NationStates Jolt Archive

Balovia wants Nuclear Weapons

28-04-2004, 14:35
Balovia Memo to all Nations:

We are starting a nuclear weapons program and would like to buy any nations Enricheduranium-233 or uranium-235, enriched uranium, or plutonium.

Will Pay $25 Million per 100 Tons of this material.
28-04-2004, 15:00
OOC: seeing as its your first post, majority of nations here will ignore you. It's best to wait at least 2 months or so (to get a little respect from older nations) to get nuclear weapons.
Imperial Brits
28-04-2004, 15:16
I will give you a nuclear weapon. one is flying to your capital right now.
28-04-2004, 15:17
OOC-Har har, brits

IC-Feazanthia will sell 100 tons of enriched uranium for 25 million USD.
28-04-2004, 15:42
Hahaha,I thought it was funny!
Imperial Brits
28-04-2004, 16:15
Please post your casulties and damage.
28-04-2004, 16:47
OOC Trust me. You don't want nukes, not for a while. If you get nukes, the older nations will get irritated, and will attack you, because you are too weak a nation to seriously be able to make nukes. The general rule is your country needs 100 million people before it proves itself capable of producing them, and therefore is allowed them (won't take that long, don't worry).....
28-04-2004, 16:51
Imperial Brits Nuclear Bomb landed in a our largest 4 square mile elementry school campus. Killing 12,500 students and staff from k-6th.

Luckly it was far enough away from the capital.. (must of been outfitted Scud missles with nuke heads bought from Iraq).

Estimated damage is around §587Milliion.
British Communists
28-04-2004, 17:01
Great work imperial brits, you just killed nearly 13,000 innocent young people. I hope you're happy. Do anything like that and you'll get more than a warning.
Der Angst
28-04-2004, 17:11
From: DA
To: Imperial Brits
Subject: Nuclear Genocide

"Since you decided to randomly hit a nation with nuclear weapons, you´re hereby considered a threat to the international community.

You will immediately, unconditionally, surrender all governmental/ military control in Imperial Brits to DA authorities, who will demilitarize Imperial Brits, makig sure that the threat it poses will be eliminated.

Hopefully, Imperial Brits can be changed into an acceptable nation.

Should you fail to comply with our demands within the next hour, a pre- emptive strike will be staged, to destroy the dangerous potential your nation has."


~ Minister for annoying statements, DA

PS: Please refrain from using violence against our assets, since we did develop a couple very wanky defences during our NS history, to prevent random nukewanks from hitting our citizens.

PPS: Please, take also into consideration that we´re OMG HUGER!!!11 than your nation.


ooc: He asked to buy, and that he can do, should someone be willing to sell. And since Imperial Brits just proved that having deterrance is necessary in NS, there is really nothing wrong with it.

The 100mio limit is bullshit.

Ever heard of Israel, South Africa (dismantled them), North Korea, France (developed them alone, with about 50 mio people)?
28-04-2004, 17:40
***Sketchian "rogue" news broadcast***

Today in the capital of the Sketchian subsidary state of Mocaireus there were several hundred people marching in the streets in protest of Imperial Brits' tasteless display of wanton aggression and inhumanity. The people are quoted to have been chanting "Down with the Brits" and "Damn the Imperialists" as they gathered before city hall. The protest was mainly peaceful up until the point which the crowd was ordered to disperse and return to work; apparently lunch break was over. Due to the large mass of bodies, immediate compliance was not apparent, forcing the Sketchian security officials to utilize crowd clearing equipment. The casualties from the operation numbered 96 people hospitalized, 23 in serious condition and 4 dead. The families of the dead are reported to be seeking finacial compensation from Imperial Brits, citing that "Their [Imperial Brits'] senseless murdering of thousands of children have caused our loved ones to suffer and pass on. They should be held responsible for their actions." Although the case has to brought to international court, the lawyers believe that there is a strong case. "We have an ironclad case against these bastards. They're going down hard." The state of Mocaireus is also reported to be seeking compensation for damages caused during the rioting. The combined damages from lawsuits are expected to be in the 250 - 350 million credit range.
28-04-2004, 17:53
The 100mio limit is bullshit.

Ever heard of Israel, South Africa (dismantled them), North Korea, France (developed them alone, with about 50 mio people)?

OOC Yeah, but they have the advantage of having existed longer than our you think any of them could have started making nukes only a couple of years after the formation of their country?
Universal Government
28-04-2004, 17:58
We can provide you with fissable material that can be manufactured into nukes.
Imperial Brits
28-04-2004, 18:02
Yeah well iam future tech so B.C your gonna have to threaten me with something a little bigger than Submarrine.
28-04-2004, 18:04
Therenational President has the following statement:

"My condolence for the people of Balovia and the familys of the school children and staff. This is a tragic day.

Since we are starting Nuclear energy in our nation. We will donate all our enriched uranium to your nation under the following restrictions.

1. You cannot have more the 10 nuclear warheads in inventory.
2. You cannot use the Nuclear Weapons against any of the Nations that reside in 10,000 Islands.
3. UN inspectors have reign on seeing what is being developed.

Again, the Therians will keep your citizens in our prayers.
Imperial Brits
28-04-2004, 18:10
Balovia I just gave you 100 tons of Uranium 235. Where is my money.

Also we do not recognise any international court so your law suits well are just ignored because we are an isolationist empire and have other concerns at present.

Where is my money?
28-04-2004, 18:11
I would like to thank all the nations for coming to the aid of Balovia. I would also like to thank all the nations for donating uranium to Balovia.

I have instructed my Minister of Defense to start the building process of the Nuclear Warheads.

I accept Therenational's restrictions and we are open for the UN to come and do inspections.

Our people are trying to recover from this impectable act form the IB. They will pay for this. Evil will be dealt with the way it has always been dealt with.

Thank you

Prime Minster of Balovia
28-04-2004, 18:13
Balovia I just gave you 100 tons of Uranium 235. Where is my money.

You will get your money when you pay restitution for the damages you cause my nation.

Plus 150 Million per death you caused.
28-04-2004, 18:18
The People's Republic wholeheartedly condemns this wanton act of nuclear proliferation. The Balovians are doubtless a group of thugs whose only wish is to domineer their neighbours with threats of annhilation.
Balovia, Therenational and Universal Government all pose a threat to the stability of the world with their reckless trading of dangerous technology, and so a Act has been passed placing those nations under full economic sanctions until such time as they cease their proliferation.
Given the trigger happy nature of these nations, we will treat any threats made by them to be a precursor to a nuclear attack, and will respond accordingly.
Imperial Brits
28-04-2004, 18:22
You will recieve no payment as you asked for the Uranium however you did not specify in what way you wanted it delivered this is your own fault.

ooc: I was bored so I thought i would stir up some controversy.
28-04-2004, 18:22
The People's Republic wholeheartedly condemns this wanton act of nuclear proliferation. The Balovians are doubtless a group of thugs whose only wish is to domineer their neighbours with threats of annhilation.
Balovia, Therenational and Universal Government all pose a threat to the stability of the world with their reckless trading of dangerous technology, and so a Act has been passed placing those nations under full economic sanctions until such time as they cease their proliferation.
Given the trigger happy nature of these nations, we will treat any threats made by them to be a precursor to a nuclear attack, and will respond accordingly.

Balovia is not a trigger happy nation. We know of the threats of our world we live in. We just wanted a way to protect ourselfs in case something like this ever were to happen. We are a new nationa and we were just going to start building our military forces and ammunition bunkers.

How dare you...We did nothing to provoke this outburst from the Imperail Brits.

And the Other Nations are only helping out a Nation that was fired upon first.
28-04-2004, 18:28
Any preemptive action taken against your decadent regime was perfectly justifiable, as you were acting in a belligerent fashion by attempting to procure weapons of mass destruction, and so posed an imminent threat to the world at large.
If anything Imperial Brits should be applauded for their actions in the name of international stability in the face of an upstart whose only wish is to cause destruction and wanton slaughter to its neighbours.
Imperial Brits
28-04-2004, 18:30
"Have they stopped the requisition for Nuclear weapons yet Tom."

"Nope answered John."

"Oh well let em have it."

Stop attempting to get Nuke until your population reaches 100 million. Then you can have them without impunity. This is for your own good.

This is targetted at your capitals city centre and trust me it does not miss :twisted:
Kelonian States
28-04-2004, 18:31
The People's Republic wholeheartedly condemns this wanton act of nuclear proliferation. The Balovians are doubtless a group of thugs whose only wish is to domineer their neighbours with threats of annhilation.
Balovia, Therenational and Universal Government all pose a threat to the stability of the world with their reckless trading of dangerous technology, and so a Act has been passed placing those nations under full economic sanctions until such time as they cease their proliferation.
Given the trigger happy nature of these nations, we will treat any threats made by them to be a precursor to a nuclear attack, and will respond accordingly

There is no reason for a brand-new nation to desire nuclear weapons except for wanting to intimidate their neighbours. We could do without another warmonger in the world.
28-04-2004, 18:44
28-04-2004, 18:44
We would want to be assured that a small nation such as yours has the resources to adequately mantain such weapons, and we would also want assurances that should you use these weapons in an offensive way you would face major consequences.

If these conditions could be met, possibly in a treaty on the issue between you and several major nuclear powers, then we would fully support the Balovian government's right to a nclear deterant on grounds of self-defence.
28-04-2004, 18:48
Imperial Brits, you have sturred ViZion over this. We demand that you pay for the casualties and damage done, or you shall hear from our military. ViZion, too, is a space nation. We do not take kindly to the killing of innocent.

You have 5 RL hours to comply. (OOC: That's when I get on... thus, if BI or anyone else attacks my nation during that time, it will be ignored.)
British Communists
28-04-2004, 18:48
We would usually say no to having nuclear weapons so early, but he has now been nuked twice, probably killing millions. I'm more worried about imperial brits blatant disregard for human life.
28-04-2004, 18:56
OOC: jsut ignore brits.

IC: Belem is willing to sell Balovia both tactical suitcase nukes and dirty bombs.

They can be fitted inside the warhead of most missiles and are great tactical weapons for there price.

Suitcase nuke- 5 million
Pocket nuke(dirty bomb)- 2 million
28-04-2004, 18:57
UNDC News:

****This just in****

Balovia has sustained major damage from the last nuclear bomb dropped on it. This last Nuclear warhead took out 40miles of ship docks. Retail and exports are no more.

A large part of the population was wiped out, Including the goverment offices.

We will report more when info is available
British Communists
28-04-2004, 18:59
We are prepared to donate money to your cause for the rebuilding of your country. We will see if any more attacks occur first.
28-04-2004, 19:00

Reports in on casualties are estimated to be near 1 million.
28-04-2004, 19:02
We are starting a nuclear weapons program

No you are not!!

You must wait at least two months before starting down the nuclear path...

*Reads reast of thread*

Leave off on the nuke program, and i'll fund your nations reconstruction :wink:
28-04-2004, 19:02
The Praetonian government is prepared to offer $500,000,000 and aid workers. We are also prepared to offer military assistance should you be invaded whilst you are in this vulnerable state.
Imperial Brits
28-04-2004, 22:59
"Is it on line yet tom."
"I think so John."
The stargate chrged up.Attached to it chronotom emitters as the event horizon was just forming they discharged creating a temporal rift. The concentration of the particles was just enough for the wormhole to establish itself in same stargate 3 hours in the past. Tom went through.

"Eh tom you might not want to fire those nuke."
"Okay tom."
Tom went back through the event horizon and then closed the rift.

Sufice to say the nuke thing never happened. It's gone erased from NS history all thanks to Tom. Just dont start building Nuke till your population reaches 100 million.
Der Angst
29-04-2004, 10:17
We are starting a nuclear weapons program

No you are not!!

You must wait at least two months before starting down the nuclear path...

*Reads reast of thread*

Leave off on the nuke program, and i'll fund your nations reconstruction :wink:


Think about it.


Why does he wait to have two months?

I mean, actual reasons, not compensation issues of older nations wanting to kick younger nations around because they`re OMG HUGE!!!

This is right, my friend:

There are no reasons!

He wants to buy, someone else wants to sell, that`s it. Deal with it.
29-04-2004, 10:39
ooc: I find this thread both hilarious and utterly stupid. Der Angst is right, as he usually is on such issues. There is no fricken age limit!

And congratulations Imperial Brits, You do not exist!
29-04-2004, 10:41
The Dominion is willing to fund the reconstruction efforts of your nation, in exchange for certain concessions. As well as helping to rebuild the damage you have incurred, we would be willing to transfer a number of tactical nuclear devices in the form both of gravity bombs and W-80 warheads.

Monetarily, your nation has nothing to offer us, but you do have something we want - Namely territory. In exchange for the permission of your government to construct a Theater Command Center within your borders, we shall grant you a nuclear deterrant, as well as the protection of the Dominion of Kotterdam. Understand this, however. Should your nation ever perform a nuclear first strike against another nation, the Dominion will consider both the Standard Nuclear Action Plan and the Ryan Doctrine to be in effect as if the first strike was carried out on Dominion soil. We await your reply.