NationStates Jolt Archive

Jeruselem election time

13-03-2004, 15:11
Yes, our first election of parliamentarians on NS. Please note the Jeruselem parliament is not all-powerful and decisions can be overridden by the Queen of Jeruselem at her own whim (it's not real democracy)

Catholic Alliance

A Church-backed party with it's power based via it's connections to the Church and Royal family as well a local Catholic communities. Their influence is great and values based on the New Testament.

Zionist Party

A Jewish-based party with Yiddish and Hebew speaking members who have connections to the Jewish business and religious communities. They want to return Jeruselem to it's glory days under Solomon and David, but get checked by Arab and Christian forces to keep a lid on their ambitions,

Free Palestine

An Islamic party dominated by Palestinians and Arab/Moslem members. They claim to represent the Moslem community and other Moslem interests in Jeruselem. Several members have a shady past in Terrorism and are monitored by the Inquisition constantly.

New Agers

A jumble of non Christian/Arab/Jewish members who claim to represent the current religious age with liberal values and "heathen" lifestyles. Generally useless as they spend more time deciding who will be leader as their membership is very diverse. Some members are Masons and Satanists who have been arrested lately.
13-03-2004, 15:14
Hmm. Hope that they have a jolly election!
13-03-2004, 15:15
Hmm. Hope that they have a jolly election!

Well, vote :P
13-03-2004, 15:31
Election BUMP
13-03-2004, 15:34
Only the Zionist Party can guarantee peace and democracy.
13-03-2004, 15:37
THats what I voted: Zionist
13-03-2004, 15:39
THats what I voted: Zionist

Hey, Right on!
Emperor Matthuis
13-03-2004, 15:47
I voted Catholic, bit traditional i know
13-03-2004, 15:51
Keep on voting, folks.
13-03-2004, 16:27
Catholic Alliance
11% [ 2 ]
Zionist Party
17% [ 3 ]
Free Palestine
47% [ 8 ]
New Agers
23% [ 4 ]

Total Votes : 17

As is
200 seats
Catholic Alliance 22 seats
Zionist Party 34 seats
Free Palestine 94 seats
New Agers 46 seats

but a long way to go still.
Cherry Ridge
13-03-2004, 16:30
The archbishop himself placed the vote for our nation. we voted Catholic.obviosly
13-03-2004, 16:38
Hmm... tough choice... we're not ROman Catholic, but we are Christian... so I guess we'll vote Zionist for want of a better candidate.
13-03-2004, 16:41
Hmm... tough choice... we're not ROman Catholic, but we are Christian... so I guess we'll vote Zionist for want of a better candidate.

That's OK, we voted for the Muslim character in your poll.
13-03-2004, 16:46
Thanx :wink: I thought it would be ironic if I had a Muslim with large Christian backing.
13-03-2004, 17:25
Jeruselem Government News

Police stop fight at New Ager policy meeting

Riding high on their unexpected good showing in the polls, the New Ager party met to decide policies. The party made up of several very minor cults and religions seemed to be in harmony until Satanists tried to push their idea of allowing human and animal sacrifices in public. Other parties were opposed and soon members where having brawls with the Satanists.

Police rushed in and told the members to settle down or the Inquisition would start arresting Satanists. This seemed to work and the Satanists withdrew their proposal.
Isla de Penguinata
13-03-2004, 17:31
Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The United Republic of Isla de Penguinata wishes to announce that it has officially voted for the Zionist Party. The ZP appears to be the only party that has the true interests of Jerusalem in its agenda, and appears to be the most peaceful.

It is our hope that the Zionist Party or Catholic Alliance may win in this election, as the other parties seem very hostile and unorganized. It is important for a party to be strong, as a nation cannot be run if one branch of the leadership is weak.
13-03-2004, 17:42
We would like to donate $1,000,000 to the New Agers. We also ask why all the parties are based on religion.
14-03-2004, 06:07
We would like to donate $1,000,000 to the New Agers. We also ask why all the parties are based on religion.

Jeruselem is Christian Israel and finding an Athiest is quite hard.
14-03-2004, 06:18
Jeruselem Government News

New Ager party tobe held in Bethlehem

The New Agers announced a party for their supporters and not get new recruits by holding a party in Bethlehem, birthplace of Jesus. Current leader Jimmy Drugtrix said "We appreciate the support we are getting from the people in the New part of Jeruselem, but someone has told me not to go into the Old part as some religious radical might kill me. 2nd-in command Jane Smith waved to the crowd and shouting Age of Aquarius".

Some party members were still nursing the wounds during a inter-party brawl during their last policy meeting. While security was not visible outside the Queen's castle during the New Ager procession, security assured the press "Fear not what you see, fear what you cannot".
Soviet Haaregrad
14-03-2004, 06:22
Jeruselem Government News

Police stop fight at New Ager policy meeting

Riding high on their unexpected good showing in the polls, the New Ager party met to decide policies. The party made up of several very minor cults and religions seemed to be in harmony until Satanists tried to push their idea of allowing human and animal sacrifices in public. Other parties were opposed and soon members where having brawls with the Satanists.

Police rushed in and told the members to settle down or the Inquisition would start arresting Satanists. This seemed to work and the Satanists withdrew their proposal.

OOC: Satanists don't do any form of sacrifice. After all, who would they sacrifice to, themselves?
14-03-2004, 06:26
Jeruselem Government News

Police stop fight at New Ager policy meeting

Riding high on their unexpected good showing in the polls, the New Ager party met to decide policies. The party made up of several very minor cults and religions seemed to be in harmony until Satanists tried to push their idea of allowing human and animal sacrifices in public. Other parties were opposed and soon members where having brawls with the Satanists.

Police rushed in and told the members to settle down or the Inquisition would start arresting Satanists. This seemed to work and the Satanists withdrew their proposal.

OOC: Satanists don't do any form of sacrifice. After all, who would they sacrifice to, themselves?

Satan or Baal, God of ancient Babylon (you are listening to Christian news)
Elves Security Forces
14-03-2004, 06:26
New Agers seem the best choice.
14-03-2004, 06:55
Policy statements time

Catholic Alliance

Here ye, people of Jeruselem. This age of Pices is ending plagued by the heretics who seek to corrupted the religious teachings of man. We are proud Christians and seek to govern with authority of God as well as for the peoples of this land. The three Holy books we respect and their followers as we seek peace with the religions of which we have been in conflict with.

Free Palestine

Jeruselem belongs to the people of Palestine and Allah's followers. We seek the restore the true path to glory and the true religion. Jews and Christians, fear not our intentions. We seek not to destroy your people or religion, but stand against the Heresies of this age with you.

New Agers

We pledge religious freedom for all and seek to break the monopoly of the Trinity of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Our way to liberalise the goverment and stop religious oppression from the powerful few. We also seek to help the poor and feed the needy while rebalancing spirituality.


Jews of the Jeruselem, please vote for us to restore the glory of Zion and it's days dedicated to God. Christians and Moslems, you are our brothers although different and will respect the Christian God and Allah the mighty. Our peoples are scattered like sheep and oppressed by so many yet we are still here for the grace of the almighty mercy of God.
Soviet Haaregrad
14-03-2004, 06:58
Satan or Baal, God of ancient Babylon (you are listening to Christian news)


Makes sense. :wink:
14-03-2004, 07:02
All the political parties are religious. Are there any non-religious parties around?
14-03-2004, 07:04
All the political parties are religious. Are there any non-religious parties around?

Yes, but the entire government system is run by religion whether it be the crown or parliament. Religion is everything, no God => No hope.
14-03-2004, 13:23
Another BUMP. Got to get rid of those 13s.
15-03-2004, 15:13
Catholic Alliance
13% [ 7 ]
Zionist Party
27% [ 14 ]
Free Palestine
33% [ 17 ]
New Agers
25% [ 13 ]

As it stands, not final yet for 200 seats
Catholic Alliance 26 seats
Zionist Party 54 seats
Free Palestine 66 seats
New Agers 50 seats
15-03-2004, 15:18
We belive this should be a matter of the people of a nation,and not a international matter.
15-03-2004, 15:22
We belive this should be a matter of the people of a nation,and not a international matter.

Well, how else am I going get a fair poll without making up numbers and being a election cheat?
15-03-2004, 16:57
The Elections have been Rigged! The PRC does not recognize the new governemnt!
16-03-2004, 14:18
The Elections have been Rigged! The PRC does not recognize the new governemnt!

And as if the Queen of Jeruselem really cares? :)
16-03-2004, 14:49
vote New Agers free government from religion :!: :!: :!:
17-03-2004, 14:09
Jeruselem Government News

New Agers party ends in rainstorm

The New Agers supporters party who was intended to pay back the support received by the public voting was "rained out". In the morning New Ager members mingled with supporters with predicted fine weather on a cloudless day. Held in a small town outside of Jerusalem, revellers were enjoying themselves until the weather turned and a rainstorm dumped a month's rain on the party.

Local farmers were overjoyed but the New Agers went home soaked to skin. One local farmer was puzzled about the event "It should not rain this time of year, too early!". It was reported one New Ager member decided to a rain dance while drunk. One New Ager complained "I guess God was bored today".
18-03-2004, 14:24