NationStates Jolt Archive

1,000,000 Anime fans march on Hong Kong, demand religious status

Upper Xen
26-12-2004, 03:43
Hong Kong, (AP)- Today, 1,000,000 anime fans, calling themselves the "Anime Liberation Movement," marched on the President's House, demanding that anime be granted religious status.

Speaking from a rostrum in front of the House, Misato Ayasugi, President of the ALM, proclaimed:

"We want our anime! We demand protection! For too long, we have been taunted by haters and thugs, seeking to destroy us. They do not recognize that we are a massive, worldwide movement, stretching from Canada to Japan to the Americas, seeking to enjoy the art of Japanese anime and manga. They seek to hate what they do not understand, and destroy it with truncheon and bullets!"

"To this end, we join in making our voices heard. We march to Hong Kong, to make our voices heard, in front of the president, to let him know we seek protection. We are a fervent movement, we are a movement of the soul, where every man finds his own way to embrace this art form. We embrace a way of life, one that brings order and fulfillment on the same level as other faiths. It is to this end, we ask for recoginition as a federally protected religion, with tax-exempt status and a seat on the Interdenominational Conclave."

"We promise, that if Anime is recognized as a religion, we will contribute greatly to thought and discussion like any other faith. We will work hard, and pursue a program much like any other faith-one of order, discipline, and thought and contemplation. We do not intend to promote a deviant agenda. We simply wish to defend our way of life."

She was met with applause.

President Lew, speaking from the House, said "There is no way I am doing this. I like anime, but I personally don't see it as a viable religion. I will leave it to the people to decide."

In response, President Lew has acted on his word, and has put it up to a vote. Should anime be made a religion?

OOC: After voting, feel free to post any comments.
Upper Xen
26-12-2004, 04:11
Hong Kong (AP)- Today, the ALM members continued to protest in front of the President's House. Continously calling for the "salvation of our way," some ALM members clashed with police, resulting in 5 arrests.

Indeed, there has been a considerable increase in Hong Kong Police deployments around the area. Police patrols were stepped up, and citizens ahave begun to clash with ALM members, citing, in the words of one man, the fact that "those f**kers are blocking my way to work!"

As the vote goes near, there is a sense that this will create the largest crisis in Xenizen history, since the Second Civil War of 1890-1895, and since the Federalist Wars of 1958-1964, as sympathy strikes are alrready taking place in Tokyo, Harbin, and Wuhan.
Upper Xen
26-12-2004, 04:19
OOC: Any comments?
Upper Xen
26-12-2004, 21:13
Hong Kong (AP)- As voters have been going to the polls, it has become evident that the popular vote is going against the ALM's proposal. Approxamtely 57.14% of the voting pool, it is estimated, has been united in their opposition to the bill.

Still, the polls remain open, and still, the polls will not close until 27 Dec, at Noon. The fate of the nation it seems, hangs on this, as there are reports that ALM members are fleeing to the countryside for unknown reasons. Even worse, there are unsubstantiated reports that ALM members have been buying arms and ammunition.
26-12-2004, 21:17
All hail tyranny by majority!
Upper Xen
26-12-2004, 21:20
OOC: I rarely do referendums, but in this case, I just had to do one.....I personally am into anime, and among some fans, it is almost a I decided to cook it up here as a thread.

I might spin this ALM force off as a terror group.....that will be odd.
Upper Xen
26-12-2004, 21:38
Hong Kong (AP)- An update of the the election indicates the proposal is losing ground it looks to be defeated in Hokkaido, Sendai, Harbin and Hong Kong. Elsewhere we are seeing a close race...this could get ugly.
Upper Xen
26-12-2004, 21:57
OOC: Please leave a comment when you post.....this is my first vote.
Green Sun
26-12-2004, 21:59
Um, Anime is a form of entertainment and a hobby. There's no way I'd let it be a religion, although I am a major fan of it.
Upper Xen
26-12-2004, 22:00
OOC: I know, I am a fan too, and I personally don't think it would make a viable religion.....still the idea is a hilarious one to toy with.
26-12-2004, 22:17
Yes, if your people demand it then you should, freedom of religion is very important to the world now a days and if so many people wish to practise this religion then so be it!

PS: Just tax them like you do every other religious organisation.

Random Dumpsterdanian Citizen.

OoC: *stares at Kazaa Lite, wonders why his Evangelion download hasn't moved in 6 days, wishes that it finaly moved on, hopes that somebody finaly shares it with him, crawls in corner, cries.*
26-12-2004, 22:19
i love anime its WAY better than anything on american tv (reality shit and music television) ive seen SO much anime ive actually learned a lot of japanese langauge and culture (tv IS educational) OOC: by the way Adult Swim showed Read or Die last night i also believed they showed it over 4 months ago but still its a good movie
Upper Xen
26-12-2004, 22:31
OOC: Cool.

I saw Evangelion, liked the TV series first off, and then it got wierd, and then the movies just made me go "huh?" Still, it was great....

I moved to Kenshin, and FLCL.....more commentary:


Hong Kong (AP)- The voting remains close, as many polls have returned a statistical dead heat. Already, it seems that in Wuhan, Shanghai, Beijing, Xian, Qinghai, and Honolulu, the pro-anime forces have won surprising victories.

Also, there are reports that much of Japan is firmly against the turning of anime into a religion.......still, the numbers are arriving in a contradictory and early manner, making things uncertain.
26-12-2004, 23:01
Anything can be a religion in Waylend as long as they are fine with taxes and no holidays.
Upper Xen
27-12-2004, 00:40
OOC: Cool
Upper Xen
27-12-2004, 02:08
Upper Xen
27-12-2004, 03:16
"This is Kimmy Leang of XNN News, I am live at the scene in front of the President's House. It is a pandemonium here, as people with picket signs and bad attitudes are taking to the streets......they have shut off the street in front of the President's House, things are getting messy, and the police don't look happy."

"I have been asking random passersby how think of things.....excuse me sir, what do you think of their proposal?"

OOC: Need someone to RP the man's response.
Upper Xen
27-12-2004, 03:41
Upper Xen
27-12-2004, 04:08
bump, need a random person to RP the man's response.
Upper Xen
27-12-2004, 04:25
"Hmm....looks like he doesn't want to about you, ma'am?"

(points to a random woman on the street)

"What do you think of this? Should Anime be declared a religion?"
27-12-2004, 04:37
Woman's response: Nothing involving tentacles, Japanese schoolgirls in sailor suits, or mechs should be made into a religion.
Upper Xen
27-12-2004, 04:38
PS: Just tax them like you do every other religious organisation.

Random Dumpsterdanian Citizen.

OOC: Upper Xen grants a tax-exempt status to religous groups.

To encourage harmony and promote healthy debate, we also have an Interdenominational Conclave where various groups can send representatives to debate of issues and discuss matters of theology. They also act as an advisory body to the President on religious matters.

Funfact for the day.....
Upper Xen
27-12-2004, 04:40
Woman's response: Nothing involving tentacles, Japanese schoolgirls in sailor suits, or mechs should be made into a religion.

"Wow, that is interesting.....anyway, I am gettign reports that many people share this lady's opinion, and have voted no. The polls are open only for a few more hours......and we cannot wait to see the results."
Upper Xen
27-12-2004, 04:46
OOC: Should I declare the results of the poll now, or wait a while longer. This is my first such event, and I put no expiration date on it....
Upper Xen
27-12-2004, 04:56
bump for advice, very solicited.....
27-12-2004, 05:34

* Some Radical jumps in front of the screen, and in a wild-like scream, "ANIME SHOULD BE A RELIGION!!!" Police try to get him away, but, he begins to fight, "Fight the power! Anime is life, anime is all we need, forget the other religions!!!!" He is knocked out, by some policemen, with some various weapon. *


lol...okay anyway just to do a smiley (since I don't use them a lot) :p :sniper:
Upper Xen
27-12-2004, 17:15
"Wow, that was really odd, anywaym the polls are almost about to close, and it seems the haters are in the majority......"
Cherry Ridge
27-12-2004, 17:25
We think that anime should NOT be a religion. If the government needs any help removing the protesters they can contact the Cherry Ridge government.
Upper Xen
27-12-2004, 17:34
We think that anime should NOT be a religion. If the government needs any help removing the protesters they can contact the Cherry Ridge government.

"The Hong Kong Police are fully capable of containing any riots. We also have a fuly capable Counter-Revolutionary Force should this escalate into a civil war."

William Tang
Chief of Police
Hong Kong Metropolitan Police
27-12-2004, 17:45
I, a representative of Letila, agree with the protesters. Rei and Vash would make cool dieties. I have plenty of statues of Rei naked and a religion would give me an excuse for them. Woops, I hope I didn't just say that on international television.

*Representative K!o was quickly replaced after this statement*
Upper Xen
27-12-2004, 17:50
OOC: Voting ends at 12:00 PM EST. The poll has no fixed end date, but I wanted to prevent this from dragging on too long.

Unless people want the polling time extended.
Upper Xen
27-12-2004, 17:52
I, a representative of Letila, agree with the protesters. Rei and Vash would make cool dieties. I have plenty of statues of Rei naked and a religion would give me an excuse for them. Woops, I hope I didn't just say that on international television.

*Representative K!o was quickly replaced after this statement*

"Wow, kinky.....the polls are almost closed, so get in and vote, now!"
27-12-2004, 17:58
An army of otaku shouting "M|$470 |z 73h 4\/\/3$0m3!!!!111" marches into the polls and votes to make anime a religion.
27-12-2004, 18:12
Official statement; Thomas jennings, Ministry of the protected Nations, The Nine;

Because of recent developments, three member nations of The Nine have advanced pro anime/manga laws and have offered the members of this new religious movement a religious council and a seat on the High Council for Religious and Ethnic Matters. if the voting in Hong Kong does not accept their religion then The Nine is willing to take the anime/manga worshipers in and grant them refugee status which is guaranteed to become full citizenship within two years. the three nation willing to accept the Anime Refugees are Howtana, Free and United States and Fretel.
Upper Xen
27-12-2004, 19:11
Hong Kong (AP)-

Today, by a 55.16% majority, the people of Upper Xen have voted no on the proposal to make anime a religion. Though the movement made gains in significant areas, like in Hong Kong and Wuhan, it was defeated in Japan itself, and in much of Upper Xen.

The leader of the movement, Kimiko Ayasugi, has vowed to continue the fight to legalize anime as a religion.

"We will be heard. We shall overcome, nay, overrun. Our time is coming, and those who hate us will soon learn to repsect us. Do we not bleed like regular persons? It is with that in mind that I fight on."

In other news, Ms. Ayasugi is reported to have fled to Xinjiang, where she will establish a commune dedicated to this ideal. This decision has caused a split in the ALM, and it seems that many moderates are staying and working in the system, and many radicals are going abroad and fleeing to desert communes.