NationStates Jolt Archive

Rebels in Phoenixius convene in secret

29-02-2004, 22:25
The Phoenixius Council has discovered various low-risk civilians meeting at a secret location on the east peak of the mountain. The Council sends their requests for help in detering these members of the public. They are not to be harmed. Below is the current map of Phoenixius:
29-02-2004, 22:59
The leader of the rebels is one Ellias Aubec. Now they have been discovered, they are demanding that the current government backs down and allows them to take over. They say that they will return the country back to its former glory, and raise a military force to rival nations that are the same size as us.
The Zoogie People
29-02-2004, 23:17
President William Ciel of The Zoogie People suggests that these rebels attend four years of law school, and also recommends Yale. We will be aiding the government of Phoenixius if armed rebellion breaks out.
The Zoogie People
29-02-2004, 23:17
President William Ciel of The Zoogie People suggests that these rebels attend four years of law school, and also recommends Yale. We will be aiding the government of Phoenixius if armed rebellion breaks out.
29-02-2004, 23:21
I will help Phoenixius if a rebellion happens...(because Casio Island support). Even if it is a commie rebellion...
The Zoogie People
29-02-2004, 23:25
What the prepare quick retaliatory capabilites, the Zoogie People has deployed two Wasp-class helicopter assault ships, two Arleigh-Burke class destroyers, one Ticonderoga-class cruiser, two AOE-6 supply ships, and one Sohcahtoa-class submarine to the area. With these are some 2000 marines.
The Zoogie People
29-02-2004, 23:27
What the prepare quick retaliatory capabilites, the Zoogie People has deployed two Wasp-class helicopter assault ships, two Arleigh-Burke class destroyers, one Ticonderoga-class cruiser, two AOE-6 supply ships, and one Sohcahtoa-class submarine to the area. With these are some 2000 marines.
29-02-2004, 23:29
North New Narnia is willing to help against your rebels. What is it you are in need of and if we can we will send the help needed.
01-03-2004, 09:55
We require any military help you can send. We have growing reports of other civilians leaving their work places to join the growing rebel force in the mountain. All our millitary units currently in other nations are being recalled to help in this growing situation. Military patrols are now being stationed on the roads leading up to the mountain, though we feel that even this will not stop the rebels gaining power.

Any nation that sends military help is authorized to us force to dissapate and neutralise this threat to our nation security.

Thak you for your support.

Phoenixius Council
01-03-2004, 14:10
01-03-2004, 18:11
Various parts of the military have pledged their alleigiance to the rebels and have deserted. Some of these include the patrols sent to guard the roads to the mountain. There has already been some fighting as loyal army units come across rebel soldiers. HOw they have obtained weapons so quickly is unknown, though the armouries in Phoenixius' military compounds remain secure.
01-03-2004, 18:13
Various parts of the military have pledged their alleigiance to the rebels and have deserted. Some of these include the patrols sent to guard the roads to the mountain. There has already been some fighting as loyal army units come across rebel soldiers. HOw they have obtained weapons so quickly is unknown, though the armouries in Phoenixius' military compounds remain secure.
01-03-2004, 18:35
As per the Coalition of Honour Aust will send 800 ASS and 4,000 ATMs and equivelant numbers of ATC and ATW. (ASS are equvilent to the SAS/Delta Force. Aust troopers Mountains are highly trained for city fighting, Aust troopers citys are highly trained for citys and Aust Trooper Woods for wood fighting) We will also send 10,000 Aust troopers (normal Aust fighting force.
01-03-2004, 18:37
Due to the recent conflict between your rebels and my navy i think we should take action befor more actions are taken against my military..or worse my civilians heck my country! or my territory!
01-03-2004, 18:45
The Phoenixius Council thanks you for your assistance. Current estimates place 10,000 rebels hiding in the mountains. All non-essential civilian opperations are being shut down, and workers confined to their housing. Any civilians or military that leaves their designated area without authorisation are to be arrested on sight. Allied forces would be of great use in confining the rebels to the mountain region. Imperial forces have already set a perimeter at the base of the mountain, and assassin squads have penetrated the crude rebel defenses.
01-03-2004, 18:49
10,000 C-M general infantry(3,000 engineers 2,000 medics the rest fighting.)
5,000 special forces
1,000 T-80'S
500 C-M APC'S(our own design)
250 F-15's.
01-03-2004, 22:53
I will help in order to prevent another ruthless dictator from taking power by contributing 980,999,999 dollars, paying 50,000 mercinarys, and I will send in 10,000 comandoe and special ops, 11,000 marienes, 9,000 navy seals, 12,000 national gaurd, 20,000 soilderes, 2,000 assassins, 13,000 white gaurd elites, 100 B-52 bombers, 60 Eurocopter tiger hipachi, 150 Jaguar 2 tank destroyers, 200 M1-A2 Abrans MBT, 80 P2-H-200, 110 Nh-90 TTh, 123 U-212 Subs and 200 BMP-2-APC plus 6 Gelste-1 Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles and 8 swat teams
02-03-2004, 10:13
Thanks. Yugoslavia, could you send your forces to the sea-wards side of the mountain, to prevent any rebels escaping, or gaining reinforcments that way. Catania-Marinov could you deploy your forces at the north of the mountain.

All special forces have the go ahead to take out the rebel leaders.

"Psi squad, you are clear for Operation Sickle, over."
"This is Psi squad. Moving in, over."

*Psi squad moves forwards into the rough scree on the side of the mountain. Passing various rebel defenses with ease, they penetrate further into the rebels area of opperations. Soon they reach a secluded cave near the top of the mountain. Various voices could be heard emanating from it.*

"Today, live from Catania-Marinov, we have the shocking news that several Phoenixius rebels have been shot in public after hijacking a ship and sailing it in to the harbour. More news in an hour..."
"See men, our brethren have sold their lives for the greater good our our nation. Now our problem is the worlds."
02-03-2004, 13:20

GVG flight SAAF198 requesting permission to land in Pheonica airport
require no assistance and little coverage, accompanying message attached...

<<end transmission>>

airport control staff look at the attached message file and play it


The Armed Republic Of The Golden Valley sends flight Golden Valley Governmental Flight Special Air Assault Force 198 to aid you in your time of need, we realise you are taking casualties. we acknowledge that terrorism and rebellion are the worlds problem and therefore we respond by sending force. 153 troops we send are a crack team of special operations forces of the SAAF. The SAAF specialise in special ops high speed missions. They have been known to raid, sabotage, extarct POW's and hunt down criminals. accomplished fighters in all aspects we send them to you to aid you in the fight against a rebellion, instruct them as you will. they are yours to command until you dismiss them and they will return to us. the world is indebted to you for finding a threat to its peacefulness. please give landing clearance.
The Armed Republic Of The Golden Valley.
Fight Hard, Die Well

<<message ends>>
02-03-2004, 13:49
"GVG flight SAAF198, you are cleared to land at Phoecia International Airport on runway 2. Current flight path indicates an ETA of 1 hour."
02-03-2004, 19:48
02-03-2004, 19:56
Dear Phoenixius,We would like to send 10,000 of the nathional guard..consisting of 3,000 engineers and 2,000 medics the rest infantry
1,000 T-80's.
15 F-15'S
and also 3,000 APC'S and 300 HUMVEE'S
02-03-2004, 20:54
Ok, Catania-Marinov, you can send your troops. Once they are on site, could you deploy them ready to move into the mountains. From there, a combined assault by all available troops will attempt to eliminate the rebels.
03-03-2004, 17:12
*Rebels launch a suicidal attack on the reinforced cordon around the mountain. The entire rebel force is killed with minor losses to the Imperial Army. The final push to eradicate the rebels is beginning.*
03-03-2004, 18:10
WiH will give support, we will send 100 Blue cross elites to help your forces, They are equiped with OICWs mainly, with exceptions. We will also send 100 of the CGFF/CAGFF to aid the Blues. They are armed with the MMP-5A6B. The mission of the troops will be to do squad patrols of the city and area surrounding the mountains(the CGFF in the cities, and Blues in the mountains/woods or whatever you have there)

The Hercules' took off from their airfield, to go to the Air-Air refuel point. From there they were to proccede to the edge of Phonixius airspace to await perrmission to enter and land, and commence opperation Redemption.

OOC: Looks like im slightly late...