NationStates Jolt Archive

The Republic of Bondari Comes Into Being

06-08-2004, 00:46
The Great Nation of Bondari wishes to hereby officially announce its existence as an independent and sovereign nation in the region of the South Pacific. While small in comparison to our great, more established neighbors, our country will soon demonstrate its greatness to the international community. Under the outstanding leadership of our country’s elected leader, President Treize Palmer:

·Crime and Unemployment have been virtually eradicated from our nation’s landscape.

·President Palmer’s progressive and complete restructuring of national law enforcement and creation of the Internal Security Service has shown to be a effective and near-complete solution to juvenile and adult crime, especially in the abuse of illicit drugs.

·Most Recently, with the help of generous contributions of our beloved citizen’s hard earned and deserved pay, President Palmer’s budget reforms promise to improve our economic strength in the near future.

As of for now, all that our Great Nation request is the official recognition of the international community and to open trade and diplomatic relations with our brothers.

The Republic of Bondari thanks you.

Foreign Secretary Jamile Flynn
Universalist Totality
06-08-2004, 01:28
Communique to Jamile Flynn, Foreign Secretary of The Republic of Bondari

Greetings and salutations,
We of The Dominion of Universalist Totality are honored to be the first to wholeheartedly welcome you to the international community. May your nation grow to be strong and prosperous. As an initial sign of our goodwill, we would offer you an exchange of ambassadors, so that we may establish formal diplomatic ties between our two nations. Furthermore, we would like to cordialy invite you to our region, The Universalist Assembly. A link to our constitution has been attached to this document, so that you may learn of our ideology, and decide whether you would like to join our humble alliance. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. We of the D.U.T. believe that it is every nations duty to reach out to our neighbors in friendship and compassion. I await your reply. God be with you.

Written in Forge,

Alitsia de Viennois, Directoress
06-08-2004, 02:47
The government of Hudecia hereby recognizes the government of Bondari. In accordance with proper procedures, an envoy will be sent, with Bondarian approval to open up diplomatic ties. Similarly, an envoy may be sent to Hudecia.

We hope for the best for both our nations.


Prime Minister Matsuda

House Leader MacNally

Foreign Minister O'Hara
06-08-2004, 10:14
Ab-shalom and greetings,

It is the desire of the Sultanate of Vastiva to open and maintain strong diplomatic and economic relations with all nations desirous of such.

We therefore offer an exchange of embassies and ambassadors, and a beginning of free trade between our nations.

If this meets with your approval, please communicate by any means.

Go in Peace,

Raahmid Javani
Grand Vizier,
Humble Servant of His Magnificence, the Sultan of Vastiva
06-08-2004, 10:20
General frequency message from the Imperial capital of Sdaeriji

TO: President Palmer, Bondari
FROM: Chairman Ilsuo Santite, Sdaeriji

Greetings from the Imperial Dominion. Allow us to be among the first to extend the olive branch to you as your nation exercises its newfound sovereignty. We wish you nothing but the best in all your endeavors. Good day.

Chairman Ilsuo Santite
Imperial Dominion of Sdaeriji
06-08-2004, 11:10
The Empire of Akhmet would like to congratulate you on your creation as a sovereign state.Akhmet has also been created recently, carved out of the territory of oppressors. As a gesture of goodwill, Emperor Semerkhet IV offers an official exchange of ambassadors between our two states, so that we may one day become great Allies, partners in freedom. May your nation never fall.
-Emperor Semerkhet IV