NationStates Jolt Archive

Riots in Red Wales after Nazi is elected MP. Start of a Revolution?

Red Wales
27-12-2004, 19:40
A special news programme was on the television and the radio, covering the by-election in Llangogach
"Those are surprise results, a swing from the Communist Party MP to the Nazi Party MP by 210 votes in the safe seat of Llangogach. I will just have a quick word from each member of studio, Robert Stone, that is a shocking blow to your Communist Party, what is your reaction.
Robert the MP for Snowdonia was making a hateful scowling face
"The people of Llangogach have just made the worse mistake in there lives, they will pay for this by the corrupt and evil MP they will have representing them, they will..."
The presenter interrupted "A quick word I said, sorry, they are about to make the victory speech and I want a quick word from the leader of the Nazi Party in our Swansea studio. Craig Ap Gwyn your party has just took over a Communist safe seat, do you see this a significant step for your party?"

The Nazi party leader replied "Of course this is a significant step, the people are getting fed up of having parties that are allowing races to mix, that are allow the other inferior people to cause trouble here, The Communist MP in the area in question was fully behind the building of a Mosque in Llangogach heart, that would bring more terrorists to our area, we don't want them..."
The presenter cut in again "...Sorry, the Nazi MP is about to make his victory speech"

"Thank you Electoral Bureau spokesman, we, in the Nazi party really appreciate this opportunity to serve the people of Llangogach and represent them in the most esteemed Parliament of Red Wales, this just shows people are fed up of Marx, and fed up all the others coming into Red Wales and taking our resources, stealing our jobs and attacking our women and children. I promise you that we will not stand for it in Red Wales and try to make our voice heard, thank you"

It went back to studio "There is a victory speech by the new Nazi MP, who have won the seat with a massive swing of 210 votes from the Communists in the safe seat of Llangogach, that is all from this special by-election programme, good night"

A few days later a massive protest was organised by the Communist Party, hundreds marched towards the Nazi Party offices in Llangogach, policed looked on as the march moved peacefully towards the offices, screaming out things like
"DEATH TO THE FASCISTS", "WORKERS OF THE WORLD UNITE" and "VIVA REVOLUTION" when they got to the Nazi offices however they started to get aggressive, apparently at the sight of the Nazi flags.

"DEATH TO THE NAZIS" cried one of the protestors picking up a brick and throwing to throw a window, the policed moved in to try and stop the riot, but the rioters got very violent, throwing bricks and punches at the police screaming "Pigs",
one of the rioters stabbed a police officer with a broken glass bottle. "Officer down, everyone retreat, this is a level 3 riot" The officers retreated and called for riot gear and back-up to arrive, while they try there best to contain the rioters.

5 minutes later the rioter police arrived and leapt straight into action. They fired tear gas into the rioters and used water canons and fired rubber bullets at the crowd, many started to flee into the awaiting police or got chased down by the police dogs. The rest were attacked by the riot police using stun batons and metal rimmed shields to try and stop the rioters. After 45 minutes the riot was over.

A number of the rioters were either arrested or injured and a few were dead. However a significant number escaped.

Among the arrested rioters was a Communist MP who claimed that the Communist Party planned the riot.

The Electoral Bureau raided the Communist Party offices and HQ of the party and indeed did find plans that linked the Communist Party with the riots.

The Bureau made the following statement "Today we raided the Communist Party officers and HQ and found evidence that they had planned the riot in Llangagoch. As a result to this we have fined the Communist Party half a million quids, they have also been kicked out of the Bureau.
The police have also arrested several members of the Communist Party, including it's leader."

A Communist party spokesperson made these comments "This is an attempt by the government to try and crush that, they are scared, scared because we atre getting more members everyday, scared because they know ion a few years time we will be in a position to get elected into government. The Democratic Socialist Party is scared because more and more of there members and the public in general are getting fed up of them. They are fed up that they are not doing enough to help the hard working people of Red Wales, they are fed up because they have iopened up some industries to privatise. They are fed up because they want a strong Communist Government in power and not a wishy-washy so-called Socialist government who allows Nazis and other evil and hateful parties to run for government. I say that there is only one solution to this, and that is revolution!"
The Merchant Guilds
27-12-2004, 19:54
OOC: Well done, Rennie. *tag*