NationStates Jolt Archive

Internal Communication in S Vietnam, ASEAN

S Vietnam
25-10-2004, 00:49
Official Communication to the Chief Executive of the Republic of South Vietnam:

As of 19:00 on 24 October 2004, the armed forces of the People's Republic of North Vietnam have breached the non-military zone of the 54th parallel and have begun a full scale invasion of South Vietnam. The parliament of ASEAN gives full privilege to the forces of South Vietnam to defend against North Vietnam.

As of 20:00, all unofficial communication and transportation lines between the North and South will completely halt and trade that had recently been reinvigorated by North Vietnam's entry to ASEAN will also be suspended. The Constitutional Monarchy of Prathet Thai and Kingdom of Preah Reachea Kampuchea have chosen to remain militaristically and diplomatically neutral during this period of time.

As of 19:44, the Chief Executive of the Republic of South Vietnam has officially declared war on the People's Republic of North Vietnam. As of 21:00 tonight, troops will be sent to the major cities of Hue, Da Nang, and Pleiku in defense.

The Chief Executive of the Republic of South Vietnam is currently awaiting response from the government of North Vietnam.
Communist Louisiana
25-10-2004, 00:57
OCC: Is this going to be kinda like a set up of the whole Vietnam war? If so, I would like to volunteer to be China or possibly the USSR. If it isnt a remake of the Vietnam war, just disregard my post.
S Vietnam
25-10-2004, 01:17
Sort of...check out this thread on the World Factbook about ASEAN (, a little bit of history behind the two nations. It's kinda like if North and South Vietnam had never unified cause the Vietnam War came out different. In a sense, it's a neo-Vietnam War, but now, the guy that is running North Vietnam made it like super-capitalist and run by the corporate world...but he somehow tried to justify it for a socialist interaction, but I forgot how he did that...hah. But if you'd like, you can play Laos or China, and be a neighboring country that we accidently overrun on our merry little way to destroying each other...
N Vietnam
25-10-2004, 02:35
Official Communication from the Chief Executive of the People's Republic of North Vietnam:

We have struck hard against our foolish neighbor! They will feel the wrath of communism, and so their people will free of this western garbage! As of 19:00 hours on the 24th of October, 2004, The People's Republic of North Vietnam declares war on south vietnam! May unification occur!

As soon as our forces stormed their borders, great code-breakers of the NVA have begun to do us well! We own the communication lines, but the trade routes we have will be broken by artillery, tanks, and the great men of this army!

The objective: To own the supply route between our two borders, this is a nicely paves roads that our armored units & logistics can operate on! We must guard it very well!

Peace can occur, but war must first happen!
S Vietnam
25-10-2004, 03:50
As of 22:30 on 24 October 2004, the armed forces of the Republic of South Vietnam have pushed the North Vietnamese offensive back north of the 54th parallel. The government in Saigon has issued curfews to be effective for at least the next 3 days in all major cities in South Vietnam.

Troops from the capital have been deployed to the three largest cities in the northern part of South Vietnam. The navy is on high alert for sea attacks and is on patrol in the South China Sea along the coast. The South Vietnamese Air Force has begun a campaign of air raids on North Vietnam's largest trade port and military center, Haiphong and the capital, Hanoi. Casualties were not immediately reported in the last updates in Saigon.

The President of South Vietnam was not available immediately for comment, but addressed the nation sullenly on live national broadcast about the onset of war. The Minister of Defense commented that the South Vietnamese was prepared for such an event, and that the defensive was going on well.

Evacuation of the civilian population in Hue, Da Nang, Pleiku and the surrounding areas was successful. No reports of civilian casualities have been made so far. Over 4 million people in the north part of South Vietnam have fled to lower lying areas in the South to recieve government aid.
N Vietnam
25-10-2004, 06:28
I have ordered my guerilla forces already located in SV to take on such a mortar campaign! While in my port city, alot of damage has been done, but forces quickly fled there while citizens moved out, and we have packed it and some of my other cities with the best aaa guns thecountry has!

Angry civilians have either joined the armed forces, fled somewhere else, or is currently learn/constructing mines and such in a secret location!

My navy will guard the port city on high alert, no naval campaigns have been executed as of yet anyway. The leadership has also put great consideration into our advance on the ground, and the conclusion has been mines & mortar attacks! It is the way of the people!

For every SV dog tag, we will reward you!

Loud speakers have been setup in cities and small villages alike! Also the radio is keeping all citizens informed on the war, 24/7!

I also expect much of my military to pound away on those supply routes! Key information on their exact cordinates shall be unconvered!!

This war might never end...
N Vietnam
25-10-2004, 06:30
Secret Broadcast:


If the enemy gets too close, destroy the supply lines!!

N Vietnam
25-10-2004, 06:31
I have decided to let the military handle it from here. We have won many victories this way, and we shall do it once again!
S Vietnam
25-10-2004, 07:14
As of 02:00, the South Vietnamese Air Force announced the successful destruction of key sites including weapons factories in Haiphong and Hanoi. The border at the 54th parallel is heavily guarded and security into South Vietnam has been heightened completely.

Reports of guerilla forces within South Vietnam have proven to be false, but overall security measures have been stepped up in the nation. The South Vietnamese Federal Agency of Intelligence and Investigation announced that all borders along Kampuchea and Laos have been closed. Commercial air traffic into the country has also come to an indefinite halt.

However, on a more promising note, reports of opposition to the invasion of South Vietnam from North Vietnamese nationals has surfaced, but the repressive government has simply crushed all vocal negative feedback. ASEAN has stepped in to intervene with the violations of the Bangkok Human Rights Act. The ASEAN President and Prime Minister have also demanded that North Vietnam either halt the invasion of South Vietnam completely or face ejection from ASEAN or face economic sanctions.
N Vietnam
25-10-2004, 07:20
I shall halt, but SV provoked the attacks! They said i declared war when i never did... Any attacks on NV shall be crimes against humanity, and we should all go after SV! I hoped for a better ASEAN, but SV wanted war in the first place!
N Vietnam
25-10-2004, 07:22
OOC: Sorry man, i got confused when you said i declared war on you when i didn't, and so i thought to play along anyway. Im not a whiz on that area in the world, and i apologize for that.
25-10-2004, 07:30
OOC: Tag. I claim Vietnam, so I won't be RPing. I'll read with interest though.
S Vietnam
25-10-2004, 08:41
OOC: Sorry man, i got confused when you said i declared war on you when i didn't, and so i thought to play along anyway. Im not a whiz on that area in the world, and i apologize for that.

Oh...I just started the way just to get things going...feel free to start more forum topics like this n publicize on the ASEAN board so we can get Prathet Thai and Kampuchea involved too. Besides, in playing South Vietnam, I've gotta play the role of ASEAN yeah...btw, i wasnt really going to eject you from ASEAN, it was just for effect...cause i thought we were just messing around :)
S Vietnam
25-10-2004, 08:54
New Release from Saigon Chronicle:

SAIGON, S. Vietnam (REUTERS) - In their boldest and deadliest ambush in nearly four decades, the regional conflict between North and South Vietnam resurfaced Sunday night as troops of the People's Republic of North Vietnam marched into Hue, the largest metropolitan area in the nothern region of South Vietnam.

Guerilla violence in the cities of Pleiku, Da Nang, Hue, and even as far south as Nha Trang was reported, but quickly controlled by the military. President of South Vietnam, Lien Binh Quoc, announced a state of emergency and asked for "the cooperation and understanding of his people at this time of confusion" in an address to the nation late Sunday night.

Civilian casualties were reported in Hue where at least 5 were killed and dozens injured in the ensuing confusion. Officials of the People's Republic of North Vietnam has also reported claims of at least 5,000 casualties in Haiphong and Hanoi from the bombing early Monday morning in response to the attacks on Hue, Pleiku, and Da Nang.

International transportation has completely shut down in South Vietnam with all international airports grounding all flights. The National Bullet Train system, the Xe Lua, has also shut down. Borders surrounding the entire country has also been sealed and entry into the country is completely prohibited for another 24 hours. The navy and coast guard are also feverishly patrolling the South China Sea for possible attacks from the North.

Officials from the People's Republic of North Vietnam were not immediately available for comment, but motions towards withdrawing troops seemed very likely as the sun rose on Monday morning.
N Vietnam
25-10-2004, 22:01
Transcript of PM of The People's Republic of North Vietnam, PM Bao Dai:

We defeated the city of Hue! It was their strongest stronghold, but they were defeated and soon retreated into the night! Many pow's are being sent back to NV to participate in labor camps, and we will greatly honor those geneva regulations!

On the other hand, SV has taken some NVA and executed them in the middle of the streets! Is that barbarianism? Is that ho you respect the geneva convention!?!? I call for international assistance in this conflict! You shall be greatly rewarded...

Our cities have been fortified all over the country, so bombing raids are no longer an option for SV! We have also dispatched our great navy all over the country to patrol our coastal lines, in case imperialist SV wants to torture our people some more! They don't realize this, but most they kill innocent women & children, more new recruits we get! They are very fool-hearted.

*holds his finger on his ear*

We have bombed Da Nang! What damage was done isn't known, but we targeted military installations, political buildings, and SV military targets along the way! Our great men from the NVA have bombed those imperialists into humiliation!

100,000 armed NV soldiers are en route to hue to reinenforce our current forces already there, and that city will be ours! Hanoi will never fall to the cowards in the south! We have went to compacity in our hospitals because of the SV continuous bombing campaigns on innocent women & children! We have setup camps all over the outskirts of our cities equipped with medical personel where wounded civilians will get the help they need!

Our troops are still training in the northern parts of the country, they are preparing to fight in this ongoing war!
S Vietnam
26-10-2004, 00:50
New Release from Saigon Chronicle:

SAIGON, S. Vietnam (REUTERS) - Widespread damage to private and public facilities has been reported in several major cities in the Northern provinces of the Republic of South Vietnam as fighting continued Monday afternoon.

The PRNV army had made motions and insinuations that it would be immediately withdrawing troops from the Republic of South Vietnam, but as dawn approached, new attacks on defense posts and civilians were reported in Hue, Da Nang, and Pleiku.

The President of ASEAN noted that his threat to enforce economic sanctions against the PRNV if they did not withdraw troops by midnight on Tuesday was completely ignored. ASEAN's member nations, excluding the PRNV, expressed full support of the Republic of South Vietnam's defense against the attacks, however, only the People's Republic of Laos (Randomness By All) was the only nation to actively send troops to aid South Vietnam.

Foreign aid from Japan, the Russian Federation, France, and the United States were sent immediately on Monday as fighting continued in the north.

Officials of South Vietnam announced that an influx of over 3 million refugees from outlying areas in the North have fled into Saigon and other metropolitan areas of the south.

The United Nations has been asked to assist in humanitarian aid particularly in the northern cities of Hue, Da Nang, and Pleiku.

As of Monday afternoon, the armed forces of South Vietnam declared the successful air raid on Hanoi which sent the Prime Minister of the PRNV into hiding. The successful cesession of supply lines to PRNV troops in South Vietnam was also announced.

The conflict began late Sunday afternoon with the invasion of Hue by PRNV forces. The region has been relatively stable and peaceful over the last four decades, and recent talks and the admission of the PRNV into South Vietnam-dominated ASEAN led to the amicable relations between the two nations. However, the invasion on Sunday came as a complete surprise, and as a result, the South Vietnamese suffered huge casualties.
N Vietnam
26-10-2004, 04:38
The good news is that we demaged South Vietnam's major cities in the north! They are attempting to install new defenses, but their willpower has been a miserable failure! NVA troops are currently piling into Hue as we speak, getting suited up for the greatest offense of this war!

The Target: All of the territories north of Da Nang! A bunch of groups of NVA forces will swoop in the south with help of the airforce and will meet up to create a bunch of NVA military camps all along that peninsula area. They will be very discreet, and if SV enters, it will die!

In response to Laos and its imperialist actions, we hereby declare war on Laos, and we are opening up a western front! Goodbye old friend...

I hope that China realizes the difference between a western pig and a great friend in NV! We hope they join us in the conflict...

We didn't withdraw because we were being attacked! So RSV has asked for it! Now the fist of the innocent people that died at the hands of RSV will be crushed beyong submission if they DO NOT agree to an immediate cease-fire!

Our attacks on their cities were in retaliation for their actions in my port city and elsewhere!

Laos, i will crush you like a tick if you don't leave this war! Your borders are being filled by fighters loyal to us as we speak! You fool! And to the other nations of ASEAN, if you want peace, help me in this conflict until the cease-fire is agreed, bring sanctions upon them until the cease-fire is signed, or don't bother with us!!

If any other nation would like to help us, you will be greatly rewarded!

My navy was dispatched to the coastlines of RSV, so underhanded trade routes won't be in existance! My naval factories have hired extra people and are producing near compacity! Many small businesses have been formed with small fishing boats taking the role of infiltration of the RSV! We can use all we can to destroy this enemy!

Our first objective is the coast of Da Nang! Once we surprise attack them with our navy, thus pounding them into commision, we will barrage their land units! We have have transport vessels en route to land and take their whole coastal part of that city!

At that point they will dispatch their navy, we'll suit up for them! Mining the waters especially! While everything is concentrated there, and the RSV troops head to fight in that coastal region, attack from the north! The PRNV troops i was talking about earlier will launch an attack to take that city!

If that fails, we will strike with unrelentless mortar units! They are the best in the world!

We also ask that the oppressed people of the RSV stand up and fight against their slave owners!!

The UN has also asked to bring in humanitarian aid, and i will let them do so. But you never know when the RSV will attack innocent humanitarian workers! We will transport our prisoners to small labor camps 100 miles north of Hue. The border we took is being fortified, we also fixed the broken barriers, and we repaved the roads so that we can get supplies around.

There was what seemed to be an air raid over Hanoi, but that was really a rogue pilot that infiltrated our air force years before, and we quote...

"You will never free the worthless people of the RSV, we will continue to enslave them! Die!!" He manage to unload some bombs before we terminated him, and we're sorry for the inconvience.
The Japanese People
26-10-2004, 04:46

Cool! Vietnam War!

I dunno what nation I shall be.

S Vietnam
N Vietnam

Well, two out of those five nations have been picked and one nation wants China or USSR and I certainly don't want NATO (America)
N Vietnam
26-10-2004, 04:56
OOC: Either way i'm going to continue to play as this nation when this conflict is over. It's a conflict, yeah, but not the vietnam-america conflict in like 62-73, we are in the modern day.
S Vietnam
26-10-2004, 05:59
Transcript of Statement by the President Lien Binh Quoc of the Republic of South Vietnam to the People of South Vietnam on South Vietnam Broadcasting System (26 October 2004, 21:47):

Good evening, as you are all already aware, our nation is currently under attack by our brothers to the north, the People's Republic of North Vietnam. Please be assured that our government and armed forces are doing everything within their power to protect our best interests.

These are very difficult times for our nation, and after 40 years of peace, North Vietnam has awaken its aggressive nature. I assure the people of our nation that I will fight to my last breath to protect all that is true and right for South Vietnam.

Peace and justice will prevail! Yesterday evening, an emergency security council conference of ASEAN concluded that sanctions against the People's Republic of North Vietnam will begin immediately.

If the sanctions do not prevail, ASEAN has agreed to eject North Vietnam from ASEAN, and the United Nations made motions towards actions against North Vietnam's aggression towards our nation.

Thank you...
N Vietnam
26-10-2004, 19:30
If the PRNV is sanctioned by all of ASEAN, you can expect a war with us! After i crush Laos, i guess i'll have to move to another place, unless nations want a friendly relationship with us, you will get stomped! Don't play with fire.... That's if all ASEAN members vote "Aye" to sanctioning me, and if you don't, we'll continue a very prosperous future!

If i'm ejected from this region, i'll form a coalition for the total invasion of ASEAN, and trust me i will. We are looking at peace or an ongoing war... The choice is yours!
N Vietnam
26-10-2004, 19:33
We are announcing to be beginning on a new venture. On a venture towards nuclear capabilities! We will be working on this project in secret locations of this country.
S Vietnam
27-10-2004, 06:55
New Release from the Saigon Chronicle:

SAIGON, South Vietnam (REUTERS) - After 40 years of relative peace between the People's Republic of North Vietnam and the Republic of South Vietnam, recent aggression from the PRNV has forced the rearmament of the border at the 54th parallel on Wednesday.

The People's Republic of Laos (Randomness By All) continues to support its southeastern neighbor, South Vietnam despite numerous threats by the government of North Vietnam.

ASEAN declined to comment on their plan of action following an announcement on North Vietnamese People's Broadcasting System declaring that Laos would be attacked within the week if it did not withdraw troops from within the borders of the PRNV.

The Prime Minister of Laos, Parniparit Supanusaporn, defended his government's decision to remain actively aligned with the Republic of South Vietnam. "As a member of ASEAN, the people of Laos feel that we must stand behind our brother and protect all that is just," commented the Prime Minister during an interview with the South Vietnam National Broadcasting System.

After numerous threats of nuclear weapon programs being launched in the PRNV, South Vietnam began a heavy campaign of satellite surveilance over North Vietnam. Several sites for possible weapons of mass destruction have been identified.

The United Nations has finally stepped in and is expected to take action soon. In the meantime, South Vietnam is on high security alert, but as of Wednesday morning, the national bullet train service, the Xe Lua, reopened as well as all of the major international airports across the nation. Numerous security checkpoints have been formed on all major roads entering Hue, Da Nang, Pleiku, Nha Trang, Vung Tau, Saigon, and Cho Lon.
N Vietnam
28-10-2004, 02:30
Over the last few weeks, we have built up our forces all along the western border of Laos, and as we are very civilized, i'd like to give Laos one more chance to stand down, or we are invading!

If RSV wishes to attack innocent civilians on a claim that they found "secret sites" that are actually school & hospitals, then they are out of luck, we will blast their old planes out of the sky!!!

If the UN wishes to take on the might of the PRNV, they will be crushed beyond repair! That's all we have to say about that...
S Vietnam
29-10-2004, 05:42
New release from the Bangkok International Press:

SAIGON, South Vietnam (Associated Press) - ASEAN and UN intervention has finally ended the weeklong crisis between the two Vietnams.

The forces of the People's Republic of North Vietnam agreed to withdraw their troops early Friday morning after the Republic of South Vietnam threatened to use nuclear force to end the aggression.

South Vietnam had already effectively blocked supply routes into Hanoi and several major cities in North Vietnam. The interjection of the People's Republic of Laos (Randomness By All) also added heightened pressure on the PRNV.

The Prime Minister of the PRNV insisted in interviews on Saturday that the original offensive was a response to aggression started by the troops of the Republic of South Vietnam.

Officials from the Republic of South Vietnam commented that all South Vietnamese military action was defensive, noting that all fighting had been on South Vietnamese territory until the air raid campaigns began over Hanoi, Haiphong, and Quang Binh in North Vietnam.

The crisis at one point had escalated with the PRNV's declaration of war on neighboring Laos, citing that the Laotian government was posing threats to the interests of the people of the PRNV.

The heavy security at the border at the 54th parallel continued through Saturday night, and officials of South Vietnam commented that it may be some time before South Vietnam will withdraw their troops from border patrol.

The border at the 54th parallel has been one of the most politically unstable, yet peaceful dividing lines in the world for the last 40 years. Vietnam officially separated and became the two segregated states in 1946 after elections to choose the new majority of government failed. Civil war between North Vietnam and South Vietnam occurred on and off for 15 years until a peace accord was signed in 1961 that lasted until the attack on South Vietnam less than a week ago.
N Vietnam
29-10-2004, 07:32
We may agree to peace afterall. But if Laos thinks it's slick, i will destroy that government! Look, its people are even rising up! The most rebellions in the region...
N Vietnam
01-11-2004, 03:38
*Just a few miles into the border between Laos & PRNV*

Thousands upon thousands of PRNV Grade-A healthy troops are just marching in the distance, strutting their stuff, so when the call comes, nothing will be left of this border with Laos! The loud screams and marching boots of a great chunk of the army of the PRNV is singing loud with spirits high!

As the border guard looks afar, they begin to walk away, until they get to their trucks and they seem to be leaving.

Many of the PRNV tanks are also rolling around the borders, a few 100 camps exist along that border so that when the time comes, they can all invade like nothing this region ever seen!

Unlike the unsure operations with RSV, this war is sue to be a no contest!