NationStates Jolt Archive

Terrorist attack on...

The Burnsian Desert
11-01-2004, 17:19
A newscaster hurridley prepares herself at the scene of a huge bombing, smoldering remains of tanks and burning flesh kindling in the background

"Hello everyone, I'm Janita Huarez. Just 1 hour ago, an explosion rocked the capital of Highfather. As you can see behind me, the military parade of The Burnsian Desert has come to a screeching halt. Half of the 1st Tank Division has been wiped out, and the 4th anti-tank brigate has been completely incinderated. President Burnrad Darb had this to say,"

"January 11, 2004. A day that will live - in our hearts, minds and tounges for decades. At precisely 11:16 AM, Eastern Time, an explosion from an unknown source went off during a parade of our young men and women in the Armed Services. My friends, I have not seen such carnage overshadow the bloody rebellion that made this great country democratic. We WILL find the people who did this, and I swear, they will be punished with extreme prejudice. That is all I can say."

The newscaster comes back on.
"After which, the president burst into tears. We will have more info as it becomes available."
Drizzts Army
11-01-2004, 17:23
We request we are able to send 30 Medical HC127 Helicopters to help the wounded.
The Burnsian Desert
11-01-2004, 17:26
Thank you, very much sir. Our hospitals are overflowing with casualties. We have a count of them:

472 DEAD
United Elias
11-01-2004, 17:28
Our government condems this cowardly attack and we are taking all action possible to root out terrorism as soon we wil be ridding Gabon of terrorist cells, please accept our sympathies and medical assitance can be sent should your nation require it.
The Burnsian Desert
11-01-2004, 17:29
Thank you, as international aid is required in this time of pain and suffering.
11-01-2004, 17:31
the judianpeoplesfront gives £1 billion in AID
The Burnsian Desert
11-01-2004, 17:33
Thank you for the money, but we despirately need men and supplies more than money.
The Zoogie People
11-01-2004, 17:34
We will supply $5 billion in aid and send three rounds of cargo, including medical supplies, food, reconstruction materials, and condemn the terrorists who did this.
11-01-2004, 17:37
Greater Yith will send part of it's fleet along with supplies and warriors to aid the Burnsian Desert in light of this terrible tragedy.
The Atheists Reality
11-01-2004, 17:38
we will send 1 ton of medical supplies per day, regulary until it is deemed that supplies are no longer needed.
The Burnsian Desert
11-01-2004, 17:38
Thank you. All this is greatly appreciated and will be paid back in full when we have our citizens back on track. Already, your supplies and money have rebuilt buildings and homes, and injured people are recovering.

11-01-2004, 17:48
The Empire condems these acts, and in response shall be offering to you the services of our 15th Medical Battalion, 109th Engineer Battalion, and the 7th Civil Service Battalion. For non-humanitarian purposes, we offer you one of our counter-terrorism units, the 8th Imperial Rangers, who are well trained in urban/rural combat. We also will be sending you tanks in order to replenish your ranks, and anti-tank weaponry to help bulster your lost unit.

Description of units:
15th Med- 5,000 medical personel, 500 support, 25 medical transport helicopters, 50 medical vechiles.

109th Engineer- 4,000 Engineers, 500 support, 75 various vechiles, 10 Black Hawk helicopters.

7th Civil- 500 Military Police, 250 couselors, 25 Battlefield command personel, 50 humvees, 10 Black Hawks, 2 Mobile Command Centers.

8th Spec- 500 combat specialists, 25 Black Hawk Helicopters, 25 Little Bird Helicopters,

They are at your disposal as you see fit.
The Burnsian Desert
11-01-2004, 17:53
Oh, thank you very much. We were worried that some of the countries we were at odds with, including GLA Terrorists and Nedea Rudav, would take this oppertunity to strike us defenceless. And are these men ours to keep?
11-01-2004, 18:04
The Empire would not wish for such events to occur, and as so we shall dispatch our Grand Fleet to off your shores in order to defend you if such attacks take place.

Flagship:NRS Phoenix Juken Heavy Battleship
ViceFlagship: NRS Chamberlain Juken Heavy Battlecruiser

1st Fleet
2 Griffen Destroyers (Titan, and Giant)
2 Wolf Cruisers (Volunteer, Auxillery)
4 Juken Battleships (Zeus, Mars, Pluto, Mercury)
4 Juken Battlecruisers (Bane, Apollo, Aeneus, Ulysses)
1 Tiger Carrier (Steward)

2nd Fleet:
1 Juken Heavy Battlecruiser (Augustus)
1 Juken Battlship (Nero)
20 Diamond Class Destroyers

4th Fleet:
10 Ohio Class
20 Virginia Class

5th Fleet:
3 Xev-Nac Carrier (Spyder, Viper, Anaconda)
2 Juken Cruisers (Wolfe, Moore)
2 Diamond Destroyers (Azure, Diablo)

6th Fleet:
7 Nimitz Class Carriers
5 Invader Class Carriers
6 Wasp Carriers
4 RO-5 Invincibles
6 Oliver Perry Class
2 Beluga Missile Frigates

We shall keep the 3rd, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th Fleets in reserve, upon the situation they will be used as reinforcements if need be.
The Burnsian Desert
11-01-2004, 18:09
These ships are really unneccisary, but thank you for the kind offer. Just friendly paranioa. :)
Drizzts Army
11-01-2004, 18:19
We request we be able to send 4 paradrops of medical supplies with blood plasma,morphine,and bandages
The Burnsian Desert
11-01-2004, 18:22
Thank you, our medical needs are being met rapidly! Paradrop request granted.
11-01-2004, 18:25
Thank you, very much sir. Our hospitals are overflowing with casualties. We have a count of them:

472 DEAD
The nation of Aust, a supream enermy of all those who are dishonerable in war request's permission to land a 30 man troop of ASS to hunt out terrorist's. We will also send aid and any injured can be flown to aust using Hawker transport plane's. Recuest permission to land?
The Burnsian Desert
11-01-2004, 18:28
Permission Granted, thank you!
11-01-2004, 18:34
Permission Granted, thank you!
The medic's unloaded there equipment in the airbase while the Aust Spcial Servicas fanned out then.....BANG! A bullit hit Sargant Sharpe in the shoulder. He fell to the ground. More shot's fired but the ASS had dragged the Sargant and the Medic's inside. They answered the fire with there own perfectly aimed hot's from within the plane's loophole's. Captin Cortez got to the plane's machine gun's and opened fire on the building to the right. With casulty's mounting and the medical equipment left outside distroyed the terrorist's fled
The Burnsian Desert
11-01-2004, 18:58
Da*n terrorists... my condolences for your casualty.
11-01-2004, 19:20
Da*n terrorists... my condolences for your casualty.
It is not your foult, the Sargent is okay and as he was surrounded by doctores he is allready to fight.

The ASS fanned out and ran to the building covered by the plane, the doctor's picked up there shattered instrument's and the ASS found 15 bodie's on the rof, a trail of blood led awway and they followed it switching into 3 squads, a 15 man team to follow the blood a ten man covering team and a 5 man squad to protect the plane, they followed the bloody trail
11-01-2004, 19:35
If you wish our aid, the Armed Republic of Lankartsette will send the 5th Marine Red Force Company and a limited number of Intelligence agents to find and destroy these terrorists. Let it be known that the A.R.L. will not tolerate terrorist actions.
11-01-2004, 20:03
OCC: oh good it was made an rp

-Somewhere above The Burnsian Desert-

Twenty Five Galaxy aircraft fly overhead, escorted by the 3rd Air Wing. The extremely large planes which are about the size of a football field were coming into range to land near Burnsian's capital.

Commander Tamizander Rey radios in, "We are preparing to land, please clear the runways, we need some space." The request was acknowledged, and the planes began their landing procedures. The Phoenixes fly over the airfield offering some protection to the massive Galaxies. They land safely considering the current situation. Each of the planes were filled with men and supplies, everything was loaded into their respective vechiles and the men were ready to exit. Each Galaxy slowly opened their docking bay which was some 6 stories high. The trucks, tanks, and other such material disembarked and lined up on the opposite end of the runway, facing their cargo planes.

Commander Rey left his posistion onboard Galaxy NRA-19029, the squadren's leader's craft. He walked off the aircraft and walked to the area in which most of the vechiles had assembled. He smiled seeing what was being done. At that moment a humvee arrived infront of him, and he entered the armored vechile. With the door still open and himself hanging out of the door, did a circular motion with his hand. At that moment each vechile started up and formed a convoy formation with the Commander's humvee in the front. Oblvious to what had just occured with the Aust forces, they continued their drive to the Parade grounds in which they planned on setting up camp.
Inner Heaven
11-01-2004, 20:26
Terrorist 1: "Sir, our efforts to restore the old regime is underway, we just need your green light to initiate Operation Skydive"

Terrorist 2: "Very good, how many PC teams are active within the borders of the Burnsian nation?" the man replied

Terrorist 1: "6 teams sir, however only two are currently working in conjunction, together they make an excellent 26 man cracksquad - they know their duty, to the former regime and the Phoenix Connection - they will perform their duty".

Terrorist 2: "Excellent, however I would be more comfortable if GLA operatives were working with us, a joint operation would be far more effective"

Terrorist 1: "As would I sir, but their hands are for the moment tied with Credonian imperialism"

Terrorist 2: "Quite right, anyway - Launch Operation Skydive"

Terrorist 1: "Excellent, sir"
11-01-2004, 23:29
OCC: hmm didnt post my last message i see...


The convoy arrives peacefully at the parade grounds. Immediately the half the medical personel begin their work, medics searching through the wrekage and rubble, doctors going straight to the Burnsian Hospitals. Meanwhile the Engineers find a large field and set up a camp. First sand bag and barbwire barriers are set up as the first barrier, following the barbwire and sandbags is a large fence as the second line. Between the first line and second line are automated machine gun turrets, along with machine gun implacements if terrorists decide to attack it. Inside the fence the engineers begin to assemble the pre-assembled buildings they brought with them, walls, floors, roofs all which are ready to be placed upon one another to form the skeleton of barracks, hospitals, command centers, and the such. Some 25 such buildings were ready by nightfall, and by that time the entire medical staff had been either located themselves in Burnsian Hospitals or the field hospital built by the engineers. The machine gun implacements were manned by either combat engineers or the special forces. The base was ready, and from the third story window Commander Rey looked out and grinned knowing what he was doing was for the good of his fellow people.
The Burnsian Desert
11-01-2004, 23:41
9:00 PM Burnsian Time

A buzzing sound is heard overhead. The stolen Blackhawk hovers over the Newtdom camp. Everyone is at the mess hall, exept for some SF on guard. They don't take heed to the helicopter, until they notice the tail. No country flag. "Holy mother if Newt!" one of the SF officers yells. He slams the protective glass out of the alarm. "WHIRRR WHIRRR!" the klaxon wails. All of the men pile out of the tent, weapons rady for action. The terrorists jump from the blackhawk onto the the makeshift. Immediately, a Newtdom soldier fires his SAW up and rips up the terrorists. The Blackhawk tries to get away, but is shot down by a young Combat Engineer with a TOW. The smoldering wreckage lays on top of the barbed wire. "Sir, we've got survivors!" one of the men yells. The broken young terrorist is taken away.
The Burnsian Desert
12-01-2004, 00:19
12-01-2004, 01:04
Commander Rey was sipping on his coffee as the attack took place he had dropped it after he had turned around to see what the noise was about. He turned around with a look of amazement as his staff officers ran out to see what the hell was going on. The commander grabbed his helmet and a pistol and followed his comrades. To his amazement, the only injury that occured was that of a startled young officer who had dropped a bowl of hot soup on his leg. The second degree burns were treated almost immediately and was soon ready to return to his unit.

Colonel Rey in Newtdom to be a commander one must be a Colonel grinned as he walked away with the status report which read:

12 enemy combatants dead, one captured. With one minor injury on our part.

Rey was use to combat, a lifetime in the military being the second son of a high ranking noble he had nothing else to do. The Colonel came from a military pedigree as well and knew what to do. He ordered that the defenses be bulstered, and they were. Engineers went straight to work, clearing the wreckage and repairing the damaged buildings as well as completing the base which was looking hour by hour stronger than ever. They added several heliports and new strict rules of flying were implamented. Also, several anti-aircraft weaponry posistions were placed strategically throughout the base. The men were ready for anything now.
The Burnsian Desert
12-01-2004, 01:18
Suddenly, a blast shattered the night. A sniper! The men rushed to thier positions, only to realize the shot was from their own man. A body fell out of an open window near the square.
12-01-2004, 02:05
The sniper runs up to his kill to check the body as medics look over the body one of them speaks.
"Good shot, right through the temple."
The sniper answered "Thanks, Mike, I try you know."
Mike smiled "Its good to have you around, just like old times Will."

Will smiled and put down his rifle. He was dressed in a recon battle armor, signiture to the 8th Special Forces. With a push of a button the armor retracts, the legs and lower body going into a waist level belt and the helmet and the upper torso going into a belt around the neck. The uniform underneath was clearly different than anyone elses' it was a solid black with various markings. The one that clearly was shown was that of the Royal Family. A crest was over his right shirt pocket, along with the rank of Colonel. The 22 year old man smiled and walked in to see his cousin Commander Rey.
John Bernhardt
12-01-2004, 02:14
The basket weaving industries in the Bernhardt States donate thousands of golden bars to aid the GLA although the government barely recognizes the freedom fighters as a threat due to the peaceful and small government.
12-01-2004, 18:59
The terrorist watdhed as the ASS 15 man squad followed the trail of blood. Then they dropped surrounding them and opening fire at the same instant. The allyway became full of blood as two ASS died, they returned fire and dived for cover. The sound of gunfire speeded up the ASS 2nd squad and they blew a hole using a RPG at the enermy troop's covering the ally's entrance. As more terrorist's attacked the ASS fled into the mainstreet returning fire and losing 2 more men. The cavillian's in the street fled from the fire fight and the ASS took cover in shops. Captian Cortez and Corpral Newt took cover in a butchers and hid behind the counter, firing at the trators. Newt kept firing his RPG at the enermy while Cortez spoke into his radio asking for help. Squad beta, the 5 man squad covering the plane were coming as were two unit's of AT paratroopers as soon as they got clearance to fly. Sending out one despret plea for accistance to all troops in the country, the captain took out his Sub-machine gun and opened fire filling the doorway with corpse. "Newt! see if there's a way out.!"
"Yes Sir!" The corpral ran out and found a back door along with a familly sheltering in the doorway. There was a wall they could climb over to escape but it required a boost to get over. Telling the familly to stay their he ran to the captain and told what had happened. As the Captain heard about the wall he smiled and slapped a Proximaty mine on the wall. "Let's go man!" They fled down the corodor As the mine exploded. Then they had reached the door and the father of tthe familly was lifting a girl over the wall, the terrorist's ran in and the two fired killing the furst one to show his head through the door. The fammily had got over except for one girl. "Go Sir! I'll give you a boost." One of them had to stay behind, "NO Corpral your young. I'll hold them off here, you get that girl over then call me."
"But Sir!"
"GO!" The Corpral ran and gave the five year old a boost over the wall "Now Sir!" Throwing his last proximity mine's into the kitchen the old man ran and pushed the Corpral over the wall. "Goodbye Sir!!"
"Just go! Run, keep the familly safe."
"Yes, Sir!" Came the voice from over the wall. The house filled with noise and light as the mine's exploded and the Captain ran back to the hall. He opened fire with his last magazine each of the 19 bullit's finding there mark. Then he unshefed his sword, threw in a smoke grenade and charged crying "For Aust" He slashed through the first man and his anger carryed him on as he rushed through the house killing every terrorist in sight. Then onto the street, where a firefight was taking place and he charged at the enermy kiling them, and with him charged his men there sword's unshefed. Blood filled the air as the men like the acent gods of battle hit home seeming unstoppable. The terrorist's fled only for one to turn and fire and that bullet killed the captain who had just sliced through yet another man. And with that last blow fired they fled as the reimforcement's arrived.
12-01-2004, 18:59
The terrorist watdhed as the ASS 15 man squad followed the trail of blood. Then they dropped surrounding them and opening fire at the same instant. The allyway became full of blood as two ASS died, they returned fire and dived for cover. The sound of gunfire speeded up the ASS 2nd squad and they blew a hole using a RPG at the enermy troop's covering the ally's entrance. As more terrorist's attacked the ASS fled into the mainstreet returning fire and losing 2 more men. The cavillian's in the street fled from the fire fight and the ASS took cover in shops. Captian Cortez and Corpral Newt took cover in a butchers and hid behind the counter, firing at the trators. Newt kept firing his RPG at the enermy while Cortez spoke into his radio asking for help. Squad beta, the 5 man squad covering the plane were coming as were two unit's of AT paratroopers as soon as they got clearance to fly. Sending out one despret plea for accistance to all troops in the country, the captain took out his Sub-machine gun and opened fire filling the doorway with corpse. "Newt! see if there's a way out.!"
"Yes Sir!" The corpral ran out and found a back door along with a familly sheltering in the doorway. There was a wall they could climb over to escape but it required a boost to get over. Telling the familly to stay their he ran to the captain and told what had happened. As the Captain heard about the wall he smiled and slapped a Proximaty mine on the wall. "Let's go man!" They fled down the corodor As the mine exploded. Then they had reached the door and the father of tthe familly was lifting a girl over the wall, the terrorist's ran in and the two fired killing the furst one to show his head through the door. The fammily had got over except for one girl. "Go Sir! I'll give you a boost." One of them had to stay behind, "NO Corpral your young. I'll hold them off here, you get that girl over then call me."
"But Sir!"
"GO!" The Corpral ran and gave the five year old a boost over the wall "Now Sir!" Throwing his last proximity mine's into the kitchen the old man ran and pushed the Corpral over the wall. "Goodbye Sir!!"
"Just go! Run, keep the familly safe."
"Yes, Sir!" Came the voice from over the wall. The house filled with noise and light as the mine's exploded and the Captain ran back to the hall. He opened fire with his last magazine each of the 19 bullit's finding there mark. Then he unshefed his sword, threw in a smoke grenade and charged crying "For Aust" He slashed through the first man and his anger carryed him on as he rushed through the house killing every terrorist in sight. Then onto the street, where a firefight was taking place and he charged at the enermy kiling them, and with him charged his men there sword's unshefed. Blood filled the air as the men like the acent gods of battle hit home seeming unstoppable. The terrorist's fled only for one to turn and fire and that bullet killed the captain who had just sliced through yet another man. And with that last blow fired they fled as the reimforcement's arrived.
12-01-2004, 19:00
The terrorist watdhed as the ASS 15 man squad followed the trail of blood. Then they dropped surrounding them and opening fire at the same instant. The allyway became full of blood as two ASS died, they returned fire and dived for cover. The sound of gunfire speeded up the ASS 2nd squad and they blew a hole using a RPG at the enermy troop's covering the ally's entrance. As more terrorist's attacked the ASS fled into the mainstreet returning fire and losing 2 more men. The cavillian's in the street fled from the fire fight and the ASS took cover in shops. Captian Cortez and Corpral Newt took cover in a butchers and hid behind the counter, firing at the trators. Newt kept firing his RPG at the enermy while Cortez spoke into his radio asking for help. Squad beta, the 5 man squad covering the plane were coming as were two unit's of AT paratroopers as soon as they got clearance to fly. Sending out one despret plea for accistance to all troops in the country, the captain took out his Sub-machine gun and opened fire filling the doorway with corpse. "Newt! see if there's a way out.!"
"Yes Sir!" The corpral ran out and found a back door along with a familly sheltering in the doorway. There was a wall they could climb over to escape but it required a boost to get over. Telling the familly to stay their he ran to the captain and told what had happened. As the Captain heard about the wall he smiled and slapped a Proximaty mine on the wall. "Let's go man!" They fled down the corodor As the mine exploded. Then they had reached the door and the father of tthe familly was lifting a girl over the wall, the terrorist's ran in and the two fired killing the furst one to show his head through the door. The fammily had got over except for one girl. "Go Sir! I'll give you a boost." One of them had to stay behind, "NO Corpral your young. I'll hold them off here, you get that girl over then call me."
"But Sir!"
"GO!" The Corpral ran and gave the five year old a boost over the wall "Now Sir!" Throwing his last proximity mine's into the kitchen the old man ran and pushed the Corpral over the wall. "Goodbye Sir!!"
"Just go! Run, keep the familly safe."
"Yes, Sir!" Came the voice from over the wall. The house filled with noise and light as the mine's exploded and the Captain ran back to the hall. He opened fire with his last magazine each of the 19 bullit's finding there mark. Then he unshefed his sword, threw in a smoke grenade and charged crying "For Aust" He slashed through the first man and his anger carryed him on as he rushed through the house killing every terrorist in sight. Then onto the street, where a firefight was taking place and he charged at the enermy kiling them, and with him charged his men there sword's unshefed. Blood filled the air as the men like the acent gods of battle hit home seeming unstoppable. The terrorist's fled only for one to turn and fire and that bullet killed the captain who had just sliced through yet another man. And with that last blow fired they fled as the reimforcement's arrived.
12-01-2004, 19:10
I could send some troops, but we shall have to begin a conciliatory trade nogotiation first. Not only that, but they're a bit on the crazy, kill more civilians than enemies side, so you might wanna wait, still top class troops though. If you don't mind possibly being kicked out of the UN for harbouring them.
Kelonian States
12-01-2004, 22:06
Kelonia would like to offer it's support, either in troops or supplies, to aid in the clear-up operation or the campaign against these terrorists. We are only a growing nation, but we wish to start as we mean to go on against the terrorist menace.
Inner Heaven
14-01-2004, 19:22
(OOC: With The Burnsian Desert permission - Sorry, had to rush this - very busy :P...being an evil overlord isn't easy you know...)

A tall, sturdy man walks into the The Burnsian Desert Airport, wearing a trench coat, looking to his left and right he spots six guards, two to his left, idly chatting, and four to his right helping a large family with there luggage.

“Are you getting this?...” He said to himself quietly

“Loud and clear…just keep moving, we’ll be getting the information from here” The man replied, as he typed up various commands into his computer from the confines of his van parked a safe distance away.

Walking over to the locker area the man pulled out a notepad, with various letters and numbers scribbled down. Finding the correct locker and inserting the codes, the man reached in, pulling out a plastic, silenced, customized pistol. Quietly loading it, he put the pistol into his long trench coat.

“I’m going for the security room, once the hostiles are down, I’ll give the signal to launch the teams into action” the sturdy man replied.

Looking over to the security door, the man spotted a guard situated outside the door.

“Try not to make a scene outside with the guard, since we need you to make a scene when you’re inside” The man inside the van said over the intercom


Making his way over to the door marked security, the man initiate a conversation

“Excuse me, I seem to have lost my luggage, I think someone’s stolen it, since I missed it once when I was trying to pick it up on the travelator, but I didn’t see it as it came round for another pass, so I was wondering if you would let me into the security room to see if I can identify anyone that may look suspicious with a bag like mine”

The man looked upon him with a strange suspicion…

“No unauthorised personnel are allowed within the security room, sorry” the guard replied.

“Well can you get someone from inside the security room, outside so they can talk to me?”

As the guard turned to go through the door, the terrorist sprung into action, launching a strong kick to the backside of the guard he sent him flying through the door head first, following immediately after, the terrorist drew the pistol from his trench coat, unloading the clip onto the four unsuspecting guards inside.

*ZOOMP!!* The guard slouched in his seat received a round in through his eye, taking half of his skull off as the bullet passed through his brain and out the back of the head, stunning the other three guards as their comrades blood and brains splattered against their faces.


“….area clear, teams – GO GO GO!” The terrorist screamed on his intercom.

Outside. The area erupted, into violence, as 4 vans crashed through the foyer, with heavily armed men disembarking from the bullet proof vehicles, immediately opening fire on any that remotely stood in their way, their MP5s and m4’s spitting death as they cleared out pockets of resistance as .

“Go go go!”
“Damn it – mp5’s jammed!”
“Man down man down!!!”
“Incoming Grenade!”
“Johnny is hit!!”
“Fall back!!!”
Team 2! – advance!
“Number 4 is down! – Number 3 is injured!”
"Number 8....dead - keep moving!!"

Flanked, outgunned and outnumbered the security forces died retreating or where they stood, fighting.

The chamber of a 9mm berretta slide back empty as a terrorist unloaded his last round into the last of the standing security guard, all was silent but the distance howls of police units and the feeble mumblings of those that had taken cover in the 1 minute gun battle.

“Round up the remaining hostages and set up a perimeter…I want to be on the television in 10 mins” The head terrorists said, as he slapped in a fresh magazine into his mp5.

“Roger, but sir. We’ve lost two men sir, what shall we do with their bodies?” The terrorist soldier replied.

“Our two brothers will forever be seen as martyrs, honour them and place them in the vans – We shall then wait for the government to contact us so we can present our demands...”
14-01-2004, 19:31
Our medics are on the way if you still need medical help. We can also send you some police if you required police help int his hard time :(
Free Pacific States
14-01-2004, 20:05
The two security men walked slowly through the corridor, talking to each other. Both were completly at ease, as their shift had just ended. They had just spent the entire day working at one of the metal detectors, not at all being relieved. Most guards went straight home, but they wanted to complain about not being relieved.
"Man, I can't believe no one from security relieved us! I mean, really, where the hell was everyone?" asked the first guard.
"I don't know. Really strange. Something must of come up." said the other guard.
"There was that bombing in The Burnesian Desert." said the first.
"Yea, but that doesn't really effect us. I mean, there is no way they could have gotten through this airport without the main security room seeing them. It would have been impossible. Someone is always watching those cameras. I mean, just about every airport these days is like us, too. So how did they get into the country?" asked the second.
They came to a large metal door, and typed in a code. Walking inside the secure sector of the airport, they looked around. The hallways were completly empty.
"Dude....this is freaky." said the first guard.
"Tell me about it." said the other, unbucling his holster...just in case.
They both walked over to the Main Security Room, and entered another code. Walking inside, both immediatly pulled their weapons. The room was in ruins. Bullets from what looked like AK's (a couple were on the ground) were everywhere, and all ten people that had been in the room were lying dead. One ran to the phone, and began dialing 911. The other slammed the alarm, and turned on the loud speaker.
Turning off the speaker, and turning to the other guard, the first one said something that all but made sense. "I think I know how the terrorists got to The Burnesian Desert undetected...and through the airport on the other side."

OOC: I know this is probably a few days on in the thread, but I'm going to say this happened within a couple hours of the attack. Now my nation really has an excuse for getting involved.
Inner Heaven
14-01-2004, 22:34
"Sir! You hear that?! We still have active hostiles! they are heading for the armory!" the terrorist soldier screamed down from the balcony.

"Damn it...last thing we need is a thorn in our sides"

Resting his finger on his headphone intercom located on his ear he opened a channel to the overseer "Are you still hacking the door terminals? - we need access now!"

"Yeah, yeah, I got you access, those plain white cards I issued them teams should work now, I set the generic password for them to 1111" The terrorist hacker replied, as he typed in computer commands.

"Good, and we seem to have a problem - active hostiles are making their way to the armory - can you slow them down!?"

"I'm looking at them now on the airport security cameras - I'll try and slow them down, the armory has its own power source and database, so I can't hack in - what i can do is, change the terminal codes for the secruity guards - this way they'll hopefully have to taken an alternative route...can't promise you anything though since the cards can intiate a automatic override with a second password that we don't have" The hacker replied.

Good, we also need airport maps uploaded to our datapads so -"

"Already done" the hacker said, interrupting him.

Setting it the small datapad down onto the lobby desk the commander planned out their next moves - "Ok, from our internel sources, the airport armory is a small weapons stash, based in the north of the airport, I want two teams to move for the armory,

"Lock and load, gentlemen - and remember your training!" The commander replied

Dropping their heavy gear, the two teams double timed north towards armory
15-01-2004, 03:09
-Fort Bast, Burnsian-

Upon being informed of the current actions occuring with in Burnsian, commander Rey orders his special operation teams into action. An alarm is sounded with in the barracks, and pilots scramble to their helicopters, and special operatives get dressed for an urban assualt. Wearing Newtdom Battle Armor, they seemed very certain of victory. Armed with top of the line weaponry, antique or older fire arms stood no chance against this well trained group of men. The officers were hastily briefed and they went off to explain their mission. Over 50 BlackHawks took to the air, armed to the teeth with the 8th, escorted by Littlebird and Phoenix Air-Superiority jets. The teams were ready, and the Burnsian airport was coming into range. The 500+ unit would be ready for anything as they were to land throughout the airport and systematically close in.

"Two minutes to LZ" shouts a pilot. Prince Will nods, being the commander of the unit. He motions to the men onboard his craft, they press buttons and their black camoflauge was covered by a thin but extremely strong battle-armor. The same motion was done on all of the helios, and the men generically looked the same. Except for certain differences in style of armor depending on the expertise of the men. The helicopters came into range and were preparing to excercise a quick exit.
Free Pacific States
15-01-2004, 13:38
At this time, FPS is officially condemning the terrorists attacks. We offer medical and repair personell to The Burnesian Desert, as well as any combatents desired. Our troops are well trained for urban combat, and know the diffirence between a civilian and an enemy. If allowed, we will send.

The 4077 MASH Unit, consisting of 200 medical personell, 50 support personel, 20 vehicles, 6 black hawk helicopters.

The 114th Enjineers, consisting of 500 enjineering specialists, 20 soldiers, and 50 assorted vehicles.

8th ATer Division, specially trained in urban anti-terrorist operations, consisting of: 100 specially trained soldiers, 20 support personell, 10 assorted vehicles.

The 8th Special Forces Air Movement team, which consists of 48 pilots, 52 support personell, 20 black hawks, and four apache's. They almost always give the 8th ATer Division air cover and movement.

We also offer any intelligence on the terrorist operations, including the names of those who boarded the next flight to depart our devastated airport for your nation.
15-01-2004, 17:39
The Aust Troopers descended from the heavens, 70 of them in total, to help the small amount of ASS survivors. The ASS had rescued the body of Captain Cortez and under the command of Corpral Newt they piled bodys up as barricades and fixed bayonerts. There where not enough of them to hold off the enermy by mere fire alone. It seemed that open rebellion had broken out. they were now surrounded at both ends of the high street, they had 5 men at each. The Rebles where amassing about 20,000 of them and waiting for reinforcements to wipe out the ASS. "Thank God your here!" Said Corpral newt to Captain Kowles, the commander of the Aust Troopers. "I've got 10 men, i'm surrounded and have got 20,000 rebels to deal with. How many men have you got?"
"Not enough, we need 35 at one end and 35 at the other." The Aust troopers assumed persissions as the captain called for more men who arrived slowly until they had 300 trained men, 2 tanks and 4 jeeps along with 8 hevey wepons squads and 5 flamer squads who depersed along the lines. Then as the horde reached 40,000 strong, they charged. And the Aust Troopers mowed them down with hevey weapons fire.
Free Pacific States
15-01-2004, 19:24
OOC:,000 people rushing you? I thought it was just terrorists, not a full scale rebellion....
Free Pacific States
15-01-2004, 19:24
OOC:,000 people rushing you? I thought it was just terrorists, not a full scale rebellion....
15-01-2004, 19:38
The Cappadossian News Service would like to clarify the previous statement. We believe the number of insurgent forces to be between 2,000 and 4,000 (around 2 irregular Regiments), rather than the 20,000 and 40,000 numbers discussed in the previous news broadcast.

"Cappadossian News Service", keeping the news new.
Inner Heaven
15-01-2004, 20:06
-Fort Bast, Burnsian-

Upon being informed of the current actions occuring with in Burnsian, commander Rey orders his special operation teams into action. An alarm is sounded with in the barracks, and pilots scramble to their helicopters, and special operatives get dressed for an urban assualt. Wearing Newtdom Battle Armor, they seemed very certain of victory. Armed with top of the line weaponry, antique or older fire arms stood no chance against this well trained group of men. The officers were hastily briefed and they went off to explain their mission. Over 50 BlackHawks took to the air, armed to the teeth with the 8th, escorted by Littlebird and Phoenix Air-Superiority jets. The teams were ready, and the Burnsian airport was coming into range. The 500+ unit would be ready for anything as they were to land throughout the airport and systematically close in.

"Two minutes to LZ" shouts a pilot. Prince Will nods, being the commander of the unit. He motions to the men onboard his craft, they press buttons and their black camoflauge was covered by a thin but extremely strong battle-armor. The same motion was done on all of the helios, and the men generically looked the same. Except for certain differences in style of armor depending on the expertise of the men. The helicopters came into range and were preparing to excercise a quick exit.

OOC: A 500 man counter-terrorist team heading for an airport to wipe out a team of terrorists? Get real.
The Burnsian Desert
15-01-2004, 21:18


Sending forces...

1st Royal Tank Division (100 men, 20 tanks) – Challenger II Equipped
5th Royal Urban Division (500 men) – RPG, Skorpion, Stinger, M1 Bradley, Blackhawk Equipped
6th Royal Urban Division (500 men) – RPG, Skorpion, Stinger, M1 Bradley, Blackhawk Equipped
8th Royal MP Division (800 men) – M-9 Beretta Equipped
9th Royal MP Division (800 men) – M-9 Beretta Equipped
10th Urban Tactics Squad (6 men) – CAR-15 Equipped
11th Urban Tactics Squad (6 men) – CAR-15 Equipped
12th Urban Tactics Squad (6 men) – CAR-15 Equipped
15th Royal Infantry Brigade (1,000 men) – RPG, M-16 Equipped
16th Royal Infantry Brigade (1,000 men) – RPG, M-16 Equipped
25th Royal MP Division (800 men) – M-9 Beretta Equipped

31st Royal Infantry Brigade (1,000 men) – RPG, Ak-47 Equipped
32nd Royal Infantry Brigade (1,000 men) – RPG, Ak-47 Equipped
1st Royal Air Wing (5 aircraft, 10 men) – F-14 Equipped
2nd Royal Air Wing (5 aircraft, 10 men) – F-14 Equipped
The Burnsian Desert
16-01-2004, 00:06
Inner Heaven
16-01-2004, 01:21
..................... :?

Somebody...say something...
16-01-2004, 02:38
I'd like to send a team of negotiators to that airport to try and end this without any more bloodshed. Inner Heaven and I are close neighbors, maybe I can talk sense into them and end this standoff. One C-5 should be at the airport within the hour.
The Burnsian Desert
16-01-2004, 02:44
Too late. We have stormed the airport. AND we do not negotiate with terrorists, as seen from the TBD-Wexico conflict.
16-01-2004, 02:48
Too late. We have stormed the airport. AND we do not negotiate with terrorists, as seen from the TBD-Wexico conflict.

Ok, retard. First things first, you have to RP out storming the airport. Second, you're fielding an army for a terrorist attack on an airport? And third, a single hostage is killed and you can put Imperial Heaven on your list of enemies.
Inner Heaven
16-01-2004, 02:51
Too late. We have stormed the airport. AND we do not negotiate with terrorists, as seen from the TBD-Wexico conflict.

Dude, your doing it all wrong :P
The Burnsian Desert
16-01-2004, 02:51
It's my airport, right? sorry for not RPing.
16-01-2004, 02:53
Right. No army units, use spec ops forces if anything. You'll need to be careful, they're not afraid to kill and probably have tons of hostages. This will not look good for you if it goes sour. Negotiators should be there within 20 minutes.
Inner Heaven
16-01-2004, 02:53
It's my airport, right? sorry for not RPing.

Yes it is your airport, but are you really going to storm in there with an army?

Thats not even an option for most nations...what you need is a counter terrorist squad :P
16-01-2004, 02:55
OOC: Um, maybe you guys don't know that TBD was nuked to glass after a terrorist attack. So cut the girl a little slack, I wouldn't do anything with terrorists expect kill them after that.

Greenhome wishes to know if we can help our ally in anyway, just give us the word and we can send in an elite team of GHSF (Greenhome Special Forces).

EDIT: Girl, not guy, sorry Your Majesty... I won't offend you again.
16-01-2004, 14:09
OOC:,000 people rushing you? I thought it was just terrorists, not a full scale rebellion....
sorry equiment malfunction, only 300. Should be easy.
Free Pacific States
16-01-2004, 14:58
OOC: Okay, could someone do a situation report for me? I'm kind of lost. And Burnesian, do you need more help or should I not send offered troops?
16-01-2004, 15:18
*Fires nukes at country* :twisted:
16-01-2004, 18:51
*Fires nukes at country* :twisted:
So you want a war huh. Attacking innocent people without honour. Send Aust to red alert. Apologise in twenty four hours or I shall distroy you. (Who did you fire them at?)
Free Pacific States
16-01-2004, 19:51
OOC: Looks like he nuked himself. He's now an x-nation.
Inner Heaven
16-01-2004, 19:57


Let us continue on with the rp... - check my post and respond accordingly please :P
16-01-2004, 21:15
Where be everyone?
16-01-2004, 21:40
OOC: I might as well have my forces fight to, no sense in not doing anything.

A Celciana C-130 cargo plan begins its decent to Burnisia. Inside, plenty of soldiers and military vehicles prepped for battle against terrorists. Next to the C-130 was another one. But inside, lied a secret weapon that even the soldiers in the first C-130 didn't know about.

"Beginning final decent now." The pilot Captain Gordon Jones said over the radio.

"Roger that," The pilot of the second, Captain Franklin Thomas replied. "Deccending."
16-01-2004, 21:41
OOC: I might as well have my forces fight to, no sense in not doing anything.

A Celciana C-130 cargo plan begins its decent to Burnisia. Inside, plenty of soldiers and military vehicles prepped for battle against terrorists. Next to the C-130 was another one. But inside, lied a secret weapon that even the soldiers in the first C-130 didn't know about.

"Beginning final decent now." The pilot Captain Gordon Jones said over the radio.

"Roger that," The pilot of the second, Captain Franklin Thomas replied. "Deccending."
16-01-2004, 21:41
OOC: I might as well have my forces fight to, no sense in not doing anything.

A Celciana C-130 cargo plan begins its decent to Burnisia. Inside, plenty of soldiers and military vehicles prepped for battle against terrorists. Next to the C-130 was another one. But inside, lied a secret weapon that even the soldiers in the first C-130 didn't know about.

"Beginning final decent now." The pilot Captain Gordon Jones said over the radio.

"Roger that," The pilot of the second, Captain Franklin Thomas replied. "Deccending."
16-01-2004, 21:41
OOC: I might as well have my forces fight to, no sense in not doing anything.

A Celciana C-130 cargo plan begins its decent to Burnisia. Inside, plenty of soldiers and military vehicles prepped for battle against terrorists. Next to the C-130 was another one. But inside, lied a secret weapon that even the soldiers in the first C-130 didn't know about.

"Beginning final decent now." The pilot Captain Gordon Jones said over the radio.

"Roger that," The pilot of the second, Captain Franklin Thomas replied. "Deccending."
16-01-2004, 21:48
Celciana, I hope you don't plan on landing those at the airport being held by terrorists.... They won't shoot down my C-5 because we are close neighbors and I'm sending a negotiation team. Your planes will be shot out of the sky if they land there, so be careful!
16-01-2004, 21:59
Understood...*radios planes* Units one and two, standby.


Inside the soldiers were wondering what was going on. They weren't landing. In the second plane, the secret weapon was being covered by a cloth, a huge one.

OOC: Can a moderator please delete 2 of the repeated posts please? I did it by accident.
16-01-2004, 22:13
The C-5 landed at the airport without a single shot being fired at it, its Imperial Heaven insignia proved that it was not a threat to the Inner Heaven terrorists. The plane came to rest at one of the terminals, and men inside unloaded equipment in crates.

"Get everything out of the open and into the airport, don't waste your ----'n time, you idiots!"

In total, 60 "Negotiators" had entered the building, along with their "communications" equipment consisting of 5 M-134's, 100 Beretta 9mm's, 100 M-16's, ample ammo for each, flashbangs, grenades, body armor, various explosives, and bomb-building electronics.

The head "Negotiator" shook hands with one of the Inner Heaven terrorists, and the "negotiator" radioed to the forces surrounding the airport:

"Negotiations have begun"

16-01-2004, 22:21
The two C-130's took an alternate route and began landing at a nearby Air Force Base.

"This is Cargo 1, requesting permission to land, over." Jones radioed ready to land the two planes.
Inner Heaven
16-01-2004, 22:31
"Finally..." The terrorist commander said, with a sign of relief. "Nice to have you gentlemen aboard this operation, we were wondering if we would ever receive the reinforcements you agreed on, it seems you’ve bought some supplies also, I suggest we set up a stronger perimeter"

"We have encountered little resistance – we are currently moving our team through to clear out the security, that shouldn’t be a problem – we have 157 hostages, and we are at this very moment preparing to present our ultimatum to the Burnsian government"
16-01-2004, 22:35
The ultimatum can wait a moment. First, we must show them we mean business.

Use the M-134's to reinforce the chokepoints in here.
16-01-2004, 22:43
"Sir, we're picking up something." The radio operator of Cargo 1, Alfred Johnson said.

"What is it?" Jones asked.

"It sounds like the Terrorists are setting up a perimiter around the Airport." Johnson replied.

"Great...what's taking those negotiators so long?" Jones cried and noticed something odd. "What the..."

He spotted what looked like...crates from the C-5 aircraft. "That's odd..."
Inner Heaven
17-01-2004, 00:11
"We need to show these pigs we mean business…" the commander said suddenly. Looking to the crowd of hostages he ran his cold, brown tinted eyes over them all, slowly coming to a little girl, holding onto her parent. A sinister smile fell over his face under the balaclava "Soldier…bring me that girl with the pig tales…" the terrorist commander insisted.

"Yes sir…" the terrorist replied - Without question the soldier stormed over to the couple with a second terrorist as back up.

"Don't touch my baby! Give her back you bastards!! My baby, somebody help me!" The women cried as she feebly tried to fend off the terrorists as they snatched her daughter from her grasp, a male hostage stood to defend the honour of the pair, immediately a weapon was cocked and trained on him - "Don't be a hero…" The terrorist said calmly, motioning the man to get down to his knees again. The second terrorist smacked the mother with the butt of his Mp5, knocking her out cold to end the commotion.

Bringing the little girl back as she screamed with tears for her mothers touch, the terrorist plumped her down at the feet of the commander.

“Hello…” The commander said, with a soft voice, as he knelt down to meet the size of the little girl.

The girl gave no reply, accept continued to cry her eyes out “Don’t be afraid…, I want you to be brave for me – can you be a brave little girl for me?” The commander said as he motioned with a nodding for another terrorist to do something. Walking over, the terrorist started to attach a bulging vests her, filled with various blocks.

“Dry your eyes…that’s it” The commander said as he wiped the girls face softly with his hands. With the terrorist finished with the set up of the device he gave a quick nod to the commander to say his work was done “I’ve seen you’re mommy, she is very beautiful – just like you, what is your name?”

“Sarah...” The girl replied with a snivel.

“A very beautiful name…where is your daddy, Sarah?” The commander replied.

“He was meant to pick us up…but you came here and frightened everybody” She replied

“Accept you, right Sarah – since you’re brave, right?”

The girl gave a node “Yes sir”

“Well, we are going to play a little game…” taking the hand of the little girl in his he walked her up to the side of the airport window “You go find your daddy in that crowd, and we’ll let your mother out after we see that you have found daddy, ok?” the terrorist said pointing over to the various police units that covered the entrance. “Quickly now…go find daddy, hurry before we change our minds”

Letting the little girl out the front entrance, they watched as she charged over to the police units in an attempt to find her daddy.

“The explosives attached to her are prepped and ready?” The commander said as he watched her run for the large crowd”

“Affirmative…” The terrorist replied.

“Be ready to detonate…” The commander said.
The Burnsian Desert
17-01-2004, 00:31
You sick (&*(**. That is the most sick, vile, disgusting thing to ever come out of this. I'm going to ruin you...


Officer: Sir, we have a situation.

General: Go ahead, sargent.

Officer: The terrorists have sent out a little girl. She's packin' C4. A hellof a lot of it.

General: Those sick (&*(**. That is the most sick, vile, disgusting thing to ever come out of this. I'm going to ruin them...

Officer: Sir...

General: This is a time for action. Radio the SPECOPS to secure the building.

Officer: Yes sir.

General: TASER the girl. Make sure those explosives are short circuted.

Officer: As you wish.

LOCATION X-3 (Airport)

SPECOPS Officer: Yes. I got it. Men! TASERS at the ready, mates! SHORT CIRCUT THOSE EXPLOSIVES!!

The girl is immidiately hit with 3 TASERS, one hits her chest, one in her arm and another in her chest. Paramedics rush out to get the frightened girl.

Paramedic: She's gunna be OK, sir.
17-01-2004, 00:34
The Burnsian Desert, post losses. Tasers will not short circuit C4, they'll detonate it. Any electrical charge running through the wires will. :twisted: You just lost your spec ops team.
17-01-2004, 00:36
OOC: I don't know about the traitors at the airport...

Message from President Karm Messner
Your majesty, seeing as you have not responded to our offer we are sending in our anti terrorist forces.
Inside one of two C-5 Galaxys
"What the hell is going on down there?" screamed the squad commander at his radio expert. "I don't know sir, but I don't think that those negotiators aren't what they said they were." "Damn it!, we aren't going to wait to get to the airport, use Plan B. We'll drop 5 miles away from the airport." Taking out a radio to the other plane he screamed, "We need reinforcements, call back to Greenhome. And remember the plan!" One of the C-5s hurried off to the nearest airport. The other one immediatly dropped a crack team of counter terrorist 5 miles from the airport. (The C-5 got as low as possible so that the troops wouldn't be in the air very long.) On the ground, the troops collected their equipment and began to head towards the airport. The radioman took out his equipment and began monitering all of the radio channels.

Forces on Ground:
2 squads (28 men total) of trained anti terrorists
Inner Heaven
17-01-2004, 00:37
You sick (&*(**. That is the most sick, vile, disgusting thing to ever come out of this. I'm going to ruin you...

Wow, someone who actually likes my work :D - thanks :P

Oh yeah, like Imperial Heaven said, post loses please :)
17-01-2004, 00:40
the dominion of my country would like to aid burnsian to take out these terrorists, what they did to that little girl was horrible

i will send, 10,000 troops
350 M1A1 abram tanks
100 F-15 fighter jets, to destroy these terrorists

we would like to hold these troops and tanks in a burnsian military base if confirmed

*telegram me for confirmation because the forums sometimes dont work for me*
17-01-2004, 00:40
The Burnsian Desert, post losses. Tasers will not short circuit C4, they'll detonate it. Any electrical charge running through the wires will. :twisted: You just lost your spec ops team.

OOC: Actually it wouldn't, tasers have high voltage, but low current, which wouldn't detonate the C-4. That being said, it also wouldn't disable it.

My troops are approaching the airport from the oppisite side, I hope you haven't set up your perimeter yet.

Message from President Karm
TBD, do not take up Death machines on its offer, think of what just happened. If you want you can take out the airport with your own troops, but I don't advise it. Think of the civilains!

P.S. If you need reinforcements we will send an Airborne Division, but that is not the way to go! At least ask for their demands!
17-01-2004, 00:41
The Burnsian Desert, post losses. Tasers will not short circuit C4, they'll detonate it. Any electrical charge running through the wires will. :twisted: You just lost your spec ops team.

OOC: Actually it wouldn't, tasers have high voltage, but low current, which wouldn't detonate the C-4. That being said, it also wouldn't disable it.

My troops are approaching the airport from the oppisite side, I hope you haven't set up your perimeter yet.

Either way they're dead. Once the girl is downed what do you think we do with the detonator?
17-01-2004, 00:43
Our perimeter has been set up, and the reinforcements are just about in place. They have orders to radio us as soon as they're fired upon, we WILL kill hostages if you try anything.
17-01-2004, 00:46
Greenhome, watch your goddamned step. Any hostages killed as a result of rash actions taken by you will result in a formal declaration of war against you by me, The Colony of New Skullzz, and The Shiny Stuff of Zorakia. While we refuse to support terrorists, we also will not stand for innocents being killed to stop them.
17-01-2004, 00:48
I didn't say they went in, the troops halt in the trees or in the grass well before your perimeter, hide and keep quiet.

"What the hell was that?" thought Commander Burnside. Have the negotiator circle round to the front to see whats going on.

At the nearest other airport
The Galaxy is being quickly unload. Its cargo, another 2 squads of CT forces and 2 Blackhawk Helocopters.

TBD, if you didn't want me landing, tell me and I'll take it back, I just want to advance the plot.

Also, what time of day is it?
Inner Heaven
17-01-2004, 00:51
OOC: Nobody wants to ask us for demands :(?
17-01-2004, 00:53
My negotiator has come around to the front of the airport. He steps forward, unarmed.
"My name is Lt. David Stream. I am a hostage negotiator. I cannot promise anything because I am not a representitive of Her Majesties Government, I am a citizen of Greenhome. I wish to know what you hope to gain from this senseless murder?"
17-01-2004, 00:56
OOC: About 10 AM
17-01-2004, 00:57
OOC: That's up to TBD
17-01-2004, 00:59
OOC: That's up to TBD
Time, or demands?
17-01-2004, 00:59
I've got to go, I'll try and post later.

(No, he gets to tell you your demands :wink:)
Inner Heaven
17-01-2004, 01:05
My negotiator has come around to the front of the airport. He steps forward, unarmed.
"My name is Lt. David Stream. I am a hostage negotiator. I cannot promise anything because I am not a representitive of Her Majesties Government, I am a citizen of Greenhome. I wish to know what you hope to gain from this senseless murder?"

A terrorist moves up and presses the nozzle of his Mp5 against the negotiators temple - "You - WILL address the commander as Sir, understood?"

Turning to the small commotion the commander speaks - "The fact that you call it senseless murder proves that talking to you is useless - It isn't senseless murder - We have a vision, and we plan to fulfil it - However, you are not part of the Burnsian Desert's government, so this could work to our advantage - What we want is the new Burnsian Desert government dissolved, and the old regime put back into power, with the full support of the country's military - once these demands are met, we shall issue more demands to ensure safe passage out of this region"
Inner Heaven
17-01-2004, 01:22
OOC: The Burnsian Desert, post your losses please
The Burnsian Desert
17-01-2004, 01:27

1) What are your demands (nothing retarded, I gat that from GDODAD and terrorists too often)?



1 frail little girl


17-01-2004, 01:35
Our current demand is simple. What we want is the new Burnsian Desert government dissolved, and the old regime put back into power, with the full support of the country's military - once these demands are met, we shall issue more demands to ensure safe passage out of this region.
The Burnsian Desert
17-01-2004, 01:39

You ARE kidding, right? You do know that this would take YEARS?

There has to be something else terrorists want... Gold? Jewelry? Fancy, pimped-out cars? Sigh... give us a bit of time.

The Burnsian Desert
17-01-2004, 01:44
And why the (*&@ do you care about my government???
The Burnsian Desert
17-01-2004, 01:44
And why the (*&@ do you care about my government???
17-01-2004, 01:48
The demands WILL be met, or you will see more pain and suffering at our hands than your citizens can possibly bear. :evil:
The Burnsian Desert
17-01-2004, 01:52
Like I said, WHY THE *&*# DO YOU CARE ABOUT MY GOVERNMENT? Do terrorists just have a fancy for dictatorships?

General: Cut zeh feed to zeh cameraz... this is gunna ghet ugly...

17-01-2004, 01:54
We're not here to discuss our reasons for wanting this. Do it, or things even more horrific than you have already witnessed will begin to happen.
17-01-2004, 02:11
i will give you 100 tanks and 1,000 Mig-29's and $100,000,000
17-01-2004, 02:30
IC: "This has gone on far enough." *the president picked up his radio* "Captain, deploy the special forces and free the hostages."

"Yes sir, Mr. President." Jones replied and the two C-130's flew over the airport. The back ramp opened up and the troops began dropping out of the sky in parachutes to slow their decent. Each one snuck into the airport taking out a few terrorists with silent weapons.

The special forces snuck to where the hostages were being held quietly avoiding any and all detection. The special forces managed to disable any exploseves in the Airport.

OOC: Sorry...sheesh.
17-01-2004, 02:34
i will give you 100 tanks and 1,000 Mig-29's and $100,000,000

I'm sure you can afford that. :roll:
17-01-2004, 02:37
IC: "This has gone on far enough." *the president picked up his radio* "Captain, deploy the special forces and free the hostages."

"Yes sir, Mr. President." Jones replied and the two C-130's flew over the airport. The back ramp opened up and the troops began dropping out of the sky in rocket packs instead of parachutes to slow their decent. Each one snuck into the airport taking out a few terrorists with silent weapons.

The special forces snuck to where the hostages were being held quietly avoiding any and all detection.

Rocket pack = future tech AND loud. you = teh IGNORED.

Don't be a dumbass please. :roll:
17-01-2004, 02:43
OOC: Ok, post edited...happy?
17-01-2004, 02:46
You're still completely forgetting about the perimeter defenses, armed with M-134 miniguns. Your men would not have gotten in there without quite a bit of commotion. Not to mention the fact that the hostages are guarded. That type of attack would result in multiple hostage deaths no matter the outcome.
Inner Heaven
17-01-2004, 02:51

Mounted M134 minigun.
17-01-2004, 02:52
Miniguns fire 1000 rounds per minute, so I dont think your paratroopers would be much more than ground hamburger right now.
17-01-2004, 02:53
A sniper officer was mounted off the perimiter of the airport aiming directly towards the operator of the mounted minigun. Two more were right next to him aiming towards anyone near the gun.

"Target in sight." Whispered the sniper officer.

"Take 'em down." Whispered the head officer.

The sniper pulled the trigger immediatly killing the operator of the minigun.
Inner Heaven
17-01-2004, 02:54
IC: "This has gone on far enough." *the president picked up his radio* "Captain, deploy the special forces and free the hostages."

"Yes sir, Mr. President." Jones replied and the two C-130's flew over the airport. The back ramp opened up and the troops began dropping out of the sky in parachutes to slow their decent. Each one snuck into the airport taking out a few terrorists with silent weapons.

The special forces snuck to where the hostages were being held quietly avoiding any and all detection. The special forces managed to disable any exploseves in the Airport.

OOC: Sorry...sheesh.

No offence, mate. But that is a mess - you can't just walk in a heavily defended area and and disable the explosives without me having a chance to reply.
17-01-2004, 02:57
A sniper officer was mounted off the perimiter of the airport aiming directly towards the operator of the mounted minigun. Two more were right next to him aiming towards anyone near the gun.

"Target in sight." Whispered the sniper officer.

"Take 'em down." Whispered the head officer.

The sniper pulled the trigger immediatly killing the operator of the minigun.

You're not at all getting this. The perimeter is set up INSIDE the airport terminal, and unless you have the gun from Eraser a shot isnt gonna reach them from there. You're still ignored, one more dumb stunt and you'll lose your chance to get unignored.
Inner Heaven
17-01-2004, 02:59
A sniper officer was mounted off the perimiter of the airport aiming directly towards the operator of the mounted minigun. Two more were right next to him aiming towards anyone near the gun.

"Target in sight." Whispered the sniper officer.

"Take 'em down." Whispered the head officer.

The sniper pulled the trigger immediatly killing the operator of the minigun.

OOC: Why would a terrorist expose himself to snipers dude? thats the number one thing they teach us in terrorist school :P

The miniguns are situated at choke points within the building - you won't be able to see them - Also, why would you want to kill a terrorist, knowing that we have 150+ hostages? Miniguns are pretty redundant if they are exposed, which is why they aren't in this thread.
17-01-2004, 03:08
so what is the terrorists next move since everything is at a stand still...
17-01-2004, 03:10
We're waiting for TBD to reply to our conditions. If he doesnt hurry though, we're going to give him some dead hostages.
Inner Heaven
17-01-2004, 03:12
so what is the terrorists next move since everything is at a stand still...

It's not - we are still dealing with hostiles inside the airport - call it a mop up mission - ive posted, but the person hasn't replied - they won't survive though :).

You can always field your counter-terrorist team :D
17-01-2004, 03:49
OOC: Fine, just ignore my posts and pretend I didn't even post them.

IC: The C-130's landed at a nearby airforce base where the troops gathered medical supplies if the hostages are freed.
The Burnsian Desert
17-01-2004, 04:05
I am ready to negotiate.
17-01-2004, 04:11
Good, then the hostages are ready to survive this. The old regime must be restored, and the new government is to leave and never return.
The Burnsian Desert
17-01-2004, 04:12
What is to be done with Her Highness?
17-01-2004, 04:17
She is to be exiled, and never allowed to return to a position of power. Anyone that gives her such position will recieve a visit from us.
17-01-2004, 04:28
Greetings from Xeraph...

We've been following this exchange for a while now. It seems to us that a nation/terrorist organisation that's just 2 days old should'nt be very hard to convince that they should release any and all hostages and stand down.

So here goes:

Inner Heaven, we are the representatives of the Alliance Regioni Militaria, currently comprised of 55+ nations in 7 regions. Further, we are aligned with NNA, IADF, and AR.
Here is what is going to happen: you will release all hostages unharmed, lay down your weapons, and march single-file into the troop ships that will be landing at the airport in approx 30 minutes. Your "personnel" will be flown to Xeraph, there to be tried as terrorists, and subsequently sentenced, either to banishment, or death.

If you do NOT release the hostages and lay down your weapons, we'll skip the trial and kill you all where you stand. Hostages will be protected as much as possible, but will not be considered an impediment to out stated goals.

The following nations have deployed their forces:

The Theocracy of Slash and Hack sending 10 B-1B Lancer Bombers armed with WCMD.

The Kingdom of Veshum sending 50 Harrier G.5 fighters armed with 10 Paveway Laser guided bombs.

The Holy Empire of the Knights of Hell are air-dropping 10,000 MAI-S Mekanton AI units, armed with automatic weapons.
Knights of Hell sending 50 F-22 Raptor fighters each armed with Sidewinder and A/A missiles

The Confederacy of Darkwing Vampyres sending 10 Hi-58 attack copters
armed w/ AT-16 rockets

The Serene Republic of Noigcan will have 50 Typhoon fighters and 50 Tornado F-3 fighters standing at-ready on 2 Nimitz Class carriers.

The Disputed Territories of the Tao Tribe will have 5 Alpha Omega Heavy Bombers standing by, armed with ballistic nuclear bombs.

The Armed Republic of the Twisted Clan sending 10 F/A 18 Hornet fighters as well as the troop ships that we hope you will arrive in Xeraph on.

As stated, you have 30 minutes in which to comply. If that time passes without your compliance, we will commence destroying you.

All nations that have already pledged support to TBD will be encouraged to join us in the assault on these cowards.


Alaric, King of Xeraph
17-01-2004, 04:31
People of the Burnsian Desert,

Comrades, as a Republic that has experienced similar terrorist matters in the past, I come to you now as an ally in these days of conflict, regardless of past standings.

Our Ministry Of Assassinations has recently formulated, the means with which to render immobile multiple persons in under 2 minutes, through the use of a new chemical vapour that my nations scientists have designed. The subject is rendered immobile and yet still fully aware in every other sense. The vapour is effective in 100% of subjects and has a readily available antidote that completely reverses the effects. In all cases the subject suffers no ill effects from the experience. The range of the vapour can be adjusted through a series of rudimentary calculations, thus enabling large expanses to be dosed. The vapour will however become completely innocuous at the extremity of it's range, and it is not dispersed by wind or water, as it's density permits it to hang in the air similar to morning dew on the ground. However the vapour does not violate any of the UN sanctions and thus can be used by your Nation with peace of mind.

I digress. The Republic of Utopian Demise, is prepared, at a price and with conditions, to allow you access to this vapour and it's delivery system in order for 'the thorn in your side' to be cut away. I do not offer such a weapon lightly and you are the first Nation that has ever received any such offer.

If your nation is interested in exploring this avenue, then contact my Minister of External Affairs via telegram and we can arrange some sort of meeting on this matter.

The Republic Of Utopian Demise
17-01-2004, 04:35
We will not stand down, and ANY attempt to breach our perimeter will result in dead hostages, any attempt to land at the airport will be met with Stinger fire. Don't be foolish.
17-01-2004, 04:38
Imperial Heaven, you have been told that hostages will not deter us from destroying you.

You have 20 minutes left.
17-01-2004, 04:41
Xeraph, you will stand down NOW. A single hostage's death as a result of action on your part will result in the carpetbombing of every city on the insignificant speck you call your nation. Utopian Demise, I fail to see how your vapor would be effective. You'd need it to disperse throughout the ENTIRE airport terminal to get them all, and as soon as the terrorists know whats going on they'll start killing hostages.
17-01-2004, 04:42
I am prepared to act in support of Skullzz, and fulfill my duty as an ally of the Dark Legions.
17-01-2004, 04:45
Imperial Heaven, you now have 16 minutes to comply.

Skulzz, you will not interfere. TBD is our ally, and we are sworn to protect them,

If you have a better idea, you have 16 minutes to state it.
17-01-2004, 04:47
Imperial Heaven, you now have 16 minutes to comply.

Skulzz, you will not interfere. TBD is our ally, and we are sworn to protect them,

If you have a better idea, you have 16 minutes to state it.

I will interfere if I feel like it, pathetic fool. Ten of the hostages in there are Skullzz citizens. While we do not support the terrorists, we will treat anyone who causes their death as an enemy. You get any hostages killed, I destroy you. Back down. NOW.
The Burnsian Desert
17-01-2004, 04:49
Xeraph, I authorize you to go in NOW. I won't hold it against you to kill them, as they need to be made an example of. Die, terrorist scum, die.
17-01-2004, 04:49
Imperial Heaven, you now have 16 minutes to comply.

Skulzz, you will not interfere. TBD is our ally, and we are sworn to protect them,

If you have a better idea, you have 16 minutes to state it.

We will NEVER comply with you. TBD has already stated that they are ready to negotiate with us. Skullzz will wage war on you if the hostages are harmed. You have no leverage against us, we are not afraid to die.
17-01-2004, 04:51
Xeraph, I authorize you to go in NOW. I won't hold it against you to kill them, as they need to be made an example of. Die, terrorist scum, die.

You get those hostages killed and you will be leveled.
17-01-2004, 04:51
Imperial Heaven, you now have 13 minutes to comply.

15 25 megaton missiles have been set to coordinates within the nations of Skullzz and Zorakia.
Should either nation interfere with Xeraph, nuclear weapons will be launched.
The Burnsian Desert
17-01-2004, 04:52
The Cabinet and Her Highness has retreated to a bunker in an undisclosed location. Negotiations are cut off. All military control is in the hands of our allies.

Kill those bastards.
17-01-2004, 04:53
so it begins....

my nation wishes all to go well
17-01-2004, 04:53
Imperial Heaven, you now have 13 minutes to comply.

15 25 megaton missiles have been set to coordinates within the nations of Skullzz and Zorakia.
Should either nation interfere with Xeraph, nuclear weapons will be launched.

:lol: Your weapons are ineffective, as they have all been neutralized by my ignore cannons! Stupid goddamn n00bs.... I'm sure your two week nation is nuclear capable :roll:
17-01-2004, 04:55
TBD, shut up.

Imperial Heaven, you have 11 minutes in which to negotiate a peaceful end to this situation.

We are NOT looking for a fight with anyone, terrorist or sovreign nation. But we will not be dictated to, either.

If it's talk you want, you have, as stated, 11 minutes to complete your talks.
The Burnsian Desert
17-01-2004, 04:55
OOC: Yea, that's kind of godmod there... no offence... I am no stranger to it :)
17-01-2004, 05:00
<ooc> skullzz, check your TG
17-01-2004, 05:03
Imperial Heaven, you have 5 minutes to either comply or give proof of a negotiated treaty.
17-01-2004, 05:03
"The fools don't seem to understand how serious this is!" shouted the commander. He looked toward the hostages, and looked directly into the eyes of a disabled man in his 30's. "Boys, bring me the cripple!"

"Yes sir…" said one of the terrorists, as he wheeled the man over.

As the man was wheeled up, a female hostage suddenly came to her feet and screamed "Leave him alone! he can't defend himself!"

The commander replied "Do you know this man, woman?"

"Yes, he's my husband" The woman said, choking back tears.

The terrorists grabbed her as well, and dragged her over.

"Ok, here's how this is going to work" said the commander, glaring at the disabled man. "You're going to work for us, or we are going to torture, rape, and murder your wife in frony of your eyes. Do you understand?"

The man did not look at the commander, and was suddenly smashed in the head with a rifle butt. "DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!?" shouted the commander, who was clearly enraged. The man finally looked up, and gulped "yes, sir."

"Very well then" said the commander. The terrorists began strapping C4 to the man and the wheelchair, and told him to wheel out the door towards the police line...

"Ready to detonate, Captain!" shouted one of the other terrorists.
17-01-2004, 05:04
Kingdom of Veshum has launched the 1st wave of Harrier fighters, due to arrive on designated target in 4 1/2 minutes.
17-01-2004, 05:05
<ooc> skullzz, check your TG

17-01-2004, 05:06
The Knights of Hell have launched the 2nd wave of F22 Raptor fighters. Arrival to designated target, 6 minutes.
17-01-2004, 05:10
Republic of Noigcan has launched 3rd wave of 50 Typhoon fighters. Arrival at designated target, 9 minutes.
17-01-2004, 05:10
Republic of Noigcan has launched 3rd wave of 50 Typhoon fighters. Arrival at designated target, 9 minutes.
The Burnsian Desert
17-01-2004, 05:10
:evil: If I could only get involved... Send me the terrorists to my courts when you're... done with them. Xeraph, have your forces entered yet?
17-01-2004, 05:15
Transmission Received:
From: Gen. Strickland, CMR. ARMED

To Xeraph: Order all units to stand down. Repeat STAND DOWN. All fighters to break off attack and return to base pending arrival of Shogun Hodai of the Nomadic Peoples of the Lake of Fyre.

Update to come.
17-01-2004, 05:16
Whoops, nevermind. ;)
17-01-2004, 05:18
Our air force bases are on alert, and we are currently prepping F-117A, Mig-25 and Skullzz B-6 aircraft to launch should we detect any more aircraft heading for that airport.
17-01-2004, 05:20
With the immediate threat withdrawn, the terrorists ushered the disabled man back inside. He would be spared from duty for the time being, but would be made an example of should another attempt to breach the perimeter be threatened.
The Burnsian Desert
17-01-2004, 05:22
We are commencing to put up porto-bunkers and reinforced walls. The cripple was too much.


334 Bystanders

231 MPs

34 Paramedics


2 K-9 Units
17-01-2004, 05:23
We are commencing to put up porto-bunkers and reinforced walls. The cripple was too much.


334 Bystanders

231 MPs

34 Paramedics


2 K-9 Units

Edit that, we brought him back in after Xeraph backed down. We wish to negotiate, but will use force if a stunt like that is pulled again.
17-01-2004, 05:23
Although our fighters have been ordered away from designated target, they are still in the air and ready to defend themselves. In addition, the Knights of Hell have a troop transport ship circling the airport ready to air-drop the 10,000 AI mech units should negotiations with the Shogun fail.
17-01-2004, 05:24
Although our fighters have been ordered away from designated target, they are still in the air and ready to defend themselves. In addition, the Knights of Hell have a troop transport ship circling the airport ready to air-drop the 10,000 AI mech units should negotiations with the Shogun fail.

AI mech will be ignored, this is present tech.
The Burnsian Desert
17-01-2004, 05:27
No casualties. So do we get a say in this?


To make this easier,

can I have all teh AIMs of involved parties?

Mine: michelangelo0715
Xeraph: ?
Imperial Heaven: ?
Austar Union: ?
Skulzz: ?
17-01-2004, 05:28
I don't have AIM...
17-01-2004, 05:28
Greetings from Xeraph!

We are pleased to announce the arrival of Shogun Hodai of the Nomadic Peoples of the Lake of Fyre. He made overtures to us to the effect that he would like to broker a negotiated peace between Imperial Heaven and TBD.

In 1 minute, the Shogun will commence talks.


Alaric, King of Xeraph
The Burnsian Desert
17-01-2004, 05:30
OOC: ICQ? Anything?
17-01-2004, 05:30
The Kingdom of Dr_Twist would like to announce Millitary and Econmic Aid to be sent to TBD.
17-01-2004, 05:32
Imperial Heaven, you can ignore whatever you want. Should you fail to come to an agreement w/TBD, I guess you can ignore the AI units as they fire 50-caliber rounds up your ass.

I personnally hope I get the chance to give that order.
17-01-2004, 05:32
Imperial Heaven, you can ignore whatever you want. Should you fail to come to an agreement w/TBD, I guess you can ignore the AI units as they fire 50-caliber rounds up your ass.

I personnally hope I get the chance to give that order.
17-01-2004, 05:39
Shogun Hodai has issued a statement to the following parties:

" If TBD exiles all personell abhorrent to Imperial Heaven, will Imperial Heaven release all hostages?"
The Burnsian Desert
17-01-2004, 05:40
Thats pretty much my entire democracy...
17-01-2004, 05:42
Shogun Hodai: " TBD, do you wish your entire nation be destroyed and all hostages killed, or do you not think it a better idea to form a govt more in the accepted mainstream?"
17-01-2004, 05:44
Shogun Hodai has issued a statement to the following parties:

" If TBD exiles all personell abhorrent to Imperial Heaven, will Imperial Heaven release all hostages?"

If the old regime is restored as requested, half the hostages will be released immediately. The other half will accompany the terrorists on a plane taking them to a safe haven, and will then be flown back to TBD. We will require a neutral pilot for the return flight.
17-01-2004, 05:46
Shogun Hodai: " TBD, explain to us all what the differance between the old regime of TBD and the new one."
The Burnsian Desert
17-01-2004, 05:46
I'm really going to have to think about this.
17-01-2004, 05:48
Shogun Hodai: " Think quickly. There are hostages with guns to their heads and fighters from 6 nations circling your airport."
17-01-2004, 05:48
Shogun Hodai: " TBD, explain to us all what the differance between the old regime of TBD and the new one."

Once again, we are NOT here to discuss our reasons for this. We have our reasons. That is enough.
17-01-2004, 05:50
I'm really going to have to think about this.

I have Offered My Millitary Support..... do you want it or not?
17-01-2004, 05:56
Shogun Hodai: " Imperial Heaven, it appears that TBD is either unable or
unwilling to negotiate, or they're stalling for time.
Your terms are perfectly acceptable to Xeraph and ARM. If the othe parties involved are amenable, the Dominion of AAcheron has signaled that they will provide a pilot to bring you to any area you want.
Be advised, if there is the slightest indication that you or your allies are attempting to commit any acts of terror, you will be shot down, and the airport will be assaulted with the intent of ridding the world of terrorists."
The Burnsian Desert
17-01-2004, 05:57
Old Regime: Despotic Dictator + Bad Economy

New Regime: Queen, democracy (don't ask me how) and a good thriving economy
17-01-2004, 05:57
Old Regime: Despotic Dictator + Bad Economy

New Regime: Queen, democracy (don't ask me how) and a good thriving economy

May i ask why it has to be a Democratic System?
17-01-2004, 05:58
Dr. Twist, we thank you for your offer. Yes, in the event it becomes necessary to resume hostilities, we would appreciate your'e supporting us.

Alaric, King of Xeraph
The Burnsian Desert
17-01-2004, 06:01
Fine. The terms are acceptable. :( Someday, IH, someday...
17-01-2004, 06:01
Dr. Twist, we thank you for your offer. Yes, in the event it becomes necessary to resume hostilities, we would appreciate your'e supporting us.

Alaric, King of Xeraph

Your Demands are unfair thow

Somthing like this should be sorted out at a meeting not in a war.
The Burnsian Desert
17-01-2004, 06:04
He is required to recieve counsul from a economic committee.
17-01-2004, 06:05
Shogun Hodai: " Dr. Twist, I agree. But we (Xeraph/ARM) were thrust into defending TBD because they are allies. If there had been time, talks would have begun. But you must realise that negotiations are made more difficult when one side is holding guns to the heads of hostages.
Peace is alway preferable, but not always available."
17-01-2004, 06:09
He is required to recieve counsul from a economic committee. That is acceptable. Half the hostages are being freed now, send a bomb squad to disarm the cripple. He has the detonator in his hands, don't worry. We'll also need a pilot to return the other half once we are secure.
17-01-2004, 06:13
He is required to recieve counsul from a economic committee.

The Dr_Twist Goverment wishs to put Troops in your Nation to make sure everything goes well and hopfully have meetings in the nation becaues the Demands are unacceptale and need to be discussed.
17-01-2004, 06:15
He is required to recieve counsul from a economic committee.

The Dr_Twist Goverment wishs to put Troops in your Nation to make sure everything goes well and hopfully have meetings in the nation becaues the Demands are unacceptale and need to be discussed.

The demands have been accepted and are going into effect as we speak. The old government will return to TBD, and they will get an economic council to keep the economy going well. We go free, the hostages go free, everyone smiles.
17-01-2004, 06:15
Shogun Hodai: " The pilot is taxiing the jet over to your area. The freed hostages have been picked up, the bomb neutralised. You have 15 minutes to get all your personell on board along with the remainder of the hostages."
17-01-2004, 06:17
Very well then. We will be sending two men to inspect the plane. If it is acceptable for our use, we will take the controls, load up, and leave. The pilot will fly the plane back.
17-01-2004, 06:17
He is required to recieve counsul from a economic committee.

The Dr_Twist Goverment wishs to put Troops in your Nation to make sure everything goes well and hopfully have meetings in the nation becaues the Demands are unacceptale and need to be discussed.

The demands have been accepted and are going into effect as we speak. The old government will return to TBD, and they will get an economic council to keep the economy going well. We go free, the hostages go free, everyone smiles.

This is for TBD becaues these damands are out of line, nations should have the right to choice there own systems and not be forces into systems they don't want.

TBD if you accept i will have troops moving into your nations asap.
The Burnsian Desert
17-01-2004, 06:18
everyone smiles.

17-01-2004, 06:19
the two men radio back to the group OK to board, and the hostages, terrorists, and equipment are loaded aboard the plane

Farewell, hopefully we will not have to meet again.
17-01-2004, 06:20
TBD just give the word and ill help you with this problem.....
The Burnsian Desert
17-01-2004, 06:20
You realize my people will not tolerate this...
17-01-2004, 06:21
Dr. Twist, check your TG
17-01-2004, 06:22
Dr. Twist, check your TG
17-01-2004, 06:22
OCC: 12 Dr_Twist Fighters take off from Dr_Twist bases around the Country to intercept the plane.
17-01-2004, 06:24
You realize my people will not tolerate this...

Would they tolerate living in fear of a terror attack?
The Burnsian Desert
17-01-2004, 06:25
No. They will rebel.
17-01-2004, 06:25
OCC: 12 Dr_Twist Fighters take off from Dr_Twist bases around the Country to intercept the plane. I would advise against that. We still have hostages, you want them dead?
17-01-2004, 06:25
OCC: 12 Dr_Twist Fighters take off from Dr_Twist bases around the Country to intercept the plane. I would advise against that. We still have hostages, you want them dead?

You don't know that is happening..... its an OCC
The Burnsian Desert
17-01-2004, 06:26
Sure, you weren't planning on giving them back anyways. Add 7 F-14s to that flight.
17-01-2004, 06:27
No, if it was a secret IC I wouldnt know what was happening. OOC is Out Of Character, meaning nothing pertaining to the RP.
17-01-2004, 06:27
No. They will rebel.

We want to put troops in your nation will you allow us?
17-01-2004, 06:28
No, if it was a secret IC I wouldnt know what was happening. OOC is Out Of Character, meaning nothing pertaining to the RP.

I think we have some 1s puppet on our hands
17-01-2004, 06:29
Dr. Twist: response to TG?
17-01-2004, 06:30
No, if it was a secret IC I wouldnt know what was happening. OOC is Out Of Character, meaning nothing pertaining to the RP.

I think we have some 1s puppet on our hands

I think we have someone who hasnt read the stickies in all the time they've been here on our hands.
The Burnsian Desert
17-01-2004, 06:30
In any matter, we are starting to 'bounce' the plane. This is when an aircraft goes low over an aircraft and pulls hard up. Get that plane down NOW. You are approaching the SAM sites at teh coast.
17-01-2004, 06:31
Dr. Twist: response to TG?

17-01-2004, 06:32
Hey Skullzz, those are YOUR people aboard that plane. Wanna defend them NOW?
17-01-2004, 06:32
Dozens of MiG-25 and F-117A aircraft screamed off the tarmac at multiple air force bases across Skullzz, Zorakia, and New Skullzz to ensure the safety of the plane and hostages.

"Remember men, any planes besides that passenger jet are to be treated as hostiles!"
17-01-2004, 06:33
Dr_Twist planes are only about 100kms behind the plane atm and will be intercepting it soon.

The Dr_Twist Goverment doesn't deal with Terrorists.
The Burnsian Desert
17-01-2004, 06:33
Not pulling off. Dr_Twist Planes, we are the ones with the white crosses on the tails.
17-01-2004, 06:34
The 1st and 4st Fighter Air Forces were Ordered to Take off just Minues ago to intercept the Plane. That is almost 2,000 Planes mostly fighters.
17-01-2004, 06:34
Hey Skullzz, those are YOUR people aboard that plane. Wanna defend them NOW?

Excuse me? Im ensuring the safety of the hostages aboard the plane. hell with the terrorists, I'm just not letting the hostages die over this.
17-01-2004, 06:35
Not pulling off. Dr_Twist Planes, we are the ones with the white crosses on the tails.

We still want to put troops in your Nation Give us permission.
17-01-2004, 06:35
Dr_Twist planes are only about 100kms behind the plane atm and will be intercepting it soon.

The Dr_Twist Goverment doesn't deal with Terrorists.

This isnt a Dr_Twist matter. Back down now.
The Burnsian Desert
17-01-2004, 06:36
Remember, you are right over my SAM sites...

1st Royal Air Wing (5 aircraft, 10 men) – F-14 Equipped
2nd Royal Air Wing (5 aircraft, 10 men) – F-14 Equipped
3rd Royal Air Wing (5 aircraft, 10 men) – F-14 Equipped
4th Royal Air Wing (5 aircraft, 10 men) – F-14 Equipped
17-01-2004, 06:36
Dr_Twist planes are only about 100kms behind the plane atm and will be intercepting it soon.

The Dr_Twist Goverment doesn't deal with Terrorists.

This isnt a Dr_Twist matter. Back down now.

ummm how does NO sound?
The Burnsian Desert
17-01-2004, 06:37

(no invsions please)
17-01-2004, 06:37
F-117's flew low approachign the coast, firing missiles at SAM sites threatening the plane's safety. The MiG-25's took up defensive formations around the plane as it passed over the ocean. A second wave of MiG and F-117A fighters is taking off now.
17-01-2004, 06:37
The Harrier, Raptor, Typhoon, Tornado, and Hornet fighter squadrons of the Alliance Regioni Militaria are joining Skullzz in escorting the hostage plane.

Transport ship from Knights of Hell has air-dropped 10,000 AI mech units into TBD airport.
17-01-2004, 06:38
17-01-2004, 06:40
Dr. Twist...back off. We can deal with these terrorists at another time.
The Burnsian Desert
17-01-2004, 06:43
Backing down planes.


S k u l l z z 13: You're trying to stop them from escaping and endangering the hostages in the process.
michelangelo0715: It is a necessary risk
S k u l l z z 13: Just let them go, my planes will land with them and MAKE them return the hostages.
S k u l l z z 13: and ignore Twist, I will too.
michelangelo0715: it is the terrorists choice to kill the hostages. if they do, bam.
S k u l l z z 13: Just tell him to back down then.
S k u l l z z 13: This is coming to an END.
S k u l l z z 13: We dont need a full scale war.
michelangelo0715: fine.
S k u l l z z 13: Xeraph already told them to back off.
michelangelo0715: can i quote you from AIM
S k u l l z z 13: sure.
michelangelo0715: thx 1 sec
S k u l l z z 13: ok
michelangelo0715: call of fighters
michelangelo0715: i will right now
michelangelo0715: just get those poor ppl down safely
S k u l l z z 13: the fighters are escorting, they'll also make sure the hostages are returned.
17-01-2004, 06:46
Glad this is coming to an end. It looks like the IH jet is nearing its destination, this should all be over very soon. :)
17-01-2004, 06:47
Dr_Twist Forces have been ordered to stand down.

But on another Note.

Dr_Twist Millitary Aircraft have Begun arriving in TBD with Troops and Equipment.
17-01-2004, 06:47
Dr. Twist....TG again
The Burnsian Desert
17-01-2004, 06:48
The terrorists are to be tried here in TBD. If they are still alive...
17-01-2004, 06:48
The plane came to a bumpy, but safe landing at an undisclosed airstrip. Several black Hummers were already at the site, and the terrorists began to leave the jet and hop into the Hummers. The jet turned around, now flying without the terrorists or their equipment, and took off after a refueling for TBD.
17-01-2004, 06:49
We are secure now, and you should be recieving your hostages soon.
17-01-2004, 06:49
OK, Dr. Twist...I'm with you. Say when.
17-01-2004, 06:50
The plane came to a bumpy, but safe landing at an undisclosed airstrip. Several black Hummers were already at the site, and the terrorists began to leave the jet and hop into the Hummers. The jet turned around, now flying without the terrorists or their equipment, and took off after a refueling for TBD.

This is great news.

The Plane will be escorted by Dr_Twist Fighters....
17-01-2004, 06:54
We need to get the plane on the ground and secuire the hostages.

We need to makesure everything is ok.
The Burnsian Desert
17-01-2004, 06:55
OOC: Make sure all the organs are there.
17-01-2004, 06:56
OOC: Make sure all the organs are there.

I am going offline for a little while i shall be back online within an hour ok byes :D

IC: My fleets are still heading to the Area of concern and shall be in postions when i come back online.

Every one else if you wish get read.
17-01-2004, 06:56
OOC: Make sure all the organs are there.

Unless the pilot Xeraph supplied is a nut, they should have all the organs they started the day with.
The Burnsian Desert
17-01-2004, 07:15
Good. By the way, I'm moving to your region.
Inner Heaven
17-01-2004, 10:42
OOC: Damn it...I was asleep during all this...didn't get any glory! :x
Free Pacific States
17-01-2004, 16:12
OOC: HOLY CRAP! What happened! 10 pages! I'm never logging off again! Someone, please, bring me up to date, summarize.
17-01-2004, 17:22
The best summary is to read the 10 pages....good stuff!
17-01-2004, 17:31
Yeah, summarizing it won't give the full effect. :P
The Burnsian Desert
17-01-2004, 17:56
Especially the AIM quotes.
Free Pacific States
18-01-2004, 17:29
OOC: I"m assuming the RP is over then :(?
Inner Heaven
18-01-2004, 17:48