NationStates Jolt Archive

Open Invitation

Kay Son
01-04-2004, 05:00
To our beloved comrades of the world;

Today is our second anniversary of the Revolution. Since then our nation has become more of the people as well as for the stability of our economy. To celebrate the achievement of such a stage, the Junta has decreed that a nation-wide party to be held. In addition to this party, the Junta has officially opened it's government to the civilian sector, thereby truly making our nation a People's Republic. Any delegates or representatives will be welcome to our nation. The current round of celebrations will be a firework display in Frenchfor Quarter Harbor.
01-04-2004, 05:22
Chellis would like to send some diplomats, maybe meet with some of yours, discuss some...things...

Glad to see nations protecting the revolution! We had ours a long time ago, Overthrew the evil Oligarchy.
Kay Son
01-04-2004, 08:46
Praytell, what subject does your diplomats want to bring to our attention?
01-04-2004, 08:50
Establishing an embassy, trade things, Military plans
Kay Son
01-04-2004, 09:03
Ah. It was our understanding that a "protectorate" status was implemented by the previous government with your nation. Setting such fooling notions aside, we are interested in continuing such previous relations with your nation.
01-04-2004, 09:17
We would as well, and would like to send our dignitaries so we can discuss any protection needs you may have, materiel, etc...
Kay Son
01-04-2004, 10:59
Ah. The PRKS is well protected now, due to the PLA and other services retaining a say in the government as well as a large amount of hardware. It is the Junta's wishes that the discussions should be of an economic/diplomatic/ and cultural nature rather than protection.
02-04-2004, 07:22
We are very much interested in those as well. We have sent the dignitaries, they shall arrive fairly soon incase you were wondering.
Kay Son
02-04-2004, 09:59
Ah. We thank you for your presence.
02-04-2004, 10:06
In behalf of the Enriptan people. we like to congratulate you for the progress you have done in such a short period of time. We would also send some diplomats for some further trade and diplomatic discussions between our nations.

Foreign Minister Khushrenada (CDP)
Foreign Minister of Enripta

Prime Minister Xenozyte (CDP)
Prime Minister of Enripta
Neo-Soviet Russia
02-04-2004, 10:13
The USSNSR would also like to congratulate the people of Kay Son for their advancement. Foreign Ministers David Jones and Trieze Mikhail shall also take this chance, on behalf of the USSNSR, to establish talks at some point during the festivities relating to diplomatic and economic topics.

(OOC:Enripta, Gundam fan?)
02-04-2004, 12:16
(OOC:Enripta, Gundam fan?)

(OOC: You bet!)
Kay Son
05-04-2004, 06:51
We thank you for your attendance. As we speak, a parade is being set in Markun featuring the 1st Infantry Division & the 1st Artillery Division of the PLA, accompanied by their fellow comrades of the Republican Air Force. After the parade, the Bei Ling National Opera will perform the famous opera "Ekans Snake", followed by "Thye Moor auf Skyerdlun", and "Galeta's Sorrow". There is also the second annual BGLAD Film Festival occuring in Cay Suhn, but we are not too sure if your interests lie in that area. If not, there is the Golden Bear Film Festival in Frenchfor Quarter-
Monte Ozarka
05-04-2004, 07:55
The Grand Duchy of Monte Ozarka would like to extend its warmest wishes to the people and government of the People's Republic of Kay Son. On behalf of my government, my staff and I have been told to request attendance to the celebrations in PRKS, and, if possible, open diplomatic relations. At any rate, my staff and I shall arrive in your capital city (ooc: name?) in 2 days.

Also, in a gesture of goodwill and party-seeking merriment, my government presents the people of PRKS with 200,000 kegs of lager beer and 10,000 bottles of our first-rate scotch. (Both now for export!)

May your country prosper,
--JOSHUA BIRCH, 3rd Duke of Trent, Emissary to Kay Son
Kay Son
06-04-2004, 06:29
The capital city of Kay Son is T'sing T'sao. We thank you for your visit and warn you that much of the southerners (these are the people from Kay Son- the former capital city) are light weighted and prefer to drink beer that is low in percentage of alcohol. However, those of the north are somewhat alcoholics and welcome such gifts. In fact, it is rumored that General Li Ping T'sau has a bottle of scotch every fortnight to celebrate the good fortunes of the Revolution.
Kay Son
06-04-2004, 06:29
The capital city of Kay Son is T'sing T'sao. We thank you for your visit and warn you that much of the southerners (these are the people from Kay Son- the former capital city) are light weighted and prefer to drink beer that is low in percentage of alcohol. However, those of the north are somewhat alcoholics and welcome such gifts. In fact, it is rumored that General Li Ping T'sau has a bottle of scotch every fortnight to celebrate the good fortunes of the Revolution.
Aztec National League
06-04-2004, 06:39
The Democratic Proletariat Union of the Aztec National League gives it highest salutations and regards and hopes our allies of Kay Son have a prosperous and peaceful future and we assure you, we will always be there if you need our assistance. We are endebted to you for the help you are giving us in our civil war.

May we be allies forever,
Dr. Darius Wellington
Foriegn Affairs Minister
Kay Son
06-04-2004, 07:44
In the words of Head Speaker Lucille Rent: "'Pshaw. Wa' nothin'."
Kay Son
13-04-2004, 04:37
The People's Congressional Senate and House of Representatives have been established. Elections will begin in 1 NS year. The PLA have announced that they will limit the seats they control to 2, handing the other 2 seats to civilians. The Junta has since been reformed to the Council of Ministers with the Prime Minister being elected directly by the people instead of the ministers themselves.