NationStates Jolt Archive

Trillion Bounty on King Macdonald

Axis Nova
29-12-2004, 07:08
Axis Nova will pay the person who delivers King Macdonald, king of Kahta, to our nation, one trillion dollars in any form of exchange requested.
29-12-2004, 07:11
If I am ever to go missing, release all 100,000 ICBM's at Axis Nova.

(Bulletin given to strategic missile command)

King MacDonald
Canad a
29-12-2004, 07:14
OCC: That's a bit harsh?
Generic empire
29-12-2004, 07:15
OCC: That's a bit harsh?

((OOC: That's how I'd do it.))
29-12-2004, 07:15
[OOC: Not to mention UNREALISTIC. :rolleyes:]
Canad a
29-12-2004, 07:19
OCC: Yeah, realism is sending your Intelligence Operatives to slice the man's throat.
Calla Brym Rhyn
29-12-2004, 07:24
*Incoded Message*

The Special Forces Unit "55" is now using all it's resources to catch Macdonald. You see, we have nothing better to do, so...

*End Messege*
The Phoenix Milita
29-12-2004, 07:27
ooc: 100,000 ICBMs, and still a powerful conventional military, cough ignored cough

ic: We shall donate 5 cents to the bounty, because we feel this man [Macdonald] is only worth as much, if even at all.....
29-12-2004, 07:30
ooc: 100,000 ICBMs, and still a powerful conventional military, cough ignored cough

ic: We shall donate 5 cents to the bounty, because we feel this man [Macdonald] is only worth as much, if even at all.....

OOC: No its not. My budget is 11 trillion a year for military....
Canad a
29-12-2004, 07:33
OCC: So most of your military budget is going towards building and maintainng these arms, Kahta? I'm just curious, because the United States spends a lot of money of their military budget on doing so.
29-12-2004, 07:33
This is one of those 'be a Mexican Millionarre' scams... isn't it? A trillion of your money would be what? 3,000 of most everyone elses?

Anyway, you're asking to get smashed by a large nation looking for a reason to kick ass.
The Phoenix Milita
29-12-2004, 07:37
OOC: No its not. My budget is 11 trillion a year for military....
ooc: and mines 18 trillion...., what's your point?
You still can't afford to have 100,000 ICBMs and maintain the size of military I have seen you claim in the past.
Do you think ICBMs just sit in their silos in mint condition waiting to be launched for years and years? There is maintenance, security and all this good shit you have to pay for, its been discussed to death on these forums and I have no interest in discussing it all over again.
I loathe you, Kahta.
Both as a person and as a country, I have no interest in discussing anything with you so goodbye.... your continued irrational judgments and ill thought out comments have led me to ignore your nation outright, you shall not hear from me ICly ever again....
29-12-2004, 07:46
Hmmmm, I say he can have 100,000 ICBMs. They just won't explode, or even leave the ground :p . Although he could "honourably discharge" a large portion of his military to maintain them.
Off topic question - If you kept an ICMB in a large glass box cut off from the rest of the world and nothing disturbed it, how long until it "expires"?
Attican Empire
29-12-2004, 08:07
OOC: What is an "ICMB"? Inter-Continental Malaysian Band?
Itinerate Tree Dweller
29-12-2004, 08:18
ooc: A good rule of thumb is that an icbm will cost roughly 1/10th the initial price of the weapon. A 7 million dollar ICBM will cost 700k in upkeep. 100,000k of these will cost 70,000,000,000 in upkeep, which still leaves a large portion of the 11 trillion military budget to be used elsewhere. Of course, some ICBMs are much more expensive than the LGM-30 Minuteman III. Just my 2 cents.
The Phoenix Milita
29-12-2004, 08:21
ooc: A good rule of thumb is that an icbm will cost roughly 1/10th the initial price of the weapon. A 7 million dollar ICBM will cost 700k in upkeep. 100,000k of these will cost 70,000,000,000 in upkeep, which still leaves a large portion of the 11 trillion military budget to be used elsewhere. Just my 2 cents.
Good thing any modern icbm worth a shit costs about 70 million
Itinerate Tree Dweller
29-12-2004, 08:28
Good thing any modern icbm worth a shit costs about 70 million

ooc: Yes, but that only adds a zero to that final sum, which still leaves a substantial portion of the initial budget intact.
The Phoenix Milita
29-12-2004, 08:35
ooc: So do you think spending 700 billion a year on something that would only be used as a last resort is effiecnt, economical, or realistic?
There are also a bunch of other costs like the actual constuction of the silos, and thier maintaince.. I wish I could find the people who yelled at me for about 4 pages when I claimed to have 30,000 missiles but I think it has been lost or trimmed or whatever, and I have no desire to continue arguing this, my ignore of Kahta is mainly for other reasons, this ICBM buisness is just the straw that broke the camels back
29-12-2004, 09:06
OOC: Here's a shortcut method of how I deal with it:

Assume you are repaying the full cost of the armaments every year. Tha takes care of all of the added costs of storing them, I would say.
Axis Nova
29-12-2004, 09:34
The bounty will be rescinded if Macdonald rescinds the bounty on Yuna Mannerheim.

Axis Nova will not be intimidated by such a transparent bluff. Not only do we have measures in place to easily neutralize any ICBM attack against us, but if Kahta were to shoot it's bolt, so to speak, it would leave itself wide open to retaliatory strikes from our allies.
29-12-2004, 09:49
OOC: An RP taking place in DLE's early existance took an unexpected twist. I'm still trying to sort out the results of it.

Oh, the weapons are just regular nukes. Nothing FT in the Earth territory.


~Electronic Communication to Kahta and Axis Nova~
I believe I have a diplomatic solution to this. You see, I have targetted the capitals of both of your nations with weapons of mass destruction. Considering I have large holdings on Earth, thanks in part to a certain trejeklet, I have a very vested interested in not having radiation clouds drifting around in the atmosphere.
So, here's an idea. You both come to some agreement that doesn't involve firing missiles. If you don't and decide to start a small war, I'm going to destroy two major cities in each of your nations.
Just to be a total ass, these warheads are impact-detonated. You shoot the missiles once they are launched, they detonate over your land and kill your civilians. You don't shoot these missiles, they hit their targets and you lose civilians.
Your call. Either way, I don't care. I can always clean up the radiation and rebuild the territories anyway. You'd just save me the trouble of tearing down the buildings in the first place and trying to figure out what to do with the locals, who really are not happy with my rule.
-Dictator Enigma
~End Communication~
Axis Nova
29-12-2004, 10:03
Another empty threat. Our SDI system can vaporize your missiles before they could come anywhere near our territory.
29-12-2004, 10:07
OOC: Edit: Just want to know how it works. Most SDIs are unfeasible, impossible under MT, or just laughable as defensive attempts.


SDI systems are inherently unreliable. Unless you have an AI running that thing, you're still going to miss quite often.
Axis Nova
29-12-2004, 10:17
OOC: I am post modern, plus I plowed all the money that most nations waste on nukes into an SDI system. I don't use nukes offensively, since I have more efficient methods of wrecking large amounts of terrain. I do, however, use them defensively in a number of applications (but not against troop formations or cities, and so forth)
29-12-2004, 10:22
OOC: Ouch. That's pretty much going to screw over my attempts at it.

Irony: On Earth, I'm MT now. Off Earth, I'm a mixture of Shadowrun cyberpunk with FT and a few of my personal additions. But the FT can't be used in this case.
29-12-2004, 10:35
OOC: Damn. I just took a look at the summary and realized the missile silos were part of the first areas hit and I've not bothered to rebuild since taking it over. I don't actually have anything to back it up with that can be used here.

DLE is a nation that bluffs more times than it actually intends on following through on. They are effective for getting the job done or getting people's attention.


~Electronic Communication to Kahta and Axis Nova~
Look, here's a free idea. You want to talk about this? Send reps to my nation. I won't kill either side and you can yell at each other face to face. It's neutral ground.
Or, would you rather blow each other to hell?
-Dictator Enigma
~End Communication~
29-12-2004, 16:44
ooc: So do you think spending 700 billion a year on something that would only be used as a last resort is effiecnt, economical, or realistic?
There are also a bunch of other costs like the actual constuction of the silos, and thier maintaince.. I wish I could find the people who yelled at me for about 4 pages when I claimed to have 30,000 missiles but I think it has been lost or trimmed or whatever, and I have no desire to continue arguing this, my ignore of Kahta is mainly for other reasons, this ICBM buisness is just the straw that broke the camels back


Now please never post in any of my threads again in II Technical, Moderation, or General, or I will modcall you.
29-12-2004, 16:45
This is one of those 'be a Mexican Millionarre' scams... isn't it? A trillion of your money would be what? 3,000 of most everyone elses?

Anyway, you're asking to get smashed by a large nation looking for a reason to kick ass.

No, its $1 Trillion Kahtan Dollars.
29-12-2004, 16:46

~Electronic Communication to Kahta and Axis Nova~
Look, here's a free idea. You want to talk about this? Send reps to my nation. I won't kill either side and you can yell at each other face to face. It's neutral ground.
Or, would you rather blow each other to hell?
-Dictator Enigma
~End Communication~

Sure, I'm sure we can work this out.

King MacDonald
The Phoenix Milita
29-12-2004, 16:57
OOC: Sorry, you cant stop me from posting in your threads in Technical, Moderation, or General.
Use this,

Red Tide2
29-12-2004, 16:58
OOC:100,000 ICBMs is impossible. The Peacekeeper costs 70 million...7X100=700... so 70 millionx100,000=700 billion. that is not including the cost of the actual nuclear warheads. The maintnence costs, however, would surpass 2 trillion. Considering the size of your armed forces Kahta, having that many ICBMs AND that big of a military would cost well over 11 trillion dollars. Most nations on NS have anti ballistic missile defenses anyways.
29-12-2004, 17:33
OOC:100,000 ICBMs is impossible. The Peacekeeper costs 70 million...7X100=700... so 70 millionx100,000=700 billion. that is not including the cost of the actual nuclear warheads. The maintnence costs, however, would surpass 2 trillion. Considering the size of your armed forces Kahta, having that many ICBMs AND that big of a military would cost well over 11 trillion dollars. Most nations on NS have anti ballistic missile defenses anyways.

I can afford it, I've done the math. My military is about 25 million men including all logistical units. I use spreadsheets, and the numbers add up.
29-12-2004, 18:17
I can afford it, I've done the math. My military is about 25 million men including all logistical units. I use spreadsheets, and the numbers add up.

OOC: Okay, so that means your men are all armed with shitty Kalashnikovs, no armor, and are constantly on the brink of starvation. Also, if you shoot off those nukes, you'd friggin blow up the entire world, INCLUDING YOUR OWN NATION.
29-12-2004, 18:24
OOC: Okay, so that means your men are all armed with shitty Kalashnikovs, no armor, and are constantly on the brink of starvation. Also, if you shoot off those nukes, you'd friggin blow up the entire world, INCLUDING YOUR OWN NATION.

No, my army is well fed and well armed.

Final warning:

I feel that people are intentionally giving me difficulty on the ICBM matter because they disagree with my country OOCly. I run my country in no way similar based on my RL views.
29-12-2004, 18:28
No, my army is well fed and well armed.

Final warning:

I feel that people are intentionally giving me difficulty on the ICBM matter because they disagree with my country OOCly. I run my country in no way similar based on my RL views.

No, we're giving you flak because maintaining over 100,000 nuclear missiles each with two or more warheads, unless they're old Titans or so, would murder your military budget. It's GODMODDING to say you can own that many weapons and somehow maintain a 1st World Army.

Look at it this way, I have over 19 trillion in my defense budget, and I only have 50,000 WARHEADS. Actual nukes I only carry around 15,000, and I still pay out the ass every year in upkeep.
29-12-2004, 19:11
No, we're giving you flak because maintaining over 100,000 nuclear missiles each with two or more warheads, unless they're old Titans or so, would murder your military budget. It's GODMODDING to say you can own that many weapons and somehow maintain a 1st World Army.

Look at it this way, I have over 19 trillion in my defense budget, and I only have 50,000 WARHEADS. Actual nukes I only carry around 15,000, and I still pay out the ass every year in upkeep.

OOC: Ok, I'll revise the numbers or something...
Axis Nova
29-12-2004, 21:57
OOC: Would you people chill? If I don't have a problem with the nukes then there's no problem at all.

IC: There will be no negotiations on this matter. Until such time as King Macdonald rescinds the bounty on Yuna Mannerheim, the bounty on his head shall remain.
29-12-2004, 22:09
I feel that people are intentionally giving me difficulty on the ICBM matter because they disagree with my country OOCly. I run my country in no way similar based on my RL views.OOC: I'm giving you flak because even if you COULD afford 100,000 ICBMs, no sane national leader would order all of them to be launched because of the previously mentioned reason (it would destroy the entire world including your own country). Even some of the more deranged world leaders would be loath to launch a fraction of that because of 1) the potential for destruction and 2) the potential for retaliation.

I'm well aware that your OOC views are vastly different from your IC portrayal of your country. I have no problem with that. I just have a problem with the unrealistic consequence for the capture of a world leader.
Generic empire
29-12-2004, 22:16
OOC: I'm giving you flak because even if you COULD afford 100,000 ICBMs, no sane national leader would order all of them to be launched because of the previously mentioned reason (it would destroy the entire world including your own country). Even some of the more deranged world leaders would be loath to launch a fraction of that because of 1) the potential for destruction and 2) the potential for retaliation.

I'm well aware that your OOC views are vastly different from your IC portrayal of your country. I have no problem with that. I just have a problem with the unrealistic consequence for the capture of a world leader.

((OOC: not to mention the fact that no sane military officer would go through with the order. We humans have a little thing called a survival instinct.))
Axis Nova
29-12-2004, 22:19
((OOC: not to mention the fact that no sane military officer would go through with the order. We humans have a little thing called a survival instinct.))

OOC: Who says King Macdonald is sane? =p

Anyways, all you OOC smacktards get out of my thread. More than half this thread is OOC posts! If you need to discuss crap in OOC so badly, take it to IRC or PM or TG or something!
29-12-2004, 22:26
OOC: 100,000 ICBMs is godmodding, but go ahead. Once you've spent your entire nuclear arsenal on Axis Nova I'll nuke you to hell with no risk of retaliation.

IC: AN has our support of the principle that the Kahtan leadership is rotten.
29-12-2004, 22:36
A bounty for King MacDonald?

YES! It's about time somebody did this!
Calla Brym Rhyn
29-12-2004, 22:49
*Message To AN*

The "55" outfit is out of the hunt. More important problems than some lunitic with a bounty on his head have come up.