NationStates Jolt Archive

Evil Woody Thoughts trade delegation arrives in Duztikki

Evil Woody Thoughts
17-11-2004, 04:57
Prime Minister Woody II awoke from his nap. Sigh. Jetlag on a 15-hour flight was quite nasty. Millions had been spent on the custom configuration of the Prime Minister's own private 747, and it was the most luxurious aircraft to ever operate out of the region of Shagatopia, but the jetlag never let up.

Groggy, he asked a crew member where the hell he was now. The sorry bastard had no idea and scurried off to ask the captain. A few minutes later, he reported that the aircraft was three hours away from Duztikki. Sigh.

The Prime Minister looked over the rough outlines of his proposal--12,000,000 gallons of water a week in return for unfettered access to Duztikki's futuristic genetic engineering technology. He owed Evil Woody Purification Systems a favor for financing his recent reelection campaign, maybe he would award them the shipping contract. Such details would have to be worked out later.

After a couple hours more of meditation, his thoughts were interrupted by a noticeable drop in engine noise. The Prime Minister knew that the initial decent had begun, and a tiny smile crossed his face.

In the cockpit, the captain asked Death Valley control for clearance to land.
17-11-2004, 05:53
Suddenly, the Captain had gotten back a answer. A radio control tower radoing them back.

"Evil Woody Thoughts delegation craft, you have permission to land. I repeat, Permission to land. Taxi to Bay four upon touch-down." That was the jot of it.

Then something amazing occured, the sand moved across the surface, revealing a underground Runway. Several Men moved across the sand. The surface view was horrible. You could barely see a half mile away. So, the Death Valley Control sent them GPS cordinates and attempted to help them that way.

Upon them arriving and being escorted by Duztikki Troops, they would quickly find that several Limos were waiting. They would then be taken to the above-ground Complex. As discussed previously.
Evil Woody Thoughts
17-11-2004, 06:12
The delegation craft had been in a holding pattern for an hour and a half. It was about damn time the control center get back to work.

The 747's radar picked up a really bad storm over the airport; it looked tornadic. The pilot configured the aircraft for an ILS approach. The turbulence was awful; at one point the aircraft hit a 1400-foot air pocket.

The Prime Minister was not in a good mood...first the jetlag, then the lack of control response, then the need for many a barf bag.

Two miles short of the runway, the number four engine went out, probably because of the sandstorm. However, the flight crew successfully corrected for this and made a landing that, while within operational parameters, was something the Prime Minister did not want to go through again. Sigh.

Five members of the Prime Minister's Elite Guard quickly put on their military uniforms and grabbed their weaponry. Members of the Elite Guard were culled from the best, most decorated, and most physically fit members of the armed forces, and they would remove any troublemakers.
17-11-2004, 06:16
The delegation craft had been in a holding pattern for an hour and a half. It was about damn time the control center get back to work.

The 747's radar picked up a really bad storm over the airport; it looked tornadic. The pilot configured the aircraft for an ILS approach. The turbulence was awful; at one point the aircraft hit a 1400-foot air pocket.

The Prime Minister was not in a good mood...first the jetlag, then the lack of control response, then the need for many a barf bag.

Two miles short of the runway, the number four engine went out, probably because of the sandstorm. However, the flight crew successfully corrected for this and made a landing that, while within operational parameters, was something the Prime Minister did not want to go through again. Sigh.

Five members of the Prime Minister's Elite Guard quickly put on their military uniforms and grabbed their weaponry. Members of the Elite Guard were culled from the best, most decorated, and most physically fit members of the armed forces, and they would remove any troublemakers.

Minutes within the 747 arriving, the Airport was shut down. All Control members re-routing flights that were unauthorized. The landing closed and the sand removed from the area.

Several Duztikki Spec. Ops. Men moved about. Securing the area and eventually standing near a Limo. They held their weapons by their sides. Waiting. Though, there was a set of Snipers too. They radioed the Man on the ground. He did a signal and knocked on the Jet door to announce that it was indeed safe.

Ruger Duztikki sat in the Limo for now, swishing his Whiskey here and there. He had indeed cmoe, but didn't wish to get out, until the final monement when they deemed it secure. He stepped out but still held the Whiskey. Eventually putting it on the Trunk and moving forward. Waiting to shake hands with the Minister from the local area.
Evil Woody Thoughts
17-11-2004, 06:37
Minutes within the 747 arriving, the Airport was shut down. All Control members re-routing flights that were unauthorized. The landing closed and the sand removed from the area.

Several Duztikki Spec. Ops. Men moved about. Securing the area and eventually standing near a Limo. They held their weapons by their sides. Waiting. Though, there was a set of Snipers too. They radioed the Man on the ground. He did a signal and knocked on the Jet door to announce that it was indeed safe.

Ruger Duztikki sat in the Limo for now, swishing his Whiskey here and there. He had indeed cmoe, but didn't wish to get out, until the final monement when they deemed it secure. He stepped out but still held the Whiskey. Eventually putting it on the Trunk and moving forward. Waiting to shake hands with the Minister from the local area.

IC: After taxiing for a few minutes, the Prime Minister's 747 came to a halt. Duztikkian workers brought up a staircase to the front door of the aircraft and knocked on it. A crewmember opened the door.

The Prime Minister's decoy walked out with two security guards (who were not in the Elite Guard and thus considered expendable). After the Falwellian terrorist attacks that had ravaged Evil Woody Thoughts four decades ago, including the detonation of a nuclear device in the nation's capital, security could never be too tight.
17-11-2004, 13:52
Ruger finally, stood up quite proudly. Aheming as he saw the guards. He didn't even guess who the person might be.

Judging by his OWN security Prodecure, it was probably a Decoy. He moved slowly, finally stopping at the end of the staircase and waiting. Each one of his guards seemed calm and relaxed. A few of them moving away and escorting a Transit Employee.

They were nervous. For some odd reason. Ruger also wondered why. Why were his own guards nervous? He whistled lightly and his bodyguards stepped up to the plate. Escorting the Men away. It was almost just them and the Decoy for now. He smiled.

"Your a decoy, aren't you?" He spoke calmly. Having a knowning tone in his voice. He was asking then he didn't reveal confidental trade information, which might be a Badddd deal. He was anxious for that damn water, but he was patient to figure things out.
Evil Woody Thoughts
17-11-2004, 19:45
Prime Minister Woody II watched the proceedings from one of the aircraft windows. He waited about 15 minutes, and watched as his decoy chatted up a conversation with Duztikki's delegation. The fact that he hadn't been immediately shot upon exiting the aircraft was probably a good thing, and maybe it was time to come out and play.

The Prime Minister summoned his Elite Guard, as well as the few ministers he had brought along, and stepped off of the aircraft as nonchalantly as possible. His real entourage walked toward the Duztikki delegation.
18-11-2004, 05:31
Ruger chuckled and smiled. Moving away from the Decoy. Mumbling underneath his breath. "I knew it." He then stopped in his path. Several Troops stepping forward. The two on the outside holding weapons, while the two on the inside holding Metal Detectors and Bomb Swabs as some called the.

Ruger spoke softly. "Tests. One is for Metal. We'll allow your guards to bring weaponary, but not you. Sorry. Procedure. The second, is a bomb Test. None of your guys are carrying explosives right?" He had of course been talking to the Minister for him to understand then he made a casusal move. which was straightening out his suit. Moving toward The man and smiling lightly. He then stepped back and waved forward the 4 guards, who begun their tests.

It was simple, and hopefully no objections would be raised, or any weapons. Because, his men knew the Rules of Engagement quite easily.
Evil Woody Thoughts
18-11-2004, 05:48
Prime Minister Woody II politely bowed and stepped forward so that he would be the first to get searched.

Neither did the guards raise objections.
18-11-2004, 05:56
[Timeskip, 2 hours, travel time.]

As the two men, settled at a small table, paperwork and notepads before them.

Ruger smiled lightly. "So basically, in a simplistic form, you want our Technology and we want your water?"

he smiled lightly, already breaking down to business. He then picked up the glass before him. Eyeing it. The cup bore the Duztikki flag but smoething else, it was filled with water. A very royal substance here. He hoped that the Prime Minister across the table from him, would recongize this fact.

He moved and leaned against the back of his chair. Smiling here and there and eventually, leaning forward and placing a small device on the table. Eventually putting it on a small foam pad. "These, are our beauties. A example." He nodded and slid a packet of paper which defined the little critter, and the Critter itself.
Evil Woody Thoughts
18-11-2004, 06:04
Prime Minister Woody II seemed to enjoy the negotiations.

"Yes. That is our proposal in a nutshell. Duztikki agrees to give Evil Woody Thoughts full access and rights to use its genetic engineering technologies; in return Evil Woody Thoughts will supply Duztikki with 12,000,000 gallons of water per week. Because this must be shipped halfway across the world, we will need to procure 747 cargo aircraft from Evil Woody Airlines. The first shipments cannot start for three weeks but we will ship via air freight 1.5 million gallons of water per day, with an extra 3.5 million gallons on Monday. This means that we need to be able to fly in eight 747 freighters per day, with the exception of Monday, when we will need to fly in nineteen aircraft to adjust for the extra shipping load. The water will arrive in the form of one-gallon jugs loaded into various pallets and other shipping containers.

Due to the high cost of air freight, we will also seek reimbursement for fuel costs. However, the water itself requires no monetary payment, only the access and rights to your technology. Is this acceptable?"
19-11-2004, 06:06
Ruger smiled lightly. Jotting something down. He then looked up.

"We can offer all that you wish for, EXCEPT the right to Classified materials, like the Nanotech that is in our own soldiers heads." He nodded lightly, picking up a Remote and clicking the button. It showed a Soldier's head, split open surgically, and a small implant connected to the Brain Stem.

"Standard on all soldiers. Prevents them from disobeying orders." He nodded lightly, clicking the button as it played the surgery. It was a Clean cut and dry.

"This technology, we cannot offer you. We can offer you a somewhat more advanced grade, but not the same exact model. As we attempt to protect our soldiers in every possible way." He picked up a Laser point and scoped it out at the Brain Stem. "That is model 8879N. Classical almost. It's the cheapest ever. Hard to fuck up though." He nodded lightly, looking back at the Prime Minister for any complaints.
Evil Woody Thoughts
19-11-2004, 06:17
The Prime Minister considered this for a moment. He would have to have a little 'talk' with his generals when he got back. They had concentrated on physical augmentation, as well augmentation of senses and response times. They had never considered programming soldiers for complete obedience.

"As odd as this may sound, our generals had not considered programming soldiers for complete obedience. They will be reprimanded for their lack of creativity when I return to Evil Woody Thoughts. Now, may I ask why you would offer us a more 'advanced grade' of this technology while the previous version of this technology remains classified for your own use? This seems like an odd way of doing things; my generals would probably do things the other way around."
Evil Woody Thoughts
21-11-2004, 23:22
The mention of error rates concerned Prime Minister Woody II. He hoped that the error rate wasn't more than one in a few thousand.

"Errors, depending on the circumstances under which they occur, could be very bad. If I had a defective unit in my Elite Guard, for instance, I could be dead before I had the chance to enact the safety. Speaking of which, what is the error rate and what does the safety do when activated? Does it kill the host?"
22-11-2004, 02:30
The Prime Minister considered this for a moment. He would have to have a little 'talk' with his generals when he got back. They had concentrated on physical augmentation, as well augmentation of senses and response times. They had never considered programming soldiers for complete obedience.

"As odd as this may sound, our generals had not considered programming soldiers for complete obedience. They will be reprimanded for their lack of creativity when I return to Evil Woody Thoughts. Now, may I ask why you would offer us a more 'advanced grade' of this technology while the previous version of this technology remains classified for your own use? This seems like an odd way of doing things; my generals would probably do things the other way around."

Ruger Duztikki the Third smiled lightly. He motioned briefly, clicking a button. It was a price chart. "Expendable Soldiers!" He nodded lightly. Chuckling underneath his breath. "Each one of these barely costs over 8 credits. These soldiers are more expendable then a peice of paper." He nodded lightly, motioning to the screen again, as the image changed.

"That's a Nanite. Perfect for it's control of the Human Host. Replicating and spreading throughout the Cerebal stem. It's the more advanced verison. Somewhat has errors sometimes, but has a Anti-failsafe control that can be accessed via a sattelite control. To make the Soldier to not be able to be interrogated." He nodded lightly. Clicking a button which made the Projector go into stand-by mode.

He then awaited a answer. A answer of trade. They needed their water, and would almost jump up and down for it. (repost for post above Evil Woody Thoughts)

OOC: Add me to your MSN btw, it's now
22-11-2004, 02:32
The mention of error rates concerned Prime Minister Woody II. He hoped that the error rate wasn't more than one in a few thousand.

"Errors, depending on the circumstances under which they occur, could be very bad. If I had a defective unit in my Elite Guard, for instance, I could be dead before I had the chance to enact the safety. Speaking of which, what is the error rate and what does the safety do when activated? Does it kill the host?"

"Errors, we all hate them, though the errors only occur within 1 and a Thousand. The lapse is that the Soldier has free-will for a few seconds and then the Nanite regains control. Nothing too much. For just a few SECONDS the soldier regains a self-will and then is stripped from it."

He nodded lightly, adjusting his suit and glancing at his watch. He then looked up at the Minister before him. "Would you like a Example?" He ahemed somewhat. Knowing that they had a Dysfunctional model and they could easily shoot and kill it. Mmmhmmmm....
Evil Woody Thoughts
22-11-2004, 02:54
"Errors, we all hate them, though the errors only occur within 1 and a Thousand. The lapse is that the Soldier has free-will for a few seconds and then the Nanite regains control. Nothing too much. For just a few SECONDS the soldier regains a self-will and then is stripped from it."

He nodded lightly, adjusting his suit and glancing at his watch. He then looked up at the Minister before him. "Would you like a Example?" He ahemed somewhat. Knowing that they had a Dysfunctional model and they could easily shoot and kill it. Mmmhmmmm....

Somewhat satisfied, but his curiosity now piqued, the Prime Minister nodded and asked, "Yes, we would like very much to see your example."

Before Ruger Duztikki the Third could respond, an incoming encrypted message blinked on his phone. The Prime Minister asked for a few seconds to receive it. He hoped it had something to do with the airline industry back home, though he could not be sure.
22-11-2004, 03:00
Ruger smiled lightly, seeing the man agree to see the Dysfunctional model. He pressed a button and spoke lightly. "Computer, press Dysfunctional model into the Cylinder to be delivered to the Delegation room, with approiate security measures." He nodded lightly, and in a few seconds, the Dysfunction model was shown.

Handcuffed with Energy Cuffs, having Cords running up and down it's body. It's first impulse was to run and choke Ruger. Suddenly stopping it's steps and bowing. "That's the Soldier and the other one is Free-will. The first impulse to probably kill me was Civvie. It feels pain, wants to pay me back for it. The second, is Soldier, judging by the bowing." He smiled lightly, clicking a button and the Computer released a goo. Mounting the Soldier to the ground and turning him. "A botched Surgery."

He then motioned at the back of the neck. "As you can see, the scars shouldn't be there, by our medical advances. The doctor was getting lazy and was hence, fired and Executed for another Soldier's life." He nodded lightly, and was handed a Weapon by a Soldier. It was a Dart Gun. Filled with a Euthanazing Compound, as he fired 6 darts into the man's chest. "You did your country proud."
Evil Woody Thoughts
22-11-2004, 03:18
Prime Minister Woody II waited to respond. He wanted to see what the text message was about, though he had found the demonstration mildly...amusing.

He pushed the decrypt button on his phone. Foreign diplomats had never seen these phones before, much less decoded their algorithms. After a few seconds of calculations, the following text message appeared:


The three airports mentioned were in the Great Sixth Reich. An ideal refueling point. CEO Woodard III of Evil Woody Airlines had done his job better than expected, and shipments of water could begin much sooner than the Prime Minister had anticipated.

After the 45 seconds or so of awkward delay, the Prime Minister finally spoke up. "I apologize for the awkwardness, but I have just received a message that Evil Woody Air Cargo has secured the necessary landing rights and aircraft to begin shipments within the next twenty-four hours. I figured this would be sufficiently important to share, even if it meant a slight interruption in the rest of the negotiations. If this is a misjudgement on my part, I apologize.

Regarding your demonstration, we have been sufficiently assured that your technology is effective. We would like to take this home with us, as well as any physical augmentation technology you might have. Do we have a deal?"
22-11-2004, 03:32
Prime Minister Woody II waited to respond. He wanted to see what the text message was about, though he had found the demonstration mildly...amusing.

He pushed the decrypt button on his phone. Foreign diplomats had never seen these phones before, much less decoded their algorithms. After a few seconds of calculations, the following text message appeared:


The three airports mentioned were in the Great Sixth Reich. An ideal refueling point. CEO Woodard III of Evil Woody Airlines had done his job better than expected, and shipments of water could begin much sooner than the Prime Minister had anticipated.

After the 45 seconds or so of awkward delay, the Prime Minister finally spoke up. "I apologize for the awkwardness, but I have just received a message that Evil Woody Air Cargo has secured the necessary landing rights and aircraft to begin shipments within the next twenty-four hours. I figured this would be sufficiently important to share, even if it meant a slight interruption in the rest of the negotiations. If this is a misjudgement on my part, I apologize.

Regarding your demonstration, we have been sufficiently assured that your technology is effective. We would like to take this home with us, as well as any physical augmentation technology you might have. Do we have a deal?"

Ruger smiled lightly. Chuckling and then applying his wording down. "We have a deal. Our Tech Squad will load your planes and we expect water within the first 24 hours. On this map." He pulled out a small Mini-disk and tossed it to the Prime Minister. "Load the Disk, it has Encrypted GPS cordinates and that's where you'll drop the water and NOT touch down. The water then will be gathered and distributed as we see nessecary. If your planes attempt to land, they will be shot down."

He spoke cruelly. What was in that Military Complex, they didn't need to know about. Somethings, NO one needed to know about, for now, he let the Prime Minister in that thought. Two Military men, stepped in. One of them sniffling lightly. Suddenly, Ruger's head jolted right up. "Were you sniffling?" Ruger was fiddling the Handgun attached to the underside of the Table, immediately pulling it up and shooting the man eighteen times in the chest.

"Sorry about that. It was nessecary. Military law, states that no one may turn off or alter their Implant. Though, some do make these little alterations to gain back emotions. When they have been authorized to have Vacation. Vacation allows them to have freewill." He sighed lightly. "That function, must be removed network-wide tonight." he sighed one last time and flipped a Contract to the Prime Minister across the table.
Evil Woody Thoughts
22-11-2004, 03:48
Prime Minister Woody II balked at the terms of delivery.

"With all due respect, it is technologically not possible to do an airdrop with a cargo 747. The cargo containers are loaded through the nose of the aircraft because they are so big. We cannot open the nosecone inflight; it can only be opened on the ground for loading and unloading. If for some reason, we did open the nosecone inflight, the cabin would massively depressurize and kill the crew within minutes.

Even allowing for this, assume that we could open the nosecone inflight. To drop the cargo, we would then have to 'divebomb' to get the cargo to slide toward the front of the aircraft and eventually drop out of the front. These cargo containers are not built to be dropped for hundreds of feet, and your water would end up splattered all over the Duztikkian landscape. The last I checked, mud isn't too tasty.

We urge you to allow our aircraft to properly land so that your water can be unloaded in a safe manner. Surely, if your nation needs water as badly as you let on, this would be reasonable.

Furthermore I said we could begin shipments within twenty-four hours. There is still the matter of the eighteen to twenty hour flight time."

OOC: Here's a picture so you can get an idea of what I'm talking about.
22-11-2004, 04:41
Ruger nodded and pondered lightly. He then tapped on the screen a few times. Placing something on the back of his hand. "Okay, change your GPS cordinates to zone 66." He made a clicking motion which pulled up the map further. He then made another clicking motion, which showed 'Zone 66'. He then dragged abit. Showing off a Military compound. "There. It's called the Gurriztik Base. You can land on the Airstrip nearby. It's sand and rubble. Be careful."

He chuckled lightly. Getting a Radio call that the Gear for the Prime Minister of EWL (Evil Woody Thoughts) was ready. He smiled lightly, letting hte Minister hear that. "Begin your deliveries. Water is very proper here." he wouldn't enact the Customs that were quite vicious, he was audicious most of the time, but the Customs, that the man didn't need to know, he would never know.
Evil Woody Thoughts
22-11-2004, 06:00
Prime Minister Woody II nodded politely, and signed the deal.

"On behalf of the Democratic Republic of Evil Woody Thoughts, I am pleased that we have completed this negotiation. We are more than happy to help the Dictatorship of Duztikki with its water supply problems, and we also look forward to the military Golden Age that we are confident your technology will usher in. With that, I must now return to my aircraft so that I can make the necessary arrangements for shipping to commence."

He stood up, bowed to the Duztikkian delegation, and waited to be dismissed.

OOC: I added the new contact to MSN, btw. Should I delete the old contact?
22-11-2004, 06:34
Prime Minister Woody II nodded politely, and signed the deal.

"On behalf of the Democratic Republic of Evil Woody Thoughts, I am pleased that we have completed this negotiation. We are more than happy to help the Dictatorship of Duztikki with its water supply problems, and we also look forward to the military Golden Age that we are confident your technology will usher in. With that, I must now return to my aircraft so that I can make the necessary arrangements for shipping to commence."

He stood up, bowed to the Duztikkian delegation, and waited to be dismissed.

OOC: I added the new contact to MSN, btw. Should I delete the old contact?

OOC: You've got a reply by MSN.

Smiled lightly and bowed back. The body was quickly ushered away, probably down to the Medical Bay, to have the water filtered out of it and put into the Water System of Duztikki.

Ruger smiled lightly and bowed gently. Showing care and relaxation in his steps. "I appericate your generoisty. Our technology is cheap, though people know we are in a need of Water and almost beg our whole budget. We thank you for not taking all of our credits. Your plane has been loaded, so I have been told."

Ruger nodded and excused them with his last bow. Releasing them from him, as he begun to pack up his Briefcase and turned off the Projector which had been emitting a hologram. It died with a dull whinny. Then finally, the Lights began to Dim, almost as if they knew that the meeting was over. He then left out a Seperate pair of doors. They had come under the knowledge that several rebels in the City had been shot and were being drained now.
Evil Woody Thoughts
22-11-2004, 06:52
Prime Minister Woody II gathered his Elite Guard, bowed once more, then turned and left for his motorcade. In less than an hour, he saw his private 747 waiting on the airstrip. He found out that his three mechanics had managed to get the No. 4 engine operational, though it would be advisable to shut down the engine upon reaching cruising altitude.

Very well, he would divert to Japan for full repairs. The Prime Minister ordered his entourage to prepare for immediate departure.

While everyone else was getting their stuff together, Prime Minister Woody II placed a secure call to Chris Woodard III, CEO of Evil Woody Airlines to inform him of the deal. The Prime Minister knew him personally.

"Hey Chris, how soon can you get a departure for Duztikki?"

Chris replied, "We have crews loading the cargo in EVL right now. It should depart in about an hour and a half. We have more scheduled every two hours after that."

"Well, just be sure to inform the pilots that they won't have a paved runway to land on--they'll have to go with desert emergency landing procedures. I'll upload the coordinates to you after we take off."

CEO Woodard III acknowledged and ended the conversation.

By this time, the crew was ready for departure, and the Prime Minister personally instructed the pilot to request clearance for immediate departure.
22-11-2004, 06:59
Prime Minister Woody II gathered his Elite Guard, bowed once more, then turned and left for his motorcade. In less than an hour, he saw his private 747 waiting on the airstrip. He found out that his three mechanics had managed to get the No. 4 engine operational, though it would be advisable to shut down the engine upon reaching cruising altitude.

Very well, he would divert to Japan for full repairs. The Prime Minister ordered his entourage to prepare for immediate departure.

While everyone else was getting their stuff together, Prime Minister Woody II placed a secure call to Chris Woodard III, CEO of Evil Woody Airlines to inform him of the deal. The Prime Minister knew him personally.

"Hey Chris, how soon can you get a departure for Duztikki?"

Chris replied, "We have crews loading the cargo in EVL right now. It should depart in about an hour and a half. We have more scheduled every two hours after that."

"Well, just be sure to inform the pilots that they won't have a paved runway to land on--they'll have to go with desert emergency landing procedures. I'll upload the coordinates to you after we take off."

CEO Woodard III acknowledged and ended the conversation.

By this time, the crew was ready for departure, and the Prime Minister personally instructed the pilot to request clearance for immediate departure.

The Control Tower, looked over the Radar screen and responded back. "Plane from EWL, you've been given Cautionary Clearance. I repeat, Cautionary Clearance. We have a windstorm picking up on the Southside."

The Control Tower then gave them a Authorzation Number which allowed the Ramp to open up and out to the outside world. The sand pouring in and whipping along the plane. Several of the men scattering about and moving quickly. They had to put on their masks. Having not forgotten that the air was not healthy.
Evil Woody Thoughts
22-11-2004, 07:30
The Control Tower, looked over the Radar screen and responded back. "Plane from EWL, you've been given Cautionary Clearance. I repeat, Cautionary Clearance. We have a windstorm picking up on the Southside."

The Control Tower then gave them a Authorzation Number which allowed the Ramp to open up and out to the outside world. The sand pouring in and whipping along the plane. Several of the men scattering about and moving quickly. They had to put on their masks. Having not forgotten that the air was not healthy.

"Acknowleged, Death Valley Control." The pilot started the engines and taxied toward the south as quickly as he could, then turned the aircraft so it faced north. He would have to outrun it.

He put the No. 4 engine on 50% power because he didn't want to stress it too much, and the rest of the engines on full throttle. Prime Minister Woody II's aircraft lumbered down the sand airstrip. It nearly ran out of runway space before the pilot pulled up at the last possible second.

The pilot set a course for bearing 340. Yes, they would outrun the storm. However, the pilot relayed news of it back to EVL control, so the freighter pilots could be notified.
*70 minutes later, at Evil Woody International Airport*

The sun was just starting to rise over the Woody archipelago. Ramp workers had loaded up this aircraft with a shipment of water, all 192,000 gallons of it, over the last couple of hours. Now, EW 8493 taxied to the departure runway.

Upon reaching runway 7L, the pilot asked control for immediate departure clearance, which was granted.

The captain taxied onto the runway and revved up all engines to full throttle. The engines struggled to get that much weight in the air, but somehow they managed to do it, though only after 21,000 feet of runway space. The aircraft struggled to gain altitude as it flew toward the sunrise. After reaching 10,000 feet (finally! after 25 minutes of being in the air), the captain readjusted the bearing for 015. EW 8493 was on its way to Munich to refuel; then after that on to some mysterious sand airstrip in Duztikki. To deliver the first shipment of the material most precious to life to a badly parched people.

(OOC: don't worry, it'll go back empty so won't require so much space :) )