NationStates Jolt Archive

Vacation in Camel Eaters (now open to general public)

Camel Eaters
09-10-2004, 16:41
Okay Camel Eaters is now ready to receive tourists!!!
But first a warning any racist naitons should know that the population is mostly made up of the descendants of pre-christian Celtic and Arabic tribes.
With other races (trolls, goblins, werewolves) living here too. We are a mostly modern tech nation.


Caravans- There many different caravan type and duration. Ranging anywhere from one month to a few hours. Details of different caravans will be given when asked.

Fly- Camel Eaters has many interesting creatures many of which are domesticated and can be used to fly over a town or to take a cross-country tour. Different animals will be explained when asked.

Drive- Self explanatory. Different vehicles available.

See the Sights!!!
Feel the friendly people (they don't mind)
Come to Camel Eaters.
09-10-2004, 19:32
ooc:what does bump meen?

I the president of THE F.S.D would like to take a tour of your country in one of your flying creatures.Could you please tell me which creature is the safest one to fly on and the biggest one.
Drum Gods
09-10-2004, 19:33
Bring Up My Post
Camel Eaters
09-10-2004, 20:18
The safest flying creature would be a Batakang or giant bat. You make take your pick of breeds.

Yellow Eared

Swamp Swinger

Great Mojavan

Hannari Ridgeback
Camel Eaters
09-10-2004, 20:28
We'll RP the stuff in this thread.
Camel Eaters
09-10-2004, 23:23
Drum Gods
09-10-2004, 23:31
We have a 250 person group who wish to come to the nation of Camel Eaters on some sort of organised trip if you have one.

Bureaucrat of the Drum God Empire
A January 2003 Nation
Camel Eaters
10-10-2004, 00:29
Sure caravan would be best for that large a group. There are many differenet caravan options. It really depends on where they would like to go within the country.
Drum Gods
10-10-2004, 00:32
They want to see all the sights.
Camel Eaters
10-10-2004, 00:44
Hmm. They'd have to take the Overland Trollish Caravan. Would any of them like a Bataknag or some other flying creature? If so what breed. Also their camels have been rented and the trip will take about two and one half months. Will there be anything else?
Drum Gods
10-10-2004, 00:45
They would like it [the trip] to be as luxurious as possible.

Bureaucrat of the Drum God Empire
A January 2003 Nation
Camel Eaters
10-10-2004, 00:50
Hmm. So how many for flying then? Also luxurious. Ah. Haddi runs a good and easy caravan most of your people would enjoy that. Although it isn't cheap.
Drum Gods
10-10-2004, 00:57
Well probably all 250 for flying. Money is not a problem.
Camel Eaters
10-10-2004, 01:02
Then you wouldn't need a caravan just a steady wrangler. I can get you booked for Ginga he has over a thousand Batakang. What breed would you want? Also is there anyone of great prominence in this group? If so we can organize a military escort.
10-10-2004, 02:03
i would like to take a flight tour on a swamp swinger. how much would this cost? What is the climate like in camel eaters? Will i get to eat camels?
Camel Eaters
11-10-2004, 00:21
Ok we have a Swamp Swinger for you. The cost will be five hundred camel teeth (1000 US). The climate is relatively fair ever since we've begun heavy irrigation programs. Yes camels will be served.
11-10-2004, 01:14
~~money wired~~

do i get to hunt camel? :sniper:
how are the women? :fluffle:
Camel Eaters
11-10-2004, 03:18
Yes you may huint camel. The women *shrugs*
12-10-2004, 01:07
when is my trip scheduled for? any time is good for me-pretty much.
do you eat anything but camel?
12-10-2004, 01:18
What is the nation of Camel Eaters like? i'm presuming its kinda sandy but then you've got a load of trolls and stuff which implies swampy forrest kinda areas. Or is it both?
12-10-2004, 01:33
yum... trolls
Camel Eaters
12-10-2004, 14:16
The trip is scheduled for next week (NS time). We have many desersts but swamps and mountains are frequent. No there will be no troll eating. Yes we eat other things i.e. exploding fungus, lamb, and other normal foods.
Camel Eaters
12-10-2004, 15:05
20% discount For First Time Customers
Camel Eaters
23-10-2004, 02:14
Yr Widdfa
23-10-2004, 05:47
Duke Gwalcavad would like to tour the newest member of the ACS. We will provide an escort and will be driving. We would like to end with a visit to your leader.
Camel Eaters
24-10-2004, 18:11
Aye that'll be good. Would you like any specific routes to be taken for more info just ask.