NationStates Jolt Archive

Facehuggeria unveils existance of orbital shipyard! *Pics*

Central Facehuggeria
08-03-2004, 01:33
On millions of television sets throughout Central Facehuggeria, A Facehugger with the letters CFNN emblazoned on it flashes for a moment. The Central Facehuggerian News Network symbol was replaced in an instant by two people, an attractive middle aged woman, and a balding man.

The man spoke;
"Good evening, and welcome to CFNN, the most watched news network in the nation. As you know, there was a chemical fire at..."
The newsman stopped midsentence. It was obvious his teleprompted report had changed.
"This just in! The CF government has just revealed the existance of a orbital shipyard! Apparently, construction of this station was last year! This is a travesty! The people deserve to know where their hard earned taxes are going!"
It was obvious that the man had broken from the teleprompted report.
"Cut to commercial!" the producer yelled over the newsman's ranting.

"What are we going to tell the secret police!? You know how they treat disloyalty to the government..." One of the camera men said.

As if on cue, the studio exit was thrusted open. A man in jet black powered armor, adorned only with the symbol of a dagger going through a star (the symbol of the CF Secret Police/Gestapo) stood in the doorway.
He advanced quickly, coming face to face with the newsman.

"I understand that you have been speaking ill of the Premier's informational policies... What you fail to realize is that the Premier keeps you in the dark for your own safety. Unfourtnately, you have critized the government's policies on national television. This will require a most harsh response..."

The newsman responded,
"Do your worst. The people of this nation have a right to the TRUTH! Besides, you wouldn't dare kill me, I am known throughout the country! My disappearance would be noticed!"

"If you really feel this way, Mr. Ackerton, then you leave me no choice..."
The Secret Police agent removed a laser pistol from his holster and pumped three beams of azure fire straight into the newsman's head.

When the commercials ended, the viewers were greeted by the woman
"Greg Ackerton wasn't feeling too well. He elected to return to his home..."
She continued,
"But to continue with the story, apparently the government has secretly constructed a construction station for large scale interstellar vessels. According to the government, it can manufacture ships up 5 Kilometers in legnth. We are told that the station was completed six months earlier, and that they've been working hard on the first CF built 'capital' starship."

"We...Er...We now go live to its christening!"
Under her breath, the woman said "They just tell us about this, and then they give us no notice about the ceremony! What do they think, that we can just magically make cameras appear at the ceremony?"

Once the cameras were off, and the viewer's attention diverted to the ceremony, the producer said;
"Don't worry, Karen. We've already got someone on site. We were instructed not to reveal information about the shipyard to the people, just in case a terrorist or hostile nation got it in their head to attack it..."

The screen went to a man in a space suit cracking a bottle of champagne on a ship's hull.
"Are you getting that? Good!"
"Uh, Mister Burnett, sir...You are on the air..."
"I am? Uh...And just moments ago the Premier christened the nation's first space combat ship. The ship you see behind me is called the "CFV Vengeance." The new design, named the 'Dreadnought battleship class' will apparently be constructed in reasonably large quantites to protect our nation from the threat of alien species, or other emerging space nations.
Truly this is a great day for the Facehuggerian people!

The shipyard:

The CFV Vengeance:

OOC: Lets hope my pics work.
OOC2: I really hope the forums don't make me double post...
OOC3: Or triple post :(
08-03-2004, 01:38
(OOC: Not quite as big as the secret orbital weapons platforms I've been working on, but still pretty big. Is that the Phalanx or a new one?)

(OOC: Now where have I seen that ship before...?)

"The Holy Empire wishes to congradulate our allies of Central Facehuggeria on the completion of their ship."
Central Facehuggeria
08-03-2004, 01:41
OOC: That is my own special space station. :)
As for the ship... I err 'Borrowed' it from the game master of orion 3. The game itself was mediocre, but I really liked the human ship designs.

IC: Thank you for your congratulations. Hopefully this will prove a deterrent against other space nations.
08-03-2004, 01:52

(OOC: Are you ready? ROCK!! PAPER!! SCIZ- crap, dinner! ^_^)
Central Facehuggeria
08-03-2004, 01:53
OOC: :lol: Most of the game was mediocre. The races were well designed though. Especially the bugs and mechanized races.
The Canadian Tundra
08-03-2004, 01:56
The Canadian Tundra would like to congratulate Central FaceHuggeria on its new space station, and warship. We ourselves are building up our own space forces and researching new technologies to enable us to begin construction of new orbital facilities and space based warships, however, our current civil war has all but stopped the program entirely.
Central Facehuggeria
08-03-2004, 01:59
IC: Intresting. Does your government desire assistance in your war, Canadian Tundra?
The Canadian Tundra
08-03-2004, 02:14
Thank you for the offer, and you could if you wished. However, we feel the end of the war is coming soon in our favour, as three of the four strongest concentrations of enemy forces have called for a cease fire. We believe they may secede and form their own nations, while this is a rather bad thing, we will likely accept it in order to avoid further bloodshed. The main fortress of the traitors is under invasion, and their navy is decimated. The smaller provinces (all our provinces are islands) will soon be retaken by us or our allies already in the fight. If you wish to view the war, you can go to and view what has occured thus far.
08-03-2004, 03:49
We have seen these "Secret Police" of yours, Central Facehuggeria. We have a Voyage Class Deep Space Probe that can snoop in undetected, and frankly, we are disgusted. Your Government Regime is Imperialistic, and if you fail to change the policies of Governmental Rule, then we will be forced to destroy your Shipyard.

Note that when we do, that is all that will be attacked. For we wish not your Oppressed People to be Harmed by someone whos Government IS The People.

Thank You,
Leader of the Colony of Nodea Rudav
Nova Kretani Solar System
Central Facehuggeria
08-03-2004, 03:58
Truth be told, the secret police are becoming less and less tolerable in their methods. First it was a nice "please stop that", then it was "Stop that!", then it turned from "Stop that or else!" into "Zap, Zap, Zap you're dead." It is obvious that something needs to be done. They are out of control. To that end, the Premier will replace the Secret Police leadership and ease press restrictions. The Premier has begun to think that perhaps the people would be able to handle the truth about the government's activities. This may signal changes for the better in regards of civil rights for Facehuggerian citizens. It may signify the easing of a thinly guised dictatorship into a constitutional monarchy or republic. Or it could result in anarchy. Only time will tell.

OOC Edit: Essientially, immiediately after a very devastating war which cost many civilian lives, the Secret Police was given free reign when it comes to matters of state security. They have never really given up that power. Until now.
08-03-2004, 04:35
You may be a Dictatorship, a Monarcy, even an Imperial Empire! We wil stand side-by-side with you if your Nations is For and By its People. You have taken true steps into the unknown, which is now the post-unknown, one more step and the doors of choice shall appear, my Comrade Brethren.

Your Civil War is understanable, and an Unubjectable cause to these "Secret Police" that have run amok. Your Government and People, of course Military, is not blamed.

Thank You,
Leader of the Colony of Nodea Rudav
Nova Kretani Solar System
08-03-2004, 04:35
You may be a Dictatorship, a Monarcy, even an Imperial Empire! We wil stand side-by-side with you if your Nations is For and By its People. You have taken true steps into the unknown, which is now the post-unknown, one more step and the doors of choice shall appear, my Comrade Brethren.

Your Civil War is understanable, and an Unubjectable cause to these "Secret Police" that have run amok. Your Government and People, of course Military, is not blamed.

Thank You,
Leader of the Colony of Nodea Rudav
Nova Kretani Solar System