NationStates Jolt Archive

President Wittrock Re-elected

Canad a
04-01-2005, 03:50
January 2, 2012

President Anthony Raymond Wittrock has been re-elected by the voters of the Federal Republic of Canada for a second term. The turn out ratio is the best in national history since voting was made mandatory in the voter rights bill of 2010. President Wittrock won 51 percent of the popular vote, the Democrat Candidate Graham Hurtig recieved 48 percent, and one percent went to the people running independantly or another party.

Graham Hurtig is to give his concession speech within the next couple of days.

Edmonton, Alberta, Federal Republic of Canada

As President Wittrock learnt that he won the election he gave Jocelyn a kiss on the cheek as he grinned, "Looks like I won the election!"

Vice President John Bieker and Chief of Staff Kiel Wright walked behind the couple, "Hello Mister President. Congradulations."

"Well thank you gentlemen."
Canad a
04-01-2005, 04:17
04-01-2005, 04:42
To: President Anthony Wittrock
From: Prime Minister Timothy Ell

Congratulations on your re-election, my friend! This not only solidifies your definite qualification as leader of your great republic, but soldifies that Canadians have confidence in your abilities and confidence in the strong system of government we call conservative capitalism. I wish you the best luck over the next years of your new term and hope that our alliance and relations as fellow North American nations will continue in a positive manner.
Canad a
04-01-2005, 05:47
bump for reading, and reply to come to the Pacitalian Prime Minister from the Canadian President..
04-01-2005, 05:50
bump for reading, and reply to come to the Pacitalian Prime Minister from the Canadian President..

OOC: Righty-o

-does the 900-post dance-
Canad a
04-01-2005, 05:53
To: Prime Minister Timothy Ell
From: President Anthony R. Wittrock

I would like to thank you for your nicely warm message in congradulating me on my re-election as President of the Federal Republic of Canada. I hope for the relations between our nations to grow stronger and to form a North American Alliance of Nations is the one of the goals of my Administration to open my second term.
Canad a
04-01-2005, 08:07
04-01-2005, 08:12
To: The Federal Republic of Canad a
From: P3X1299 Foreign Office

Why do you people need elections again? Whatever works for you. We also President Anthony Raymond Wittrock our sincere congratulations on his victory and hope that he continues to enjoy popular support through his next term.

Jack O'Malley
P3X1299 Secretary of State
Canad a
04-01-2005, 08:14
OCC: The poll I had wasn't an election its just what nation would support who, really didn't have any significance.
04-01-2005, 08:32
OOC: The first sentence was a bit of a joke because P3X1299 does not have elections.
Canad a
04-01-2005, 08:56
OOC: Oh I see then... sorry, thought you were implying about the poll I had a month or two ago.
04-01-2005, 09:04
OOC: LoL it's fine. I might suggest that you overhaul your intelligence services though. j/k.
04-01-2005, 10:27
Cogratulations! We are astounded that you have won your elections once again and hope this can be a chance for us to start relations between our nations.

Emporer Palpatine the 4th
Canad a
04-01-2005, 20:22
OOC: Why should I? They getting a larger percent then anything else on the government budget.
Canad a
04-01-2005, 20:58
Canad a
04-01-2005, 22:35
Canad a
05-01-2005, 00:40
05-01-2005, 00:43
To: President Anthony Wittrock
From: Prime Minister Timothy Ell

You're welcome to come down to Pacitalia for a "state visit" and celebrate your re-election. Just give me a shout and we'll work out the details, my friend.
Canad a
05-01-2005, 03:33
To: Prime Minister Timothy Ell
From: President Anthony R. Wittrock

Thank you for the invitation to come on a state visit to your nation, at the time being I have other places to visit over the next couple of weeks since it is in tradition to visit Parliament Hill in the Canadian Union when a presidential elected as then next President or re-elected for the Federal Republic of Canada. They go there, to meet with Members of Parliament there and meet up with the current elected Prime Minister. Other then that, our departments incharge of foreign affairs will be working together.

Sincerely in good faith,
President Anthony R. Wittrock
Canad a
05-01-2005, 05:43
05-01-2005, 07:21
To: President Anthony R. Wittrock
From: Prime Minister Timothy Ell

Of course, my friend, that is perfectly understandable. It is not my intention to stand in front of tradition. Like I said, just give me a shout after you have completed your state visit to the Canadian Union and had some R&R and we can talk on the details of your visit.

Congratulations once more!

Timothy Ell
Codian States
05-01-2005, 18:59
Thurmond Roderick, the Codian Ambassador, didn't want to be thought unpatriotic. He did his best not to pre-emptively apologize as he presented the congratulatory bottle of Codian States' finest wine. Wine was not a strong point in his country, but Kingf. Kazootie had insisted, perhaps out of ignorance to the "leaves-something-to-be-desired" taste and bouqet of Chez Fritz. Everyone knew Rudy was a scotch man, anyhow. Too bad the C.S. didn't make scotch. On second thought, if they did, it too would taste like degreaser---

Thurmond stepped up to deliver his message.

"The Kingfisher of the Confederacy of Codian States, Rudy Kazootie, sends his congratulations regarding your win in the election. We look forward to the mutual benefits that the stability of your Presidency bestows." Thurmond smiled, shook hands, and prayed that Anthony Wittrock didn't open the Chez Fritz and pour them both a drink. Paparazzi love pictures of public figures regurgitating.
05-01-2005, 19:16
Great honoured President,
Let me first give you congratulations for your victory, may this be a golden age for your nation. In celebration of this victory, I the Holy Emperor invite you and your party for a dinner in the Austro-navian capital, of course under the best gaurd possible, aslo as a gift to bring the new term in the people of Austro-Navia send £1,000,000...i hope this will give you something to spend...

Yours with great honour,
Franz Hans Friedrich, Holy Emperor, King of Austrogoth, Archduke of Navia, Grand Master of the Wittelsbach order.
Canad a
05-01-2005, 21:10
The President of the Federal Republic of Canada would like to thank the King of the Austro-Navian Empire and graciously accept your gift and wish that our nations in the future will create a just friendship.

President Wittrock
Canad a
06-01-2005, 04:01
Canad a
06-01-2005, 07:07
Canad a
06-01-2005, 20:02
Canad a
07-01-2005, 04:38
Canad a
07-01-2005, 06:56
Canad a
07-01-2005, 21:35
07-01-2005, 22:00
I, the Supreme Hierarch, would like to congradulate you. I would like to invite you to join me on a weekend cruise on my private yaught. Also I will be sending you a gold box inlaces with flawless rubies, emeralds, and saphires.
Canad a
07-01-2005, 22:02
I appreciate your gifts and plan on accepting your invitation to visit you and your nation.

President Wittrock