NationStates Jolt Archive

GECSW rumored to take action against Scandavian States

Solid Water
22-07-2004, 05:11
[OOC]ST: I said you'd get your own topic, so here it is.

Others not familiar with GECSW (Genetic Engeneering Center of Solid Water), it's in the link in my siggy. Those not familiar with what Scandavian States did, its post #28 in said thread.

"Henceforth, the Imperial Navy shall board any Solid Water vessal that is suspected of transporting genetic slaves, and if that vessal is indeed carrying slaves the ship shall be forfeit as a prize, the slaves given benefits including schooling and Imperial citizenship, and the crews tried as pirates."[/endOOC]

Ken Komusaji, CEO of the Genetic Engeneering Center of Solid Water, was sitting in his chair in the top levels of the administration building at GECSW campus, slightly rocking in the chair, and pondering what to do next. He called in one of his advisers.

"David, would an international legal case against Scandanavian States pass?"

"I don't know, sir, what reasons would there be for sueing them?"

"Military orders to violate our company's sovregnity in international waters."

"I wouldn't know, international waters are fairly free game for just about anything."

"But what do you think would happen?"

"Well, we could weasel out a cease and desist order, but it will most likley not be followed. Or we could bring about Scandanavian States' full wrath with that lawsuit. In that case, we'd have to ask for help from the CEO Union."

"True. All true. David, I want you to start to spread rumors about anonymously that we will sue Scandanavian States for the reasons I said. If anyone asks, state you do not know anything of the sort."

"Of course, sir."

"You are dismissed," said Ken, and David left to fulfill his orders. Within the day, the international internet was abuzz with the rumor.
Scandavian States
22-07-2004, 05:41
A response to the rumoured lawsuit was issued after much study by the Imperium's lawyers:

After much study it has been concluded that the Emperor was well within his rights as the Chief Executive of the Imperium to issue the order he did to the Imperial Navy. There are several UN mandates against slavery, cloning, genetic manipulation, and piracy, all of which even non-UN members have the option of enforcing as they see fit. Furthermore, corporations are not sovereign except in those cases where the corporation is the state, and that case does not exist here to the best of our knowledge. Therefore, a corporation such as Genetic Engineering Center of Solid Water is bound to follow the laws of its parent nation and international laws under threats of embargo and/or seizure of property. Since the Imperium has only promised to carry out the actions it has proscribed in international waters, it is well within its rights to stop any vessel suspected of carrying out illegal activities, and if necessary seize the vessel as a prize and arrest the crew for remanding to justice.

Most Sincerely,
The Imperial Justice Service
Red Tide2
22-07-2004, 23:11
OOC:Just deliver all your genetic people by airplane.
Scandavian States
22-07-2004, 23:15
[Don't throw gasoline on the fire, I want to see where this goes before it becomes necessary to become more proactive, if it becomes necessary.]
Noitan Teppup
23-07-2004, 02:41
OOC:Just deliver all your genetic people by airplane.

(OOC: To be honest, I'm surprised that they haven't got the buyers to collect them personally...)
Solid Water
25-07-2004, 06:34
[OOC: I do deliver them by airplane. Why in the world would I ship them on, well, ships? It's slower and, now, less safe.

Anyway, before I get to RP this further, I'll tell ya'll about the government of Solid Water. The country is basically led by a convention of the CEOs of the monopoly companies. Speaking of monoploy companies, every diffrent sector of the consumer market is controlled by a diffrent corporate giant. So, the leaders of those corporate giants meet and make descisions about the country.]

"Have you read Scandavian States' official reply, sir?" asked David.

"But of course. I don't think a lawsuit would go through. Scandavian States is very unlikley to follow the orders even if it does go through," said Ken, shifting his weight in his leather executive chair. "However, should we happen to need to ship our peope over by ship, I don't want to be caught off guard. If we can get national navy escort ships, one or two patrol boats, mind you, any attack made on those ships would be considered an act of war. I don't think Scandavian States wants this to escalate into a full-blown war, however, they leave us no choice. Unless, of course, the convention decides to turn them into a crater... But that's never going to happen. Unless they threaten us with some cratering."

"I will call an assembly," said David and walked out of the room.

Within a few hours, the large, wall-mounted LCD in Ken's room was filled with the diffrent faces of what made up Solid Water's government, discussing the latest issue brought to their attention.

"I still don't see why you'd need to be shipping anything! You only ship stuff that can't be airlifted!" said the CEO of SW Auto, the industry that was one of the largest industries in Solid Water and within the top 10% of the world.

"As I told you before, Romaldo, it's for security. I'm not saying we need an escort every day. Besides, all I'm asking for are a few patrol boats. I'd say a limit of two a day would be just fine," retorted Ken.

"But what if Scandavian States declared war?" asked the CEO of L-L-L-Logging! Inc.

"If they declare war, we'll ask the international community for help from an imparialist leader who attacked a convoy of three small ships with no apperent reason. We could ask buyers, give discounts, and all that good stuff to attract allies. Plus, we could supply all the spec ops troops you need," answered Ken.

"Well, I suppose it couldn't end drastically. We all have bunkers to hide in in case they drop the bomb," laughed the CEO of Peter & Dale Construction. The faces on the screen voiced their agreement. "So, I suppose it's time to make with the voting," he continued. Again, he was greeted by many aprooving faces and comments.

The ending vote was in favor of Ken, and he would be provided with two patrol boats, should the need arise.

[OOC: Don't hold your breath for another post. It'll come, but only when I can. Don't have all the free time in the world, you know.]
Solid Water
05-08-2004, 07:11
Ken Komusaji was sitting in his office, viewing the security cameras aboveground. There has been no response from Scandanavian States for over two weeks. Besides, the inspectors from Iuthia were due within the hour. The entrance to the elevator that lead to the underground facility was moitored by four cameras. Security was watching every camera 24/7. If SS wanted to get in by now, they must have noticed the havy secuirty. Maybe they planned on catching the CEO outside of teh facility, but that would be highly unlikley, because the living quarters were located within the facility. Anyone going in would need to go through the airlock, the facility was a level five clean facility. Just in case anything contaminated the central processing rooms. The mainframes were cut off from the rest of the world, and were backed up several times. The scientists sometimes went away for weekends, but most of them lived in the facility, with their families. The only things that didn't go through the airlock were the cars, which, once going down the elevator, were parked in the garage.

It was a fortress. Or maybe a prison. But outside wasn't any better.
05-08-2004, 08:25
Scandavian States
05-08-2004, 13:55
[I'll continue this some time, right now I'm up to my hips in one war and I have another situation developing.]
13-08-2004, 22:25
14-08-2004, 05:03
Official Communique to Solid Water
We have briefly reviewed your case, and would like you to bring it to the Organization of Maritime Powers (, of which Scandavian States happens to be apart of.

Doujin hereby issues this edict to Scandavian States that until hearings within the OMP are commenced that any vessel of Solid Water boarded by Scandavian States will be declared a pirate vessel and action against said vessel will be taken accordingly.

OOC: If that makes sense. SS, board a vessel of his and your vessel will be taken in by the Doujin Navy as a pirate vessel. You have no authority to board his vessels.
14-08-2004, 05:08
The Soviet Socialist Republic, noting that we are bound by a MDP to Scandavian States, will consider an attack on them as an attack on us, and we will respond accordingly...
14-08-2004, 05:12
ooc: Scandinavian States and Solid Water, is it okay if I jump into this one a little bit? I have a vested interest in the GECSW, so it would make sense.
14-08-2004, 05:22
Click Here (

The above link is the place where the OMP will hear your case regarding Scandavian States.
Scandavian States
14-08-2004, 05:35
[Doujin, pissing me off in such a way is not a good idea, I'd suggest you rethink that strategy right quick.]
14-08-2004, 06:02
[Doujin, pissing me off in such a way is not a good idea, I'd suggest you rethink that strategy right quick.]

OOC: We have been close for a long time, SS - threatening me is not a good idea, I'd suggest you rethink that strategy right quick.
Scandavian States
14-08-2004, 06:12
[I'm not the one making public threats, you are. You aren't in a position to be making those threats.]
Solid Water
14-08-2004, 06:41
[OOC: Sdaeriji, sure. However, I recall posting that the company denied those rumors. I don't suppose this is me taking action is it? I'll have to write up a post on that OMP board (being today or tommorow), seeing how both Doujin and SS are discussing it while I post post this. Nice skin on that forum BTW.]
14-08-2004, 06:43
[OOC: Sdaeriji, sure. However, I recall posting that the company denied those rumors. I don't suppose this is me taking action is it? I'll have to write up a post on that OMP board (being today or tommorow), seeing how both Doujin and SS are discussing it while I post post this. Nice skin on that forum BTW.]

ooc: Good, since I kind of have $1.5 trillion invested in your product, with plans for more. I think my nation would be rather upset if SS sank one of the ships with my order on it, given the cost.
14-08-2004, 06:58
[I'm not the one making public threats, you are. You aren't in a position to be making those threats.]

OOC: Let's keep the OOC drivel out of this thread. And if you recall, you did make a public threat towards Solid Water.. or more specifically, GECSW - or any corporation carrying cargo of GECSW.

I in the name of the OMP declared that if you seized a vessel then the attacking vessel will be seized itself in the name of the Organization of Maritime Powers - as a pirate vessel, because that is exactly what it would be.