NationStates Jolt Archive


Ottoman Khaif
29-11-2004, 04:51
Sultan Suleiman Al Bashir II calls Grand Vizier Mehmed Pasa Sokollu for meeting

Grand Vizier Mehmed Pasa Sokollu walked into the Sultan office; the Sultan was reading something relating to the Hashshashin.
Sokollu break the slient and said”My Sultan…why have you call me?”

“What do know of the Hashshashin?”ask the Sultan

“They were Ideology against the Abbasid Khilafah and wanted to destroy the Abbasid Khilafah. Mostly a rogue sect that got destroys by the Mongols. Thank God that the Mongols destroy them!” he said with hate against the Assassins.

“Yes they were insane and evil ideologly wise,yet they were the best of the best of assassins….I plan to make a group of our agents into the assassins..but they will be ideology loyal to us and not insane.”Said Sultan

“I see how interesting…. What are going to call these assassins?” ask the Grand Vizier

“They going to be called the dark templars, the best of the best..they will be genetic upgrades to do their missions…”said the Sultan

“The dark templars…. What a name for them.” said Grand Vizier

“There is lab complex in Bombay ,Ottoman India to began the project..Well Khan Noonien Singh was the first produce of the Dark Templar project.. soon will have the forces to crush anyone that stands in the path of the Dune Jihad!”said Sultan

“Khan Noonien Singh of Head of the OI is genetically improvement…. how long as this project been around?” ask Grand Vizier

“Well it was started in 1967 by the late Sultan Mustafa bin Asad, it’s right now headed by Dr. Arik Soong to kept the project going…The Dark Templar are not normal humans…they have many improvements to make them unstoppable…” he said with pride

“How many are there so far?” The Grand Vizier ask him

“20 so far and growing we have made the process perfect.” Said the Sultan

“I remember the stories of the assassins they move lie ghost and time you know when a assassins is in the room…is when feel a sword going thought heart.,,” said the Grand Vizier recalling some thoughts.

“Yes I know those stories, they are true.. Believe me they are for real.” said the Sultan

“How sure are we they will not turn on us? For what we know they can plot against us! ”Said the Grand Vizier

“We made sure they could never do that. They have genetically made sure of that. That’s all I can say” Sultan said remotely

“I see, let us hope this does not back fire on us, the Assassins are very dangerous or and unstable. I must said if they don’t turn on us, it would be the greatest moment for us all. “Said the Grand Vizer

“The Dark Templar is our key stone to the goals have in the future, they will be the ones leading the attacks on the leaders of our foes. Soon everyone will fear the Dark Templar, whenever they talked about. Their first target will be …

OOC: For those who don’t know who are the Hashshashin, here is a link about them

Yes this is another mad Rp idea, that I have come cross, you will find out who is on the Dark Templar hit list soon enough.
This is bought to you by mad insane Ottoman Khaif
Ottoman Khaif
30-11-2004, 02:17
The First Victims of the Assassins

In Ottoman Arabia, Najd desert
Ibn Ali al Saud the leader of the remains of the House of Saud, now force into exile since his great grand father Abdul Aziz bin Abdul Rahman ibn Faisal Al Saud who lead a rebellion against the Ottomans in 1920 and was crush by the Ottoman.Eversince then the House of Saud was forces in exile of the sand. Now the Ottomans decide to finnsh what they started by sending a Assassin to kill the last know Saud leader and destory the House of Saud for good.

In a encampment in the middle of the Arabia Desert, Ibn Ali al Saud and his two guards were setting around a camp fire and exchange stories of fiction.

“Have you heard of the Assassins, Ali?”Ask the First Guard

“Yes they were destroy by the Mongols in 1200s,I believe. They insane group of nut jobs” Said Ali

A Assassin dress in all black start to move toward the group unseen and unheard, he drew out two double blade swords and slowly made his way to them without making a sound…

“I heard of rumors from my connect in the government that they have return, but they are different from the old Assassins, like they can see in the dark like it was day…..also they ran over 40 miles nonstop …..They go without water for two weeks.. And they can live out food for 50 days. Its insane I tell you.” Said the Guard with fear in his voice

“Well I have also heard of these rumors, like they are generically modify to slow down there ageing to make so that they can up to 160 years and look like their 50 at 160!”Said the another guard as got his rife to make himself feel safe.

“Madness I can’t believe you that believe those foolish story of the assassin coming back.” Said Ali laughing

“Sir, its be said that they don’t feel pain, because they have modify to have suppress their nerves at their will and they can hold their breath for 20 minutes by slowing down their own heart rate. “Said the Guard

Right at that Moment the Assassin made his move, ran stealthy down the dune, then charge at full speed. Yet still he made no sound as his feet hit the sands at every fasting rate. With both swords in his hand , he went right at the first guard and cut his head off with lighting speed to continue to second guard who had four seconds to get his gun, but he was too late, before he knew it they assassin cut off his head ,then and walked to Ali who scarce to death and could not to move.

The Assassin began to speak
“Death to traitors of the Dune Jihad!” then he made one clear cut Ali last of Saudis was beheaded, just ending the lines of Desert raiders; the Assassin took his head as a prize and prove that he as done his mission.

Two hours later at Istanbul the Sultan got a basket with the head of Ibn Ali al Saud, The Sultan took out the head of Saud and look into the lifeless eyes, he said “No longer will my foes live in peace,I will come for each one of them, soon they all fear the wrath of the Assassins!”
Ottoman Khaif
30-11-2004, 06:57
A tour of the laboratory in Bombay, Ottoman India
About 40 miles outside of Bombay, a there was a massive laboratory complex, headed by Dr. Arik Soong
Department head of the Ottoman Intelligence –Sloan ( was sent to tour the new laboratory complex build by the Ottoman Government for high price. But the Project was worth it. He walk up the long steps of the Building to white ivory doors Dr. Arik Soong ( was waiting for him reach the doors. When reach the doors, the good doctor began to speak “Good to see Sloan how was your trip to get here?” he was making small talk
They walk into the building and began walking thought the laboratory.

“Good, lets get down to business I wish to confirm some of those rumors about the Assassins..” Dr.Arik Soong cut him off

“Yes they have prolong lives up to 160 years, but effects of prolong life don’t take on effect in till they reach age 21. So that means they will look 20 at age 50. Also yes they can see in perfectly in the dark as if it was day. Yes they can run more then 50 miles nonstop. Yes they can surpass their nerves and won’t feel pain from a gunshot wound. What is there…ah yes they can hold their breath for 30 minutes by reducing their air in take and heart rate. “ He pause for a moment

“Well what else..oh yeah its true they have ability to change there skin pigment to darker or lighter just by needs of the area …they can lower their body temp from 98.8 to 50.5 if needed to or increases to fit needs of the assassin.” Said Dr.Arik
They walk into of the conditioning area where the young assassins are trained to use his powers.

“Well then…that answers most of my question but I heard they can change their own finger print somehow, how is this possible?” Ask Sloan

“Years of working on this project as have given us insight into many fields including self healing. …Plus we going to soon have the cures for AIDs and HIV thanks to this project.. ”Said the Doctor with pride.

“That’s good to know, but I wish know more about their senses was told that they are better then ours…is this true or false.” He ask him

“Yes there vision, hearings are greatly advance compare to us, but they do have type of Sixth sense you would said …they can make themselves not heard or seen moving a odd way, if not looking their direction, you would seen something in the corner of your eye then by the time you look at it directly it gone. Some says they are like ghost or something like that.” Said the Doctor.

“Interesting…how many are there?” he ask

“Oh about 200 and another 80 in conditioning to become a assassin.” Reply the doctor

“How are you sure they will not use their traits against us and rebel?” Ask Sloan

“Well…. we put a failsafe in their geno if that happens, we can active it and the failsafe will kill them all.” reply the Doctor remotely.

They ended the tour of laboratory …
Ottoman Khaif
01-12-2004, 04:37
Next on the Hit list of the Assassins

Athens, Ottoman Greece

In upper class area of Athens, a rich tycoon by the name of Alezandros Zaimi live a prefect life, he had everything. But he wanted to kill the Sultan and install a more pro business leader in power. He has been plotting to kill the sultan when he comes to Athens in two weeks. But the OI got word of his plans and sent an assassin to take care of him …

His Mansion was just 10 miles outside of Athens. He had over 20 bodyguards to protect him. 10 Patrolling the outside yard and 10 inside the house

The Assassin walks silently and hides in the bust in front of the gates. There were two guards guarding the gate arm with AK-47s.

The Assassin pulls out his crossbow with arrows with poisoned tips. He fired the arrows at the Guard in the left and reloads his crossbow in with 4 seconds, fire again at the guard in the right. Before the guard knew it, they fall dead. The Assassin had 10 minutes in the mansion before the guards find out what happen to front guards.

The Wall was about 10 feet tall. Assassin back up, then he jump over the wall and then up landing on a unsuspecting guards and use his weight to control his fall to right on his back, just killing him instantly.

He ran off from the scene. He pull out his shurikens, then waited for the other guards to come to check out what was going on.

About 5 guards walk to scene of the second killing, it was bewildering to find one of their guard death. He walked so silently no one could have heard him. He had three shurikens in his left hand and his sword in the right hand. All the guard had their back turn and was looking at the body, trying to figure that have done this.

The Assassins made his move, by throwing a shuriken at each guard, nailing them in neck and breaking it. Two were left standing. They ready began to open fire on the Assassin, yet by the time they made a full 180 he was gone. The Assassin came out of nowhere and just ran pass with his sword. Right after he passes them, they fall in two halves.

To enter the house he knew they were alarm about what happen outside. He jumps up into a tall Oak Tree with easy and waited for his foes to make the first move.

Alezandros Zaimi orders eight guards to go outside to check and look for the assassins. That was his mistake. The Assassin saw his chance to get in the mansion. He jumps off the tree right after last guard when out of sight.

He opens the door with easy and didn’t make a sound. He just disappears after entering the mansion. If someone was look at how the door was open. They were said it was just the wind.

Alezandors was his bedroom, which was guarded by one, guarded; the other went outside to help in the search for the Assassins.

The Assassin move up the slowly and silent to second floor where Alezandors was in.. He heard Alezandors call his guard in for a drank…the Guard absent minded left the door open, just giving the Assassin his chance…

Assassin made his move with his sword draw out; he ran into the bedroom, Alezandors caught sight of him at his corner of his eye, he yells for guard to get him. But by the time he calls out of his guard. The Guard was on the floor headless. He tried to get his hand in coat. But the assassin was right behind him and behead before he knew what happen. By the time the other guards came in to see what happen. They found their boss headless and nowhere are found of his head.

The Assassin disappear with a head in a basket to be deliver to the Sultan as prove that he done his mission.

Just another day for the life of a assassin.