NationStates Jolt Archive

Czar and Czarina flee to Mississippi Egypt: Army+Peasant Coup

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Decisive Action
31-10-2004, 01:49
Closed RP/Invite RP

The DIS and other intelligence branches, far too busy bickering with each other, to the point of shooting competing operatives, didn't notice the army coup coming.

It was a typical day at Stalingrad as the Alice Fabus and Roger Fabus Special Republican Guard Divisions were readying for their morning inspection. They had no idea that outside the perimeter, were over twenty million peasants marching towards the estate, rambling on and on about Mississippian involvement in foreign wars, the latest being allegations that Mississippi had an entire special forces brigade inside South Africa, with the intent being to back white rebels to restore apartheid. The people weren't necessarily against the idea of restoring apartheid, they just didn't care overall about the world outside of Mississippi. Anyway, these people were largely the pro-democracy movement.

They had all organized into paramilitary units, armed with various weapons that were so easily obtained in Mississippi, T-90 tanks, AKM rifles, MILANs, shoulder launched anti-air missiles. A massive wave of violence was about to consume the Stalingrad estate, and just after they'd finished rebuilding from the Felben Civil War.

The commander of the Roger Fabus SRG Division was reviewing his soldiers when artillery shells started crashing down... He shouted his orders and the entire division, all 45,150 soldiers, ran off to mount their vehicles, man their bunkers, and ready to repel the assault.

The Alice Fabus SRG Division also readied, flinging themselves into combat to stop a human wave of two million rebel peasants from surging forward through the lowered "Alpha Bridge" that was down over the two hundred foot wide ditch that surrounded the perimeter of the estate. (The bridge is 400 feet wide and spans from one side of the ditch to the other, so yes, lots could possibly cross at once)

The battle was going well for the SRG divisions, the peasants had no formal military training and they were just throwing themselves against the defenses, but then suddenly something happened, eight brigades of rebel reserve infantry (these reserve units just got back from Western Sahara, and they blame the government for failing to do enough to put down the slave revolts, and the earlier Muslim revolts) parachuted virtually on top of the SRG defenses. They caught them completely off guard and managed to secure most of the vital SRG posts within a few hours.

The two SRG divisions combined now had less than twelve thousand panzer grenadiers and forty tanks. They'd knocked out over thirty thousand T-90 and T-80 tanks, but it had cost them over two thousand T-98 and one thousand T-98W tanks. The collective smoke from the tanks was so thick that most of the soldiers still alive could scarcely see anything more than a few dozen feet away at best.

Suddenly word arrived at the Stalingrad mansion herself, "Rebels on way, SRG units on perimeter collapsed, resistance only possible for a few more hours at most... Evacuate."

Roger sighed, he'd known the peasants had been getting out of hand lately, and he'd tried to moderate and be easy on them, but he finally realized he had to do as his father did, and crush any opposition before it grew to seriously...

Already the 30 Parachute divisions had secured Jackson City so no peasant or disgruntled reservists would enter the capital. But that did him no good, he was at Stalingrad... He needed help here and now... He didn't feel it'd be a good idea to stay in Mississippi. He hastily packed a suitcase and told Alice, "Come, we're going to Mississippian Egypt... We've got to leave now."

Roger and Alice got into a two-seater MiG-41 Good Ole Boy, Roger piloted it. And he managed to get them off the estate grounds, dodging dozens of SAMS, and land safely on a carrier about 2,000 miles out in the Atlantic, he'd stop and refuel here as the carrier steamed for Western Sahara, from there he'd fly to Mississippian Egypt.

All across rural Mississippi, the peasants were either siding with the government or the rebels. Most were siding with the government, but without real military training, they decided their best contribution would be to keep working.

The SRG secured most important towns, bridges, and cities throughout Mississippi, but overdeployed as they were, and as scattered as they were, they didn't have enough strength to control the rural countryside. Outside of most cities, the government suddenly found itself exercising little control.

The RGISA commanders all renewed they loyalty oaths to the Czar and threw in total support behind his war effort.

John Tallmadge of Mississippian Egypt pledged to allow the Czar full use of the Commonwealth Army of Mississippian Egypt to handle the problems in Mississippi.

It was being called, "The White Peasants Rebellion of 2004" (the probably tenth peasant rebellion Mississippi has had since 1984, but most of the others were just jokes)

Ooc- This won't interfere with ongoing RPs that are taking place in Mississippi as we can say this happens immediately after those RPs are concluded.
31-10-2004, 01:54
Vice President Romeov, after hearing the news, run outside with The Commumist Manfesto yelling "The DA comrades, are fighting the evil empire."
OOC: big speech later
31-10-2004, 01:58
Decisive Action
31-10-2004, 01:59
Roger and Alice were now in Alexandria, as was Curtis and the other Fabuses and those who were guests at the time the rebellion started.

Curtis was smoking as he talked to Roger, he sighed, "Roger, you can't treat peasants like anything more than something to be crushed... You need to stop this reaching-out to the poor, it's bullshit... Look how they repaid you, look at the amnesty plan to had, how do they thank you?"

Roger nodded, "I know, I know, I'm sorry father... But don't worry, we'll be back in Mississippi in a few weeks at most..."

Curtis nodded, "Yes, see my son, the thing is, you need to rule, but do it with class, don't just rule one way or another, don't be a total tyrant, but don't be soft... Rule with class, and if some peasants step out of line, well as Francisco would have said, "use the gas"... Do you see my point, son?"

Roger nodded, "Yes... You think we need to put the rebellion down with chemical weapons?"

Curtis smiled and said nothing, his smile said it all.

Roger picked up a nearby phone, "Get me Jackson City Aerial Command..."

A few hours later, six hundred Mi-24s and two hundred Su-25s were readying to spray the crowds outside of Jackson City with Sarin, VX, Soman, Tabun, and Mustard. The Czar's signature was on the paper that had been faxed to Aerial Command:

"You have my authorization to use chemical weapons against any rebel targets, civilian and military. Exterminate them with extreme prejudice. I want this rebellion crushed in time for the December 4th Parade... You have your work cut out for you..."

Czar Roger Fabus
31-10-2004, 01:59
OOC: So wait... what's their motivation for the coup? According to your ministry of information, everyone's happy in Mississippi...

Never mind. It's really all just propaganda, as expected :rolleyes:
31-10-2004, 02:05
Pres. Handstand orders that supplies be send to the rebels. He also orders the readiness of the Republic Guard and other speical operations units.
Decisive Action
31-10-2004, 02:06
The rebel movement, "Popular Front For Mississippian Liberation" PFFML, has declared itself to be the new government of Mississippi. None of the Commonwealth nations have recognized their claim, nor has the cabinet of Mississippi himself recognized their claims.

Joseph Mladic, speaking from Fabus Island, went before the media and said, "The rebels are traitors and swine, they will be destroyed with the same delight we would take in destroying a coyote that is killing a farmers livestock, or a crow that is eating ones corn... We will totally and completely destroy these rebels."

The PFFML is the militant wing of the MFD (Movement For Democracy) a party that was banned and persecuted under the Curtis regime, but legalized under the Roger regime. The party has never had the support of more than about 5-8% of Mississippians.

Meanwhile, outside of Jackson City, the Su-25s and Mi-24s were airborne and heading to the bridges that lead into the city. The bridges were swarming with rebel activity. The MSAAS had dropped two regiments onto the main bridge, and the two thousand men were holding firm against at least two hundred thousand rebels. They realized their position made it such that they had the rebels bottlenecked as they tried to cross the bridge, and thus they were pouring deadly accurate and deadly concentrated fire into the rebel masses.

Then suddenly as the Su-25s dropped their 500-pound bombs, the rebels realized something was wrong. Their advance scouts on the bridge could see the MSAAS had all donned chemical gear, it was a chemical attack. Too late... The bombs burst in midair and the lethal agents dispersed out, men choked on the mustard and chlorine, and spasm to death from the nerve agents.

The MSAAS colonel looked out and smiled, he smacked his fist against his chest, "God it's beautiful, look at the sons of bitches die... Beautiful..."
31-10-2004, 02:17
To: Roger Fabus
We demand you stop these chemical attacks at once. Your are disobeying international law.
From: Vice President. Alexi Romeov
The Liberal Commumist Republic of Brydog
Decisive Action
31-10-2004, 02:19
To: Roger Fabus
We demand you stop these chemical attacks at once. Your are disobeying international law.
From: Vice President. Alexi Romeov
The Liberal Commumist Republic of Brydog

Ooc- Curious as to how you know what we're doing in our own nation, they're just regular rockets for all you know... It's not like we let you send teams to analyze the air after the attacks...
31-10-2004, 02:22
We have a real-time IR spy sat. called Eagle-Eye. Which shows people dying from something in the air.
Decisive Action
31-10-2004, 02:23
We have a real-time IR spy sat. called Eagle-Eye. Which shows people dying from something in the air.

Ooc- Okay, so it sees rockets, big deal... How can it detect a colorless and ordorless gas. Besides, I've made it clear, we either jam or shoot down any satellites that are looking at us. So consider it ineffective for spying on me. We jam or shoot down any satellites that move over our lands.
31-10-2004, 02:46
OOC: To be fair, you said u were using mustard gass, which has colour.
Decisive Action
31-10-2004, 02:53
All across Mississippi, the MSAAS, SRG, RG, RGISA, and the vast majority of the army, went to work crushing the peasants. The peasants had no real leadership structure and it was mostly an unorganized movement that relied on political leaders from the MFD to give assistance to the PFFML and thus the movement had no real senior armed forces command structure. If they did have that, it wouldn't have mattered.... Nobody could hide from the MSAAS.

After the chemical weapons attacks, the rebels had decisively lost the initiative and the initial shock of their sudden and mass attacks against the government had worn off...

Suddenly the government realized something, most of the rebels were't necessarily Mississippian citizens at all. A large deal were citizens from other North American nations that were determined to oppose the old Curtis Plan to annex all of the Eastern former USA, and then help Louisiana annex all of the Western former USA. But Roger had canceled the plan and there was no real reason for these foreigners to be in Mississippi agitating the populace to treason and insurrection.

Over sixty percent of the rebels were dead because they'd made a crucial error, they should have stuck to the insurgency and guerilla tactics that were giving the RGISA a headache in Ohio and Kentucky, and had given them trouble in Tennessee, (The governor of Tennessee forcibly depopulated the areas the guerillas gained support from, he moved all the people that were farming for the guerillas out of Eastern TN, into camps in Western TN, and thus was able to crush the rebellion) they had instead attempted conventional and human waves strategies against one of the most powerful armed forces in the western hemisphere.

And they'd received more than just a blood nose, they'd likely lost all of their limbs, they had no ability to maneuver now. Ninety thousand T-80 tanks lie strewn across Mississippi, all rebel tanks, all knocked out, many with the turrets blown off. It was a disaster for the rebels. They had no idea their tanks were basically worthless against the T-98, T-98W, and T-99. They'd managed to destroy only less than three thousand Mississippian tanks, and mostly by rushing one or two tanks, with over fifty of their own, getting in and firing again and again until the tank had to be abandoned.

Overall, the rebels were already losing, and their attacks had only been going on for a few days.

It seemed as though the Czar's orders would be met, the rebellion would be crushed before the December 4th Parade.

Field Marshal Navarre couldn't help but laugh as his RG divisions moved out towards eastern Mississippi, where most of the rebels were retreating to, hoping to cross into Alabama. They'd launched attacks with no air support, and little in the line of logistics, just masses upon masses of tanks, and they'd been picked off by helicopter gunships, ground-attack aircraft, and the vastly superior Mississippian tanks. It was a turkey shoot. But, it was good exercise for the RG and SRG to have to do something besides just crushing riots or training against targets that aren't firing live rounds back. All in all, it'd been a good experience.

But now, the RGISA would be busy in Mississippi, having to constantly patrol and watch for roving bands of guerillas that would be hiding in Mississippi after their conventional attacks failed miserably.
The Parthians
31-10-2004, 03:26
The Shah was clearly nervous, now his friend Roger Fabus, a crowned Czar of a capitalist nation, was in exile because of a revolt by marxist peasants. This could not be allowed to stand if order were to be maintained in other capitalist monarchies. The Shah called up a clerk from his desk phone and began to dictate a message to Roger Fabus:

"My friend, Czar Roger Fabus:

It seems to me that you have a massive revolt on your hands which has exiled you to Egypt. As your friend, we cannot allow this to happen and will gladly deploy troops to assist you.

-Shah Khosru III
Upper Xen
31-10-2004, 04:20
Gordon Lew, president of Upper Xen, could not help but be amazed at the news in his morning briefing. "What's this I hear about a rebellion in Mississippi?"

"Well, apparently, a group called the Movement For Democracy has launched a coup. It failed, but the revolt apparently still has some fire left in it," said the Secretary of State.

"Hmmm...excellent. Issue a press statement."

"Yes, sir," said the Secretary.

---Press Statement-Issued 3:20 am GMT-----

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It has come to my attention that a revolt has broken out in Mississippi. We in the nation of Upper Xen wholeheartedly applaud the actions of the heroic peasants there. Their war against the corrupt and pathologically brutal dictatorship of "Czar" Roger Fabus and his cronies is a testament to the human will, and the lengths it will go to secure its natural rights of life, liberty and property. While we are a moderate nation at heart, neither embracing Marxism or any right-wing ideologies, we believe that human beings have certain natural rights, and that the people must be allowed to express them within reason.

We therefore will monitor the situation as it progresses, and react accordingly."

President Gordon Lew (Lew Fong-Shek)
Republic of Upper Xen
Decisive Action
31-10-2004, 04:26
"The leaders of the marxist peasants rebellion in Mississippi were all killed in an ambush setup by the MSAAS. I will be returning to Mississippi to take charge of the Mississippian Egypt Commonwealth Expeditionary forces, approximately fifty divisions strong, being sent to bolster Jackson City and prepare to take back the surrounding townships and suburbs."

Czar Roger Fabus

Decisive Action
31-10-2004, 21:02
ooc- Okay, now that the conventional rebellion is dead, I'll need to find somebody to be the insurgents. (Those rebels that are still wanting to rebel are now a small guerilla movement of a few thousand, living in the swamps of Mississippi) Of course the MSAAS and the RGISA are out to get them, but they are determined, they just lack training, and now they lack any real sort of equipment and weaponry except for light arms.
31-10-2004, 21:09
*raises hand* I shall do it.
31-10-2004, 21:14
So, Fabus, everything isn't quite as rosy back home in Mississippi as you wanted the world to believe, eh?

Can't say I didn't expect it, what with your government being incompetent to the point of criminality. Still, didn't expect quite this much dissention in your country.

Surprises every day, aren't there?
Minister X, Leader of Samtonian Council of Thirteen
Decisive Action
31-10-2004, 21:30
So, Fabus, everything isn't quite as rosy back home in Mississippi as you wanted the world to believe, eh?

Can't say I didn't expect it, what with your government being incompetent to the point of criminality. Still, didn't expect quite this much dissention in your country.

Surprises every day, aren't there?
Minister X, Leader of Samtonian Council of Thirteen

"We have determined that ninety percent of the peasant rebels were foreigners, possibly from Alabama and Arkansas, we have yet to determine who was bankrolling them. It stands as a testament to the loyalty of our populace, that the majority of peasants either sided with us or stayed out of the conflict."

Czar Roger Fabus, speaking from Jackson City after arriving back by a MiG-41 Good Ole Boy.
Decisive Action
31-10-2004, 21:31
*raises hand* I shall do it.

We'll talk, but not now, now is super power 2 time.
Upper Xen
01-11-2004, 02:32
"We have determined that ninety percent of the peasant rebels were foreigners, possibly from Alabama and Arkansas, we have yet to determine who was bankrolling them. It stands as a testament to the loyalty of our populace, that the majority of peasants either sided with us or stayed out of the conflict."

Czar Roger Fabus, speaking from Jackson City after arriving back by a MiG-41 Good Ole Boy.

Gordon Lew, looking at this report, said, "I highly doubt that," and decided to respond with a further statement:

------PRESS STATEMENT-------
"This was obviously a popular revolt motivated by the popular desire of the people to secure their natural rights to life, liberty, and property within reason. We find no evidence of Alabaman or Arkansasite intervention whatsoever.

If the government of 'Communist' Mississippi wishes to continue covering up their mistakes, I suggest they do it in a more plauisble manner. Blaming others for your mistakes is the first sign of a failed regime."

President Gordon Lew (Lew Fong-Shek)
Republic of Upper Xen
Decisive Action
01-11-2004, 02:58
Gordon Lew, looking at this report, said, "I highly doubt that," and decided to respond with a further statement:

------PRESS STATEMENT-------
"This was obviously a popular revolt motivated by the popular desire of the people to secure their natural rights to life, liberty, and property within reason. We find no evidence of Alabaman or Arkansasite intervention whatsoever.

If the government of 'Communist' Mississippi wishes to continue covering up their mistakes, I suggest they do it in a more plauisble manner. Blaming others for your mistakes is the first sign of a failed regime."

President Gordon Lew (Lew Fong-Shek)
Republic of Upper Xen

Ooc- Actually, I can call them foreigners if I want, it's my RP, and if I say and mean, that 90% were not Mississippians, and it isn't just propaganda lies, which in this case, it is indeed not lies, then that is how it is. If you don't like it, oh well. It's my RP, and I said about 10% were actually Mississippians, the rest were foreigners sympathetic to the views of the MFD party. It's not uncommon to see mass foreign involvement in a war (Mujadadeen in Afghanistan, Al Qaeda in Chechnya, Al Qaeda in Bosnia, various rebels in Zaire, etc)
01-11-2004, 03:16
To the Czar and Czarina of Mississippi - Salutations:

The Grand Duke of Impunia wishes to offer His personal congratulations upon the successful supression of the recent peasant uprising in Your Realm. We expected the cloned super soldiers of the Mississippi Guard that had been earlier discussed to perform a more decisive role in the conflict, but remark upon the quick thinking and daring of Your Most Regal Highness in personally stamping out these rebellious vermin.

It is some concern to Us that such insurrections as these do not gain wider prevalence,as such events put dark and unwise thoughts into the minds of the lower classes. It is right and proper to emphasize the lack of wisdom in such thinking, and to this end that the Grand Duke heartily recommends the pursuit and liquidation of any dying embers of this most recent insurrection, lest the winds of Fate sweep them into some future conflagaration. To this end we offer a contingent of Our Personal Death Guards, the Radetzky Division of 10,000 strong, to be used by Your Person in any manner you deem appropriate. The Radetzky Division is one of Our finest formations, expert in all manner of population supression and crowd control; what they perhaps lack in discretion is more than amply made up for by their zeal, enthusiasm and thoroughness. As our penal work camp popuilation has suffered a sudden drop in recent months, there is no need for Your Person to worry as to any impact this may have on the internal security situation in Impunia.

Yours is a great nation, ours the lesser. Perhaps we have our disagreements, for Mississippians have liberal ways that differ greatly from our own. That all men of fair countenance, rather than an elite chosen personally by the Almighty, should be considered the proper masters of Mankind seem to Us to be a benevolence of concession contrary to not only the empirical facts but of Divine Law as well. It is Our belief that such thinking leads the weak-minded amongst the peasantry to think themselves the equals of their betters. Regardless, let Us put our disagreements aside in common cause, and stand arm in arm in solidarity against this threat to civilization.

Yours in Friendship,

The Grand Duke of Impunia
Decisive Action
01-11-2004, 03:27
To the Czar and Czarina of Mississippi - Salutations:

The Grand Duke of Impunia wishes to offer His personal congratulations upon the successful supression of the recent peasant uprising in Your Realm. We expected the cloned super soldiers of the Mississippi Guard that had been earlier discussed to perform a more decisive role in the conflict, but remark upon the quick thinking and daring of Your Most Regal Highness in personally stamping out these rebellious vermin.

It is some concern to Us that such insurrections as these do not gain wider prevalence,as such events put dark and unwise thoughts into the minds of the lower classes. It is right and proper to emphasize the lack of wisdom in such thinking, and to this end that the Grand Duke heartily recommends the pursuit and liquidation of any dying embers of this most recent insurrection, lest the winds of Fate sweep them into some future conflagaration. To this end we offer a contingent of Our Personal Death Guards, the Radetzky Division of 10,000 strong, to be used by Your Person in any manner you deem appropriate. The Radetzky Division is one of Our finest formations, expert in all manner of population supression and crowd control; what they perhaps lack in discretion is more than amply made up for by their zeal, enthusiasm and thoroughness. As our penal work camp popuilation has suffered a sudden drop in recent months, there is no need for Your Person to worry as to any impact this may have on the internal security situation in Impunia.

Yours is a great nation, ours the lesser. Perhaps we have our disagreements, for Mississippians have liberal ways that differ greatly from our own. That all men of fair countenance, rather than an elite chosen personally by the Almighty, should be considered the proper masters of Mankind seem to Us to be a benevolence of concession contrary to not only the empirical facts but of Divine Law as well. It is Our belief that such thinking leads the weak-minded amongst the peasantry to think themselves the equals of their betters. Regardless, let Us put our disagreements aside in common cause, and stand arm in arm in solidarity against this threat to civilization.

Yours in Friendship,

The Grand Duke of Impunia


"We thank you for your kind words."

Czar Roger Fabus

Ooc- Our soldiers are not clones, they're just genetically enhanced.
01-11-2004, 04:44
(OOC: Please. There are people in Impunia who think Prince Rupert's dog can become invisible. ;) )
Upper Xen
01-11-2004, 21:25
Ooc- Actually, I can call them foreigners if I want, it's my RP, and if I say and mean, that 90% were not Mississippians, and it isn't just propaganda lies, which in this case, it is indeed not lies, then that is how it is. If you don't like it, oh well. It's my RP, and I said about 10% were actually Mississippians, the rest were foreigners sympathetic to the views of the MFD party. It's not uncommon to see mass foreign involvement in a war (Mujadadeen in Afghanistan, Al Qaeda in Chechnya, Al Qaeda in Bosnia, various rebels in Zaire, etc)

OOC: That statement of mine was made in character. I know very well of foreign involvement in modern rebellions (Al-Qaeda aiding the ETA movement in Spain, IRA bombers and Japanese Red Army terrorists being aided by Libya in the 80's, the aforementioned involvement of Al-Qaeda in Chechnya and the appearance of Chechnyans in Afghanistan), so do not assume that I am not a n00b on such things. Perhaps I was too much into the moment, and misinterpreted the news. The important thing is was that I myself did not have an issue with this statement, but its juxtaposition seemed a bit sudden and cover-upish.

Well, at least it is plausible now........

Anyway....this seems like an interesting RP. I'd like to back the rebels.
Decisive Action
01-11-2004, 21:27
OOC: That statement of mine was made in character. I know very well of foreign involvement in modern rebellions (Al-Qaeda aiding the ETA movement in Spain, IRA bombers and Japanese Red Army terrorists being aided by Libya in the 80's, the aforementioned involvement of Al-Qaeda in Chechnya and the appearance of Chechnyans in Afghanistan), so do not assume that I am not a n00b on such things. Perhaps I was too much into the moment, and misinterpreted the news. The important thing is was that it was my character, not myself, who disliked this statement.

Well, at least it is plausible now........

Anyway....this seems like an interesting RP. I'd like to back the rebels.

Ooc- You can RP having training camps for the insurgents in your nation, but beware, the MSAAS (Mississippian Special Air Assault Squads) can and will make all attempts to, and most likely be successful in, destroying the camps... It'll be good fun though. Oh, they're not rebels, the rebellion died, now they're guerillas/insurgents.
Upper Xen
01-11-2004, 22:08
Ooc- You can RP having training camps for the insurgents in your nation, but beware, the MSAAS (Mississippian Special Air Assault Squads) can and will make all attempts to, and most likely be successful in, destroying the camps... It'll be good fun though. Oh, they're not rebels, the rebellion died, now they're guerillas/insurgents.

OOC: Thanks. Beware, they'll have to travel to the hearts of Japan and China to destroy them, and my National Police's Counter-Revoultionary Force will be there, along with all the planes, missiles and angry armed citizens (we have the 2nd Amendment) to meet them.

If you think I am godmoding, talk to Kyanges or Tanthan. They'll back me up.

IC: Meanwhile.....

A cold wind blew over the Manchurian plain. The sight was almost pictureesque, something that could be painted by Hiroshige or Renoir.

But, Staff Sgt. Dokha "Ox" Ghot, an Alien Grunt with the Xenizen CIA, was too busy correcting his men. He was especially frustrated at these peasants, these "MFD" fighters, who seemed to lack the concept of how to even point the gun at the target, or even what pointing was.

The MFD troopers in this camp were about 100 Mississippian refugees, mostly whites from Mississippian enclaves abroad, or those few who had luckily escaped from that land. They all seemed to have the thousand-yard stare, and yearned for vengance and death.

"Ox" thought: "They want Fabus dead, definetly. But at this rate, they're not even going to kill a single Mississippian grunt."

"Damnit, I said point towards the center of the target! You'll never kill any Klanners if you shoot like that! You're not hunting varmints, you're fighting for liberty!"

The MFD trainees furiously tried to steady their guns. The sights and the soft recoil seemed to not helped them, as they kept missing the dummy and hitting the snow instead.

"Sir?" One of them asked. "It's getting kinda cold...can I have some coffee?"

"Private, it's always cold here. And you don't see anybody else drinking coffee. Now go build character, and self-discipline!"

Meanwhile, he turned ariund, and saw the CIA Director Leang Leong. She was wearing a dapper fur coat, her characteristic heavy red lipstick, and her characteristic smug attitude.

"So? How's 'spring' training?"

"Very funny. I've got a bunch of complainers, psychos, and weenies, and wannabe heroes. You know. The usual."

"Excellent, Ox," said Leang. "You're one of the best. That's why I hired you. If anything, you've turned hundreds of complainers into real heroes-a 95% success rate. Just do what you do best, and it should turn out fine."

"Okay, but what about the MSAAS? Word on the street says they're ready to stop our operations. Their bases in Egypt are awful close......"

"Relax. If they even touch our bases, (she motioned to the large guard presence and the Casspir APC's around the complex, along with the Patriots and Crotales) we'll kick them in the proverbial pills. We have the technology, and the skills of Xenizens like you. Now get to work."

"Okay, ma'am. But it's going to take a little longer this time..."

OOC: Should I make an IC secret post to avoid godmoding regarding where my bases are?
Upper Xen
02-11-2004, 04:18
bump for a response.....
Decisive Action
02-11-2004, 13:39
The MFD troopers in this camp were about 100 Mississippian refugees, mostly ethnic Chinese from Mississippian enclaves abroad, or those few who had luckily escaped from that land. They all seemed to have the thousand-yard stare, and yearned for vengance and death.

OOC: Should I make an IC secret post to avoid godmoding regarding where my bases are?

Ooc- That is a godmod because I clearly made it known my nation is 100% white, we have the previous leader and his policy of "genocide to achieve purity" to thank for that. So there are no "ethnic anythings" in Mississippi, well ethnic russian, ethnic serbian, ethnic german, etc, but it's all racial white. There are no Chinese and never were. Mississippi, even before Fabus, was only White, Black, Natives, and Jews. So I ask you change that part. Except the MSAAS reply shortly.
Upper Xen
02-11-2004, 14:25
Ooc- That is a godmod because I clearly made it known my nation is 100% white, we have the previous leader and his policy of "genocide to achieve purity" to thank for that. So there are no "ethnic anythings" in Mississippi, well ethnic russian, ethnic serbian, ethnic german, etc, but it's all racial white. There are no Chinese and never were. Mississippi, even before Fabus, was only White, Black, Natives, and Jews. So I ask you change that part. Except the MSAAS reply shortly.

OOC: Fine, I take that back. I'm just saying, some could be exiles, and not indegienous Delta Chinese.......

But in RL, there are small communities of Chinese in Mississippi. Here's some proof:

"The small Chinese population found in the Delta is descended from farm laborers brought there from California in the 1870s. The Chinese did not adjust well to the Mississippi plantation system, however, and most of them became small merchants. The coastal fishing industry has attracted Southeast Asian refugees."

-Courtesy of Wikipedia, "Mississippi"

Is this enough?
Upper Xen
02-11-2004, 14:39
bump for a response
Decisive Action
02-11-2004, 16:35
But in RL, there are small communities of Chinese in Mississippi. Here's some proof:

Ooc- In RL, the leader of Mississippi is not Roger Fabus and there is no Mississippian National Front Party which rules Tennessee, Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana. This is NS Mississippi, and in NS Mississippi there are NO non-whites.

Here's proof:

Ooc still- Reply to come shortly, have to get moving to work.
Upper Xen
02-11-2004, 17:35
OOC: Nevermind.......I know the history of your land in NS, I just thought that you didn't know about that in RL.

Not that has bearing here, so let's all calm down....

Jesu-Maria! Let's kill this subject (which should never have been so controversial-my misunderstanding, ok?) and continue.

IC Secret: President Gordon Lew met with Director Leong at the CIA HQ in Xonxtopolis.

"So, how are our charges?" said the President.

Leong said, "They're geting better. 'Ox' is whipping them into shape at Camp Calhoun, Manchuria. So far, these 'good ole boys' are ok, they can now shoot straight, but what I'm worried about is their unit cohesion. If they can't fight as a unit, they'll be MSAAS food. We've got the same problem at Camp Kobe, Camp Jackson, and Camp Hunter. Our trainers are reporting some degree of competence and determination, but I think they need more training in squad and unit tactics. We don't want a Bay of Pigs sort of thing here."

"We'll, how will the plan work? Mississippi is awfully far away," said the President, "and the Xenizen public wants to make sure this is successful."

"We could use a modified Seawolf to deposit some Operatives on Mainland Mississippi. So far, we've two for the task, and were modding several more," said Director Leong.

"Obviously, the main problem is distance. Our camps in Shikoku, Hokkaido, Yunnan Province and Manchuria are several thousand miles from Biloxi or any sutiable landing areas. And it'll be a bitch to support them, flying materiel from Hawaii."

"what about an Air America-type thing? A secret airline of some kind?"

"Well, we could do that. Obviously, they'd have a higher level of plausible deniability; they'd only seem like a regular airline. But that requires, again, flights from Hawaii, and bases in North America or the Caribbean. And using civilian aircraft would put more men and suipplies at risk; they're obviously not as strong as they military models we've got, and the Mississippians have tons of defenses."

"Peh. Old Russian Junk," said the President.

"Not really," said Leong. "That 'old russian junk' of which you speak has been modified and greatly innovated to the point where it can compete with the most modern of machines. Take for example, the MiG-41 Good Ole Boy. it has the advantage of caseless munitions for their 20mm Fabus Munitions A-12-LW (Light Weight) Cannon, which they decided to turn into more ammo and higher performance capacity than a standard GAU-4. This, combined with its high speed and enhanced computer equipment, is nothing to sneeze at. We can match them; we have F/A-22 Raptors, F-35 JSF's, and F-16UX Freeman Falcons. But these guys have technological sophistication, so I would not speak so arrogantly."

"Getting back to the subject," said the President, "why don't we just use Seawolves to supply the guerillas and deploy them?"

Leong went: "Hmm....a tempting Propisition. At this point, why not use a modified Iron Dragon SSBN? It could do the job."

"Okay then," said the President. "Ask the boys down at the National Shipyards if they can cook one up for us. See if they can gut out the missiles, and dedicate the thing solely to commando use, y'know, supplies, hold a sufficent amount of men and arms, etc. Call it the Hattori Hanzo or something."

"Okay. Oh, and one more thing," said Leang.

"Oh yes!" said the President. "Get the CRF and the Home Guard to start patrolling the coastline, and declare a general terror alert for all regions. Also, get Air Defense Command on Red Alert and have them start patrolling the skies. If those MSAAS bastards set even one foot on Xenizen soil, their asses are ours."

OOC Author's notes:

The Iron Dragon is a modified Delta IV class SSBN, with SEAL deployment capability, enhanced electronics and sonar, and modifications for quieter movement.

Here's a pic:

The F-16 type is based off the recent F-16I Sufa model used by Israel.

Info here:
Decisive Action
02-11-2004, 17:42

I suggest you examine that it's nearly impossible to get to Mainland Mississippi without going by "Fabus Island" thus I suggest you consider landing your team there, and trying to get them to mainland Mississippi on a private boat, or something of the sort, or swim the 30 miles? (It could be done, but probably only 100-200 people at most, per nation who are combat trained and can swim that distance)
Decisive Action
02-11-2004, 17:54
Secret IC:

A military briefing was taking place in the Ministry of Paramilitary and Special Operations building, in the bunker beneath the facility.

The Czar was sitting a large armchair, his legs propped up lazily on the conference table, smoking a cigar as he leaned back in his chair.

The other three important men present were Slobodan Karloff, Vladimir Markovic, and Radomir Stevanovic.

Karloff spoke first, "Sir, the chinese, we're almost certain they're helping the marxist rebels... We've been able to ascertain, via satellite photography, that they're allowing the marxist peasants to base camps in their land..."

He handed Roger some blown up photos. "Here sir, see?"

Roger nodded.

Markovic spoke next, "Sir, the MSAAS stands ready to hit Upper Xen terror camps, we can neutralize most if not all of the camps, with just two to three regiments of operatives taking part in the operation... Yes I know, three thousand operatives is a very large operation for special forces, but there are no less than forty thousand guerillas training in an estimated forty camps... We're going to be sending about two platoons after each camp... Trust me, sir, this is the best option."

Stevanovic spoke, shaking his head, "No sir, no, trust me, let the DISFB handle this, they're more than up to the job, they can infiltrate into Upper Xen and assassinate those who are setting policies that allow these terrorists safe havens..."

Roger shook his head, "I'll make my decision soon, thank you gentlemen for your time... Have the MSAAS on full alert readiness and cancel all leave, I think we'll need them..."

Markovic nodded, "Yes sir... Shall we get the MESAAS, the WSSAAS, the KSAAS, the TSAAS, and the ISAAS as well?"

Roger chuckled, "Just call it the Commonwealth SAAS, don't list them all, and no, we shouldn't need them, at least not yet... But have them on full alert readiness as well, just to be on the safe side."

Ooc- About the three men:

Minister of Paramilitary Operations Slobodan Karloff (40) Hard-line right-winger who firmly supports the use of paramilitary and proxy armies in conflicts DA cannot get directly involved in. He oversees the allocation of funds to the WKM paramilitary units, the Popular army units, and “other units”. 6’0, 180lbs. Blonde hair, blue eyes. IQ 163.

Minister of Defense Vladimir Markovic (49) He is the minister of Defense for Decisive Action. He oversees all allocations of funds for the armed forces and other defense forces. 6’3, 184lbs. Blonde hair, blue eyes. IQ 172.

Minister of Intelligence Radomir Stevanovic (48) He is the minister of Intelligence for Decisive Action. Works directly with the Department of Internal Security (DIS), the DIS SP (Secret Police), and the DIS DI (Domestic Intelligence). 6’2, 190lbs. Brown hair, green eyes. IQ 165.
Upper Xen
02-11-2004, 18:03

I suggest you examine that it's nearly impossible to get to Mainland Mississippi without going by "Fabus Island" thus I suggest you consider landing your team there, and trying to get them to mainland Mississippi on a private boat, or something of the sort, or swim the 30 miles? (It could be done, but probably only 100-200 people at most, per nation who are combat trained and can swim that distance)

OOC: Hm....well, they'll be bringing dinghies, and traveling by submarine. So, they concievably land on Fabus Island, and use Zodiac Boats, Sleeping Beauty Boats, or simple Commando Canoes to get to mainland MS.

IC Secret:

Director Leang picked up the phone.


It was from the Xenizen Geography Office. "THis is Herman Kang from the Geography office. You said you wanted places where you could possibly land your MFD teams?"

"Yeah?" said Leang. "What's up?"

"Well, I'm sorry to say, but there's a huge island, Fabus Island, blocking the passage to Biloxi and mainland Mississippi."

"Damnit," she said. "Thanks for the info."

"OK. Bye."

Kang hung up. Leang immediately picked up her stress felief ball, and threw it at the wall.

"Damnit! It's not gonna be a major change in plans, but still, I'm gonna have to alter some things....."

She then picked up the phone, and called the President.

"Mr. President?"

"Yes?" he said.

"Apparently, we forgot to factor an island blocking the passage to Biloxi, Fabus Island. We'll have to land the teams there."

"Well, that can't be too, bad, can it?"

"Well, considering they'll have to bring extra boats and medical supplies, and since the Mississippians have fortified the mainland so tight a fly can't get in, it will be an epic challenge."

"So? I'm up for an epic challenge."

"Well, are your men? The MFD teams still need to be organized, named, and given areas of attack. We need to allocate SOG handlers to them, if possible, and decide what teams should go with them. The Hattori Hanzo class submarine proposal is still in the chute, and there is that little matter of we're in Asia, and Mississippi is in North America."

"I'll give you that. Keep me posted."

He then hung up.

*Sigh...* "He can be so-damnit-stubborn, or frustrating or-UGGH!-I don't know what the word is. Now I know why they call him Fong-Shek-the Square Rock. You need to kick him to move him....."
Upper Xen
02-11-2004, 18:19
IC Secret:

"Mr. President."

"Yes, Director."

"I think we should increase the alert, just to be sure," said Director Leang. "And one more thing, since we're dealing with commandos-we don't know what branches or what kinds-I'm thinking we should probably increase security on all governemnt officials involved with-wait-what did we name the project?"

"Operation Davy Crockett?" said President Lew.

"Yes, Mr. President," said the Director. "They might try to assassinate us. After all, we did try to give aid and comfort to their enemies."

"But," said the President, "we have no evidence of a plot. Our intel hasn't penetrated into Mississippi, so we can't be sure of anything. The only thing we do know is that they will try to send commandos into our land to destroy the Camps."

"However, just to be safe," said the President, "I could recall those Secret Service agents on leave, and station them around the homes of government operatives. And I'll ask the Capital Division to send a detachment to the President's House."

"Tell you what, Director. I want you to send agents into Mississippian territory, and ascertain evidence of a plot to kill me or any government officials in exchange for this. You better be damn well sure of this..."

"Yes sir," said the Director. "I will not fail, but you already knew that."

She then turned, and left.
Decisive Action
02-11-2004, 18:55
OOC: Hm....well, they'll be bringing dinghies, and traveling by submarine. So, they concievably land on Fabus Island, and use Zodiac Boats, Sleeping Beauty Boats, or simple Commando Canoes to get to mainland MS.

Ooc- Remember, the entire Mississippian coastline is guarded by the "Curtis Wall" mines, obstacles, bunkers, and a cement wall that runs the entire length of the coastline, thus to get off the beach, you either need to do so at a checkpoint, or blast through the wall. And there are over 500,000 soldiers and reservists and paramilitaries garrison the wall. The "Army Group Coastline"
02-11-2004, 19:17
[Hogsweatian Patrol 6B34A is a Reys-D that is patrolling the area]

There was a crackle. The sergeant hit the radio, and it worked again.

"..**88A83jfak .... This is Hogsweatian Patrol 6B34A to rebel Mississippian units, do you read? repeat, do you read? 8w*8*21a"

The sergeant picked up the microphone hurriedly.

"Yes, we read you Patrol 6B34A!"

The sergeant sighed a sigh of relief. Finally, foreign assistance.

"Copy that. We have your co-ordinates locked in and are currently flying just out of Mississippian waters"

"Well where the hell is our support?!"

"Your position is currently unrelievable."

"WHAT! I thought you were here to help us"

"I repeat, your position is currently unrelievable. We cannot provide you with reconnaissance support. Enemy satellites and anti-air defenses are too heavy"

"Well what ARE you going to do?"

"Nothing yet. Further strikes are being discussed by the MoD. hold on."


There was a crackle as the radio blipped out again. Little did the Sergeant know, his line was unprotected and his talk monitored by Mississippian Intelligence...
Upper Xen
02-11-2004, 20:05
Ooc- Remember, the entire Mississippian coastline is guarded by the "Curtis Wall" mines, obstacles, bunkers, and a cement wall that runs the entire length of the coastline, thus to get off the beach, you either need to do so at a checkpoint, or blast through the wall. And there are over 500,000 soldiers and reservists and paramilitaries garrison the wall. The "Army Group Coastline"


The messenger boy ran with the envelope marked "Top Secret" towards the Director's office. He ran up to the door and began knocking on the door heavily.

Director Leang stepped out of her office. "Easy there, short man. What is it?"

"I've a message for you from the Geography Office."

"Okay," she said, taking the envelope. She closed the door to her office, opened the envelope carefully, and read its contents with horror.

The map from the Office's Observer 1 spy sattilite revealed a hornet's nest of bunkers, minefields, security checkpoints, and a concrete wall with concertina wire on it. "So this is the Curtis Line," she went.

She then looked at the data from the CIA's Military Intellgence Unit. They brought even more dread news: some 500,000 regulars, paramilitaries, and reservists, part of "Army Group Coastline" were stationed on the coast for one reason only: to drive any invaders back into the sea.

She then telephoned the President, and explained the contents of the report.

He then said: "Holy living F--k. Tell those boys at the National Shipyards to add some more Tomahawk launchers onto that Hattori Hanzo sub we're building. And are those MFD boys of yours trained in demolitions yet? If they aren't, train them double-quick. If they are, give them some of our cooler toys to play with. And add some Tomahawk equipped Iron Dragons to the roster....this could get ugly."

Meanwhile, the President hung up, sat at his desk, surrounded by Secret Service guards, and he began to think.

He had 2,000 MFD Troops ready for insertion. The rigorous training of at least six NS months and more had turned them from peasants into capable men of action, capable of using both Mississippian and Xenizen firearms and equipment, as well as inspiring others to join them. But he knew about that Curtis Line, and thought: "We better do a damn good job training them, or were screwed."

He then said: "Call the Joint Chiefs here at once, along with the CIA Director. We're going to write a script for this operation. How the critics of history will like it-that's another story."

OOC: the cooler toys he refers to are:
Decisive Action
02-11-2004, 20:14
He had 2,000 MFD Troops ready for insertion. The rigorous training of at least six NS months and more had turned them from peasants into capable men of action, capable of using both Mississippian and Xenizen firearms and equipment, as well as inspiring others to join them. But he knew about that Curtis Line, and thought: "We better do a damn good job training them, or were screwed."

He then said: "Call the Joint Chiefs here at once, along with the CIA Director. We're going to write a script for this operation. How the critics of history will like it-that's another story."

Ooc- Okay, slow down would you, I'm at work now and can't reply as much or as quality as I'd like. So let's just go easy there eh? And we do have missile defense systems all about the nation. Our SAM network is very extensive. I really need to write in my AD network into my fact book, I'm going to do that shortly. But anyway, my soldiers are basically divided as thus

1st rate (SRG, RG, RGISA, SAAS, Paratroopers, Armor, Mech Inf, fighter pilots, some naval forces, some air forces, most intelligence services that fall under the DIS, majority of paramilitary forces. Some units of the Mississippian Foreign Legion) = 10-15 years training (starts around age 8) 8-20 years experience.

2nd rate (motorized infantry, infantry, some naval forces, some air forces, some intelligence, some paramilitary units. Some units of the Mississippian Foreign Legion) = 5-10 years training (starts around age 16-18) 5-10 years experience.

3rd rate (Reserves, some commonwealth forces, commonwealth forces such as the Arab Legions and others. Some paramilitary forces. Some units of the Mississippian Foreign Legion) = 1-3 years training. Experience varies from 1-5 years.

4th rate (popular army, aka. the peasant levies) = 2-8 weeks training (starts whenever!) experience varies.

Most of the Army Group Coastline is what we consider 2nd-3rd rate. But even our 2nd rate are better than any RL forces and what we consider our 3rd rate, are better than most RL forces.

I plan to update my Factbook Armed Forces stuff shortly.
Upper Xen
02-11-2004, 20:42
Ooc- Okay, slow down would you, I'm at work now and can't reply as much or as quality as I'd like. So let's just go easy there eh? And we do have missile defense systems all about the nation. Our SAM network is very extensive. I really need to write in my AD network into my fact book, I'm going to do that shortly. But anyway, my soldiers are basically divided as thus

1st rate (SRG, RG, RGISA, SAAS, Paratroopers, Armor, Mech Inf, fighter pilots, some naval forces, some air forces, most intelligence services that fall under the DIS, majority of paramilitary forces. Some units of the Mississippian Foreign Legion) = 10-15 years training (starts around age 8) 8-20 years experience.

2nd rate (motorized infantry, infantry, some naval forces, some air forces, some intelligence, some paramilitary units. Some units of the Mississippian Foreign Legion) = 5-10 years training (starts around age 16-18) 5-10 years experience.

3rd rate (Reserves, some commonwealth forces, commonwealth forces such as the Arab Legions and others. Some paramilitary forces. Some units of the Mississippian Foreign Legion) = 1-3 years training. Experience varies from 1-5 years.

4th rate (popular army, aka. the peasant levies) = 2-8 weeks training (starts whenever!) experience varies.

Most of the Army Group Coastline is what we consider 2nd-3rd rate. But even our 2nd rate are better than any RL forces and what we consider our 3rd rate, are better than most RL forces.

I plan to update my Factbook Armed Forces stuff shortly.

OOC: Sorry about that.....even in RL I get that a lot.

Okay, so the MFD men are not probably ready yet in those numbers. Probably 250 at most would be more reasonable considering you are quite busy (I should know, I don't have a job, but AP US History is a harsh mistress).
Upper Xen
02-11-2004, 21:55
bump for a response
Decisive Action
02-11-2004, 22:01
Ooc- At work as I am, I am only able to post if there is "down time" and I don't want to start any big posts going to have to walk away and have something happen... I'll post some good responses later tonight, fear not. For now I stick to other RPs that can be done with small posts... Fear not, tonight I post some big ones here. :)
Decisive Action
03-11-2004, 00:41
Ooc- Here we go.

Ic- The government of Mississippi, suspecting Upper Xenian government involvement in backing the MFD and PFFML, sent the following letter to the Upper Xen government. (The satellite photos of the training camps was the proof)


"We have reasons to believe that you are supporting and providing comfort to the MFD and the PFFML, both organizations that happen to be listed on the Mississippian Interior Ministry's list of Terrorist Organiztions.... I think that you need to cease and desist immediately unless you wish for dire consequences. Those who shelter terrorists may very well share in the fate of the terrorists themselves."

Czar Roger Fabus
Upper Xen
03-11-2004, 01:22
Ooc- Here we go.

Ic- The government of Mississippi, suspecting Upper Xenian government involvement in backing the MFD and PFFML, sent the following letter to the Upper Xen government. (The satellite photos of the training camps was the proof)


"We have reasons to believe that you are supporting and providing comfort to the MFD and the PFFML, both organizations that happen to be listed on the Mississippian Interior Ministry's list of Terrorist Organiztions.... I think that you need to cease and desist immediately unless you wish for dire consequences. Those who shelter terrorists may very well share in the fate of the terrorists themselves."

Czar Roger Fabus

OOC: OK. Don't take this post personally......I may be too much into the moment.

IC: President Gordon Lew read this response, and said, "Hmmm.....they're not kidding. They've got the equipment and the capacity to react if we say no."

He thought long and hard about this, and then went:

"Nonetheless, we will not consent to surrender. We won't be bullied in our support of natural rights."

He then wrote a letter to Fabus. The man may have been a tyrant, but he was a human being, and could accept a letter.

The letter stated:

"Dear Czar Fabus,

According to you, we are backing 'terrorists.' If this is true, then I am a terrorist myself. We are supporting the MFD and PFFML because they truly speak for the people and support the ideals of life, liberty, and property, and these are ideals which I support. Our nation prides itself on respecting the rights of sentient beings, human or Xenizen, and giving them their aforementioned natural rights within reason. We also believe that not only we in Upper Xen, but all humans and sentients, have certain, unalienable rights, and have a God-granted spirit that cannot be crushed with firearms, poison gas, or truncheons, or even Anthrax.

I personally would like to say that if you even try to touch those bases or insert troops into our land, we will follow through with our policy of massive retaliation, and give your army of racist thugs the biggest kick in the pills they have ever experienced.

In closing, to modify what the Texans at Gonzales said when the Mexicans asked for the Cannon they had in 1835, in regards to our present situation: 'Come and Take Them.'"

Gordon Lew (Lew Fong-Shek)
Republic of Upper Xen
Decisive Action
03-11-2004, 01:31
OOC: OK. Don't take this post personally......I may be too much into the moment.

IC: President Gordon Lew read this response, and said, "Hmmm.....they're not kidding. They've got the equipment and the capacity to react if we say no."

He thought long and hard about this, and then went:

"Nonetheless, we will not consent to surrender. We won't be bullied in our support of natural rights."

He then wrote a letter to Fabus. The man may have been a tyrant, but he was a human being, and could accept a letter.

The letter stated:

"Dear Czar Fabus,

According to you, we are backing 'terrorists.' If this is true, then I am a terrorist myself. We are supporting the MFD and PFFML because they truly speak for the people and support the ideals of life, liberty, and property, and these are ideals which I support. Our nation prides itself on respecting the rights of sentient beings, human or Xenizen, and giving them their aforementioned natural rights within reason. We also believe that not only we in Upper Xen, but all humans and sentients, have certain, unalienable rights, and have a God-granted spirit that cannot be crushed with firearms, poison gas, or truncheons, or even Anthrax.

I personally would like to say that if you even try to touch those bases or insert troops into our land, we will follow through with our policy of massive retaliation, and give your army of racist thugs the biggest kick in the pills they have ever experienced.

In closing, to modify what the Texans at Gonzales said when the Mexicans asked for the Cannon they had in 1835, in regards to our present situation: 'Come and Take Them.'"

Gordon Lew (Lew Fong-Shek)
Republic of Upper Xen

To: Lew

From: Roger Fabus

"Does it mean anything to you that 70% of our population are members in the WKM? That sounds like mass support of my gov't to me, eh?"
Upper Xen
03-11-2004, 03:28
To: Lew

From: Roger Fabus

"Does it mean anything to you that 70% of our population are members in the WKM? That sounds like mass support of my gov't to me, eh?"

President Lew, reading this, simply said, "Sure......"

He responded:

"Dear Czar Fabus,

That has nothing to do with the previous contents of my letter. I will declare that 70% of your citizens in the White Knights of Mississippi means nothing to me but cronyism and brutality in every sense of the word. They are an insult to the word 'paramilitary.' Oh, and I do know what a paramilitary force is. These guys only fit the definition on paper. They, in reality, are a band of sadistic bullyboys."

Gordon Lew (Lew Fong-Shek)
Republic of Upper Xen
Decisive Action
03-11-2004, 03:44
President Lew, reading this, simply said, "Sure......"

He responded:

"Dear Czar Fabus,

That has nothing to do with the previous contents of my letter. I will declare that 70% of your citizens in the White Knights of Mississippi means nothing to me but cronyism and brutality in every sense of the word. They are an insult to the word 'paramilitary.' Oh, and I do know what a paramilitary force is. These guys only fit the definition on paper. They, in reality, are a band of sadistic bullyboys."

Gordon Lew (Lew Fong-Shek)
Republic of Upper Xen

Ooc- The WKM is a political/religious/fraternal movement. The WKMCK (membership 20 million) is the military wing of the WKM. Thus the WKM is basically a secret society/fraternity like any other... It's a grass roots political movement, a religious revival, it's a sort of umbrella coalition group that works for all its members.
Upper Xen
03-11-2004, 04:27
Ooc- The WKM is a political/religious/fraternal movement. The WKMCK (membership 20 million) is the military wing of the WKM. Thus the WKM is basically a secret society/fraternity like any other... It's a grass roots political movement, a religious revival, it's a sort of umbrella coalition group that works for all its members.

OOC: Okay. I apparently misunderstood the WKM and the WKMCK, and they are quite well trained and very motivated. But that's what gets me.....when you create a force that is just as powerful as and fervent as the government in its ideology, and does what the government should be doing (civil disorder cleanup, etc.), that scares me a little. Seems like the Japanese Kwantung Army in Manchuria and other Japanese army forces in the 1930's, they were a series of armed government-supported groups (in this case, an army unit), that went out of control and even used their influence to take over. I think your WKMCK/WKM could do the same thing if you show weakness....

But I suppose that is what a secret police is for-if they try a coup. Not that they'll ever do that, as they are way too loyal (not being sarcastic here). Just supposing.

Anyway, what about that secret guerilla training campaign we were RP'ing? I think it got sidetracked by me.

Your move.
Upper Xen
04-11-2004, 02:20
OOC: I suppose it is my move, then. Here's an impromptu jam session at the Peninsula Hotel.


The President and several of his advisors were in the tiny room at the Peninsula Hotel. The Peninsula was a favorite meeting spot for government leaders looking to get things done in numerous impromptu jam sessions, as it was ritzy, had some really kickass restaurants, and a nice bar. but enough about that.

The room had been debugged by the Secret Service, and guards were stationed at all levels around the room, Room Number 416.

The Home Secretary was the first man to speak. "Why are we here?"

The President replied, "Because the Peninsula is one of the most secure places I know. And the drinks are great here. But going on."

He continued: "Ladies and Gentlemen, I have called you here for a purpose. Home Secretary, Defense Secretary, JCS Chief of Staff, CIA Director, and General Thompson, head of the MFD Army-in-exile, the mission is simple. As you all know, we are supporting the MFD and PFFML in their fight to overthrow the Mississippian government. Now, people, how are going to make this a reality? We have 1,000 men ready for insertion from the MFD, and 950 from the PFFML. The sub we ordered, the Hattori Hanzo is ready to deploy them. We have SOG teams standing by to back them up. Your challenge, people, is to get this collection of details together."

The Defense Secretary spoke up: "Well sir, the Hanzo is done, and we've got several more coming. However, how are we going to disguise thise SOG teams we will send in along with the MFD and PFFML? Their skin isn't exactly the color of morning snow, y'know."

The CIA Director chimed in: "Perhaps we can disguise them as mercenaries. We can provide a cover agency for them, the Freedom Force Company, and have them join in membership to that. So that way, when and if they do get captured, they'll have a perfect alibi. They're not Xenizen SOG. They're mercenaries hired by the MFD and PFFML. Same thing with the supporting elements, such as carriers, and submarines. They will be under the control of the MFD and PFFML, though they can be crewed by us."

The MFD leader, General Thompson said, "Well that's all fine and dandy for you to say, but these are my boys. I personally like the plan, but I'm quite concerned about the defenses. And who's honestly going to believe that a government in exile has an entire navy at its command and only a few hundred troops going in. The mercenaries are nice, but the Mississippians aren't dumb.......they'll ascertain that they are SOG men eventually. I know some of my boys; they're ok, but they'll crack under pressure."

The President said, "Look, I'll take that under consideration, General Thompson. I personally think that it is a good idea, but if some of your men are going to crack, then don't bring them. It's just good common sense. Director Leang, make some papers, and start spreading this organization around. We might even get some real mercenaries, and make it more legit. Not a bad idea about the support elements, but it would be a tad unusual to see entire carrier groups in support of a rebel movement. I could legitimize it by denying diplomatic recognition to the Fabuses and recognizing the MFD/PFFML Coalition as the new government. But still, it would be kind of a stretch, so we must tread carefully. Definetly from now on, the SOG units will be referred to as Freedom Force teams."

"Now, here is the next challenge," he continued. "We have to supply them by either submarine or aircraft. Aircraft, again, would be faster, but more likely to be destroyed. Subs would take a bit longer, but they'd be much more stealthy."

The Chief of Staff said "We should try to use subs until we acquire Fabus Island. Then we can use airplanes for resupply. But what about air cover? They'll need air cover when they go and fight the Mississippians. Some sub-launched Tomahawks will not be sufficient. Plus, we will need surgical demolition teams to break holes in the Curtis Line. And there's always Fabus Island to worry about."

The CIA Director went, "That's not a problem. We brought Tomahawks, and we are bringing UAV's for a reason. Fabus Island will fall, we can set up a base camp, and we can use it to insert troops."

She displayed a map of the area around Fabus Island and the Mississippian Coast. She pointed to one of the beaches on the coast, and said in a cool, calm collected Uma Thurmanesque voice, "We can land a force here. We'll deploy them using the Hanzo. To soften up the shore, we will use F-35 JSF fighters and Iron Dragon-based Tomahawk missiles to soften up the defenses. Then, the Freedom Force teams will land, and take out the remaining defenses. The MFD/PFFML teams will then land, and take control of the island. They'll probably rename it something catchy-oh, I don't know, maybe Liberty or Redemption Isle?"

Thompson said, "Ok. First off, we're on a mission of glory, but we're not just going to waltz in there and act like John Wayne. You don't have any experience, Director. I DO! This won't simply happen the way you expect it. The Mississippians will probably have patrol boats, a Coast Guard, sea mines, and defenses up the wazooty. So if I were you, Ms. Armchair Generalissimo, I would shut the f--k up and leave this to the experts."

The President said, "Now Children.....let's go and take a break. I think were all just a bit too tense here....."

They all reluctantly complied, picked up their Mini-Uzis, and went to the bar, escorted by the platoon of Secret Service guards with XP-25 VLe pistols, and FN P-90's.
Decisive Action
04-11-2004, 02:45
Plus, we will need surgical demolition teams to break holes in the Curtis Line. And there's always Fabus Island to worry about."

The CIA Director went, "That's not a problem. We brought Tomahawks, and we are bringing UAV's for a reason. Fabus Island will fall, we can set up a base camp, and we can use it to insert troops."

Ooc- There are 300,000 civilians (all males are in paramilitary units) and 50,000 regular DA soldiers on Fabus Island... This is rapidly getting out of what I wanted. A low tech Rhodesian style insurgency... These are guerillas, they're not supposed to have foreign nations actually launching Tomahawk missiles... Besides, we'd find out it was you in a few minutes-hours, days at the most. We've got plenty of intelligence agencies, and wreckage from the missiles, the systems and such. The whole point is this not turning into foreign wars and such. And "setting up bases once we take the island" who is we? How can guerillas take an island from 300,000 civilians and 50,000 regulars? And we can pour reinforcements in. It sounds like you're saying you are going to use your own forces. That is not it at all, no, no, no.... Read up on ZANU, ZAPU, SWAPO, and MPLA, those are the sort of insurgency things I'm looking for...
Upper Xen
04-11-2004, 03:19
Ooc- There are 300,000 civilians (all males are in paramilitary units) and 50,000 regular DA soldiers on Fabus Island... This is rapidly getting out of what I wanted. A low tech Rhodesian style insurgency... These are guerillas, they're not supposed to have foreign nations actually launching Tomahawk missiles... Besides, we'd find out it was you in a few minutes-hours, days at the most. We've got plenty of intelligence agencies, and wreckage from the missiles, the systems and such. The whole point is this not turning into foreign wars and such. And "setting up bases once we take the island" who is we? How can guerillas take an island from 300,000 civilians and 50,000 regulars? And we can pour reinforcements in. It sounds like you're saying you are going to use your own forces. That is not it at all, no, no, no.... Read up on ZANU, ZAPU, SWAPO, and MPLA, those are the sort of insurgency things I'm looking for...

OOC: This is the thing though. For the purposes of the scenario, there is a planning dispute.

The CIA Director wants to really expand this, and hedge her bets (she doesn't want a Bay of Pigs type incident happening) by using SOG teams and air support in conjunction with the MFD/PFFML Coaltion Forces, while the Chief of Staff and the MFD General want to keep it on the down-low. She just went overboard. Bear in mind, the President may not be very smart, too.

We are talking about sending insurgent teams from Hawaii at the closest to North America. They want to make it their while.

Anyway, they will probably bring Xenizen-supplied equipment, like missiles, Fuel Air rockets, and mortars.

I know very well this is to be a low tech insurgency, but my team is still planning. You may have time to stop the insurgency from reerupting. But mainly, now that I know, I think I'll just RP it according to your specs, and keep it low. The carrier idea was a bit much, anyway.
Decisive Action
04-11-2004, 03:30
OOC: This is the thing though. For the purposes of the scenario, there is a planning dispute.

The CIA Director wants to really expand this, and hedge her bets (she doesn't want a Bay of Pigs type incident happening) by using SOG teams and air support in conjunction with the MFD/PFFML Coaltion Forces, while the Chief of Staff and the MFD General want to keep it on the down-low. She just went overboard. Bear in mind, the President may not be very smart, too.

We are talking about sending insurgent teams from Hawaii at the closest to North America. They want to make it their while.

Anyway, they will probably bring Xenizen-supplied equipment, like missiles, Fuel Air rockets, and mortars.

I know very well this is to be a low tech insurgency, but my team is still planning. You may have time to stop the insurgency from reerupting. But mainly, now that I know, I think I'll just RP it according to your specs, and keep it low. The carrier idea was a bit much, anyway.

Ooc- basically, they want to sneak in without being noticed, if they can, and get to the swamps and wooded areas to hide, coming out to plant mines on rural roads, etc.
Upper Xen
04-11-2004, 03:52

The various members of the "jam session" returned to room 416 at the Peninsula Hotel. They took up their places, waited for the Secret Service men to debug the room, and resumed the talks.

Thompson began the discussion. "Okay. What the problem is here is that Ms. Warrior Princess is blowing this way out of porportion. You don't need a sledgehammer to kill a fly. Just two MFD/PFFML submarine launched teams on Fabus Island, some sabotage, and maybe at most a quick-emphasis on quick-stay there before we go to the mainland. No need to get everyone involved. No SOG or CIA BS. Just us Mississippians freeing our homeland, with your aid."

Director Leang said, "That tone's a bit ungrateful, you know. I built the Hattori Hanzo for you-(her tone began rising)-YOU PESTULENT LITTLE PIECE OF SH-T! I PAID FOR THAT F--KING BOAT OUT OF MY OWN POCKET!! I WORKED HARD TO PERSUADE THEM-"

The President lept up in horror and said: "That's enough, Leang. There is no need to wig out on him. The man is our guest. He doesn't need this, and I'm sure he didn't mean disrespect on the part about the Hattori Hanzo. It's just he wants to keep it on the quiet side, OK? I'm sure you'd understand, you're a spy, after all."

Leang said: "Fine. But let that man know that I will not brook any interference."

She sat down. "Now Thompson, you were saying?"

Thompson continued. "I propose that, for a preliminary plan, we simply raid Fabus Island. There are about 300,000 paramilitaries and 50,000 regulars, so I propose that we bring lighter heavy equipment, like mortars and personal rockets at most, and something to shut down any communications facilities they may have. Then, when they're confused, we strike at them using snipers and Fuel Air Rockets. If there's any heavy armor, we'll bring SMAW rockets to destroy them. The whole point is to designate certain military facilities, and destroy them, rendering those troops useless. We''l probably take some of them down, we'll lose a few men definetly, and then we'll try to either create a hidden cache for later, and at most a small fortified hidey-hole, or simply go back on the sub.

Then, we can discuss any raids on the mainland. That will be 20 times harder than a raid on Fabus Island, even with demo teams. It is a bitch to get into the mainland unnoticed, and now that we plan to raid Fabus Island, it will be tougher. You're afraid of a Bay of Pigs? The reason it failed was that they made it too complicated, and then removed a few sections. BANG! Fell like a Jenga Tower. That's not how you make an insurgency. What I suggested is the best option we have."

Everyone in the room fell silent. No one spoke for ten minutes. Then the President said: "Damn that was good. I might approve that. Now, wirte it up, and we'll review it. Now, let's get some sleep."

The people elected to go to their seperate hotel rooms. Their appropriate Secret Service guards followed with them, along with their personal Uzis, and, in the case of Leang, a BXP.

OOC: Here, again, is the Fuel Air Rocket Thompson proposes:
Upper Xen
04-11-2004, 22:00

General Thompson went to his room, Room No. 413. He waited for the Secret Service to debug his room and surround it with guards, and then he went to work. Pulling out a little lap desk and a suitcase, he entered the keycode, then pushed the locks in and then opened it. The ritualistic opening was needed; the case was given to him by the CIA, and as a result, it had a special pepperspray canister in it that was designed to give any intruders who tride to jimmy it open a most unpleasant surprise.

He then pulled out a binder from the inside. The binder held the notes and operating plans and organization for the MFD/PFFML Coalition. There were other copies; but his was the master and as such, had to be secured. Hence, the little trap in the suitcase.

He began to sketch out the plans for the assault on Fabus Island. The plan would go just as he described it: a pair of platoon-sized submarine deployed teams would quietly land on the west shore. Then, the special submarine built for the job, the Hattori Hanzo, would sneak up to the east shore ASAP, and deploy two more teams in the same manner. They would prepare their equipment, and proceed into the interior, looking for any vital communications stations or anything that the WKM or the Mississippian regulars needed. One team from the east and one from the west would try and distract the Mississippian Government troops and the WKM paramilitaries by using mortar attacks and possibly Fuel Air Rockets. The other two teams left would perform their dirty work, damaging communications equipment, and generally destroying important Mississippian government property.

Then, he added a new facet. If possible, another submarine would come. Just one more. It would be like the Hattori Hanzo, and it would hold some more teams. These were to be the "right hook" of the operation, and they would be deployed at the same time as the island saboteur teams, to be called the "left hook." They too would land on Fabus Island, but stay only for a little to prep some dinghies or canoes, or perhaps even some stolen civilian boats, with demolitions equipment and other essentials, and leave other boats for hidden for the "Left Hook" teams, with a sign distinguishable only to them. Then, while this second Hanzo moved closer to shore to pick them up in case of trouble, the teams would try to get onto the shores of Mississippi. Then, slowly, carefully, and surely, they would clear some mines, try to make a corridor if possible, and try to find a weak spot in the defenses. If not, they would have to use C4 and Dynamite to blow their way in. But either way, the Army Group Coastline guards were sure to be distracted by the ruckus on Fabus Island, and send help even if the comms on the isle were blown out. This would probably provide an opportunity for some of the teams to get in country, and begin their crusade.

After the tussle on Fabus Island, the teams there would recover the boats left for them, and try to get to shore. If they couldn't, they'd have to take the riskier option of escaping to the Hattori Hanzo, and trying to get onshore using the Hanzo's integrated SEAL Landing Craft. The Craft was quiet, but there would be something implicating and revealing about a seacraft suddenly appearing out of the water. And besides, they would be bringing ASW craft, too: they'd deduce sooner or later that this was an act delivered by sub. If they couldn't go onshore, then those teams upcountry would have to be on their own, unless the "Left Hook" teams could ease a miracle from the situation and land on the beach.

Then, he thought, there is the little matter of resupply. The idea of a secret airline was nice; once Fabus' goons heard that commandoes were in the area, theny would surely seal up the coastline tighter than it already was, preventing subs and teams from getting through-unless they had lots of chutzpah, and wanted to power through the defenses of a rebuilt and reinforced Curtis Line. But that would be suicide, and a waste of good men.

Simply, the MFD/PFFML Coalition forces could probably capture what they needed, and keep the meddlesome CIA out of this. Besides, the Mississippians had enough anti-air systems to shoot down even a stray gnat that went into their airspace, which would cause great embarassment for the pilot and the Xenizen government should such a contingency happen.

Besides, to access Arkansas, the closest location, they would need to contact the Communist Louisianans for permission, and he was sure they didn't want to get involved, or would put heavy restrictions on the deal. Still, he filed it under, "Possible," and kept going.

Still, some hope of air-based resupply existed. Hawaii was far, but still as close to the mainland as they could get, and provided they could bring a limited amount of escorts and/or tankers or fill them to the gills with countermeasures, some C-17's could be used to paradrop supplies.

He then finished writing, sealed the binder, put it in his briefcase, and shut it. The pepperspray canister armed with an intimidating "breeep." He then put the briefcase under his bed, cocked his Mini-Uzi, and put on his nightstand. He then went to brush his teeth, and get some sleep.
Decisive Action
04-11-2004, 22:06
Then, he added a new facet. If possible, another submarine would come. Just one more. It would be like the Hattori Hanzo, and it would hold some more teams. These were to be the "right hook" of the operation, and they would be deployed at the same time as the island saboteur teams, to be called the "left hook." They too would land on Fabus Island, but stay only for a little to prep some dinghies or canoes with demolitions equipment and other essentials, and leave other boats for hidden for the "Left Hook" teams, with a sign distinguishable only to them. Then, while this second Hanzo moved closer to shore to pick them up in case of trouble, the teams would try to get onto the shores of Mississippi. Then, slowly, carefully, and surely, they would clear some mines, try to make a corridor if possible, and try to find a weak spot in the defenses. If not, they would have to use C4 and Dynamite to blow their way in. But either way, the Army Group Coastline guards were sure to be distracted by the ruckus on Fabus Island, and send help even if the comms on the isle were blown out. This would probably provide an opportunity for some of the teams to get in country, and begin their crusade.


One, you post way too much in a single block, break them up, they're too hard on my eyes and as such, I get discouraged from reading it.

Two, Army Group Coastline is never, under any circumstances, to leave the coastal area, unless under direct orders from the Czar Himself.

Three, The Army Group's Panzer Reserves (about ten-twenty miles from the coast) could be called in, but again, only a direct authorization from the Czar Himself can allow the release of the strategic panzer reserves.

Four, please stop posting until I can get the time and discipline to write 1-3 paragraphs for the start of the MSAAS raids against the camps. It will be done shortly, my work shift ends in about 1 hour, and I'll try to write something then.

Five, thank you. :)
Decisive Action
05-11-2004, 21:20
Ooc- Here we go, sorry for the delay

Secret IC-

The 2nd MESAAS regiment, comprised of the 3rd and 4th MEAAS Special Operations Battalions, along with the the 3rd MSAAS regiment, comprised of the 5th and 6th MSAAS Special Operations Battalions were being readied in C-130s, C-17s, and Mi-24s to infiltrate into Upper Xen.

The forces would move out from ME, fly south along the Red Sea, turn and follow the coast of Yemen and Oman, land in eastern Iran, refuel at a Parthian air base, and then continue into eastern India, refuel a final time before going up across Tibet and dropping the men at such a height that they could float forty or fifty miles into China without ever having to have their planes cross the border.

They would later be extracted by the Mi-24s that would be waiting in a remote region of Tibet.

The plan was set in motion as the planes lifted off from Alexandria and Marsa Matruh and formed up to make their first moves south along the Red Sea...

Ooc- More to come later.
Upper Xen
08-11-2004, 21:15
OOC: Bump for a response.
Decisive Action
08-11-2004, 21:27
Ooc- Sorry for the delay, been busy doing stuff (Gun related)


The convoy of planes was currently in East India, they were getting ready to cross the snow-capped mountains of Tibet and jump into China. It was going to be tough going. They would have cover provided by fifty MiG-41 Good Ole Boys, none of the craft would actually go beyond Tibet. The paratroopers would jump at an altitude of nearly forty thousand feet, wearing self-contained suits that would provide oxygen and heating.

They'd then deploy their chutes and drift for fifty or so miles, coming down just inside of China. Then they'd have hummers and other equipment dropped to them closer near the border, from about two miles away from the border. There was little risk of the Chinese radar detecting the initial drops of the operatives, but more risk for the vehicle drops, as they were closer to the border and not so near the mountains.

Soon the drops would begin...
Upper Xen
08-11-2004, 21:50
OOC: Remember how my President told my CIA Director to mobilize my Air Command? Here is their token contribution. This assumes that they don't know about the drops, but they get something suspicious.

IC: An RC-135 Rivet Joint plane was lazily coasting along the border between China, and the eatern provinces of India. It's crew had been there ever since the President had put the Air Command, and its resources, under high alert. Nobody knew why he did it, but he did.

Now, it had to watch for enemy transmissions, possibly from aircraft that wanted to stop by and leave an unfriendly greeting.

One of the crewmen aboard, a Captain Nomura, listened in on his headphones.

"Sigh" he thought. Nothing new.......

Then, he heard chatter. In English. English with maybe with Southern accents? Possibly in Code? He didn't know. But one thing was for sure, it was foreign, coming from East India, and according to the radar, heading close to them.

He immediately told the CO aboard. "Sir? I think I have something. It's a transmission in English, and by the sound of it, its coming this way....."

"Lemme Listen," said his CO.

The Transmission was vague, and coded, but from what they could guess, they heard some people speaking in Southern accents, and they seemed hurried, even on some kind of a job.

"This sounds suspicious," said the CO. " If they're heading this way, they must be up to something. Call HQ. Tell them that we may have some tourists. And they don't want to see the pottery."

Nomura complied, and a transmission was wired to base. Now, they thought, they only hoped that they were passersby......and not invaders.
Upper Xen
08-11-2004, 23:20
Upper Xen
09-11-2004, 22:29
The radioman at the Ramai Air Base in Tibet picked up the transmission from the Rivet Joint plane. He handed the note to the Base commander.

"Hmm....this better not be another damn kite," she said. "Ready all of the Home Guard units in the Lhasa area for a possible confrontation. And get those damn Freeman Falcons and F-22's in the air. I want some firepower if and when the poopy hits the proverbial fan."

"Got it," the radioman said.

IC SECRET: Calling to all air and land bases in the area, he sent the following transmission.

-----CODED TRANSMISSION No. 4924-RISjfeqiof0saopdj0q-220-----
Decisive Action
09-11-2004, 22:37
The MiG-41s swooped forward, across the Tibet/Chinese border, moving to intercept the large amount of movement detected towards the C-130s and other cargo planes that were currenly dropping their forces all along the border, so they could float into China.

The MiGs were moving forward in formations of six and seven, but there were at least five or six dozen of the formations, and their AIM-15 Kluxer missiles had at least a one-hundred mile range. It was going to be a good fight. They checked their 20mm cannons, just to be safe...
Upper Xen
09-11-2004, 22:47
OOC: MY first air fight post. How is it? Yes, the airbases were packed to the gills with planes-that is what tends to happen under "Red Alert" Conditions.

The F-16UX Freeman Falcons and the F-22 Raptors, moving in V-shaped formations of eight, accelerated to meet the MiG-41's and the convoy they were escorting. About 180 F-22's and 250 F-16UX's -most of the fighters from the local bases, and some from Nagqu AFB-were there to meet their challenge.

The lead pilot, Maj. Calvin Zhu, broadcasted the following signal on the radio.

"Attention, Mississippian pilots. If you want to die a slow and quite humiliating death, then be my guest. Otherwise, get the hell out of our country. We will give you till the count of three."

To make his demand clear, two formations broke off, one to the left, and one to the right. They moved menacingly in a pincers formation, hoping to get the jump on them if things went sour.

Cal waited for their response. He held his finger on the trigger......and prayed his Python 5's and Tien'Long EMP Missiles would do the job.....

OOC: F-16I's are equipped with Python 5 missiles, not Sidewinders. My bad.
Upper Xen
10-11-2004, 21:47
Respectfully bumped........
Upper Xen
10-11-2004, 23:38
At Ramai Air Base, the radar went crazy. With the proverbial "k."

"Ma'am!" screamed a radar tech. "You'd better come here, double-quick. We've got at least 500+ bogies coming into our airspace. I don't know if our reaction force is going to do the job."

The Base Commander, General Kusanagi Yurika, looked at the radar. She was quite surprised. The enemy was clever, she thought, but High Command would never have thought they would be this good.....Hattori Hanzo, the Great Ninja of Iga, would be proud.

IC SECRET: She then got a transmission from Major Zhu. "Wildcat 1 to base. Wildcat 1 to base. Have spotted large groups of enemy aircraft, definetly MiG-41's. Positive ID on bogeys- they're Mississippian. Repeat, enemy is Mississippian, over."

Kusanagi went, "That does it. Activate the reserves. I want all available fighters in the Tibet-Xinjiang-Qinghai-Sichuan Area to take these pests out! I don't care if they're busy, tell them its a matter of national security!"

The tech went, "Yes, ma'am," and issued the following message:

-----CODED TRANSMISSION No. 4925-egioauhipaga324324er-----
Decisive Action
10-11-2004, 23:58
The MiG-41s formed up and into formation, and readied to move out to launch the attacks necessary to clear the way for the C-130s and other planes that would land reinforcements as the paras were hitting the ground.

They would fire their AIM-15 Kluxer missiles the second they were within 95 miles, the range was technically 100, but they wanted to be safe and not sorry.
Upper Xen
11-11-2004, 00:24
Major Zhu radioed the MiG-41's. "It's fine with me. If you bastards want to get your butts broken in two, then go ahead."

He knew that time was short. The MiG-41s, he learned in flight school, were equipped with AIM-15 Kluxer missiles-not exactly a secret. Those tools of destruction were good for up to 100 miles. He had to find a way to either get in quickly, and take a good number of them out, or play keep away.

He decided to play the first option. Arming his Tien'Long EMP Missiles, he resolved to get as close to them as possible, and give the Mississippians the shock of their lives.

"The Tien'Longs have a 100 mile distance too," he thought, "but they're faster, and can turn quicker, and will give an instant kill if they connect. Not that the Mississippians will just let us waltz in and use 'em, and we have to be careful with 'em, but I think were cool."

He called the formation leaders, and told them to arm their Tien'Longs.

"Attention all units. We're going in. Red, Teal, Copper, and Mauve Leaders get those C-130's, and everybody else get those MiG-41's. Remember your Tien'Longs- they're great weapons, but treat 'em well. God Bless Upper Xen."

He quickly accelerated, and tried to gain altitude. The other formations following him did likewise.

The two that had been doing a pincers manuever bgan to climb as well. They wanted to get the drop on the enemy, and every possible move was fair game.

As he climbed into the air, Major Zhu heard a message from base.

"This is General Kusanagi at base. We have called in reinforcements. ETA is unknown, we culled them from the Quad-Provincial Area. Acknowledge, over."

"This is Wildcat 1. We acknowledge. The fight hasn't started yet! If you want to hedge your bets, fine, but at least let me have a stab at it."

"Roger that," said Kusanagi. "Just watching out for ya. Over and out."

Major Zhu sighed, then pulled out an MP3 player. Plugging it into the radio, he tuned it to the Mississippian frequency, turned to the maximum volume setting, and began to play "Radar Love" by Golden Earring.

He sat back, grabbed the stick, and continued to climb.
Upper Xen
11-11-2004, 01:48
Decisive Action
11-11-2004, 02:01

Ooc- I am RPing with somebody over IM, after that, I have work to tend to... I'll get around to posting when I get around to posting... Don't worry, I'll post in a while.
Upper Xen
11-11-2004, 02:09
OOC: My bad. I didn't know you were busy......
Decisive Action
11-11-2004, 16:03
The leader of the MiG-41s, in his painted MiG-41, painted to look as though it were a shark, went to Mach 4.2 as his fellow wingmen did likewise. The flight leader started to play, "Ride of the Valkeryies", and all in the Upper Xen would immediately know who they were up against, Herman Von Thaller.

The MiGs were going to fly in at top speed, fire their missiles, and turn around quickly fleeing so as to get out of the range of the Xen missiles. Well, that was the plan.

Ooc- about Thaller

Colonel Herman Von Thaller (36) The most well known and the greatest fighter ace in DA. Has 394 aerial kills to his credit and 618 kills if you include aircraft he’s destroyed that were on the ground (224). He is a dashing, daring, adventurous, and handsome “Fly boy”. He has taken part in the war in Egypt, Libya, and he flew aerial cover for the C-130s in the UWA operation. He also is the one who usually commands the squadron defending the Czar’s private jet. His nickname is “Hans” (Nobody really remembers how he got his nickname, but he is friends with Hans Kaltenbrunner, and people always got them mixed up, so now people just call both of them Hans because it is easier) In one battle Thaller shot down 8 MiG-29s, 8 Mirage F1s, 4 F-16s, 4 F-14s and 112 MiG-21s. He was until recently always in his custom F-16D that was painted to look like a threatening shark. His usual armament was 1000 rounds for the 20mm cannon, and 12 or 24 AIM-120 AA missiles. Now he is more often than not in a custom MiG-41 Good Ole Boy. He is currently the leader of the Volunteer Guard (has been since 1986) and he is also the Chief of The Federal Air Force. 6’2, 182lbs. Brown hair, green eyes. IQ 157.
Upper Xen
11-11-2004, 22:26
Major Zhu, upon hearing Ride of the Valkiryes, went in a mocking, even nonchalant voice: "Well, well, well! If it isn't the ideal spoiled rich flyboy with his own bucket of expendable toy soldiers, Herman von Thaller."

"Welcome to the jungle. I sorry, did I break your concentration? Well you might want to pay attention, because this day is to be remembered."

He continued, speeding up his voice and giving it an aural quality resembling that of an eager pilot announcing the fact they were passing over a random famous place to a bunch of passengers: "Now Herr Thaller, if you look out to your left, you'll see the lovely mountains of Tibet. B-e-a-utiful around this time of year."

"Now if you look to your right, there are just the ANGRIEST Xenizen jet pilots bearing down on your men. Believe me, Herr Thaller, we have nothing personal against you, but you are becoming quite the unwelcome guest, and we think it is time for you to leave."

"Now here is some more music for your pleasure. I figured you played your death soundtrack, now I feel I should return the favor. Here is mine-straight from the glory days of rock and roll."

After finishing those words, Zhu got his MP3 player, queued up "You Really Got Me (Live)" by The Kinks, kept the volume at maximum, and broadcast it on Thaller's frequency.

Zhu continued to climb, increasing his speed to Mach 2 in order to try and gain alititude quickly. The other planes did likewise.

Meanwhile, those planes that were engaged in the pincers manuever continued to climb at top speed, and then leveled off at the convoy's altitude.

They then readied their Python 5 Anti-Air Missiles, queued up some music as well, and then proceeded to charge at the convoy from its sides at high speeds.

Zhu knew that his jets weren't as fast as the MiG-41's, as the MiG's went at an incredible Mach 4.09, but he had a plan in mind to counter that little problem.....
Upper Xen
12-11-2004, 04:04
Meanwhile, on the ground, Home Guard squads, angry and seeking justice against those who disturbed them from their daily activities, sped towards the scene of the battle in white Casspir APC's. There were at least 12 of them, all full of angry men.

Their job? They would attempt to catch the Mississippian commandos when they touched the ground. If they escaped this time, they would join with other Home Guardsmen to hunt them to the very depths of Hell. What they would do with the Mississippians was up to them, but the general consensus was to hang 'em high.

IC SECRET: Joining them were 12 Ito 90/Crotale NG AA units. Their orders were simple. If the fighting in the air was getting nasty, they would make things nasty for the Mississippians. Setting up fortified positions near the site of the air battle, they began to ready their missiles.

One of the Crotale crewmen, a certain Cpl. Ted Xiao, went "Jesu-Maria! These guys.....they've got the gall to invade our land, and they got the gall to disturb my good night's rest. They want to play games? Fine. But we'll make the dice loaded, you scum."

OOC: Quick post, and probably not a good one....
Decisive Action
15-11-2004, 00:06
Thaller slammed his plane forward, readying to fire his 8 AIM-15 Kluxer missiles and then high tail it to the side to come in for a strafing run with his cannons. As were his wingmen and the other formations. It was going to be a fierce battle.

They'd soon be within range.

Ooc- Just a quick post, kind of lame, let's get them closer and then start the battle.
Upper Xen
15-11-2004, 02:13
Major Zhu soon went, "Alright man, if you want to play, let's play."

He commanded the forces in the pincers charge, "Let's go!"

The two fighter formations moving in a pincers formation kicked on the afterburners, and pounced on the MiG's and the C-130's, getting close to them. Some of the fighters even began to fire upon the C-130's with their 20mm cannons and a trio of Python 5's.

Zhu and the rest of his formations soon also charged ahead to meet them, as Zhu screamed "TALLYHO!!!"

They soon got closer to them. Some began to try and gain a lock with their Tien'Longs, hoping for an early chance to draw blood. Others prepped their cannons. All went in guns at the ready. If they were going to die, they would do so with honor.

Zhu meanwhile, decided to go after Thaller. He yelled "Hey Thaller-Thaller-Thaller! You afraid, big man!? If not, then here is a challenge."

"Your forces have invaded my land. This is an insult upon my nation's honor, and we must avenge it. Therefore, I challenge you to a duel. If you do not accept, I'll just hunt you down and smite your stale white-bread hateful self anyway. I believe it is better to die in honorable combat than me stabbing you behind the back."

"So, do you accept?"

OOC: Quick and dirty. Maybe a few discrepancies. If there are point them out, but (forgive me for asking) be nice about it.
Upper Xen
15-11-2004, 03:49
OOC: Forgive me. You are probably busy, but this thread has been bumped.


The Crotale NG missiles soon roared to life. Seeing the Mississippian fighters charge, they sprang to life and their crews began to track them. They waited for the right opportunity to strike.....

Many Home Guardsmen, monitoring the radio traffic, began to egg the brave Xenizen pilots on.......
Upper Xen
15-11-2004, 23:29

IC: The jets in the pincers manuever began to further rake the C-130's with cannon fire. Other available units, part of the promised reinforcement force, came in, led by Cpt. Aoyama Mahoro.

She radioed in "What's up?"

"Major Zhu responded, "Aoyama-san, it's good to see you. I need you to cover those F-16UX's and their Big brothers in the F-22's strafing the C-130's."

She responded, "Got it. Let's wipe the floor with these comtemptous d**ks."

She then grabbed the stick, and slammed her F-22 into high gear, coming to back up the Fighters that were attacking the C-130's. The 24 fighters following her in formations of 8 followed her in.

Once there, they assumed a watchful, even paranoid orbit around the killzone. Now, they would let the fish come to them.....

Meanwhile, Zhu was still waiting for Thaller's response. He checked his guns, again and sighed.......
Decisive Action
15-11-2004, 23:45
The other MiG-41s hung back, letting Thaller advance to meet the enemy leader. The C-130s had long since dropped their cargoes and headed back, under the cover of their own MiG-41s and other craft. Few C-130s had been lost, and most of the paratrooper units were now safely inside China or in the process of floating down towards China.

Thaller smiled as he switched his avionics off and took his helmet off, he'd do this the old-fashion way... He flicked the safety cap up on his gun stick, so it was ready to fire... He then chuckled into the radio, "Here's something for you!" as he started to jet towards the approaching enemy leader, his 20mm cannon blazing at the chinese jet.
Upper Xen
16-11-2004, 00:05
The other MiG-41s hung back, letting Thaller advance to meet the enemy leader. The C-130s had long since dropped their cargoes and headed back, under the cover of their own MiG-41s and other craft. Few C-130s had been lost, and most of the paratrooper units were now safely inside China or in the process of floating down towards China.

Thaller smiled as he switched his avionics off and took his helmet off, he'd do this the old-fashion way... He flicked the safety cap up on his gun stick, so it was ready to fire... He then chuckled into the radio, "Here's something for you!" as he started to jet towards the approaching enemy leader, his 20mm cannon blazing at the chinese jet.

IC: Zhu, in response, screamed, "Eat s**t!" He then banked hard to the right to avoid the shots, and unleashed 2 Tien'Long EMP missiles, firing them at Thaller's jet. Their Lock-On-After Launch software soon found their mark, and they zoomed dangerously close.

Zhu then flipped open a cover on the stick. It revealed an ominous looking red button, marked "TIEN'LONG MANUAL DETONATION." Zhu planned to hit the button when the Tien'Longs got close............

Meanwhile, those units that had been engaging the C-130's turned to engage the MiG-41's. Led by Cpt. Aoyama, they lunged at them in a series of crescent shped formations with a volley of cannon fire.

On the ground, the men in the Casspirs noticed the sight of parachutes in the air. The sargeant aboard went, "Here they are! Let's Go!" The various squads, XP-25 Pistols and OICW rifles at the ready, began to patrol the countryside, some in APC's and some on foot. Assuming patrol formations, they waited to meet the Mississippians in combat.
Upper Xen
16-11-2004, 01:30
OOC: bump

Your move, DA.

Here's some info about the Python 5 and the Tien'Long it is based on. The Tien'Long has more range (100 mi), but correct me if I am wrong, but the fight is getting to close as dogfights can get.
Decisive Action
16-11-2004, 01:35
OOC: bump

Your move, DA.

Here's some info about the Python 5 and the Tien'Long it is based on. The Tien'Long has more range (100 mi), but correct me if I am wrong, but the fight is getting to close as dogfights can get.

Ooc- Range More than 20 km (Python 5) more than 20 km means probably 5-10 give or take a few, 100 miles is about 160 km...

Ic- Thaller smiled as he ejected, and remotely fired two of his AIM-15 KLUXER missiles at the flight leader who had launched missiles at him, cheating in essence, it was meant to be a cannon on cannon fight...

Nearby MiGs that had been keeping a distance suddenly dove in, six in total, each fired four AIM-15s at the leader who had cheated against Thaller...

The other MiGs all suddenly began firing all of their AIM-15s at any and all Xenian craft that appeared on their radar.
Upper Xen
16-11-2004, 01:53
Zhu said: "The dice were loaded, fool. Always were, always have been!"

He waited until the Tien'Longs went within a meter of Thaller's jet, and then hit the manual detonation switch. He watched as the missiles crackled with electricity, and detonated, sending their deadly EMP bursts at Thaller's jet.

Then, he noticed the missiles that were sure to smite him. "F**k!" he screamed. He promptly began turning the jet in a crazy-quilt of maneuvers to try and shake the AIM-15's. For good measure, he deployed his chaff and flare countermeasures, and even ran his jammer. He stayed vigilant, and for good measure, he said a quick prayer.

The other fighters, charging at the MiG's, soon responded with their own volley of missiles, five Python 5's each. Their enhanced electronics began to work their magic, and they soon drew close to the MiG's.

The Xenizen fighters then activated their chaff/flare/jamming countermeasures, and proceeded to perform evasive maneuvers.

Things were getting interesting.....

OOC: Sorry...didn't know it was supposed to be a cannon-vs.-cannon fight.
Decisive Action
16-11-2004, 02:00
Zhu said: "The dice were loaded, fool. Always were, always have been!"

He waited until the Tien'Longs went within a meter of Thaller's jet, and then hit the manual detonation switch. He watched as the missiles crackled with electricity, and detonated, sending their deadly EMP bursts at Thaller's jet.

Then, he noticed the missiles that were sure to smite him. "F**k!" he screamed. He promptly began turning the jet in a crazy-quilt of maneuvers to try and shake the AIM-15's. For good measure, he deployed his chaff and flare countermeasures, and even ran his jammer. He stayed vigilant, and for good measure, he said a quick prayer.

The other fighters, charging at the MiG's, soon responded with their own volley of missiles, five Python 5's each. Their enhanced electronics began to work their magic, and they soon drew close to the MiG's.

The Xenizen fighters then activated their chaff/flare/jamming countermeasures, and proceeded to perform evasive maneuvers.

Things were getting interesting.....

OOC: Sorry...didn't know it was supposed to be a cannon-vs.-cannon fight.

Ooc- Well what else is a one vs one dog-fight at close range if not cannons vs cannons... Anyway...

Ic- The MiG-41s all decided that since their missiles had been launched, there was no need to linger around, they made sharp turns, aimed for India, and threw their planes into Mach 4.2, pushing maximum.

They were hoping to outrace and outrange the missiles, running from them until they ran out of range and fuel and dropped from the skies... It was going to be close.
Upper Xen
16-11-2004, 02:16
Ooc- Well what else is a one vs one dog-fight at close range if not cannons vs cannons... Anyway...

Ic- The MiG-41s all decided that since their missiles had been launched, there was no need to linger around, they made sharp turns, aimed for India, and threw their planes into Mach 4.2, pushing maximum.

They were hoping to outrace and outrange the missiles, running from them until they ran out of range and fuel and dropped from the skies... It was going to be close.

OOC: Fine. I do recollect letting a large series of EMP pulses loose near Thaller, which should have taken him down.......



Major Zhu screamed: "TALLY HO!!!"

Zhu's F-16UX kicked it to top speed, and everyone else followed.

Zhu and the massive cloud of Xenizen fighters that emerged flew like an angry swarm of bees towards the fleeing fighters. They surged forward and began to follow the MiG's.

On cue, a hail of Tien'Long EMP missiles flew at the MiG's. They locked on, and began surging forward.

"Hey Thaller! I think that the previous message delivered by Mr. Tien'Long didn't do it, so I invited a few more of Mr. Tien'Long's friends to visit."

"Hey Thaller, do you know what Tien'Long means in Chinese? It means Heavenly Dragon. Kinda like a pride thing, but the fact is, we named it that because it's fast, it sees all like a dragon (bless the guys who built the Lock-On-After-Launch), and it kills like a dragon, with powers bordering on the miraculous. Or at least that's the sales pitch."

"Enough about dragons. You'll never get out of here alive."
Decisive Action
16-11-2004, 02:20
OOC: Fine. I do recollect letting a large series of EMP pulses loose near Thaller, which should have taken him down.......



Major Zhu screamed: "TALLY HO!!!"

Zhu's F-16UX kicked it to top speed, and everyone else followed.

Zhu and the massive cloud of Xenizen fighters that emerged flew like an angry swarm of bees towards the fleeing fighters. They surged forward and began to follow the MiG's.

On cue, a hail of Tien'Long EMP missiles flew at the MiG's. They locked on, and began surging forward.

"Hey Thaller! I think that the previous message delivered by Mr. Tien'Long didn't do it, so I invited a few more of Mr. Tien'Long's friends to visit."

"Hey Thaller, do you know what Tien'Long means in Chinese? It means Heavenly Dragon. Kinda like a pride thing, but the fact is, we named it that because it's fast, it sees all like a dragon (bless the guys who built the Lock-On-After-Launch), and it kills like a dragon, with powers bordering on the miraculous. Or at least that's the sales pitch."

"Enough about dragons. You'll never get out of here alive."

Ooc- Thaller ejected as the missiles were inbound against him...

Ic- The MiG-41s fired counter-measures, to distract and confuse the guidance systems on the enemy missiles, it'd render a fair amount worthless, and others would attract the missiles away from the jets... The MiGs continued to fly for India, they were now within the protective cover of land-based allied SAMs sites in Northern and Eastern India... They felt fairly safe. Although about 15 of their number had been lost in the operation thus far.
Upper Xen
16-11-2004, 02:51
Ooc- Thaller ejected as the missiles were inbound against him...

OOC: Sets up an intriguing scenario. Is he lost in China?

I might be overreacting.....

IC: Major Zhu went "DAMNIT! We lost them. My kingdom for a motherf***ing horse!"

He moped, sighed and went, "Okay's definetly over. Go home."

He then noticed a pilots' parachute and an ejection seat floating in the distance. Could it be his elusive foe?

He smiled....and remarked "You sick little dooby. Think you could get away? I think not. I will not rest until your ass is mine. Or those Home Guard dudes could get you. They'll be on you like fleas on a hounddog."

As the parachute was floating, the Home Guardsmen, in force and now supported by V-22 Ospreys, moved out in droves, hunting any possible raiders. Soon, a force of arctic camo-colored UH-1N Lawman Hueys began scanning the countryside. They had three letters on the side: CRF.

The National Police's Counter-Revolutionary Forces had arrived. And they had sent some of the best among the five Brigades sent to secure the Tibetan countryside: the 230th "Blue Dragon" and 45th "Sons of Canton" Security Brigades. They had heard that Mississippians had entered their land. To the CRF, this was an opportunity to hone their skills on a real enemy. They had been fighting Moslem rebels in Yunnan and Xinjiang provinces that felt that Sten guns and AK's were the height of military small arms, and random cultist wackos mainly. Now, they had a real test.
Meanwhile, President Gordon Lew was sitting at the bar at the Peninsula Hotel. He was handed a note. He shuddered. The Mississippians had come.

He called the Interior Secretary. "Listen up. I need a state of martial law declared over Xinjiang, Tibet, Qinghai, Sichuan and all other provinces in Western China, now. They've landed. No, I don't care about that, I'll just make a statement later. Bye."

Moments later.......


Hong Kong/Xonxtopolis (AP)- Today, the Interior Minister of Upper Xen has called a state of emergency for the following areas:


The Interior Minister has refused to comment on why this has occurred, only to say that effective immediately, all Home Guardsmen and Air Home Guardsmen, plus all SOG and CRF units will be mobilized. In addition, the whole of China is to be put on General Red Alert conditions, and the border of China with all other surrounding nations is to be put under the tightest watch.

Also, all ports will be monitored.
Decisive Action
16-11-2004, 02:58
Ooc- You'll see... I ask that if you do anything serious involving Thaller (like spot him on his way, don't kill him... He's our top fighter ace, the chief of the air force, the pope, and the minister of religion...


Thaller's MiG-41 ejection seat, like his MiG-41, was heavily customized and better than the rest. He was too valuable to risk losing. And after the fiasco at Firebase Fabus, in his F-16D (Before the MiG-41 became widespread in use) he had been given top priority for survival in any crash... His new seat, the one he was in now, had enough fuel to get him back to India, or at least most of the way there... He activated the motors and rockets and boosted off towards India, staying low to avoid detection by any possible radar and such...
Upper Xen
16-11-2004, 03:36
Ooc- You'll see... I ask that if you do anything serious involving Thaller (like spot him on his way, don't kill him... He's our top fighter ace, the chief of the air force, the pope, and the minister of religion...


Thaller's MiG-41 ejection seat, like his MiG-41, was heavily customized and better than the rest. He was too valuable to risk losing. And after the fiasco at Firebase Fabus, in his F-16D (Before the MiG-41 became widespread in use) he had been given top priority for survival in any crash... His new seat, the one he was in now, had enough fuel to get him back to India, or at least most of the way there... He activated the motors and rockets and boosted off towards India, staying low to avoid detection by any possible radar and such...

OOC: I intend to do something serious with Thaller. I'm gonna spot him. What's next is up to you......

IC: One of the straggling F-22's noticed the ejection seat as well. He would have ignored it but for one factor. He noticed it was heavily customized. And that it was trying to get to India. He went, "Hmmm......probably someone important. I better warn the Home Guard."

He radioed a trio of Casspir APC's and a CRF helicopter that was on patrol. "Boys, I think we've found somebody special up in the sky still. He's floatin' down, and I think he's trying to get to India. I don't know who it is, but we should probably ensure that he doesn't get there. He's kinda low, and he's moving like a rabbit due southwest."

The commander of the patrol inside the vehicles said: "Yes sir. We'll check it out." They then speeded up, and proceeded to move quickly.

The F-22 pilot looked at the man again. He seemed awfully familiar.....
Decisive Action
16-11-2004, 03:40
When Thaller saw the jets coming in, he knew he'd been caught, he lowered to the ground and awaited them to direct ground forces to his position...
Upper Xen
16-11-2004, 22:37
The three Casspir APC's sent to catch Thaller soon approached his position. Out of them came a force of angry men, about three heavily armed squads of Home Guardsmen, 24 all. They were both delighted and unhappy to see Thaller: happy because he would be caught, unhappy because he was alive.

The leader of the group, a Captain Lewis Tang, pulled up his XP-25 and yelled: "Alright, honky boy! Your ass is ours. Lower any guns you have, and put your hands behind your head. Step away from the chair. Any sudden moves, and we ensure you go home to Mississippi in a body bag. Comprende?"

The group of men surrounded him, and raised their rifles to make a point. Just to ensure that he wouldn't escape, the CRF Huey that had followed them hovered overhead.

Tang radioed back to base: "We've got him."

OOC: They're just being secure, so don't freak out......
Decisive Action
16-11-2004, 23:20
Thaller nodded, and tossed his pistol, submachine gun, and knife on the ground in front of him. "Okay... I'm totally unarmed now... What now?"
Upper Xen
17-11-2004, 03:07
Captain Tang said, "Come with us. Follow peacefully, and you will not be hurt."

The CRF helicopter then landed on the ground. Some of the CRF men stepped out, and confiscated his firearms. Then, a CRF man applied handcuffs to Thaller. The man went, "In the name of the people and the government of Upper Xen, I place you under arrest. I will read you your rights......."

The man then proceeded to read off the rights of the prisoner of war. "You have the right to good treatment, you have the right to a decent meal......"

And such.

When he finished, Tang motioned for Thaller to get onboard. "Well, go on now."

OOC: Sorry I'm late....personal business.
Decisive Action
17-11-2004, 03:09
Thaller frowned, stepping onto the helicopter, "They'll not negotiate for my release, you won't succeed in holding me hostage."

Ooc- We'll actually meet any reasonable demands, release of MFD leaders and officials currently in prison, etc.
Upper Xen
17-11-2004, 03:26
Thaller frowned, stepping onto the helicopter, "They'll not negotiate for my release, you won't succeed in holding me hostage."

Ooc- We'll actually meet any reasonable demands, release of MFD leaders and officials currently in prison, etc.

OOC- The Counter Revolutionary Force actually has him under arrest....funny, but even though they're commandos, they're still policemen at heart (basically SWAT mixed with Delta Force).

Ah, well, way to be too literal......

IC: Tang said, "Yeah, yeah big man, taunt me all ya want. Just shut up and sit down."

The CRF helicopter then closed its doors, and began a fast course towards Ramai Air Base for questioning.

Meanwhile, Gordon Lew was surprised. Sitting once again at the Peninsula Hotel's bar, he had become a frequent visitor. The barmaid asked him, "Another drink, sir?"

"Shot of Jack, straight up," the President said. Normally, he wouldn't be caught here this often, but the stress of recent days had gotten to him.

"Here you go," said the barmaid.

"Thanks," said the President. Then, he got a call.

"Mr. President?"

"Who is this?"

"This is Capt. Lewis Tang of the 45th "Sons of Canton" CRF force. I vote Federalist too, but that's not important right now. We have captured Herman von Thaller, the big cheese himself."

"You're lying, right? Don't do this. How'd you get my number?"

"I'm serious, Mr. President! He's right here!"

"Okay then. If he's there, let me speak to him."

"Yes, Mr. President," said Tang.

He handed the phone to Thaller, and called to him, "Hey Thaller!" He handed him the phone. "Say something to our Commander-in-Chief. You know, for laughs or something."
Decisive Action
17-11-2004, 03:28
Thaller shook his head and spat a stream of tobacco juice at the floor of the helicopter, boldly and defiantly refusing to speak.
Upper Xen
17-11-2004, 03:34
Tang said, "Fine. Be a wet blanket."

He turned to the phone, and spoke. "Sorry, Thaller's not very talaktive right now. You know, being captured and all."

IC SECRET: President Lew sighed. "Fine.......I'll take your word for this. But I'm not going to do anything special until you boys get him interrogated. Then, send him to Hong Kong, posthaste. I want to see him personally."

Tang said "Will do." He hung up, and then sat down.

The helicopter continued to fly over the vistas of the Tibetan steppes, but soon, the Crotale SAM's and the heavy Air Security Force prescence indicated they were getting close to Ramai AFB. Right now, they were flying near one of the sattelite bases, still on high alert.
Decisive Action
17-11-2004, 03:37
Thaller sighed, leaning back to close his eyes and contemplate what would happen to him as the helicopter sped off...
Upper Xen
17-11-2004, 03:42
Thaller didn't have long to wait, as the helicopter that was carrying flew over Ramai AFB.

After circling for a bit, the helicopter stopped, and and landed on one of the pads.

The doors of the helicopter opened, and Tang went, "Wakey wakey, eggs and bacy. Now get out."

Thaller was escorted out of the helicopter. A platoon of Air Security Guardsmen surrounded him, and inspected him. Then, he was escorted inside.
Decisive Action
17-11-2004, 03:50
Thaller wanted to glare at them, but he remained defiant behind a wall of a lack of emotion, a lack of responses. He slowly stepped out of the helicopter and then suddenly strode forward, advancing to where they wanted him to go.
Upper Xen
17-11-2004, 20:55
The Air Security Guardsmen directed him into the interior of the base. After several minutes, Thaller was led into a windowless concrete room with a table and two oak chairs.

The room's lights were blindingly bright, and the bone white nature of the concrete made the glare worse.

After the bulk of the men strolled out, four remained, one in each corner of the room. One of them walked up to Thaller and motioned for him to sit down.

Then, he went to the intercom inside of the room, and pushed the button.

The man went, "Agents Matsumoto, Korolev."

A voice went, "Yeah?"

"He's here."

"Got it," said the voice. The man stepped away from the intercom, and took up a position in one of the corners of the room.

Minutes later, two men strolled inside. One was a tall, muscular Russian man, the other a Japanese woman of medium build, both with sunglasses to block out the glare. The Japanese woman carried an intimidating suitcase, and put it on the floor next to her.

She then turned to Thaller, and said, "Good Day. My name is Special Agent Reiko Matsumoto of the National Police Special Branch, I-Section. I understand I am to ask you a few questions."

She pulled out a clipboard and a pen. With a friendly smile, she went "Let's begin, shall we?"
Decisive Action
17-11-2004, 21:03
Thaller shrugged, "Sure, why not, ask me my name, rank, and serial number, and I'll gladly tell you... Anything else, and well..." He smiled, "You can fuck off if you ask anything else..."
Upper Xen
17-11-2004, 21:20
Thaller shrugged, "Sure, why not, ask me my name, rank, and serial number, and I'll gladly tell you... Anything else, and well..." He smiled, "You can fuck off if you ask anything else..."

Agent Matsumoto then responded: "Alrighty then. We'll start with the standard 'name rank and serial number' jazz."

"Obviously, I know you're Herman von Thaller-an ace pilot and militia commander inevitably becomes world news-but what is your serial number and rank?"
Decisive Action
17-11-2004, 21:24
Thaller smiled, "Air force colonel... Volunteer Guard, Field Marshal... Religion Pope and Minister of Religion... Serial Number A908234BT."
Upper Xen
17-11-2004, 21:56
Thaller smiled, "Air force colonel... Volunteer Guard, Field Marshal... Religion Pope and Minister of Religion... Serial Number A908234BT."

Matsumoto went: "Nice......not bad for a flyboy."

She then went: "Okay, now, I have a few questions you might not like. But you'll have to answer them. You know, it's kinda like an obligation. You don't wanna do something, but you've gotta do it."

She then pointed to the big Russian man in the back. "Agent Korolev over there really wants some answers from you. And he'd be really unhappy if you didn't tell those answers. And when he's not happy...."

Korolev opened up the briefcase, and pulled out an aluminum baseball bat. He twirled it around, gripped it, and then held it up at Thaller. He glared at him.

Matsumoto continued: "...Nobody's happy. Comprende?"

"Now, the questions."

"Who were those commandos you brought with you, and what units were they from? And, why did you Mississippians come? I'm sure it wasn't to see the Great Wall."
Decisive Action
17-11-2004, 22:05
He smiled, "The commandos are part of a German paratrooper unit that was ordered to invade Crete in WW2, we just got our orders late, and then got lost on the way and took a wrong turn to China... We are part of the Stonewall Jackson's brigade, gonna shoot us up some yanks! We were coming to China to see if the Mongols were still invading and if they needed our services as mercenaries, all tremble before the great Genghis Khan!"
Upper Xen
17-11-2004, 22:08
He smiled, "The commandos are part of a German paratrooper unit that was ordered to invade Crete in WW2, we just got our orders late, and then got lost on the way on took a wrong turn to China... We are part of the Stonewall Jackson's brigade, gonna shoot us up some yanks! We were coming to China to see if the Mongols were still invading and if they needed our services as mercenaries, all tremble before the great Genghis Khan!"

Korolev said, "Lying cur!"

He then walked beihind Thaller, took two running steps, and struck him in the side with the aluminium baseball bat.

Matsumoto then smiled and went: "Told ya he wouldn't be happy! Now, let's kill the sarcasm and cut to the chase. I'll state the question again. Who were those commandos you brought with you, and what units were they from? And, why did you Mississippians come?"
Decisive Action
17-11-2004, 22:10
He jokingly shouted in an old GI Sgt's tone, "82nd Airborne! Jumping into Normandy to help open the way for the invasion to hit the beaches! We're coming to kill us some krauts!"
Upper Xen
17-11-2004, 22:19
He jokingly shouted in an old GI Sgt's tone, "82nd Airborne! Jumping into Normandy to help open the way for the invasion to hit the beaches! We're coming to kill us some krauts!"

Korolev went: "You bastard!" and grabbed Thaller by the scuff of his neck. He shook him around a bit to accent the point.

"You Listen up! The only Kraut here is you! Your filthy Kraut hair and pretentiousness won't save you. Your smart mouth won't save you. Your pretty boy looks won't save you! YOU WILL TALK!"

Then, Korolev punched him in the gut, and let him fall to the floor. To dive home the point, he kicked Thaller in the shins, and hit him again with the baseball bat, also in the shins.

Matsumoto went: "Tsk, tsk tsk. You just don't get it do you? As long as you make Korolev mad, you'll get hurt."

She then leaned up to him, and talked in a silky, gentle voice: "And now we don't want that, do we? No! You be a good boy, and talk, and I can get Korolev to stop hitting you."

She put her hand on his shoulder. "Now, I'll repeat the question again. Be a good boy, and tell us why you guys came, and what units of Mississippian commandos came with you. Don't lie and give us some WWII bull."

She pointed to Korolev. "You'll just make him angrier."
Decisive Action
17-11-2004, 22:25
Thaller smiled, barely fazed by the pain, he was the product of the "pilot program" enhanced vision, reflexes, strength, stamina, he could withstand the forces of his MiG-41 accelerating and decelerating in seconds, he was an elite soldier...

He smiled as he rose to his feet, he drove a clenched fist into the Russian's face, and immediately followed this up by kicking him in the side four times in rapid succession, he jumped back a few feet and then did a running kick, kicking the Russian three times in the chest before landing gracefully on the ground... He looked down at the man, collapsed on the ground and spat in his face, "Don't touch me again, you Siberian trash."

Thaller then turned to the Japanese woman, "Now perhaps you'd like to ask my nicely, and make sure in the future, you get men who are actually capable of doing what you want them to..."

They didn't know it, but Thaller had advanced MSAAS hand-to-hand combat training.

He smiled as he moved to sit back down, but not before kicking the Russian once in the stomach, and then smashing his boot down on the Russian's right hand, breaking every bone in the hand.

Thaller then sat down, "Okay, now where were we? What was the question?"
Upper Xen
17-11-2004, 22:44
Thaller smiled, barely fazed by the pain, he was the product of the "pilot program" enhanced vision, reflexes, strength, stamina, he could withstand the forces of his MiG-41 accelerating and decelerating in seconds, he was an elite soldier...

He smiled as he rose to his feet, he drove a clenched fist into the Russian's face, and immediately followed this up by kicking him in the side four times in rapid succession, he jumped back a few feet and then did a running kick, kicking the Russian three times in the chest before landing gracefully on the ground... He looked down at the man, collapsed on the ground and spat in his face, "Don't touch me again, you Siberian trash."

Thaller then turned to the Japanese woman, "Now perhaps you'd like to ask my nicely, and make sure in the future, you get men who are actually capable of doing what you want them to..."

They didn't know it, but Thaller had advanced MSAAS hand-to-hand combat training.

He smiled as he moved to sit back down, but not before kicking the Russian once in the stomach, and then smashing his boot down on the Russian's right hand, breaking every bone in the hand.

Thaller then sat down, "Okay, now where were we? What was the question?"

Korolev got up, cracked his neck, and glared at Thaller. "Teutonic Slav-hating pig. You'll get yours."

Matsumoto then said, "Easy there, Korolev. I think he wants to talk."

She then sat down, and smiled. "Nice to see you are cheerful. I do feel that Korolev was a bit excessive......he tends to go postal. Now, before you go postal, I'd like to remind you that Korolev isn't exactly built of glass, either. He once killed ten men, in a bar fight, with his bare hands. I saw it, too. Threw 'em around like ragdolls......But, I suppose it is part of the job."

She then pulled out a pack of cigars from the Briefcase. "I think we'd be better off going the easy way. Want some cigars? They're Cuba's finest."

She offered him one. "Relax, there's no truth serum in it! If you want, we've got whiskey, too. Suntory Whiskey, a very fine brand. I like Jack Daniels myself, but lately, its been hard to get. Do try it."
Decisive Action
17-11-2004, 22:51
Thaller shook his head, "No... I don't smoke communist tobacco, besides, Mississippian tobacco is the best in the world..." He smiled as he took out a Fabus Premium Cigar and lit it up, exhaling, he asked, "What were those questions then?"
Upper Xen
17-11-2004, 22:55
Thaller shook his head, "No... I don't smoke communist tobacco, besides, Mississippian tobacco is the best in the world..." He smiled as he took out a Fabus Premium Cigar and lit it up, exhaling, he asked, "What were those questions then?"

She then went, "Hmm....oh well. How about that whiskey? I assure you it is very good. It is just a good as Jack Daniels.......which I personally love."

Matsumoto smiled politely and said: "Anyway. Who were those commandos you brought with you, and what units were they from? And, why did you Mississippians come?"
Decisive Action
17-11-2004, 23:05
Thaller frowned, "You don't need to know who exactly they are, as in unit desginations, just know that they are from the MSAAS, and there are many of them... Already Lhasa has probably been destroyed... We know that is where you are basing the advisors for the training camps out of... So the MSAAS was tasked with leveling the entire city... Check with your superiors, Lhasa should have been leveled by cluster rounds fired from MSAAS mortars, they're very new and experimental rounds, but they can work wonders..."
Upper Xen
17-11-2004, 23:16
Thaller frowned, "You don't need to know who exactly they are, as in unit desginations, just know that they are from the MSAAS, and there are many of them... Already Lhasa has probably been destroyed... We know that is where you are basing the advisors for the training camps out of... So the MSAAS was tasked with leveling the entire city... Check with your superiors, Lhasa should have been leveled by cluster rounds fired from MSAAS mortars, they're very new and experimental rounds, but they can work wonders..."

Matsumoto went, "Uh-Uh. No. Lhasa, first of all, was never the site of any camps. Seriously. Also, our Home Guard is very diligent. We've locked this area down. There is no way your pissy friends could have blown up Lhasa so fast....."

"Second of all, I am astounded by your fantastic weapons. Personally, we've also got some new toys, but I can't say anything."

"Anyway, there are more camps. You'll never find them all. You'll more likely die in the brutal cold of the Chinese Winter. Or die by our hands. Now then, another question."

She then said, "Whats in that MiG-41 of yours, anyway? I'm intrigued. Some whiskey's there if you say something."

OOC: Seriously. Lhasa was not the central base. I think I mentioned earlier that the primary base was in Manchuria or Japan. You probably demolished a major base, but not the don't be quick to celebrate.

Anyway, I'm not godmoding, I simply mentioned something about a Camp Calhoun, and began the setting in that should have indicated something.

Anyway, I personally think it'll make for more fun times. Sorry for any inconvience.
Decisive Action
17-11-2004, 23:21
Thaller shook his inside, and then smiled, "Inside a MiG-41... There is... There is..." he was doing this on purpose, keeping them hanging on his words, waiting on the edge of their seats, "There is metal, wires, instruments, a nice comfy seat, mine even has a cup holder and an ashtray... You should see it, but oh well, it was blown up completely after I ejected, there is literally nothing left... I'd not have had to eject had your flight leader stuck to the terms of the dog fight and used cannons only, EMP missiles are not a gentlemanly weapon in a dog fight of cannons."
Decisive Action
17-11-2004, 23:30
Meanwhile outside of Lhasa, about ten miles away, both of the MSAAS regiments were safely on the ground, they had setup their mortar weapons and were readying to launch the synchronized bombardment against Lhasa. If everything went as planned, the forty mortars would rain down such firepower as to be nearly equivalent to a small strategic or large tactical atomic explosion... Each mortar shell was contained a classified "Cluster" round and when all forty simultaneously crashed down throughout the city, it'd wreck havoc and sow such destruction as to make the people in nearby cities wonder if it was a nuclear weapon... Only there would be no flashes or mushroom clouds...

The mortar crews dropped the first rounds in and watched them sail out of the weapons, towards Lhasa...
Upper Xen
17-11-2004, 23:37
Thaller shook his inside, and then smiled, "Inside a MiG-41... There is... There is..." he was doing this on purpose, keeping them hanging on his words, waiting on the edge of their seats, "There is metal, wires, instruments, a nice comfy seat, mine even has a cup holder and an ashtray... You should see it, but oh well, it was blown up completely after I ejected, there is literally nothing left... I'd not have had to eject had your flight leader stuck to the terms of the dog fight and used cannons only, EMP missiles are not a gentlemanly weapon in a dog fight of cannons."

"Now now," Matsumoto said in a motherly voice. "There's really no need to be sore about that. I'm sure he didn't mean it, but I suppose he reacted in the best way he knew, in order to end the fight quickly-he did have a little bit of nice technology available to him. But then again, all's fair in love and war."

"Personally, I'm not going to apologize for that pilot, but I would at least expect you to consider his position. You're the Southern Gentleman."

"Beyond that, I think you deserve this."

She handed him a shot of whiskey. "I know what you're thinking. Again with the whiskey. But relax! It's good. You have been very cooperative so far."

"Now another question. How'd you get started in flying? And is there anything else your superiors have cooked up for us to deal with?"
Decisive Action
17-11-2004, 23:38
Post 120 needs a reply, you might not have noticed it, since I posted two in a row...
Decisive Action
17-11-2004, 23:41
"Now now," Matsumoto said in a motherly voice. "There's really no need to be sore about that. I'm sure he didn't mean it, but I suppose he reacted in the best way he knew, in order to end the fight quickly-he did have a little bit of nice technology available to him. But then again, all's fair in love and war."

"Personally, I'm not going to apologize for that pilot, but I would at least expect you to consider his position. You're the Southern Gentleman."

"Beyond that, I think you deserve this."

She handed him a shot of whiskey. "I know what you're thinking. Again with the whiskey. But relax! It's good. You have been very cooperative so far."

"Now another question. How'd you get started in flying? And is there anything else your superiors have cooked up for us to deal with?"

Thaller nodded and accepted the drink, he drank the equivalent of about 4 shots in a few minutes. He was a heavy drinker, he smiled at her, "So, what was the question again?"

Ooc- Just so you know, he's a traditional nazi, not a neo-nazi, he regards Japanese with admiration and respect, Slavs with utter disdain and contempt, and other Western Europeans varies (He likes Dutch, Flemish, English, and French)
Upper Xen
17-11-2004, 23:45
Meanwhile outside of Lhasa, about ten miles away, both of the MSAAS regiments were safely on the ground, they had setup their mortar weapons and were readying to launch the synchronized bombardment against Lhasa. If everything went as planned, the forty mortars would rain down such firepower as to be nearly equivalent to a small strategic or large tactical atomic explosion... Each mortar shell was contained a classified "Cluster" round and when all forty simultaneously crashed down throughout the city, it'd wreck havoc and sow such destruction as to make the people in nearby cities wonder if it was a nuclear weapon... Only there would be no flashes or mushroom clouds...

The mortar crews dropped the first rounds in and watched them sail out of the weapons, towards Lhasa...

Meanwhile, a Casspir APC on patrol noticed the men. The driver went "Holy S**t!" and radioed for aid.

"This is bob to base. I've got a bunch of miscreants with mortars. Send some men up here double quick."

His reply was met with several Casspirs moving in at high speed towards the position.

Meanwhile, the squad aboard the Casspir leapt out of it, and armed their OICW's. They loaded Frag grenades into the underslung launchers and fired at the mortars. They then reloaded, and readied their guns. One of the squad members took command of the Browning .50cal on the APC.

Help was coming, but for the most part, they were alone....

OOC: My Casspirs are modded with Browning M2's as a standard feature...
Decisive Action
17-11-2004, 23:51
Ooc- There are two thousand MSAAS, and if the Casspir even got that close enough to see them, it'd be taken out by a MILAN before it knew what happened... So that is just what'll happen.


One of the MILAN teams trained their weapon in the direction of the Casspir, achieved a lock, and then fired at it. The ATGM flew four hundred meters before it crashed into the side of the Casspir, igniting it in a ball of flames, propelling it over a dozen feet into the air, tossing it on its side before it came to a halt.

The other nearby MILAN teams did likewise, each targetting one of the vehicles.

The MSAAS scout/sniper elements had a field day using their Barrett 50 caliber rifles to pick off enemy soldiers from a distance. The report of the 50s could be heard for over a mile, as soldier after soldier went down.
Upper Xen
17-11-2004, 23:54
Thaller nodded and accepted the drink, he drank the equivalent of about 4 shots in a few minutes. He was a heavy drinker, he smiled at her, "So, what was the question again?"

Ooc- Just so you know, he's a traditional nazi, not a neo-nazi, he regards Japanese with admiration and respect, Slavs with utter disdain and contempt, and other Western Europeans varies (He likes Dutch, Flemish, English, and French)

"Well, the question was, do you boys have anything more cooked up for us?" said Matsumoto. "Like any raids or incursions? A zombie plague?"

"Not to be intrusive, but I'm asking very nicely. And, as a gentleman, you could return the favor....."

OOC: Interesting factoid.. .good thing the interrogator was Japanese!
Upper Xen
17-11-2004, 23:59
Ooc- There are two thousand MSAAS, and if the Casspir even got that close enough to see them, it'd be taken out by a MILAN before it knew what happened... So that is just what'll happen.


One of the MILAN teams trained their weapon in the direction of the Casspir, achieved a lock, and then fired at it. The ATGM flew four hundred meters before it crashed into the side of the Casspir, igniting it in a ball of flames, propelling it over a dozen feet into the air, tossing it on its side before it came to a halt.

The other nearby MILAN teams did likewise, each targetting one of the vehicles.

The MSAAS scout/sniper elements had a field day using their Barrett 50 caliber rifles to pick off enemy soldiers from a distance. The report of the 50s could be heard for over a mile, as soldier after soldier went down.

In response, a soldier said, "S**t!"

He radioed in: "Mayday, mayday we are getting wasted! We need support!! Send in some aircraft or s**t! Just help us!"

The Casspirs turned away wildly. About 4 survived, and they began driving in a crazyquilt of motions.

The soldier picked up a Harris-McMillan .50cal rifle from one tof the wrecks, hunkered down, began sighting it, and fired at them. If he was gonna die, then he'd go down fighting.

The other Home Guard soldiers, meanwhile, took cover. They soon began to find those who could snipe, and put them to work.

Meanwhile, another soldier picked up an M52 Fuel Air Rocket, and fired it at the enemy.....
Decisive Action
17-11-2004, 23:59
Thaller drank a few more drinks, he was starting to get slightly drunk, he suddenly realized how aroused the alcohol had made him, he grinned at the woman, "What was that? No, I can't really remember... I think there were a few more things, that is if your people don't agree to reasonable demands from our people, the diplomats and such, we're going to try to use them to settle things without getting too violent, you know?"
Upper Xen
18-11-2004, 00:04
Thaller drank a few more drinks, he was starting to get slightly drunk, he suddenly realized how aroused the alcohol had made him, he grinned at the woman, "What was that? No, I can't really remember... I think there were a few more things, that is if your people don't agree to reasonable demands from our people, the diplomats and such, we're going to try to use them to settle things without getting too violent, you know?"

She laughed, "That's cool."

Matsumoto then said, "Well, I do suppose we'd be more willing to talk about this then fight.......still, if your Czar wishes to press the issue, we've allies in Dornalia, Free Mexico, Kyanges and Tanthan. Not to condescend, but you know....."

It was obvious she had a little bit too much of the whiskey too, and she started laughing uncontrollably.

The guards in the room couldn't help but stare in a look that screamed, "WTF?!"
Decisive Action
18-11-2004, 00:05
In response, a soldier said, "S**t!"

He radioed in: "Mayday, mayday we are getting wasted! We need support!! Send in some aircraft or s**t! Just help us!"

The Casspirs turned away wildly. About 4 survived, and they began driving in a crazyquilt of motions.

The soldier picked up a Harris-McMillan .50cal rifle from one tof the wrecks, hunkered down, began sighting it, and fired at them. If he was gonna die, then he'd go down fighting.

The other Home Guard soldiers, meanwhile, took cover. They soon began to find those who could snipe, and put them to work.

Meanwhile, another soldier picked up an M52 Fuel Air Rocket, and fired it at the enemy.....

As the rocket came in, it caused a great deal of damage, killing six and wounding twenty, but the regiments kept the firing up. They had intercepted radio transmissions and it appeared that aircraft were on the way. The Sa-17 and Stinger teams readied to take out whatever aircraft came their way.

The OICWs and XM-8s of the MSAAS had killed virtually all of the soldiers opposing them. What few were left would certainly have been killed in the sudden barrage of over 500 OICW grenades that had just been fired.
Decisive Action
18-11-2004, 00:11
She laughed, "That's cool."

Matsumoto then said, "Well, I do suppose we'd be more willing to talk about this then fight.......still, if your Czar wishes to press the issue, we've allies in Dornalia, Free Mexico, Kyanges and Tanthan. Not to condescend, but you know....."

It was obvious she had a little bit too much of the whiskey too, and she started laughing uncontrollably.

The guards in the room couldn't help but stare in a look that screamed, "WTF?!"

He grinned, "Do we really need all these guards around, could we speak somewhere, say in private?"
Upper Xen
18-11-2004, 00:19
As the rocket came in, it caused a great deal of damage, killing six and wounding twenty, but the regiments kept the firing up. They had intercepted radio transmissions and it appeared that aircraft were on the way. The Sa-17 and Stinger teams readied to take out whatever aircraft came their way.

The OICWs and XM-8s of the MSAAS had killed virtually all of the soldiers opposing them. What few were left would certainly have been killed in the sudden barrage of over 500 OICW grenades that had just been fired.

Suddenly, a distinctive thup thup thup of helicopters, and more Casspirs, could be seen and heard in the distance.

As the mass of helicopters in the distance, (about 500ft away) stopped and landed, a horde of men in arctic camo soon appeared in the positions the Home Guardsmen once held. The helicopters were soon playing "Crazy Train" by Ozzy Osbourne.....the unofficial anthem of the CRF.

The Lawman Hueys made sure to move quickly, as the Mississippians would obviously bring fire upon them.

Four platoons of CRF men soon assembled in the trenches. Raising their M52 Fuel Air Rockets, a massive volley of the deadly rockets soon flew into the Mississippian lines.

Then, after the volley, while some reloaded, snipers began to go to work on the Mississippians, using their .50 cal M82A1A's. A deadly rain of OICW Frag grenade fire, taking a cue from the MSAAS, was soon sent towards their lines as well.

To top it all off, the Casspirs opened up, unleashing thier cargoes of angry men. Armed with OICW's and more Fuel Air Rockets, they began to move cautiously but quickly, trying to reach their friends ASAP.
Upper Xen
18-11-2004, 00:24
He grinned, "Do we really need all these guards around, could we speak somewhere, say in private?"

Matsumoto then said, "Well, lemme see....I suppose I could send them outside for a moment....."

She then said in a singsongy, slightly drunk voice, "Reiko and Herman sitting in a know the rest."

She then motioned for the guards to go outside, if only for a moment.

"Alrighty then," she said. "But any funny stuff, and Korolev goes to work.....Comprende? And this time, he'll try harder."
Decisive Action
18-11-2004, 00:28
One of the MSAAS smiled as he dropped a "Cluster shell" into his mortar and let it fly against the enemy lines. The other mortars followed suit, suddenly everything between 100 and 15000 meters from the MSAAS was a ball of flames, ruins.

The MSAAS had lost a few of their own units in the blast, but it was a fair trade in the commanders mind. He still had 1950 of his 2000 operatives, and the enemy had lost a great deal.

Ooc- In the future (if there is ever case with the MSAAS again), remember, the MSAAS is like the Rhodesian SAS from Operation Dingo, so when "Reserves" (Home guard) engage them, you're going to have have try to outnumber them probably 50-100 to 1... Sending in 4-10 platoons of Home Guard, it's an insult to the MSAAS, and thus not really worth their time and efforts... In July of 2004, 500 operatives of the Angolan Special Air Assault Squads (a white colonial unit) stormed a city that had been captured by 15,000 black marxist guerillas, they killed every single guerilla, and lost fewer than 20 of their own numbers. The MSAAS has a record of going into battles outnumbered over 50 to 1, and often winning. It's a colorful record they have. Don't insult them by attacking them so they outnumber you over 10 to 1. The MSAAS prefers to be the ones outnumbered.
Decisive Action
18-11-2004, 00:30
Matsumoto then said, "Well, lemme see....I suppose I could send them outside for a moment....."

She then said in a singsongy, slightly drunk voice, "Reiko and Herman sitting in a know the rest."

She then motioned for the guards to go outside, if only for a moment.

"Alrighty then," she said. "But any funny stuff, and Korolev goes to work.....Comprende? And this time, he'll try harder."

He nodded, "Yes, I understand..." He then smiled at her, patting his lap, "Would you like to sit down, I haven't seen you sit since you've been in here, it's been hours, come get more comfortable..."
Upper Xen
18-11-2004, 00:46
One of the MSAAS smiled as he dropped a "Cluster shell" into his mortar and let it fly against the enemy lines. The other mortars followed suit, suddenly everything between 100 and 15000 meters from the MSAAS was a ball of flames, ruins.

The MSAAS had lost a few of their own units in the blast, but it was a fair trade in the commanders mind. He still had 1950 of his 2000 operatives, and the enemy had lost a great deal.

Ooc- In the future (if there is ever case with the MSAAS again), remember, the MSAAS is like the Rhodesian SAS from Operation Dingo, so when "Reserves" (Home guard) engage them, you're going to have have try to outnumber them probably 50-100 to 1... Sending in 4-10 platoons of Home Guard, it's an insult to the MSAAS, and thus not really worth their time and efforts... In July of 2004, 500 operatives of the Angolan Special Air Assault Squads (a white colonial unit) stormed a city that had been captured by 15,000 black marxist guerillas, they killed every single guerilla, and lost fewer than 20 of their own numbers. The MSAAS has a record of going into battles outnumbered over 50 to 1, and often winning. It's a colorful record they have. Don't insult them by attacking them so they outnumber you over 10 to 1. The MSAAS prefers to be the ones outnumbered.

OOC: Easy there pal.....I know about Rhodesia.......the Selous Scouts most particularly. I have not gone into a detailed reading, but I do know the SAS and the Selous Scouts caused major damage vs. the ZANU/ZAPU forces.

Anyway, I'll play with big army can support it.

And, not to be whiny, but please do not compare me to some tribal riff-raff- we are more well trained than that.

IC: The Home Guard was getting desperate. If they didn't dislodge them soon, there would be Hell to pay.

30,000 Home Guardsmen drove up in Casspirs. They took the old positions, began to fortify themselves, and then began to pull out their own Fuel Air Rockets and some White Phosphorous Rockets, and fired them in a massive volley of death. Then they began to lob wave upon waves of OICW grenade fire, and snipers began to fire at them.

Some of the Home Guardsmen began to use secure radios, and served as FO's for a horde of 1,000 Valkiri MRLS and 500 G5 Artillery cannons.

The cannons began to emit a steady steel rain of death, using both napalm and iron shells. Their aim was true, and the shots found their prey.
Decisive Action
18-11-2004, 00:51
The MSAAS were more than holding their own, having lost about seventy killed and twice that many wounded, but most of the wounded were "walking wounded" and thus fight to keep fighting. They kept the fire up, all-around them, they were surrounded, but pouring fire out in all direction, their decades of experience behind their rifles was suddenly paying off. Actually most of their experienc was behind the M-14A or M-14B rifles, some had also experience with the M-14K rifle.

But a lifetime of shooting, hunting, trapping, and other such skills made these men deadly experts with accuracy, and decades of training and preparation, starting in grade school, had made them the best soldiers Mississippi had to offer.

But now, they needed air support to counter the enemies heavy artillery. Some of the MiGs that had been flying escort for the C-130s and had not returned towards India yet, about 20 in total, dropped to just 500 feet above tree top level and started releasing cluster bombs and napalm against the enemy force concentrations. The orange and black clouds and flames shooting up for over a hundred feet into the sky.
Upper Xen
18-11-2004, 01:53
The MSAAS were more than holding their own, having lost about seventy killed and twice that many wounded, but most of the wounded were "walking wounded" and thus fight to keep fighting. They kept the fire up, all-around them, they were surrounded, but pouring fire out in all direction, their decades of experience behind their rifles was suddenly paying off. Actually most of their experienc was behind the M-14A or M-14B rifles, some had also experience with the M-14K rifle.

But a lifetime of shooting, hunting, trapping, and other such skills made these men deadly experts with accuracy, and decades of training and preparation, starting in grade school, had made them the best soldiers Mississippi had to offer.

But now, they needed air support to counter the enemies heavy artillery. Some of the MiGs that had been flying escort for the C-130s and had not returned towards India yet, about 20 in total, dropped to just 500 feet above tree top level and started releasing cluster bombs and napalm against the enemy force concentrations. The orange and black clouds and flames shooting up for over a hundred feet into the sky.

The F-22's and F-16UX's still on regular patrol saw the MiG's, and began to chase them and fire their 20mm cannons.

Meanwhile, despite the bombings, the Home Guardsmen and their artillery were still intact. They had lost 150 men, and many more wounded, but soon, medical aid and many more men arrived-15,000 angry, screaming Xenizens from one side and 16,000 angry Korean Auxiliaries and Regular Army soldiers from the other.

These were the feared Alien Grunt, Vortigaunt, and Korean Auxilary regiments. The aliens, possessing special abilities that humans did not, such as superstrength, self-healing, and enhanced sight, and the Koreans, possessing plenty of anger, ambition, a violent literal take-no-prisoners attitude, and a lot of firepower (plus a unique Korean sword and Tae Kwon Do), they soon put their to good use against the foe.

The artillery, now reinforced, began to emit another steel rain of shells, mainly napalm based. Then, when they heard the Koreans and the Xenizens had come, they ceased firing.

The Alien Grunts and the Vortigaunts in the Xenizen lines began to charge at the MSAAS, the Grunts firing their onboard GECAL .50 cal miniguns at the enemy at high speed, and the Vortiguants releasing waves of deadly electric shock and loads of OICW fire at the commandos. The Koreans took the opportunity to throw frag and Wooly Peter grenades, resulting in frightful explosions all around, and then led a fearsome charge guns blazing and swords exposed, into the MSAAS lines.

Soon, some of the Koreans and the Xenizens were able to get into the enemy lines. The Koreans proceeded to put their Tae Kwon Do hand-to-hand combat, and their swords to work, and the Xenizens began slamming their way through with brute force.

The Home Guardsmen, meanwhile, decided to aid their friends. They began sniping at the enemy, making sure not to hit anybody else. They may have been civilians, but they were the sons of Tibetan and Chinese farmers, and since guns were legal here, many were acquainted with them too.

OOC: Yes, we are Upper Xen, so I believe that entails some kind of alien force in our army.......amd as for the Koreans, they have a status like the Ghurka Rifles: we hire them from Korea (in this universe, a neutral kingdom) and put them to use.

Here's some pics of the Alien grunts and the Vortiguants for reference. The size of the Alien Grunts makes them candidates anyway to carry a minigun.....

Alien Grunt:

Vortiguant powers here:

This is just to avoid godmoding....
Upper Xen
18-11-2004, 01:58
He nodded, "Yes, I understand..." He then smiled at her, patting his lap, "Would you like to sit down, I haven't seen you sit since you've been in here, it's been hours, come get more comfortable..."

OOC: She's actually been sitting down, but to humor you.....

IC: Matsumoto sat down and began talking. "Well then....."

"You're quite a nice person, once we get under that tough exterior of yours......"

"So tell me," she said. "What's it like in the mighty Mississipp?"
Decisive Action
18-11-2004, 02:03
OOC: She's actually been sitting down, but to humor you.....

IC: Matsumoto sat down and began talking. "Well then....."

"You're quite a nice person, once we get under that tough exterior of yours......"

"So tell me," she said. "What's it like in the mighty Mississipp?"

He smiled, and gently wrapped his arms around her, "Mississippi is a great land, the forests, woods, rivers, and streams, they're all very lovely, especially this time of year... There isn't really much to say other than that it's a fine land with a fine people... What part of Upper Xen are you from?"
Upper Xen
18-11-2004, 02:07
He smiled, and gently wrapped his arms around her, "Mississippi is a great land, the forests, woods, rivers, and streams, they're all very lovely, especially this time of year... There isn't really much to say other than that it's a fine land with a fine people... What part of Upper Xen are you from?"

She replied, "I'm actually from the city of Sendai, on Honshu....lovely in the winter. A bit crowded, but I suppose that much of the Grand Territory of Japan is a bit crowded."
Decisive Action
18-11-2004, 02:08
Herman smiled and then leaned in and started to gently press his lips against hers.
Upper Xen
18-11-2004, 02:10
Herman smiled and then leaned in and started to gently press his lips against hers.

She returned the favor......and hugged him.

After a long, slow moment, she then said, "S**t. I forgot something."

"The President wants to meet you himself in Hong Kong."
Decisive Action
18-11-2004, 02:12
He shook his head, "What'd you forget? Is it really important? Can it wait a while?"

He grinned as he asked, "So, do you have a personal room in this facility, somewhere you might have a bed?"
Upper Xen
18-11-2004, 02:14
He shook his head, "What'd you forget? Is it really important? Can it wait a while?"

He grinned as he asked, "So, do you have a personal room in this facility, somewhere you might have a bed?"

"Hmm....the President wanted to meet you, but I suppose we can wait......"

She then said, "Hmm....they probably think I'm still grilling you. Want me to distract the guards?"
Decisive Action
18-11-2004, 02:25
He smiled, kissing her again, when he was done kissing her about twenty seconds later, he smiled again, "You distract them if you wish, but you'll need to tell me what room to meet you in... Or we can meet right around the corner... Or just tell them you're going to interrogate me in more relaxing settings..."
Upper Xen
18-11-2004, 02:31
He smiled, kissing her again, when he was done kissing her about twenty seconds later, he smiled again, "You distract them if you wish, but you'll need to tell me what room to meet you in... Or we can meet right around the corner... Or just tell them you're going to interrogate me in more relaxing settings..."

"Got it."

Matsumoto then walked out of the room. One of the guards went, "Ma'am, that took a looong while. You beat him up in there?"

She went, "It's fine. I just want to move him to Room 234."

"Got it. Get him there. Remember that the President wants to see him..."

She walked back into the room and whispered to him. "Okay. I got Room 234. It's a little more subdued, and it has some soft's nearby, so no one's gonna get suspicious."
Decisive Action
18-11-2004, 02:38
Herman smiled and followed her towards the room, as they passed the guards, he made a show for them and said, "Don't leave me alone with her, I can't resist her interrogation methods, the pain, the utter pain, she's almost got me singing like a bird..."

After they had gotten by the guards and were near the room, he giggled, "How did you like that, good show I gave them, eh?"
Upper Xen
18-11-2004, 02:41
She then said, "Not bad."

Then she did a tango manuever, and she danced Thaller into the room. Then, she gently shut the door, kissed him, and she flopped him down on the mattress...

OOC: Obviously we know what happens next , let's not go there....
Decisive Action
18-11-2004, 02:48
When they were done, Thaller had a large smile on his face, "Well that was certainly better treatment than I'm used to from my captors... I've been shot down a few other times, mostly they beat me, threaten to behead me... That was a pleasant change..."
Upper Xen
18-11-2004, 02:53
When they were done, Thaller had a large smile on his face, "Well that was certainly better treatment than I'm used to from my captors... I've been shot down a few other times, mostly they beat me, threaten to behead me... That was a pleasant change..."

Matsumoto then responded with a pleasant smile: "Well, we do like to treat our POW's well."

As she got up and her uniform back on, she went "That was actually the most fun I've had since I've gotten out here. Tibet is kinda, shall we say, in the middle of nowhere, and watching the same four anime DvD's does tend to get tiring."
Decisive Action
18-11-2004, 02:57
He smiled, lightly yawning, "So, were there any other questions you wanted to ask of me?"
Upper Xen
18-11-2004, 03:12
He smiled, lightly yawning, "So, were there any other questions you wanted to ask of me?"

She looked at him, thought for a moment, and said: "Hm......if and when you do get back to Mississippi, can I write? Also, I wanted to ask about the cluster munitions, and possibly whether you really want to see the President anyway."

"The question about clusters you don't have to answer, but you know...."
Decisive Action
18-11-2004, 03:20
He nodded, "Yes, writing, of course, that would be a great idea... As for the president, I'm not against the idea of seeing him... But I'd much rather prefer to spend the time with you..."

He stood up, gently embraced her, and kissed her again.
Upper Xen
18-11-2004, 03:29
He nodded, "Yes, writing, of course, that would be a great idea... As for the president, I'm not against the idea of seeing him... But I'd much rather prefer to spend the time with you..."

He stood up, gently embraced her, and kissed her again.

She kissed him, and said, "The reason I've been pressing the issue there is because some jackass at High Command wants me to send you to him, and I think it might've been the Prez himself.....but I think we can spare the time."

OOC: What about the fighting......
Decisive Action
18-11-2004, 03:37
Herman nodded and replied with, "Okay, if you say so, let's go see the official... If you must know, I have no real idea what is in the cluster weapons, all I know is it's a synthetic element called Fabusite."

As they were talking, the fighting was raging on, the 20 MiG-41s having dealt a serious blow to whoever was immediately in front of the MSAAS positions. The MSAAS continued to fire away at anything and everything that moved. But they were going to need reinforcements/resupplies eventually as they were running low on numerous supplies, their ammunition was holding out fine though (each MSAAS typically carries 150-250 pounds of gear, weapons, ammo, etc, they are somewhat genetically enhanced for strength and such)

It was shaping up to be a very good fight. The general was quite pleased with his men, they were indeed putting up an excellent fight, they still had 1900 men fit to fight who were blazing away at all the movement around them.
Upper Xen
18-11-2004, 03:54
Herman nodded and replied with, "Okay, if you say so, let's go see the official... If you must know, I have no real idea what is in the cluster weapons, all I know is it's a synthetic element called Fabusite."

As they were talking, the fighting was raging on, the 20 MiG-41s having dealt a serious blow to whoever was immediately in front of the MSAAS positions. The MSAAS continued to fire away at anything and everything that moved. But they were going to need reinforcements/resupplies eventually as they were running low on numerous supplies, their ammunition was holding out fine though (each MSAAS typically carries 150-250 pounds of gear, weapons, ammo, etc, they are somewhat genetically enhanced for strength and such)

It was shaping up to be a very good fight. The general was quite pleased with his men, they were indeed putting up an excellent fight, they still had 1900 men fit to fight who were blazing away at all the movement around them.

The ranks of the Vortiguants, Alien Grunts, and Koreans were thinned, but still, about 9600 remained from that initial wave, both walking wounded and fully capable.

A Korean Captain, Kim Sil Hyun, brandished her sword, and yelled, brandished her sword, and went, "HE WHO STANDS WITH ME SHALL BE MY BROTHER! FIGHT ON!"

The response was a war whoop from the Auxiliaries and the Xenizen regiments.

She then pointed it at the MSAAS lines, and yelled "CHARGE!!!!!!!!" She was soon running back into the MSAAS lines, and the remaining men followed her in, guns blazing.

The other Home Guardsmen in the trench then decided to join them, and a huge sea of men began to run towards the Mississippian lines, guns blazing and tempers flaring.

Meanwhile, the F-22's and F-16UX's on patrol began to hound the MiG's, and fired Tien'Long missiles at them......
Meanwhile, Matsumoto then went, "How about I go with you? I could always cliam I'm visiting relatives, and I do have a cousin in Hong Kong..."
Decisive Action
18-11-2004, 03:55
Ooc- We'll get back to the fighting in a few posts, let's leave some "Time" for the armies to close and get ready to clash, since all the posts between the characters will be happening quickly in time.

Ic- Herman smiled, "Yes, that would be nice. When do we leave?"
Upper Xen
18-11-2004, 21:43
Ooc- We'll get back to the fighting in a few posts, let's leave some "Time" for the armies to close and get ready to clash, since all the posts between the characters will be happening quickly in time.

Ic- Herman smiled, "Yes, that would be nice. When do we leave?"

OOC-That's cool.....

IC: "In about a few hours," Matsumoto said. "They've gotta send a BBJ here. Word is the man himself will be on it. I'm not sure where we'll go, but methinks it'll be Hong Kong, or Xonxtopolis, as the Vortiguants dub it."

Matsumoto then said, "I wonder what he'll think of you. And us? Obviously, he doesn't have to know, so that's fine."
Decisive Action
18-11-2004, 22:09
Herman smiled, "Okay, let's go then, I'm ready whenever you are..." he said, as he started to get dressed.
Upper Xen
18-11-2004, 22:28
Herman smiled, "Okay, let's go then, I'm ready whenever you are..." he said, as he started to get dressed.

Matsumoto, after finishing getting dressed, walked outside. She then told the base commander that she was done.

"Hmm......really. What did you learn?"

Matsumoto then went, "Well, I learned that they were definetly MSAAS forces. I couldn't get the exact regiments or names, but he did say they were going after Lhasa. He also indicated they were using a unique experimental mortar shell, and that the only thing he knew of it was that it was fueled by a special element called Fabusite. Obviously, he's the Pope and head of the Air Force."

The Base Commander then said, "Hmm...nice job, that would correspond with the big rumble that our boys and their boys are having right now outside of there....hmmmm, also little sparse, but I suppose he's not very talkative."

The Base Commander then said, "Alright......your cheeks look a little flushed. You okay?"

Matsumoto then said, "Yeah...I'm fine. I think he's ready to see the President."

"Well, okay......the man's gonna send a plane within several hours' time."

"One question....I've been saving up my leave.....Permission to visit some family in Hong Kong."

"Hmm.....a bit odd, but I suppose the fact you've stayed out of trouble deserves a break. Go ahead. I'm a bit busy at the moment......."

The Base Commander then motioned for her to leave, and then called in the BBJ that would take them to Hong Kong.

Matsumoto came back to the room. "Well, it's official. Our President-man from Presidentland is coming-that's what we like to call him. He won't be here for several hours. The Base Commander questioned me, but lucky for us, she didn't ask too many questions."

"I wonder why.....she's usually more careful. Ah well, I guess it's for the better. She said she was busy with something."
Decisive Action
19-11-2004, 01:39
Thaller nodded his head, "The MSAAS, if you let me contact my Czar, I can arrange for them to be peacefully extracted from your nation... It'll save many lives on both sides... How about a temporary cease-fire between the Home Guard and MSAAS... I can contact the field commanders..."
Upper Xen
19-11-2004, 02:45
Thaller nodded his head, "The MSAAS, if you let me contact my Czar, I can arrange for them to be peacefully extracted from your nation... It'll save many lives on both sides... How about a temporary cease-fire between the Home Guard and MSAAS... I can contact the field commanders..."

Matsumoto thought long and hard, and then said, "Hm....if anything, you'll have to ask the Base Commander about stuff like getting a radio to contact the MSAAS. That would be the Military's job, and I'm National Police."
Decisive Action
19-11-2004, 04:40
Thaller quickly nodded his head, "Yes, I see... Well if you can get me in touch with those who can get me in touch with the MSAAS command or field officers themselves, I can talk them down and lives can be saved."
Upper Xen
19-11-2004, 21:04
Thaller quickly nodded his head, "Yes, I see... Well if you can get me in touch with those who can get me in touch with the MSAAS command or field officers themselves, I can talk them down and lives can be saved."

"That would be the Base Commander," Matsumoto said. "I'll get her attention, if she's not too busy...."

Matsumoto then walked out of the room, and walked to the Base Commander's office.

"Yes, what is it?"

"It is Matsumoto involves Thaller."

"I thought that was solved already. What is it now?"

"Well, he wants to get in touch with the MSAAS. He says he can get them to a cease fire, and maybe end the battle."

"Let me see him personally. I'm starting to think that you two are up to something....."

"Okay. I assure you, it is nothing," said Matsumoto.

She escorted the Base Commander to Room 234, where Thaller and Matsumoto had been. The Base Commander knocked on the door.

"This is General Kusanagi Yurika. I run things around here. Word is you've got something to ask me?"
Decisive Action
19-11-2004, 21:08
Thaller smiled as he sat down, "Yes... I can get the fighting ended, just let me contact my people and tell them that we are working on negotiations and that you all don't want to have an escalation of tensions, they think you're out rattling the sabre for a war... I need to tell them otherwise. Please, let me make the call."
Upper Xen
19-11-2004, 21:18
Thaller smiled as he sat down, "Yes... I can get the fighting ended, just let me contact my people and tell them that we are working on negotiations and that you all don't want to have an escalation of tensions, they think you're out rattling the sabre for a war... I need to tell them otherwise. Please, let me make the call."

General Kusanagi then went "Well then, lemme long as you tell them exactly that, that we're working on negotiations, then all will be fine. Personally, I thought the Koreans and our Vortiguants were doing okay, but if you say so....."

Kusanagi then continued: "I'll take you to the comms room......they've got the equipment."

Kusanagi then began to escort the two of them to the comms room.

Along the way, she jokingly asked Thaller, "What did Matsumoto do to you, anyway?"
Decisive Action
19-11-2004, 21:37
Thaller smiled, "She... Well... I think her interrogation techniques are classified..."
Upper Xen
19-11-2004, 22:18
Kusanagi went, "Well, anyway, here we are."

The guards to the comms room stepped aside for the Commander, and the group went inside.

The room inside was crisp, clean and clear. And it was stocked full of anxious technicians and buzzing electronics.

Kusanagi directed Thaller to one of the communications consoles. She picked up the radio mike, and then siad, "What is their frequency?"
Decisive Action
19-11-2004, 22:34
Thaller shook his head, "Let me enter in the frequency, it's classified... Trust me, I won't try anything, I'm not stupid."
Upper Xen
19-11-2004, 22:55
Thaller shook his head, "Let me enter in the frequency, it's classified... Trust me, I won't try anything, I'm not stupid."

Kusanagi then said "Alrighty then..."

She gave him the mike, and let him take the controls after a brief tutorial.
Decisive Action
19-11-2004, 23:37
Ooc- back, was eating dinner


Thaller adjusted it to the proper frequency and entered in the right code for verification, making sure he covered the dials as he did it. He then started speaking, "Central MSAAS Command, this is Colonel Herman Von Thaller... Contact CentCom in Mississippi, negotiations opened with Upper Xen for ceasing fire between their units and MSAAS... Embassy contacts suggested. Diplomatic exchange, do you copy, over?"

The radio suddenly came back to life, "Roger that Thaller, we copy, will get right on it."
Upper Xen
19-11-2004, 23:50
Ooc- back, was eating dinner


Thaller adjusted it to the proper frequency and entered in the right code for verification, making sure he covered the dials as he did it. He then started speaking, "Central MSAAS Command, this is Colonel Herman Von Thaller... Contact CentCom in Mississippi, negotiations opened with Upper Xen for ceasing fire between their units and MSAAS... Embassy contacts suggested. Diplomatic exchange, do you copy, over?"

The radio suddenly came back to life, "Roger that Thaller, we copy, will get right on it."


Kinda obvious, but should we switch to the battlefield now and RP the results?

IC: Matsumoto said, "I guess that's it then. We'll have to see what happens now....I hope everything works out."
Decisive Action
19-11-2004, 23:56
The commanders of the 1850 MSAAS still left alive suddenly received new orders, the orders were being broadcast to the Home Guard forces around them as well, so they could hear it wasn't a trick of some sort.

"Cease firing, our governments have both agreed to use diplomacy... Repeat, cease-fire immediately."

All of the MSAAS remained prone and in their positions, but the firing almost completely stopped immediately, a few zealous operatives had to be shaken by their commanders. But within twenty seconds, all MSAAS had ceased firing.
Upper Xen
20-11-2004, 00:13
The commanders of the 1850 MSAAS still left alive suddenly received new orders, the orders were being broadcast to the Home Guard forces around them as well, so they could hear it wasn't a trick of some sort.

"Cease firing, our governments have both agreed to use diplomacy... Repeat, cease-fire immediately."

All of the MSAAS remained prone and in their positions, but the firing almost completely stopped immediately, a few zealous operatives had to be shaken by their commanders. But within twenty seconds, all MSAAS had ceased firing.

The Home Guard couldn't believe it. The MSAAS had ceased firing? Amazing!

The Home Guardsmen and the Koreans that had been putting their swords to good use stopped.

They then heard the news of a cease-fire. While the Home Guardsmen didn't like it, they had to go along. The Vortiguants and the Aliengrunts also stopped, and so did the Koreans.

The Xenizen troops began to circle around the MSAAS, but did not raise their guns, as a show of good faith.

Kim Syil Hun, the woman who had led the charge, was dissapointed.

"Great. What happened to my victory?"

Another Xenizen, a Vortiguant, comforted her.

"Relax. At least we tried, and didn't let them fire all of their mortar shots. Think about what would have happened if we did not intervene."

"Call it a draw, or a tactical victory, if it makes you feel better."
Decisive Action
20-11-2004, 00:23
The colonel of the primary MSAAS regiment, the one that had most of the mortars, was looking around, he said to a major next to him, "It seems they've lost easily damn near ten thousand men... But report it to the Czar as they lost twenty thousand... We lost about one hundred and fifty, report it was sixty..."
Upper Xen
20-11-2004, 00:32
The head of the Home Guardsmen stepped up to meet the head of the MSAAS.

"I suppose we should stop fighting now. Want some beer?"

"Oh, and I have a message for you. Some Korean malcontent in one of our Auxilary Divisions wants to have a duel. Something about her honor being stained.....don't do it, ok?"


Meanwhile, a BBJ, registered to the Xenizen Government, landed at Ramai AFB.

Out of it stepped President Gordon Lew of Upper Xen. He then said, "Where the hell is Thaller? I came out here to pick him up, he'd better show up."
Decisive Action
20-11-2004, 00:45
The MSAAS colonel smiled, "A duel... I accept, but only if we go by Mississippian regulations in which I the challenged, select the weapons... Okay?"
Upper Xen
20-11-2004, 01:07
The MSAAS colonel smiled, "A duel... I accept, but only if we go by Mississippian regulations in which I the challenged, select the weapons... Okay?"

The Home Guardsman went, "Okay...personally, I'm kinda surprised. She was taking this too hard.....Anyway, here she is."

Kim Syil Hun strode up to the MSAAS commander, threw her sword down on the ground, and went in a slightly headstrong, daring voice, "Alrighty then. What weapons will we use?"
Decisive Action
20-11-2004, 01:48
The man opened a wooden box that he had taken from his sack, inside were two antique dueling pistols, "These, we will stand back to back and march 50 paces in opposite directions, we fire when my man drops the white feather... Deal?"
Upper Xen
20-11-2004, 01:53
The man opened a wooden box that he had taken from his sack, inside were two antique dueling pistols, "These, we will stand back to back and march 50 paces in opposite directions, we fire when my man drops the white feather... Deal?"

Kim smiled, and went, "You're damn right. Your ass is mine."

She picked up the antique pistol, and looked it over. "Nice.......always wanted to pop a cap in you old-school."

She struck a pose, to the cheers of many Xenizens, and began to get ready for the duel.
Decisive Action
20-11-2004, 02:02
Little did she know that Colonel was a one Simon Rutledge, a 29 year old senator from Mississippian Egypt who had come out of retirement from the SAAS to take part in the Upper Xen operation. He also had almost 300 duel victories to his record.

He readied for the duel, checking his pistol over thoroughly... He patted his BDU, reassuring himself that he'd be fine if it hit his body. (Our SAAS BDUs are made out of a very very light-weight and nearly unnoticeable kevlar-like material, except it's much more efficient)

He smiled at her, "No, you're the one who will perish..."

Ooc- This is a character that I don't want to die but if he gets a little wounded or roughed up, I won't mind as much... What about your character, is she somebody you wish to preserve?
Upper Xen
20-11-2004, 02:20
Little did she know that Colonel was a one Simon Rutledge, a 29 year old senator from Mississippian Egypt who had come out of retirement from the SAAS to take part in the Upper Xen operation. He also had almost 300 duel victories to his record.

He readied for the duel, checking his pistol over thoroughly... He patted his BDU, reassuring himself that he'd be fine if it hit his body. (Our SAAS BDUs are made out of a very very light-weight and nearly unnoticeable kevlar-like material, except it's much more efficient)

He smiled at her, "No, you're the one who will perish..."

Ooc- This is a character that I don't want to die but if he gets a little wounded or roughed up, I won't mind as much... What about your character, is she somebody you wish to preserve?

OOC: Yes...I'd like to see her come back in another epic RP. Her headstrong nature was kinda fun to create.

Sure, I won't harm your man Rutledge.....much.
Decisive Action
20-11-2004, 02:26
Rutledge smiled as he started to take the paces away from her, and she from him... Soon they'd turn and fire...

Ooc- What say they both hit each other, Rutledge's BDU classified armor stope the ball, but the force breaks a few ribs, and she takes on in the gut or something, but gets saved by MSAAS medics, might make for a nice plot twist. The MSAAS helping her and all...
Upper Xen
20-11-2004, 04:07
Rutledge smiled as he started to take the paces away from her, and she from him... Soon they'd turn and fire...

Ooc- What say they both hit each other, Rutledge's BDU classified armor stope the ball, but the force breaks a few ribs, and she takes on in the gut or something, but gets saved by MSAAS medics, might make for a nice plot twist. The MSAAS helping her and all...

OOC: Sorry for the delay. How's this?

IC: Kim kept herself ready, and she held the gun tight as the two walked. Over and over, she plotted how to take Rutledge down.

Still, she thought, it would have to be spontaneous for anything to happen. "Can't overthink this.....just go with the flow."

As she approached the 50th pace, she steeled herself. "I don't care if I get shot," she thought, "Only that the other f**k suffers more than me."

Then, the white feather fell, and in a flash, the two turned and fired.

Rutledge went down, clutching his chest. He seemed pained, but no blood was noticeable, and he didn't seem too injured on the surface anyway.

Kim was different. As she saw fell Rutledge fall down in that instant, she felt a searing pain in her gut. She soon deduced rather quickly she had taken Rutledge's bullet in the stomach.

Her suspicion was confirmed when stooped over, and saw her hands, which had ben clutching her gut, were indeed stained with blood.

Her only response, which could have been a series of expletives, came out in one word.


She was barely able to summon the courage and the adrenaline to stay up and not fall to the earth. She then cried "MEDIC!"

To her amazement, Rutledge, whose armor enabled him to miraculously get up though with great difficulty, motioned for two MSAAS Medics to answer her call.
Decisive Action
20-11-2004, 04:18
Rutledge could tell he'd broken two ribs at least two, maybe four... He limped over to the woman, as the medics were working on her, using advanced Mississippian medical technology to almost immediately stop the bleeding... They dissolved the bullet with a special classified agent, without even having to dig deep into her, the agent worked on metal but it didn't harm the body... It was really great stuff. They then stitched the wound back up...

In about twenty minutes, the risk of lead poisoning was no longer a concern as the bullet was gone from her body, the bleeding had been stopped, she'd been stitched up, and she was now back on her feet.

Rutledge smiled and extended his hand, "Fine duel... Truly a worthy opponent, I'm Simon Rutledge, Senator Rutledge that is... You are?"

She would probably immediately recognize his name, he'd been in a movie about the Mississippian 1984 Civil War, he was probably the most famous pistol dueler in the world, and he was the rabble-rousing senator from Mississippian Egypt who had been known to beat-up, attack, stab, and cane opponents on the senate floor.
Upper Xen
20-11-2004, 04:30
Rutledge could tell he'd broken two ribs at least two, maybe four... He limped over to the woman, as the medics were working on her, using advanced Mississippian medical technology to almost immediately stop the bleeding... They dissolved the bullet with a special classified agent, without even having to dig deep into her, the agent worked on metal but it didn't harm the body... It was really great stuff. They then stitched the wound back up...

In about twenty minutes, the risk of lead poisoning was no longer a concern as the bullet was gone from her body, the bleeding had been stopped, she'd been stitched up, and she was now back on her feet.

Rutledge smiled and extended his hand, "Fine duel... Truly a worthy opponent, I'm Simon Rutledge, Senator Rutledge that is... You are?"

She would probably immediately recognize his name, he'd been in a movie about the Mississippian 1984 Civil War, he was probably the most famous pistol dueler in the world, and he was the rabble-rousing senator from Mississippian Egypt who had been known to beat-up, attack, stab, and cane opponents on the senate floor.

"Captain Kim Syil Hun, 1st Battalion, 2nd Division 'Korean Tigers' Korean Auxiliaries," Kim said.

"Hmm....Senator Rutledge is it? Yes! I have heard of you. I actually watched that film about the 1984 Civil War you starred in in a Cinematography class......good visuals and great music. I actually have the Criterion Collection edition now."

She went on to say: "Great to face THE most famous pistol duelist in the World."

Then, she shook his hand. "Good game."

"You should come to Shanghai sometime.....we could use a tough competitor like you in the Vincent Cup."
Decisive Action
20-11-2004, 04:51
He smiled, "I'm actually retired from the MSAAS right now... I was just tagging along for this mission, basically that's it... We're the 3rd regiment, 5th battalion of the 3rd regiment. I'd consider going to Shangai, but I really need to get back, the Senate is always in need of a good speech and there is always at least one senator in need of a good beating."
Upper Xen
20-11-2004, 15:13
He smiled, "I'm actually retired from the MSAAS right now... I was just tagging along for this mission, basically that's it... We're the 3rd regiment, 5th battalion of the 3rd regiment. I'd consider going to Shangai, but I really need to get back, the Senate is always in need of a good speech and there is always at least one senator in need of a good beating."

Kim said, "Hmm....I'll give you that. Well, we have all jobs to do."

"Still, if you ever want to shoot with the best, ask my dad, Kim Han-Kuk, Shanghai branch manager of the National Bank of Upper Xen. He runs the Cup. Of course...when you get a chance."
Decisive Action
21-11-2004, 21:16
Rutledge nodded his head, "Yes, well perhaps we should all get back to our respective units and ready to leave the area... I imagine they (ME Commonwealth Command) will be landing helicopters to extract my men soon."
Upper Xen
21-11-2004, 23:00
Rutledge nodded his head, "Yes, well perhaps we should all get back to our respective units and ready to leave the area... I imagine they (ME Commonwealth Command) will be landing helicopters to extract my men soon."

Kim said: "Well then......I do suppose we should be going."

She then turned around, slightly bewildered at the whole turn of events, and walked back to the Xenizen lines.

She then muttered to another officer: "I think there is a God....and he just worked in a VERY mysterious way."


Meanwhile, Gordon Lew, President of Upper Xen, walked into Ramai Air Base's interior, and asked to see Thaller.

The guards went, "He's in Room 234. Follow me."

The President then walked to Room 234, and knocked on the door.

"Open up....this is the President."
Decisive Action
21-11-2004, 23:47
Rutledge returned to his unit and waited for the helicopters to arrive.

At the base, Thaller looked at the door opening and stood up, extending his hand, "Herman Von Thaller. And you are?"
Upper Xen
22-11-2004, 00:33
Rutledge returned to his unit and waited for the helicopters to arrive.

At the base, Thaller looked at the door opening and stood up, extending his hand, "Herman Von Thaller. And you are?"

"Gordon Freeman Lew, President of Upper Xen. Served as a CRF Sargeant during the First Yunnan Insurrection. The Sons of Canton, I think they were called."

After shaking Thaller's hand, he went, "Well then. I've got a fueled up BBJ outside waiting to go to Hong Kong. In this case, after we land, we'll be going to the Hong Kong Island district. Trust's a lot more luxurious there. Why? It'll be the Presidential House."

He then said, "What's this I hear about you wanting to bring a ladyfriend? Or rather, her wanting to come along to see some relatives?"
Decisive Action
22-11-2004, 00:49
Thaller nodded his head, "Yes, I think Ms. Matsumoto was wondering if she could come along as well..."
Upper Xen
22-11-2004, 01:04
Thaller nodded his head, "Yes, I think Ms. Matsumoto was wondering if she could come along as well..."

"Hmm....well, I think that if she really wants to, she probably can. I saw her record, it's nigh near spotless, so she can be trusted."

The President said, "Let's go....Tim-our pilot-is gonna get impaitent."

He then motioned for Thaller and Matsumoto to follow him, and proceeded to walk down the hall to the entranceway.
Decisive Action
22-11-2004, 02:44
Thaller nodded and said, "Yes, of course", as he followed behind the president.
Upper Xen
22-11-2004, 03:52
Thaller nodded and said, "Yes, of course", as he followed behind the president.

The President and Thaller, plus Matsumoto walked to the waiting BBJ.

When they got there, the President motioned for Thaller to get onboard.

OOC: Quick and dirty....getting late.
Decisive Action
22-11-2004, 09:07
Thaller immediately followed the president without asking any questions.
Upper Xen
22-11-2004, 20:44
Thaller immediately followed the president without asking any questions.

The President soon directed him to a very comfortable looking easy chair onboard.

After the President, Matsumoto and Thaller sat themselves in their respective chairs, he buckled his seatbelt and told Thaller and Matsumoto to "Buckle up."
Decisive Action
22-11-2004, 21:12
Thaller buckled up, and smiled at Matsumoto, as he said, "Well, here we go, we'll be there soon..."
Upper Xen
22-11-2004, 22:06
The BBJ took off, and escorted by 15 F-16UX's,-the newly introduced Mk 1 model with halfnium engines and other upgrades-, it began a due SW course towards Chek Lap Kok/Gordon Freeman International Airport.

The President smiled and said: "So....Herman von Thaller. You're a lot shorter than I thought you'd be. Meant respectfully of course."

"I'm gonna start the serious negotiations at my House.....for now, you can relax. Want me to put on some music?"
Decisive Action
22-11-2004, 22:21
Thaller chuckled, "Ah, well see, the Czar is tall, Captain Nelson is tall... Those are tall me, I am just a man of average height." He smiled, "But above average pilot ability..."
Upper Xen
22-11-2004, 22:40
Thaller chuckled, "Ah, well see, the Czar is tall, Captain Nelson is tall... Those are tall me, I am just a man of average height." He smiled, "But above average pilot ability..."

" I am told. Our pilots, and I'm sure the pilots of other nations, take notice when you come......but still, we're catching up. You boys don't got halfnium engines yet, do ya?"

He continued: "Me, I was a commando. I let other people fly me to battle.....and I did the tough jobs. I was part of the CRF-Counter Revolutionary Force. Kinda like a SWAT team, mixed with that MSAAS of yours, if you can imagine that."

He then hardened: "I spent three years in the Yunnanese Mountains, cleaning out Muslim guerillas who thought it would be fun to charge at us with Sten guns and RPG-7's. Fortunately....that's where my Colt Commando and my .45 M1911 came in handy, but still, I lost a lot of good friends there."

He said..."You know why I stayed? I did it to free a people from fundamentalist banditry. Those Moslems used their faith as an excuse to kill innocents, and I saw those acts firsthand....when I got into office, I vowed that I would never allow anybody to experience that terror again."

President Lew sighed, then said, "Enough war stories....We should make it to Hong Kong/Xonxtopolis in about 5-8 hours."

He then brightened up and turned to the Bose Stereo. "Want some music? I normally listen to rock and roll, but I believe we have some Mozart and Beethoven aorund here...."
Decisive Action
22-11-2004, 22:43
Herman smiled, "How about Wagner?"
Upper Xen
22-11-2004, 22:47
Herman smiled, "How about Wagner?"

"Ah yes....we do have the Ring Cycle Operas, Lohengrin, and Parsifal. Lemme cue up Die Walkure."

He then put the CD into the player, and pushed the play button. The sounds of Wagnerian opera soon filled the cabin.
Decisive Action
22-11-2004, 23:00
Herman smiled wide, "Ah... This is... Music." he said as he yawned and reclined his seat to enjoy the music as he relaxed a bit.
Upper Xen
23-11-2004, 00:14
President Lew smiled and said, "Glad you enjoy it."

" want anything?"
Upper Xen
23-11-2004, 02:38
President Lew said, "Well, lemme give you some time to mull the question...I'm gonna get a Coke."

He got up, and walked to the drinks cabinet. He asked Matsumoto: "You want anything?"

She said: "Hmmm......why not some ginger ale?"

President Lew said, "Sure. One ginger ale coming right up."

He found a can of ginger ale, and Matsumoto then got up, took it, and then sat back down, purring with delight as she opened the can and drank.

"Whoowheee! Now that's a good change from all that whiskey."
Decisive Action
23-11-2004, 02:47
Herman smiled, "I'll have a rootbeer if you have them, Fabus brand please, it's hard to find outside of the Federation, but you might have it, if you do, I'd love one. Thanks."
Upper Xen
23-11-2004, 03:12
Herman smiled, "I'll have a rootbeer if you have them, Fabus brand please, it's hard to find outside of the Federation, but you might have it, if you do, I'd love one. Thanks."

Lew went, "Hmmm....let's see....well, we do get limited shipments of it, but only a few specialty houses carry it....when we get to Hong Kong, there's a little hole-in-the-wall I'll show you that deals in hard-to-find sodas. Bartleby's. Run by this old Scotsman. Loves Coca-Cola personally, but he lists Fabus as his second favorite."

He handed him a can of Fabus Rootbeer. "My last one. Nigh near 3 Xenthalers a can, this stuff.....good thing the President gets a large salary."
Decisive Action
23-11-2004, 07:00
Thaller cheerfully accepted the soda can, "Thank you, this is good stuff."
Upper Xen
23-11-2004, 21:32
"Don't mention it. You may be an enemy, but we figure you are a man, too, so you deserve some respect."

President Lew then sat down.
Decisive Action
29-11-2004, 00:51
Thaller nodded his head a bit, "Yes, thank you for your hospitality and kind treatment of me... Better than I am used to when I get shot down and captured. I've only been shot down a few times before, and only a few of those times was I even captured."

He shuddered and shook his head, "What awful treatment I received though... Bah..."
Upper Xen
29-11-2004, 01:07
"Ah, yes," President Lew went, "Think nothing of it."

President Lew sat down, and began to read a Japanese comic book.

Matsumoto then reclined her chair, turned to Thaller, smiled, and said, "It's a shame they treated you so badly those last few times they shot you're not a bad person when somebody gets to know you."
Decisive Action
29-11-2004, 01:20
Thaller smiled as he slowly leaned back in his seat, "And you all are very nice here, just took a little getting to know you all."

He grinned at Matsumoto, "Getting to know some of the people here has actually been quite fun..."
Upper Xen
29-11-2004, 01:22
Thaller smiled as he slowly leaned back in his seat, "And you all are very nice here, just took a little getting to know you all."

He grinned at Matsumoto, "Getting to know some of the people here has actually been quite fun..."

Matsumoto chuckled with a girlish laugh, and went, "That wit of yours....."

She then went, "You want to do anything? There's an Okama Gamesphere here, if you're into that. If not....."

She smiled in a very suggestive way....
Decisive Action
29-11-2004, 01:26
Herman smiled, "Whatever you want to do, it's fine with me..."
Upper Xen
29-11-2004, 01:32
She smiled "Okay! Do you like video games?"

She pointed to an Okama Gamesphere, with the game "Bow Bow Footy Kick" plugged in.

"It's actually pretty cool. If you want, there's a WWII German pilot character named the plot, he gets lost in a time vortex and gets sent to a mystical fighting tournament along iwth everyone else. Personally, I think it was an excuse to add a character with a cool 12-combo Teutonic Fist Attack...but I'm not complaining."

The President chimed in: "Uh, if guys wanna use the Gamesphere go ahead...."
Decisive Action
29-11-2004, 01:37
Herman smiled, "My nickname is Hans, coincidence, I think not... It's a sign, let's play..."

He picked up the controller as he asked, "What buttons do what?"
Upper Xen
29-11-2004, 01:50
Herman smiled, "My nickname is Hans, coincidence, I think not... It's a sign, let's play..."

He picked up the controller as he asked, "What buttons do what?"

"Well then," Matsumoto went. "The X button does punch, the Y button does kick, the B button does block, and the A button does jump. Push start to pause.....push select to cycle through options once the game is paused."

"Directional pad moves the character (i.e. push left to move left), the left analog joystick moves the camera angle, the right does the same function as the Directional pad."

"Finally, the L button does distance attack (I think Hans' distance attack is a haunted Mauser pistol with infinite ammo), and the R button causes your character to duck."

"There is also an energy bar....when you deal enough damage to the enemy, your energy meter fills up to full. Then you can do your special attack-for you, it will be the Teutonic Fist Attack."

"Those are the primary controls you need to know....and the Teutonic Fist Attack is Up-Up-Left-Left-X-X-X-X-A. Creates a nice German flag in the background and plays a sample of Deutschland Uber Alles- a really ritzy move that almost got the game banned in some areas....neat bit of trivia, huh?"
Decisive Action
29-11-2004, 01:55
Herman started playing, making bad moves and not getting anything right, he chuckled a bit, "Well I'm just glad I can fight better than I can play... Hhehehehe..."
Upper Xen
29-11-2004, 02:05
Herman started playing, making bad moves and not getting anything right, he chuckled a bit, "Well I'm just glad I can fight better than I can play... Hhehehehe..."

Matsumoto went, "Don't feel so bad.....I used to be that way. Anyway, you're actually doing pretty good for a newbie."
Upper Xen
29-11-2004, 03:19
Decisive Action
29-11-2004, 03:21
Matsumoto went, "Don't feel so bad.....I used to be that way. Anyway, you're actually doing pretty good for a newbie."

He smiled, "You're much better at this game than I... But it doesn't matter, I think we both were quite good at something else, much more fun than the game, a bit earlier, if you catch my drift..."
Upper Xen
29-11-2004, 21:01
He smiled, "You're much better at this game than I... But it doesn't matter, I think we both were quite good at something else, much more fun than the game, a bit earlier, if you catch my drift..."

"Oh....I see....." After saying that, Matsumoto then smiled.

Meanwhile, President Lew said, "Now if I'm not interrupting you two lovebirds, there is something I need to talk to Herr Thaller about.......NOW."

He saved their games, and turned the TV to XNN News.

"XNN News today.....hello John, this is Paul Vanderberg for the South African Office. As you know, a massive ebola outbreak has occured today, dealing major harm to much of the African population. Amazingly, not one single white has been harmed, and many questions still remain...."

As the TV faded into a montage of suffering and hospuital scenes, Lew angrily said, "What is this? Is this some kinda cruel experiment you guys cooked up?"

OOC: I was wondering about that White Restoration thread of yours....can I or one of my proxies join, or is it too late?
Upper Xen
29-11-2004, 21:13
bumped respectfully
Decisive Action
29-11-2004, 21:22
Thaller seemed shocked, "Oh my... What is this? I have no idea either..."

He then suggested, "I could call Commonwealth Intelligence Command in South Africa and find out what is going on..."
Upper Xen
29-11-2004, 21:25
"Well then, that's's just that I found you Mississippians have plenty of surprises."

He found a sattelite phone, and handed it to him in an exasperated manner. "Call them. If they did it, I'm not gonna tell you how to do your job, but at least yell at them, ok?"

OOC: Don't mean to be pushy, but I was wondering about that White Restoration thread of yours....can I or one of my proxies join, or is it too late?
Decisive Action
29-11-2004, 21:28
Ooc- Nah, Operation Restoration is just a flashback of how we got SA, and it is a sort of Momanguise and DA only thing. No offense.


Thaller nodded, picked up the phone and dialed, "Yes, hello... Okay, I can wait a minute."

About a minute later, "Yes, what is going on? Hmmm... I see, just a test, you'll treat them all shortly, okay... Thanks, bye."

He hung up the phone and turned back to the man, "Yes, they're just doing this to prove to the world that we have in our possession, racially specific biological weaponry."
Upper Xen
29-11-2004, 21:33
Ooc- Nah, Operation Restoration is just a flashback of how we got SA, and it is a sort of Momanguise and DA only thing. No offense.


Thaller nodded, picked up the phone and dialed, "Yes, hello... Okay, I can wait a minute."

About a minute later, "Yes, what is going on? Hmmm... I see, just a test, you'll treat them all shortly, okay... Thanks, bye."

He hung up the phone and turned back to the man, "Yes, they're just doing this to prove to the world that we have in our possession, racially specific biological weaponry."

Lew's jaw dropped. He was very shocked.

" really did it. And I thought it was just a myth....a horrible slight against the Fabus regime. But you really did it."

He stepped back into the chair, and sat down on an easy chair, shivering.

"This is really serious......I'm feeling really disturbed right now. This violates all common sense and all laws of probablility. God must have something really big in store for us...."

Lew then began quoting the Bhagavighad-Gita.

"I am become death, Destroyer of Worlds. May God have mercy on our souls-for we know not what we do."
Decisive Action
29-11-2004, 21:41
Thaller frowned, "So, perhaps you'd like to talk to the governor-general himself? I don't know, I can call any of them for you if you wish... They're currently treating all they infected, nobody has died..."
Upper Xen
29-11-2004, 21:58
Thaller frowned, "So, perhaps you'd like to talk to the governor-general himself? I don't know, I can call any of them for you if you wish... They're currently treating all they infected, nobody has died..."

Lew stood up, looked Thaller in the eye, and went in a quaking voice filled with conviction, "I'm not saying anybody is the moral, ethical and future ramifications of this. Personally, and please forgive me for saying this, but it is the most terrifying and unnatural idea ever concieved.....I must say, if there ever was a true WMD, this would be it."

"And sure only DA has it now....but think about what your nation has done.
Others, I hear, have already expressed interest in this weapon (though you have denied them this device), and it is only a matter of time before the criminals and madmen of the world will try and copy or steal this......creation. They won't know how to make an exact copy, but they will try. Oh they will try."

"I can take WMD's, I can take war, violence, and famine-those can be fixed. throws a monkey wrench into the laws of the universe......and kicks it to the left. I am not so frightened that I will soil my drawers, if that's what you think....but it is very sobering."

He stood up and bowed.

"Sorry, Herr Thaller, I just had a very big fright. Please forgive me. I think I've had quite enough surprises for one day. Anyway, I think the plane should be getting close to Hong Kong....."

Matsumoto then went, "Enough of this news.....let's all relax....I know it is serious, but I personally think that is enough."

"Anyway....we've about an hour to go before we hit Hong Kong. There is a very spacious guest sleeping room......."
Decisive Action
29-11-2004, 22:04
Thaller smiled, "Tired already eh? I'm tired too, you want to lead the way?"
Upper Xen
29-11-2004, 22:08
Thaller smiled, "Tired already eh? I'm tired too, you want to lead the way?"

Matsumoto went, "My pleasure."

She led him to the sleeping room...and they walked inside. She then shut the door......

Meanwhile outside, President Lew heard a rythmic thumping and some noise, but he didn't pay attention....he was waayy too deppreessed. He got up, served himself a shot of Shochu Whiskey, and sat down.

He drank the glass thoughtfully.

OOC: Obviously we know what happens next in the let's skip that.

Unless Thaller's statement was not a double entendre....
Decisive Action
29-11-2004, 22:10
A short while later, Thaller came walking out of the room wearing only his shorts and a white T-shirt, he asked the president, "Do you happen to have a cigar on you?"
Upper Xen
29-11-2004, 22:27
Lew replied, "Yeah. Lemme see....."

He began rummaging the mini humidor, and found a box of Dominican Cigars.

"Sorry Herr Thaller....We don't have Mississippian.....this is the best non-Cuban we can come up with. We have Turkish, if you prefer."
Decisive Action
29-11-2004, 22:28
Ooc- Back in a while. 30 minutes perhaps.

Ic- Thaller nodded, "That will do fine, thank you sir."
Upper Xen
29-11-2004, 22:50
OOC: Got it.


"Well, then, relax...and enjoy yourself."

"Oh yeah.....the meet begins tommorrow mind if we get those clothes of yours laundered? You might as well look good....we'll be doing some serious talks."

"Oh and one other thing......what would you like for dinner?"
Decisive Action
29-11-2004, 22:56
Ooc- Back, but be gone for about another 10-20 minutes, after dinner is my shower.


Thaller smiled, "I'll eat most anything, as long as it's meat, I own a large meat packaging plant back in Mississippi..."
Upper Xen
29-11-2004, 23:01
Ooc- Back, but be gone for about another 10-20 minutes, after dinner is my shower.


Thaller smiled, "I'll eat most anything, as long as it's meat, I own a large meat packaging plant back in Mississippi..."

IC: " about some Filet Mignon? Well, I suppose it is a fine cut of meat, so it'll do."
Decisive Action
29-11-2004, 23:44
Thaller nodded, "Yes, that sounds great."
Upper Xen
29-11-2004, 23:56
Lew went, "Good...Well then....I suppose I can't keep you and the lady busy for long....though I would advise you to get ready. We're landing soon."

Lew then wrote down the data, and went back to the cabin.
Decisive Action
30-11-2004, 00:04
Thaller nodded, "Landing, okay, I'll go wake her and tell her to get ready..."

He grinned, "She was quite tired it turns out..."

Herman then left and went back to the room, gently waking her with a whisper, "We're landing shortly."
Upper Xen
30-11-2004, 01:25
Matsumoto then went, "mmmm....oh. Well, time to get up."

As she was getting changed, she went, "Hm......well, if we are almost there....then I've got some calls to make."

As she then continued to change, she went, " are we going to meet? This is Hong Kong...there are obviously going to be tabliodsmen everywhere......anyway, I think you'll be fine at the meeting. I just pray the President and the Government men aren't too sore over the bioweapon you guys made....he seemed quite shaken up."
Upper Xen
30-11-2004, 03:56
respectfully bumped
Decisive Action
30-11-2004, 04:05
Thaller nodded, "Yeah, it'll be fine, don't worry, the bioweapons aren't that big of a deal..."

He then grinned a bit as he playfully slapped her on the butt, "You and I can try to sneak away for a bit when the meetings aren't going on..."
Upper Xen
30-11-2004, 21:45
Matsumoto then playfully laughed, smiled, and said, "Oh....still feelin' frisky, huh?"

She said, as she began to pack her attache case (funny enough the same menacing case, though without the aluminum bat that her colleague had unsuccessfully used earlier), " cousin's probably working on another comic book....but I think she has a room off to the side that's secure."

"Lemme call her."

She picked up the sattelite phone, punched in some numbers, and began saying, "Hi, Iwata-kun? It's me....Reiko-chan..yeah I'm coming into town, I was wondering if I could crash at your place for a bit....oh, I see. Could I at least pay you a visit? That'd be great....thanks. Bai Bai."

She turned to Thaller. "Well, I can't stay at her place....looks like I'll have to stay at the Park Hyatt in Wan-Chai. Good thing there's the subway."
Decisive Action
30-11-2004, 22:00
Thaller grinned, "Always..."

He then yawned a bit when she said that she couldn't find a place to stay, he shook his head, "Any hotel in the city is fine, I've got it covered, I have plenty of money... Any place you want to choose is fine."
Upper Xen
30-11-2004, 22:12
The President, as he was walking by, knocked on the door and chimed in: "If I may?"

"Two things. One: We are deifninetly landing now...second...I've actually a guest room reserved for you at the Presidential House, Herr Thaller. It's nicely furnished, and quite comfy."

He then continued: "And, as for the lady.....I know the manager of the Peninsula....he's actually related to me, so I just might be able to work something out."

"Oh and Herr Thaller? You need not worry about the tabloids...there is such a thing as the gag rule in Upper Xen. I'll just see if I can get such a rule passed for you....I sense that there is not gonna be a lot of folks in Hong Kong that'll be happy to see you. Good thing our landing'll be secret."
Decisive Action
30-11-2004, 22:14
Thaller nodded and smiled, "Thank you sir for your hospitality, you've been most kind to me, how can I ever repay you?"