NationStates Jolt Archive

The SD Condemns Communist Mississippi, The Parthisans and Nazguul

Swedish Dominions
17-08-2004, 19:30
The President - George Andersson

"In the past few weeks, hundreds of thousands has died because of the rise of fascism in the Dominions. I have partly myself to blame for funding the Police force in the early stage. But worst of all, Foreign nations trained them to be ruthless monsters that destroyed our beutiful nation from the inside. Communist Mississippi, you are our bitter foe. You trained them to murder and destroy, You are a criminal that must be punished. Nazguul, You openly supported those terrorists and encouraged them to kill, for that you should be punished too. The Parthisans, last but least. You openly supported Nazguul and the Terrorists. We were so close of bettering our relations. And you screwed everything up.

We are no longer going to trade with them, this is an embargo. They are our bitter enemies from now on."

The Press asked tons of questions as the President walked away
17-08-2004, 19:36
Sorrowed leaders of the Dominions,

If you remember correctly, It was your President who cradled the glorious idea. It was him who bore it and him who should be punished. The cowardice displayed on his behalf is sickening. You may embargo us all you wish. You may denounce us all you like. But one thing you will never do is pass the blame onto others.

We could have formed and shaped the roots of your nation into a series of beautiful ideals that would have bettered your nation in the comming years. Instead, it was rejected and thrown to the wayside. Now, you will live with what you've done to yourself.

Long live Fascism. Long live the Fatherlands. Long live the Reich!
-Lothar Rendulic-
Reichsfuhrer Of The SS
The Parthians
17-08-2004, 19:44
It is only a Fascist nation that can truly bring out the potential of a people, you are a bourgeois republic.... Corrupt and prone to bickering. To deny your people this oppurtunity is to deny them their place in the sun. We desired a government that will benefit your people, but you will continue with this corruption of government.... democracy!!!

Embargo Parthia if you desire but know that I shall not allow you use of the Suez canal or the Straights of Hormuz.

To Nazguul-
Perhaps you would like to ally with me and Communist Mississippi, we all believe in the glory of Fascism and support the creation of pure Fascist governments
17-08-2004, 19:48
-To The Parthians

An alliance between our three nations could be beneficial to us all. I would be glad to ally with pure fascist nations as well. If you would like to enter into talks, please contact us by telegram.

OOC: I'll give you my msn through TG's. I just don't want it all over the forums.
Swedish Dominions
17-08-2004, 20:18
I sence some evil......

a.k.a. BUMP
Swedish Dominions
17-08-2004, 20:42
The Parthians
17-08-2004, 22:24
I sence some evil......

a.k.a. BUMP

Not evil, Fascism is never evil.
Ottoman Khaif
18-08-2004, 02:24
Great mad Bush Look a like is going to do pull a Iraq on us!
The Parthians
18-08-2004, 02:26
Great mad Bush Look a like is going to do pull a Iraq on us!
OOC: It's the Axis of Evil.
18-08-2004, 02:26
Great mad Bush Look a like is going to do pull a Iraq on us!

Actually, elections in SD are happening, and the imcumbent is behind a little bit I believe.
18-08-2004, 02:31
OOC: If there are any anti-facist groups willing to take help, I'd like to side with them.
18-08-2004, 03:05
It seems a war may be brewing...
18-08-2004, 03:21
It seems a war may be brewing...
OOC: You got here before I could say that...