NationStates Jolt Archive

Camewot, soon to be seperated once more? [INVITE ONLY, TG ME IF YOU WANT TO PLAY]

18-10-2004, 17:44
OOC: Sign up list:






It was night at New Camewot.
Once more a dark day had passed.....
New Camewot was a city full of rebellions, 10 years ago they started the civil war.
When after the big assault the New Camewot Fascist leaders decided to give up the New Camewot mayor decided to sign a pact that would contribute New Camewot to 100 years of being a Police city.
Today, 10 years later, you were being arrested if you would organise a meeting for more then 10 people.
If you would be arrested, you could choose:

1. Youre whole family and you would be murdered.
2. You choose to be hypnotised and be re-educated at NewLife.

But out there in the jungle and under New Camewot, a city of tunnels lay silent.
Or not that silent after all, after 10 years, the few who took the risk to escape and to die in the jungle trying to find the tunnel entrances build up a huge underground society.
Once every 2 months, they organised pickups for people who wanted to flee.
All of them were united under one leader, Fuhrer Secundus Julius.
The Underground Fascist Rebellion (UFR) has contact with various nations, and they are expecting a spy drop into the town or jungle everyday to begin negotiations.
But the police and special forces in New Camewot had noticed the recent activitys, and they were also negotiating with several nations to organise a fake spy drop to infiltrate.
Camewottian spys were ready, but help from a few other nations were welcome.

OOC: You know what to do guys.
18-10-2004, 17:50
There was a deep drone, like far away thunder, as the Ga78 transport plane flew over the vast, sprawling jungle. A single parachute blossomed in the night sky, as slowly the man inside drifted to earth.

He expertly avoided the tall, leering trees and rolled safely onto the hard earth. Something moved in the shadows, and he gripped his rifle and spoke loudly and clearly.

I am a friend of the movement. I mean no harm, except to the traitor Camewot government. Who is there?
18-10-2004, 17:51
Secundus Julius Jungle Gaurd, identify yourself.
18-10-2004, 17:55
My name is Captain Sergi Keela, ex-russian mafiyia. I am here at your service.
19-10-2004, 06:32
She calmly walked out of the train and looked around. "Hmmm....quaint..." She walked out of the station and despite the fact it was raining, she continued on, following the address that was given to her. She walked for another 30mins before finally reaching an imposing building. The mystery lady walked in and showed her pass, "Misao-Chan, Oni Gang Spy Network, Counter-Insurgent Agent"
19-10-2004, 18:57
What the fuck? WHY are you just saying that out on the street??
Don't you know? The police is everywhere!

Two big hands caught her and dragged her into the enormous building.
Two strange looking people with copyrights printed on theyre necks took them to the basement of the building.
One of them carryd an old desk away, and under it was a huge tunnelentrance.
After 2 hours of crawling they reached an open room under the ground.

Captain Sergi Keela was there, the two men left and they were left alone.

OOC: Youre pro-nazi right? So Momanguise is Pro-Camewot. Have fun :D
19-10-2004, 19:32
Jens, Could I join, as a small military ally, and diplomat?
19-10-2004, 20:16
OOC: TG me please
20-10-2004, 07:12
Misao was shocked as two hands reached out and dragged her in. "Ah..What the..." She tried to struggle and the two men dragged her into a dark room with a man behind the desk. She stood up and shook the dust off and looked at the man. "Well, pardon my appearence, this was a brand new uniform i got, now its all dusty.......Anyway what's the situation like?"

OOC: Wait.....I'm pro-Nazi so am i working for the government or for the underground?
20-10-2004, 13:39
OOC: You are working for you're government to help the Nazis.
Also, you were being dragged into a tunnel and now you are meeting Momanguises dubbel agent.
20-10-2004, 14:23
OOC: So who is in power? Is the Nazi the underground?
20-10-2004, 15:01
OOC: Yes, :P
21-10-2004, 09:13
Segi Keela felt the blindfold roughly torn from his eyes. He had been expecting blinding light, but in fact found himself in a dark, damp tunnel. He saw another figure, prehaps a woman, shrouded in shadows. He jumped up and introduced himself.

Sergi Keela at your service, who might you be?
21-10-2004, 12:30
Misao looked at the man, "My name is Misao-Chan, I'm a member of the Oni Gang. You said your name was Sergi Keela. Your a russian eh? Never trusted russians..." She eyed him suspiciously and her left hand slowly went to her daggers, just in case. "Why are we here?"
21-10-2004, 13:11
He gave a soft laugh, turning his bright eyes to look carefully at her.

Georgian actually. I changed my name in the late eighties. And yourself? Japanese? Incidentally, whatever it is you are reaching for, you need not bother. I mean you no harm.

He began to pace, staring at the dank, festid walls.

I am here to otherthrow this bastard government of Camewot. And yourself?
21-10-2004, 13:46
"Oh...Georgian eh? I'm here because the Oni Gang High Command sent me here, seems there is an underground movement that i am suppose to assist. The rest of my mission is confidential." She still eyed him and did not put down her daggers.

OOC: Just so you know, my character's weapons is daggers that she throws out , she can carry 5 in each hand, inbetween her fingers and throw them.
21-10-2004, 14:03
He was mildly amused; a ridiculous form of standoff was developing. He slipped his own hand into his pocket, and closed his fingers round the handle of his Mauser pistol.

Then perhaps I could help inform you. The rebellion is National Socialist. Is that really what you stand for?
21-10-2004, 14:09
"National Socialists? Yes, High Command sent me here to aid them in the struggle against the oppressive government. You too were sent here to aid the underground movement?"

She fingered her daggers apprehensively, something was not right here......
21-10-2004, 14:12
The tension in the room was as sharp as a knife, you could taste it in the air.

Just making sure that we stand on the same side. There is evidence that the Camewot government is sending loyal spies to subvert the rebellion. How do I not know that you are one of them?
21-10-2004, 14:15
"And how do i know your not one of them?" She countered his question with the same one. "Who are you to question my motives?"
21-10-2004, 14:20
I am Sergi Keela, and you would do well not to cross me.

He then extended his right hand, a half smile of his lips.

However, it appears that we will have to trust each other. In order to work together, we must be friends. Will you be my friend?
21-10-2004, 14:24
"Not to cross you? Ha!" She smirked at that remark, "However....these are unique conditions.....until i find my second operative...i could have a use for you." She saw him extend his right hand, "Sorry.....i don't shake people's hands." She took her left hand out of her pocket and folded her arms, "Well what are we suppose to do now? Wait?"
21-10-2004, 14:29
His smile twisted and for a moment he seemed to wear a strangely triumphant look on his face.

I can assure you my dear I am far too good for you to use me. At times I can become a somewhat dangerous individual, let us hope for your sake that you never see that other side of me.
21-10-2004, 14:31
"Well so can I, maybe we should have a little demonstration eh?" She smiled.
21-10-2004, 14:32
He shook his head slowly and deliberately,

No, for I have no desire to kill you. After all, we are on the same side are we not?
21-10-2004, 14:35
"Kill me? it will take more than a small pistol to kill a member of the Oni Gang. But your right, until you betray me or otherwise, we're allies.......So what are we suppose to do?"
21-10-2004, 14:39
I will be leaving this place, and seeing for myself this seperatist land. Better to be pro-active than re-active. You may come if you wish, or you may remain here, I don't honouestly care.

With that he buttoned up his great coat and made for the exit.
21-10-2004, 14:42
"Okay then....I will go find the other operative that was suppose to meet me.."
21-10-2004, 14:48
ooc: I am going to assume that Camewot won't mind us rping some of the actions of the resistance.


He strode quickly, his long steps carrying him further into the night. He has a Kalashnikov slung across his back, and he slipped a balaclava over his head. They came finally to the open jungle, dark oppressive trees that stood tall over the two, a canopy of darkness that hid the stars. They walked for a time, how long it was impossible to say. Every now and then, Sergi would pick something off the ground, smell it, then throw it away. He pressed his ear to the ground, listening for footsteps. Suddenly he threw himself into the natural refuse that littered the forest floor, and drew his Kalashnikov.

Soldier, enemy. He growled, pointing into the distance. Sure enough, a single figure was picking his way inexpertly through the crude paths.
21-10-2004, 17:27
Misao-Chan was still surprised of the sudden leave of Sergi Keela when she heard noise in the deeper tunnels.
Suddently, 2 Jungle Gaurds appeared.
After that, a man with long hair and a black-brown beard appeared.
He was wearing red, Pseudo-Romanian clothes.

Goodday, I am Secundus Julius, the agent from the Oni Gang I suppose?
Werent there two agents here?

Yes, but he left. Just like that, he seemed to found an exit!

An exit? This room you are in now is 10 miles deep...And even if he found an exit it will be doubfull if he will be alive for much more....The jungle is full of boobytraps!

I dident got allong with him anyway!

Hahaha, yes, well, shall we get to bussines? Follow me please.

The Jungle Gaurd brought Julius and Misao to a office-kind room.


Meanwhile, in the jungle

Sergey made his way through the jungle.
He knew every boobytrap, he studied on it for 3 months now.
After he led the Rebels in Holy Panooly, the Camewottian Government used him as the Head of the Spys.
Now, he was sent on a mission to infiltrate in the New Camewot Underground.
He had all papers and other stuff that would make him look like a New Camewot Citizen.
But he heard something.
He pulled out his two full-automatic Beretta's and said:

Camewot or Secundus Julius?
23-10-2004, 08:28
Sergi growled, he aimed his rifle again at the mans head and spoke clearly, though his voice was masked by the balaclava.

I don't know who you are, but if you drop your weapons now I will allow you to live. Please do this now.
26-10-2004, 17:49
I have no intentions of dropping my weapons.
As you will be dead in a few seconds anyway, I am a Camewottian double agent.
Identify yourself!
28-10-2004, 16:24
He gave a low chuckle.

I am a man who you do not wish to be playing games with.

He fired once, a silenced bullet flying at the man. He was a feared marksman, and if his aim was true then it would clip the man on the temple and leave him unconciouss, but alive.
28-10-2004, 19:33
Sergey, formerly known as Ivan Basso, knew his arts.
He had been trained for 6 months by the Camewottian Secret Service, and later on he got a 12 month Special Op Training.
He dived to the ground and quickly found his tunnelentrance he had been hoping far.
Sergey crawled away in the darkness.
29-10-2004, 14:33
Anne walked in the streets of the city, taking in the sights and sounds of the city, she looked at her map and looked around. "eh? This way should be a short-cut" She stupidly walked into a dark alley so as to save time from walking around the block.

She quickly sprinted to the otherside, someone was watching her....she looked back and could see a shadow of a figure. She stopped and turned around, "Who are you?" The mysterious figure walked out of the shadows, it was a street thug. "Gimme all your money." He pointed a gun at her. "Mister...this is not your day."

She calmly took out her whip and faster than the eye can see, used the whip to disarm the thug, the gun fell on the floor and the thug jumped back in shock, "What the-" She smiled and flicked the whip again and wrapped it around the thug neck and tightened it, choking the miserable excuse of a human being.

"Pathetic" She walked to the now-dead body and kicked it making sure that it was dead and walked out of the alley, "Now where was that store that sold red-bean paste buns?"

OOC: Anne is another operative that is looking for Misao. Sorry for any confusion caused.
29-10-2004, 15:53
Misao walked in the streets of the city, taking in the sights and sounds of the city, she looked at her map and looked around. "eh? This way should be a short-cut" She stupidly walked into a dark alley so as to save time from walking around the block.

She quickly sprinted to the otherside, someone was watching her....she looked back and could see a shadow of a figure. She stopped and turned around, "Who are you?" The mysterious figure walked out of the shadows, it was a street thug. "Gimme all your money." He pointed a gun at her. "Mister...this is not your day."

Faster than the eye could catch, she took out her blades and dashed towards the thug, "What the-" He tried to shoot but kept missing because of the darkness, "AH!" She threw her blades at him, the first two hit his arm and caused him to drop the gun, the other three flew towards his chest and stabbed him, injuring him severly. "Hmmmm......" She flicked another blade out and threw it at his head, killing him instantly.

"Pathetic" She walked to the now-dead body and took out the blades and wiped it clean and walked out of the alley, "Now where was that store that sold red-bean paste buns?"

OOC: I don't think you understand, youre in the underground tunnels and you need to negotiate with Secundus Julius
29-10-2004, 19:10
OOC: oops....wrong plan was to have two different operatives in the lands.....wrong name...i'm gonna change it now....
29-10-2004, 19:16
Misao followed the man and his two guards deeper into the tunnels, soon they reached a office-like room where he sat down and motioned her to sit on the opposite chair. " Mr Julius, I am not the only Oni Gang Operative here in this nation, High Command has informed me that another Operative has entered the nation, i should look for her and link up with High Command. But before that, brief me on the current situation concerning the nation."
02-11-2004, 10:19
Interesting, do you need any support from my Jungle Gaurd for tracking this second agent?
The situation here is calm, each 1st of the month we organise a run-over.
The people who want to flee New Camewot are then picked up and being trained to become soldiers, or to work for our organisations as spys or even as cooks.
An army doesent fight on a empty stomach you know....
02-11-2004, 16:04
"No thanks, we have tracking signals unique for each of our agents, I'll find her later and i will need to hook up with High Command later as well. Anyway the situation is calm for now? Are there any news of any possible uprisings or revolts against the current government? Or is there anything the Oni Gang can help you with?"

"Mmmm, delicious red bean bun." Anne happily walked down the street, not knowing that she was being trailed by the police. She again decided to walk to an alley and this time did not crash into any street thugs but into a police officer. "Anne of the Oni Gang?" She recoiled in shock, no one knew that she was an Oni Gang member. "What the....who are you!?" Her hand slowly went to her whip and she could see two more policemen sneaking behind her, She leaped over them and used her whip to whip their backs, but she didn't notice another officer and he took out a stun-gun and shot her. "Ah-" She collapsed and the officer picked her up, "bring her to the prision, we will interrogate her there."
02-11-2004, 16:18
Heh, there are no revolts against the current government here in New Camewot.
If one would happen it would be because of us.
We particulary need decent information about the number of Camewottian troops/aircraft/spys in the area.
We also need troops!
We can't fight with an army of 400 Jungle Gaurds...
There are currently 2000 undergrounds here, wich 500 children, 500 elderly, 500 workers (cooks, tunneldiggers,..) and only 500 Soldiers from wich 100 are being used in the whole country as spys...
Unfortunately, only this city is being a Corporate Police State, the rest of the country is simply under Liberal influence of the Parliament and such.
Because of THAT, we dont get any support from out New Camewot.
When the Civil War ended the Nazi leaders signed a pact that made New Camewot, where the revolt started, a police city.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

New Camewot Prison

Wake up!!

Hu? What?

Anne woke up in a white room, totally white.
There wasent a single stain, it was all white.
Around her were standing three people in flashy green skirts.
Her eyes hurted so badly of looking at the skirts that she closed them again.