NationStates Jolt Archive

10,500 dead in Union Protest Rally Disaster! -Breaking News-

22-01-2004, 11:29
---- Benician Nightly News ----

While staging what the Benician SS described as an attempted coup, pro unionists storming through the streets demanding the revoking of the Benician Enabling Act were met with heavy gun fire and surrounded by two panzar divisions.

In attempts to resist, 10,500 pro union activists were mowed down in a hail of machine gun fire supported by periodic tank shelling.

The Fuhrer in a press conference some hours later stated simply that "treason is punishable by death and that is what these criminals got".

More news at 5.
Elves Security Forces
22-01-2004, 11:34
President CeleKorn is disturbed by the images he views on his tv.
"Commander, I have never before have witnessed such an atrocity as this one today. I am herby ordering you to cut off any contact and enforce as many Trade Embargos on the nation of Benicius.
22-01-2004, 11:51
[code:1:958b5e2b83]>>Adding "Benicius" to black list......

>>Data Transfer complete.

>>Ceasing all trade with "Benicius".......

>>Estimated losses in Iuthian revenue: $ 00.00 (USD)

>>Electronic Transfers blocked, mailmerge sent to Iuthian business owners...[/code:1:958b5e2b83]

Damn... thats the third one today...
22-01-2004, 11:53
"Hamaznrye applauds your defeat over the infidels. Laws are laws; otherwise, man is an animal who answers only to himself.

On the day of atonement we will all answer to our collective Maker. Until that time, let the agitators and peaceniks feel the weight and the sting of your hobnailed jackboots."--from the most holy Sahib Al'Jaro, Supreme Leader of the Republic of Hamaznrye.

At times, man must be stripped of his dignity before obedience turns him into a better spirit.(from One: The Poetry of Hamaznrye Mystic Vajini)
23-01-2004, 08:35
---- Benician Nightly News ----

While staging what the Benician SS described as an attempted coup, pro unionists storming through the streets demanding the revoking of the Benician Enabling Act were met with heavy gun fire and surrounded by two panzar divisions.

In attempts to resist, 10,500 pro union activists were mowed down in a hail of machine gun fire supported by periodic tank shelling.

The Fuhrer in a press conference some hours later stated simply that "treason is punishable by death and that is what these criminals got".

More news at 5.

In the wake of yesterday's victory over militant pro unionist traitors, the Benician SS have successfully uncovered the whereabouts of the rebel HQ - an old, derelict building in the Ghetto sector which previously housed the nation's trade union facilities.

In the dawn raid, conducted this morning, some 1,000 traitors were shot, while a further 100 leaders were taken into protective custody for interrogation.
23-01-2004, 09:35
---- Benician Nightly News ----

While staging what the Benician SS described as an attempted coup, pro unionists storming through the streets demanding the revoking of the Benician Enabling Act were met with heavy gun fire and surrounded by two panzar divisions.

In attempts to resist, 10,500 pro union activists were mowed down in a hail of machine gun fire supported by periodic tank shelling.

The Fuhrer in a press conference some hours later stated simply that "treason is punishable by death and that is what these criminals got".

More news at 5.

"Danneland supports Benicius acts, people acting against the law should be punshied by the law. And so did these "pro union activists" do. The broke the law and got pnushied by it."

-Daniel, Dictator of Danneland.
23-01-2004, 10:38
To the Benician govertmant

Hereby the Remboland goverment issues a formal complaint to the Benician goverment.

Although we have no problems with the use of force to control an "uprising", we see the waste of valuable human resources as inexcusable.

23-01-2004, 10:57
Official Statement of Condemnation

Regarding the recent atrocities in the nation of Benicius, the Commonwealth Synod of Anhierarch, representing the united interests of the Socialist Commonwealth of Anhierarch, expresses our deepest disgust at this act of brutal, fascistic oppression. We regard legislation that actively oppresses the working peoples and keeps them thrall in the hands of their masters as utterly bankrupt and illegitimate.

As such, we now issue a call for an international condemnation of the government of Benicius. We urge all sane leaders and delegates to pronounce as well a trade embargo on the nation of Benicius, the furthest measure of economic sanctions. We call for the leaders of Benicius to face an international investigation, that they shall stand before the rule of law which they claim to cherish.

~Coordinator Paine

Office of International Affairs
23-01-2004, 11:03
Official Statement of Condemnation

Regarding the recent atrocities in the nation of Benicius, the Commonwealth Synod of Anhierarch, representing the united interests of the Socialist Commonwealth of Anhierarch, expresses our deepest disgust at this act of brutal, fascistic oppression. We regard legislation that actively oppresses the working peoples and keeps them thrall in the hands of their masters as utterly bankrupt and illegitimate.

As such, we now issue a call for an international condemnation of the government of Benicius. We urge all sane leaders and delegates to pronounce as well a trade embargo on the nation of Benicius, the furthest measure of economic sanctions. We call for the leaders of Benicius to face an international investigation, that they shall stand before the rule of law which they claim to cherish.

"May I just remind you that it is an event that only affects Benicius, therefore they should be able to solve things the way that they see fit.
It isnt up to other nations to say that some things are okay and some not, if that was the case. All goverments should dissolve and give up to the UN (who so frequently puts their nose into someone elses affairs). I would asume that you would feel most un-confortable if I as a dictator came and said to you that you can have no elections because it makes me sick."

-Daniel, Dictator of Danneland.

-Daniel, Dictator of Danneland.
~Coordinator Paine

Office of International Affairs