NationStates Jolt Archive

RWC Alliance looking for new and inspiring members

Holy panooly
17-09-2004, 15:01
OOC: People, this is a repost.

Right wing nations around the world rejoice under a united banner. The RWC (right wing collective) alliance is looking for new inspiring members to spread our ideologies on every continent of the world. Standing strong with over 45 members with powerful military traditions our purpose is to make the world a safer place. No terrorism, no oppressive communists, no hippies, no more problems.

Other alliances have been before us. Others will come after us. Some will remain, but most will just vanish into thin air or their names will pass away into obscurity. This will happen to alliances I do not need to name here. We shall never be cast aside.

The RWC alliance is looking for peole who share the same thoughts with us; a right winged government, holding true to the words Honour, Respect, Loyalty and our Heritage. If you believe you're a real addition to us and find yourself strong enough to start all sorts of international adventures then wait no longer and post your application today!


Joining is easy!

Do you have a population higher than 500 million?
Do you have a right minded/anti-communist government?
Are you willing to aid other members of this alliance? (Financially, military if necessary)
Do you feel that you are a true addition to this alliance?
If you do, feel free to telegram me.


This alliance does NOT promote warmongers. If anyone finds it necessary to start wars just to get backed by the bigger members than you are WRONG. We will never support warmongers, if you seek to destroy all communists (good luck) then this is NOT the place for you. We oppose communism; we DO NOT fight it unless we have no choice. Warmongers will be KICKED OUT and will be NEVER allowed back in.

[1] Declarations of war on other alliance members is something which is NOT tolerated. Diplomacy is the key to solving internal affairs.
[2] Only me (Holy Panooly) or The Macabees have the right to kick someone out. NOBODY ELSE.
[3] Feel free to telegram me about our stance in wars and other issues. With a big alliance like this, well organized communication is invalueble for our survival.
[4] NEVER, BUT NEVER SUPPORT TERRORISM. No exceptions, no second chances.
[5] Leaving can only be done by writing me a telegram. Why isn't of any interest to me.
[6] Complains about other members must be directed at me (Holy Panooly) or The Macabees. Nobody else.
[7] Violation of the rules (except #4) will give you 1 warning. Then you're out. Period.


Idiots who come here to bash us or post half-assed messages like "lol righties commies rool :)" DON'T. I won't hesitate to head over to the mod forum to keep this thread moron-free.
Holy panooly
17-09-2004, 15:01
The Axis Holy Panooly (
The Holy Roman Empire of Macabees (
The Junkers of Greater Duestchland (
The Heathen Confedaracy of Viking People (
The Eternal state of Unified Sith (
The Humanist Republic of Grunge-France (
The Unholy Facist Republic of Nazguul (
The Incorporated States of Freistaat Dithmarschen ( Dithmarschen)
The National Republic of Kilean (
The Thatcherite Confederacy of CharlotteMaria (
The Corporatist Shahdom of The Parthians (
The Free Republic of Brydog (
The Deekuntenay Tabowyai Soonzam of The Class A Cows
The United Socialist Republics of Dyelli Beybi (
The National Socialist Utopia of Central Facehuggeria (
The Fascist Dictatorship of Nycton (
The Dark Imperial Fist of Kriegorgrad (
The Imperial Fatherlands of Rufai (
The Constitutional Monarchy of Dumpsterdam (
The Holy Empire of Huzen Hagen (
The Bucolic Setting of Antebellum South (
The United Empire of Colerica (
The Nationalist Republic of Aequatio (
The Gray Dictatorship of Grays Hill (
The Militaristic Federation of Super American VX Man (
The Honourable people of Aust (
The National Socialist Republic of Das Furer (
The Urist State of AfrikaZkorps (
The Federal Republic of Bonstock (
The Protectorate of Fuhrer landw (
The Free Republican States of Shermanica (
The Empire of Layarteb (
The Empire of Vollmeria (
The Shattered World of Intelligent Neighbors (
The Republic of Safehaven2 (
The Kingdom of Xeraph (
The Imperial Empire of Enodscopia (
The Commonwealth of Hirgizstan (
- Hirgizstanian Commonwealth of Victories
- The Hirgizstanian Commonwealth of Legionnaires
- The Commonwealth of Hirgizstanian Nations
These nations fall under the membership of Hirgizstan
The Armed Island Paradise of Guerrillistan (
The Grand Duchy of Barretta (
The Empire of Itinerate Tree Dweller (
The Fascist States of Zarbia (
The Holy Imperial Empire of Belem (
The Armed Republic of Sino (
The Dictatorship of The Great Sixth Reich (
The Holy Empire of The Water Cooler (
The Great Nation of Moleland (
Holy panooly
17-09-2004, 15:02
reserved ok
17-09-2004, 15:07
This looked really good until I was told that I couldn't join random wars... spoiled my fun that would...
Holy panooly
17-09-2004, 15:09
The RWC is not a warmongering alliance like the NATO, we only go to war if there's no other option or a member is under direct attack. If we decide to attack then pray your favourite deity for a quick death.
Huzen Hagen
17-09-2004, 16:46
This looked really good until I was told that I couldn't join random wars... spoiled my fun that would...

You can join wars, just your not allowed to warmonger or get yourself in the shit in the belief the rest of use will back you up
17-09-2004, 16:50
Thanks for adding me to the list HP :)
17-09-2004, 17:01
If I was randomly attacked I'd call in RWC, however I don't use them much or try to intimidate anyone at awith my membership.
20-09-2004, 13:11
ok! I wish to join. So, if i'm attacked, can I rely on your support???
But if I attack people I can't go and say 'I, and my allies, declare war etc' OK
20-09-2004, 13:14
I hereby post my application

The Great Nation of Moleland is a large nation of almost 3 billion.
We have a King (King mole the 14th) and a large, future tech army that is well funded.

We have also discovered the secrets of solar power and how to make it much more efficent. We have also invested in wind, hydro and nuclear(Backup) power.

Any more details can be provided on request.
01-10-2004, 12:13
BUMP, anyone else going to use this?
Holy panooly
01-10-2004, 12:15
No idea... it's good to have it bumped.
01-10-2004, 12:17
it's just been lying around like an unwelcome smell, needs freshing up, methinks.
Holy panooly
01-10-2004, 12:20
yeah... I'll do something about it later
01-10-2004, 16:12
Better Up my postage.
12-10-2004, 21:01
The Federation of Excalibor would be honored to join your esteemed alliance.
12-10-2004, 21:02
Never mind, I only have 200 million citizens.
Huzen Hagen
13-10-2004, 16:27
Never mind, I only have 200 million citizens.

you can apply for junior membership and once you hit 500 million you become a fully fledged member. Search the forum for RWC
Drum Gods
13-10-2004, 16:29
When will we be placed on the list of members?

Bureaucrat of the Drum Gods Empire
Member of GDODAD, Allied to Metus
Member of the Central Powers
A January 2003 Nation
13-10-2004, 16:46
Have you joined the Forum??????

Hp is banned a fortnight, so he can't edit the post.
North West Somerset
24-10-2004, 10:33
Can I join your great organisation, here are my stats: Full name: The Democratic Union of North West Somerset, motto: "Industry is power"

UN Category: Capitalist Paradise
Civil Rights:Average
Political Freedoms:Few

I have a large and poweful navy and a smaller army and air-force.
My country:
24-10-2004, 10:36
OOC: Nice to see that we are getting more and more members.

(5 more posts and I hit 500 posts!)
Holy panooly
24-10-2004, 11:28
Sign up on the forum linked to on post #1
24-10-2004, 11:45
HP - I've registered (just to remind you to add me to the list!) ^_^