what happens when the moon crashes into the earth?? i dont know but if you dont want to find out... pay me and all the countries in the region "nation of un hating states" large sums of money....or it will come crashing down....mwhahahaha
18-01-2004, 01:00
wow. ignored.
Further Maths
18-01-2004, 01:02
The Theocrat raises his eyebrow, and decides the crazy people can safely be ignored. The UN have a proposal up for vote, after all.
Nevertheless, he keeps the weather forecast on in case of unusual tidal activity.
do it I dare you I'd love to see a cardboard moon
OOC: didn't someone blow up the moon a long time back?
Aztec National League
18-01-2004, 01:05
Ha. ha.. ha...
Dude, the only money you'll be getting from anyone is Monopoly Money.
18-01-2004, 01:05
OOC: Yeah, I rebuilt it though. The techs left behind some giant space slugs, so a few modern nations astronauts were eaten, but its all good 8)
Um. Right. What would happned if i *Magicly* turned back the moon to hit mars, then summon Thor, God of Thunder to zap you?
Alrighy, back to reality.
If you actually did that, i would......um.......... :?
Actually, i think summoning Thor is my best bet.
Further Maths
18-01-2004, 01:11
The only way to counter it would be to blow the moon up before it impacted, and try and vapourise as many of the fragments as possible.
Alternatively (negating my "the only way") you could create a black hole on the other side, with the event horizon between the earth and the moon, so the moon gets sucked in and the earth doesn't.
Maybe I'm taking this too seriously?