NationStates Jolt Archive

1930s RP war

28-02-2004, 23:45
OOC: I want to have a one on one war set in the 1930s with a dictatorial, very numerous, but poor country.
29-02-2004, 00:00
I don't think you are ready yet.
29-02-2004, 01:06
Why so?

BTW, are there rules as to how big an army you can have and things of that nature? Where does one find these things?
29-02-2004, 01:38
I would love to play the role of a country like Germany if this ever does start. (This rp should also include early 40's, don't you agree?)

*Starts production of Ju-88 Bombers, Panzer IV Tanks, and Bf-109s*

...Just in case.
29-02-2004, 05:06
You have 9 million people in your nation. Plus, have you bought weapons?
29-02-2004, 05:08
Actually though, I am interested in something like this. :)

I'd love to play as the Brits. :P
29-02-2004, 20:01
There's no other 1930's rps on NS. So it's either this, or nothing.
29-02-2004, 20:02
There's no other 1930's rps on NS. So it's either this, or nothing.
02-03-2004, 13:39
Good point, Great Romeo.
02-03-2004, 13:39
Good point, Great Romeo.
04-03-2004, 06:57
OOC: 9 million people, at a 10% conscription rate, equal a 900,000-man army. I make my arms. I ask again, are there rules to how many men I can mobilize and so forth?

You can be Germany, Britain, whoever; I have my own particular way of doing things. :)

Nikvonian Army: out-conventional the guerrillas, and out-guerrilla the conventionals.
04-03-2004, 07:19
I'd be Japan. (Forget fighting the American's, if Germany and us can take out those Soviets then the world is ours!) They owned the Russians in the Russo-Japanese war, they can do it again!
05-03-2004, 00:19
There are no limits on how many troops you can move.

OOC: The maximum percentage of troops you should have is 5% (otherwise, factories have a tremendous drop, economy suffers. Just thought you should know.)

Forming a new army.

10,000 soldiers (British Corps 1)
Armed with semi automatic machine guns
500 Royal British Snipers
Armed with .93 snipers

All weapons being made in our country.
05-03-2004, 03:52
We'd be interesting in participating as Roycelandia, c.1942, Which really isn't any different to Roycelandia, c. 2004- we still fly Spitfires (albeit HEAVILY upgraded to Modern Tech), our troops still use Mk III SMLEs and No. 5 Jungle Carbines, and the soldiers dress like Redcoats from Zulu (although they wear modern kevlar helmets).

Maybe I should start producing some more Lancaster Bombers and Churchill Tanks?
05-03-2004, 05:39
OOC: Roycelandia, using WW2 technology in 2004 is a one-way ticket to ass-kicksville.

Why do you all ape the historical big guys? Think to yourselves, what would my army have been like then?
05-03-2004, 05:58
Executive Charter of the Republic of Nikvonia, Section 3- Ministry of Defense (as of 1930):

Part A
It is the duty of all able-bodied male citizens from the age of 18 to contribute to the defense of the Republic. All residents, upon the age of 18, receive instantaneously with citizenship and the right to vote, the legal obligation to serve in either the Army, Navy, or Air Force (at their choice) until they reach the age of 24 or are discharged (for injury, conduct, etc.) prematurely.

Part D
Except for members of the National Defense Council and National Defense Staff, all members of the military (Army, Navy, & Air Force) are recruited upon a militia, reserve-type basis. They will join either their county Regiment, or a broader-based Fleet.

Part E
Certain Regiments (or groups thereof) and fleets will be temporarily mobilized at any one time; these will constitute the first line of defense, and will be charged with, based upon the plans of the National Defense Staff, allowing enough time for the full mobilization of the Military and Militia.

05-03-2004, 06:09
Table of Organization and Equipment per Division as of January 1st, 1930

Division – 8400 men, General commanding

1st brigade
1 regiment of Foot (3 battalions of 282 riflemen, plus 9 medium machineguns each) 900 men
1 regiment of Foot- 900 men
1 regiment of Mounted Foot (3 battalions of 282 horsed fusiliers plus 9 medium machineguns each) 900 men

2nd brigade
1 regiment of Foot- 900 men
1 regiment of Foot- 900 men
1 regiment of Mounted Foot- 900 men

3rd brigade
1 regiment of Artillery (3 battalions of 19 guns, plus 5 aiming specialists each) 900 men
1 regiment of Artillery- 900 men
1 regiment of Heavy Horse (3 battalions of 75 tanks each) 900 men

Supply battalion (140 trucks, plus 20 clerks)

Rifle- Lee-Enfield rifle, .303 inch caliber
Fusil- Lee-Enfield fusil, .303 inch caliber
Machinegun- Vickers medium machinegun, .303 inch caliber
Gun- SMI field gun, 3 inch caliber
Tank- SMI medium tank, 1.5 inch caliber main gun, with 2 Vickers
Truck- 2.5 ton 6-wheel truck
Because I have a population of 18 million, and the percentage of any population in the age group I specified is about 10%, I can put into the field 180,000 me, or 18 divisions just like this one.

They are all armed and trained during peacetime, so no new weapons need be made; there is also a Militia of all males 24-50 that defends the internal security; women and Militiamen take whatever jobs need be filled during wartime.

Preparation prevents piss poor performance.
05-03-2004, 06:25
The year is 1935. Ethiopa has been invaded by Fascist Italy, Nationalist Japan has been fighting in China for 4 years, Hitler's Germany is negotiating it's way into mastery of Europe.

In a quiet corner of the Pacific northwest of North America, the Republic of Nikvonia sits quiet, peaceful and safe...and on top of millions of ounces of gold.

Desperate for hard currency to fund their future campaings, [insert role-play adversary here] looks with hungry eyes at Nikvonia's new treasure.

OOC: I'd like this to be kept simple, mano-a'-mano.
06-03-2004, 10:12
OOC: Roycelandia, using WW2 technology in 2004 is a one-way ticket to ass-kicksville.

Thus far, we've managed pretty well. Everything is heavily upgraded, and Spitfires have bought down several Modern Jet Fighters, SMLEs fire nearly as fast as a semi-auto anyway, and we do have Harrier Jump Jets etc as well...
07-03-2004, 04:01
So, no one is up to it?