NationStates Jolt Archive

The Deadly Viper commences attack on West Scotland

West Scotland
24-04-2004, 20:22
General Tucker looked out the window at Alice Military Base and sighed. The soldiers that had been flown in here and the aircraft mobilized here were now shipping up to go back. The massive mobilization West Scotland had called on was now void, thanks to the cease of Alien Covenants as a threat to West Scotland.

"General, fax from Secretary Colvin..." an aid handed him a piece of paper, addressed to him from the defense secretary.

He finished reading it, folded in half, and tucked it in his pocket. So it seems a dictatorship is coming for us. Fools.


The loudspeakers beeped twice, and then the commands were given: All units mobilize; gear up for war. Not a drill. Air crews report to Barracks 5.


Armament crews swarmed several F-42 fighters* on the tarmac, checking and fixing the armament and fuel loads. Trucks and crewmen ran about like busy squirrels, loading missiles into its bays, and towing one by one the aircraft onto the runway.

* - The F-42 is a large, stealth aircraft derivative of the F-14 used primarily for air defense. Sort of like a F-22/F-14 morph; built by Kazakhstania.

The F-42s sped down the runway and lifted off into the air, en route to their patrol points. Such aircraft began taking off in large numbers across the country.

Meanwhile, two carrier battle groups were tasked to hunt for a possible incoming enemy threat. Missile defense systems were geared up and ready.

The time has come for war.
The deadly viper
24-04-2004, 20:39
*general incoming fighters aprox 5 mins flight away over*

*1st squadron of serpant tonge(1) fighters break away and engage enemy forces all bombers fly high alt above the clouds and avoid fighting at all costs. 2nd and 3rd squadrons of serpant tails(2) dispatched to your aid over

(1) serpant tonges are large but slow heavily armed fighters relieng on their powerful viper cannons to destroy the enemy aircraft first
(2) serpant tails are the very oposite reling on speed and supirior manoverability to win a dogfight
West Scotland
24-04-2004, 20:51
OOC: Okay, about the 5min flight away part...F-42s engage the enemy at 50-60km using Meteor missiles.


The last F-42 of Flight Omega disengaged from the K-767 midflight refueler; Flights Delta and Omega were now fully refueled and ready to engage the enemy. A radar uplink was received from a nearby AWACs.

"Contact," radioed in the RIO of Delta squadron lead Michael Hutchinson. "Three o'clock low, 75km...IFF check negative. Enemy serpant tongues, major."

"Delta fligth is engaging," responded Major Hutchinson, vectoring his aircraft off the patrol course and centering in on the serpant tongues. The rest of his flight followed; Flight Omega vectored another direction for the bombers (exactly what altitude are they?)

More F-42 flights were covering them; soon Flight Alpha and Beta joined Hutchinson's group to intercept the enemy fighters. On Major Hutchinson's Heads-Up-Display, the targeted box of Serpant Tongue (1) turned from green to red. A shoot tone echoed through the cockpit.

"In range," he radioed ground control. "Permission to fire?"


The West Scotland government demands an explanation of the aggressive acts of The deadly viper, and asks all incoming forces to turn away.
The deadly viper
24-04-2004, 21:01
*target intercepted and engaged we taken only light losses and made that capatilist scum pay dearly for every aircraft but are severly outnumbered over*
The deadly viper
24-04-2004, 21:02
* reinforcements recieved no longer outnumbered over*
The deadly viper
24-04-2004, 21:11
you ask us why, we reply with bombs

*target one sighted sir enemy airfield ahead over*

*give them hell over*

*wave one unleashed sir, maximum damage they wont be using this one in a hurry over*

*good work proceed to target two over*
West Scotland
24-04-2004, 21:15
"No response...grant permission to fire."


All flights, permission to fire granted. Engage at will.

Hutchinson flipped up the Master Arms switch, engaged the Meteor BVRAAM, and fired. Nearly simultaneously, the aircraft in his squadron engaged their missiles and fired at the incoming aircraft.

(For reference, that's an F-42)

"Now," thought Hutchinson to himself. "Only now will they realize they are being tracked...and they still cannot see us."

It was a reassuring thought. 50km away, they switched on active radar to track down the rest of the enemy escorts - those which hadn't been fired upon - and launched the last of their Meteors at them.

Active radar was switched off; upgraded AIM-120WS missiles were engaged for closer combat.

Post your losses. Twelve Meteor missiles were fired, each on a different aircraft.


Meanwhile, Eurofighter 2000s patrolled the various airfields of West Scotland. Maycomb C&C received the alert of incoming bombers, and relayed the information to the Eurofighters in the air, armed with AMRAAMs and ASRAAMs to engage the enemy.

What kind of bombers did you use? Realize that no airfield is defenseless...they've got aircraft, for one. How many bombers?
The deadly viper
24-04-2004, 21:31
sorry got to go if I can will continu tomorrow