NationStates Jolt Archive

"Communists are now welcomed to our country!"

29-02-2004, 01:54
Any communist is a friend right now.We have seen the errors of ever thinking they are all bad.Communism is thriving right now and our country shall accept that.
29-02-2004, 01:58
Communism is evil. 80 years of near constant civil war due to Communism has given FPC's citizens a bad taste for this political ideology. However, we accept your belief in communism but will not endorse it.
29-02-2004, 02:04
Renard applauds Kamica's open minded approach to communism, and hopes the same can be said of all political ideas. The right of each nation to self determination should be embraced by all nations.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Simpsons Springfield
29-02-2004, 02:38
The glorious, infalliable, fat people of Springfield will respond to this vile act of tolerance with a city-wide mooning of War Torn Kamica. Abolish this tolerance immediately or face the consequences.

-- Quimby
29-02-2004, 02:42
With this statement Hallad would like to ask for an embessy in Kamica, we hope they will accept.
Neo-Soviet Russia
29-02-2004, 04:47
The USSNSR salutes Kamica and its tolerence of Communism. Tolerence is something that is needed, be it sex, race, religion, or anything else. We give you our respect.

Adin Estridge
British Communists
29-02-2004, 11:53
We thank for for this tolerance, and hope this will start a new era of trust between comunists and other nations.
29-02-2004, 11:56
Jagiellonia, though not a communist nation, also applaudes this act of tolerance. We in Jagiellonia hold the tenent of free speach dear, and do not repress any sort of ideology or religion in our nation. Especially because it is our belief that repression leads to fanaticism.....and fanaticism leads to terror.
Neo-Soviet Russia
03-03-2004, 19:31
(Cursed friend using my machine...)
03-03-2004, 19:34
The USSNSA would like to add that it also ackknowledges the importance of acceptance of the Communist Ideal. We thank Kamica for not turning it's head the other direction. We would also like to add that all non-accepting nations should follow Kamica's lead. Acceptance and recognition along with the act of co-existance is the best and only way to acheive world peace.

Adonis Ulyanov
03-03-2004, 19:39
Western Lower Michigan disregards these fools embrace of a "utopian" society, and it's Dark Lordless ways.

The Dark Lord will have your souls.
04-03-2004, 09:25
That's nice.
Dyelli Beybi
04-03-2004, 10:38
Dyelli Beybi salutes this act. Truly it can be said that the ideologies of Karl Marx, offer the proleteriate the hope that it can strive for greater equality within society. Inttollerance of such ideology is tantamount to a declaration that the proleteriate is not in fact equal.