NationStates Jolt Archive

Turn of a new Era

18-08-2004, 04:44
Background Info
2007- The United states loses grip on being the only Super power in the world after a massive econamy crash. the United states is in a state of Chaos and martal law is declared, at this point meny Terrorest group pop up, Neo Facist, Nazi's, Comunist, Islamic etc and corse havac across the nation. Food riots start 2 months after as meny terrorest group destroyed farms or Stop food getting to areas, not anough food is imported as the USD is worth nearly nothing.
The European union is declared the United States of Europe or USE, all nations in the USE become states as Berlin as its capital. the European Senate has formed each Senater is a member of a state, with each states provinces haveing a Council (Province Council) who adress thing to the senater of the state. the Euro becomes the strongest curenicy in the world and replaced the doller. The united Kingdom is the only Nation in Europe to refuse joining the USE, in turn the USE place sactions and Embargos on the United Kingdom.
China becomes the 2nd most powerful nation in the world and becomes the 2nd Super power. China enjoys massive Growth in all areas and after 3 months starts massive milltary capaigns in major areas surrounding china.

2010- After the 3 years of sactions and embargos the United kingdom joins the USE add the British Navy and Airforce to the USE armed forces.
The United States is recovering after the massive Crash, and after the 3 years of fighting Terrorest group the United states is brang back from the brink of civil war but barly. Preisdent Jacubs is prased for bring the United states out of such a terroable time, he lifts Martal law and begins massive Projects to bring the Econamy back up to what it once was.
China after the 3 years of war stops fighting to rebuild the Milltary, it controls most of surrounding Countrys with a rather large milltary.
Russia gos into civil war nuclear weapons are used, the USE fear an all out war with both sides of Russia might happeen so they incress milltary forces along the borders to Russia.
A nation that splits off from Russia calling it Novia asks for a NAP and allaince with the China, China agrees to this and place milltary forces within Noiva.
Japan starts project Grasaki, the project is the first to make Bipedal weapons called Arch Angels (or AAs) tho slow and only 7ft tall, the AAs proved battle worthy. tho not as well Armed as a battle tank they proved more effective in Ubran evroments, as well as better Armored.

May- the USE milltary Council feels the milltary forces in Noiva are a bad thing, and decide to invade Noiva. the plans are drawn up for a milltary invasion in 2 years time, the USE intel divsion start Black ops to destroy milltary personel and arm Rebals in noiva for pre emptive attacks.

June- President Jacubs is assiasinated, the 3rd President assiainated in the united states
Vice President Morgan Page takes office, make drastic changes.
Juring this time a plague starts poping up in the United states and is called the White Plague. the plauge spreeds across the united states killing millions, the United states is declared by the USE as off limits and blockaides all major ports in he united states. canida closes its borders as well as the south, martal law is inplaced again and riots start up again.
Japan joins the ESU being the fist Asian nation to do so, with it comes the Arch Angel project tho japan keeps full control of it but it is public announce to the USE.

2012- white Plague reported to be seen in Russia, all naboring nations close Borders to the Waring Russia.
China incress presance in Novia due to recent Attacks but Gurrila groups and rebals, after 6 months the Rebals are crush and order withheld.
Japan Test project in field combat, results far better then expected japan plans to incress production after Battle combat test are done.
Russian civil war ends with no side winning, both sides declare a cease fire as White plague outbrake are seem across russia.
USE force prepare to invade Novia, china notices the build uop in forces by the USE after one of there top spys informs them of it.
China move forces into Novia under "Training" reasions, USE milltary council think nothing of it.

May- USE forces attack Noiva on the dawn of May 21st Declaration of war on Noiva is passed, China sends forces to novia as sead they would in the Allaince tho china does not Declare war apon the USE and say its forces will only attack if attacked first (or corse most of Noiva forces in the war are China weapons repanted to Noiva colours)

5th September- the story starts........

No OOC posts here if you want to make any ooc post make an OOC thread for this and give me the link
ANYTHING i mark Secret i mean its secret and anyone make an IC post saying they know that will be ignored
The Plot is decided but expect alot of twist and turns
Have Fun
Japan is the only nation with any form of Arch Angels so no other nation can have mecha (unless you ask really nicely and i think it would do some good to the story)
tho this is post modarn it dont mean you have laser rifles and space ships, it odes mean you can have things we wouldnt have now adays.
have fun and dont piss me off

I sat looking out of the window looking at the burning city below, i asked myself all the time what was it for? why had we got so little out of so much?. i was ment to be meeting a contact who sead he would inform me of what really happen, what the truth was. Truth that word seems strange to say, its been so long since the people knew the truth and not a pack of lies.
the place i was meeting her in was a bar in the upper end of Novia city, what at the time was under concent Bombings. i just hoped what she would tell me was any use. the place was well light but i sat in the shadows, it was a nice bar good drink you know your normal upper class bar.

A woman wearing a Leather Long coat, shades and blck gloves cam in. her hair was tied back and she was also wearing a black jump suit, not the type you would think in such a upper class bar.
she looked round and saw who she was hoppening to see, she walked over to me, in the shadows and sat down.
"your here about the truth" she sead softly, her voice seemed young tho no surprise she was only 21 years old.
"yes, why elce would i be here" i replyed noticeing a smile form here, she was young i could tell, blue eyes and pale green eyes. then i relised where i had seen her face, she was Lt Karine Nacatomi a wanted Trator to the USE.
"well where sould i start well yes the beginning is allways the best place" she sead "it was about 2011 in med Febuary i was stationed at Air Base Romainia i was part fo the USE special force"

"Lt Nacatomi this is general Renford" General Alexadra sead
Karine Saluted to Renford who was sitting down at a table, he was wearing an Air force uniform and she knew he was from there. Alexadra was in the Green Army uniform and had world with Karine meny times befor, she was the best Black Ops Agent they had.
"sir" Karine replyed
"at ease, now Karine this mission is classifed top Secret" Alexadra sead
"Lt Karine were you placed into England during 2009 and killed PM Jason Manson?" Renford sead
"i was unaware of such operations and if i was so i would be unable to say anything of such operation if it happened" she sead
"we Karine this mission is rather...dangerus" Renford sead "your being sent to the states, there you will meet your contact his code name is Gunther"
"and my mission?" Karine asked
"your to kill the President of the united states" he replyed "he has some rather Anti European Views and needs to be delt with"
"yes sir, but i thought the US was off limits" Karine pointed out
"true your being smuggled with the monthly food shipments" Renford sead, she was in the room for an hour being briefed.

2 weeks later
Karine was getting off the boat she was on, she looked round it was night and the place was warm. she looked round expecting to be meeting someone, but no one was there. she walked up towards the main gate when someone wispered to her "over here" it sead.
she walked over to a building near the fence where someone was ducking down, she got over to the person to find it a Teenage Girl.
"i take it your Karine" she sead
"ya and you are?" Karine asked
"a friend and your guide, gunther sent me" she sead "Call me Mallrat" she smiled and jumped down a hole in the ground. Karine folloed, for about 20 minutes the walked down the sewer then mallrat clumbed up a ladder comeing out on a street. they were in new york, and most of the streets were blocked. gun fire could be heard in the background, as she looked round meny of the buildings were burnt out and some of them were just run down.
"this way" mallrat wispered moveing fast to wards a ally, karine saw what Mallrat looked like, she was young looked 16, 5ft tall blonde wearing baggy jeans and top. she followed malrat then they came to a side entrance.
"come on" mallrat sead opening the door and walking in, karine followed her and was met by a rather augmented male.
"my names Gunther" he sead
"Karine" she sead
the spent the night talking and eating, mallrat was with them tho looked rather unhappy till so some young male walked in, he had a M22 Pulse rife over his sholder.
"mike" she shot up and huged him "took you blood time"
Karine was still siting down, she looked up he was barly 18 young brown hair and blue eyes.
"whos she?" he asked
"Lt Karine Nacatomi" she sead
"shes black ops Mike" gunther sead
karine after that went off to bed, tomorrow she would do the kill and get all the stuff she needed.
19-08-2004, 00:22
Karine got up, it was early but she didnt care, she got dressed and looked out the window. it was raining and still dark tho now adays most of the States was in darkness day and night, think cloads of crap over cities it was a wonder anything could live here still. she walked out into the front room, the place was small only about 6 rooms, the front room, the Kitchen, Bathroom and 3 bedrooms all on one floor. When she walk into the room only Gunther and Mallrat were awake, they were talking at the table.
"ahh Karine your gear came today" Gunther sead standing up and walking towards his room. Karine followed him, she wasnt surprised when she saw the room.
"lets see, Sniper Rifle costum made, nice" he sead pulling it out "5000 Euros in a bank acount heres the card and the pin, gas genades,Frag Genades, Body armor and a 9mm Pistal" he handed her a bag.
"cheers" she replyed
"oh and this, your ID and a map of the route the President is takeing" Gunther sead giveing her the rest of the stuff "if you need any cloths ask Mallrat she be takeing to the mall as well she knows a few people so...ya be careful out there tho a lot of yogangs out there, its not that there dangerus its just the police and CorpSac is hitting hard on them"
"CorpSac?" she asked
"Corporate Sacurity the police of the corporations, dont annoy them oh and if they ask your Mallrats older sister, oh ya Mallrats real name is Sarah" Gunther sead "tho dont call her it unless your infront of other people, shes not fond of the name"

she spent most of the morning at the mall with mallrat, buy cloths and such and also getting food.
it was comeing up to evening and she knew what she had to do next, she had left the others at about 6pm to go toa high rise building opersite the Presidents hotel. she got to the roof and set up. she was waiting for an hour befor they turned up, the Secret Service was around but somehow the Protection looked laxed compared to what it should have been like, she took aim had the target in her scope, right into the back of the head. she squessed the triger next thing she new his head Exploded and screams could be heard no one knew where the shot came from. she quickly left leaving a Genade with the Rifle. as soon as she got to the ground she heared it explode, she smiled but wasnt out of the woods yet. as she was leaveing the building a man in a black suite stoped her.
"ID NOW" he shouted pulling a hand gun out
"here here" she sead throwing him her id card, he looked it over she had her hand on her gun just in case.
"ok go" he sead running up the stairs, she left rather fast getting back to the hide out, but befor she got there she was stoped once more. this time she was arrested, she didnt like it.

2 days later she was being shiped back to the USE, with no charges she didnt understand why tho.

the Present day
"your telling me you killed Jacubs?" i asked
"ya i was ordered to, i never knew why till a week befor the invasion of Noiva, rumers were that a New Secret Goverment was controling the USE and now the US, i never got the name till a month ago, they called them sleves the Black Hand, acording to scorces a off shot of the Imluniati" Karine told me
"ya right the USE is the freest nation on earth" i replyed looking at her, i knew i had the story of a lifetime
"you think, anyway i was sent into Noiva a week befor the invastion" she carryed on

i was assigned to the AAs squadren, not one knew about the AAs but hay that was my job. we were to be testing the babys in real combat we expected to attack a few tanks blow up a base here and there. i got given a Promotion for the mission, i was now a Captain and i liked it.

"Captain did ya hear we're moveing out in a week" Lt Matts sead
"ya i know, got told by the Commander" Karine replyed
they were both in the AAs bay, she looked up at hers. the AAs didnt look that grate but they were hard to kill.
"i wonder how the Japanese ever made them" Karine ask
"dont know, i heared some Corporation manage it but then the Japanese pay a large sum to be the only people allowed to develop it" Matts sead "some rumers on the net say some group called the black hand control that Corporation"
"rumers are just that Matts, anyway ive never heard of the Black Hand" Karine replyed
"meh its nothing" matts replyed walking off.
Karine sat down infront of her AAs, she looked up at it wondering what they would need to do. looking round she noticed that her AAs name was taged onto the AAs, "Mallrat", Karine smiled she had kept in contact with that group turned out that after Jacubs was killed the new president eased up on yogangs.
"Captain Nacatomi the Commander wants you" a private sead from behind her, Karine stood up and walked to the commanders office. she wondered why she was being called, its not like they were on active duities. she walked in and saluted the commander.
"at ease at ease" he sead joyfuly "captain you have your first mission, reports are comeing in of "robots" in Sector 874-421 the Japan state has ordered us to investergate incase the reports are true and to destroy the AAs's that might be there. now 874-421 is a rather hostile area across the border in Novia, Nuclear winter is happening in that area so be carful if you get your AAs damaged to the point you need to eject make shore you wear your NBC pilot suits. japan state feels that the "robots" are stolen AAs's"
"i never new any AAs's were stolen?" she sead
"well classifed infomation, you will be air droped into the area. that is all" he sead waveing her off.
shit breifing she thought as she walked back to inform the other pilots in her squad.
she hated Air Drops, it ment they were going to push your AAs out of a plane then hopeing to hell the parashutes opened. she never liked them and wish to hell they would never need to use them for real, as she walked down an anouncement was made for all AAs Squad 1 to go to the breifing room. as she got there they all stood to antention and saluted.
"at ease" she sead, she started the breifing it only took half an hour, there were moans about the air drops but what could she do.
2 hours later they were shiping the AAs's to the air strip, the pilots Karine, Akira, Kento, Tenchi and Nadisco were suited up. all the suits were in the same plane and were open, each pilot got into one and then it closed.
19-08-2004, 16:03
04-10-2004, 08:54
04-10-2004, 09:19