NationStates Jolt Archive

A deal gone wrong....attn Winters End

The Real ALM
31-12-2004, 23:46
Ryan called one of the newbies in his organization.....Jack Dzerzhinsky. A n00b by any standard, he had just passed inspection, his first test would be today. It would be seen if he could be trusted.

"Jackie boy, this is Papa. Get your men, we will be buying some Beecher's Bibles. Go to the meat packer's, twelve midnight."

Jack nodded, and hung up. He called his men together, and prepared to go to the site.


12:00 Midnight, local time.

Dzerzhinsky drove to the location in an anynomous yellow taxi with four of his friends. He walked to the site, and his men got out and cocked their BXP machine guns, preparing for anything.

They stepped out, they began to survey the area carefully.....the man who would give them their L96A1's was late.....

Jack went, "The Hell are they?"

Unbeknownst to them, they were being shadowed by the Winters End police. Soon, they would make their move.
The Real ALM
01-01-2005, 00:13
bump for winters end
Winters End
01-01-2005, 00:14
12:00 AM - Winters End warehouse district

"Heh.. they have no idea what they are walking in to do they?" he set down the binoculars and whispered into the comm.. "I want all teams to be ready, when I give the signal I want them taken down, unharmed if possible. Over."

One by one the teams checked in their acknowledgement, it was time to bring the terrorists to justice for their actions.

Rogers contacted headquarters via satellite phone and notified Steven Reynolds of the Intelligence Bureau that the trap was set, it was just a matter of time now.
The Real ALM
01-01-2005, 00:19
Jack walked around. One of his friends said, "Dude, I dunno. This looks dangerous...."

Jack turned around and said, "You bastard, everything here is joined, you should've known that, this ain't your mum's."

Suddenly, he heard a quiet shuffling, and a loud series of cocking noises from all sides.

Jack said, "Oh bugger."
01-01-2005, 01:48
Winters End
01-01-2005, 18:55
All around them were the black clad agents of the Winters End Intelligence Bureau, their faces hidden behind their specially designed tac helmets.

It seemd like they all yelled in unison. "Freeze, don't move!" The two men were swarmed by agents. Chatter was hear on comm units notifying the section chief they had the suspects in custody without incident. In moments, two black vans pulled up as the two men were being cuffed, each man was hurried off to a different van and whisked away into the night.

Reynolds was watching the events unfold, he picked up the phone and called the Chancellor, "It is done sir, we have them in custody and they are being taken for interrogation as we speak."

"Good." the phone on the other end went silent.
The Real ALM
01-01-2005, 19:10
Jack put his gun to the floor....he wasn't willing to risk getting killed by a bunch of heavily armed men.

He said, "You got me......"

The other men took some more time to restrain. One man bothered to shoot back, but he was taken down with minimum of injury.
Winters End
01-01-2005, 23:24
12:45 AM - Intelligence Bureau Headquarters

Reynolds looked through the double pane glass at the young man seated in the other room. He must have been in his earlys 20's by the looks of him. He sat there nervous, fidgeting.. obviously wondering what would happen next.

"I want him interrogated, no need to be rough, this one looks like we can get what we need from him without having to go to extreme measures. This is all going to be on tape so we can provide it as evidence when they are sent to the tribunal."

The interrogator walked into the room where Jack sat. He was a pleasant man in his late fifties, he reminded Jack of his grandfather back home.

"Hello Jack." He set his notepad down on the table, pulled up a chair and sat down across from Jack. "My name is Michael, I work with the bureau. I think you know why we brought you here."

Jack tensed up, "No, I didn't do anything, I was just on my way home from a party with my friend."

"In the warehouse district Jack? We both know better.. tell me what you were doing out there with your friend?"
The Real ALM
02-01-2005, 02:02
Jack smiled and went, "Well, you know, we were going to score some weed, and light up, our landlord hates it."
Winters End
02-01-2005, 05:37
"That's really funny Jack, you are lying to me and you know how I know that?" and with that, he threw a small recorder on the desk. "We have you on tape speaking to your boss, Ryan. The whole conversation is there by the way, we have been monitoring you for weeks."

Jack squirmed in his seat, he was beginning to sweat now..

Michael continued, he smiled "We know where you stay at, our people are there now searching your apartment for more information. You know we will find out everything soon. We know you are with the RALM so it would be best if you talk to us now."
The Real ALM
03-01-2005, 03:00
Jack spat at them. "Eat shit, cocksucker."
03-01-2005, 03:46
OOC: oooohhhh.....
Winters End
03-01-2005, 05:10
"Aaah Jack, I think you may regret that one. We have enough information to swiftly go to trial by Military Tribunal.. you are aware we have convened a special tribunal in honor of your little band of cockroaches? To be honest, this is just a formality, we were only trying to see if you would confirm the obvious."

He was interrupted by an officer who had stepped in the room to hand him a note. He read the note and smiled..

"Jack, guess what? We found enough evidence in your apartment to tie you to the bombings at the City Centre. Since you don't feel like helping yourself, I guess we are done here." He stood up and exited the interrogation room leaving Jack alone to think.

He walked into the room next door where they were recording the conversation and threw down the notepad. "I give him credit, he didn't give any information up. Too bad the little bastard doesn't stand a chance though."


OOC: Jack will now be transferred to an undisclosed location awaiting the trial by the Military Tribunal. The proceedings will not be public, we will work out the details for the trial and post soon to follow.
RALM you can TG me on the details when you get a chance and we can go over the rest.
03-01-2005, 15:46
OOC: And I'll bump this in case RALM missed it.
03-01-2005, 16:14
OOC: And I'll bump this in case RALM missed it.

OOC: IM me if you have a chance..
Vast Principles
03-01-2005, 17:07
OOC: IM me if you have a chance..

OOC: on your behalf[/thread hijack] :p

Anyway, TAG, in case this gets good and i can send in some spec ops troops(get some training in, lol).

I had a bit of a BUMPY ride today. ;)
Winters End
04-01-2005, 04:14
Somewhere in Winters End

The next day Jack and his partner were brought up before the Military Tribunal behind closed doors. To avoid any additional attacks, it was being held in an undisclosed location without the knowledge of any civilians or non-essential military personnel. Security was extremely tight, but not obvious to attract attention.

The search of Jack's apartment had yielded valuable information that associated the pair to the recent attacks. There had been other documents that would have to be scrutinized by a team of analysts to see what information could be gathered.

In all, the case against Jack and his partner was rock solid. The proof was irrefutable and it was an open and shut case. It didn't help that Jack's partner rolled on him in lieu of a more lenient sentence. It was simple, the two men were brought before a Military Tribunal and tried for crimes against the state, punishable by death.

The two men were allowed to speak in their defense but chose not to as a mark of loyalty for their movement. In two days the verdict was handed down by the panel of three judges, it had been a unanimous decision on their part.
Winters End
05-01-2005, 00:03
For immediate release:

04 JAN 20xx
Winters End
Capital City


The Winters End government has apprehended two individuals that were part of a terror cell associated with the Real Anime Liberation Movement. These individuals were caught in the warehouse district during a sting operation led by the Bureau of Intelligence. Explosives found at the scene were linked to a terrorist plot due to take place in Winters End.

Information gathered from documents siezed during a seach of the residences of these individuals also linked them to the recent terror attack in Capital City that resulted in the death or injury of over 1,800 citizens and caused millions of dollars in damage.

A Military Tribunal consisting of three judges found both individuals guilty today of the crime of treason against The Republic of Winters End, a crime punishable by death. The execution will take place this evening and will be broadcast live on the Winters End Broadcasting Network.

Lisa Matthews
Ministry of Information
The Republic of Winters End
The Real ALM
05-01-2005, 02:18
For immediate release:

04 JAN 20xx
Winters End
Capital City


The Winters End government has apprehended two individuals that were part of a terror cell associated with the Real Anime Liberation Movement. These individuals were caught in the warehouse district during a sting operation led by the Bureau of Intelligence. Explosives found at the scene were linked to a terrorist plot due to take place in Winters End.

Information gathered from documents siezed during a seach of the residences of these individuals also linked them to the recent terror attack in Capital City that resulted in the death or injury of over 1,800 citizens and caused millions of dollars in damage.

A Military Tribunal consisting of three judges found both individuals guilty today of the crime of treason against The Republic of Winters End, a crime punishable by death. The execution will take place this evening and will be broadcast live on the Winters End Broadcasting Network.

Lisa Matthews
Ministry of Information
The Republic of Winters End

When this happened, Ryan Monahan went, "Motherf**ker!"

He called his remaining men, and said, "Boys, I think some revenge is in Grigori. We need some vehicular justice."


Several days later...........................

Meanwhile, one of the judges from the tribunal was walking to his car. He just wanted to go home, and go say hello to the wife and kids.

Unbeknownst to him, however, his car had been broken into by the aforementioned Grigori, taken to a chopshop, and rigged with 60 pounds of SEMTEX, triggered to detonate the moment he started it up, and then returned to its original spot.

He got in, inserted the key, and started the car....

The last thing he heard was a loud bang.

Observers soon saw a massive explosion, flinging debris everywhere and atomizing the poor man.

OOC: More to come....
05-01-2005, 04:09
The Republic stands firm, we hope you enjoyed the video disk of your murdering dogs as they hung from the gallows. I took great pleasure as I pulled the lever to release them and sent them both to hell.


By the way, unofficially we were not going to ban all anime in our nation but thanks to your movement, we will be announcing soon that all anime will be wiped from existence in Winters End.