NationStates Jolt Archive

OOC Suggestion: Ban NS Nukes?

Gaia Rodina
23-05-2004, 23:32
I think we should just ban nuclear weapons of mass destruction outright for NS play. As we saw in the carpet-nuking of Feazanthia, nukes take a lot of fun out of the game and are just too damn powerful. A single missile taking out billions of military hardware? I don't know about you, but that wouldn't make me want to start an RP against other nuke-carrying nations. Thus, we'll have petty squabbles against smaller nations while the big guys just sit around and TALK about fighting. Bor-ing.

We have to remember, this is a GAME. The fun aspect of the game, let's face it, mostly comes from the massive-scale battles that take place. Not much point to having those if it can all be wiped away in a single instant, now is there?

Also, too often do I see larger nations equipping little guys with nuclear weapons to cause havoc. This is NOT COOL.

And we've all seen the newbie nations coming on and launching 38 kajillion nuclear weapons at the world. Sure, we laugh at them, but it gets old.

Therefore, I recommend nuclear weapons be removed from the NS world permanently. If we ever have a future tech VS. modern tech war, we can have them (as nukes are the only thing that'll hurt an interstellar star cruiser), but not for modern battles.

Go ahead and vote.
23-05-2004, 23:35
...Taking out nukes is no real big deal. I can sure do without them, my methods are *much cleaner* linear and railgun technology works for me.

*Imagines an asteroid hurtling at mach 52 at a puny little nation* Wowie, if it had enough metal content, my linear magnetic cannons with the force of earth's gravity could wipe out more than a nuke can!

Hopkins, start building plans for a linear satellite (Joke)

But it really makes no sense to take out nukes, as there are other more destructive weapons.
Gaia Rodina
23-05-2004, 23:35
Oh yes, and please state why you voted the way you did if you please. This'll further debate.
23-05-2004, 23:40
I voted to ban them because we've seen several countries that show absolutely no consideration of the real impact of a nuclear weapon and just launch them at will. As someone said, "we should all be dead" by now if everyone who launched a nuclear weapon really did so and it wasn't ignored.

I find the massive war threads fun, believe it or not. Launching carpet nukes to eliminate an entire country from the face of the earth takes away a lot of the needed skill to roleplay a good war.

I normally would prefer to have countries that prove they can handle having nukes judiciously be able to keep them, but the people who've proven they can't handle them have ruined it for the rest of us. :roll:
23-05-2004, 23:40
Nope they shouldn't be banned, they are an integral part of the mod tech RP experience. Those whom engage in decent RP will likely never actually use them (no matter how tempting it is) just the threat of them.

Most large scale RPs tend not to that much fun anyway as they descend into rampand number wanking, yes they can be done well but that can be very difficult without clancy novel length posts...

Just as very few people are willing to play a properly dirt poor or small nation (or even a nation whose MOD doesn't have god like procurement abilities and is free to buy what ever they want) you are never going to get people to seriously take nukes out without convincing everyone that thier nation shouldn't nessicarily be noticed by anyone...
23-05-2004, 23:42
I don't think they should be banned. First of all, you would need 100% compliance from everyone, which is impossible. Second of all, I have them, and my main enemy, Grunge-France has them, but we've never used them. We've fought two or three wars against each other, but nuclear weapons have never come into play. Because if one of us uses them, we both use them, and then everybody's dead. If they moved within miles of the capitol, we might consider it, but they barely managed to secure a beachead before being pushed out. Mostly because I'm a very passive role-player.
23-05-2004, 23:58
OOC: Well, I suppose smaller tactical nukes should be allowed, but big 50 megaton weapons take all the fun away.
Tasty Foods
24-05-2004, 00:04
I commend you for trying to do this, but the fact is nations want nukes. Nukes are powerful, effective ways of killing people and causing destruction.

I have nukes myself, therefore nukes should not be banned.
24-05-2004, 00:14
I'm a big cold war history buff, and I just think that nuclear war should be RPed better. I have no objection to Kilean being nuked, so long as it's for reasons that would pass muster IRL and as long as the attack itself is well-rped with targets selected, different phases of the war, etc.
24-05-2004, 00:14
This isn't the first time someone has tried to do this and it isn't the last. Alot of nations I know ignore nuclear attacks because they are poor RP.

Personally I don't ignore them but I've got a system which is almost 100% effective against them. If the attack doesn't make sense the system works 100%... screw them, if someone is willing to use 1000+ nukes on me it will save time if they ignore me. It means I don't have to RP with them.
Survivalist Legions
24-05-2004, 00:20
Anything over 20 megatons is a waste anyway. The inital blast is bigger, but mostly all the extra energy wash is just wasted.

None of my nations have anything bigger than 10 megaton nuclear weapons. I have fired 47 in all my time on NS(14 months) and all were done in my first four months. A whole year of RPing and the closest I came was eight months ago when I had a MAD standoff with Defacto Russia. Both of us decided we liked our nations enough that we wanted to keep them, we both stood down and just glared across the globe at each other.

I have to say that a limit on the numbers launched should be made. The greatest example of this was the 5000 nuclear warheads detonated by Garrison II, wiping an entire region of the planet's surface. Had we not ignored the effects, the earth's crust would have be smashed and worldwide devastation would have ensued. I say that in a war, no more than 100 on both sides should be launched. And that's only if you want to make them into a nightlight.
24-05-2004, 00:28
No nukes shouldn't be banned for this reason people say only the idiots use em in force in stuff well in real life we have idiots that use and threaten regularly to use them. That nations use them without thought of RL consequences is realistic North Korea would use them and not care about RL same with Iran and Iraq used gas against the kurds and Saddam and he didn't care. Basically the civilized nations won't nuke the "nuts" out there just like in the real world are dangerous to everyone.
24-05-2004, 00:30
Banning nukes would not stop n00bs/puppeters from using them, it wouldnt make a differnce.
Plus, for futuretech nations nukes are a bit more conventional, after all, the only thing that can really hurt a mile-long uber-cruiser is a large enough nuke O_O
Survivalist Legions
24-05-2004, 00:34
Banning nukes would not stop n00bs/puppeters from using them, it wouldnt make a differnce.
Plus, for futuretech nations nukes are a bit more conventional, after all, the only thing that can really hurt a mile-long uber-cruiser is a large enough nuke O_OThe only thing that a modern tech nation can hurt that GMing mile long cruiser with is a nuke. And only if it's in orbit.
24-05-2004, 00:34
OOC: I'll have to agree with Kamata, dropping rocks from space would work better(no fallout, has anyone here ever read Footfall by Larry Niven?)
24-05-2004, 00:36
Nuclear Weapons are very important in the modern world, so i think that it should continue to survive. :oops:
Gaia Rodina
24-05-2004, 13:03
Gaia Rodina
24-05-2004, 13:05
Good points. Good points indeed.

Yes, battles sometimes come down to number wanking. However, what's the point of building up those massive numbers if they can be eradicated by a bored commander?

And yes, it's up to the RP'er how he uses the weapon. However, the massive strikes of hundreds of nukes are unrealistic. Such a strike would have massive effects on the climate in RL.

I dunno. Maybe I'm biased cuz my main nation got glassed by a sneak attack.
The Freethinkers
24-05-2004, 13:21
I dont know. TBH, it sounds like a nice idea, but in the end it comes down to the quality of the RPer and the knowledge of at least the basic effects of a nuclear strike.

Personally, I would love to see some sort of test based limit. Obviously this is impossible for several reasons, but when the only rule seems to be the '100 million' benchmark, then we often do find ourselves wondering if there anything that can be done to improve the situation.
24-05-2004, 15:18
My nation has many nuclear warheads, and while i may never use them it is still an important part of my nation, i feel they should be kept
Fuhrer landw
24-05-2004, 15:58
Fuhrer landw
24-05-2004, 15:59
We need nuclear missiles to act as a deterrent against aggressors encroaching on our territory
24-05-2004, 18:23
Nukes are a last resort weapon that should only be used if used against you, but nowdays most people are using 2394823 of them to n00k j00r f4c3. and its quite irritating, nukes ruin the lets just ban all the nukes.
24-05-2004, 18:49
Banning nukes not only makes the game less realistic, but it also remove the freeform RP aspect. Who is going to force people to RP a certain way? All it would do is create OOC flame wars between both sides. I say we keep nukes, and they can make a good RP, if done right. If someone really doen't want to be carpet nuked they can simply IGNORE it. Also, most nations on NS have ABMs, and they dont really seem to mind that much if their cities get wiped out. Just some badly arranged thoughts.
24-05-2004, 18:54
3 latter word:


Mutral Ashured Destrution (sorry for spelling)

thats why we need nukes if u have nukes and so does the other guy your both less likly to use them for the simple fact that if you fire them so will they and then your both Fu**ed
The deadly viper
24-05-2004, 19:02
no older nations sometimes need nukes to detter n00BS from attacking them but maybe we should make the allowance of nukes longer maybe two months or one and a half so that anyone with them is well learned in the game
Kelonian States
24-05-2004, 19:03
I never wanted to have to resort to using nukes, but at the moment I'm in negotiations to purchase a sizable number of low-yeild nuclear weapons and also an orbital defence system - simply because you'll never get everyone to agree to not use them and to not have them leaves you open to nuclear attack - sure you can ignore it, but all it takes is one NS bigwig to ignore you and the rest soon follow - so I've had to go for M.A.D tactics and a nice defence platform.

And to whoever said very few people are willing to play as a dirt-poor nation, wait and see, I have a nice RP idea I'm lining up about that... :lol:
24-05-2004, 19:04
I see what you mean Vipe, but look at Sephrioth - he's been playing for months and he's still a n00b. Basically if a n00b nukes you, you use an ignore cannon. Without nukes, large nations could walk all over small nations and there would be nothing we could do except hope that the international community would step in to save us.
24-05-2004, 19:16
24-05-2004, 19:21
Banning nukes, while it sounds like a good way to end some of the totally absurd incidents that have occurred. However, nukes add realism and spice to the game, the big thing however is that there are no consequences to using them.

Perhaps there should be a thread or non-prolifereation treaty or a way of posting in a list, all who have used nukes, break it down into "first strike" or "retaliation"

With such a list or forum thread perhaps the NS World can collectively come up with a way for penalizing those who use them unwisely or as a weapon of terror or first strike. Perhaps those on the list can be shunned or not RP'd with (IE ignored) for a realtime week or so. Perhaps they can be precluded from buying, unless that storefront wishes to be the subject of a NS embargo.

The point is, banning nukes is no the answer. it takes out a vialble option and a real fun thing to play with. But we have to make there be consequences to using them.

Just my 2 cents.
The deadly viper
24-05-2004, 19:32
there already is a consequence not many nations are willing to ally with a nation who shoots off nukes randomly and they will also find themselves with a lot of enemys because nuking someone is a horrific thing to do and kills more civillians than anything else
24-05-2004, 19:34
*Votes for No*

If you pick a war against nations with nuclear/biological weapons, you better have an ABM defense and tight security. If you don't, that's your problem.
24-05-2004, 19:38
Ban them all. There's nothing more annoying than to conclude a well played war with a carpet nuke. Hardly anyone thinks about the consequences, which is even more dangerous than the blast itself.
Fascist Enterprises
24-05-2004, 20:23
All i've ever seen them used for is in a seriously unrealistic way.I mean FWS a while ago nuked the whole of afganistan and stayed in kabul assuming no fallout would affect him. :roll: