NationStates Jolt Archive

Terrorist Attack to The Republic of Slitheryn

15-11-2004, 19:44
A small group of fanatic Mllian has crossed your borders. Mkail,the leader, was disguised as a guard and killed two of your border guards. The others were knocked out by Hans,the great thief, they are now in one of skyscrapers in your capital. There is a hostage situation. They want you to say that Mllia rocks on Main Radio. They told that they're going to kill 1 hostage per hour until their demands are met.
16-11-2004, 06:21
Slitheryn does not negotiate with terrorists. Using blueprints of the skycraper, the country of Slitheryn launches a rescue mission through a secret tunnel that enters into the building's underground level. Led by Captain McCoy they search out the terrorists and find them on the 25th floor.
16-11-2004, 08:21
Mkail hears some soft noises, as your team gets near them. He orders his men to hold all doors. He himself gets under a table where he can see the hostages perfectly, then he shouts "I know you are coming, if you open any of these doors I'll kill every hostage."
16-11-2004, 10:10
To: the cowards of Milian

The King has ordered Airwings 6 and 12 to the land of Milian if they do not immediately and with all haste stand down their attack on Slitheryn.

Xeraph has never and does not now tolerate terrorism.

Each AirWing consists of 6 squadrons of jet fighters, and 1 squadron of bombers, totalling 244 fighters and 44 bombers.

Milian will be unable to withstand this aerial attack...........not much, if anything, will be left.

Gen. Strickland, CMDR Xeraphian Forces
16-11-2004, 12:24
We have nothing to do with those cowards. If anyone catches them send them to me! They shall take what they deserve... And it is Mllia for gods sake, not Milian.

The Great Dictator Mehmet GEZ
Western Elizabeth
16-11-2004, 12:35
The United States of Western Elizabeth offers an Anti-terrorism response team to assist in the elimination of these terrorist cowards.
16-11-2004, 12:49
The Dictatorship of Mllia gladly accepts this offer. It'll be easier to clean these scums inside our borders if we work together.

The Great Dictator of Mllia
Vestern States
16-11-2004, 17:41
To aid the hunt for the terrorists, Vestern States is sending 5th, 2nd and 22nd Counter Revolutionary Groups(total of 11 000 units) to the region
16-11-2004, 20:20
We are grateful. In return we're sending you our 7th and 8th Armored City Holders (50 DNA Cannon and 50 Hull Bomber)

DNA Cannon:

A DNA Cannon sends a special kind of wave which only knocks out the enemy. Two different types of attack Single or Group (which stuns a group of people).

Hull Bomber:

It's a stealth bomber which is armed with DNA Bombs. Which are the same with DNA Cannon.
16-11-2004, 20:21
It's a stealth bomber which is armed with DNA Bombs. Which are the same with DNA Cannon. you even know what DNA is?
16-11-2004, 22:13
We have nothing to do with those cowards. If anyone catches them send them to me! They shall take what they deserve... And it is Mllia for gods sake, not Milian.

The Great Dictator Mehmet GEZ

Apologies as to the spelling..............we do not want to capture them, we want to destroy them at their source. Provide us with coordinates, and we will target only the aggressor's base of operations.
Vestern States
16-11-2004, 22:19
Uopn arraival, Vestern States forces started to set up an HQ at an old airfield.
From there, the hunt would be directed.