NationStates Jolt Archive

Largest Businesses In Your Nation

New Zambuda
12-12-2004, 04:27
I would extremely interested in knowing some of the largest businesses in Nation States. I want to add details to my nation and especially the corporations in my country. Please provide as many companies as you like and mention what they do, who runs them, and who owns a stake.

Thank you
12-12-2004, 04:31
OOC: Here is a basic list:
Robertson Arms; operated by Premier Robertson himself.
National Ordinance; CEO David Admunson.
Nordik Aerospace; CEO Scott Constantine.

Those are pretty much the big three defense contractors. I haven't offered stock or anything though.
Eugoria IV
12-12-2004, 04:38
ESDF R&D Inc. CEO: Tom Gormon. The bottom link in my signature brings you to the page.
Red Tide2
12-12-2004, 04:42
In order of richness and power held
Tech-Com Corporation, CEO: Leov Kovinski, Info: The largest and most powerful corporation inside Red Tide. This international corporation produces ALL of the weapons for the Red Tide military. Guns, tanks, aircraft, you name it. It also is a major delver into Uranium Ming and Automobile Manufacturing. Then there is the oil industry.... as a matter of fact the Tech-Com Corporation delves into ALL kinds of industry and commerce that is legal.
Goods Inc. CEO: Motly Kapinski, Info:Tech-Coms rival... it produces and sells all consumer goods inside Red Tide.
Infrastracture Inc. Tleonov Wereritson, Info: A infrastructure giant. This corporation is responsible for building 48% of Red Tides infrastructure.

Mind you these are only the top 3 corporations.
New Zambuda
12-12-2004, 04:43
Thanks guys but I would love to see more descriptions on your corporate histories and etc.

Thank you
Eugoria IV
12-12-2004, 04:49
ESDF R&D is a branch of the Eugorian Space Defense Force, specifically for the research and development of new technologies to be used and sold by the fleet. So far two ships have been developed, although more are in the works with the brightest minds of Eugoria designing them. Tom Gormon is the smartest Eugorian in the universe, with an IQ of 197. He himself designed the Fator class frigate and oversaw the development.
12-12-2004, 04:54
Well, as Lindim is very capitalizt, we have many large corporations.

Without a doubt though, the two largest are the aWen Corporation, a multinational conglomerate based in Lindim that spans practically every industry, particulary the communications industry and the construction industry, and the clothing company S&y, which is so ridiculously massive and influential it sponsored the website of the Lindimese government. (See my signature.)

I'll post a detailed history later.
12-12-2004, 04:56
Large corporations in the Empire of Risban....

The Scorpius Corporation: An umbrella company that deals mostly with information technology, but it also owns several Basket weaving companies, arms manufacturing companies, and computer companies, and produces a home security system.
CEO: Count Magnus Scorpius (cousin to the Emperor, Robinson Scorpius)

Risban Automotive Industries: Produces cars, trains, and buses.
CEO: Paul MacMiller

The Zorag Company: the Zorag company deals with information technology, computer systems, arms manufacturing, and the taxi industry.
CEO: Lord Richard Gaius Zorag
12-12-2004, 04:59
Woody woochipper Inc CEO: Jack Johnson
Ammunation:Gyrobot the 3rd(we founded the country with ammunation)
Knowledge Inc: Sir Kirby the 5th
The Great Sixth Reich
12-12-2004, 05:34
Basic List (Will be updated with history and all the good stuff latter):

Airbus Industries: The largest aircraft production company in The Great Sixth Reich. Produces the largest-seating military aircraft: The Airbus A380-G and the experimental Airbus A380-H, which is a high-altitude transport powered by 13 sold-fuel rocket engines.

BMW: Large car/motorcyle/motor company in Munich.

General Electric (GE): Large corporation that produces everything from aircraft engines, to dishwashers, to trains, to water-purification systems.

Hienkelsteiner: Large and very successful food & drink company in Germany. Is world famous for their Ultra-Pure Sparkling Mineral Water, as well as lots and lots of pure German Beer!

Independence Air: Large, new commuter airline that provides service to over 500 airports on CRJ-700s.

jetRed: New airline that only provides service to Republican countries on Airbus A320s and A340s.

Luft Industries: Large air contracting firm in Munich.

Lufthansa International Airlines: Extremely large airline with over 3,000 Airbus A380 that provides service to over 300 destinations.

Mercedes: Large car company in Stuttgart, Germany.

Southwest Airlines: Medium-sized airline that provides service to major US cities using Boeing aircraft.

Volkswagen: Large car company in Wolfsburg, Germany.
12-12-2004, 05:39
The Greif-Mitsubishi Conglomerate is the dominating corporation throughout the Empire, and is a government owned and operated institution. It is divided into the following departments, which each deal with one of the Empire's main exports:
1) Information Technology
2) Automobile Manufacturing
3) Uranium Mining.
12-12-2004, 05:44
From the official NSWiki:

Niculescu Funds, LTD., is an international banking firm that is owned and operated by Mikhai Niculescu. Headquartered in the United Empire of Colerica, Niculescu's banking empire has spread to almost every corner of the globe. Recently, Niculescu has expanded his interests by acquiring new fields, outside of his banking kingdom, and has bought out some of his strongest competitors. Niculescu's personal motto seems to be: "Join me now or work for me later." His personal wealth is currently estimated at $414 billion Colerican Credits, which makes him worth more than the Emperor Maderic Thra, himself.

What the article fails to mention is that Niculescu Funds, Ltd., is the largest business in the United Empire. Other large corporations include Galiet Uranium and SanRoon Uranium, which have been locked in a raging competition to gain more control over the United Empire's uranium profits.
Crazed Marines
12-12-2004, 05:48
Company: CMDC (Crazed Marines Defense Corps.)
Owners: Brandon Burnellseon, David Miles
Speciality: Guns, ammo, CM99, tanks, airlines
Controls a majority of these markets: Uranium mining, IT, Arms manufacturing, auto manufacturing, interstellar travel and trade, etc.
Factories: Fifteen. Two different space dock facilities, 10 gun/vehicle/ship manufacturing facilities, two technological factories, one Uranium enriching facility
Total Worth: 17 trillion USD
Holy Paradise
12-12-2004, 05:52
The largest corporation in my country is Holy Paradise Oil and Auto Manufacturing. Worth 1.004 trillion gold coins. Head: Jonathan Parker Lakerfield. Controls 90% of the nation's auto manufacturing and oil drilling and production.
The Burnsian Desert
12-12-2004, 05:53
Burnsian General Transportation Megacorporation
CEO: Trey McMeth
Description: Owning the second-largest skyscraper in TBD, the Burnsian General Transportation Megacorporation owns 22% of all economic interests in TBD.

Burnsian Defense
CEO: Brian Gumpaio
Description: The main supplier of weapons to the Burnsian military, Burnsian Defense just narrowly beat out BGTM in a 50-year defense contract. Said contract is the only reason BD exists today.
Sigma Octavus
12-12-2004, 06:50
Sigma Octavus General Productions; Also known as SOGP

Government owned and run, produces everything from laundry detergent to sophisticated weapon systems. Main complex ranked as second largest populous center in nation.
12-12-2004, 07:54
The largest company in Sarzonia by far is the Portland Iron Works (link in my sig). It was founded a relatively short time ago to provide a naval storefront presence for Sarzonia, but it grew so fast that it "ate up" the Wilmington Shipyard Corporation and it became one of the top five companies in the world.

The PIW started out with modest goals and a small number of ships available but grew exponentially. The company expanded by employees and total shipyard space and continues to be a growth company under the guidance of Managing Director and former Sarzonian Navy Commodore Barbara Tucker.
12-12-2004, 08:30
The largest businesses are Aurora Book Publishing Co., a highly esteemed and old institution, Fjordland Shipyards, which started out more than 900 years ago making longboats, Nord Records, a music label that has a variety of styles and artists on it, Ingridatter Musical Instruments, Bjarni Instruments, Fenris Guitars, all highly successful producers of high-quality instruments, and Succubi magazine, a porn mag that's usually called "goth" or "fetish" in other countries.
12-12-2004, 08:44
The only company in the nation of Pallawish is Pallawish Corp.
It is owned by the Pallawish Government and sells everything.
Pallawish Corp. supplies 40% of the population with jobs.
12-12-2004, 08:59
Union Aerospace Co.-CEO Todd Hollenshead
12-12-2004, 12:56
Bulgan Mines Co.

The largest and richest business in Chinkopodia, Bulgan Mines have become one of the larger companies in Earth II Central Asia after gaining sole rights to the Bulgan Mining Complex, ( the largest mining complex in the world. This has provided them with a wealth of minerals, including copper, molybdenum, gold, uranium, lead, zinc, oil, zeolites, ferrous metals, fluorspar, phosphate and gemstones to name a few, which have created a huge profit, as much of the mine had already been dug out after the Chinkopodian Gold Rush. Profit and surplus have contributed unfathomable amounts of money to the budget and bursary, and so have helped to expand the industry, their buildings and their influence tenfold.

-CEO: Glacktei Mnasona

Ölgiy Telecom

The barren, calm desert near Ölgiy is the perfect location for a telecommunications tower - with little habitation nearby, the tower has few height or size limits - with the small town of Ölgiy, less than 2km away, a perfect location for a business centre. The Ölgiy tower is almost 500m tall and its radio signals span the whole of Mongolia, part of Southern Russia and part of Northern China, providing a virtual monopoly on signals for televisions, telephones, internet, and more. (Land Rover on first dune to the left of tower for scale)

-CEO: Laktam Olgaños
The Merchant Guilds
12-12-2004, 13:07
Largest Business the Guilds operated before the abolishment of money and the re-establishment of working for the cause:

Guild of Genetic Research

Last Guildlord (CEO): Fritus Jurtit
Annual Turnover: 6.916 Trillion USD
Average Profit Margins: 31.234%
Percentage of Guild Service/Goods Exports: 11%

Major Product Ranges:

Genetic Programme Establishment
Selling clones for medical purposes
Selling genetic material for medical purposes
Creating new cures for genetic problems

12-12-2004, 13:37
JewCorp - Massive congromerate run only my Jews. Sells anything except stuff that is banned by the Torah.

Jeruselem Catholic Church - Technically not a business, but more religious enterprise

Cross Pharmaceticals - The biggest drug company in Jeruselem

Jeruselem Smallarms - Government-owned smallarms business which is used trade weapons which whoever desires them. Does not sell heavy weapons which is the domain of another company.
12-12-2004, 14:13
There are no corporations in Hogsweat, but there are firms/companies licensed by the Government to run independantly, but without so much personal profit. There are so many employees because most of Hogsweatian citizens are involved industrial work, and these are the only companies available.

Westenov Arms Production
The biggest arms Company in Hogsweat. Produces all Air and Ground Military technology for the Hogsweatian Army. Nearly 250 million employees.
Licensed "Owner": Comrade Davilon Westenov

Deinyokovsky Shipyards
Biggest Shipyard Company in Hogsweat. Produces most Naval technology for the People's Navy. Nearly 180 Million employees. Licensed "Owner" Comrade Telek Deinyokovsky

State Commodity Production
Biggest (and only) Commodity produder in Hogsweat. Produces radios, televisions, tables, cars, civilian airplanes, etc etc. Nearly 132 Million employees. Licensed "Owner" N/A. State owned.
Subsection: Transportation. Some 90 million employees.
Subsection: Electronics: some 42 million employees.

State Forestry Commision
State forestry commision employed for the gathering of timber. Nearly 284 Million employee. Licensed "Owner" N/A. State owned.

State Agricultural Commission
State Agriculturual Commision employed for the gathering of agricultural resources, eg; Wheat. Nearly 670 Million Employees.Licensed "Owner" N/A. State owned.

State Mining Comission
State Mining Commision employed for the gathering of mineral resources, eg; Iron, Coal. Nearly 560 Million Employees. Licensed "Owner" N/A. State owned.

State Factory Production
State Factory Commission employed for production and development of goods in Factorys, Mills, etc etc. Nearly 345 million employees. Licensed "Owner" N/A. State owned.

State Drillling Commision
State Drilling Commission employed for drilling of raw oil. Nearly 24 million employees. Licensed "Owner" N/A. State owned.

State Defence Comittee
Involved in training all citizens over age of 20 in military work. Also defense of the homeland protocol. Nearly 2 million employees. Licensed "Owner" N/A. collectively owned.

State Distribution Commission
State Distribution Comission employed for transport of raw goods, etc etc. Nearly 45 million employees. Licensed "Owner" N/A. State owned.
The Phoenix Milita
12-12-2004, 14:27
Phoenix Dynamix INC. (
Makes all types of military hardware, from pistols to destroyers. Also has several civil based divisions
Partially government run, the CEO, Maximus Seville II is also the Leader of The Phoenix Milita
With over 1 billion employees it is by far the largest buisness in the nation, no, the entire region!!
12-12-2004, 16:24
There are no corporations in Hogsweat, but there are firms/companies licensed by the Government to run independantly, but without so much personal profit. There are so many employees because most of Hogsweatian citizens are involved industrial work, and these are the only companies available.

Westenov Arms Production
The biggest arms Company in Hogsweat. Produces all Air and Ground Military technology for the Hogsweatian Army. Nearly 250 million employees.
Licensed "Owner": Comrade Davilon Westenov
Worth: 8 Trillion USD

OOC: Do you mean that Westenov is worth $8,000,000,000,000 or the whole company is worth that much? [/curious]
San Lucia
12-12-2004, 16:42
Dredsco Oil Inc.

A San Lucian-based oil company that currently operates on more than 120 oil fields, worldwide.

CEO- Heinriech Uberman. Former minister of Finance, his effiecent manegment plans and conservative strategies have made Dredsco a leading oil company.

Worth- Dredsco Oil Inc., currently has over 3,500,000 shares in circulation, at the price of 42.45 USD.

Celciar Auto Company

This large corparation produces more than 42% of San Lucia's automobiles, along with almost 23% of Lachenburg's. The company owns 6 different facilities and uses robots to contruct their vehicles, saving almost 65 million USD a year.

CEO- Franz Bermachter. Once an Investment Banker, Franz was a definant risk-taker, who's investment strategy made his bank one of the biggest in Lachenburg. However, reports of imbezzment and fraud forced him to leave his bank and flee to San Lucia. Now, he rides at the helm of Celcar Motor Co.

Worth- Celcar Motor Corp. war almost 1.2 million shares in circulation, at the price of 20.34 USD.
12-12-2004, 18:17
The whole company.
12-12-2004, 18:53
Erster Königlicher Bankverkehr Anschluß:
- Description: Mutinational Banking and Finacial Corparation. Organized the creation of Lachenburgs Stock and Bond Markets.
- CEO: Wilhelm Arschlutz (61)
- Worth: Publically trades almost 500,000 shares at 65.70 USD

Vereinigter Banking Corporation:
- Description: One of Lachenburg's 3 major Credit Firms. Manages the assests of almost 35 multinational corparations.
- CEO: Hienreich von Ottoschelten (42)
- Worth: Publically trades 700,342 shares at 47.40 USD

Freiheit-Gesundheit Enthalten
- Description: Largest Insurance company in Lachenburg. Provides a wide variety of policies to approx. 48% of Lachenburg's citizens.
- CEO: Bjorn von Engielzitzen
- Worth: Publically Trades 1,435,235 shares at 35.72 USD (stock recently split).
Communist Louisiana
12-12-2004, 19:44
Louisiana Strategic Works (LSW)
LSW is Communist Louisianas largest company and is employee owned. It is also Nationstates largest producer of Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological weapons systems.
CEO Steven Autin
Employee President Bobby Jindal
LSW's website can be found at:

Communist Louisiana National Railroad (CLNRR)
CLNRR is Communist Louisiana's second largest company providing CL's only rail service. CLNRR rail line stretches from Sault Ste. Marie in the Northern Isthmus of Michigan heading South all the way to the Western city of El Paso,Texas and all points in between. CLNRR is currently working out talks with the nation of Aztec National League which would allow CLNRR to have raillines throughout Mexico and all of Central America.
CEO Clint Dufour
Employee President Corey Duplachin
Socialist Serbia
12-12-2004, 19:47
My nations greatest corporation is the government, as we have long ago got rid of the decadent capitalist regime that takes money from the working man.
New Zambuda
12-12-2004, 20:10
Keep them coming I want this to get a sticky.
New Zambuda
13-12-2004, 01:54
13-12-2004, 09:19
13-12-2004, 10:56
BEA Naval Construction Systems
CEO:Alan Smith

Most of Stevid's warships are homemade in Stevid and then supplied to the naval dockyard. They produce the equipment and the ships and make an aweful lot of money.
13-12-2004, 11:31
Fjord Motors Slaytanicca

Nationalised company with a huge plant in Southern Slaytanicca, and many more throughout the nation. Makes nearly all cars used in Slaytanicca, as well as tanks.
21-12-2004, 18:02
Schultaria Prime
21-12-2004, 18:37
In a world where business practices are hidden and jealously guarded, we in Designwerks would like to open our company's more critical statistics to the general public. Schultaria Prime has always felt that an open policy is the best policy when dealing with matters of trade or knowledge exchange. As such, this document has been prepared to satisfy a general outline of Designwerks more basic facts.



Designwerks is a name that's been known and respected in Schultaria Prime for well over 100 years, and is the first corporation to be granted government sanction after the Schultarian Democratic Revolution. Following the Revolution, the newly formed United Socialist States of Schultaria Prime had adopted stringent private business policies; while successful in limiting the amount of influence the former corporate oligarchies had on the new government, these policies were terrible for the nation as a whole. Inflation and unemployment rates shot well over 20% for the first five years of the fledgling democratic state, causing tremendous panic in the nation at large. Conceding that the government would have to step in to help the citizens it had sworn to aid, the Nationalized Industries and Economy Act provided the basis for Designwerks' development. All it required were some financial and intellectual backers.

Conceptualized by the revolutionary leaders of Merle Schultz, Kedjem Covey, Lindia Damien, and the incomparable Professor Kevem Haarvekord, Designwerks served to fill several critical gaps in the new nation's industrial and economic strategies. Instead of developing a multitude of numerous state run companies, Designwerks centered around the concept that a centralized corporate structure, completely responsible to the Central Directorate and National Assembly of Schultaria Prime, would prove to be the most effective measure in creating government sponsored businesses with the least amount of external regulation. The result was a rousing success; within five years Designwerks' had become the single largest revenue producing apparatus for the nation of Schultaria Prime, and allowed for nearly complete control of government exports to foreign nations.

As it stands, Designwerks and the Government of Schultaria Prime are almost one in the same. The significance of Designwerks' achievements in revenue distribution, public funding, and intellectual exploration have been tantamount to Schultaria Prime's development as a nation of world renown. Also, Designwerks is by far the most active foreign relations tool in the Schultarian government, and has served as one of the world's greatest promoters of Schultarian peace and prosperity.


Internal Audit

As of the present time (Dec. 21), The State Industries of Schultaria Prime: Designwerks controls and operates the following market shares of Islandia Schultaria and Schultaria Prime:

Computer Technology

-100% of all Supercomputing / Research Devices, Military Computers, and Government Archival Devices.
-94.7% of all General Personal Computer Sales and Corresponding Peripherals
-80% of all Technical Software Sales (Operating Systems / Programming Languages)

Space Industry

-100% of all Launch Vehicles and Satellite Technology
-89.1% of all Space Based Telecommunications Data

Energy Production

-98.57% of all Electrical Power Generation
-94.73% of all Ethanol Fuel Generation
-71.4% of all Solid Fossil Fuel Production

Resource Production

-100% of all Mining Operations, Raw Titanium Production, and Raw Aluminum Production
-99.8% of all Raw Ferrous (Iron / Steel) Production and Raw Copper Production
-98.45% of all Refined Ethanol Production
-81.24% of all Refined Silicon Production

Construction Industry

-100% of all Current Government Transportation, Defense, and Public Construction Projects
-95.1% of all Current Private Urban Construction Projects
-86.2% of all Current Private Rural Construction Projects


Personnel and Net Worth

-Current CEO: Central Director Elliot Schultz

-Total Workforce Size: 50% of Schultaria Prime's Entire Workforce
(15% of Schultaria Prime's Population): 255,150,000
-Annual Salary Payroll: $9,695,700,000,000

-Net Worth of Designwerks
(Physical Property): $18,200,000,000,000
(Intellectual Property): $8,955,000,000,000
(Securities, Precious Metals, and International Investments): $9,450,000,000,000
(Outstanding Liabilities): $300,000,000,000

-Ownership Division
Government of Schultaria Prime: 55.5%
Schultz Family Estate (Elliot Schultz Presiding): 21.5%
Covey Family Estate (Joan Covey Presiding): 6%
Damien Family Estate (Harlen Damien Presiding): 5%
Haarvekord Family Estate (University of Schultaria Prime / Haarvekord Foundation): 2%
Unclaimed / Public Stock: 10%
Schultaria Prime
21-12-2004, 21:29
A BUMP for New Zambuda's sake.
21-12-2004, 21:31
Business? Private Corporations are a no-go in the People's Republic of MassPwnage-Lien Wuzi, People's Republic of MassPwnage manager of People's Affairs.