NationStates Jolt Archive

Mass Murder at Romius (RP Planning, Signups)

19-12-2004, 08:11
OOC Thread: Mass Murder at Romius planning and signups

Background Information:
The year is 2004. The location, Romius. Romius is a small town of around 900 people in ViZion (to be precise, it is dead center of Zambia {Map of Africa (})
The mass murder takes place on a Friday night at a town-hall meeting. The entire town - men, women, and children alike - are required to be there. A deranged "outsider", who had been at the town bar all day downing mug after mug of beer entered the town meeting late by about ten minutes. The mayor then gets on his case about being late to this important meeting.
The man storms out, goes to his house, and gathers all four of his guns, along with six home-made bombs and four grinades.
He goes back to the meeting and begins gunning down the people in the town, throwing the grinades and bombs into the chaotic crowd.

Role Play things:
I'm leaving room for the RP to do its own things, as well as the type of guns used and type of home-made bombs used. By outsider, that could mean anything - those who get involved in this RP can figure out what they want that to mean.
Also, I would like to have upto four or six kids/teens between the age of 10-16 skipping this to do their own thing, but are near the towncenter (being a town of its size, there's only about 10 buildings excluding the houses. This meeting in the town center is the park in the center of this small town.
I am looking for around 20 or more people to play the role of those four-six kids, the gunman, the mayor, the townspeople, and the authority. I am also looking for people who are willing to RP the local and national authority trying to crack down on this.
The gunman might be killed, or might not, depending on how the RP goes.
I'm looking for people to signup.

Gunman: The Island of Rose
Kid 1: Euroslavia
Kid 2: Borman Empire
Kid 3: Draconis Nightcrawlis
Kid 4:
Kid 5:
Kid 6:
Local Authority:
National Authority:

Suggestions/Ideas Welcome! - Remember, this is planning.
19-12-2004, 18:16

I'm thinking about joining; however, I've been so busy recently with getting things ready for Christmas. I'll let you know by this evening ViZy.
20-12-2004, 01:00
Jarridia, np...

Also, it looks like people aren't so interested in such a violent RP? Well, I'll keep that in mind for future ref...
20-12-2004, 01:55
OOC: I'll take the role of Kid 1.

EDIT: If interest in this RP is lower than expected, I can take on the role of someone more.....major.
20-12-2004, 01:56
OOC: I'll take the role of Kid 1.
Done. :)
The Island of Rose
20-12-2004, 02:04
Me wanna be da gunman!

I'll have Uzis, and AKs, and things that explode and boom!!!!
20-12-2004, 03:24
Borman Empire
20-12-2004, 13:35
kid 2 please
Draconis Nightcrawlis
20-12-2004, 14:09
I'll take kid 3, this sounds like it could be fun :)
21-12-2004, 01:37