NationStates Jolt Archive

Terrorist Attack in Fally City

28-12-2004, 21:48
Captain Dzershinsky, of the Army of the Republic of Tethalla, stood outside the massive skyscraper and stared up at the red sky over Fally City.

He looked around uncomfortably and shuffled his feet. Even though he was in civilian clothes, Captain Dzershinsky still felt as though the various people walking through the streets of Fally City could tell that he was up to no good. They distrusted him, he could tell, what with their shifting eyes and furrowed brows...

But maybe that was just natural for these people, these capitalists. "Pigs," Dzershinsky muttered, spitting out part of the cigar in his mouth. "Dirty capitalist pigs".

Suddenly the main door to the building flew open and four other men ran out. The hurried over to Dzershinsky and began talking quickly in hushed voices.

"We put the bomb in, sir," one said.

"Good job, Lietenant Mikhailov." Dzershinsky was quiet for a moment, and puffed his cigar. "Did you encounter any resistance?"

"One guard," Mikhailov responded. "Borzikov killed him. No one heard."

"They'll find out soon enough anyway, though," said Dzershinsky. He paused but then looked up quickly. "The truck?"

"Out back."

"Let's go," Dzershinsky said.

He and the men quickly made their way around the building to the parking lot. Suddenly all five halted and stiffened- a Fallian police car was there, and two police officers were standing around the red getaway truck and taking notes.

"Sir-" started Mikhailov. Dzershinsky cut him off with a subtle hand movement.

The officer's other hand crept down to his side until it reached a mysterious bulge in his pockets. The pocket opened and a black Toratev pistol was pulled out...

Dzershinsky aimed it at the police officers and fired three shots in rapid sucession. One hit the foremost officer in the face, and he gave a short cry and fell to the ground. The other two missed, and the second police officer ducked behind the car before the Tethallian captain could fire again. The terrorists heard him talking rapidly into a radio.

"Damn!" Mikhailov swore. He glared at his commander. "You missed, Pyotr!"

"Quiet!" Dzershinsky sheathed his weapon and started running to the car. "Come on! We have to get out of here before-"

Sirens cut him off. Police cars suddenly appeared all around the parking lot, crashing in to the right, left, north, south, and everywhere. The police officer leaped out from his hiding spot and began firing at the five terrorists, yelling something in English that Mikhailov did not understand.

"ARGH!" Dzershinsky screamed as bullets ripped into his chest. He fell to the ground and began rocking back in forth in pain until another bullet ended his suffering.

"PYOTR!" one of the men cried, and he tried to run toward his commander. More police bullets stopped him before he'd run a yard.

"Let's go, everyone!" Mikhailov bellowed. "Move, move, move-"

He was shot in the leg and fell to the ground, unable to move. Everything was fuzzy... he could hear more gunshots, and saw his two comrades fall dead as bullets struck them. He closed his eyes and began hyperventilating. His leg hurt terribly, and there was another bullet in his stomach. He could not live; he was going to die.

Distantly, as though they were far off, he heard boots clicking. Something pulled his head up and his eyes opened. They were dim now, but he could see the angry face of a police officer before him.

"What are you doing?" the officer asked. "You are a Tethallian. Why are you here?"

Mikhailov breathed deep and tried to speak. "To... kill you... all..."

"What?!" the officer said in disbelief.

"There is a bomb in that building over there... it will explode in two-"

Mikhailov gave a short gurgle and died. The officer dropped the corpse in horror and looked up at the black skyscraper before him.

Two minutes later, a Type 5 chemical bomb exploded in the center of Fally City.
The Real ALM
28-12-2004, 22:00
OOC: Can I join?
28-12-2004, 22:04
((OOC: It's not my position to be in the war right now, it's completely up to fally.))

Seppuku slammed his phone down on the desk.
Fally had a terrorist bombing. In the capital.
Seppuku picked up his phone, and dialed every influencial person he knew, Fally was going to get the most aid Seppuku could offer.
28-12-2004, 22:09
OOC: Anyone who wishes to aid the People's Republic of Tethalla (PRT) is more than welcome to. I would appreciate the assistance.
The Real ALM
28-12-2004, 22:16
OOC: Should I take responsiblility for this, or do you have this under control?
28-12-2004, 22:16
General Pyotr Dostrokov, head of the Tethallian Communist Party (TCP) and dictator of Tethalla, was rudely awakened from his sleep by a servant.

"What is it, what is it?" roared Dostrokov. Using one of his massive, bear-like arms, he shoved the servant away.

"Sorry, your highness, but- but-" the terrified servant stammered.

"WHAT?" bellowed the dictator. "What is so important you have to wake me up at this ungodly hour!"

"Erm... it's 3:00 in the afternoon, sir-"

"IRRELEVANT!" declared Dostrokov. "What is going on?"

"Sir... one of our chemical bombs was just blown up in the capital of Fally," the servant said. "It was a black ops team... they were all killed, but the Fallians know that we did it."

"I didn't authorize any..." Dostrokov drifted off. "Oh no... this is terrible..."

"What, sir?" asked the servant.

"Someone in the army ranks allowed this to happen. I didn't order an attack."

"So... there won't be a war, then?" the servant suggested hopefully.

"Of course there will be a war!" Dostrokov stood up and shook himself like a wet dog. "If I say that I'm not in control of my army, what do you think will happen? No, we'll just pretend that I did authorize it, and everything will be fine."

"But... what about Fally?" the servant inquired.

"Oh, we'll crush them," Dostrokov said. "We'll crush them."
28-12-2004, 22:27
"We can only give 10%?!"
Seppuku yelled into the reciver.
"We can't just give 10% of out funds!"

Seppuku negotiated for another hour, and finally got up to 20%.
28-12-2004, 22:33
The attractive newswoman smiled broadly as the man in front of her counted the seconds down. "5... 4... 3... 2... GO!"

"Hello," she began. "This is a special report by WD9 International News.

"I am sorry to report that at 3:40 this afternoon, a chemical bomb was set off in the center of Fally City, the capital of the Armed Republic of Fally. It is at present unknown how many people were killed, but right now the lowest estimate is 5,000.

"The bomb was apparently set off by terrorists working for the People's Republic of Tethalla. Tethalla has not yet issued a statement regarding why the attack was made.

"More details will be released as they become available. For now, I'm Stacy Morgunzik, and this has been a WD9 Special Report."
The Real ALM
28-12-2004, 22:51
OOC: How's this?


Meanwhile, General Beniamin Rozhdevensky, a Special Forces General in the Thallian Army, smoked his cigarette. Picking up his cell phone, he called a number, and got through to an unknown location.


"Yes, ma'am. It is me. The attack went through as expected. The Thallians are about to wage war with the Fallites and their coalition of haters. We will ruin them in no time."

"Excellent. Keep it coming. We inserted you into Special Forces for a reason. Your experience with the Xenizen SOG, and the fact they kicked you out because you were a Red, ensures we have a reliable man. Now, go to the head honcho, and get him to issue more raids."

He nodded, and hung up.

Walking up to the General's Room, he asked to see General Pyotr Dostrokov.
28-12-2004, 22:59
OOC: Very, very good. I love it.


All over Tethalla, the ominous looking communication boxes that were stationed on every street corner began to activate. There was some static crackling, and then a voice came on.

"GREETINGS, BRAVE CITIZENS OF TETHALLA!" General Pyotr Dostrokov's voice boomed.




The voice stopped and, everywhere, terrified Tethallians looked at each other and wondered what would become of them all. Some started to cry- most just looked up at the red sky and asked God why such a terrible thing had happened.
29-12-2004, 22:11
Carefully, President Shenken picked up the phone and listenend to the person on the other side. A terrorist attack on Fally, it seemed, and a declaration of war as well. This was quite unheard of. He let his secretary come into his office:

"How does this sound?" he asked her. "'Note this: The most serene republic of Shenken is trully concerned about this new situation in Fally. Our most sincere compassion goes out to the relatives of the people who died in this tragic attack on international peace. We are willing to help in any way possible. First of all, we will send our experts on terrorism to help the local auxiliary services. Also, we will take up contact with the governement from where these men came and try to keep all communication open so we can find the best solution for this problem with all the parties together and without much furter people dying. This can't be the end of our world!'" President Shenken ended.

She just nodded her head. Talking to the president himself seemed too much honor for her, but the words sounded all right and truly sincere.

"Well then," he shouted, "let's get this thing in action!"

The secretary ran with her memo to the office of the prime minister, who directly sent the extra auxiliary services to Fally City. The minister of foreign affairs prepared himself for a voyage to Tethalla in the hope he could have a constructive talk with the general there.

The airplane was ready and so ware his preparations as well. Sighing, he hoped that the crisis could be averted before it was too late.
30-12-2004, 19:39
General Dostrokov frowned subtly at the babbling little man before him.

Those pathetic fools over at Shenken were attempting to broker a peace agreement. Ha! He would have none of it! After all, HE was the commander of Tethalla, and the Fallians had wronged him!

Hadn't they? Dostrokov pondered this for a moment until he noticed that the little man in front of him had stopped speaking and was looking at him expectantly.

"Ah, yes, err..." The general tried to regain his footing. "No."

"What?" the Shenkite gasped. "You aren't accepting-"

"No, not under any conditions whatsoever," Dostrokov stated firmly.

"But... why?"

General Dostrokov paused and then began to speak as though he was reciting something he knew by heart. "My people have been accused of a crime that we did not commit. We have been threatened, coerced, etc. and I will not tolerate this behavior on the part of our enemies whilst I am in control of Tethalla."

"But... what- what are you going to do?" the delegate stammered.

"I, my dear boy," the general said slowly, "am going off to war."

The Shenkite gave a little gurgling sound and passed out in his chair.

Dostrokov looked at the slumped figure mercilessly and frowned again. The expression suited his face well, and he maintained it for a while before pressing a button on the side of his chair and yelling into it, "General Korzlov?"

"Yes, sir?" the reply came from a hidden loudspeaker.

"Get some of our boys in 6th Armored over the border. I want them in Fally by sundown."

"Yes sir!" General Korzlov. "Is there anything else, sir?"

"Yeah... start a bombing campaign against their cities. And get another bomb blown up in Sheken too... the idiots tried to make peace. I've got one of their delegates up here right now."

"Okay, sir, I'll have the bombing done immediately." Korzlov scribbled something down on a sheet of paper before asking, "Sir... concerning the delegate, would you like me to send some men up to... "take care" of him?

"Nah," demurred Dostrokov. "I'll do it myself."

He pressed the button again and the brief conversation came to an end.
30-12-2004, 21:24
"General, you have to see this!"

Quickly, General Versch ran to the soldier. "What's up?" he asked, although he saw already the little blips on the radar screen.

"A few bombers that are refusing to answer our questions, sir. They come from Tethalla!" the soldier replied.

General Versch tried to figure out where they were and how long it would take them to get to Sheken. He was never very good at math, and he gave up very quickly. "Give order to the air force to send in its F16s directly! Has the air force been mobalized?"

The soldier took up the phone and gave the order, simultaneously asking whether the air force was mobalized. He nodded with the phone at his ear and hung up. "Yes, it is mobalized, sir! The boys over at the air force say that they won't be able to shot down those bombers before they get here, but none of the Tethallians are going to be leaving alive."

"Good," said the general "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to telephone the president."

He left the room and began walking down the hall to the emergency, closed-line telephone, all the while thinking about this crisis. Seemingly, the president's plan hadn't worked well. He had always been a dreamer, but now they were at war. He wouldn't have many choices. According to law 7.6.2, Presidnet Shenken would have to put the general in charge of the army, as Versch was the highest general in the attacked area.

President Shenken took up his phone and listened silently to general Versch. "Ok," he said, "so be it. I'll give orders for total mobilization, men and women, and ask all our allies for aid. Meanwhile, keep everything on defense. Make sure that those rotten Tethallians don't get back in for a second run." The president paused significantly. "May God have mercy on us".

"May God have mercy on us," General Versch repeated before hanging up the phone.

General Versch walked over to the closest soldier. "Do we have any bombers in the area?" he asked.

The soldier looked at a piece of paper pretaining to the day's plane deployments and nodded. "Yes, sir!"

The general smiled in relief and walked over to his desk. It had been a long time since he had used it... he had always been more the man of action. at the front lines rather than in a dusty office. He picked up his phone and called a number known by few men.

"Hello, general." said a strange voice on the other side of the phone. "I know why you are calling; we are ready. The Intelligence Service of Sheken is at your disposal. In three minutes and 35 seconds you'll get our report on Tethallian activity in our country and a description of Tethalla, its leader and its armed forces."

"Good," said General Versch.

Shortly afterwards, bombs fell on the city, but luckily few hit their mark. Because of the hasty response by the Shenken government, few were killed; only about 150 or so, most people who hadn't reached the shelters quickly enough. Damage to buildings was more significant, and it would take many years before the city was running at its former glory. General Dostrokov had not not entirely failed.
Franz Joseph Land
30-12-2004, 21:53
In Nieuw Wein, the capital of Franz Joseph Land, Prime Minister Dolfuss was watching the local news channel when he suddenly spat out his coffee in shock.

"This just in:" the reporter was saying, "there has been an air attack on the city of Ypres, in the Most Serene Republic of Shenken. The attack was made by the Air Force of the People's Republic of Tethalla, or AFPRT (AFT for short), around 8:24 in the evening today. Reports on casualties and damage are at present scattered and uncomfirmed. If you have..."

The man continued his report, but Herr Dolfuss was done listening. He bolted up from his cushy armchair and ran over to the red emergency phone on his desk.

"This is Prime Minister Dolfuss!" he yelled into it. "I need to talk to President Franz Joseph at once!"

An hour later Dolfuss, Franz Joseph, and the rest of the presidential cabinet were grouped around a large conference table. Everyone looked very uncomfortable and scared; of them all, only Franz Joseph seemed to have remained calm after hearing about the attack.

"Are we all here?" he asked once the last person had sat down. Before allowing time for a response, he said, "Good. Then let's get to work. Prime Minister Dolfuss...?"

Dolfuss stood up and began reading from a white sheet of paper. "At 8:24 PM, a small squadron of Tethallian bombers flew over Ypres and carried out an air strike. Casualties are currently unknown, and the Most Serene Republic of Sheken has yet to issue a statement regarding the attack."

He put the paper down adn sent on. "It can, however, be assumed that this is the first of a series of attacks that will be carried out by the People's Republic of Tethalla. After the recent terrorist attack on Fally City, negotiations between FullRights and the Tethallians have broken down.

"I think, however, that our nation should be safe. Franz Joseph Land is small and unimportant. We should be exempt from any enemy attacks as long as we remain neutral in the even of any conflict."

"That isn't happening," the president said.

Dolfuss looked at him. "But... sir, we're in no condition to fight a war! We can't risk the lives of our people for the sake of... of... a scrap of paper!"

Franz Joseph turned very red and stood up. "A scrap of paper!" he repeated angrily. "Is that all you think of our commitments to our allies? I will not be remembered as a man who sat back and watched from the sidelines while the forces of communism crushed FullRights and all it stands for!"

For a moment, the president and the prime minister's locked and both stood somber and still. Then Dolfuss looked embarassed and sat down.

"I'm sorry, sir," he apologized. "We should help our allies."

"Good." The president began giving orders in rapid sucession. "Field Marshal Hesse, I need you to draft all citizens ages 18-25 into the army and begin training them for war. Foriegn Minister von Wittelsbach, draft a declaration of war on the People's Republic of Tethalla. The rest of you, prepare our country for defensive measures."

The cabinet members stood up, pushed papers hurriedly into their briefcases, and ran off to complete their tasks. Only Dolfuss waited, looking long and hard at the president.

"Sir, we aren't ready for war. You know that. We can't fight these guys," he said.

"No..." concurred Franz Joseph slowly. "No, we can't fight them." He was quiet for a long time. Then he spoke again. "But, my dear Dolfuss, we can try."
30-12-2004, 22:17
President Seppuku was standing in front of a large crowd of media and citizens, he had never been good at speeches, heck, he didn't know how he got through the inauguration without barfing. But it was now, both Shenken and Fally had been hit by Tethalla. Of course, Seppuku couldn't force anyone to fight, but he damn well could try.

"Peoples of Graceofseppuku, lend me your attention!"

Seppuku threw up his hands in a dramatic manner.

"The nation known as Tethalla has began to bomb Shenken, and is assumed to have released a chemical bomb in Fally city. The latter is not confirmed, but it is a general assumption."

Seppuku paused to let the sheer tragedy sink in.

"Fortunately, most of the casualities in Shenken were minor, but, Fally has not yet released a report. I now ask you, my people, to take up whatever arms you have, and prepare training, secretly, we will launch a suprise attack in concert with Shenken and Franz Joesph. But, my friends, this will only take place if you, the people, want to."

There was a deafening roar of of both approval and disapproval from the crowd, but, some say Seppuku still smiled.
31-12-2004, 00:01
OOC: Everyone who dares fight a war against the great General Dostrokov; I will soon be putting up a new thread relating to the war. This thread strictly relates to the terrorist attack in Fally City and the reaction to it.

I would greatly appreciate if everyone would put up army size, major cities, etc. so that we all know what to invade.


General Pyotr Dostrokov and his senior staff were all inside Penningfield by the time they'd heard the bad news.

Penningfield was a top-secret bunker located somewhere in Tethalla. It was one of the strongest such bunkers in the world, capable of withstanding anything except a direct hit by a nuclear missile. Fortunately, as its location was not known by any foriegn power, a hit by a nuclear missile was not likely to occur.

Dostrokov was in the board room, sweating profusely. His hair was plastered to his forehead and he was talking in a hasty and excited tone.

"What's happening? Someone, tell me, what's going on? This was supposed to be an isolated incident!"

"Well, it's not," said one man with a high forehead and a nose like a scythe.

"Did you say something, Grand Admiral Timenkev?" General Dostrokov asked, glaring at the man who had spoken.

"No, of course not, sir." Grand Admiral Timenkev glared right back at his leader, but said nothing more.

Another man, incredibly fat and completely bald, raised his hand.

"What is it, General Rhazdonzy?"

"Sir, in response to your earlier question, we were unaware of the speed with which FullRights would respond. Fortunately, none of their nations have as yet completed mobalization and if we act quickly we may still be able to defeat them, one by one."

"How much time do you think we have?" Timenkev inquired icily. "General Rhazdonzy, we have already dug ourselves into a deep enough hole with the so-called 'first strike' plan. We need a new plan, one that involves defense rather than offense!"

"If we are forced on the defensive," General Rhazdonzy yelled, his fat jowls quivering with indignation, "we will have no chance of victory! We need immediate attacks, especially in the air, with the aim of destroying our enemies!"

"They are not our-" Timenkev began, also yelling, but General Dostrokov cut him off.


The general and the admiral stopped yelling and sat down slowly.

"That's better!" Dostrokov declared. He paused, coughed, and then went on. "General Rhazdonzy, please give a discription of Tethalla's present strength on land, sea, and air."

"Very well," the general complied, pulled out a sheet of brown paper, and cleared his throat before reading. "As of 11 October, the People's Republic of Tethalla can call upon an army of 1.8 million men, a navy of 200 ships, and an air force of 2,000 aircraft." He looked up and glanced around at his compatriots. "I must add, however, that while these figures are impressive, our navy and air force are mostly outdated... especially the navy."

"You can say that again," Grand Admiral Timenkev muttered.

"What was that?" Dostrokov asked.

"Oh, nothing, nothing..."

"Our army, however, is in very good shape, and could concieveably be used to launch immediate attacks on our enemies," General Rhazdonzy continued.

"It does not matter, I tell you!" Timenkev blurted out suddenly, standing up and pounding the table with his fist. "If we cannot defend our own airspace and our shores, then the whole army can go to hell! It does not matter!"

"Quiet," ordered Dostrokov. He was calmer now and put away his handkerchief. "General Rhazdonzy, take 1st Infantry, 3rd Infantry, and 2nd Amored and use them to invade Fally. General Krilovitch, take 2nd Infantry and 4th Armored and use them to invade Franz Joseph Land. Grand Admiral Timenkev, blockade the coast of Shenken and use your marines to make coastal raidings. Is that clear?"

His deputies murmered in agreement and scribbled things down on paper.

"Alright then," Dostrokov said. "I also expect the air force to conduct consistent bombings raids on all of our enemies. Dismissed."
Franz Joseph Land
31-12-2004, 00:24
President Franz Joseph was sitting in his room with his glasses off, looking carefully at some map of an ancient battle long since fought. He looked up when Prime Minister Dolfuss walked into the room.

"Hello, Heinrich. What's happening?" the president asked.

Dolfuss slumped down into a chair and wiped his sweaty brow. "Oh, nothing much. I'd expected it to be worse after your declaration of war, but so far we haven't even gotten a bombing raid. I guess-"

He was cut off by the telephone's ringing. "Wait a minute," Franz Joseph said.

He picked up the phone and listened carefully. To Dolfuss's horror, he saw the president's expression change to one of genuine terror.

"When? How old is this information? What- sorry, I didn't hear that- you mean- oh my God!"

He listened some more and then said, "Yes," in a meaningful way before hanging up. The president sighed, but his glasses back on, and stood up.

"Sir- what is it? What's going on?" Dolfuss asked.

"Tethallian troops are massing on the border," the president replied. "An infantry division and an armored division- around 30,000 men and 300 tanks."

"What?!" Dolfuss exclaimed in disbelief. "But that's more than our entire army!"

"I know. We're going to have to introduce conscription-"

"But we can't! It's explicitly against the constitution!"

Franz Joseph sighed again and slumped back into the chair. "Heinrich... desperate times call for desperate measures."

Dolfuss pondered this for a moment and then nodded. "I suppose you're right, sir. I'll go tell the Reichstag to introduce conscription."

"Alright," Franz Joseph said. He did not even notice when his prime minister left the room and closed the door behind him.
The Good Dragon
31-12-2004, 12:52
"you fool, what have you done" the great dictator Migean is getting dull.
"Stupid prime minister, our army isn't much worth"
"but sir, I did it for well, our spies saw the invasion force of Tethalla" replies the prime minister.
"guards" yells Migean "execute him immedently"
two guards came from behind his seat, one aims and shoots the prime minister in his forhead.
"get the cleaning service, my floor is dirty" Migean walks over the body and goes to the war room in his casstle.
"stupid stupid prime minister, why do you involved me in a war" he passes a guard, "hey, you" he shouts to the guard.
The guard salutes "yes sir, yes".
"want to be prime minister"
"uh, sir, uh, and mister Confidence then?"
"an accident, want to be prime minister, you have no choice, you are now prime minister, come with me"
"yes sir, yes"

They walk into the war room.
"yes sir, sir"
"how many troops has Confidence sended?"
"sir, he sended 12.000 men, 15 submarines, 200 planes, 3 carriers, 55 frigates, 15 transport ships, 500 tanks and 5 transport ships marihuana to keep our soldiers motivated"
"send another 5 transport ships marihuana, otherwise they will shit in their pants our soldiers"
"yes sir, guard, give that order to General Red"
"Ehm, general, that isn't a guard anymore, I think you will need give that order through. That's my new prime minister"
"yes sir, and Minister Confidence sir?"
"an accident, don't worry, it could happen you to"

A messenger arrives at the court of Franz Joseph.
"we have a message for your president" he says to the guards outside.
"nobody speaks him directly, sure no lazy Dragonack like you"
"I got a message for your president" he repeats
"don't you understand us, get out of here before I shoot you away stupid junk"
"it's about the war" maybe that were wrong words, a guard put a pistal to his head.
"tell more, if it's something worth we will say it to our superiors."
31-12-2004, 21:44
OOC: This is my last post on this thread. I will create a new war one now.

Look for Tethallian War to get updates on the conflict.

For all of you foolish enough to face me, I tell you this- si vis pacem, para bellum. Know also that no matter how many troops you array against me, you shall still lose, for I remeber the words of Otto of Saxony at the Battle of Lechfeld (9 August 955): "They outnumber us, I know, in numbers, but neither in weapons nor in courage..." So it shall be here.

In the meantime, here are my nation's statistics:

Domestic Statistics

Government Category: Corrupt Dictatorship
Government Priority: the Environment
Economic Rating: Fragile
Civil Rights Rating: Some
Political Freedoms: Rare
Income Tax Rate: 59%
Major Industry: Arms Manufacturing
National Animal: bear
National Currency: ruble
Total Population: 40,000,000

Government Budget Details

Administration: $4,923,282,546.00 28%
Social Welfare: $2,285,809,753.50 13%
Healthcare: $1,758,315,195.00 10%
Education: $1,230,820,636.50 7%
Religion & Spirituality: $0.00 0%
Defence: $2,285,809,753.50 13%
Law & Order: $0.00 0%
Commerce: $0.00 0%
Public Transport: $2,109,978,234.00 12%
The Environment: $2,989,135,831.50 17%
Social Equality: $0.00 0%

Tethalla Economic Statistics

Exchange Rate: 23.2398 rubles = $1
Gross Domestic Product: $29,921,119,999.88
GDP Per Capita: $748.03
Unemployment Rate: 25.40%
Consumption: $12,619,800,000.00
Government Budget: $19,536,835,500.00
Government Expenditures: $17,583,151,950.00
Goverment Waste: $1,953,683,550.00
Exports: $3,692,240,674.88
Imports: $3,974,072,625.00
Trade Deficit: $281,831,950.12

Armed Forces of the People's Republic of Tethalla

Army of the People's Republic of Tethalla (APRT): 1.8 million men, with an additional 5 million in the armed reserve.

Navy of the People's Republic of Tethalla (NPRT): 2 aircraft carriers, 3 battleships, 20 destroyers, 30 cruisers, 145 submarines, 200 LSTs and transport ships, and 300 supply ships.

Air Force of the People's Republic fo Tethalla (AFPRT): 1,500 fighters and 500 bombers.

"Abandon hope, all ye who enter here"
-Inscribed above the gates of Hell in Dante's Inferno
31-12-2004, 21:51
OOC: My apologies. I forgot to include a list of major cities in Tethalla.

Capital: Moskva

Largest cities:

1) Moskva
2) Irkustk
3) Yakustk
4) Zhelengorsk
5) Batusk