NationStates Jolt Archive

Cmd. Hyman Rickover IV gets his 1st command

06-10-2004, 04:10
The Story of Hyman G. Rickover IV

OOC: I'm introducing a new character and I plan for him to go far. Here is some history on him.

The beginning 24 years ago

The United States of America was falling apart. The once unified nation of freedom had become numerous waring and sometimes fascist nations. During this era there was fear among much of the Jewish community. Fearing that history would repeat itself as it had too many times, most of them took their right of return and flew off to Israel where they would be safe.

On board one of the El Al 747 jumbo jets sat Hyman G. Rickover IV his great-grandfather was the father of the American nuclear fleet. Hyman was looking forward to a career with the US Navy on the subs his grandfather had built. With the break up of the once great nation Rickover had to abandon that plan. Upon landing at David ben Gurion International Airport in Tel Aviv he went through immigration. Given his somewhat celebrity status being the great-grandson of a famous Polish Jew, he went through quickly.

Rickover had no clue where to go. He would not want to go into the civilian sector. There was one thing calling for him. The ocean. It may have been inherited from his family, but Hyman wanted to go to see on nuclear submarine. Hyman collected his baggage and went to a Taxi. He asked to be taken to the Israeli Naval Academy in Haifa.

Upon arriving, Hyman grew nervous. "What do I say," he thought to himself. His hands were shaking as he walked to the admissions office. He filled out the forms and got an immediate interview with a Captain due to who he was. Hyman did not like the preferential treatment, but what he didn't know was that this Captain had received his US Naval Academy application through a Mossad agent and the INA liked what they saw. After a 2 hour interview, Hyman was admitted into the Academy.

It was no one's surprise that the young cadet chose to study nuclear engineering and submarine warfare. After 4 years of the Academy, he graduated the Salutorian in his class. While some thought he would not be happy unless he was Valedictorian, he didn't care. After all, his Grandfather didn't even graduate that high in his class and had to go through as a Midshipmen instead of as an Academy Cadet.

Immediately after graduation from the academy, he was placed on the Los Angeles class (improved) SSN ISS Detroit. 2 months into his 1st operational deployment and only 2 weeks after the young Ensign earned his Golden dolphins, the Detroit was called in to fight in the Al Anbar war. As SONAR officer, he was very effective in helping his ship on her way to three hostile warship kills and 1 merchant kill.

Six weeks into the war, the luck ran out. A KA-27C Helix ASW chopper got a lucky sonobuoy drop on her and fired a SET-53 torpedo. The Detroit took a hit in the engine spaces. The shaft seals had cracked and the engine room flooded. After an emergency blow to the surface, the crew scrambled out. Of the 141 crew, 74 survived including 9 officers. Rickover suffered a broken foot due to the impact from the torpedo.

Six months later, the newl promoted Lieutenant (JG) went aboard IDF's 1st Seawolf class SSN, the ISS Graywolf. He served on her for 6 deployments over 4 years as the Tactical Action Officer. He grew to the rank of O-3 (Lieutenant) very quickly on the sub.

While on Graywolf, Rickover came ups with new approaches and the idea of finding underwater cables and having tap pods on them. During his three year shore duty with Mossad, he explored it more. It was similar to a plan that was done in the US Navy under his great-grandfather, but this was different. He was going for the smaller and more secure fiber optic lines. After working with some Mossad spooks they came up with a plan. Rickover was reassigned to Graywolf to oversee the special missions. The pods were placed mainly on hostile Nazi nations' communication systems.

After only 2 successful tapping missions, the Nazi nation of Greek and Cyprus attacked IDF. The response was a massive war. The Graywolf saw major action and even scored the 1st sub-ship missile kill on a carrier in IDF history when she sank the Nimitz class GCS Athena with 6 TASMs. The Graywolf reloaded and severely damaged an Iowa BB with 2 Harpoons. That ship was later finished off with 4 more Harpoons from 2 IDF F-14Ds.

As tactical action officer, Rickover came up with an idea where he ran hit and run attacks on a large SAG as it progressed. His tactics led to 6 more Graywolf kills on surface warships from his tactics. Graywolf also killed 2 Alfa SSNs in the war. The only strike mission involved for her was one where 4 TLAM-Ds were launched to crater airfields. The bulk of that strike came from the 688(i)s.

Rickover was promptly promoted to Lieutenant Commander and after spending 3 years working on SUBSAFEI, an Israeli copy of his great-grandfather's safety program for nuclear boats.

Rickover was reassigned to the new Israeli based SSN class, the Galaxy, where he was the commissioning Chief Engineer of lead ship ISS GALAXY SSN-745. He ran through sea trials and workups. He then stayed on her for an additional 4 years. This was an uneventful era.

Upon completion of that tour of duty, he was promoted to Commander and became the XO of the new Galaxy class sub ISS DEFIANT. During the Hatarian wars, or the Indian Ocean turkey shoot as it is known in the IDF Navy, the Defiant killed 9 enemy combatants, despite entering the war area late due to the fact she was in the North Atlantic when the war started.

Only 18 months after that war ended, Generic Empire invaded Psov and a naval war ensued. The IDF Navy took heavy losses, but it still dealt a heavier blow than recieved. During the one 12 hour naval engagement that occured in the war, the Defiant claimed 2 enemy submarines of unknown classes and 1 Ticonderoga CG.


Hyman Rickover was smiling. He was about to get his first command. After the Psov war, only a few months before, he was promoted to Commander and assigned as the CO of the new attack sub Halibut, SSN-841. She is the 1st of her class. He was not just smiling at getting a command, but he was her 1st real CO. The sub had been sent out unfinished during the Guffingford crisis, but never left Israeli waters after a short Suez crossing.

Now she was officially being commissioned and Rickover was her commander. He thought about what his grandfather would think of this moment. Some nation that had bought the old 1980s LA class USS Hyman G Rickover had sent it here as a present to IDF on this commissioning. Rickover smiled at the sub carrying his great-grandfather's name, but still was even prouder of his new Halibut.

Old Admiral Rickover had a sub named Halibut, a converted Regulus SSGN if he remembered right. It had been a special ops boat, but was still loud and shit. This Halibut wasn't. It was the new pride of the IDF Navy.

He had just completed successful sea trials the month before and was now looking forward to his career and a rising sun.
06-10-2004, 04:18
read me
06-10-2004, 04:27
Al Anbar
06-10-2004, 04:58
Immediately after graduation from the academy, he was placed on the Los Angeles class (improved) SSN ISS Detroit. 2 months into his 1st operational deployment and only 2 weeks after the young Ensign earned his Golden dolphins, the Detroit was called in to fight in the Al Anbar war. As SONAR officer, he was very effective in helping his ship on her way to three hostile warship kills and 1 merchant kill.

OOC: Well, that's interesting, since it never happened in the war. :)
06-10-2004, 13:15
OOC: Well, that's interesting, since it never happened in the war. :)
OOC: I'll acknowledge that, but let me write my story please. I'm trying to portray this guy as a war hero and any bit of war history helps as he will become a major player in my nation.

I know that the RPed war never really became a Naval engagement at all. (except for carrier based planes) Well lets just say it makes for a better resume and even looks good for you as most nations would gladly trade 3 minor surface combatants for 1 688i boat.
06-10-2004, 20:01
bump one for the Commander
06-10-2004, 22:23
06-10-2004, 22:31
07-10-2004, 01:28
07-10-2004, 02:56
No respect, bump me! If you wear a hat like that you get a free bowl of soup. But it looks good on you!
08-10-2004, 02:37
bump for Ricky
08-10-2004, 02:40
Good stuff man, good stuff.