NationStates Jolt Archive

Chaos in Radlett, Capitalists rebel

04-01-2005, 11:00
The cameraman raised his hand to Supreme Executive Gray and began to count down.
'OK Mr G, we're on in 5...4...'
The leader checked his papers and wiped his brow.
'2...1...And action.'
'This is a transmition to all countrys who wish to help the free state of Radlett. In the early hours of this morning, 900,000 or so unarmed capitalist rebels stoormed vital areas in our capital city. We believe that they are taking advantage of the absense of the millitary, who are currently fighting in Kalingrad. The port, millitary base and industrial and buisiness sectors are no longer under our control, causing our stock market to plummet. The government is in hiding, for heavens sakes.
These men and women have demanded lower taxes and the privatisation of public sectors, which we simply cannot give. The cabinet do not know when they wil next strike, or how. The ordinary people strongly oppose them, and I fear rioting on the streets may soon erupt. I urge friendly countries to send not only soldiers, but diplomats to restore peace. Radlett will also need financial aid and food to nourish needy citizens, and help in rehabilitating these traitors at a later date. This is Supreme Executive Gray, ending transmition.'
The camera swiveled away from the table.
'Excellent.' Shouted the foreign minister from the back of the room. 'I'll send this tape off to every state in the area.' Gray ignored the comment.
'Right,' he mumbled. 'Lets do the television broadcast to the country quickly...'
04-01-2005, 12:08
Next day, in the HQ of Bodastan "government"...

"Sir, we got this tape from country of Radlett, I think you should see it," said Private Ain, giving the tape to the Marshall Karano, who noded to him solemnly.

After the tape has been watched by private Ain, marshall Karano and field-marshall Durollis, Durollis said "Hmmmm alright, we need to send help. We must help them, not just because they are economical and diplomatic partners, but because they are... how can I say, friends?". "How many soldiers should we send, sir?", Karano and Ain asked, "We advise about 100.000 and 20 bodariens, sir.".

"Hmmm nah, we need more of them, send 300000 and 30 bodariens, and possible our sea fleet to cover them, and 2 BobCat APC's, that should be alright." Durollis said, and they both replied with "Yes, sir.".

Private and marshall were sent to order the army to prepare, and field-marshall went in the communication room to send a message to those who sent the tape in country of Radlett, hoping the enemies don't get it.
04-01-2005, 12:15
'This is Supreme Executive Gray. We thank sincerely all those who are in the process of helping us. Socialists are now marching through the streets, protesting against the tretcherous capitalists. No building have been recovered, and no reports of casualties. The situation is still unstable, and we ask, not ungratefully, for more aid.'
04-01-2005, 12:20
"Alright," field-marshall said, "Some of our soldiers will paradrop in your country in 3 hours, others will land in 4 hours. If you tell us the coordinates of capitalist rebels, we could bombard them with our fleet's guns. Waiting for your message. Over and out.".
04-01-2005, 12:22
I would not reccomend shelling the buisiness district. The cabinet requests your men to liberate the port, so that aid may be recieved.
04-01-2005, 12:29
"Alright, the port will be liberated as soon as possible,", field marshall stated, sending orders to Admiral Akh, who will lead the attack on the ports.
Grosse Gewehren
04-01-2005, 12:41
The Defense minister looks to the side of the screen, on some unseen signal he turns towards the camera - "Grosse Gewehren would like to greet our friends in Radlett, and express our sadness that the bourgouis have brain-washed so many of the hard working people of your country. We will, if it is your wish, send in the Spetsalnaya Naznacheniya of our army. We always wish to help our comrades, and would suffer greatly if your government fell to the Capitalist Rebels." he looks to the side, again, and nods. The Video goes blank.
04-01-2005, 12:57
'Radlett thanks Grosse Gewehren for their support, but adds that millitary support is unescessary. We would appreciate financial aid to help our rock-bottom economy. No signs of any civil disruption yet, but...'

Stationed in the GRP buisiness building, the Capitalist commanders are eavesdropping on government video-calls. A scrawny man wearing a khaki millitary uniform turns away from the picture of the executive to look at the crown assembled around him.

'Assemble the troops and weapons. It's time to take this godforsaken country.'
Grosse Gewehren
04-01-2005, 13:28
The Minister of Trade, a man that seems much more capable of doing a broadcast, is looking at the camera "My friends and comrades in Radlett. We hear that you need economic support. We require knowlage of the sort of aid you require. We will then send a Cargo Zeppelin in containing whatever you need: Uranium, Coal, Steel, Oil, Guns, Ammunition, Gold, etc. or maybe you need training in areas of expertise, an anti-terrorism unit would be a valuable addition for your armed forces, or possibly engineers - to make hydro-electric dams and such-like. Whatever you want, within reason, we will attempt to get for you." the video turns off.
04-01-2005, 22:10
OOC: We use these ships, fleet of 3 of them:


The Type 16 was laid down for Naval Escorts for trade groups operating between Chukraine and the rest of Hogsweat, in Haven. Approximately four ships are being produced for each convoy - and a further eight are being worked on in Chukograd Shipyards for Carrier Patrol Groups. The first ship has been called Chukograd SY22, after the Shipyard were the first ship was produced.

Weapons Systems
The Type 16 SOVIETSPIDER sports;
-2x Sea Wolf VLS Systems
-1x Double 6” guns
-1x 8” Gun
-2 x Triple anti submarine torpedo tubes
-6x Harpoon SSM Launchers
-4 x Vulcan Phalanx close in weapons system (CIWS)

Type 1007 & 1008 Navigational Radar
Type 996 surveillance and target indication radar
2 x Type 1001 Harpoon tracking radars (tracks three Harpoons per computer)
UAT Electronic Surveillance System
Type 2050 active sonar

1x Ka 25 (Usually restocked on a support vessel)

COGOG (Combined Gas and Gas) turbines, 2 shafts
2 turbines producing 36MW

-NBC Protected
-Lifeboats for 222 (not shown on pic)

Two Months at Sea (usually operates with Carrier Groups)

Displacement: 4,900 Tonnes
Length: 140 Metres
Beam: 15 Metres
Speed: 31 kt
Complement: 290 Crew, 32 Marines


2,5 miles before the coast of Radlettian main dock city, Bodastanian fleet of 3 ships stopped in a fog which is there. 15 minutes to official secret attack mission, 23:45.

"Admiral, we have stopped at the coordinates. Our gunnery is searching for enemy positions. Awaiting orders." Ensign in the flagship of Admiral Kadarov reported to the Admiral. "There are a few gunship, which we can take out easily."

"Alright." admiral has said, "Gunnery, sink them in 5 minutes, calculate fast and well enough, so we finish them fast. Check the other coastal defences too, bombard them if possible. It needs to be cleared out before we send our soldiers in atleast.".

"Calculated!" said another ensign (on all the ships) after some calculations in Gunnery part. Admiral commanded "Fire!", and gunnery fired...
04-01-2005, 22:25
Explosions rocked the city.
'What the bloody hell was that?' Asked the Executive, after being awoken from his desk. His secretary looked at his computer screen.
'The Bodastan navy is bombarding the docks, as you requested sir.'
'I most certainly did not,' he replied angrily. 'If that bloody port is damaged then we can't recieve supplies or troops. Tell them to stop firing.'
'Sir, you may want to take a look at this...'
Executive Gray rose from his desk to look at the monitor. The news was being displayed, with pictures showing rioting on the streets.
'The city is in turmoil. Capitalists and socialists are fighting on the streets. It's armed vs unarmed I'm afraid. Bystanding citizens are demanding that Bodastan send in soldiers...'
'Turn it off,' demanded the executive. His order was obeyed. 'Radio help to the admiral. Tell him that Radlett can't stand much longer. We are experiencing an anti-revolution. I want every single man in the country who posesses a weapon helping the state.'
Grosse Gewehren
05-01-2005, 12:24
A messenger entered. President Aleksei turned round, "what is it?" he asked.
"President, I think you should turn on the news"
Aleksei presses one of many buttons on his desk, a small LCD screen pops out of his desk and turns on - "... and the rebels appear to be winning in Radlett, as they have been equipped with weapons." - Aleksei turned off the news, the LCD screen disappeared back into the desk.
"What should we do?" asked the messanger.
"they wanted supplies, eh?" Aleksei asked himself. "We'll give them guns, lots of guns. and quickly."
The messenger runs out to give the order. Soon 10 Military cargo planes are making their way to Radlett; as well as 5 para-drop planes with Spetsalnaya Naznacheniyaon board to make sure the aeroport in the capitol is clear. Along with them is Presidant Aleksei - going to meet the Supreme Executive of Radlett. "Yes, a total of 125 Spetsnalnaya Naznacheniya will be dropped in." Aleksei tells the executive by vid-link "In order to make sure the Aeroport is secured. No, we are not planning on useing them for any purpose other than to secure the aeroport; unless you want us to."
05-01-2005, 14:34
"Sir, we bombarded the enemy positions, and we received a message from Radletts executive to stop firing, sir." ensign Tan said.

"Alright, are there visible enemies?" Admiral asked gunnery. "No, sir. Probably or they took cover, ran away or they're still there, just not seen."

Admiral hmmed a bit and looked on the clock. One minute till the attack. "Alright, get ready for the attack to start, send our first 10 squadrons in. Send 2 choppers, put on a sniper, machinegunners should already be already. They must report any enemy activity and coordinates."

Admiral then sent a message to the Executive of Radlett that the docks will be taken soon. No resistance seems to take place.

"Yes sir." ensign replied. Red alert went through all ships and 500 soldiers went to the transportation boats and left to the docks. 2 APCs have taken 20 Bodarien soldiers (2 squads per ten, Bodariens are our elite force) to destroy any really heavy armored resistance like bigger tanks and such.

So, they were approaching the docks... And got near...

(Ordinary soldiers of Bodastan use AK-74, combat knives and MK-23 pistols. Bodarien soldiers are elite, they use AK-105, combat knives, squad leader sometimes has a katana for assassination purposes, and MK-23 pistols with silencers)

Some miles away...

110 soldiers paradropped into a forest, some miles away from the main docks. 10 of them were Bodariens, others were ordinary.

General Tonir ordered all troops to regroup, and sent Bodariens to their mission as they paradropped too. Then he said "Alright, soldiers, let's hope we didn't get seen. Our mission is to secure all the roads leading to the docks until the docks are safe. We must capture bridges if possible and such things. Each team will have their own road to capture. I will lead Alpha team, 29 soldiers will go with me. Other teams will be lead by Colonel Tori (29 soldiers he has), Lieutenant Adhan (9 soldiers), Colonel Tran (29 soldiers he has). We should move... now. Each team will have their own laptop computer, and will receive plans of road they need to secure. If you see enemy approach, stop them at all costs. We need to get all the army to the land and secure the docks. Our fleet may soon be able to give us artillery support. Alright, soldiers, move out!" So, the teams went out. (OOC: Have a map or something? lol)

Colonel Kandaras looked at his 9 Bodariens which just have putted their parachutes in parachute backpacks and buried them.
"Be in stealth mode. We must get to the Radletts HQ, and then, if they'll know where the enemy's main HQ or base. We need to assassinate or capture their leaders and source of money. Alright, let's go." And so the attack started...
07-01-2005, 21:59
ooc: Bump