NationStates Jolt Archive

Requesting Aid!

29-02-2004, 06:33
Aid workers in Western Artistan have been fired on by the guerillas in that regio. We are requesting assistance from any power willing to give. We are a young nation with a small military force. We cannot hope to defend ourselves from without and within.
The Atheists Reality
29-02-2004, 06:40
Tar will send in the 1st armored division, 2500 soldiers and if, your country has a coast, the 'broken arrow'
29-02-2004, 06:43
His Excellency, the Grand Duke of Luxornburg, offers full economic aid to your country. This gift will detail 300 pounds of foodstuff [bread, wheat, rice, fruits], 200 AK-47's modified for special forces, 30 T-140 Sniper Rifles, and 30 camaflogue uniforms adapted for either desert or forest terrian. His Excellency inquires if you have an airbase in which these supplies can be delivered.
29-02-2004, 06:48
We have prepared an airbase near out capital Boomert for supplies to be flown in. We hope you find it satisfactory.
The 2nd and 3rd infantry divisions have moved to assist the Atheists Reality in flushing the rebels out of the west. We can only hope the holiday makers on the western coast are mostly returned to their homes.
The 1st and 2nd Artistan Armoured brigade have begun to move along State Highway 1 in an attempt to encircle the rebel forces and stop this insurrection from spreading.
The Atheists Reality
29-02-2004, 06:52
if rebels have taken any bases near the western coast, the Broken arrow shall soon begin destroying them
29-02-2004, 06:52
If you wish to work with a dictatorship, then Oologah will send the following to support you:

XI Panzer Corps, comprised of 200 M1A2 Abrams tanks, 50 M2A3 Bradley IFVs, 10 Patriot batteries.
XXVII Artilery Division, comprising of 75 M-1976 howitzers
II Infantry Division, comprised of 100 OICW riflemen, 20 M-136 AT soldiers, 120 M-249 machine gunners, and 30 M2A2 Bradley IFVs.
138th TFW, comprised of 48 F-16Cs.
532nd Attack squadron, comprised of 24 Mi-24 Hinds.
1 E-3 from 43rd AWACS squadron.
The Atheists Reality
29-02-2004, 06:53
if rebels have taken any bases near the western coast, the Broken arrow shall soon begin firing upon them
29-02-2004, 06:55
Three key installations have fallen to the rebels along the western coast. There are still reports of civillians in the area, so aim straight and aim true.
29-02-2004, 06:57
A plane marked with the Royal Seal lands in an air field near Boomert. Several men climb out from the plane marked with the badge of the Royal Guards to help out with the distributation of the goods.
29-02-2004, 07:00
Oologah has the peoples permission to send forces into the western regions. Forces found out of that area will however, be unwarranted and requested to return to the battle zone.
29-02-2004, 07:02
We are saddened to inform you that a rebel suicide team has penetrated into the heart of Artistan and killed several dozen refugees along with the aid workers from the friendly nation of Luxornburg. They were quickly put down by the Boomert Praetorian Guard. This will not go unavenged.
The Atheists Reality
29-02-2004, 07:07
don't worry, the broken arrow's targeting systems are state of the art
( i can provide stats) the 20" Screecher turrets of the Broken Arrow are aimed towards the rebel base. many, many well-aimed shells fall upon the rebel civilian casualties are recorded. the broken arrow moves within firing range of the second base and fires, again many shells fall upon the rebel base.(i dont want to say the losses of the rebels, you can do that, i'll leave the third base alone so others can rp it's destruction)
29-02-2004, 07:08
His Excellency, the Grand Duke of Luxornburg, is thoughly shocked at such an inhumane action. He inquires if military assistance in the form of 2 companies of his personal guard can be dispatched to avert any further hostilities to His Subjects.
The Atheists Reality
29-02-2004, 07:08
how well armed are the rebels?
29-02-2004, 07:11
The main concentraion of rebel forces has been decimated by the Broken Arrow of our brother nation. We are pleased to announce that allied forces have begun pushing them out of their positions. Vicious street fighting has claimed many lives on all sides, civilian and military.
Two captured tanks have been used by the rebels to create a strong point of the third base. A lengthy siege seems inevitable.
However, in other actions, the allied forces have been beaten back with the pure number of rebels. Holiday makers have joined the rebellion, all due to outside propaganda. A demonstration in Boomert has just begun. More information later.
29-02-2004, 07:15
The rebels have been armed with much in the way of small arms and anti-tank weaponary. Whatever other weaponary they have has been looted from the three bases before two of them were destroyed by the glorious weaopns of the Atheists Reality. A squadron of Apache helicopters are reported to be strafing refugees on State Highway 1, but it is not known to whom the belong. They match the markings of a squadron operating in north west ARtistan, however, no insurrection has been reported there.
this is a most grim omen for the Peoples republic of Artistan.
29-02-2004, 07:15
The rebels have been armed with much in the way of small arms and anti-tank weaponary. Whatever other weaponary they have has been looted from the three bases before two of them were destroyed by the glorious weaopns of the Atheists Reality. A squadron of Apache helicopters are reported to be strafing refugees on State Highway 1, but it is not known to whom the belong. They match the markings of a squadron operating in north west ARtistan, however, no insurrection has been reported there.
this is a most grim omen for the Peoples republic of Artistan.
29-02-2004, 07:16
The rebels have been armed with much in the way of small arms and anti-tank weaponary. Whatever other weaponary they have has been looted from the three bases before two of them were destroyed by the glorious weaopns of the Atheists Reality. A squadron of Apache helicopters are reported to be strafing refugees on State Highway 1, but it is not known to whom the belong. They match the markings of a squadron operating in north west ARtistan, however, no insurrection has been reported there.
this is a most grim omen for the Peoples republic of Artistan.
29-02-2004, 07:16
The rebels have been armed with much in the way of small arms and anti-tank weaponary. Whatever other weaponary they have has been looted from the three bases before two of them were destroyed by the glorious weaopns of the Atheists Reality. A squadron of Apache helicopters are reported to be strafing refugees on State Highway 1, but it is not known to whom the belong. They match the markings of a squadron operating in north west ARtistan, however, no insurrection has been reported there.
this is a most grim omen for the Peoples republic of Artistan.
29-02-2004, 07:20
The Kings persoanl guard are most welcome to the Peoples Republic. However, we can give no gurantees to their safety in light of the recent increase in combat throughout the north and western regions of Artistan.
29-02-2004, 07:21
To The Great Nation of Artistan

We, the people of the Holy Empire of Sweet Destruction send our deepest sympathy in your current matter. Unfortunatly because of our economic conditions we are not able to send aid at this point. May your nation find peace.
The Holy Pope of Sweet Destruction
29-02-2004, 07:22
Our condolances in this matter
29-02-2004, 07:22
We have just had reports that elements of the 1st Air Cavalry have declared their allegiance to those forces working against this great nation. The notrh of Artistan is now a warzone. More refugees are streaming towards Boomert and medicines and food are in short supply.
The Atheists Reality
29-02-2004, 07:24
check tg's artistan
29-02-2004, 07:26
His Excellency, the Grand Duke of Luxornburg, reminds that such information is vital but is not worth repeating it four times in a row. His Excellency would like to boost the offered military aid to 2 additional companies of his personal guard specializing in assassination and inflitration, 3 Montie XP_2 Tanks [a derivative of the Abrams Tank].
29-02-2004, 07:30
We apologise for the repeated message. It is apparently due to rebel activity along our lines of communication.
All support is given to actions taken against rebel and traitor forces. No prisoners are to be taken by Artistani forces, however you have every right to punish those you take in your own manner.
Civillian casualties are to kept to a minimum. This is important beyond explanation.
29-02-2004, 07:37
His Excellency, the Grand Duke of Luxornburg would like to inform your government that a cargo plane carrying the 4 companies have already left the Royal Luxornburg Air Field. The tanks will follow soon. His Excellency desires to be informed when the plane arrives at your capital.
29-02-2004, 07:38
Your cargo craft has arrived at Boomert Airfield. I have met the commanders and discussed plans for protection of the refugees flooding toward Boomert. Our nations rail services are at your disposal, along with the few military vehicles we have remaining.
29-02-2004, 07:42
Our anti-aircraft units in central Artistan have been able to drive off the traitorous 1st Air Cavalry and form a defensive perimeter around the North Junction. However, lagre formations of enemy infantry have been seen moving into the area around the Junction. The loss of this junction could cause the entire notrhern front to collapse.
29-02-2004, 07:46
The third and final base on the Western Coast has been retaken by allied forces. Lagre rebel formations, including several dozen tanks have been able to pull back into Northern Artistan however. This will be a hard nut to crack, patricularly due to the severe losses sustained by the Artistan forces in the area. Almost half of the 4000 infantry have been hospitalised or killed in the fighting on the cast. Two in three of the 80 tanks sent to the coast has also been destroyed, disabled or captured.
29-02-2004, 07:49
Our forces have arrived and they have begun training a new division of Artisan Regulars.
29-02-2004, 07:54
Much thanks to Matich for the training. The men and women in the refugee camps will provide you with ample recruits. They will wish to retake their homes with all speed.
Our current army is greatly diminished, as highlighted in our previous report.
Boomert, the capital is still secure, with two full regiments of Boomert Praetorian guard, armed with semi-automatic assault weaponary and ceremonial blades.
The Norther Junction, lynchpin to our success in the north, is being held by the 3rd Air defence battalion, tottaling a paltry 14 anti-aircraft cannons, most pre-dating our nations existance. The 1st and 2nd Infantry divisions are speeding to the Junction, while the 52 remaining Artistan tanks are pursuing the rebels into the north with all haste. Allied forces are free to move as they wish.
29-02-2004, 08:03
~about 200 klicks away from Boomert

In the darkness of night, a mass of men pass through a forest carrying several large weapons. Suddenly four men in the front of the column fall down. Six others soon follow them. The column falls into a protective square, their guns quickly moving to aim at the unknown enemy. Seven men fall down. A voice shouts out an order. Several rounds of ammunition ring through the forest. Almost all of the column is cut down by automatic fire. Men dressed in black step out of the forest bearing bayoneted guns aim for the survivors. Those of the column quickly surrender.

~Temporary Headquarters for the Luxornburg ESA Guard


The second one reads:


29-02-2004, 08:03
Much thanks to Matich for the training. The men and women in the refugee camps will provide you with ample recruits. They will wish to retake their homes with all speed.
Our current army is greatly diminished, as highlighted in our previous report.
Boomert, the capital is still secure, with two full regiments of Boomert Praetorian guard, armed with semi-automatic assault weaponary and ceremonial blades.
The Norther Junction, lynchpin to our success in the north, is being held by the 3rd Air defence battalion, tottaling a paltry 14 anti-aircraft cannons, most pre-dating our nations existance. The 1st and 2nd Infantry divisions are speeding to the Junction, while the 52 remaining Artistan tanks are pursuing the rebels into the north with all haste. Allied forces are free to move as they wish.

Our Rangers are holding your capital against any rebels or uprisings. Training has begun and will be finished soon. We are sending a Squadron of F22s and a Squadron of F35s to the capital.
29-02-2004, 08:08
Any spoils of war taken are to be kept by those forces who obtained them through combat. Note - this does not entitle your armies to looting and any vehicles previously owned by Artistan will be returned. However, small arms, atrillery pieces and prisoners can be kept. Any prisoners handed over to Artistan forces will be executed.
29-02-2004, 08:13
A cargo plane arrives at Boomert. Several people adorned with the badge of the Lord's Guard spill out. In the rear of the plane, a hatch is lowered. Some time passes until a tank drives out. Lt. Col. Mattias Lorne turns to an Artisan officer and inquires on where the tanks are needed the most. Several men dressed in black can be seen trooping away the ESA Headquarters carrying AK-47's and sniper rifles.
29-02-2004, 08:17
I will send one million rabid gophers to fight for you. May the gophers aid you in this dark time. :shock:
29-02-2004, 12:19
The tanks are most needed at the Northern Junction, where the 1st and 2nd divisions are supporting the 1st Anti-Aircraft battalion. The north-west is currently being patrolled by the Artistan tank remnant.
29-02-2004, 12:28
I can offer you several units of my crack assassination squads. If you accept, they can be there within the day, and begin the hunting of rebel leaders immediately.
29-02-2004, 19:00
~the next morning

Four tanks bearing the seal of the Lord's Guards drive up to an Artisan Base at Northern Junction.

~SEA Temporary Headquarters

A platoon's worth of men dressed in black come into the tent bearing several weapons. A corporal catalogues each one of them as they are placed on makeshift racks. Several of the weapons are automatic rifles, machine guns, and bazookas.

In another part of a tent, a major is circuling an area north of Boomert. It is just one out of many that dot the northern landscape. Some of the circles have a X drawn in the middle. Next to the crossed circles is the word "No Prisoners". A significant majority of them possess those labels.

And in another part of a tent, a staff sargeant gives a telegram to an Artisan officer, informing the capture of an enemy airfield 300 klick NW of Northern Junction.