NationStates Jolt Archive

Ottoman Khaif is now Neutral

Ottoman Khaif
20-08-2004, 03:55
Ottoman Khiaf here break off the League of Empire Loyalists Allaince treaty.And declares competely Neutral in the Cold War of Communist Mississippi Vs.DPUF and co.
OOC:I am tired of this cold war,I am out.That's all.
Communist Mississippi
20-08-2004, 04:09
"Fine, we don't have to deal with you fickle turks anymore! Don't come crawling back to us when they invade you. We once sent millions of our brave soldiers to help defend you. We are now no longer honor or duty bound to do so. You are on your own!" Paul Stahlecker, foreign minister.
20-08-2004, 04:23
Good luck to your nation, whatever it may do. We are happy to see that one more people are no longer faced with a possible war.
Ottoman Khaif
20-08-2004, 04:38
20-08-2004, 04:46
[OOC - Hmmm... Very interesting. Tag.]
20-08-2004, 04:52
The Sultanate of Vastiva chooses to continue relations with the Ottoman Khaif Empire.
The Parthians
20-08-2004, 05:35
The Shahdom of Parthia would like to continue an independent alliance with Ottoman Khaif. Parthia believes that the previous joint ventures of our nation would be sorely missed by us both if those were to end.
20-08-2004, 05:37
we support Ottoman Khaif's action here
Communist Mississippi
20-08-2004, 05:43
Do we still build the canal through syria?