop the technology needed to support
our old friend Indra Prime in his quest to protect our timeline.

Heather Karpelis, CEO / Time Travel Management Division
07-09-2006, 23:13

Communications Transmission to all NS Governments

Transmission Origin: Kore Technologies
Time Travel Management Division
1491 Emekire Parkway
Essembra, Kormanthor

We are proud to announce our plans to start building our first time ship.


Heather Karpelis, CEO / Time Travel Management Division
16-09-2006, 14:06

Communications Transmission to all NS Governments

Transmission Origin: Kore Technologies
Time Travel Management Division
1491 Emekire Parkway
Essembra, Kormanthor

We are proud to announce our first time ship is now completed and will leave on her maiden voyage soon.


Heather Karpelis, CEO / Time Travel Management Division
23-07-2006 8:27 PM
16-09-2006, 14:16
Communications Transmission to all NS Governments

Transmission Origin: Kore Technologies
Time Travel Management Division
1491 Emekire Parkway
Essembra, Kormanthor

We are proud to announce the parliament has given it's permission to build a time ship for each of our carriers. To that end, we have begun building our second time ship.


Heather Karpelis, CEO / Time Travel Management Division
15-10-2006, 11:08
Transmission Origin: Kore Technologies
Time Travel Management Division
1491 Emekire Parkway
Essembra, Kormanthor

We are proud to announce our second time ship is now completed and will leave on her maiden voyage soon.


Heather Karpelis, CEO / Time Travel Management Division
15-10-2006, 11:11
Communications Transmission to all NS Governments

Transmission Origin: Kore Technologies
Time Travel Management Division
1491 Emekire Parkway
Essembra, Kormanthor

We are proud to announce we have started building our third time ship.


Heather Karpelis, CEO / Time Travel Management Division
31-10-2006, 01:17
Transmission Origin: Kore Technologies
Time Travel Management Division
1491 Emekire Parkway
Essembra, Kormanthor

We are proud to announce our third time ship is now completed and will leave on her maiden voyage soon.


Heather Karpelis, CEO / Time Travel Management Division
31-10-2006, 01:18
Communications Transmission to all NS Governments

Transmission Origin: Kore Technologies
Time Travel Management Division
1491 Emekire Parkway
Essembra, Kormanthor

We are proud to announce we have started building our fourth time ship.


Heather Karpelis, CEO / Time Travel Management Division
01-12-2006, 17:55
Communications Transmission to all NS Governments

Transmission Origin: Kore Technologies
Time Travel Management Division
1491 Emekire Parkway
Essembra, Kormanthor

We are proud to announce we have started researching Chroniton Torpedoes.


Heather Karpelis, CEO / Time Travel Management Division
10-01-2007, 00:05
Communications Transmission to all NS Governments

Transmission Origin: Kore Technologies
Time Travel Management Division
1491 Emekire Parkway
Essembra, Kormanthor

We are proud to announce we have finished building our fourth time ship which is the first to recieve the new Chroniton Torpedoes. All previous ships will now be fitted with the new missiles too. Finally we are proud to announce the start of our fifth time ship.


Heather Karpelis, CEO / Time Travel Management Division
The Lords of Gallifrey
16-01-2007, 18:59
With a sound not unlike a harp being attacked with a metal comb, a thick and dusty tome appeared. On its cover, was an embossed Seal of Rassilon made of silver over opalescent enamelling. Above that, in gothic English characters, was written ‘The Web of Time; A user’s handbook.”

A thick piece of note paper pinned to this and smelling of a fragrant perfume was written in a much more hasty hand.

President Romanadvoratrelundar
The Capitol,
[Galactic Coordinates snipped]
Heather Karpelis
CEO / Time Travel Management Division,
Kore Technologies
1491 Emekire Parkway
Essembra, Kormanthor

Dear Ms. Karpelis,

We’re rather concerned about your use of ‘time torpedoes’ devices which are frankly, a staggeringly dangerous idea, not to mention inclined to generate collateral damage by aging entire regions of space for no reasons and creating temporal disjunctions. Please consider taking my advice, and reading ‘Chapter Twelve: Combat and Erasure’ and replacing such unstable and dangerous devices with something more stable, such as time-loop initiators or erasure devices (which I’m told have rather questionable effects too).

Of course, you may be talking about some form of conventional missile out of temporal sync with the rest of the 3+1 universe, in which case, please accept my apologies and discard this letter.

413th President of the High Council of Time Lords, Keeper of the Legacy of Rassilon, Defender of the Laws of Time, Protector and War-Queen of Gallifrey
17-01-2007, 02:41
To: the Government of The Lords of Gallifrey

Transmission Point of Origin:
Time Travel Management Division,
Kore Technologies
1491 Emekire Parkway
Essembra, Kormanthor

President Romanadvoratrelundar we appreciate your concern over our Chroniton Torpedoes. First of all we would have to ask where a country as young as yours gets information on this type of technology. Secondly our torpedo's have been completely redesigned to not generate collateral damage. Although I am not at liberty to discuss the technical details, there purpose and function is to allow them to pass unhindered through temporal shields of rogue ships using temporal science for evil intent. Let me assure you that we will use this weapon only for defense. You must agree that we are not the only country that has this type of technology. We can not leave ourselves unprotected from this very real threat.


Heather Karpelis
CEO / Time Travel Management Division

Transmission Completed
17-01-2007, 03:56
Time manipulation?! Phhfa!

Time manipulation is nothing. A Tempus Fugit spell, the Eye of the Undone when the planets are in alignment, or summoning the Dragon of the Great Wheel - any quack can do that. True power is not manipulating time but Fate. Pulling the very skeins of destiny that bind one man or a nation, that is true power.

~ Master Avernus, College of Fate
17-01-2007, 04:05
Time manipulation?! Phhfa!

Time manipulation is nothing. A Tempus Fugit spell, the Eye of the Undone when the planets are in alignment, or summoning the Dragon of the Great Wheel - any quack can do that. True power is not manipulating time but Fate. Pulling the very skeins of destiny that bind one man or a nation, that is true power.

~ Master Avernus, College of Fate

OCC: Kesshite in my opinion you are extremely to young to be dabbling in the manipulation of Time or Fate. Unless of course you are a puppet of a far older country. Judging from your factbook you can't even stop your magic from interfering with your technology.
17-01-2007, 04:24
OOC: Was that an IC comment or OOC? If it's IC, the nation of Kesshite isn't a sentient being. If it's OOC, I'd like you to rephrase it as I'm not certain I know what you mean. The nation of Kesshite is over a thousand years old. And your other comment makes little sense OOC as obviously I, the player, am the one that decided how tech works on my island.
18-01-2007, 19:44
OOC: Was that an IC comment or OOC? If it's IC, the nation of Kesshite isn't a sentient being. If it's OOC, I'd like you to rephrase it as I'm not certain I know what you mean. The nation of Kesshite is over a thousand years old. And your other comment makes little sense OOC as obviously I, the player, am the one that decided how tech works on my island.

OCC: Kesshite following the 1 NS Year equals 1 RL Day rule does not allow your country to be a thousand years old. As today is the 18th day of January 2007 that would make your country exactly 18 years old. Kesshite I started my country in July of 2003 and I have just recently topped a thousand years old.
Axis Nova
18-01-2007, 19:51
OCC: Kesshite following the 1 NS Year equals 1 RL Day rule does not allow your country to be a thousand years old. As today is the 18th day of January 2007 that would make your country exactly 18 years old.

There is no such rule. A nation may claim to be as old or as young as it likes, and if you don't like that, well, too bad for you.
18-01-2007, 19:55
There is no such rule. A nation may claim to be as old or as young as it likes, and if you don't like that, well, too bad for you.

OCC: Don't start with me Axis, we have had pretty good relations for quite a while, don't mess it up for your sake. This is the rule that I had to go by when I was a young county and it is still the rule of thumb, especially when you are dealing with me. Deal with it.
Axis Nova
18-01-2007, 19:58
Don't start with me Axis, we have had pretty good relations for quite a while. This is the rule that I had to go by when I was a young county and it is still the rule of thumb, especially when you are dealing with me. Deal with it.

I have no idea who you are, but I'm not going to let you lie to some newbie just to give yourself an advantage. If you followed such a thing when you were a younger nation, the more fool you.
18-01-2007, 20:02
I have no idea who you are, but I'm not going to let you lie to some newbie just to give yourself an advantage. If you followed such a thing when you were a younger nation, the more fool you.

Remember when you tried to build underwater concrete bunkers in my countries territorial water some time back. You may say you don't know me but you are wrong. More to the point, I know you. As for someone cheating to give them selves an advantage ... it isn't me. If you have a problem with me then draw a line in your sandbox and watch what happens. Heres your lol right back at you.
18-01-2007, 20:07
Axis as this is my thread, my rules apply. If you don't like it, ... simple ... stay out of my threads.
Axis Nova
18-01-2007, 20:10
You don't control all temporal stuff on NS. My objection is you telling this guy what he can and cannot do.
18-01-2007, 21:08
OOC: The one NS year = one RL day is a guideline, not a rule. I see no problem with Kesshite being an old nation, despite its low population.

IC: We of Sagit have serious misgivings about ANY time manipulation. We once had an accident involving warp speed too near a black hole that sent us back in time, and accidently changed history on an isolated planet and had a heck of a time fixing it.

We have heard of Kormanthor, and understand that they have been studying time travel longer than we have, but we DON'T know of Kesshite. Magic is beyond our expertise, as we are high-tech space explorers, not sorcerors, but we recommend extreme caution if you are involved with time manipulation, by any means.
18-01-2007, 21:14
History means jack. Be your nation a millenia old, or if your constitution (or whatever) were ratified ten minutes ago, it matters not. It's just part of the character of the nation.

However, to presume your nation's history would give you more leeway on tech, a population greater than your stats dictate, or any other advantages simply because you say you have an old nation is foolishness. You'll have to bullshit your way into power like the rest of us.


The Galactic Hegemony, ever quiet and ever watchful, quietly observed, lest the mighty Time Crushers of the Zircon Hive need be involved...
18-01-2007, 22:36
The Sagit peoples are obviously a learned and sensible race. You would be well to heed their advice as you continue your studies. Power without wisdom is a terrible thing and its consequence can be such that a man may wish that the gods themselves would strike him blind, lest he gaze upon what his hands have wrought.

~ Master Avernus, College of Fate

I have no interest in starting an argument or becoming part of what appears to be personal grievances between two players. Let us say that the country of Kesshite claims history of over a thousand years and your country can believe that or not. Much like we debate about whether US history starts with the signing of the constitution, the landing at Plymouth rock, Columbus reaching our shores, or the establishment of non-nomadic cultures by Native American tribes.
18-01-2007, 23:55
While we must congratulate the nation of Kormanthor and it's leaders for their advancement in the area of temporal manipulation, as any technological progression is worthy of such, we do echo the voices of others who have previously addressed the issue: what may one gain from attempting to alter the self-correcting threads of eternity?

As the phantasmally-inclined Kesshii have already pointed out, the manipulation of the future and control of fate is a far more profitable effort, both economically and politically. Not that pursuits in alternate forms of science are necessarily worthless - we are not saying that, and noting our own affinity to those areas which have been highlighted since discussion began we would be contradicting ourselves - only that perhaps the importance you place in this area is a tad, misplaced.

-Minister of Defense: Holtz.
The Lords of Gallifrey
19-01-2007, 00:12
It is pleasing to see that you have chosen to move to a more environmentally responsible stance. With regard to your question: a nation as young as ours? While we may seem young to you, but I feel obliged by the weight of history to inform you that while the Earth was coalescing from the rocks and dust it once was, my race, which has existed in a continuous line of succession since then, was busy, unravelling the power of the Racnoss, and pursuing war on countless other twisted races of that time. We may not be the oldest race in existence today, but we’re certainly one of them.

Romanadvoratrelundar (

OOC: For the record, yes, this is a puppet of another nation. Cookie if you can figure out which (Hint: See sig), not that I subscribe to this ‘You’re as old as your nation is, adjusted from days to years’ idea in any way, shape or form. In fact, I have no nation that uses that, though one that's younger.
19-01-2007, 00:26
Meh. You'll all end up erasing yourselves from time like the qhal, countless other races, and this damned Kaeneian ship did, and then we'll never have had to listen to all this whining in the first place. With, of course, the exception of the Time Lords of eternal Gallifrey and their most wise Lady President, whom I'm sure would never allow her people to be summarily removed from the universe in some sort of Great Time War with an implacable enemy.

CSS-XSU Some Strange Aeon
Gaian Ascendancy
19-01-2007, 01:04
The Sphere Alliance, the parent Gaian Council and the auspice of curiousity of the Sphere NAIS-ASDB has several queries we'd like set in assurance, centered on two seperate questions of main import.

~ The Sphere Council and related Advisories demands to be assured that all such technologies are in strict, hardline adherance to the Temporal Accord. Forgive if we should know better, but since the Sphere has been advancing it's Dimensional Technology interests as of late, the temporal space-time continuum has come into more discrete focus by the primary functions and core elements of the Sphere.

~ The NIAS meanwhile with strict permission of the Council, Lady Washu herself specifically since the UPF fleet transaction with Huntear, during which a temporal class starship came of note, which ended on trade agreement clauses that requested the ship in question be stricken from the storefront sales listings. Professor Washu therefore is requesting at least basic information on any temporal discoveries to study, along the lines of the information presented by Kormanthor's database, put out so openly.

Of reasonings of note:

~ The Sphere rarely makes demands of anything, the Temporal Accord as of late, becoming a solid focus where the Council realizes too well the damages that can occur in conducting even basic outpost type observation of a timeline. While even we are curious of even aspects of our own history, the Ascendants origins a basic note, the risks are too troublesome for us to ignore so easily. Call it paranoia, but the ironclad demand on assurances for adherance to the Temporal Accord to safeguard the current existences of 'all' nations, relevant to the current era and Balance, is tatamount to us.

~ Second, the permission was given, so in as long as all knowledge gained is defensive in nature. The Guardianship believes that to safeguard the mentioned state of existences of the current era and all nations contained within this continuing known timeline, is far more important than even mere territorial soveregnty. The knowledge seeked would be to create appropriate type temporal measures to counteract temporal assaults on any level or scale.

Temporal static shielding that halts acts in progress, weapons to neutralize a theat problem for extraction, measures of a more 'policing' nature than exploratory or intervention type classification would be the goal of even considering this kind of technology. While others may be explorers like us, our version cannot use temporal continuum travel as a safe means of exploration without further evolutionary processes first. The Intracelic Accordance does not believe mortals of this current era are ready to meddle in such things, and we listen to our allies quite clearly.

In summary, assurances of the Temporal Accord of which we are also signatory, as well as reserved investigation in the technology mentioned, is the goal of this message. Beyond this, forgive all other misunderstanding this may cause. The subject as of late has begun causing great concerns in the Sphere citizenry we must address proactively.

Calm Regards,

The Sphere Alliance Council Advisory
19-01-2007, 01:09
OCC: Don't start with me Axis, we have had pretty good relations for quite a while, don't mess it up for your sake. This is the rule that I had to go by when I was a young county and it is still the rule of thumb, especially when you are dealing with me. Deal with it.

OOC:So you do not allow nations ot have a history, a character from which they come. How does having a history stop a person from a good RP? It is also a rule of thumb for no uber storykillers, but ya temporal weapons and ships are so not uber. Good joke the punch line is right there. Believe that if you start denying the IC age of a nation, people will ignore this stuff.
19-01-2007, 19:07
History means jack. Be your nation a millenia old, or if your constitution (or whatever) were ratified ten minutes ago, it matters not. It's just part of the character of the nation.

However, to presume your nation's history would give you more leeway on tech, a population greater than your stats dictate, or any other advantages simply because you say you have an old nation is foolishness. You'll have to bullshit your way into power like the rest of us.


The Galactic Hegemony, ever quiet and ever watchful, quietly observed, lest the mighty Time Crushers of the Zircon Hive need be involved...

To quote you Neo, I don't have to BS my way into power like you. I have documented my history and technology, enough said. I do not control all threads on NS, because that is not my domain. My threads however are my concern and you are in one of them right now. The 1 NS Yr = 1 RL Day is in fact the way I figure time passage in my threads. If you don't like it, stay out of my threads. What you do in your threads I don't care. As far as my controlling time technology, I don't ... Indra does, so deal with him on that level.
19-01-2007, 19:17
OOC: The one NS year = one RL day is a guideline, not a rule. I see no problem with Kesshite being an old nation, despite its low population.

It is a rule in my threads

IC: We of Sagit have serious misgivings about ANY time manipulation. We once had an accident involving warp speed too near a black hole that sent us back in time, and accidently changed history on an isolated planet and had a heck of a time fixing it.

That is why Indra formed the group that he heads.

We have heard of Kormanthor, and understand that they have been studying time travel longer than we have, but we DON'T know of Kesshite. Magic is beyond our expertise, as we are high-tech space explorers, not sorcerors, but we recommend extreme caution if you are involved with time manipulation, by any means.

We researched for a long time before we produced any time technology and continue to do so even now. Our time tech was produced to protect us from time effect attack. We have the right to develop technology to defend our country and way of life.
19-01-2007, 19:23
While we must congratulate the nation of Kormanthor and it's leaders for their advancement in the area of temporal manipulation, as any technological progression is worthy of such, we do echo the voices of others who have previously addressed the issue: what may one gain from attempting to alter the self-correcting threads of eternity?

As the phantasmally-inclined Kesshii have already pointed out, the manipulation of the future and control of fate is a far more profitable effort, both economically and politically. Not that pursuits in alternate forms of science are necessarily worthless - we are not saying that, and noting our own affinity to those areas which have been highlighted since discussion began we would be contradicting ourselves - only that perhaps the importance you place in this area is a tad, misplaced.

-Minister of Defense: Holtz.

OCC: I don't believe in Fate, I believe you make your own happenstance by what you do or don't do. So fate is underrated in my book, and unrecogized in my threads.
Axis Nova
19-01-2007, 19:24
To quote you Neo, I don't have to BS my way into power like you. I have documented my history and technology, enough said. I do not control all threads on NS, because that is not my domain. My threads however are my concern and you are in one of them right now. The 1 NS Yr = 1 RL Day is in fact the way I figure time passage in my threads. If you don't like it, stay out of my threads. What you do in your threads I don't care. As far as my controlling time technology, I don't ... Indra does, so deal with him on that level.

Indra Prime controls nothing, and the Temporal Accord is not a rule or even a guideline. His sole claim to fame is watching some Voyager episode and being the first person to think of a way to wank the stuff in it all over NS.
19-01-2007, 19:26
Indra Prime controls nothing, and the Temporal Accord is not a rule or even a guideline. His sole claim to fame is watching some Voyager episode and being the first person to think of a way to wank the stuff in it all over NS.

As I told you earlier Axis if you don't like my rules ... get out of my thread. Beyond that who are you to tell me anything?
Axis Nova
19-01-2007, 19:52
As I told you earlier Axis if you don't like my rules ... get out of my thread. Beyond that who are you to tell me anything?

I'm correcting some rather mistaken OOC assumptions of yours. IC, I could care less what you're doing.
19-01-2007, 19:59
I'm correcting some rather mistaken OOC assumptions of yours. IC, I could care less what you're doing.

Thats great, so why are you still here?
The Eastern-Coalition
19-01-2007, 20:16
OCC: Kesshite in my opinion you are extremely to young to be dabbling in the manipulation of Time or Fate. Unless of course you are a puppet of a far older country. Judging from your factbook you can't even stop your magic from interfering with your technology.

OOC: Presumably, then, you started RPing your country 130,000 years in the past? Otherwise, you have not RPed long enough yet for your country to have developed the written word.
19-01-2007, 20:23
OOC: Presumably, then, you started RPing your country 130,000 years in the past? Otherwise, you have not RPed long enough yet for your country to have developed the written word.

OCC: Maybe if you would count the number of days that Kormanthor has been on NS then change the days to yrs, hense 1 NS Yr = 1 RL Day you might start to understand where I get my countries age from. Beyond that if my country isn't old enough to have developed the written word where does that leave you as you are younger then I, and have a faction of the post I have.
The Eastern-Coalition
19-01-2007, 20:32
OCC: Maybe if you would count the number of days that Kormanthor has been on NS then change the days to yrs, hense 1 NS Yr = 1 RL Day you might start to understand where I get my countries age from. Beyond that if my country isn't old enough to have developed the written word where does that leave you as you are younger then I, and have a faction of the post I have

OOC: Judging by what you are writing and the way you are talking to people, I would be very surprised if you were 'older' than I am. But that is irrelevant - you completely missed my point, demonstrated your ineptitude, and displayed your obnoxious attitude, in one single paragraph. The people you are berating would do well to ignore you, as I shall.
19-01-2007, 20:52
OOC: Judging by what you are writing and the way you are talking to people, I would be very surprised if you were 'older' than I am. But that is irrelevant - you completely missed my point, demonstrated your ineptitude, and displayed your obnoxious attitude, in one single paragraph. The people you are berating would do well to ignore you, as I shall.

Would you please! Bye! Bye!
19-01-2007, 22:55
OOC: So you can't even give me an IC response to an IC post?
Gaian Ascendancy
19-01-2007, 23:02
((OC- Can we keep all this to an OOC thread guys? While I agree temporal tech is wank, stuff like this along side dimensional alternate reality and other such taboo sci-fi IS effective an rp story topic if done very well.

There is far more than having a bunch of fleets pummel each other, have plain ol talking heards yak at each other, or planting a gawdy flag on some barren rock around a white dwarf. Apparently sci-fi accepts temporal and alternate themery as standard canon, so I will accept this thread in such a light and IC it all accordingly.

I got a couple of my own ideas to eventually use as well, so lets try not to be 'too' close minded about it all as wank, unless it IS used in an obvious, godmoding way. Hell, the ones 'using' the tech can be just as effected as the one targeted, so ignoring that is very poor form.

Just because something isn't liked, doesn't mean you can outright ignore it. It's too easy to do using the rp vein. I know I'm not any more perfect than anyone else here, but just calling this stuff wank and ignoring it all takes away good ideas other imaginative rpers may have. If I see it being used obviously in a really godmoddish way, I'll be the first to call it such at the person in question. Just don't go subjectively pinning me down on this though, it'll be done objectively in my case.

Now if I can get a response before Washu breaks out of chains again waiting here.... =^^= ))
19-01-2007, 23:13
To quote you Neo, I don't have to BS my way into power like you. I have documented my history and technology, enough said.

I see we don't have a believer in the Wank-power theorem.

You have documented your history and technology. That's good. But such things rely on roleplaying, which in turn require that people not ignore your RPs. Such things require, in less-than-diplomatic terms, the ability to bullshit your way past your doubters. Quid pro quo, you have bullshitted your way into power, just like Indra, Automagfreek, and everyone else has.

What does it matter what happened prior to the recognition of a nation by the powers that be? "You did not exist before you joined, and you have no history prior to joining" has one huge flaw. Are you saying, Kormanthor, that on the day your nation was created OOCly, ICly five million people suddenly popped into existance out of thin air?
19-01-2007, 23:22
I see we don't have a believer in the Wank-power theorem.

You have documented your history and technology. That's good. But such things rely on roleplaying, which in turn require that people not ignore your RPs. Such things require, in less-than-diplomatic terms, the ability to bullshit your way past your doubters. Quid pro quo, you have bullshitted your way into power, just like Indra, Automagfreek, and everyone else has.

What does it matter what happened prior to the recognition of a nation by the powers that be? "You did not exist before you joined, and you have no history prior to joining" has one huge flaw. Are you saying, Kormanthor, that on the day your nation was created OOCly, ICly five million people suddenly popped into existance out of thin air?

Not to mention that 1000 years and you can afford temporal a 5 milioner with nukes, it just dont fly.
Clock Manufacturers
20-01-2007, 00:26
[..]This isn't an IC Thread [...]Wait. So everything you posted with regards to reserach & construction... Is ooc, and never happened, you don't actually have the technology in question, nor the ships and... well, you get the meaning?


Edít: W00t, jolt-server timewarp-fuckup. Quoted the post below, obviously.

Hrm. Timewarp. How appropriate for this thread.
20-01-2007, 00:28
OOC: So you can't even give me an IC response to an IC post?

You guys invade my tech. thread, cut me down for even having the technolgy when I have NEVER used the tech. Then you get mad if I don't answer your IC post with an IC post!? This isn't an IC Thread, none of this is supposed to be in here, I have invited you all to leave numerous times. What tech I have is no concern of anyones but mine. So what is your problem?
Clock Manufacturers
20-01-2007, 00:30
It is a Tech Thread, not a thread for you to make OCC remarks in so get out now!But you just said it's an ooc - well, not an IC, anyway - thread :/

Ah well. It'd be rather rude of me not to acknowledge your request, so I'll be out of here.

Edit: Really, as appropriate as the timewarp'd posts may be in a temporal tech research thread, this is getting annoying. Mental note to wait five mins before replying to anything...
20-01-2007, 00:31
I see we don't have a believer in the Wank-power theorem.

You have documented your history and technology. That's good. But such things rely on roleplaying, which in turn require that people not ignore your RPs. Such things require, in less-than-diplomatic terms, the ability to bullshit your way past your doubters. Quid pro quo, you have bullshitted your way into power, just like Indra, Automagfreek, and everyone else has.

What does it matter what happened prior to the recognition of a nation by the powers that be? "You did not exist before you joined, and you have no history prior to joining" has one huge flaw. Are you saying, Kormanthor, that on the day your nation was created OOCly, ICly five million people suddenly popped into existance out of thin air?

Look bub I don't care what you think, shut up and get out of my thread, is that simple enough for you to understand?
20-01-2007, 00:32
Wait. So everything you posted with regards to reserach & construction... Is ooc, and never happened, you don't actually have the technology in question, nor the ships and... well, you get the meaning?


Edít: W00t, jolt-server timewarp-fuckup. Quoted the post below, obviously.

Hrm. Timewarp. How appropriate for this thread.

It is a Tech Thread, not a thread for you to make OCC remarks in so get out now!
20-01-2007, 00:40
But you just said it's an ooc - well, not an IC, anyway - thread :/

Ah well. It'd be rather rude of me not to acknowledge your request, so I'll be out of here.

Edit: Really, as appropriate as the timewarp'd posts may be in a temporal tech research thread, this is getting annoying. Mental note to wait five mins before replying to anything...

It's a little late to be concerned about being rude I'd say.
20-01-2007, 00:40

When I made my first, IC comment, it was not my intention to derail the thread at all. I am sorry that the OOCness has gotten to this point.

If I may make some suggestions?

Create an OOC counterpart to this thread, or create a thread in Gameplay in regards to the 1 RL day = 1 NS rule question. Also, I think your handling of this might be a bit better. This was an IC thread until you answered an IC comment completely OOC then proceeded to make almost nothing but OOC comments about issues that have nothing to do with this thread's topic. You derailed your own thread, and I think it unfair to *exclusively* blame other posters by characterizing them as 'invaders'
20-01-2007, 00:47
Communications Transmission to all NS Governments

Transmission Origin: Kore Technologies
Time Travel Management Division
1491 Emekire Parkway
Essembra, Kormanthor

We are proud to announce we have finished building our last eight time ships. This contract on time ship building is completed.


Heather Karpelis, CEO / Time Travel Management Division
20-01-2007, 00:54

When I made my first, IC comment, it was not my intention to derail the thread at all. I am sorry that the OOCness has gotten to this point.

If I may make some suggestions?

Create an OOC counterpart to this thread, or create a thread in Gameplay in regards to the 1 RL day = 1 NS rule question. Also, I think your handling of this might be a bit better. This was an IC thread until you answered an IC comment completely OOC then proceeded to make almost nothing but OOC comments about issues that have nothing to do with this thread's topic. You derailed your own thread, and I think it unfair to *exclusively* blame other posters by characterizing them as 'invaders'

You derailed it by coming in and starting this whole thing to begin with. It is too late now to start a OCC Thread as you all have aready filled my thread with unwanted comments. I don't need to ask any of you permission to make rules that pertain to my threads. Everyone else does it all the time, but if I do it is a differant story all together. Thats called a double standard where I come from.
20-01-2007, 01:29
OCC: I don't believe in Fate, I believe you make your own happenstance by what you do or don't do. So fate is underrated in my book, and unrecogized in my threads.

Quoted for lol. However, if the concept of fate is ignored, does that mean nothing ever happens? It seems most... odd.

While here, somewhat agreeing on how postcount and nation age do not necessarily mean anything... though I'm sure by your rules I'm some "upstart" since I've not been spamming boards anywhere...
20-01-2007, 07:10
"You derailed it by coming in and starting this whole thing to begin with."

This is untrue. I had a professor of my nation make an IC comment on an IC announcement your nation made. It was perfectly on topic. If you didn't want anyone but you to post on this thread, then you should have marked it as closed.

You then responded with an OOC comment about the age of my nation. Unless the age of my nation has something to so with your nation developing temperal technology, your comment was off-topic. You derailed your own thread.
20-01-2007, 17:07
"You derailed it by coming in and starting this whole thing to begin with."

This is untrue. I had a professor of my nation make an IC comment on an IC announcement your nation made. It was perfectly on topic. If you didn't want anyone but you to post on this thread, then you should have marked it as closed.

You then responded with an OOC comment about the age of my nation. Unless the age of my nation has something to so with your nation developing temperal technology, your comment was off-topic. You derailed your own thread.

You are mistaken, if you had never entered my thread none of this would have happened. My comment reflected one that I was given to me in the youth of my country by countries that were my size and bigger then. I wasn't allowed to have nuclear weapons until a certain age ... etc. I didn' t even start researching time technology until I had been a member of these forums for nearly two years in real time because I believe that time technology is something that would take a very long time to come to understand. Look at the real world, how old is our civilization, and we still don't have a working knowledge of time related technologies. The way I gage time passage is not something I made up. There should be a general rule of time passage. I have put many more long hours of my time into these forums then you have and yet you say that doesn't matter. In my threads it matters, because they are may threads and I make the rules in them. One other thing, I plan to make a new time technology thread and it will be closed to posts.