NationStates Jolt Archive


02-02-2004, 19:00
We need to equip our new nations army with weapons. I am a member of New Provinces. can any body help by donating a few weapons? thank you
02-02-2004, 19:01
How many troops do you need to equip?
02-02-2004, 19:04
02-02-2004, 19:07
We will send 30,000 Cannis-manufactured M4-carbines in exchange for 3,000 tonnes of your major export, cheese. Our natrion recently broadcasted a show call ed Top 10 Cheeses and Red Leicester came top, so we'd like mostly that please.
02-02-2004, 19:15
thank you, the weapons will be very much welcomed. We will ship 3,000 tonnes of our finest red leicester to you right away.
02-02-2004, 19:16
The shipment will be escorted by two AH-64 never know who might try to steal our cheese. The weapons are ready for collection at your borders.
02-02-2004, 19:19
we will collect them immediatly, cheese is already being shipped with escorts to you borders now.