NationStates Jolt Archive

Greater Singapura World Factbook

19-03-2004, 03:01
OOC: First attempt at one of me out.

Location: Possessions as of time of posting: Singapore Island and surrounding Islets, Mauritius, Cocos Islands, Tromelin, Reunion, Mauritius, North Indonesian Islands, south and south-eastern Cambodia.

Population: 50 million, located mainly on Singapore Island and Mauritius, with a secondary location of the Andaman Islands.

Type of government: Nominally a federated republic, closer to an elected dictatorship. The Prime Minister [dictator] is elected for 6 years, can be re-elected as many times as he is popular or alive. However, GS takes great pride in its fair elections. The other government body with power, called the ESC (Election Supervision Council), is elected and investigates any suspicious results. If the PM/Dictator is unpopular, then the Singapurans simply elect someone else.

Capital: Singapore City

Ethnic Groups: Chinese, Malay, Tamil, Khmer, Polynesian

Religions: Buddhism, Islam, Taoism

Currency: Singapuran yuan

Climate: Subtropical, but most areas of forest have been cleared and replaced with urban areas.

Vegetation: Largely none, in Cambodia there is rainforest which is being developed. Greater Singapura imports a significant amount of food.

History and Politics: In the 1800s, Singapore Island broke away from Nianachio [this history comes from Nianachian sources to explain how Singapore Island was lost and was previously agreed on] in the Drought Wars. Under succesive Prime Ministers and British protection, Singapura grew stronger and stronger, and by the late 1900s was vastly overcrowded, the entire island a megapolis. To compensate, Singapore annexed a long list of Indian Ocean islands. Before this, the Islamic nation Ayur was wrongly attacked by the massive nation of Daikerta. Singapura, then only a tiny nation, immediately sent off its military to protect the nation from Daikertan aggression. Singapuran forces fought well, eventually destroying 1/5 of Daikerta's entire naval forces while incurring amazingly small casualties. However, in the face of consent by Daikerta and numbers overwhelming by numers of magnitude, Greater Singapura withdrew. Then came the spasm of annexation. Following this, Greater Singapura began a full-scale invasion of Cambodia, supported by Hattia and United Elias against the Khmer Rouge. The invasion is currently underway, with Singapuran troops having won the first skirmishes.

Economy - Singapura has an immense economy, thanks to its strategic position at the crossroads of the Indian and Pacific Oceans.